HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-23, Page 5T OOT, 23, I$91 HE BRUSSELS POST 1 8 • ,.!i'$9rpY�':YSfL7Sft tRiat4 ...fie '8/4SmLtidII4'4PN7CF01, �irDLiFrF➢ RN3G67SLTr�Rrl1CD^�+k• r1Wftll'6''PSa'YS>ti1t3ra�4'Sffi9R,&rrR@13Vr3'-1'r2"17.',P'l4IL:121-n'�SVFROTC2Q1,^'8""'+°fTA+irII.I'MTrAr�Ar't31i""M'AiA'C7?r 3Yu T•"9Y.'3F'^Y'iftcatur'fl"s47N't3 -:R 4i:,' " 1 Iratroves.1 I t 6 ti i ct �-� 1 ltiohtu'd Jt .,tan, of Q i \ppeIli amp. ped It WC land of line', from hers fe,. lilucevtalae, Robt. Yeo, fir., has routed Geo. Cai3o niece's farm for 0 term of six years at i $280 a year. John Collie jr. has vetnrlled home and le operating in the 13.nevalu telegraph anti pest office. Coon hunting, is the aid iannse.ment now, but the email owl runlnti rates de- ceives the iuuxporionned. flies Lizzie Burg, who has boon learn- ing dressnlalting iu Wingham during the summer, la home en iglu Biel( list. John Gannett is also under the weather. Mies Carrie Denman, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this 30. shifty, has returned to Windsor esteem. puttied by her father, who is visiting re- letives there. Rev. I. 13, Wallwin is attending a course of lectnros at (iobourg College. Rev, win. Gallagher, et Wingham, preaohe(l for him hist Sunday and W. II. Kerr, of Brussels, Nils the vacancy next Sunday. Cir a s-. Archie Lamont, Peter Keifer and John and Peter Bishop go to Muskoka this week on it deer and bear hunt. Elias Dickson, llth con., intends erect. ing a large bank barn next season. 1t will be 66x08 feet, with stone stabling. By letter it is learned that Mrs. Thos. Spiels sr., formerly a well known reef• dent of con. 16, Grey, and who removed about five years ago, died at Fort Rau- ' eon, Dakota, on September 17th, aged 7.4 years, 7 mouths and 4 clays. She hes a number of relatives in this township at 11)0 presenb time. Ilan nis suunt or 'Tach LN.—'file fol. lowing notice, taken from the Mitchell Recorder, of Oot. 9th, refers to a mica of Mrs. Jas. Mitchell's, 12th eon., Grey "Unalloyed felicity has not fallen t0 the int of David Hughey in his wedded life. Mr. Hughey was married but sixteen months ago and at that time hope was strong in a promising Inter. Business prospects were bright and encouraging and Mr. and Mrs. kfughey settled down in a comfortable and cosy home. But misfortune came to this home after a brief nine or ten months and everything they possessed in household effects was swept away by Ore. Another home was set up and a daughter came to bless it after a month or two. But the blessed- ness was again short liyed, for death came and tools the young wife and mother before the child had prattled hor name. Mr. Hughey followed his young wife to the Presbyterian cemetery on Monday, accompanied by the Canadian and Anoient Foresters, he being a mem- ber of the latter organization." Mre. Hughey's mother (Mrs. Alex. Smart) of Fullerton township, a native of Glenisla, Forfarehire, Scotland, passed away to her long home the day previous, at the advanced age of 88 years and 8 months. W fuerlettevi. R. Orr, wife and children are leaving for New Mexico to spend the winter. Geo. Town, who has been working in Bell's factory for some time has gone to Chicago. A Christian Endeavor Society is being formed in connection with the Cengre. gatinnal church of this town. Rev. H. 0. PriOst, formerly of this town, has been installed as pastor of the Sheridan avenue Baptist church in To. route. Court Maitland, No. 25, C. 0. F., will have their anniversary sermon preached in the Methodist church, Wingham, by the Rev. S. Scllery, M.A., B. D., on Sum day, Oat. 25th, at 11 a. m. Wm. Robertson has been appointed as delegate from the Oongregatioual Sub• bath school, of this town, to .attend the Provincial Convention of the Sabbath schools to be held at Ottawa, Oct. 27th to 2911.1. The °entreat for the erection of the new block which H, W. 0. Meyer, Q. 0., intends erecting on Josephine street has been let, the brickwork to a gentleman in Exeter and the woodwork to J. Large, of Listowel. The work has been commenc- ed and will be pushed along as rapidly as the weather will permit. Conductor W. K. Snider, it is said, is going to remove to Toronto shortly,where .he will reside for the future. He will take charge of a G. T. R. train between Stratford and Toronto and will make only three trips per week between these pointe. This will give him more time at his disposal to fallow that calling which he seems, by nature, to be so well adapt. ed for. Dr. Macdonald, M. P., member for East Huron, met with a very serious accident on Saturday afternoon while driving in the country about five miles from town. One of the wheels of his carriage came off and the doctor was thrown violently to the ground. He was driving n spirited yonug horse, which be. came unmanageable and ran away. The doctor held the relits and was dragged a considerable distance. He -was found by Mr. Johnston, a farmer residing iu the neighborhood, in an unconscious con- dition with his leg broken. He was oar. tied into the house of Mr. Johnston, and on examination it was found that his injuries, though serious, were not'denget- ou5. The Dr. hes no less than four broken limbs in his life. 0 YEAne IN Juo.—A. Toronto paper publishes the following :—Detective Lucas, of Texas, who is here pressing the extradition proceedings *garnet Harry C. Garbett, received intolligenoe from Hone informing him that Uncover, the father-in-law of Garbutt, in Kansas, has been convicted of forgery. There tvore, it is nnderetood, 32 cases against Con- over., end he was oonvioted en the drat one for w11i011 he Was tried. The judge sentenced hirci to nine years' imprison- ment. Conover formerly lived in Wing- ham where his wife now manages a hetet It was ie her house that Garbett claims 11e Walde the bots on the Hwy of the Inst general Dominion elrctione. The law- yers engaged by Garbutt to keep hien, if possible, from being tapes from the Dominion into 'Uncle Sam's territory, have experieneed considerable diflloulty in getting their hands on the 500urity for their fees. Mr. Murdoch bad to give security in a tepleVin Bit hetet° Wing. hem parties world deliver him three horses whish Garbutt assigned to secure tho endorsor of it promis oryonnote for $000. H. W. 0. Meyer, Q. g ham, is still hunting for a horse named Guido, that Garbat assigned for him. It is being kept away from him by friends of the prisoner Who have been informed that the Texas parties are after a horse, the Northwest. The 141tdies' All of Christ ehereh are im'niehing the ,hurcll with upholstered kneeling benchoe, The bullas are dotal; the ilplmlete•i11!i thh1116e1 Yes, The b,iek.wolk of the new faobory le almost color:lard, the third story of the Main bui'(ug being now np and ready fur tlw reef. '1'110 emitraeors two push. Mg 1t along se as to have 11 alerted in before the wdd weather Bete in. A. 13. ble0allunl, 13. A., 111. B., has been appointed professor of physiology in the Toronto University. i11r. 111oCa1- hun is an ex-lleadluastor of our High School. 1315 many friends here will be pleased to receive the sows of his eleva- tion. There is ml foot, among a few of our hest busleess men a thoroughly practical stemma foe the formittiou of a piano IIlae111fm:tering company, etillzing the old Flees beikling on Main street, with an addition thereto along main street, or some other suitable site. Mrs. Brisbin, wifo of Tae, Brisbin, sr., Puuolope street, wile had the misfortune to swallow a plain 5toue Which lodged in her lung, died Thursdey moruing of last week after enduring great sufferilr4. She lived about 12 days after swallowing the pit. Thu deceased was in her 74tl3 year, J: Stuart, President, and Mr. Turnbull, Cashier, of the Betel of tia,siltou, were in town last week. The Bank is favor. able to parohasiug the corner on which the front part of the Grand Ceutrul hotel stood, for a site Eur a new bank, provid- ing they can agree with 11r, Rolls on the price, M >It At the Blyth Fall Pair R Nichol should be credited with lot prise for aged Yorkshire boar and lot prize for sow under one year. The prize list gave it "R, Ileal." Games were then indulged in and a re. past served by the ladies after which all repaired to their homes after wishing Mr. Scott land family much prosperity in their new Home. Dien.—On the 16th. inst. William Hiugsbou, second eon of the late W. G. Biugston, died abor an illness of six or eight months, at Bolivar, Missouri, of a complioation of diseases. He lett this township about 27 or 28 years ago. ADDRESS Asn PRESENTATION.—A very pleasant evening was spent by a goodly number at the residence of Adam Scott on Monday, 19th inst. Mr. Scott and his amiable partner in life intend to shortly leave this country for Saginaw, Mich., where Mr. Scott has obtained a lucrative situation. Their many friends in this community, desiring to give them some evidence of their regard and good wishes, assembled at their home and pre- sented them with a cotnplimentary ad- dress and gave Mr. Scott a valuable set of cuff buttons, Mrs. Soott a travelling valise and their daughter Maggie it valu- able brooch. Mr. Scott made a brief re ply thanking the donors. for their presents and good wishes and assuring them that Ile and his family would always remem• her their kindness. Mies Kate MoArter presented the gifts and Marshall 1fug1180 read the address, whish tvae ns follows : DEAR PaiENuo,—We, is few of your neighbors and friends, have assembled this 0000104 to express our sincere regret at your hamlet removal from this lo- cality to Michigan. Wo trust, hnweeer, that although absent we will not be for- gotten. By way of remenhranoe we ask you to accept this pair of gold cuff but- tons, Mrs. Scott this valise and Miss Maggie this brooch. We trust that iu your new home you will meet with many warm and true friends. We will often think of you and our wish is that pros• parity and happiness may be yours in time and a glorious ro•nnion at our Father's right hand in our happy home, called Heaven. Muddy rends. Voters' List Court here on S tturday of this week. Dr. McKelvey had 12 acres of peas which yielded 860 bushels of grain. 0. Willis, who has been in the employ of Simpson & Son, has gone to Wing. ham where he has secured a place. A tumor was removed recently from a man by the name of Watson, who °amps out around here during the Bummer. The patient is getting along as well as possible, The following letter was found among the effeote of the late Peter Grant and is supposed by his father to be returned from the Dead Letter Office, having never reached the party for whom it was intended :— Tysudinaga-DEnn Fniaao,—I flow take the pleasure of writing to you to let you know that I am still alive and well and hope that this will find you all the same. I am living in the Oounty.of Hastings where Bob's people live. Poor Polly, Lily and 1it1'0 Willie, it is for their sakes that I live here, If I say I am going hack home they will cry. If I live till Pall I will get their pictures take] and will Bend you one, that is if you will write to rue. I have written about a dozen of lettere ands never got an answer. Neither the fonts around Morris nor my own folks wiil,answer me e0 1 guess they are all mad but if they are t can live without them. I am work. ing for Bob's brother for $00 for a year. I oommenoed last Pall. I live about e mile from where Bol, lives. Elie sister 15 steeping house for him. I would like to go up to Algoma but 1 dont know when I can go now. 1 suppose Jim ie a big clan now. How do you like to live up blithe ? I suppose yon have quite a bit cleared. - How is John and the rest of the folks ? When you write tell me all about that part of the country. I thought that when you welt away that I would be able to see Mrs. Currie when she 2080 there 11156 Pall. Tell Tim that I will t write to him sex time. Here is 0 oath for hits, tell him that I said that that• is his p13tnre, I am living bare among the Lldians and 1 tell you there are some pretty queer ones among then., They all talk the Mohawk tangnage, You must excuse me for malting so ninny mistait00 135 the ohildreu aro bothering Me, I sitlpesoMagg,ggie will soon be getting married. I would like to see you all Where we live WO 0aa the tine steam boats going evory,day and it is quite nine to see them, TINS IS nil I own think of ihie time, Give my respects to all the enquiring people. Goodbye. Please write soon and dont forget. Peter Grant to Thee. Oerrio, Algoma. Addreee-- Peter Grant, DO5oronto, Ont., in ogre of john MoFarlane, AllilESTItl 0y Hirs'l,.l ?N. --hast Weduns• day 1[. F. 1 ciAlli lei oho ie 'fr,'asur,r for the Clu ee Fluttery hero, deposited $1,200 le it drawer lit his oilien and loch• ed the same putting the key in his pocket. Shortly after he went to tea and on his return the drawer leas found to have been uirneerod with and 9358,in oust dollar hills, minting. (I, Stubbs was 1lBent Irl 11 1 ,n the stere moving, "to when A, Glenn, who resides over the 'r rpp'' GOOK'S f/y� i + n �y j�j 011hp, 0211115 fni' "cine 01110301', Alex. Me- l HEGOOi S BEST FRIEND Kay, the junior cleric, had to leave the LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. stnro alone while he went to the cellar Mr, Glenn was the only person seen in die above at the time so on Thursday morning be was arrested by Constable icing, (charged with felony, and br,naht before A. Holter, T. P., Brus5,.1s. After hearing the seldonr,1 Gleno was cam• inittod to stand his trial, qn reaching th., Go, town he was admitted to b'til, his sureties being R. Dilworth 011,1 ,James Lindsay. The case will be tiled before Lodge Tome, on Friday, Nov, 11th. W. 11. Sinclair acted for the prosecutor and R. L. Taylor for (horn!, SWIM, AND Puoel:N'rAT,ON.---Weciuesdrty evening of last week a party of some 70 or 80 met et Win. Brown's place, 2113 con. Grey, for it social nvenine'e enjoy- ment and to mance an aoknnwledgnneet to Wm, Coutts for the trouble he had taken 111 getting up the singing for the anuive'sa,y of the Mission Band at hloisswerth Presbytoritn church. The presents were a pair of beautiful gold framed spectacles end n pair of nom- fortahle winter gloves, accompanied by the following iuldress :--- 11Cr. JJ',, Coafts. Ooa EBTERMn), FRIEND,—We, the young people of the Mission 131thrl, have ]nut on this occasion to show our epprnoiation of your genuine kindness in coming to our assistance at, we doubt not, in0onveni- enue to yourself Nona but the most Lin- ea fish motive could have prompted Ton thus to lay aside pe'so,al claims with- out looking for any reward apart from that which always results from the doing of a kind act, We are therefore come together this evening to present yen with these epecbaalee end gloves as a. small token of our esteem not only of your abilities as a ohoir.master but also your personal qualities as a friend. Our earnest wish for you is that you may be long spared to read many a piece of music through these speotaoles and may your kindly eyes frequently beam genial- ly from behind them upon the young people of Moleaworbh. Signed in behalf of the Mission Bond. 1118001E BROWN, ' DAVID CAMPBELL, Exports of gold from New York during the past week, $807,170 ; imports, 134,49. 9,1310. The Dutch steamer Edam was sight - ted by the SS. Eider in mid -ocean with her scree broken and sailing before a terrific gale. Ooughin TS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub• 1 stances from the bronchial passages. Frequently, this causes inflammation and the need of an anodyne. No other expeetorant or anodyne is equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature in ejecting the miens, allays irritation, induces repose, and is the most popular of all cough mires. "Of the many preparations before the public for the cure of colds, coughs, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there is none, within the range of my experi- ence, so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. eatoral. For years I was subject to colds, followed by terrible Coughs. About four years ago, when so afflicted, I was ad- vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and today all other remedies aside. I did so and within a week was well of my cold and cough. Since then I have always kept this preparation in the house, and feel comparatively secure." —Mrs. L. L. Brown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a severe cold which affected my lungs. I had a ter• rible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. Tite doctors gave nee up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. By the eon- tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent cure was effected."—Horace Fairbrother, Rockingham, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Boldbyall Druggists. Pelee$1; elxbobtles,$5. THS YELLIJ W" FRONT Grocery My goods have arrived and been placed in position in th; new store, and I ani now prepar- ed to give the public the oppor- tunity of buying from au entire- ly new and fresh stool(. I have a full line of Choice Groceries, Tobaccos, Canned Goods, 1Voodonware, Fruits, Con. fectionory, Sze,. and my motto will be the old and tried one, "Small profits and quick re- turns." Other lines will bo ad- ded to my stook las trade opens up and extends. A Specialty made of Pare Teas and Utradniteratld Spices. Fresh Biscuits, Ginger Snaps, &e., received, Thanking the'public generally for past patronage fn other ,lines I eolioit a share of your oilers at the YELLOW boost. fa'13etter, Eggl and well dressed Foul - try wanted. J. T. ROSS, Opposite the Poetoliloe. What woort.lcl you, Uleo —in the way of a corset? Something that's easy and comfortable—something that clasps the figure closely, but yields to every movement? Then you want the Ball's Corset. If you find that you don't, after wearing for two or three weeks, you have only to return it and get your money back. Fon SALE 13Y A. S'I'RACIIAN. SrANDAIID BANK of CANAL, READ OFFICE, - TORONTO, W. P. GOWAN, President. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier, ASSETS, - P,tID EP CAPITAL, - - RnoRRve FUND, • - • $7,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 .tgoucios in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and ISngl100, Brussels Agency. 0 General Banking Pi:slcess Trane,iote,,. Farmers' and other goon Notes Discounted itt lowest rotes, Drafts Tssned and Collec- tions modem: all points. Deposita received and interest allowed at entree rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Ravings Bank De- posits of 81 enol upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and oom- poundedbait yearly. Prolunt attention Iltrll every Nailityalrord- ed nuetulnwe 11Ving at a distance. G. P. SOIIOLPIELD, Agent. Brussels, April 8bb, 18;11. DR. SINCLAIR, M.D., M.A., L.C.P.S.O., Specialist, - Toronto, JONATHAN BIT0OITAnT, Listowel, soya 1- "AtEer spading all my money fwd property to ro purpose ou medical men, for what they termed le hopeless case Ot oousumption, Or. Sfuolair mired me." mite. Mate 170RL000, Woodhouse, says:— "When 811 others failed, Dr. S1uelatr cured the of fits." D. ltomtmrsoie, Carleton Place .says:— "Dr. biuoleir cured me of Catarrh." GEO, BOWED, Blyth, says:—"Dr. etuolair oared me of heart disease and dropsy, when all ethers failed." Diseases of Primate Nature, brought on by folly, Dr. $igelair certainly Clarets. Co3aouate,t1ox. Free. WILL BE AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, B3LDSSEL3, —00 -- Thursday, Oct. 29, '91. I- I a 11.,1-1. LIN N .: limpll .1/, it ,'31,, 11,511'1' ' CHEAP EXCURSiONS to EI,i311I'E ('0"'' Ylert9'1Y RA1 ,1359 11011 POItTLAN 1) 00 1191.11" Ak, TO UJ;R11Y ons LIWeRPOOL. 001410 0.13 55, 1$314 ems end $li0, 411010 $8e, $1111 and 3110 !Winn], !tocovting to Lnoutlou of titateroon4 IN'1'IBIllt11'IDIA TR, Outward 325 ; prepaid 33110 .steerage et Lowest Itnte4. ,L('I1eliln,e11,i1 fo11H CnBli l'{IOSXei1. Apply to 11. 3: A. ALLAN, Montreal, OR W. YX. I%Eat It, Art eke, 131,rssw,o. HONE) TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6A Per Cent., Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. Ri THE 0 STAN Owing to Mr. McGinnis failing to complete his arrangements I am back again in my Grocery. I am very thankful for the patron- age in the past 10 years and 5ek not only a continuance of the same but a large in- crease in .rads. I have a well assorted stock of G t0OCERIES, CANNED 000135, GLASSWARE, FRIUITS, dm., and am continuaily adding to lt. Big Bargains in Teas, Special Value in Glassware, Prime Hams and Bacon. I don't do much duffing about my business but 1 am giving bargains that are worth securing. can and prove it for yourself. Geo. Baker, TBS, F LETLUi 1-'i'actiea7, GVutch.lu.11.IGNI' and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Desijras_ JEWELRY I ' WEDDING RINGS, LADIES GEM RINGS, BROWNIES, SosuloNes, dt0, 13 -Also a Pull Line of Vlonixs and Violin Strings, de., in stook. N. R.•-lssurer or Ylarelege 161ecneee. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. `—i 50185 Oct. .M-1 _3t) Nov. Dec. 2-16-30 first IE S PULA 0 S': E WAY `ESI ES TO TISE it '131111 '1891+ HAVE THE AOYAHTABE OF ®lite; 11ttegdao tS r!agl-e55 Rapid t -its Low Igoty of ROQITT ES ART 01.110 R3 FROM ANY AGENT Or THE COMPANY J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. 13 ABY CA I:LRIAGES ! A. Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs' 111 Baby Car- riages have arrived at 11. Bennis', Brussels. Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c always in stock and sold at Close Prices If you want a set of Light or Heavy Harness I can supply you. See our Scotch Collars. I3® Demi,. OVED Ready cop Business f 1 take this opportunity of thanking the Public for the good- ly share of patronage received in the past and also to inform those who don't know that I have mov- ed to my new brick store, on the site of former one destroyed by fire. • My Stock df DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, tic. is large, well bought and com- plete. My store is not run on wind or gas but good, solid, every day 13argains may be had at all times. Special Value in Teas. Call in and see me, J. G. SKENE, Agent for Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. 03 N THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE. c�ni �Wj1 ir-1 F't t Z 0 O �p7 F -f p•1 F+ t/2 Z W 0 tit co 0 0 P- 44 W U Q 0 rro ro ro rW 0 o aM • >. to 05. l • cal d W 0.W1 tT ' .a V t7CJ a 0, .0w U w - tteW• O OU W Lla o thoNaC1opQu H jsh.p 1— cn