HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-16, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST w ttm^ I have lately received an- other assortment of those favorite FOUNTAIN PENS. I have carefully selected them so you can therefore depend upon thele b mg easy easy writers Oruden's Concordance. Another stock of this fine book by Whish you can readily find any verse in-( the Bible. 'TUE BEST VALUE YET. G-. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOIITGEIN EXTENSION W. G. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SoIIT0. GOING NORM. Mad 1003 a.m. I Mixed 9115 a.m. Express 11:55 a.m. Mail 3:00 p.m. Mixed 9:05 p.m. Express 9:55 p.m, 1.nra.� eths 1lelns. A ehiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prem it, HEAVY frosts. INmIme summer. Co. Council next Tuesday. SOMEbrokensidewalks need attent at once. STILL the grain rope iu to the Bras market. Voxnns' List Court on Friday of n week in Brussels. Jose received half a ton of L. 0, boo at Geo. Booker's. Fon a nice suit or overcoat you can do batter than at Strachan's. Tan best value in flannels we ha everebowa. Alex. Straohan. BOOTS made to order and repairi specially attended to, Geo. Good. IINDEETAEING in all its branohee. E balrning a specialty. R. Leatherdale. Jas. Ross' grocery is about ready occupation. He expeots to move in ne week. Ownia to the space devoted to F Faire this week several interesti matters are crowded out. Jnsz to band a large etook of robes a blankets which will be eold at a ere margin over cost. 1, C. Richards. Tan Pose is indebted to Editor Holme of the Clinton New Era, for the report the Blyth Fall Show as we were uuab to attend. IN the absence of the pastor, who w at Bluevale, S. Fear oocupied the pulp of the Methodist church last Sabha morning most acoeptably. Rooms to rent over airs. Straohan new block. Will be in readiness by Se tuber 1st. Suitable for offices, sewir rooms or dwellings. Apply to Dn. M $ELVEY. m As will be seen by card elsewhere T. A. Hawkins, music teacher, has changed hi boarding place and may now be found e Postmaster Furrow's, corner Queen an Princess streets, LAST Tueaday night A. Currie's ba a which used to draw the butcher oart fo many years, bolted from the turf, age 20 years. M. Shine performed the dntie of undertaker ou Wednesday. I REEF the lergest and best assorte stock in my liue in the County, (barrio none.) I buy my goods for spot cast and having had 20 years experience defy competition in prices. R. Leather dale. SmarmSmarmSAGaran, a well known Londono who was converted in meetings held b the renowned Dwight L. Moody, is ex Noted to preach in the Methodist church Braesele, early in November. Further particulars again. "Save who can 1" was the frantic cr of Napoleon to his army at Waterloo Save health and strength while you can by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is ad- vice that applies to all, both eomlg and old. Dont wait until disease fastens] on you ; begin at once. Time will be a public auction sale of two very desirable farms at the Central Hotel, Bruaeels, on Saturday afternoon of next week 24th inst, at 2 p. m. The properties referred to are the Broatifoot tarn, on Gth line, Morris township, and the Slsmmon farm, 12th con, of Grey, near Cranbrook. F. S. Scottie the auc- tioneer and W. Et. Sinclair the solicitor for the vendors. A LARGE and well assorted stock of Cooper & Smith's boots and shoee just received at Straohan's. In addition to the above excellent make and quality we have added several lines of ladies and gents fine Boots manufactured by J. D. King & Co. As this firm has e. high re- putation for style and durability we have only to mention the fent of having them inetack and shall be pleased to show them to our many customers. Alex, Strachan IT ie an old saying that you often have to go away from home to find out the news. Hero is another proof of it. The Clinton New Era says :—"IVEr. Nightie. gale, of Brussels, washers this week with a view to going into business. Hs came to no decision, however." (Note by Editor of Tun Perm—kir. Nightingale's intention was to purchase the stock and remove it to Brussels, not to lorate in Mutat! as he has no notion of leaving here,] ClialeTsAN ENDEAVOR. -Last Monday evening a meeting was hold in Melville elieroh basement for the purpose of or- ganizing a Society of Christian Ee- deavor. The following are the ofaeere for the current year :--IIonorai•y Presi• dent, Bev. Juo. Ross, B. A. ; President, R. Buchanan ; Vice President, Mrs. T. Gibson ; Secretary, Alex. Stewart ; Treasurer, T. Gibson ; Loolc.out Com. mittoe, Mrs. Tufts, Mrs. Roderick Ross, IYfre. Kerr, Mrs. Gibson and J. D. Stewart; Iteligiotts work Committoe,Miss Taylor, D. Hogg and A M. McKay, The Sooiniy will hold weekly meetings, the next one being en Monday oveni ng, ion eels ext on not ve ng no - for xt all ng nd all 5, of le as it th pg d e d •I • y Y 33 1-3 teSki44 i f t4 mumagnagagszommommilm The Hottest Horse may oft be Cool, The Coolest may show Fire; The Friar may often play the Fool, The Fool may play the Friar, was the discount we got off custom made Mantles, Ulsters, lttantle Cloths, and Dress Coeds when iu the City Hast week. I knew by past experience that wholesale men would slaughter their prices at the end of the season and waited patiently, allowing my opponents to buy all their Fall Goods in mid -summer. I bought the bulk of my Fall Mantles, Mantle Cloths and Dress Goods last week and hence the bargains. We will move into our new store on MONDAY, OCT. 12th, and have those fine Sealettes, Mantle Cloths, Mantles and Dress Goods packed in our shelves, and as we bought we will sell, so they will go to the very first ones who are eager to buy Mantles, Dress floods IF you want cheap glassware call et Geo, Bmker'o, TEE recent frost plated havoo with the flower gardens. Troxesearme Day will be on Thurs- day, November 5th, le you want anything in the furniture line try R. Leatherdels. BaentrNo iu single harness for the next 90 days at I. C. Richards. JNo. Ronexc i shipped a oar load of lambs east on Wednesday. Wor. BLASIDLL has had a neat gilt let. tered sign planed over his batoher shop door. Fon a nice pair of fine boots Cooper & Smith's or J. D. King's, Straoban'a is the place to secure them. ANYTHING kept in a first-class city furnitnre store is also kept at R. Leather - dale's, Brussels. NEXT Sunday evening 'gv. Mr. Sal• ton's subject will be "Ch: et casting out the money changers." Fon sale at a bargain, one well bred driving mare, a year old colt and one two year old colt. H, L. Jackson, jeweller. A. R. S&LITE moved to his new store this week and has the shelves, tables and counters packed with seasonable and sty- lish goods. FOR all lines of goods suitable for the Fall trade go to Straohan's where you will get good valuo for your money and nice fresh goods. A NEW residence, stable, &o., is being erected on the 5 acre lot north of the Smith, Malcolm & Gibson factory, by Oliver Smith, It is a desirable location. Foment Division Court on Tuesday, 27th inst. It is stated that Joseph Soott is suing Joseph Clegg for damagee for in- juries sustained at a disturbance which was ventilated some weeks ago in the Courts. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18th at 2 p. m. is the time fixed for the opening of a Court, before Judge Doyle, to hear and deter- mine appeals concerning the Dominion Vetere' Liet.. The Council chamber, Brussels, is the plane. There are quite a number of corrections to be made in con• neation with this very costly and un- e necessary, to our mind, legislation, and Mantle Cloths so very cheap that Competition will be no where. Lovely Dress Goods we will start at Go. per yard ; Cotton Shirtings at 5e. ; Cottonades at IOc. ; yd. wide Gray Cotton at 5c. ; Gray Flannel at 10c. Blankets, Underwear, Gents' Furnishings, Tweeds, Worsted Coatings and Overeoatings—a very largo stock to select from. Get your snit made to Order from us and we will give you new goods to select from. Piles of Readymade Overcoats and Suits in Boys' Yonths' and Mons' sizes— NEW! NEW ! NEW ! EVERYTHING NEW ! In Buying, my experience is worth Thousands of Dollars to us. Bee bargain in a fine large organ. Partioulars at Tire Pose Publishing Boase. THE famed Tiger blend of pure Indio. and Ceylon tea, the best value in the market, at Thomson's, 10 nor. pairs ladies four buttoned kid gloves, bleak and colored, for 55 cents, worth 76 cents at Ferguson & Halliday's. LADIES, when you are looking for dress goods oall at Ferguson & Halliday's as you can depend on getting the newest styles. Ton choir of; the Methodist church, Brussels, drove over to Bluevale last Fri• dey and furnished music for a harvest tome dinner held there. Ir subsoribera at any point fail to re - naive THE POST regularly a carol address• ed to thio office will oblige us and prob. ably secure regular delivery in the future. AT the Fall Fairs I. 0. Richards nuc - needed in taking 1st prizes on team and single harness wherever he exhib,ted, ex- cept in One place on team harness and his harness is acknowledged by all to be second to none in the County. Was:: you need a good, safe laxative, ask your druggist for a box of Ayer'e Pills, and you will find that they give perfect satisfaction. For indigestion, torpid liver, and sick headache there is nothing superior. Leading physicians recommend them. Luse of passengers ticketed by J. T. Pepper, 0. P. R. agent, Brussels, this week •—Mrs. Campbell, Thessalon ; Mrs. Isaac Beharrielj, Lizzie, Jane, Charles, and George BeharrieJl, to Ser- pent River ; Mies Roe, to Sault St Merin ; Ed. Melsoln, and Robert Watt, to Montreal. Tms weak the furniture and under- taking stook of Messrs. Smith, Malcolm & Gibson's factory is beidg removed to the store vacated by A, lt, Smith, Smale's block, and will be managed by D. Hogg and G. A. Hood. A fuller notice will ap- pear next week when they get settled in their new quarters: PoerozOSTEn FARROW i8 having the pol- ar excavated for his now residence, oath of the Town Sall. If the weather will permit the atone work will be done this Fell and thereby allow the erection of the building to proceed in the early Spring, It is oaid the plans indicate a commodious, modern and comfortable residence. WELL-Dreringo AND Dnrrrnno.—George at has &li the necessary machinery for igging and drtllin wells and is propar• d to attend to all work entrusted to him n a way that will insure satisfactimr. elle cleaned out and put in proper tape. Terms reasonable. Residence mond door north of the bridge, west de of Tnrnberry et., Brussels. 43-tf ErwoanE LEAGUE: -A mum' and terary program was given last Monday ening at the Methodist ailuro! in which my gentlemen took part. It was as fol. we :—Opening hymn, and prayer by ev. R. Peal ; address ou Temperance, • Gerry ; nolo, "Far away where angels well,' Dr, Cavanagh ; reading, ',Three en in a boat," Rev. G. F. Salton ; lo, "The skippers of St. 'vee," H. L. aokeon ; encore, "Life's Journey ;" acting, "Pleasant paths," Geo. Rogers ; lo, "Death of Havelock," G. A. Hood ; uartette, "Christ reoeivetit sinful men," . S. Humphries, A. Hood, 13. J. Morden d N. Gerry ; solo, "In Heavenly Love Ming," T. S. Humphries ; Doxology nd Benediction. The membership was creased to 96. President Rogers oo- pied the chair, Next Monday evening ev. Mr. Salton will give an address on Amusements,'' COAf5LI3/ENTARY.-1110 Galloway (Soot - ed) Gazette, of Sept. 29th says of 111r, obertson, formerly of Grey & Morrie lease and butter factory and well known many in Brussels and locality :—A eating of the Stewartry Dairy A5900ia- 011 was held in the town hall, Castle. Perim '4VINNEne.—Brussels generally holds its own in anything it undertakes and the following will testify that we are not behind in prize winning. W H Mo. Oraoken secured 1.84 prizes the Fall Shows this year as follows ;—Wingham, 34 ; Brussels, 55 ; Seaforth (the same day as Breesels,) 11 ; Belgrave, 16 Wroxeter, 30 ; Blyth, 38. The mono received will amount to over 080,00, Mao took 192 last year so los is keeping up hi record all right. Misses Nellie an Annie Ross, of Brussels, take recon place being awarded 54 prizes for fano work viz.: -28 at Brussels ; 17 at Wrox eter and 11 at Blyth. Etre. Thoma Ballantyne was good second at Brussel being oredited with something like 3 prizes. MATaL1roNL1L,—On Wednesday of laic week, Oct. 7th, George A. Fear, druggist of Goderioh, and youngest son of S Fear, of Brussels, and Mies Isa Swann seers united in marriage at Strathroy. The ceremony was performed by Rev Matthew Swann, father of the bride, as- sisted by Rev. E. A. Fear, brother of the groom, in the presence of a goodly num ber of relatives and friends. The brides- maid was Miss Minnie Moore, of Brus- mile, and the groomsman W. Smith, of Godertoh. The bride was becomingly attired in a fawn colored travelling dress with beautiful white roses, and her at- tendant wore a garnet colored dress with pink roses. The bridal party left for the north in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. H Fear going to their now home at m'on's County seat followed by the best wishes of all, Wedding gifts aro usually stated to be handsome, smote! and uumcroun but this was a ease where the term is preoisely correct. Ton POST extends its congratulations to the bride and groom and hopes 5300050 and happiness will B y e i s 1V d s d s y ei s li s ev 0 0 lo t R B .a m so . J re BO T an ab a in ou R la 01 to In ti Douglas, on Monday, Mark J. Stewart, mark their future oareor. Tom Atwood Bee says : -" James'rwin, of this place, is removing his business to Brussels on Nov. lot. Mr,. Irwin has taken into partnership Nelson Maiain, son of J. W. McBalu, of this town, and a graduate of Carson & a3eHee's dry goods store, Listowel. The new firm has leased a commodious store in Smith's block, Brussselo, where they will carry on a general store business under the style and title of Irwin & Moi3ain, Mr. Irwin has been closely Identified with At,vood's growth and prosperity for many years, and in his removal the village loam one of her fore/nese eitieene and The Bae one of her most liboiid patrons, lie will uloo be greatly infesed in St. Alban's ahumb, in which uhnreh 110 Was a war• den and a leading spirit, Mr. Irwin has tilled almost every office in the gift of the village and township of Elma, and Brateels may oongratulate itself on hay. iug for It oibioen a shrewd, honorable business man, who will make the town's interests his own. Hs partner, Mr. Mo. Bain, is young man of sterling habits, and vvbo has a practical knowledge of dry goode in all ite blaa:hes. Wo wish the firm the 5053.89 duo them," M. P., presiding. Mr, Crawford, Hall of Auohenoairn, referred to the euoeees which had attended Miss Maidment's do- monstrstions in butter.making at all oenteee, Kirkcudbright excepted. He complained of the lank of intoe i ation re. gaiding the progress or otherwise of the dairy school at Kilmarnock. He wonder- ed why an annual report of the work done was mot issued by the school managers, and unless something in this dimeotion wad done, would be il,Ciined to mune, when the tilne came, that they withhold their bubaoriptiou. It was agreed that Mr, Robertson, the inatrneto (Nilo Wits pl'eeplit,) should, instead o continuing to give demonstrations, tom' plete his torte by visiting the dairies of members. The chairman said he could not help expressing what was the general froling in Galloway, viz., that Mr, Rob- ertson's 5011(.589 in the southern counties hod been highly esteemed. They felt that when they brought frim hero be ivas the very best man they could get. Am he had said before, when he was in Canada he was tuld by everybody that If they could got Mr. Robertson they would be most lucky. Ho thought this had been carried out and they begged to thank air. Robertson for his universal and general courteey and consideration. They also wished to mark the ability he had bhown in demonstrating powers and they could not do better than malco an entry in the minute to that effect. They hoped to see him back again some future day. Agreed. Several aocounts were passed and the meeting adjourned. It may be mentioned that Mr, Robertson is about to start on a voyage to New Zealand._ 0R1V STRAonAN.—In Broeonls,on October 14th, the wife of Mr. Alex. Straohan, mar. chant, of a son. Scorn. ---Io. Brussels,ou Out, 1100, the wife of Mr. Peter Scott of a son. Sa:A 1svRS}1a, FEan--.Swiss.—In Strathroy, at the residenoe of the bride's parents, on Oct. 7th, by Rev. M. Swann, assisted by Rey. E. A. Fear, Mr. G. A. Fear, drupgiat, of Goderich, to Miss Isa Swann, daughter of the officiating minister, and formerly of Brussels. Hannis—EvANs,—On Oct. let, by Roy. James Harris, of Ermnosa, father of the bridegroom, at the residence of John Evans, Hamilton, unole of the bride, Mr. James Booms Harris, of Hamilton, formerly of Brussels, to Miss Brie Elizabeth Evans, of Ham- ilton. .- A-C7'CT20'�T SAS.iS.' THGn0DAY, OCT, land.—Farm, farm ;teak, implemente, household furniture, &c., Lot 10, con. 5, Grey. Sale cmn- m onoes itt 12 o'clock, noon. John Smith and E. J. McArthur, executors for the late John Lowe. F. S. Scott, omit. 8R'CTsslm2,s rvzAxo �'ss. Fall Wheat (new) 90 93 Spring When r 85 90 Barley 35 50 Peas 57 58 Ottte, (new) 25 27 Butter, tube and rolls18 15 Eggs per dozen 18 00 Flour per barrel 4 50 5 00 Potatoes 25 80 Hay per ton 10 00 00 Pork ....., 5 00 5 25 Hides per lb 4 00 Solt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Shoop skins, oaoh 60 75 Lamb skins eaoh 40 50 Apples per barrel 1 00 1 25 AUCTION SALE —05—• TWO - VALUABLE - FARMS, Situate respectively in the townships of Grey and Menlo, County of ,Buron. Puree ant to instructions from the Vendors there will bo offered for sale by Publio Auo• tion on 8o t tel' day, flee 24151 Any of October, at the Dour of 2 o'clook p. m. at the 0>.NTnac HOTEL in the Village of BruBeole, too follow- ing desirable f arm 1lroperties 1st, The south half of lot No. 27 In the 0th comeessiou of the Township of Morris oon- tainiug 100 e0508 of land, mom or less, 90 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance of which le timbered with hard wood, The bullshit ge consist of a log house and good frame barns with atone foundations, %mere is a large young bearing orchard en this pro- perty, also a good wo11 and the lances are In good repair, This splendid farm to situate about two miles from the thriving village of Brussels, which possessosone of the best markets 'u the county for grain and a'l. kinds of farm produce, and is known a5 the Hroadfoot" farm. 2nd, Lot No.14 in the 12th concession of the Township of Groy oontatuiug nae 11011 - deed mares, more or lase, There aro.about 86 acres olearod and in a drat•elaes state of cultivation, the balano° is won timbered with hard and was wood. This property is known as the "8lemuton" farm, 'There are lint claim buildings on these promises eon - 51 sting of a large tee -story brick house, well barns with stone foundations, There ie also a good orchard 01 choice frult•boarlug trace anti a good well ou the premises, and the fencon are fn good repair, !hie desirable village of Otrussels 00 about ildtrom from nit lige of Oranbrook, Both properties will be sold subject to a reserve bili. The titles to both farms aro fu,ife potable. Immadiete 310BseeBlon, Pur- thou particular's at to term,/ or sale, eta., will be m ado _known an the day of sale or upon application to the undersigned, F, S. SOOTT, W. M. SINCLAIR, Auctioneer, Venders' Solicitor, Dated at Bt easels Oot, 10,'01. f INE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. CIAME ON TEE PREMISES OF ' the undozelgl ed,ntEtlle], on October 10t1: , eco spotted sow with left horn knock- ed d own. Owner ie requested to prove pro- perty, pay expenses and tales bol' away as soon as possible. .1011N CO BIM, id f .r STRAY, — GAME ON THE prenaioog of tbo 0Uttue lbor 0n or wont theot e 1bt, 2 anlvoo oho 36,1 and wtrllo, the other blew: 55(1 w111t0, lhoown. er is re guested' to prove pr1porty, pay 85 - velum and take them away, 14.3 ALEX, STIOWART, Lot 2,1 in. 8,Grey, ONEY TO LOAN,—PRIVATE Funds. Apply to GEonoz HINOSTON, Joliet, Illinois, or to 41.05 THOS. KELLY, Brussels Y� ANTED.—AN EXPERIENO- sn general aervaut to go to Brandon, Alan. Good wages and a llermaueut pod - tine to a good reliable person. Apply at TEE PoaT Publishing Howse, Brussels. LBS. MILK A YEAR. The dam of my Pure 13 red Jersey Buil bits given 0,500 lbs. of milk ie ton mouths with her lbs, ha first5 months Sheis her thed ud gomit.l Por further particulars regarding this hull ap- ply at my Drag and Hook Store, Hruseels, G. A. DEADMAN. 12,000 iRAYED JPRObi THE PREM. ki zeas of the Undersigned, lots 4 and 0 con, 18, Gray, on or about Sept. 1st, 5 red yearling steers and 2 spotted yearling Ayr- shire heifers. A11 of them have pig rings in 01 glib ears. 50.00 wilt be paid for the Infor- m ration loading to their recovery, ROBERT 13LAIR, 13.4" Walton P.0. VOR SALE.— HOUSE, LOT 12 and Fruit Gardee, Situated just outside signedroffseo hhs beantitul hiomestead,tcom- prising an acre of land laid nut in small fruits, a good brick house, stable, first-class well, etc., malting a complete home. For further particulars apply to {-tf 8. PEAR, Brussels. A MEETING OF THE OOUN OIL of the of Huron will 0011011,1 tion attthe Court Dousf the e, the town of Godorioh, on Tuesday, Oct, 20th, 1801, at 8 o'ulook p.at., for the traneaotiou of General County business. By order of the Warden, ) Godorioh Clerk's Office, 10 WM' SotiingCo. CIot91. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notthe statutes, • ltorio 11887, °haven p a 110, that sed persons having claims against the estate of Donald Moss, late Of the township of Groy, in the County of Hm'on, yeomen, who dier1 rqirdo8retst':uotn orbefohe frtclay of De- cember, 1801, to send or deliver to the under- eigoed agent for Henrietta Ross, admiais- trabrhx of the Mate of the said deceased, a statement in writing of their names and ad- dresses with 1011 partiortars of their claims, and securities, ft any, held by them. Notiee_s given that after esid last mon• tinned date the adminielratrix will distri- bute the inmate of the said deceased amongst t persons entitled thereto, having regard only to alarms of which elle shall they have nonce, and said admiuistratrix w111 not bo responsible for the assets of any part there. of so distributed, to any person of whose claim nottoo shall not have been received as aforesaid. .0 HUNTER, 14.1 Dated this 14th Agent r Adwlhirussels,tOnt. Notice to Creditors. Nonlce in hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of chap. 110 see. 00, revised sta- tutes ouborle 11887) that all parties having Arrnetrong, late of the the Off Morrie in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceas- ed. who died on or about the 31312 day of May last past, aro on or before the 1st day of Novemher,A,D.,l801, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to W B. Dieksou, Brus- sels, Solicitor for the Adminibtrator of the estate of the said Robert Armstrong, de- ceased, a statement in writing of their Chris - Man and euruamee, and addresses and lull particulars of their claims and the nature of all eoouritiee (11 any) hell by them. etiltoloveertt after hsad let further he Ad-ministrator will -prooeed to distribute the assets 01 the said deceased among the per- sona entitled thereto, having regard only to the olefins of whioh notice shall have been given se above rerinired, and the said Ad- minlstrator will not be respoueibre fur the assets or any part thereof to any person or perilous of whose claim or thumb notice shall not have been received at the time of awn .btadistribution,1/0 the Set day of ()debar, A. D. 1801. W. 13, DIOli.80N Solicitor for Administrator. ministrator. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, IN TIM marlin Or a'lin ESTATE Or Dom Mae arnn, 0EW01051>. Av3t1'i1lTR5TOJt'S NOTIC11. Pursuant to the prOvlsfane of 10. 8, 0, (honer 110, Nobioa is hereby given f that all. perilous ba•.ing any claims or domande agaip8t the estate o1 David Maguire, late of the 'iowoahip of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, dlowland, who /lied on or about the lath day of August, ,, D, 1001, aro an el' before. the 11011 day of October, A. D. 1801, to deliver, or Send by post prepaid, to RobertL.'Taylor, at granola. Bolioitor for Elizabeth Ann Maguire, Adu,iuietratrlx of Mu, estate and tams of tae said deceased, their hands, addreeses and descriptions, wiHr full psi MIDAS of their olainl0. And notice is 01rtlior given that after the sold 11000 day of 0otoner the said Attmluiebratrix will preeeed to distribute the assets among- ai the persons entitled thereto, 'having m- lord only t0 lila olalnla 01 }VilioIl n0 ties tae icca gtvan, and tlm said Xdminfstratrix 55111 not be liable for the acid assets LW any part thereat se distributed as aforesaid to any parson of whose claim netioe shall not hove boon reeoivod tit the time of slfoh dis- tribution. 1EOBT, L, TAYLOR, Delia/ Oat, 7, '6A;niton for ndmBnrussels. oat, USE F PPER'S PILLS. GET TEEM FROM J. T. PEPPER, CHEMIST & DItUGGIS'I', 1.111,1CJttiti3 $,1�. BANKIzS, McINTOSF=f & MaTAGGAR'T, BANIIEItS, • BRUSSELS, Tra,xisact a General eanlcing Xn eineuto. NOTES DISCOUNTED. °uneaten and United States Drafla bought and eold. Interest allowed ou Deposits, Ooliectfofta Made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents—MEn0nANT'e BANE or CANADA. New York Agents—IMnonrRne AND TRAD- ERS NATIONAL BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. lei L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 1L solicitor nut Conveyancer. Oolloo• Mous made. OWoo—Vanstonces Block, $rue• sols. 13.Oa+ Yv • M, SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Ooaveyaneer, Notary Pub- lic, &o. Olace—Graham a Bloolr 1 do dr north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. D1OKSON & IIAYS, (Irate with Garrey & Prondtoob, Gode- rioh,) Barr,oters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &o. Ofeees—Brussels and 8eai0rtb, Bruce - sole Otboo—Up-ataire over Bank. Money to Loan. 1t. 6. HAYS. w, n, DIOEMON BUSINESS CARDS. KISS O'CONNOR, I, Teacher of Organ and Piano, 404f Princess street, Brussels. NIT 11. MoCRAOKEN, • Isourer of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. 1 N. I3ARRETT, sendsTonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door of A. AI. Maliay & Co's hardware store. Ladles'and chadreus hair cutting a specialty --- ISSppBALL Piano, Parlor and Pipo give °gs z, Sp etal the tendon given to Toobuio. For further in- formutiou address— Box 172, Brussels. A• 1IoNAIR, Iesuror of Marriage Licensee, by appointulont of Lieut, -Governor, Commis• sinner, &e„ Q.B, Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insuranao 00. Office at the Oranbrook Post Otlfoe, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INS0RANON, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX.'EUNTER, Co, Huron. lerk ofthe OolTveyaunor, ourth Notary Public, Laud L01131 and Insurance Agent. Puede invested and to loan. 0olleetione made. Moe in Graham's Bloolr, Breese's. OIL PAINTING, eis rciof nft lprepared give instruction in painting. %ns maybe asom•tained et 11105 Nellie Boss' store whore samples of work may be seen, Miss Morioe would also take a few more pupils is music. -rA. HAWRINS, eels, and pupil, in the .&r o4 Church, of A. W.'rha ye r, Mize. Doo., New York, will give 10e60n5 to pupils Dither at Time, Farrows, corner a t h it en owdn hereon. Terms tinnipre- tarred,- ate. 40 - DENTAL. »ENTIe1T2 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S•, D. D. S., Gradate of the Royai College of Dental Surgeons', Ontario, and of Termite Uni- versity. Orman—Om Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, 1e always ready to at- tend soles of farms, farm stook, &s. Terms cbeeriully given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales niay be arranged at 1111» Porn Publishing Bosse, B,ussels, GEORGE KIRKBY, Licenced Auctioneer, Sales oonduet ed on reasonable terms, Farina and farm stocka specialty, Orders left at T»E POST Publl thing house, Brueeola, or Bout to Walton P 0 will receive prompt attention. AVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- 11. as an Auctioneer, I ant prepared to conduct sales of tarm stook at reasonable prices, Knowing thestanding of nearly every person 14111 inn position to sell to good unarks and get good seomdty when sold 0o. credit. Satiefaotioo gaarautaod• Give mea call. 82- F S. SCOTT. MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. OALE70, M.D., 0,M,, Mombsr of the Outing of Phyeroian and Surgeons of Ontario by Deamination. (3111ee and 0000ldenee—Main street Boat, t1ths1, Ontario. A. MONAUGI3TON, M. D. . 0, ell, 1,.1-4. 0.P., Edinburgh, 51, 0, P 11:50u0.'At m, andlpeet frem 1:801ug Store to p, ni, from 0 2ter hours may bo found at his residence, form- erly crumpled by Dr, ISutehiusou, M111 St, VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, Of e honor Graduate of Oho Ontario VotorBOS f aoli0sOb ri zI aparoil to treat s- oteint of mania.. sono animals in a eons - potent manner. Parttoulnr attention Haid to vntosivary dentistry. Oalla promptly at. touded to, ?Biao and mortuary—Two doors north of bridge, Tliraborry Ste Bruesel9,