HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-23, Page 88 T have lately received an- other assortment of those favorite FOUNTAIN PVNS. T have carefully selected them so you can therefore depend upon thein &l- ing easy writers Cruden's Concordance, Another stock of this fine book by which you can readily find any verse in the Bible. Tun BEST VALUE YET. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, etc. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOMME= 1 N EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follow GoONo Solna. Conco Nowa. 'tall am. 'Express 11:Se a.m. Mail o:5 aBIMBIMp,m, 9: Maxed ........ 0:05 p.m. Express 0:30 p,m. iry.ocal Rehr5 gfcros. A chiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. E. Drammen wants two good coat makers at onc8. Banoalxs in single harness for the nest 30 days at I. C. Rioherds. TEE best value in flannels we have ever shown, Alex, Sbraohan. Boors made to order and repairing specially attended to. Geo. Good. LAST Tuesday Joseph Clegg shipped a car load of sheep to Eastern markets. Wnar about the organization of the Brussels Curling Club for next Winter ? Bre bargain in a fins large organ. Particulars at Tice POST Pablisbing House. NOVEMBER 12th has Leen proclaimed the Dominion Thanksgiving Day instead of Nov. 5th as first announced. Fos a nice pair of fine boots Cooper d Smith's or J. D. king's, Strachan's is the place to seoure them. THERE was a confirmation servioe in the Roman Catholic church, here, on Thurs. day of this week. The Bishop was pre. sent. TILE brick work of S. W. Laird's and I, C. Richards' block was completed on Tuesday and roofing and flooring is now in order. Foo all hues of goods suitable for the Fall trade go so Strachan's where you will get good value for your money and nice fresh goods. 500 barrels of applee have been shipped this Fall from Brussels station by Geo. Henderson, fur London and Lire pool. Ile has another lot to go yet. OuTlvanll freight has been humming for the first two weeke of October over 80 loaded cars having been shipped from Brussels. This is in addition to the way freight. MELyILLE church Christian Endeavor Society will hold their meetings on Sob. bath evenings after the regular preach- ing service is over. These gatherings will be purely religious. BIRs. HENRY has greatly improved the appearance of her property, corner of William and Albert streets, by the erect- ion of it neat wire fence. The work was done by John Grieve, the ohatnpion feuoe builder. "Not all is gold that glitters" is a true saying ; itis equally true that not ell is sarsaparilla that is so labelled. If you would be sure of the genuine article, ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and bake no other. Health is too preoios to be trifled with. STATION AOENT KENDALL bas caught young men and boys at pilfering in and around the depot, He allowed them their liberty but intends handing over the next ease to the Grand Trunk detective and let him deal with it. Property must be protected and if people will be dishonest they must suffer the consequences. WELL-DIoorge AND Dau aria.—George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepay. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfactlou. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence s000ud door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43.tf BLUE RInnON.—•I')le regular fortnightly meeting of the Band of Hope was held on Monday at the oloee of the echoed. The following program was presented :— Opening 011orus, "We are a little tem- peranoe band," by Band of Rope ; read. ing, .1 want to vote for papa," Alex. Ross ; ohorus, "The farmer's boy," Band of Hupe ; reading, Ida Ergine ; reading, Harry McCrea ; chorus, "We'll turn our glasses upside down." Next meeting will be Heid Nov. 2nd. FooT BALL TOURNAMENT.—A font hall tournament will take place on Viotaria Park, Brussels, on Saturday afternoon of this week and preperntious aro being made for a big time. Clubs are expected from Henson, Bruoefleld, Mitchell, Lie - towel, 011, Pored, Gorrie, Bluevale end Brussels. The let prize is 320.00 and the 2nd, 310.00. A prize is also offered for the best plane kick, T. T. Coleman, of Seaford), ]Las been asltad to otfioiate as Referee, Lrnllol,nte,--Rev, 31r, SIobontgll, form. Qtly of Clinton, has one of the finest libraries in Ontario, and said to be by far the largtstin tiro L., don Conforentso, It weighs over four tot, , and oast over 33,000. It embraces all the 'works of theology in various languages. If wo mistake tot Roe. G..1. Salton, of Brus. sale, oleo has a very extensive library, Said to he one of the best in this sootion, Revs. A. Stewart, and J. `y. S1lilton are aleo said to have large libraries. In foot ministers, in towns partiotl)ariy, now find it absolutelyneeeseery to keep an extensive stook of the beet standard theological and literary Works, and it does not take long to pick Out the min- ister who reads and the ono ttho bee not. --•Clinton New Era. THE BRUSSELS POST Eight here in our new Store, A R3eadymade Clothing Stoc THE character of the garments is peculiar to our store alone. If eve know it we don't sell ono dollar's worth of clothing there can be the least doubt about. Every article is the best of its kind. We are good fur nor statements and careful of our statements -517e invite you to put them to the test and you will not find them want- ing. At 85.50 any man can have a good heavy Overcoat tont will keep the cold out ; at 87.50 a better one ; at 810.00 your choice of • over one hundred, in Ulsters, single and double-breasted Irish Frise' Beavers, Meltons and Napps. Our Boys' Overcoat and Snit Depart -1 ment is overloaded --Lovely little Cape Overcoats, Fine Braided i Snits. Remember our Clothing is practical, common souse Cloth- ing ; it is all new, which nobody can deuy—Clot Bing such as well - Fon a nice snit or overcoat you cannot do better than at Strachan's. TRE famed Tiger blend of pure Indite and Ceylon tea, the best value in the market, at Thomson's. 111Esslts• REMELT d VANsr,NE sent 500 barrels of dour East during the past week or sc from the National Roller mill, Acmes; sale of two farms, one in Morrie and the other in Grey, this Sat. urday afternoon, at the Central Hotel, Tea L. U. L., of ,Brussels, is talking of holding a supper and entertainment in their Hall, on Thursday evening, Nov. 5111. R. STARLING, of Wingham, was in town on Tuesday and bought up a lot of butter from our merchants for shipment to the East. FIRST-01Ass oysters ou Saturday and during the season in bulk or by the 11.11, cooked or raw, at Mrs. Kirk's, opposite Queen's Hotel, A 0o==SORTABLE oavered stage has been placed on the northern route between Brussels and Gorrie by Messrs. Edgar and Musgrove, the new proprietors. IT is reported that a certain firm has taken French leave of Brussels. They have left several monuments to their be- reaved oredit.,rs, H this rumour is cor- rect. Rooms to rent over Mrs. Strachan's new block. Will be in readiness by Sep- tember let. Suitable for office, sewing rooms or dwellings. Apply to Da. Mc- KELrEY. Tun loch letterbox is placed in position at the depot. It is a strong yet neatly constructed reoeptaole for mail matter. The mail clerks ou the trains will lift the letters and papers twice a day. AT the Fall Faire I, C. Richards sno- ceeded iu taking lst prizes on team and single kern ess wherever be exhibited, ex- cept in one place ou team harness and his harness is acknowledged by all to be seooud to none in the County. 9 thousand dollar col leotion isaunouno. ed to be taken in the Methodist church a week from next Sunday, toward the liquidating of the debt on said building. The amount will be reaebed if each member and adherent do their part. TRE Ronald Works have ordered com- plete eleotrival dynamo winkle plating machinery for the purpose of silver plating their Fire Engines and will be able to defy the world in beauty and dnfeb as well as in working qualities. Tum regular quarterly meeting will be held next Sabbath morning in the Methodist church. Testimony meeting commences at 0:30 o'clock, In the even. ing the pastor tvill give the last of the series of Modern Bible Paintings "Cal- vary." EAST HURON PRIBEL—The '.treasurer will be at the Amerioan hotel, Brussels, on Saturday, Oct. 31st. and the follow- ing Saturday, from 2 to 0 p. m. for the purpose of paying prizes in commotion with the recent Fall Show: 15.2* D.STEWART, Treasurer. PRACTICE heate for Fall races were in order at the Driving Park on Tuesday afternoon of this week. One of the jockeys dismounted on the•mile•a-min- ate principle, on the home stretch. No. body was hurt- "Dick" is a fine horse but a "beggar" to hold. Baer Hugon Conservatives hold a Convention in Brtlseels Town Hall on Saturday afternoon of this week to nom. inate a standard bearer for the next eleotion to the Commons in opposition to Dr. Macdonald, who has parried the banner through two contests. A Lane and well Besotted stock of Cooper d Smith's boots and shoes just received at Strachan's. In addition to the above exoellent make and quality we have added several lines of ladies and geubo fine Boots manufactured by J. D. Ring d Co. As this firm has a high re- putation for style and durability we hays only to mention the foot of having them in stook and shall be pleased to show them to 0010 many customers. Alex. Strachan Tlni Lstowel Banner says of the reoeut foot ball tournament at Atwood t—A su000soful foot bell tournament wag held in Atwood on Saturday, Oct. 10111, There were three teams competed, Brus- sels, Gorrie and the Marlboros (a oom. blued team of Listowel and Atwood.) 13l'usseln oomtnenced play at 1.030 p. nn , and after ten ininutes play, J. Wilson succeeded in placing She ball between the uprights. The Marlboros scored again during the Jirat half. In the see. and holt the elaelbo,oe were kioking with the wind and scored three times, malting a total of til goals to Brussels 0. After a few minutes rest play Lutes resumed bo. based Garcia ttucl the Marlboros. The Marinoroe Won by 2 goals to one, and also won the first prize which was [spurge of 315.00. Brussels and Gorrie played off for mined prize which Was a purse of 310.00, Brussels won by 8 goals to 2. After the games wore over the contest for distance kicking took place. W. Sloan, of Brummeie, won the prize which Wag e handsome silver napkin ring, He malted the ball 60 yards. The clay was all that could be desired for playing football. A largo crowd was present to witness the game. Second to none in the iJonnty dressed men and boys wear. We do not claim to hake a fashion plate out of you, to dress you as no 1111111 was ever dressed before or ever will be --dressed without crease or wrinkle; but hundreds of the best dressed men in .Brussels and surrounding country aro wearing our clothing and it would be bard to porsuede them to wear any other. We ALso GET s0100 of VIE MOST LOVELY SUITS AND OVERCOATS '1'o OnDEn— having everything new in Wale Worsteds, Cork Screw Worsteds, Plain Worsteds, Scotch, English, Irish and Canadian 'Tweeds. Overcoatings in Beavers, Meltons and Nappy. We can suit you in Dither ordered or J.leadymade Clothing. Drop in and see us in our new Store, • asscasmammalwrzmommaasruamasacamaramamarmawaxremaramagozteamautsx A 010.0.an and stone foundation is being put under Bishop Ward's hoose, ,john street. Jamas Mitchell is doing the work. Ix the prize lief of the Belgrave Fail Show, Wm. Wray was given orednt for 1st prize for buggy. it should have been Jas, Walker, Brussels, BEATTIE Boos. "'.Topsy" won an easy race iu Mitchell last Friday over Oliver's "Della." The distance was one mile and purse is said to be 0100. A chandelier, containing four lamps fell in the Merhodist church, las Sunday evening, shortly after the lamps were lighted. It was a close call from being a big fire. Pinion found in Brussels oontalting a sma)1 sum of money. The owner may have the same by proving property and paying for this nobiee by applying at TRE Poser Publishing House, Brussels, A amen wall is to be built to the West of the Queen's hotel to etrengtben the wall damaged by firs the time the buns were burned last Fall. The space inter- vening between the hotel and barn will be utilized for stabling purposes. When the hair shows signs of falling, begin at once to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation strengthens the soalp. promotes the growth of now hair, restores the natural color to gray and faded hair, and readers it soft, plitu:t, and glossy, T. G. Mo0Raotax has had his large commercial wagon in the painter's hands for the past few weeks. A most credit• able pieoe of work was done on it by W. Roddick in lettering, gilding, scroll work, dc. Brunets wont take a book seat on the artistic. YELLow FRONT.—James T. Ross has opened Data breed new stock of groceries, do. in his new yellow front grocery and he is now prepared to wait on the pub• lit in the lines be carries, tae has the neatest and brightest looking grocery in town. Call in and see him. Tun following bhrongh tickets wer sold by Th"s. Fletoher, agent G. T. IL:— Dave Sinclair, Gaylord, Mich. ; Pete McIntosh, Gaylord, Mich, ; W. J. Mc Faddeu, Utterson, Muskoka ; N. 13 Reed, Moosejaw, Aseinaboin ; 31aggi Maxwell, Lapeer, Mich, ; Mrs. Waals Saginaw, Mich. Farm nap To WORSE. --The Clinton Naw Era evidently has it bad judging by the following : "We knew it—When the New Era predicted that W. H. MoOrack eu, of Brussels, would cabbage nearly al the vegetable p•izes at the northern them we felt satisfied there would not be many but what he would carrot Stray. Just go through the prize lists and see how he has beat other exhibitors, and if hie mind should nut be iu a state of peas, then we know notning about it. He meet have early rase so have sucoesded so well, but there is satisfaction iu know- ing that be bas not a white elephant on his hands.—He'll turnip at the shows lust as faithfully next year, and although he may not make very much ochry by doing so, he manages to splash other exhibit. ors. Re has beast at is so long, you see. It is said that his knowledge is so great that he can caatifloloor by its right came without seeing 11." Mao. takes the plain every time and no ono can citron him at the Fall Fair without getting their drum- head pinkled. He requires no more eoohin to sweep the poultry department. At the Perth As,n1zee Monday Annie Ilainee received 31,000 damages from James(lJlotie for breach of promise of marriage. A Ftenuh cook employed at the Albion Hotel, Stratford, Ids been arrested for stealing a quantity of valuable jewellery from the hotel clerk. After taking the artioleslhe wanted to St. Mary's, but was shortly afterwards brought back to Strat. feed in a heels. He gives his 1a0le as Ingersoll, and refuses to say where the stolen property is. sa.rixa�rna. ENGLER—GILL.— On Tuesday, Oot. 20th, at the Methodist Parsonage, Monk - ton, by Rev, W. J. Brandon, Mr. Joseph Engler, of the township of Grey, to Miss Mary A. Gill, of the sante township. COLLINs-8005. At the Manse, Oran. brook, on the `Slat inst., by Rev. D. 13, McRae, Mr. James Franklin Col• fins, of the township of Elmo, to Miss Eliza Ross, of the township of Grey. IiE11rrx—PEEL,—On Sept. 300.1, by the Rev. J. W. Pring, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Thomas Oeetzlieepin, of Toronto, to' Mise Solien J., oldest daughter of Dir. Robert Peel, of 111e 6111 con., Flow. ick township, axr7. D- HaNEA.—In East Wawenosh, on the 10th inst., Jane Hanna, aged 77 years. Haan —In Atwood, on Tnasday, Oct. 13th, Mr. John Hoar, aged 41 years 8 months, ROBERTSON. —In East Wewanosh, on the Otlt lust., the infant obild of James R,oberteon, aged 8 months. 1-1 naso.—In Mitchell, ou Oct. 13rd, be. loved wife of David Hughey, aged 23 years, 8 months and 5 days. e Rlvnns.—At Tesewater, on Oot. 1st, El. don F. Rivet's, infant son of Albert r and Annie Rivers, aged 2 months. SMART.—In Fullerton, on the and inst., Jane Smart, reliot of the late Alex, e Smart, aged 88 years and 3 months, Walsh ROBERTSON —In East Wawanoeh, on the 18111 inst., Mary 11., daughter of Arch. Robertson, aged 20 years and 2 months. HINOsroN.—In Bolivar, Missouri,• on Oct. 10th, William, second son of the hate W. G. Hingeton, aged 50 OOn PArslax Or OrxEli DAYS.—Ab the Fall assizes in Stretford the following history was placed before the Court con, earning a former well known resident of Brussels :—Henry Armstrong was p01.on trial oharged with having stolen three promissory miter' from C. P. Moore. The two men went into partnership in the business of selling clothing through the country and taking the purchasers' notes at six mouths in payment. Armstrong had arranged to discount the notes at a bank in Listowel, and the three had been given to Moore and given to Arm- strong to get dis000nted. Afterwards Moore asked Armstrong for a Otero of the proceeds and t11e latter, he stated, refused to give him anything out of them. Moore told the court and jury that just before he had the dispute with the prisoner about the notes he had been himself having a friendly game of dards with three other men at 50e a, corner. For some reason not stated one of the pleyere oonelvded the play with a violent attack on the plain tiff,the result of whioh was that the Litter had been deprived of the sight of one of his eyes. The assail- ant afterwards saw the plaintif'f's wife and gave her 3200 in oompe0s61ion for the injury to her husband. So when the plaintiff spoke to Armstrong about the autos in quo.tioo Armstrong ouggeated that it he was to ehar'a the proceeds of them with Moore the latter should sitars with him (Armstrong) 010 3000 he had made by getting his eye destroyed, ho- 0a1t55 it WW1 while Moore was laid op as 1118 reselt of the battery upon him that the notes had boon endorsed by him (Armstrong,) This Moore could cat see, even with his uninjured eye and 115 therefore instituted this prosecution. Ilia Lordship witlldro,v the case from the jury and iio niascd the prisoner on the ground that tho dispute was one for settlement by civil process. years. SEIEr,s,—Ab Fort Ransom, Dakota, on Sept. 17th, Mrs. Thos. Shieis, sr., formerly of Grey. township, aged 74 years, 7 months and 4 days. CLAngi,-1n Wroxeter. at his sister's mei- dense, on the 160h of October, Thos. Clark, aged 80 years, third son of the late Donald Clark, Inverness, Scotland, brother of the late Wm. Clark, and father of Mrs. Robert Allen, of London. .d.vcrosoT7' SBZ,FJS- FarnaY, OCT. 80171.—Farmt stock, Itn. plemente, &o., Lob 8, Con. 11, Grey. Sale commences at 1 o'olook, sharp. Elias Dickson, prop. Geo. Birkby, aout. arvsssax,s 3:ZA2113:Z=2 k3, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen - Flour per barrel,. Potatoes „ Hay per ton Pork .. . e Hides per Ib Salt per bbl„ retail..•., Sheep skins, outfit Lamb skins smolt Apples per barrel 00 91 88 90 3b 50 55 57 • 26 28 14 16 14 00 4 50 00 25 5 80 10 00 00 5 50 6 00 4 00 1 25 PO 65 00 65 00 100 150 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. IllWO GOOD 00AT MArzr3,BS L wanted ab once at IS.Il'ONCORD'S, 13ratsol• s, �EAOHER WANTED FOR S. S. L No. 8, Morrie, for 1501, male preferred. Allplioante tvil1 pivu experle0 ee, referenoe9 aro state eatery expected, Apply to Or ad, dress, 11.9 0. CU10.11E, Brawls P. 0, •AN'TEf),—AN EXPERIENO• 1Van gen eral servant t0 go to Brandot Mao. Good wages and a pemanent nose' Lion to a good reliable person, Apply ab Tali PosrPub llsblegNouse, Brow Is. C AME ON -TEE PREMISES—OF l..' the undersigned, Cwmbrootc Suryoy, on or about July let a yearling Baiter tett and tvllJto in col Or. (S weer 18104015st°d to prove p roper ty,pity nxponsesaid take nor assay, 104 0, 8. Bo 0111310, E.i'1 STRAY, '— CAI11B ON TILE prorates of the eubxsnlbc r on or abort October lot, 2 Delves eco rod and white, the other bleak and white, The own. or le retiue5tod to 000ve property, pay ex - parses and take them awny, 14.1 ALMS. BTEWART, Lot 2, con. 8, 0.roy. MONEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATEPnnde. Apply to GE0110E HIESSTox, Jolla t, Illinois, or to 41.80 THOS. BELLY, Brassels. 12, 000 LES, 11ZILk A YEAR. The (tint or oy Pure 13 red Jersey Bull bus given 0,000 lbs. or Milk iu ton months with her first calf. She is eXpee bed to give 15.000 ls, bin 12 months with her third calf b'oi' further partionlare regarding this Bull ap- ply at my Drug told Book Store, Brussels. G. A. DEAD10814, QT 1'RAAYED Ji1iPREM.THE PRE. 00x8 01 the Undersigned, lots 4 and 0 eon. 15, Grey, ou or about Sept. 100, 9 red yearling stem's and'0 spotted yearling Ayr- shire heifers. All them alive peg rings in right ears. 50,00 will be paid for the iuror- m ution leading to their recovery. 19.4* IBOB11 LT BLAIR, Wel to P, 0, •.'OR SALE — HOUSE, LOT and Cruet Otn'de,,, situated Jost outside the corporation of Mussels, The under- signed offers his beautirul homestead, com- prising ail acre Of land laid out in email fruits, a good brink house, stable, llret-class well, oto„ making a 0omploto hone. For further particulars apply to 4-11 S• R BPEA, russels. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice le hereby given pursuant to Revisal statutes, Ontario, 1887, chap, 110, that all personshaving olaime against the estate of Donald Moss, late of the township or Grey, to the County of limon, melon, who (nett on or about the 8111 d1Lyof Minuet, 1801, ale x•. quired on or before the that day of De- cember,1801, to send or deliver to the under- signed agent for Henrietta Rose, admiuls- trabrix of the estate of the said deceased, a statement lu writing of their names and ad- dreuees with fun particulars Of their Claims, and securities, if any, held by them. Notioeis given teat after said last mon. boned date the atlmialsnntrix win 4150*1- bube the assets of the said deceased amongst the parlous entitled thereto, having regard only to cloths of whish she shall then have notice, and said udmiuistratrix will not be responsible for the assets or any part thore- uf 'so (istribeted, to any person of whose Oahu notice shall not have been reeeivnd as aforesaid. A. MUNTER, Dated4tbis 14thAOab• '81,1 AdmlBstsws, Ont. Notice to Creditors. Norxox is hereby given, 0ur0aaut to the provisions of chap. 110. see. 08, R. S. 0. (1587) that all parties having claims upon or against the estate of Jo ha Lowe, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deoeaeed, who died ou or about the seventh day of June, last, ggnat, are on or be- fore the Sarn DAY OF NUVEN1RE10, A. D. 1801, to Bend bypost prepaid or deliver to W. B. Dlaksoo Brussels, Solicitor for the Executors of the will of the said Jobe Lowe, deceased, a statement in writing of their Christian and surnames, and addresses, and Mil particalars of their claims and the nat. urs of all securities (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby further given taut atter the said 10th day of November, the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the meets o f the said deceased among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only bo the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Exee- atom will not be resoou5ib le for the assets, or any part thereof, to any person or 5500005 of whose claims notice shall not have boon received at the time of such distribution. Dated atn1•uesols the 20th day of October A. D.1801. W. B. DICKSON, 15.8 Solicitor for Executors. AUCTION SALE TWO - VALUABLE - FARMS, Situate reepeatively lu the townships of Gray dud Morris. County of Huron, Pursuant to instructions from the Vendors there will be offered for sale by PUblie Aue. tion on 5alur Isy , i4e Clil1411Y e1' October, at the boor al 2 to cloak p, M. at the CENTRAL 1IOY'1.0,1n the Village ni B01Osele, the follow• ing desirable farm Properties Ist, The eolith half of lot No, 27 in the Otlt ooveesa3on of the Townelttp of Morels eon- tatulugl00Mena or laud, morn or loss, 00 aoroe Or weiall aro cleared and in ,L good state of cultivation, and the balance of welch is timbered with hard wood. The bmldings tensest of a log house enc goon fratuc bourne with stone fonedatlon0, There is a large young bearing orchard on this Pro- perty. also a good well and the fences aro in good repair, Tina splendid farce , s situate about two miles from the thriving village of Brussels, which 11000055000010 01 the best markets in the county fon' grain and all kinds of farm ermine°, and is known as the "13roatifoot" farm. 2nd, Lot No,14 h1 ttyhe 12th ooncesslon of ,trod ac 0,more oielass containing are reboot 85 Dares cleared ands 311 ,t 6r5b.blae9 state of cultivation, the balance Is well timbered with farm. 'This111here yarn first chess buildings on these promisee Won, elating Ora large two-story hricif Imago, wolf fini1,,ons with etched no ounda1:000, Thu a 10110100 rt good orchard of choio0 fruit,bearing tress and aped well no the 110111ieeO, end the i• enema giro in good Minh., 2111s do0lrwblo propott7 is eitnuttd about 11 talkie from too village of Braesele talc 1 utile from the vil- lage of Oranbrook, Both plopertiee will be sold subject to a r°servo bin. The titles to both forms aro 111disputilblc. Immediate poeseseiol, Per. thee par nielurs at to tonne of eels, oto., will be made known on the clay of sale or upon application to theuuderelgued, F. B. AoOatgbeeirogr, W. Vedv & tio] Oitor, Dated at lirusiels Ont,11, '01, (?c'1'. 2'3, 1891 USE PEPPER'S. PILLS. GET TIIEM FROM J. T. PEPPER, CHEnIIST & DBUGGISr1', BANKING. 1)FINTCSkI & M0TAGGART, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, T'ro, ,oaLot a C-o2asr0.1 Z3axalcius Alaoixiorao. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and Units4 States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Dsposite. Coffee/lone madeoufavorable 110008. Oauoclian Agents—Mrsner,Axr's BANE oe CANADA, New York Agents—Iatronrrns AND Tnan- Ene NATIONAL 13Ann, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. R• L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, tions made.olO flog .-VConveyancer. eck,OBrus- Brus- sels. 21-8m* SINCLAIR, V • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub. lie, &a, O9lce—Groham a lllook,1 dc ,o' north of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Login, DICKSON & HAYS, (Late witb Garrow R Proudfoot, Code. ri0h,) Hamsters, Solicitors, Oonveyaneers, 80. Oinces—Rrassols and Seafot•th, Brus- sels o19oe—Upstairs over Dank. Money to Loan. n. fl. RAYS. W. B. 0101/5014 BUSiNESS CARDS. MISS O'OONNOB, Teacher of Organ ana Piano. 45.tf Prinoess street, Brussels. H. McORAOT15EN, orybgsretseat his Grceluruor yte, Bruse, 1L N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—.Next door eouth of A. 1T, Moffay,i Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ebildreus hair nutting a specialty MISSpBALL Piano, Parlor ai ni 1011`,5 Organ. Rb'5oial the tsntino given t0 Technic, For further in- formation address— Box 172, Brussels, ,t WONAIR, • appointment of of Marriage o0oinln by loaner, 80., R. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Iueurauoe Oo. Office at the Oraubrook Poet 011l mo, . ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IiarRAW%E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, COI gluon. o Conveyancer, Notary Public, LandLoan nsnctiFtaduveabeano lod Insanities Col eons me. OB1os to Graham's Blook,Brussols. OIL' PAINTING, Miss Merles, of Wiaigbam, is prepared to give instruotioo in 001 painting. 7.erms maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Hoes' store where samples of work May be seen, Miss Merles would oleo take a few more pupils iu music. rp A. HAWRINS, • Organist in St. John's Ohurch, nrute sets, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching,of A. W.'rbayer, Mos, Doo„ Now York, wigive lemmas to pupils either at Thee, Furrows, ler ed,oat their o own homes Tereusmoder- ate. 48 - DENTAL. ADENT1B4T1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the iloyal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto UM. ',natty. OBNIen—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. ,t• RAYMANN, Auctiogeor, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, etc. Terms cheerfully given. Ofaubrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at TRE PosO Publishing Hosea, Bruseele. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed auctioneer. Sales oonchmt setok reasonableby. thrum,Ordure Farms and farm etoblceb1115 city, 3r ru sss left at to Poen P. o.,wllreoelveprom sent Walton P. 0„ will reoolvo prompt attention, U'AVING TAKEN OIlT LIOEN- to conduct sales of formletooklaat reasonable prices, knowing the standing of clearly every person I gal 10 a Position bIs 4811 to good marks and get good security when eon OR 005015, Satlofaotlou guaranteed. Give mea call. 92. 1P. S. SCOTT. MEDICAL CARS. 112. Ji'. CALF, bt, D. Q, 0V 1' 1lumbm' of Bi10 grid Sm' Dons o ColingoexPhyysiotan, g f Ontario by o1reetEget. Oboe and Rostdouce—tlmin street least, 19tbel,dubnrim, :TY A. MoNAUGIITON, ivl, I). C) • 0,M„1,, 11,0, At P., ug Store front bi, 11 P 1010 M. an gear's brag Store from 0 to 1 haunt a, t a and Prom 1tob of 4 'o m., At other form- erlyoWraybo by 1)r 11 his residence,. 000upiod by Dr. Butohivanu, 1'Tilf St. VETERINARY._ D. WARWICK, El llsnor Graduate or the Ontario Veterinary of Ooll sot1 is prepared to treat 51. cliPatent of inmestioatiO animals ti a eom• potunt manner. Partteular attention paid to veterinary deetietry. Calls moult. at. tended to, bgloe and therm/try—Two14005 ulrth of briOgo,Turuherry 41„ Brussels, ( 11 1' 01 p' d. 1' it 11 d h p 11 I l 0 n