HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-23, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST.
nS t'Altllol. KINK.
Tall WAX OF TAFB, 1 Ifo had lutbouailed eon 11 124(1 e in li imeat,
yen ,met have e nbnundod conlidenen in
yourself, Your
bather in the sono oio
1:1111.1 et'
Im'('121 "• aha' Jesus Christ hal, \'our 8(11Ataloce l$'
" Ho that entered not by the doer into dewily like 11is slthHt12111•0. Your pott'er's 1
the sheepfold --the tame is a thief and a ,are exactly 1111 His, You have the saallo
I had al,u1(1auce of time to pursue my but itis eyes never 11(1 1(1 1 from their stoonly robseoo. prlvllego to (moose yam' bo 112 in the Ilp01t
refleet2.us, for, with the solitary exception gaze inti, aline, cooly les luted dreppetl from 'line "sheepfold" is the kingdom of heaven, that 110 had. You ecus demouet rate over 1
of the orderly who brought my 1une11eon, uo my shuuldel. Th„ luugdom of ho.woo is nota plac0 - 111111181(11)pole, moodily, Ile WW1 114 11.111f you 1
one cattle nod one for s0,'eo'alhour$, Oversold
over, round and romndagafu, spun amt \toluol•
edit, my brain the events of the day (mol my
ntrallge discovery. The co11110 1,1(1 came to
wasetaftlin g ; and the instant I found my
self beim.* driven towards it, like a burse
root found my diamond. there 1--111Y though the place where we are may seam 110 V Ilk 001111)1111111011, 01' doctrine, 01
,other'( gift''2 loo, said sternly, heavenly, 'l'he'reai kingdom of heaven is 'door," 11'hcuynu have gut His tcnuhhtgs
"Yes ; 1 found It thee. 1 hn\ c it safely 1 1171 right elute of mind. truly, youwill nut follow aftor strange doe-
andnoey'ehas seen it. hut mine, nor shall any The right state "12221(11)11(4 13,11010 thet'o 18 2110(00,
one hear of It from me, 1St -whaler !" perfect health, perfectjudgment, and perfect ! llhon you once have said " I do not be.
lits face 9410710d lignin, (and 110 roomed yrosperity, These are all scoured by right ! lievo in the power of evil to come nigh my
his hand on my shoulder with a smile. Ile I cen+,ming. The most exalted or freest ren-' Ole," and somebody tells you your house
swerving from a desperate leap, I, turned
awe anad began m etutlnlal'y allover again. had but opened his lips to speak, when a seeing gives the most exalted state of mind.
Ono or two thl2 24 1 Noes ,1'tfte 8111'0 of: hideous smart, 01' rather 0 babel of sotlads, If anybody stops short in his reasoning he
' i;rankenlol s , ,:.,,1,,,, 1 L:, I u l lot ,t,,,t +u, •o I r .111 ((10 opposflo room fu the same stops short 1n lea health and judgment; (1180
Baia/Hated 0.2 hos I,1., h ''-v. , ,s. 24 v. 1211.;.! at o 11'r ; a rain of heavy blows, mingled 10 ifs prooperity.
11,e late mesh urer. ,1i.\;urn, '(11,1 1''rio ee - wit isovel0 and loud protestations, and The only way to got into heaven or a per.
had butt do: ;:;e,1 11at1 they ha -1 witched go- ,aos of---" Oh alai)! I not steal It ! I not feet state of 111111(1 is to vowed to the highest
• •the tunnel „nue " yesterdayutt':i 000u ;" stoolauythim; 1 Ob—oh, sa 1111 i" ultimates your mind oar commove w•1tho111
Rankeilor nutAt there:ere Rare lest tl24 jewel 1) 0 ('010 walked nu ceremoniously 1'1%0 regarding whether it would bo considered title of spirits exists.
in the tonmei whi!a it ens being watched, .\shtn)1'3 room, whence the snoods pro08011• le -Thiene art aL..lnvlant by the Old.lashloned After saying t "God is good; God is
and 01 night, of vary early in the morning. oil. It was not quite nn lltlheorll.ef thing to 110006,o no not. all," you. \would not credit the story of any-
nyWhat could that possibly mean eecepl 7 linden ailed beanngMsHindu served with As everbody is trying to get into the body who should say that in a vision he had
--I always stoped there, and began his braces a' anything that 1ant0 1uu1'ly' 1 Sheepfold" here mentioned, let us eottrider
y remember, 'With 0, strange but Aell Wn was in a furious llaasion), ian:l bits ,,the (loot'," or the doctrine taught by Jesus
ono' again. I eeling of disloyalty to one � w•ho 171,1 Leon kicking savagely no well, \1'fthottt a mo. Christ so consistently that Ho called Himself
the kindest me, of friends to e, how 11ta111ie1101' moats hesitstinn, ltankellor sprung forward ., the door."
toad two m• throe times told me that he would and wreuolied the man's arm out of Ashtuli s 1.1'0 may readily conceive of oursolv00 as
hove" plenty of wormy" wit1lfn 11 day or two angry grip, so one with our doctrine, that we are it, if
at the furthest, ani would even be able to ' Go—run," he said, and the poor wretch we ilia\•e thought and taught end rmu0n-
help one out of ray tight places. One thing needed no second bidding, strated it as Jesus Christ clod His doctrine.
I was clearly tlecidoel upon, in the slow cry• Ashton turnedfiercely on Renlceilot'• "Tis sheep" are your thoughts. The
8tallisatinn „f repel -fee ideas forming in my " How dare you interfere'; The clog has calling of your thoughts "sheep" is very
blain against my wi11—that was, that 80far
as I was concerned iu the matter, I would
shield oily friend's name. I would preserve
utter silence on the subject of his lost
diamond, for the present at least, no matter
what the penalty might bo.
.A quick footstep in the corridor caught
my ear; my door was thrown open, and
Ralnkeilor walked in, his face suffused
with a fiery glow of indignation, " What
a thundering shame, Campbell !" was his
impulsive salutation, holding' out both
hands to me. "If Ashton and Fordyce
knew you as I do, they would laugh at the
tto,.,,t, of briugiug such a charge against
and 01(21111011 aro burned, you will boldly
say : " I do not believe it,"
Your calamities will turn out not calami-
ties at all. Tho stronger you hold o11 your
words the nobler your blessinos, After
once saying : " Spirit is the only substance,"
nobody coon make you believe that a whole
been stealing l'lhavelost "-- He stopped appropriate, because thoughts aro docile
short, looking blacker tha,athunder-cloud. 011(1 obedient like sheep. You yourself aro
" 1 know, said Rankeilor quietly. "Yon the keeper of your thoughts and lead then(
Have lost my rose filament', Ir hick you t edc where you will.
from 1110 last night at b:secarat,knowing well Every obedient little idea has faithfully
Chat it repre8entool more thou live times the pictured that pink glow on your check, or
value of aha amount I owed you ! Ashton, that happy light in your eye.
you shall send in your papers to.morrow , The thoughts referred to hero are y0ar
Fordyce too.—I have felt for some time that thoughts of God particularly and what those
' monkey's and ponies' had gen8 quite thoughts d0 at all times.
far euough in your quarters ; but when There is one thought you have which you
it montes to tennelling through to the tart 11(1273 always ]geld strongly and definitely or
for money to supply your table, it ntm.t indifferently and indefinitely; it is tho
stop ! I give yon your choice: either send thought : " God is my friend.'
in your peters at once, or the whole story 1f you started this thought long ago and
held it warmly and confidently, you ale 11
good friend to everybody and you now
number among your oomead08 one warm,
strong, efficient,unehangeable,loving friend.
There isanothot• thought whfolh is of the
obedient character of the sheep here meant,
It is the idea that " Untl is omnipotent,"
This idea, hold in confidence, has made you
strong in yourself. The most obedient
thoughts you have are your thoughts of God.
Jesus when speaking of sheep refers entirely
to ideas of God. It is itl00s of God which
if you shepherd well, will get you into that
state of (mrd called heaven, when you have
health, judgment, prosperity. Jeans Christ
was sere that His doctrine was the door,
and everybody else's the climbing in some
other way, They had all before Him prov-
ed themselves thieves and robbers. 'Why?
They had robbed neon and woolen of health,
judgment, and prosno(ity. Ninety years
before Him there had ridden through the
streets of Rome, Pompey, proclaimed con•
quoror of the whole world. Mae hundred
cities, 1.000 castles, 800118d ; long linos of
manacled captives, with heads hung low
end speechless tongues, sightless eyes,
broken hearts.
There w"s splendid triumph for Pompey,
and the nI ti 1118 shouter' his greatness. But
Jesus Cho ist said that was not the doctrine
that would make heaven manifest on the
earth. IIis doctrine wa8 the only " door."
His doctrine would bind 1p the broken.
hearted, loose the dumb tongues, unstop
deaf ears, open Minot eyes, lift up the cast
down heads. :Not only that, but all over
the universe you might look for captivity
where His doctrine had been preached (or
His door (opened) and }an would not find
captivity itself for He had " sod eaptvity
Whoever has any bondego to anything
whatsoever, believes more in Pompey's
doctrine than in Jeers Christ's. For Pom•
ppoy believed in bondage, but jeans Christ
believediu freedom. ,Jesus Christ was sure
II0 had the only doctrine that wooed sot ab.
snidely free. A locksmith is sure ho hos
the only combination that will open the safe.
If another man has the same oombnetion he
eau get in ; otherwise not, Jesus Christ
knew His doctrine to be the only door into
you', of where the diamond was found—among
".els you do," I said forcing a smile, "I the fresh earth adhering to the trowel—shall
mean—as you laugh at of :"
He looked at me dtentively as if some-
thing in my planner lath struck him as un-
"Tell mcall about it Campbell,"
he said,
speekiug with authority and kindess,both.
"Let me hear your version of the affair."
" Must 0 very simple. 1 was at my
rupe,(h'i11, 1181170 ,len can testify. I had
dismissed the men, all but Petersen, Whose
duty it was to see to the ropes, when j
$aw' shim fling his cap at a rabbit
just darting into Its hole, 08 1'O thought.
Cap and rabbit both disappeared, 1(71(1
Petersen crawled in after, and found --
what made hien forget the rabbit. We hod
just been exploring the tunnel ; in fact, I
have not yet had P„terseu's report. Ash-
ton and Fordyce, with one or two ,len,
seized and arrested us, anclgscoffed at my
Rankeilor looked grave,
" May I hear their account of it?" I asked
after a pause.
Yes. it seems that they discovered
this tunnel yesterday, and without explor-
ing it very thoroughly, suspected it might
load to the fort, and watched it, from that
time and all night, by turns. No
one approached it until the much -hour,
to -day, when they both—Ashton and
Fordyce—saw yon and your Ulan near the
entrance. Then, as they suppose, will a
view to discovering how far the tunnel had
yet to penetrate before reaching the fort,
the man crept inside, and you walked to-
wards the fort until within a few yards.
Then they called up then' men and arrested
you both on tho spot•—Is that correct,
Before I could reply„a knock at the enol'
was followed by the entrance Von orderly,
who informed one that Odolel1'1yordesired
my presence in the anteroom. I event at,
once, followed loy liankeilor. There were
'only two men—my accusers —(.resent in the
autoroom with Colonel Pryor when Ientered.
11.3240.8 quito 00 informal inquiry ; but 1 sate
that the old " chief" noted keenlymy every
word mid look. 1 told the plain unvarnished
tale, with simple directness, to Colonel
Pryor, and he listened with courtesy. When
I had ended, he looked towards Ashton and
' You found this tunnel yesterday after-
noon, you say gentlemen?"
" We did, sir, and we watched all night
01(11 all clay I today, one or the other of us
:,kept near it."
The chief mused for a moment, his stern
old face masked and inscrutable as that of
the Sphinx. " Did yon leave any one on
guard at the tunnel when you came to ale
first, to report? Who is there now?"
Tho two officers looked r little foolish,
" We did not post a sentry there after
cliseovering the—tulllelo•s," said Ashton,
somewhat lamely. "It will be time enough
in the evening."
Well, gentlemen," said the colonel in his
short decisive manner, " I do not see why
Campbell should not have found out this
well as you, with intentions Ire ill•
eel as t 1
J ,
mooed as your own,"
The officers were silent,
" It seems to me that you failed in your
duty when you diol not report south an ion.
portant discovery to 100 last night. And it
d j L (tad y di one to
008 not seem us' La at aC a1 9 1
Campbell's finding of it, unless you shore It!
If Campbell and his man had been the ex-
cavators, they would 11,1 havo naked draw.
ing attention to thein worst in brood day-
light, I aur greatly surprised et your find-
ing no ono tl,ote during the night, for cer.
tainly that , unnel was mode in the hours of
darkness 1 I shall post sentries there to.
night. Ithtnk you had better confine your.
selves to handles tiilto•morrow—yon three
coverers, I mean—and ldt me deal alone
with this Irl'Ihe0f0rwerrl."
He left the room ; and I never saw dark•
er, angrier fads than were those of Ashton
and Fordyce on hearing the colonel's ulti-
Without speaking to any of them, I re•
turned to ny own room again followed by
Rankeilor, who in Lis friendliest manner
laid his hand on my shoulder,
"Campbodl, old fellow, I don't mean to
leave yon alone till you matte a clean breast
of it 1 I see clearly that. you suspect n(n of
some complicity in this bodiless, mull 811011
haunt you until you confess, Conte, out
out with it,"
I gozod at him in bewildered f08hien for
an instant. Why should I bo so anxious to
shield this man's reparation, if l,r, was hint•
self so reckless of it 1 Or w•08 11118 bold 921.
fuctionate friendliness meant merely to
dI'o,w out 1111 my information ,mallet him
know whore be stood? Well he should
have it 1 I would be recitless ton, altunlyh
the strongfasoivatinn of Idolock and manner,
of the ane altogether, had mover beo11 so
strongly present to my mind as now.
"I don't suspect ---I kno,v, Rankeilor1"
12said 'looking ea24I100tly at 11»11. "I found
your diamon(1--wham you hist ft., in the
very uouth of tied tunnel, among the fresh.
dy•turned earth 011 the trowel !
A'series of sepia, startling (haloes crmm-
sod his features, leaving hint pale as death ;
be told openly aucl freely.
" Rall ! Say ,o more !' said Ashton,
with exceeding disgust, " I did not mean
to stay long fu any 243220 in a 0n1•p0 of °a,ls
and tradesmen 1 I shall exchange into a
horse -regiment."
" You were glad enough to win the stoney
of the cods and tradesmon," said ltankellor
coldly. "Howe\'"•, so ling as you and
Fordyce retire at once, you Dau go whore
you please.—Como along, Campbell," He
took me by the arm, and we crossed again
into my room.
" Is it all square now, lad?" he asked,
with his winning smile, "And will you
r(skure 2118 111y mother's diamond? You
say yen found it."
Rankeilor, I sincerely beg your p0rdon
for having suspected you!" I held out my
hand ; and he grasped it warmly,
"It VMS natural," he said ; ' but I could
not bear to toll yon lo„' I had lost my
mother's beautiful gift ; and until my next
remittance from (tome, I know I should not
be able to redeem it. That was my reason
for asking if you- could lend me any money,"
" And 1 could not," I said ruefully. " But,
Rankeilor, 11012- can you bemire 11(11 Ashton
and Fordyce art the defaulters?"
"I'll tell you how," he answered readily.
"And if I am not mistaken, the chief guess-
es it as shrewdly as I clo. When they re-
ported the case, the colonel told them he
would see to it, in a half -careless sort of
fashion ; but 11e malted them to wait there,
in his house, until he performed at import-
ant duty. They 111,1 so with pleasure ; and
theold tallow,takfngmealong, went inveigh
to the tuunel, mud 211,1 exactly what yon and
,your man Petersen, it seems, did, I crawled
ou ; Ile walked above, and I guided Ilio by
s1ontil:(. He examined the pickaxe and
trowel ; the Oa1'tll o11 thorn was fresh, quite
different fro, that in the entt'anee. I ata
certain the believes, as I do, that that earth
was turned over least night !—Campbell, my
dear fellow, I forgive you with all my
]heart for suspecting me of—deuce knows
what : loot I refused utterly and indignant-
ly to suspect you of the least approach to
complicity in this—crime ! Give mo the
full credit I deserve," He laughed in his
quiet cordial way ; but I saw that he w0s a
little hurt too. ' And let's 'snake a com-
pact firm and sure' to help each other, and
these young fledglings in our corps to escape
from the snares of such fowlers as Ashton
and Fordyce, Shoal we?"
"I shall never play for money again while
five, ' I said firmly. " And I don't think I
can ever distrust you again, Rankeilor."
It was impossible for any one to guess
whether Colonel Pryor suspected anything
unusual in receiving the resignation of two
officers on the same day. He could )seep
hie 01211 counsel—nano better ! The tunnel
\va0 safely blocked up, and the fort closely
blocked. It was in 1800 that the incident
occurred, and Ra 120(1022 and I are still fast
friends after thirty yours. Tho snows of
winter are beginning to besprinkle our bootie,
and our foreman tanned and weather -boater
butour hearts are fresh and firm)' knit as
in early manhood. His mother's diamond
still shines on his finger, though she has
long ago fallen asleep,
(Tits men.]
The New British Rifle Bullet.
A laborer at Aldershot became the tiro
willing subject of an interesting butpainful
experiment a few weeks ago, when 11e wee
shot, accidentally, through the thigh by 11
soldier, who was practicing with the now
Loo-Iletlord u
mittne rifle which has just
been adopted for the British army 1'he
bullet passed demi through the thigh, bat
the wend healed so rapidly and well that
the patient was up and on a moat diet in
eleven .lays. In twentyfour days ho was
discho'god well, with his log in as good
condition as ever. Soon after this the un-
lucky man caught cold and died of Bron.
chits, and the army surgeons promptly
seized the opportunity of ,taking a poet-
morte)n examination, They found that all
internal traces of the wound had vanished.
From this fact they draw the conclusion
that, whatever may be the power of rho
new rifle in (disabling a much larger number
of met in a given 11180 than tie older \Vea•
pots, the severity of individual wounds
inflicted will be much less. In place of large
apertures and tl'aclts, whore there ahvaye
wa8 considerable destruction of Hexer, they
expect notch smaller wonuds, with such
trillh,g damage to the soft tissue through
which the hail pages that the destruction of
sol.si".nce resulting is almost inappreciable,
The size and savorily of the venunl will be
further demeaned by the sheathing of 110(01
metal encasing the bullet, which prevents
the load from breaking up on contact.,
A mother hail a baby that she loved ss
much site was litre a barnacle to its little life.
She felt ownership, clinging fondness for it.
So the baby boy began to dwindle and pine.
away. Hungry love always drives its
objsot away. If yon long softer and hunger
for and eat with fondness in y002 affec11080
the object of your affections will take every
means to keep out of your way. So this
little boy was getting away in self-defense,
No treatment helped theptuly child till the
mother sold over and over 01 her heart :
" You are God's child, you aro God's child."
She kept tide up till she loosed the ten-
tacles of her mind oil' his 1i(o, and he sprang
fortis as free and robust and (tardy as a boy
coed bo. This was the door or teaohiug'of
Father, Jesus. One is your Pat , evol Gad.'
is not lin eft aid robber
of th kat LOaC t
g th
whi h t(1kosaway sight, hearing, hopes?
Jesus Christ lad nothing to say against
Pompey as a chili( of God, but his expecting
to enter into heaven by his beliefs was folly.
Jesus explained that the porter at the door
of heaven is the Holy Spirit. The 11'110 doe.
triton will bring you face to face with the
Hely Spirit who will lead you into greater
and greater knowledge. The Holy Ghost
shall teach you alt things—guide you into
all truth. Just as 80011 as you take the doe.
-Wile of Jesus—actually taken it—there is
a fall of sweet loving ower over all
' 6 P
thought. O110F, you o spoke oorolessl " r
believe fu God as troy friend," but now you
speak it in delightful assurance that, " what-
soever things y0 asst for ye shall 1111130."
Every friend wino comes to you, you know
very well that they are tate coming to you of
your words about, (lot, All truth 1(1,0010011
brings good friends, good snece08,
That wits the Xlltelttlon,
An Irishman, lately landed, and taken to
Dee the c.othedr0l. Ag he motored the msg.
'Aided building, bewildered by its les, t,y.
he turned to (lie companion, amyl •.'lits l
" l'why, Tads, this boat;( the (teeth." "'thrills
the intintion, ,Joike," W08 the reply.
a picture of hell. There would ootbo in your
mind the slightest credence of the a0euracy
of that little girl's vision of Jesus Christ
taking her by the hand to show her the
sight of many people in hell, 1t would not
be deodorant with your knowledge of His
saying that children's true thoughts always
behold the good only.
Ile said 1 -Ie came with a teaching that
would give life more and more abundantly,
A woman's beloved husband lay. dying (ae-
cording to other men's opinions). She
]anew that according to Jesus Christ he had
right to nnee abundant life, So she loan-
ed hard on some words of Jesus Christ.
These wore: "God is Love." Sho said
t.110,11 over a11(1 over (11121 the ail' became Vivi-
lied with Love. The man revived and lives
strong in God.
A loan who felt himself ignorant got down
on his face on the mountain side night after
night, saying to the folding presence of God;
" Thou ltnowest all things." 1Ie repeated
the words often. Repetition of truth is the
quickning. After some days he became very
nose. There was an extraordinary judgment
and intelligence about the man. iVhoover
cones nearest to the principle of speech au-
11oli1c011 by ,Jesus Christ is really most suc-
cessful in life, L'i'e—such life 0s His words
give is mimeo -lone. His words are pure
reasoning. Be careful not to stop short in
your reasonings along His lines, for that, is
to stop short In health, intelligence, pros.
Right reasoning leads you on to the top-
less heights of the hills of God, fro)
whence cometh our help. The most exalted
reasoning concerning yourself as the sub.
stance nand manifestation of God is the most
exalted reward. Where have you stopped
in your reasoning? There where you have
stopped is where old age begins to seize you,
pain lays hold, sickness settles. You have,
to right to rise to the hills of glory on the
wings of the words of Jesus. Speak these
words of His : "I am the root and the off.
spring of David, and the bright and morning
See holy hereby you announce yourself
one with God in the beginning, now His
manifestation by your word, anti the shin•
ing glory of His goodness in the sight of all
mankind. "Heaven and earth shall pass
away, but ,ny words shall not pass away."
Pearls of Truth.
Life appears to me too short to be spent
in nursing animosity or registering wr0ugs.
Mon show theircharacter in nothing
more surely that in what they think laugh-
11 omen go further in love than most men
do ; but ,leu go further in friendship
than w01011.
No true man can live a half life when he
hes genuinely learned that it 10 only a half
de. Tile other half, the higher half, Hurst
Moult hits.
As we truly aro only as far as Cod is with
its s0 11011112424 eau we truly pus0es8 (that is,
enjoy) our being or any other real good but
by living in the sense of his holy presence.
Opportunity is in re8p0ut to tithe, in same
some, as 11010 is in rasped to enternity ; it
is the small moment, the exact point, the
critical minute, on which every good work
so mush depends,
We hear it said sometimes that this is an
age of transition, as if that made matters
clearer ; but can any one point us to an age
that was not 7 If he comet, he would show
Ile an age of stagnation.
There is something sublime in calm en ln-
rance, something sublime in the resolute,
fixed purpose of suffering without• complain-
ing, which makes disappointment oftentimes
better than 8ucce0s.
Love begets love. It is a p1oeess8 of in-
duction: Put a piece of iron in the presence
of an electrified body, and that piece of iron
for a time becomes electrified. It is °hang.
ed into a temporary magnet in the mere
presence of a permanent magnet, and se
side b ' side the
tong as you leave the two sl t y y
are both magnets alike.
Some absorbing employment 011 your
higher ground—your upland farm—whither
no cartilath Lewis, but where you moult
alone with your hoe—where rho life over.
looting grows ; there you raise a crop which
needs not to bo brought down into the
valley to n, market ; Which you barter for
heavenly products.
Our value, snail as itis, remains wanting
t0 our community, and, W11011 its 011(018 of
trial shall 0onl0, we shall not have been
trained by eatable]. 0. pe1)01100 to under-
stand either their cause o r their remedy,
esus Christ praises Himself as His
(lootrino, and praises .His doetrin0 as Him-
self. Ho lives in bliss)nl ignorance that
there is any idea that His (lootrine and
Himself are not God. When you praise
yourself you begin to know yourself, Try
11. Preiso yourself silently at first, for you
have not at first shown that yore words
are true by your works. Say,' I am hold.
I. (1011 good, 1 am Mile to do everything
perfectly." You will soon show forth to all
the world that you are indeed ell this, Then
,you will have a beautiful effect upon the
people, slut; indeed—
" Thou most be Crum theme t
If Iboo Ili, 'truth would Ieach ;
'1'ny 00,0; must, overflow with lova,
Loving results to reach."
Few try speaking of Jesus Christ's (loc.
trine, Ho set boforo you an open door
which no man can shat (or no prejudice or
fear of anybody keep yon from getting
the (benefit of), Lot all your thoughts lie
still las the pool of Bethesda for a little
while. Now, if your tibia is quite placid
stir it with tide 'beautiful text : " i. am the
1.Oglii'reltio11 and the life, he that believed
of shall be live
in mu though ha were dead yot
The Proposed Tllba lar Beltway tailor the
Channel Between Englund it 1541 A'l'ance.
Sir Edward J. lleod, at the tato meeting
of the 11('111sh Assnriation, ('aedil', real a
paper 000 " Tho 0170111101 'Potboiler Itltllw;ty,"
Anon the outlet' rai11•und proposals Wer0
eovera , ho soul, for oomsll•uotiug metallic
mhos upon the bed of the clualrnel, The sea
in theohauuel is everywhere of very nualerltt0
depth, and where the bottom is not pod.
tioally level, its departures from the level
are surprisingly small and gradual. Thu
depth of the channel nowhere reaches '00
feet Ilion the selected lino fermi r?ughutd to
femme. For several ,tilos out from the Eng-
lish coast it is not 100 feet deep; and tlto
greatest depth is, roughly spooking, about
two•thirds of the way across to France, and
there its naxinnun is 18)1 feet. A railway
aoresa this piece of submarine ground is as
good as any other railway. Tho fact that
It is a railroad within a perfectly water-
tight and dutiable tube—or 0 pair of tubes,
for there would be a tubo for emelt lino of
railroad—completely renders the presenc0
of the sea water outside of it of
uo o0neequence, 1110 securing of those
tubes 111 place, and the ventilation of them,
led on to the details of the system. The
necessity which enforces the use of wad
tight tubes for the purpose is attended
inoidoetally by great advantages. The
author stated that the tubas would be " of
iron or steel in so for as the primary all
essential eletnooto of their slruoture aro
concerned ;and this at once, told obviously,
relieves us almost entirely, if notal together,
of the cost, the difficulty, the delay, and
the danger of doing our construction work
at the
These tabor can bo perfectly well built
by one shipbuilders and engineers, and
partly by those of 11'an00, just las ships alio
built, but with much 'rentor oounony. The
tubus thus made will be towed by steamers
from the building ports to the channel as
they are required for being Laid in place,
and the operation of laying' then, is one
which has !poen very carefully" studied and
worked out in order to hake it sato tool
certain. To this end had been devised the
system of making the length of tube which
has last been laid the uterus (1111) tile instru-
ment of bringing the next length into Its
position W1111 unerring accur(loy. Itis diffi-
cult to explain in wear alone the operation
of laying the tubes. But, obviously, if one
enol auly of a buoyant tube is fort1101yLalc0n
clown from the surface of the water to the
bottom, or nearly to the bottom, the utter
and w1)1 float and rise somewhat above toe
surface. This being so, a pier wholly milord
at the time is brought up to the emerged
end of the tube, and coupled up to it by
enormous hinge joints. The next length of
floating tube is then brought tap to the other �
side of the floating pier, and similarly
jointed to it. The per is now sunk by
suitable leans and nudes. proper control,
and as it goes down carries with it the
second end—so to speak—of the first named"'
tube, and the first end of the lest named
tube. The other end of this hatter tube
floats, of course, and the operation is repeat-
ed. In this manner tube after tube is laid,
with piers between the successive lengths,
The tines of railway. of course. piss ei/ntm-
non0ly through the piers as well as the
tubes. The whole npuroti0n is like the pay -
1 m• > i I to
livingare coining with one No doubt the
size of the vi0arage and its appearatee aro
rather different from the cotta 1go 1 have bean
living fn, but inside the life win loo as mull
00 possible tiro sane, and I hope spy living in
a simple way lo afford myself the amid.
ado of. some morn follow workers. It wn.0,
in fact, inypurpose in 001 110gto81..1alnos's
to tl•y and make It tlodl!•ttdglalre's for 80(010
organization wltieh may have as its object
the supply of mission clergy 011 the Ude 00
1111011 1 lav) boon living. In our ltouso wo
endeavor to extinguish all feelings of elms
or r(1,111,''
OCT, ":3, ).fi.l].
is a oonootlir0e, extract of 8nreiynu411a,
Yellow Deck, 1'lpstssewn, Juniper Berries,
laundrette, Dandelion, oma other valuable
vegetable remedies, every ingredient being
strictly pure, and the best of Its kind it is
possible to buy.
Itis urepared by thoroughly 0010paterlt phar-
macists, 1n the most careful manner, by
a pecutter Combination, 1'roportlon ala
Process, giving to 1t curative Waver
To itself
It will euro, when in the power of medicine,
Scrofula, salt lihetml, Blood Poisoning,
Cancerous and all outer Humors, Malaria,
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Unclothe,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all difficulties
with the Liver and 1Cit111ny'a.
It overcomes not Tired (reeling, Creates an
Appetite, end gives mantel, nerve, bodily,
and digestive strength, The value of
ars a 9UUa
Is certified to by tloustulds of voluntary wit -
mosses all over the country 10110111 it has
cured of diseases more or less severe. It
is sold by all druggists. $1; six for SS.
Prepared only by C. I. 1100D Ss CO.,
Apothecaries, Lowell, Lowell, Moss.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Rarsapa-
rill(1do not be induced to buy any other.
Prehistoric Monsters
Near Righato, shout forty miles west of
8L 'Phomas Out. 011aY ,11.100Vet'0d the largest
skeleton of any extinct (milord yet found.
it whinged to the order' Jl ast0dol ghmntf-
cus, cud measured twenty' ten feet fro end
of no8211)1, to tip of tail. TM tont 11 only of
one of these huge m ,asters of prehistoric
times None dug up rocmlty,,,t Falling Springs,
near llrheo'ille, tl!0s., w•111011 weighed 14
pounds 13 ounces, and had the 011lotou been
oliscovoro,l it. would probably have been
fomul to bo that of au 1111ies11 thirty feet
ing out of to huge cobs , 1 6 1 y I' I ; Lee
(nd 11101'0 alike forming as it were, the links
of the 240b1e. The approximate cost will
be between 13 and .13 m)1)10(s starling.
The author than 20811 with the gn0stinn
of national security, wide]) many suppose
the channel tunnel, to itofriuoe. in the caro
of the channel tunnel, were thatc01rf001 out,
it would undoubtedly afford a subterranean
military road, which, \t'el'e It once sectored Ly
au (nouly, !aloha, in the o;r0ion of many, Le
hull in slice of n", became this snblerruuuttn
ru:ol bring deeply situated halon' the cha11•
1(01 bed, would be completely preserved front
attack by the liritioh navy; The uhlanlol
tubula'tadiw11y, on the uoltrat'y, is every-
where situated above the bed of the cluwu-
nol, and could therefore be
by dynamite. At the Dame time, it is so
constructed and brought up along the fore-
shore—at a gradient of 1 in 80— as to be
exposed for m length of 110 1008 than 3,100
feet to the direct bre of the guns of ships
between the high water and low water
limit. And breach or hole made in it below
high water (nark would, of uotuse, admit
the sea 01 the next tide to the whole inter-
ior of the tube, The troths in each tube will
always passthrough it in the same direction.
The trains themselves will, consegneutyp
act to some extent as ventilating pistons,
forcing air oul at one end of the tubo and
drawing it in at the other. By fitting wings
to the engines or °meioses, and throwing
them out when necessary, the train may be
made to lit the tubo more nearly, so to
speak, and thus to 1,1111 to the efficiency of
this Source of ventilation, If other' venti-
lation should be thought necessary—which
as verydoubtful if electric engines tve20
employed—ane or more of rho iters 0o11d
be fitted up its a ventilating 0t011on, with
steam engines, air pumps, rte„ rho foul Lair
of the tubes being forced into suitable
01111111)010, and thence by non•roturn valves
into the sea.
A Vicar's Way.
Tho way to carry religion among the
' of \1 elver-
• ' 1 o he vocal
people, according t t
1 p , 8
hampton, is to live with them. He says, m
an address just issued• "While working in
a malnfautlming distric • of the Potteries,
sllrrouudedalmostentiro ybywol'kingpooplo,
conviction was forted upon me that there
must be a change in themanner of life of
some of the clergy if they are ever to bring
1110religion of Christ home to the lives of
the people, and I determined, two ye010 ago,
to go and live with a wotdcin1gmal's family,
shoring thele food and thole life, and as 11111011
a0 possible entering into their thoughts, and
to got another tlni0el'elt man to share my
Salary and oto the sante. T have now lived in
this way for (almost two years, and I ani
thankful that 1 have tried tho experi-
ment. I was joined bya companion after
donut eine menthe, air now another has
cone to lois assistance I mean, if (sod
permits, to try and carr on the sane life
hero, and the family with whorl I have been
Wild Beasts Par -sighted.
A 00 does communication hos been made by
Motais, of Augers, whose works on the
131111000 diseases of the oyo are highly He esteem-
ed. al.
has aloso
lY oxanmel
the curets of
captivity on the sight of wild boasts, such
as lions, tigers, et cetera, and assorts that
all an111101s i111asayag0 state are far sighted.
The sono snook applies tomato in 011 111101v-
ilizod state, and even to those who, though
civilized, follow voeatlons which oblige allow
to remainconstantly in the open air, such
as sailor's or farm -laborers.
Tho same faculty subsists in caged atthnit8
12211011 they have been taken titer the 0ge of
six or eight months; but when born in cap-
tivity, or kept in (Ages when very young,
they become nod sighted, Whfofi Ili, Mattis
attributes to the narrow spear in w 111011 they
are 0041131011, wood the training which obliges
thorn to follow the eye of the keeper or
toner to obey hie with '111101(0411.01 11110(101080
of school cinildren m0y, in hie opinion, be
ascribed to tiro some cause—the habit of
conooltrating the sight on one point, and
that the power of the visual organ Immune
modified ae00rdiug to the requirements to
which itis subjected,
Many Ways,
135 Adelaide fit., 11, Toronto, Ont,
"Your• reliable preparation, 8t. Jacobs Oil,
has proved a benefit, to mo in more ways
t1an one. I have n824d it for (piney (out•
weed opplic(otioo) with very honeflcial
r„811118, and for to ease of , honnati0nl, whore
its 0u1on was shift and s11re, and a perfect
circ w08 performed. 1 e000l,lon' it a remedy
a nil lttt.
` every bons h
lidera 1t t
bo x�ml i
Pnanbgx, with Johnson Ss 1lrown.
How does he feel ?—He feels
cranky, and is constantly experi-
menting, dieting himself, adopting
strange notions, and changing the
cooking, the dishes, the hours, and
manner of his eating—August
Flower the Remedy.
How does he feel?—He feels at
times a gnawing, voracious, insati-
able appetite,wholly unaccountable,
unnatural and unhealthy.—August
Flower the Remedy.
How does he feel 7—He feels no
desire to go to the table and a
grumbling, fault-finding, over -nice-
ty about what is set before him when
he is there—August Flower the
How does he feel 7—He feels
after a spell of this abnormal appe-
tite an utter abhorrence, loathing,
and detestation of food ; as if a
mouthful would kill him—August
Flower the Remedy.
How does he feel?—He has irs
regular bowels and peculiar stools—
August Flower the Remedy. Cru
Self•respoet governs nond!ty 1 respect foe
others governs our behavior.
Employer—” I'd engage you n for the plane
at once, only I must have (a married man."
Applicant—" Keep tie place open for an
hoar, sir, and I'll easily fix that"
A new typo of d'rawbr'idge is being built
1n Chicago, to span the Chicago River, By
a folding instead of a swinging process no
central pier is needed, and greatlyfnoreased
totalities for navigating the nat'row river are
iia '0' F,9 �
g,',pq�yyB,,�, �,+.,•gqsi,,Af1:9•
90AINIO D W VE p,n �}1A
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If yam cannotet Diamond Vern Cora
from your Druggist, send zee. for sample
box to
44 and 46 Lombard &to