HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-23, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Oystertt Kirk.
]'` stray-- C. .. liojtielt,
Orocorjea _-J, T. floes.
Locals ---1)r. d. C. Ayer.
Pair Prizes - -1>, Stewart.
Corsets -Alex. Strachan.
Teacher Wan ted --1). Currie.
Tailors Wanted- E. 1>omforrl,
Ilurtrs for Servi,t: • •John Itilliu;;,
lteadyntade Clothing -A. 11. Smith.
Notice to Creditors -1V. 13, Dickson,
T'urnitare-Smith, Malcolm tv Gibson,
`ll russel5
FRIDAY, OCT, 'aa, 1891.
THE many friends of Pr. Mnodonald,
the highly esteemed M. 1'. for this rid-
ing, will deeply sympathise with their
representative in his unlooked for girlie
NooIs.trn>N in West Wellington Co.,
in connection with the Local Legislature
election will take place on Nov, 3rd.
Election, if any, on the 10th. Col. Clark,
the hate 51. P. 1'. hits resigned hence the
necessity of tilling his place.
Ton Poor has received a Dopy of the
blue -book containing the evidenoe in the
Tarte charges. It is a volume of 1,500
pages, and affords some idea of the work
the committee on privileges and elections
had before it during the recent session of
parliament, and it will also give some
faint idea of the enormone expense
heaped upon the electors by the necesei'y
of such an investigation. -
taken suddenly ill in his office Tuesday
afternoon and remained unconscious for
a quarter of an hoar. It is understood
that his indisposition is mainly due to
weakness of the heart's action. His con.
dition ie giving his friends considerable
alarm, his medical attendants evidently
fearing a relapse. The person who
thinks the members of the Cabinet, if
they deal honestly with their position,
have a soft snap are very badly mistaken
and the heavy mental strain nearly al-
ways results in a break down in health if
not a premature death.
A SPECIAL nneetiag of the County Coun-
cil of the County of Huron was held at
Goderich on Wednesday for the purpose
of appointing a county, ()lark. Every
reeve and deputy reeve, 50 in all, were
present, and commoaced their prooeed-
bags by appointing Dr. Holmes, county
treasurer, and 1). ,McDonald, ()'eek of the
Crown, scrutineers. Amidst great ex-
citeuteutand after marshalling forces in
various forms the Council succeeded, on
th• 4ith ballot, in appointing William
Lane, the township clerk of Ashfield, to
be county clerk. There were 18 eaudi.
dates at the commencement and these
were gradually narrowed down to three -
Messrs. Lane, of Ashtleld ; Holman, of
Usborne, and Whitley, of Clinton, The
successful applicant had one of a major -
i ty. The salary was fixed at $000 per
annum, It is said Mr. Lane will make a
competent official. -�
A oaEAr' deal is being said and written
about alien Tabor and the difficulties
some of our Yankee cousins get them-
selves into but the American employers
who discharge Canadian employees be-
cause of their nationality are likely to
injure themselves more than anyone else.
They probably employed the Canadians
in the first plane because they found
them more reliable and more trustworthy
than Americans, as Ameriean employers
do find them, and other employers, per.
haps rivals, will hire the Canadians.
Instead of inducing Canadiabs to become
American citizens by snob means Ameri-
cans are taking the means best calculated
to arouse all their national ardor and
attach them wore strongly than ever to
their country. It is a fact, however,
that Canadians take precedence over the
native born citizens of the U. S. almost
wherever they come in competition.
Ton second CEoumeufoal Congress of
the Mehtodist Church in session in
Washington, the first congress having
been held in London, England, ten years
ago. Then, the total number of saber -
eats of the Methodist church in the
world was estimated at 20,000,000, now,
it is set down at 30,000,000 -the member-
ship being over six millions. The
growth of Methodism on this continent
has been phenomenal. As; compared
with England and Ireland, the member-
ship in Great Britain being 000,000 while
in the'United States and Canada it is
over four millions. This may in p art be
attributed to the earnestness and self-
denying labors of its missionary element
and the system of ithteranoy among the
clergy. The purposes of the Congress is,
to discuss matters of geno:al interest to
the Methodist Church ail over the world,
and to suggest soon methods and lines of
work as will tend to the futhoranoe and
the triumph of the gospel. Among the
Canadians attending aro Itevds. Dr,
Briggs, Thwart, Griffin, Douglas, and
Williams. A very enjoyable series of
meetings have been held and no small
amont of good will accrue from this vas*
gathering of Methodist clergy and laity.
The name of George fines, the million.
air land owner and capitalist of Mil-
waukee, Wis.,has boa forged for nearly
John McDonald has guile to scitoo
again in Bt-rliu.
Mist) Maggie field returned to her
home fu Yuma on Saturday of hast weep
T. A. newkn.N pow trete as tirespist
81. George's elturult ou alternate Sun-
Mies Belle Moliibbin has returned
home. It seems she cannot stay away
from her mother.
In the absence of Rev. 1). Forrest Jas.
Smillie oecepied the pulpit of Duff's
church on Snnday inst.
The sawmill has closed down an the
logs are all out up. The still has run
pretty steadily all year and hie just now
finished tap.
J. S. We'sh took his departure from
Walton on Wednesday of last week
amidst heavy rains. John would rather
pull the water np on emeashm,s when he
is moving household streets than have it
fall so copiously on his goods. On the
eve of his departure he was presents d
fwith a valuable :obs for his buggy. We
lose a good citizen in Mr. Welsh,
BICE L1iT —Master Ernie Ottewell be
last pulling through a severe spell of
sickness. -Geo. Grigg has been housed
in bed Inc a few days. -Mc. Parish is
suffering from inflammation in the bron-
chial tubes. An early recovery is looked
for under earofnl medical treatment.--
ilfiss Marion Parr has ranched a very jots
condition from that dread disease con-
sumption, still her trust is in Christ and
she is simply waiting for the Master,-
Mrs. Neal is suffering from cold but
keeps herself at the post of duty.
EN'rEtnTAin1nENr,-A very pleasing en-
tertainment took place ou Thursday
evening of last week in the Methodist
aburah, Walton. At 7:30 the chair was
taken by the pastor of the church. Miss
Moore presided at the organ and the con•
gregation sang -
"My gracious Lord I own Thy right
To every eervioe 1 can pay,
And call it my supreme delight
To hear Thy counsels and obey."
Prayer was offered by the pastor and the
program was then presented :--A good
selection of music was reudered effective-
ly by the Misses Williamson, Miss E.
Pollard and Wjll, Pollard ; recitation by
Jno. McGaviu and given in his usual
good style ; solo by Mise Essie Berry,
"Only tired," was well rendered ; Geo.
Barrows in a clear tone of voice read the
"Model ohuroh," whioh was much ap-
preciated by the audience. Three pieoea
of musio were given by T. Moore and
daughters, of Brussels, which were en-
cored to the echo. Their facing the
journey from Brussels through the storm
had an inspiring effect on the meeting.
Miss Williamson, in rendering a second
piece of music, really exoelled herself as
a singer. Miss Maggie Johnson gave a
very suitable recitation. We might
make epenial mention of two recitations
given by Lizzie Barrows. They were
exoellent in every way. Mr. Hawkins
presided at the organ with mush ability
and gave an amusing reading. The pro•
coeds were satisfactory considering the
smallness of the congregation.
.,t4s+emartr :•a:aieset .
FARM ].OR SAL]?.—T1-I1 ITN-'
j ! tiun5JONlut exeeutnrs offer the John
Lowe faun for sale. rhe prnplt-ty consists
001001l01`08, g Lot lo, eon, 0, Grey, and
! having thereon a !h'st-ebiss brink noose,
( bank hare, orchard, Welle, never -failing
,prim; Rood fences, &e, :l heat 7J aures
•clleurtd, palatineanon, l'010111}11.1111111.111bo
fovea next Pali, or further partienlars lis
10 price and terms apply to
The Pope has written to the powers in.
sisting that itis impossible for the Ital.
inn Government and Papacy to both re.
main in home.
For the past 24 hours a party near San
Diego, Texas, have been firing off cannon
and mortars and exploding dynamite and
rockets in the hope of obtaining rain.
The filing began with a clear sky, which
after began to cloud up with a prospect
of rain soon. The ranobmen have sub-
scribed $2,500 to part of the expenses of
the test.
The undersigned will steep for service, at
Cranbrook, the them' bred Berkshire pig
hose rearhteigdlo "Prince hoto'' bred Cheater pP i -
may be seen on application. Terms,
01,0 oasb, at time of service, with piivilege
of returning if necessary.
15-4 - Proprietor.
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 7, Con. 5, Morns, the tltoro'-bred Oh ester
White Boar, 'Canada," Pedigree may be
seen on application. Hie sire and dam both
took let prizes at the Industrial Show at
Toronto, Seaforth and Blyth, in 1800. Terms,
81.00, with privilege of returning i1 neces-
12-4 FRANK BAINES, Proprietor.
The undersigned will keep for service this
present season the Improved large white
Yorkshire pig "Ready ou let 28, eon. 0,
Morris, to which a limited umber of Kowa
will be taken. Terme 01,00 to be pard at
time ofeervioo, with the privilege of return-
ing if necessary. Pedigree may be seen up-
on application. 11011ERT NICHOL,
15tf Proprietor,
aEnel0NEo has several good Perms for
sale and to roof, easy terms, in Towneblps
of Morris and Grey, F. S. SC OTT,Bruesels.
Lot 14, COn,12, grey 1 100 acme ; Amt.,
claim battalion'. A rare bargain to e, cosh
purchaser. Title perfect. Apply nt once to
W, M. SIN CLAIR, Solicitor, Broseeis, 80-
J Being South half Lot 27 son 0,11farrie,
100 acres, nearly all cleared, Good buildings,
Ileo young bearing orchard, Immediate poo-
session. Easy Terms. Apply to
t1- sohsttor, HO„ Brunetti,
dereighed offers hie valuable 100 aoro
farm, being Let 12, Con. 0, Orey, Per sale,
There are 85 urea under crop, balance
timbered. Them is good orchard, wells,
1>baro die. Wilt(,aaoid,ind elog
nnabin totms
For price end fall parthauars apply to WM.
HABICIBR, Bra eagle P, 0., er JOHN rflr,OTT8 .,
Seaforth, Ont. 87.Om
inch SAr.E,--Barna wept i, Tot 11, Con, 0,
Grey, 21 miles from Bronchi. The land ie
clew d e 1 a d in goo,t orddrained,r a,Maros of all
()bard in good repair. There le it never fail-
ing spring on the prorates%and an extra well
at the buildings. The buildings are 80mfnrt-
able. Would taste imitable property in or
nearJruasol0a5 part pay- Par further par- •
tioulars apply on the premises to
or address Brussels P. 0, SStt
W. B,1)00)0005, Solicitor, lir nose ls,
or to 350, 01115B,
lig J, ((`` Ilxmvtttmp.
13.0 dlc lbhr008, Grey,
oartsu nEn offers for sale the north
eAst quarto rof lot 58, 00n00splsu 11, Morris,
Coon /yet Moran , eentaluin g 00 acres. The
laud le of first quality d in a 111011 stale of
cultivation, wellan
l Mooed null nuder,dtalnsd,
1'5 acres aleared. New trains hones, a rooms,
milk house with Generate walls, 2 wells,
good barna and shed, orchard, eta.- Etchl
aures of fall wheat, Tido ,1 solvable property
81110180 the 00rporation of Brnesels. Salt -
able to18' will be given. Title perfect.
1A91105 GRIEVE, Owner,
88. _ Senforth 1, 0,
1.''f• 00D FARM FOR F,A.LL.—
`A The undersigned Executors ofsr the
"John Forbes" a farm for sale, Tho proportr
consists 1)1 100 sores, befog int 0, aou.8, and
west half lot 7, eon. e, Cirev township. There
are 180 acres o loomed and under crop, balance
hardwood 1,11111. Oa the premis0a is a gond
2 storey brick house, large bask barn with
stone stabling, wells, windmill and piping 10
stables, two orchards, good 1011008, &O. Tho
11311.1. good state of cultivation and le
only 26 miles from Brussels. Poseeeslo l- to
suit purchaser, For price, terms, Am., w ri to
or apply to
8.1f JAS. CARDIFF, Brussels P, 0.
or D. FORB100, Stratford,
IS a blood disease. Until the poison is
expelled from the system, there can
be no cure for this loathsome and
dangerous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment Is a thorough course
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla --the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous,
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
and was treated by a number of physi-
cians, but received no benefit until I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. .A.
few bottles of this inedioine cured me of
this troublesome complaint and com-
pletely restored my health." -Jesse 1K,
Boggs, Holman's Mills, N. C.
"When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was reo-
ommended to me for catarrh, I was in-
clined to doubt its efficacyyHaving
tried so many remedies, with*little ben-
efit, I had no faith that anything would
cure me, I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
bad nearly boot the sense of smell and
my system was badly deranged. I was
about discouraged, when a friend urged
me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re-
ferred me to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh, After taking half a dozen
bottles of this medicine, I am convinced
that the only sure way of treatingthis
obstinate disease is through the blod."
Charles H. Maloney, 113 River st.,
Lowell, Mass.
yer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; els bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.
Oc'r. 23, 1891
......,.., 0 h'.,,.......
A.1..L'TIT H
Thisi being one - of our leading Lines we are this
:Season showing all the newest novelties, Compris-
We invite the Ladies of Brussels and Vii;;inity
to call and inspect our Stock before purchasing
elsewhere as we have many new novelties to
N account of the large and increasing business that
we are now doing we find our Factory and ware -
rooms altogether too small for our stock and are compelled
to find more room for the display and storage of o,ur mer-
chandise. For this purpose we have opened out in full
blast a
Furniture Store
in the building lately occeapied by A. R. Smith,
near the Post Office, Brussels, where we can show you in
endless variety full lines of everything in the way of Fur-
niture. This place• is easy of access, and as you are passing
and re -passing for your mail, call in and see us if. you can
spare the time and we will be happy to show you our stock.
1 t;4.,rblSbii.4,,Nt t'th9 •Troll tlh,'(l t ek,('r5.:,1. 10109 :; A•, e;if w -001,
We are quite up to the mark in
Bedroom and Parlor Suites, Ex. and every
other kind of Tables, &c., &c., Side Boards,
Secretaries, in all kinds of wood and
all manner of finish.
Our "Solid Contort" Reelirainy Hctnanaock
Chairs .are ufzexeellpd and we invite
LI OW' inspection of th,e,m.
Our ram, -
taking appoint-
ments are not
surpassed by
any and orders
of this nature
will receive
our undivided
The store is specially supervised by Messrs, David
Hogg and G. A. Hood, two young hien, excellently qualifi-
ed, who will ably and pleasantly attend to the wants and
requirements of all our eustotners,
Fours truly,
Sxniti, Malcolm & Gibson
In Exchange for Goods. �
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed,
We have a Pirie Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, &c,
All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention.
S :TI P1r CTIOS1'IU" ,1i..1°7t I)