HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-30, Page 5OCT. P80, 1891
l"1Ct iTet.US,
The 1. 0, G. T. will hold their moat•
Inge in future in the Town Doll.
Tho Bee says :—There is too much
rubbish dumped upon the sidewalks by
writ& villagure and allowed to lie there
to the annoyaune of pedeetrial8,
S. Il. Harding and bilge Miriam Duan,
teachers in the Atwood public school,
have been re engaged for next year, the
latter at $30 of an inoren80 in salary.
While engaged in roofing 11, M. Bal•
lantyne's store John Switzer had tho
misfortune to pat his hand into 8 pall of
boiling tar by mistake, burning hie
hand frightfully.
Look out for another wedding on the
lest con. in the near future.
We are pleased to state that Donald
Currie ie considerably improved ku
Wm. Woodrow, of the 2nd con., who
lots been in Algoma fur several years,
has returned.
Arthur Shaw and family have moved
into their handsome brick residence.
whieh was erected this Heileman
Jonathan Dulmage and wife, of the 1st
con., have gone to Newbridge to live.
They will be greatly missed in this
Miss Mary Caldbick, daughter of
Councillor Caldbick, purposes going out
to Manitoba next week to visit her sister.
IIer many friouds wish her t1 safe
journey and a pleasant time.
C. 0, F.—Court Belgrave, No, 48, of the
Canadian Order of Foresters, located at
Belgrave, gave its members and friends
an oyster supper, mueioal and literary en-
tertainment on Thursday evening of last
week. Bros. Vennorman, Chief Ranger;
S. Irvin, Secretary, and R. Sterling,
Financial Seoretary, etre to bo emigrate.
IoLed for having matters so well arranged
for the comfort and entertainment of
these who were present. After 'the
oysters and other good things had been
disposed of all adjourned to the Forest.
ers' Ball to enjoy the program which had
been prepared. Bro. R. Elliott, P. W. C.
R., of Wingham, was ohoeen chairman,
and opened with a short address.
David McGill, of Belgrave, gave a song,
the Harmonies, Band, of Wingham, ren-
dered eelectious pleasing the audience.
Reading by S. Gray, Mr. Stewart, song.
Edward Towe, High Chief Ranger, Lon-
don, addressed the meeting at consider.
able length. He was well reneived.
Bros. McIntyre, Uline and others, also
took part in the program. A large
number were preseut from Wingham,
Blyth, Brussels, Londeeburo and Olin -
ton, also Bro. John Neelands, H. Treae:
and D. M. Gordon, H. Chap., of Wing.
ham, were present. Court Belgrave,
under whose auspices the entertainment
was given, are the owners of a good hall.
The meeting was brought to a close about
11 o'clock, all feeling well pleased.
13118 eln.
Mr. Campbell, of Teeswater Sundayed
in town.
5. A. Brownlee has so far recovered as
to be able to take a short drive.
Quarterly meeting is to be held in the
Methodist church on Sunday morning.
A. H. Plamwer has been engaged at
priuuipal of the public school for
next year.
P. Kelly and E. Chamberlain attended
the Conservative convention in Brussels
on Saturday.
On Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Oawp•
bell intends preaching a sermon specially
to young w0mon.
Jimmy Davies is able to be around
again laving almost recovered from in.
juries received lately.
Du Monday the 12113 division court
was held before Judge Doyle. Only one
case had to be disposed of.
The members of L. 0. L. No. 963,
Blyth, inteud oelebrating the anniversary
of the Gunpowder plot by a sermon and
The ladiee of the Methodist ohuroh are
making preparations fur having a tea
meeting on the anniversary of the open-
ing of the new :church on Nov.12111,
Mr. Habkirkc, who has been clerk in
Powell & MoKiuhton's flour and feed
store for sometime past, left on Monday
to take it similes position in Seafor113.
Lis to IA'e I.
The arbitration ease betweeu Geo.
Roesbaoh and the insurance companies,
has been heard in Toronto. A number
of our citizens were in attendan06.
Andrew Poorsh, butcher, of this town,
returued from Wellesley, where he had
been attending the funeral of his mother,
Catherine Foereh, who was in her seven.
ty third year. The deceased leaves 13
children, all of whom were present at the
funeral, 97 grand children, 43 great
grand ohildreu, 48 great great•grand
children, all living.
W. J. all
yearling b.f., Lulu G.,
woe sent tact Monday over the course
here to beat the Oanedise half•mile year.
ling record of 1.874. The track woe in
fah; condition and the day was cool with
a strong wind. The filly went the first
heat in 1.400, after two breaks. In the
the second heat she went to the quarter
in 47 seconds and finished the half in
1.34 without a break or skip. After 20
minate0 she scored up again, this time
trotting the heat also without a skip.
The quarter was reaohad in the same
time as before, 47 seconds, and the half
in 1.34 flat, the lost eighth woe made in
220 seconds. The youngster is very level
headed and a pure•gaited trotter. The
performances woe according to the rules
of the National Breoder0' Aesooiati0n,
A. gong of men set to work Monday
morning for sub•oontraotor Heard at the
carpenter work on the new building of
the Listowel furniture factory. A sod.
fold was built out of the top window of
the tower 50 feet from the ground, and
on this two men, Thos. Boiler of 10th
Elms, and a young man, son of John
Little of the Silver Corners cheese fee.
tory, .131ma, were working. Contractor
Large was etonding beneath rind galled
to them that he did not think they were
safe, but his warning, was too late, for
just as lee spoke he naw the scaffolding
give way. The men fell headlong to the
rendered instantly m
ground and were r Y u
con8oiou8 Dnd died in a few mhnetos,
Large had a narrow escape, a heavy,
plank just striking his foot ae he ran oat,
Two children near by were etruck with
%tattering shingles, het riot injured,
Bailey was married, Little was single.
tl'a•li( 7.
bible Sharp has gptl0 011 0, Visit to 1111011.
D. D. Crittenden, of Myth, was visit•
fug here this week.
Quarterly nleOLing i't ominetion with Aeharlc naught at Panama wagered
the Methocliet oongregati0u next Sabbath. Ll feet in Jougth and was 4 fool In dlunt-
A nernher from this luoality attended otur.
Division Court in Brussels lneb luo8day. A flaw has been disoovered in another
The re -opening services of the Menlo. new of the ens on board a British EMI.dist ohuroh will be held t1 week from next g
Sunday. Her, 111r, Rupert, Munro-umof
Frediaand, of Bulgaria, has
ordered 01,000,000 worth of ea117)011 from
Kr app.
A Japanese girl has arrived in San
Francisco on her way to Chicago to learn
Twenty millions of people 111 Russia
are said ho be already oe the verge of
In Vosten, in the Congo State, the
fleet newspaper Iraq recently made its
Daly Tennyson preserves for reline
with religious care every pipe her hes.
band 8nlnke8.
The lilmperor of Germany has yielded
to his wife's eolioitations and hi again
without a beard.
J. J. Doyle ' and P. C. Johnson
have started for Khartoum in the hope of
finding General Gorden.
A no1010110 female brigand is under
arrest in Servin charged with foertoou
murders and endless robberies.
The Boldest known epot on the enrth'8
surface is emus Werkhojanek, Siberia -
81 degrees below zero, Ii'ithreeheit.
An Odessa dispatch says 374 estates
belonging to the nobility will be mold by
auction ill Ootober Milder foleoloetre.
The lowest body of water on the globe
is the Caspian Sea, whieh is 86 feet be-
low the level of its ueighbor, the Black
M. Ader, of Paris, after expending
more than 0100,000 on a [lying maehime,
has produced one in w11i011 he flew about
100 yards.
In Alaska huge brown bears, driveu to
fury and desperatiou by the little Alaskan
mosquito, finally tear their flesh and die
in agony.
A suit to recover over half a million
dollars has been commenced against
John Hoey, ex•prssident of the AdamsExpress Co.
At Lebanon, Pa., one day last week,
Paul Bomberger, aged 4, wandered on the
track of the Lebanon Electric railway as
a car was approaching. His mother,
Mrs. Thomas Bomberger, rushed ou the
track to save him, when the oar struck
both. The mother was instantly killed
and the boy will die.
Robb. Newebim and wife, well-known
residents of Birtle, Man., left their resi-
dence for a short time Saturday, leaving
their children, aged reepootivoly 3 and 5
year's, in the house. While absent the
little ones found a package of gunpowder
which they ignited. The explosion set
fire to the 110308 and both the ohildren
were bunted to death.
Mr. Gladstone is admitted to be, in
private life as well as in public, the
greatest talker of the century. Ono of
his admirers says of him:—"Ina draw.
iug-room he is surrounded by a bevy of
ladies and a crowd of gentlemen. One
starts a question. It may be on Emer•
eon's best poem ; it may be on the strict
interpretation of an extract from the
Bible, or it may be upon the origin of
racing in England, or the morality of
card playing, or the value of poultry.
And upon them all Gladstone is good for
a couple of 0olun.08 et least."
France possesses 1,102 mineral springs,
of which 1,027 are turned to 'manna,
and Algerh has 47 in use. Of the total
in France 319 are sulphurous, like that
of Amolio.les-Baines ; 345 are alkaline,
such as Vichy ; 135 are ferruginous, for
instance ()runt, and 210 are of various
aorta, some common salt, others sulphate
of sodium, and a third group sulpliate of
lime. They are bot or cold, as the case
may be, and are dist'ibated all over the
country ; but they are chiefly found in
the son111sast half, from the Pyrenees to
Alsace Lorraine. They are a source of
wealth to the nation, Vichy alone having
sold 3,500,000 bottles of waters since
F. J. Smith, a prao1io111 printer oper-
ating a Mergeuthaler maohine in the
Commercial office, Toledo, 0., performed
some phenomenal work last week. On
Tuesday night he set 47,900 ems, =root-
ed matter, in eight hours, regular oopy
off the hook. Saturday night he set 49,
500 ems, corrected matter, from regular
copy off the hook In eight hours. His
reoord for the week' was 259,000 ems cors
rioted matter, repreeenting 45 hours'
work. Three hours were lost on Monday.
The average for the week was 5,765 ems
per hour for 45 hours. Mr. Smith's
usual average 16 5,000 per hour. These
figures are supported by affidavits of the
operator, attested to by the foreman of
the newsroom.
If all the i8lauds in the world are
counted, their numbers will mount into
hundreds of thousands. There are over
1,000 islands under the flag of Japan,
mtuny 1181dred8 in the St. Lawrence
River, and in Georgian Bay, the north
extension of Lake [futon, where we lied
very few '-lands on Lite maps, there are
in reality several thousand iehunde, most
of theta, of course, quite small. It was
among these h'antiful wooded little 18.
lands that the Hume Indians took re•
Fuge when they were assailed in 16411 by
their implaoable foes, the Irognis.
Among the labyrinthine ohauels the
Iroquis could not '80000sefully pursue
them, and those who escaped to the is-
lands saved themselves from the exter•
initiation which befell their friends.
Charles Brown and wife live in Long
Island City. Charles i8 on engineer.
Last Saturday morning be went to work
as usual. A few hours later his wife was
told that the body of a drowned mon re-
sembling her husband had been found in
New Town Creek, near Huntee'0 Point,
Site went where the body lay and idonti.
fled it as her husband. When site recov-
ered from the shock she ordered the body
carried to her home, Orope was hong
0n the door. At 7 o'cloolf the some even.
ing while Mrs. Brown was weeping over
the body of her husband a step was heard,
tete door opened and a man walked in,
He saw the darkened room and wondered
what had happened. "What does t' '8
'mean 7'' he orded. Mrs, Brown rushed
from the ehautber. As soon as ehe saw
who tho intruder was she fell fainting{
into his arms, with the ory of "Thank
God, my husband," When elle recover.
the Brown tlsehold
in 1bo
ed there was o
despito the feat 1hot the o0rp80 of on un•
known mart lay dressed for .the grave iu
the front parlor., When Mr. Brown look'
ed ate corpse he wee surprised to see
what a strong regembiance the body bore
to himself.
"nlEU,C2m ITGawu...i.r..n&M inn Oi.r II ',7a rMNITAIME '7..,.
About 25.000 penplo oro killed every
year in India by wild laiest0 and reptiles,
`alio must celebrated oelleotion of fame
in the world is in the 13riliah Al 'Iseult:.
A herb hes hoar found in Yu0a141u
which is to boa certain euro for insanity.
the Dist8ot, well preach. A public en-
tertainment may be held on the Monday
evening following.
fit cronw.
Tliss Strachan was visit hg in Tees•
water last weep.
Miss Latin hill and Miss 13e11a Smith
were vieitiug at Wingham this week.
A boar has been seen on the eastern
end of the 9111 eon. and appears to be
quite at home.
Tile LOWO'farm, oonlnining 100 acres
of land, good brick home, &0., was Hold
on Thursday afternoon of last week to
Juo. Lowe for the enm of 03,800. It is
oonsidored a groat bargain. E. S. Scott
was the anotioneer. Stout( Hold cheap at
the sale.
Miss Lizzie AfoLauohlin, who i8 now
attending 111e Clinton Model S0hcol, has
been engaged 10 toaoh the junior depart.
motit of the Londesboro public school for
1802, ae encee8eo1 to Mies Dewar. Miss
MoLanohlin has proven herself a good
student and wi•1 no doubt matte a No. 1
school mare.
Witr,L 111* 411.
Meyers' block is progressing at a rapid
The Bank of Ilareilten building hos a
slate roof.
All of our 0011001 teachers have been
r0.engaved for next year.
An effort is being in Wingham to or.
ganize a branch of the Knigh 0 of
The Dominion Numbering Co. is at
work nomboring the houses in Wingbom.
It is a move in the right direction.
The members of L. 0. L. No. 794,
Windham, will celebrate the Fifth of
November by holding an entertainment
in the town hall in the evening, consist-
ing of a leobure, vocal and inetrimentel
H. W. O. Meyer, of Wingham, pun
chased a very handsome fox terrier dog
a few days ago from the proprietor of
the Arden Fox Terrier Kennels, G.
W. Prescott, of Toronto. His name is
Arden Wasp, registered pedigree num•
bar (0. K. 1i. 793,) sired by Pepper (0,
K. R. 909,) who was sired by Suffolk
Coronet (A. K. 0. S. 13. 6953) (C. K. R.
1175,) and out of the celebrated Cham-
pion Diaden, by Champion Result. Mr.
Meyer can now easily olailn that he is
the owner of one of the beet bred fox
terriers in North America.
w1-o,ee tele.
Business good.
New baker coming to town.
Curling season nearly at hand. Wake
up boys and organize.
A good dress,and mantle matter could
find a good opening here,.
Lots of apples being shipped from
around here. Prices lay.
The Grand Ventral Hotel is running
full blast now as a temperance house.
Messrs. Hamilton and Sanderson aro
shippinpcattlo, sheep and hogs—two or
three ours every week.
The weight and manse re Ltspector
paid our village a visit lash week on his
regular tour and found everything 0. K.
111r. Blank has had his flour mill re.
shingled. We welcome him in oar
midst and we predict for him great BEEP
Lots of min Doming iuto town.
Messrs. Clegg, of Wingham, and T.
Hemphill aro the principal buyers, along
with the mills.
John Hooey shipped a car load of
matte to Montreal Monday of this week.
He intends going to Manitoba shortly
with another oar load.
The 'Union Base Ball Club, of Corrie
and Wroxeter have won iu money this
Beason past 0186, which is not a bad
showing for a looal dub.
Rutherford 13' os., our popular tin.
smiths, have an extra rush of work this
fall, having over 15 houses and barns to
finish eavetroughing, &o., besides the
iron roof on Sauderoon & Miller's store.
They put on two extra workmen this
Our millers now wear a pleasant smile.
They have water enough and to spare to
run both mills night and day. For a
time they were unable to run at all owing
to scarcity of water power but both flour
and oatmeal mills are ruuuing to full
capacity night and day to make up for
loot time.
l„elloral New*a.
Lord Gordon is bankrupt.
The kilt is doomed in Scotland.
The Czar of Russia never shaves.
Tolstoi eats a raw onion on rifling.
Oats' flesh is much eaten in China -
Finland's longest day has 210 hours.
The Duke of Nassau has 025,000,000.
Post Swinburne is a red-headed ba0he.
Queen Victoria has fifty living descend-
Mies Braddon has written flftytwo
Fra800 hits finished a census of carrier
The Marquis of Lorne loves cook.
The Prince of Wales is insured for
Rome has twontyflve Prote start
011081 408.
A four•day ship must have 155,000
horse -power.
Pritnee George of Wates is oovered
with ta'ooinge.
The Empress of Austria's new palace
at Corfu cost 0000,000.
About 4500 :ponies of wild boos are
known, and of wasps 1100,
Hebrew, it 19 said, is again becoming
a living IaugmLge in Palestine.
Before Olu•istianity entered Indio
many lepers were burled alive.
The oatorpillar sate throe or four
times his Own weight every clay.
Sixty-two aouviots are awaiting death
in various United Stator prisons.
Scarcely 720,000 days have passed
slime the Romans lnvadod Britain.
Rot101ild4, at Frankfort-olh•tlle•Main,
pay to the city $83,000 annual taxes,
Ailed Sinton, the celebrated French
000nomist, dnteate tobacco and alcohol.
This is the time when the 0ranborry'e
ripening red twinge beard to the t.trkey'e
(101, heaporris a than nn 111nlo''J1bred imhalf proved
Yorkshire pig, "Orange 11,,",.' 1'n ru)s, 91.
to be pall et time oI sarvl,e, with privilege
of returniuu Ir neves try. Pedigree niay be
e11uu ou npplicetioe to the owner.
10311' 501011 WILS(Joo,
The nndarsigu'el will keep for service, at
eiranbrook, the thorn' bred Berkshire pig
Also "Prince l oro' bredl Chester " fromWhite pig. ;dock, edi.
31,800 m(.y be epee Oil appp0,11iel. Tante,
814 J wish, at time of service, with Infvilege
03 returning if nenc48ot•y.
,31151N DILLINO,
10-1 l'ropriotor.
The nidnrsiguud will peep for service this
mosque 0011000 14o Improved large white
pig "heady" on Int 30, eon.0,
Morrie, to which n limited number of sows
will ba tak8,i. Tome 01.00 to be paid ab
time 0114010708, with 8110 privilege of return-
ing if necessary, Pedigree new be soon 110•
00 an 0110118100, 1(013E111'11,011101.,,
1588 Proprietor,
nEa0mNNn tae several good Faris Por
sada nal to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of NT orris and Grey, C. B. SC0T'P,Brusoels.
Lot 11, Com 1',, Grey ; 100 acres; first-
bluse bulldinps, A ram bargain to a 00slt
purchaser, Title perfeot. Apply et once to
W.81.13 lei OLAIIt,rullettor, erussule. 30.
`) 1301118 south 11111f Lot 27,4011.6, ,Morris,
100 acme, lcnrly all 0880103. Good tnildings,
Due young hearing orchard. Immediate pos-
session. Busy Terms, Apply to
tf- Solloitor, &o„ Brussels.
Lot for Sale in Rtho], known es. tbo
Govsnloolc property. 10 aores of land, good
house and stable, hard and soft water, well
fenced. 5088808101, given any time. Tor
uric:, terms and other information apply
W rt, SPENCE, Postm aetor,Ethel,
or 100135, 00055, Or'ao brook. 16.310
dereigned offers his valuable 100 acre
farm, being Lot 12, Con. 9, Gley, for Bale.
There are 85 acres ander crop, balance
timbered. There is a good oroburd, wells,
110, on the premises, besides log (10)808. bank
helm, &a. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
For mice and full particulars apply to WM.
HABKIRK, Brussels P. D., or 30IIN Bt1ATTIE,
soaterth, Ont. 57.010
FOR BALE,—Being west 5 Lot 11, 055.0,
Crrgy, 21 miles from Brussels. Tile 111),1 1s
good clay loam, won ,twined, mostly all
cleared and in coed order. (88.8 sore ofor-
chard is good repair. Timm ie n 08ver full-
ing sprins nn the premises end 0e extra well
at the buildings. The buildings are comfort.
able, Weald tone suitable property in or
near Brussels as pert pay, 5110 forthei par-
ticulars apply ou the premises to
5:11081, 01oGa10110R,
or address Brussels P. 0. 5811
n NnNteNau ot]s'0 for sale the 000111
0,101 onarforof 111128, eonees)4ou 0, 0101718,
County of Huron, eon(11(01np 51; items. The
land lent first finality nod In a 4ig1) state of
cultivation. well Immo.' 0ut1 nude' -drained,
8'5 nares cleated. New frame 1lnnee, 8 rnonle,
nillk house with concrete walls, "- wells,
good barns nod sited, orchard, etc. Eight
acres of hall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the onrper'ntion Of Brussels. Suit-
able -tour will bo given . Title perfect.
IAMBS GR111V57, Owner,
86- 8enf00113 P. 0.
r.:1_001) FARM FOR SALE,—
The uueers(gned Executors 0171r the
"Jobe Forbes" :farm for sale. The property
consists of 150 a0ro8, being lot 8, coi.6, and
west half lot 7, con. 8, Groy township, Moro
are 180 soros cleared ltndunder crop, balance
hardwood bush. On the premises (8 a good
"storey brisk house, large boll barn lvith
stone stabling, wells, windmill and piping to
stables, two (rchards, good fences, &o, The
farm Join a good state of cultivation and is
only 55 miles from Brussels. Poeseesto n to
suit uurohaser. For price, terms, &o., write
Or apply t0
841 SAS. CARDIFF, Brussels P. 0.
or D. ROBED::, Stratford.
DEING duo to the presence of uric
J acid in the blood, is most effectually
cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa-
rilla. 13e euro you get Ayer's and no
other, and take it till the poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system. We challenge attention to this
testimony :—
—"bout two years ago, after suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout, being able to walk only with great
discomfort, and having tried various
remedies, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by au advertise-
ment in a Chicago paper that a man had
boon relieved of this distressing com-
plaint, after long suffering, bytaking
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to
matte a trial of this medicine, and took
it regularly for eight months, and am
pleased to state that it has °elected a
complete cure. I have since had no re-
turn of the dlseaso. Iw a, R. Irving
v g
Dodge,110 West 12511101., Now York.
"Ono year ago I was taken ill with
inflammatory rheumatism, being con-
fined to my house six months. I came
out of the sickness very muoh debili-
tated, with no appetite, and my system
disordered in every wave I ooulmcnoed
tieing Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to
improve at once, gaining in strength
and soon r000vering my usual health.
I cannot say too much in praise of tihis
well-known medicine,"—Mrs. L. A.
Stark, Nashua, N. H.
er s arse arilia
AY p l
PRt8Annn HT
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Pride al: dr. bottles, (it. Worth r5 A bone.
TO THE aci
CI 11
-ra 00100
l dV, 9Wmv. d.-113
` } Dec, d-16-30
elite Attli:tydarytS
rogress Rapid
rite Low
linty of Room
J. 1'. PIr1PPER,
Agent, Brussels.
W. F. COWAN. Presicf0nr.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
380010, - -
PAID 171, CAPITAL, - •
RI.NsnvE FUND, • -
- 07,000.000
• 1,000,000
Ag0noios in all principal points in Ontario,
Quebec, Manitoba. United States
and Blighted.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Farmers' 11011 other gong Notes Discounted
at lowest rates, Prufte Issued and Collec-
tions math on all points, Deposits received
and interest allowed at et:trent rates.
Interest Allowed on Snvingo Bank De-
posits of 51 and upwards from date of
deposit to Sato of withdrawal, and com-
pounded half yearly.
Pr010111 attention Ind every facility afford-
ed auet0mers living at a distance.
33m/owls, April AL1.1891.
It won't break
=that's why Kabo is the
only thing for corset "bones."
The B. & C. Corset is
boned with Kabo.
More than that! Wear a
B. & C. Corset for two or
three weeks and see if you
like it.
If you don't you can return
it and get your money.
It's a hundred to one you
won't do itf but you have the
Von Haran 115 A. S'FIOAOHAN.
ANI) .—..-
Ready for Business
1. take this opportunity of
thanking the Public for tho good-
ly share of patronage received in
the past and also to inform those
who don't know that I have mov-
ed to my new brick store, on the
site of former one destroyed by
My Stock of
GROW -7311U S,
is large, well bought and com-
plete. My store hi not run 071
wind or gas but good, solid.
every clay Bargains may be had
at all times. Special Value 111
Call in and see me,
Agent for Parker's Dye Works,
13.D.,1LA„ L
$ eciaiist, - Toronto,
30NA'r)AN BirHC11A1Sp' t.lohrw,i, Heys;-"
"Atter ;me; ,uv all my money end ero40rty
to 11r purpose on lubdmal mel, fur whet
Choy termed a 118,t,ole80 ease of ommuul1tiou,
Ur. Sluehtlr cured me."
Mea MART Puimon0, Woodhouse, says 1—
"When all others Pulled, Dr. Sinclair oared
Me of fits."
28. ltomtn'rs,N, Carleton Plane, says:—
"Ur. Sinclair cured rue of Catarrh."
00,,. ltowl718, myth, Keys: -"01.. Sinclair
1110 of team. 11 o l ase 41.14 dropsy, whoa
all others railed."
Diseases of 1'riral,r Nature, brought On by
folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Carrs.
Thursday, Oct. 29, '91.
Owing to Mr. MoGiunis foiling to
oompleto his arrangements I am back
again in my Grocery.
I am very thankful for the patron-
age in the past 15 years and ask not only
a continnanoe of the same but a large in•
crease in trade. I have a well assorted
stook of
FRUITS, &c.,
and am continually adding to it.
Big Bargains in Teas,
Special Value in Glassware,
Prime Hams and Bacon.
I don't do much puffing about my
business but I am giving bargains that
are worth securing. Call and prove it
for yourself.
Geo. Baker.
Practical Wato1L7naker
and jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clockas of the
Latest Desi ns.
Emmaus, &a.
ea -Also a Full Line of 'FitLiss and
Violin Strings, &o., in stook.
N.B.—Mower of Marriage Liceu:eB.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
1-[y goods have arrived and
been placed in position in the
new store, and I am now prepar-
ed to give the public the oppor-
tunity of buying from an entire-
ly new and fresh stock.
I have a full lino of Choice
Groceries, Tobaccos, 0aunec1
Goods, Woodenware, Fruits, Con-
fectionery, ko., and my motto
will be the old and tried one,
"Small profits and quick re-
turns." Other lines will be ad-
ded to my stock as trade opens
up and extends:
A Specialty made of Pure Teas and
Uuadniteratod Spices.
Fresh Biscuits, Binger Snaps,
do., received,
11,11nlcing the public generally for pas
pa11088ge in other linos I solicit a
share of your orders at the
Yeiaiow 11emN1',
l-V`Butter, Eggs and well ()leveed Poul-
try wanted.
J. T. RO,
Opposite the Poetof 130.