HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-16, Page 5OCT. 10, 1801 EFFE112vl:r.,zvnr0x51104tam-Srulm, rd ' 3,litlittl'clusr THE BRUSSELS POST 7.�C•er_mccp,,,,Sma,cmcra-Menem setencreg eGIVIOWEE CAMMEERM r.> Im4:w=st,ar AIRF MEORGEMIEGMall 110ttssal, Quite to umber of our villagers attend. ed n noncertin Atwood last Friday even• ing. There was no proaohiog servlue held here lost Sabbath by the Jliethodiste, Rev, Mr. Sherluulc weeeLAtwood preach hag miRRinllary Hormone. .7 A. Y.onng, of our village, who peel- l-eo life and fire insurance, has added a new department viz. insuring plate glass windows. We oant give him much of a ehow on the latter here for a little while. Ethel rorty surprise some people yet. This week .1. A. Young moved to the house formerly oucnpood by D. W. Milne and owned by J. Honeulrl. Air. Young has leased the More to Misses Keys and Roes who intend oarrying on droesmale. ing. 111r. Stnbbe has moved to the dwelling vacated by Sir, Young. Li%:t•ovs, el. The youngest daughter of W. L. Dells dislocated her hip joint by a fall. J, S. Geeing removed with his family from Newry into town. IIo will engage in lousiness again shortly. Will Howe hes returned to town from Kincardine and ie moth more at hie post in the barber shop of his brother, F. S. HowO. 8, D. Freeman has decided to remove to Now York, where his two eons hold good sitniatione in the offices of the ltrli. son Electrical Co. Mrs. John Briebin, sr., had the mis- fortune to have to plum pit lodged in her wind pipe where it has caused her mach irritation and severe fits of coughing. It has been found impossible to dislodge it so far, and fears are entertained for her life. She is 74 years of age. C-.re;r. Goo. McDonald las gone to Muskoka this week where he will speed the Win. ter. The tax oolleotore are getting on their war paint and will commence the attack in a week or so. In the prize list of the Brussels Fair Thos. Simpson was credited with 1st prize instead of 2nd for yearling stallion, heavy draught. Wm. Watson secured 1st prize. Messrs. Coomber es McDonald are closing up to very busy and successful season as stone masons and bricklayers. During the year they built stone stabling under six barns in Turnberry, Morrie, Wawanoeh and Hullett townships and in addition erected two brink houses in Biwa and Grey, doiug the stone and brickwork and plastering. They have a cellar to build yet if the weather keeps favorable. The ontlook for next season is good as they have the stonework of 4 bank barns, one being an unusually large one 75x83 feet with 9 foot walls for An. drew Sloan, near Blyth. Messrs. Coonabes & McDonald ere honest work. ors and do a gond job every time. A twooCL. Mrs. J. L. Turnbull, 4th eon., Elmo, had the painful misfortune to break her leg one day lest week. John Mcliain, for some time employed at the tailoring with R. M. Ballantyne,. has secured a situation in Listowel. A tea -meeting will bo held on Oct. 19th, in aid of the Methodist church Sun• day school. This is a worthy object and should meet with much encouragement. Daniel Horn, who has been employed with R. Ili. Ballantyne, tailor, for a few weeks past left for Mitchell on Tuesday of last week, where ho has secured a lo. crative position. Fred. Switzer bought Wm. Harris' house and four-fifths of an acre near the school last week, paying $850 for the same. Mr. S. will build a brink resi• dance ou the property, which is conveni- ently situated. The Bee says :-We lose another good citizen this week in the person of F. Glebe, who has aooepted a lucrative posi- tion in Shelburne. Mr. Glebe, has held the position of head miller in the Atwood roller mills for upwards of four years, during whiah time he has brought the mill up to a high state of efficiency. His removal will be much regretted. .131.1-01. Will Emigh is in Buffalo this week. Mre. Rattle end daughter, of Luokoow, formerly of this town, were attending our fair. John Tanner, principal of Listowel High School, was visiting his mother in town this week, R. Howard has made improvements to his residenoe by adding a commodious kitoheu and woodhouse to it. P. Kelly 8e Son are obliged to keep their grist mill running day and night to supply the demands of trade, Rev. Mr. Swann, of Auburn, exchang. ed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Campbell in the Methodist oliurclt on Sunday evening lash. Miss Graham of Lockport, N. Y. who hoe been the guest of Mre. Onllerton tor sometime past, returned to her home on Saturday. The concert nn Friday evening under the anepiaes of the I. 0. 0, T. held in the'0emperance hall was a gritndsu0cese both financially and otherwise. The members of the Woman's Guild of Trinity Ohurch, Blyth, waited on one of their members, Mrs. A. W. Belfry, at her father's rosidenee, on the eve of her departure to her new home in Winnipeg and presented her . with a handsome Prayer 13oolt and Hymn Book aocom- panied by a beautiful worded address as a mark of the esteem in which she was held by them while working with them in their good work+. 111 o r• ripe. A car load of lambs was shipped from Belgrave by Joseph Clegg. Miss Edith 11111, of Wingham, is visit. ing friends In Sunshine and locality. Jas. Russell wee away to Greener1r, Borneo County, visiting his brother Robt. who is ill. A large number fro nl the southern part of this township attended Blyth Fall Fair last Friday. On Friday, October, 2nd, Wm. Baines had a stroke of paralysis while returning • hi his buggy frotti Belgrave and was found on the road by relatives who were apprised of the trouble by the horse re- turning home without a driver. The sleek effected both legs and arms, but lie is improving now although he will likely feel the effeete for some time as he is getting op in yeare, being upwards of 65, Mrs. George Hanna, lira line, died 00 Hatmtlay of hast week after an inmate of 14 few woelte. The funeral tools photo ou ' 111nnrhly. Inseams Arcu,vN•r,-Ono day last week as Harry Mooney, eon of Reeve Mooney, WAR cluing °heroic at the lawn he was Worked or tramped on by a horse and 1110 right leg badly damaged, the bones being 1 broken near the ankle and the splinter showing through the skin. The injured lursb was set and eared for and harry is getting along as well as could bo expect- ed, 'W il,tr Iet%.,n. John Elliott left on Tuesday of iast week for Toronto to resume his studies at the Ontario College of Medicine. Rev. H. MaQuarrie has left on a well• earned holiday tour to Novi, Scotia, ao. °elnpanied by Mrs, MoQnarrio, where they will vielt the seenes of their youth. Dr. Iledontald, 21. P., returned home on friday evening from Ottawa, parlia- ment being prorogued. The Dr. looks es though political life ab Ole Capital agree 1 with him, F. II, Roderus, accompanied by his daughter Ada, left on Tuesday of last wools for Buffalo, havinglIreoeived a tele. grain announcing the death of his moth- er in that city. Dr. Teon'yn mc is with a little miefor•• timeliest week. Ho was driving in a boggy steadily alongthe road, leading a cult, when the colt jumped in between the wheels of the boggy, breaking all the spokes in ono wheel. The Dr. put a rail under the buggy in plttoe of the wheel a ud drove home. J3ltievat.l». Rev. I. R. Wallwin is away at 00. bon rg. Mrs. Wallwin end D'Inrion are visiting at Goderioh. Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Salton, of Brns• sols, preached the Snnday echoed anni• versary sermon in the Methodist church here and greatly interested both young and old. He also addressed the mass meeting in the afternoon. Dr• Porte, of Toronto, was unable to be present, through illness, ab the evening service eu the pastor preached. TuANxSOIVlNo DINNER: -Last Friday evening the Methodist ahurob here was well filled at the annual Thanksgiving dinner. Well ladened tables were set in the basement and apple justice was done to the fowl, meat, potatoes, pickles, &r., &c. An adjournment was then in order to the well lightedkited and comfortably seat- ed auditorium, where the pastor, Rev. I. B. Wallwin, took the chair and after a few congratulatory remarks introduced Rev. G. F, Salton, of Brussels, who gave a very amusing address full of points worth remembering. His topic was 'Earthquakes.'' Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Presbyterian minister here, was called on next but he only took time to work off a joke on Uncle Joe. Leech and compliment the Methodists on the fine weather and successful gathering. Rev. S' Sellery, M. A., B. D., of Wingham, was the last spanker and hie address was well deserv- ing of the close ateention it received. Musical selections in the way of anthems, solos, and quartettes wore rendered by the choir of the Methodist church, 8rus• sels, Mrs. J. J. Gilpin pre-fding at the organ. After an exprsesteo of thanks to all who assisted in the dinner and enter- tainment this interesting meeting was brou;ht to to close by the Doxology. The ohoir and speakers were taken to the basement again acid fortified for their journey by hot ooffee and cake. 4,a'orlrer0L1 1N Three feet of snow has fallen in Mon- tana. The prices of food aro rapidly rising on Russia. The bottle factory operatives of France have struck. Servant girls in California average $26 a month. Ex•Governor Bigelow of Connecticut is dead at New Haven. Charles Stewart Parnell, the oelebrat- ed Irish agitator, is dead. H. M. Stanley and Mrs. Stanley have started on an Australian tour. Snow fell to a depth of seven inches in northern Vermont on Sunday, The trouble between the United States and Chili has been amicably settled. The Pepe has ordered the caseation of pilgrimages to Rome for the present. The Rothsohilds have promised $50,• 000 to the Russian Jewish relief fund. A terrific gale has prevailed on the New England coast for two days past. It is estimated that there are at pre sent 32,000,000 destitute Russian peas. ants. About oue•third of the human race, 400,000,000 of people, speak the Chinese language. Henry Clewes, the rich New York banker, spent his early life as a Linter ab $3 a week. The Queen will raise to the peerage the widow of the late Right Hon. Won. Henry Smith. Mr. Parnell was buried in Dublin Som. day. It is estimated that 20000 per- sons witnessed the obsequies. An earthquake shock which caused chimneys to topple and glassware to rat. tie oath erect at Napa, California, Sunday slight. The longeet horse -car line in the world is that conneotiog the oily of Mexico with Galapa-72 miles. The trip is made in eight hours. The Ohio conference of the Mothodiet Episcopal thereto, by a vote of 126 to 27, has voted to admit women to general ooifereites ae lay•delegates, In the 0,000,000 'letters that molted the U. S. dead letter office last year there was tnonoy anotlnting to $25,042 and cheques and notes of the value of $1,471,871. Frank Melbourne, the rain maker, has signed a centred to supply dampness to the north-western part of lianas during June, July and August next year at 10 cents on acre, A Chicago despatch says ib is reported that the French Government has been for three weeks quietly pf5kl0g up an enormous amount of grain and moats in the United States, The police etabian at Jeffersonville, Ind., was blown up with dynamite on Monday night of last week. Five pollee• men had just left the building, which fortunately was empty, Fifty English sparrows were taken to Australia in 18605 They have multiplied until Play now number oountloss mil. lions. At fleet they lived entirely on in- sects ; the later birds prefer fruit, verge, tables and grain, and have ruined hnn- dwdo of farmers and gardeners. Mr. Parnell's periiamnntary nolloaftues have issued a mm1110.113 nr5in 1,113, Dish pnnple to marry on the straggle until the principles for which Elm lata lea tor struggled shall triumph, Pemtirlgton''e air ship was under a tent et the St, lanuls fair fl•rlllllis on Hater. day of fret wank, ready to be exhibited, when a storm naught the whole affair up and carried it oiT. No trace of it has been 1010111, The 1hip cost $20.000. The 1,tratinrri 'Vireos says It is ru- mored that lir, O'Beirne le about to re. tire from the proprietorship of the 13ea- eon, sed that 1110 paper will be carried on by Stevene ct Sou in the future. John Gibeon, a farmer 1101115 about three miles from St. 'Marys, wan driving into ohnroli Sunday morning and when descending the steep hill west of the Jnnetlon Statio11 his hors° ran away, ifie sou and tarn dan:ihters, who accmn• ponied him, as well as himself were thrown out of the rig, re0eiving serious if not fatd injuries. 'S'hey were conveyed to a neighboring hoose, where llir. Gib. son and his daughter still lie in a e' ideal °audition, Salve Your Hair BY a timely use of Ayer's hair Vigor This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp Olean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and bray; but after using two or three ottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew think and glossy and the original color was restored," -Melvin Aldrich, Canaan Centre, N. H. "Some time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles, After due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. The Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature." -J. B. Williams, Fioresville, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past four or five years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, being harmless causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the Bair easy to arrange."- Mre. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. 'SI have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe that it has caused m hair to retain its natural color." -Mrs. H. J.King, Dealer in Dry Goode, &a., Bishopvflle, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED AY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass. sold by Druggists and Perfumers. DiA ........AN r) ----- Ready for. Business ! 1. take this opportunity of thanking the Public for the good- ly share of patronage received in the past and also to inform those who don't know that I have mov- ed to my new brick store, on the site of former one destroyed by fire. My Stock of DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, &c. is large, well bought and com- plete. My store is not ran on wind or gas but good, solid, every day Bargains may be had at all times. Special Value in Teas. Call in and see me, J, G. SKENE, Agent for Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. Indigestion IS not only a distressing complaint, of itself, but, by causing the blood to and th become depraveda system en- feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best cure for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.: - "Liver complaint and indigestion made ley life a burden and came near, ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. • All kinds of food distressed me and only the most delicate could be digested at all. 'within the time mentioned several physiei abs treated me without giving re- lief, Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has produced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa- rilla, 7 eoulcl. 500 511 hnprovelnont in my condition, My appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength lin. proved each day and after a few months of faithful attention to your diroations, I found myself a wall woman, able to attend to all household duties, The medleino has given me a now leave of life." A ear's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. 0, Ayer & Co., Lotoll, Masa. Prise ry11 els bontfee, 55. Worth $5 a bottlo. 6 oretr 0 Parana- ._,..,........-.,,."". Money to Loan, Money to Loan ou Farm Pro- perty at i 0 'PEST Private and Company Funds, DICKSON 86 HAYS, Solicitors, cCc., BRUSSELS, ONT. .0.\> Never broken — Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it —warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit. But it's pretty sure to suit — else it wouldn't be sold so. FOR SACK BY A. STR:1013AN. STANDARD BANE OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. COWAN, President. d i W R et. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, $7,000,000 Pau 011 CAPITAL, • • 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND, • - • 500,000 Agenoiee In all principal Points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and Bngland. Brussels Agency. A General Banking EOM llORB Transacted. Farmers' and other good Notes Diesnoot' 1 at 10W581 rates. Drafts Isened and Collect. dons made on all points. Deposita received and interest allowed at onrrent rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De- posits of Sl and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and am - Pounded half yearly. From t attention a310 010ry facility afford- ed nustomore living at a distance. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, Agent. B. easels, April 5th, 1801• D. sINCLAIE 1, M.D., M.A., L.O.P.S.O., hecialist, - Toronto, JONATHAN BUsOnART, Listowel, soya :- "After spouding all my money and property to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless ease of consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." 131110. MARY F0RLON0. Woodhouse, soya "011300 alt 031101.8 failed, Dr. Siuolair cured me of fits." D. 100nunusex, Carleton Place says: "Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." GEo. Bowan, Blyth, says: -'•Dr. Sluolair oared mo of heart disease and dropsy, when all others failed." Diseases of Private Nature, brought ort by folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Cures. Coxa.aultation Free. WILL BE AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, —0N— Thursday, Oct. 29, '91. A LLAN LINE 1iriyjal Mail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE 1"ORTNIGHTLY 8011.i NOP FRi,ar PORTLAND OR I1ALIL'AX, To U Elly ou LIV1111000L. 0813I5 141'1'1:8, 1340, 1350 and $410, Bingle $811, 8110 and (1(0101(33111(1, 50000(0033 to Locatiou of Stateroom, TNTTS1tIIICDIATh1, Outward $20; Prepaid 550 Steerage at Lowest Iglto&, ACCO tiln1O(I1tlletltl Ipla nrpaexed. Apply ton. d: A. ALLAN, Montreal, on W. II. PC101 Au MIT, BRUSSEL% NONE/ '1'O LOAN. Any Amount of Money to LORD on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Oourt Clerk, Brussels. Why Not Do Your Own Viking? —_lh— BioeenLs, November 811,15811. 7.:10, klrLEcn, Goderiob, DEAR Sot. -I 5110510 have written before now to let you know how I an' getting di 00g. I am a lot bettor than I was; gaiting etrongth every day. I hays n geocl appetite and sleep well, I can take the full quantity of the System Renovator and it docs not sicken 1130. Oiy limbs are all right now; gnito smart in that way; swelling all gone. The great thirst is gone; I drink no water at night, but I take a little buttermilk. I am quite straight again, Sona me another bottle of your System Renovator. Yours, &o., JA,. DON000. FOURTEEN MONTER LATER. BRUesELs, February 7th, 1501. J. M, liaison, Gnderleh, DEAR SIR. -Fifteen veers ago last Novem- ber I started to doctor first ; I was treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped me any, At times I suffered greatly from my etomaoh '' I continued, bot I grow worse. I turned ,'lropeicai • limbs mid body swelled badly. Yon know the state I was in when I wont to GOdertoh-a more wreck, 0otrld hardly walk -suffering from Bright's dis- ease. Just one year ago last fall' I began your Renovator and Specific Cure. I began to mend in a few days ; continued then for three months steady. Although [ was told I could not be cured, if you saw me now, wall al.d hearty ; eat everything that eomee In the way. I owe you the praise of saving my life. I arae in a hopeless condition when I wont to you, in fact no one thought I would get better. I cannot speak too highly of you and of your medicines, for it was them that cured me. Words cannot express my thanks to you. Freely pass my DRUM 40 anyone. Yours, its., JaMN18 DUNCAN, SOLD Eli J. T. PEPPER, BRUSSELS. TICS, ftLETCH t .Practical JT"atchrn.aker and Jeweler. Thanking the pnblio for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Fall Lines in BOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest .Desig re.s. JEWELRY 1 WEDDING RINGS, LADIES GEM RINOs, BR000N0Ee, IAR1RINGe, &0. r" -Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, &n., in stook. N. B.-Issuror of \Sura*Re Llcoaseo. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. MONEY TO LOAN, Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -]tt- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds, A.P PL`Y TO J.0.Iielf'lirldan, 3,A.Young, Valuator, Agen t. Ethel P.O.,.Ont. - 0Nat LES PULAR ONE WAY FririE 1 TO THE 6 BY 111E 66150 Nov. 4 18 Dec. 2-18-30 ;,>=,a : ....1391+ HAVE THE ADVANTAGE- OF otitq TAttgfydaot5 rogress Rapid rice Low IRoty of Roori , \\ART'COLARS FROM ANY AGENT er THE COMPANY J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. 'Post Bookstore Another Case or ew Goods to baud suitable for the Holiday Trade. Special bargains in Bib- les and Photo. Albums. Large Assortment of Beautiful Dolls. Rocking Horses, Drums, Carts, Magic Lanterns. &c. for boys. New Stook of Note Papers and Envelopes. Full lines of School Books, Inks, Scribblers, Pens, Pencils, School Bags, Slates and everything else required at School. .fl Few Fumcy Baskets Left and will be Sold at Cost. As Space is Limited a cut will be made in prices of all Toys to make room for other goods. `conn' Bookstore. Lea 0 0 OE OF 1891 (i1 11»Qd 11.1.1 5.f d B ot▪ tt111 1 IRROMO Ilia. 0El ,Ay F z m a 13 W W z a H 04 re U 1' W 54a 4) b$ 4.3 P'. :i 0 W y .!'Gte al °x0° ax a i� N a) .- .'- y x • l C Y G it y. A in o t/i1 z 'pi . .y " y ° w Q. Z10V, s a) gi- , u1 5 F x os • fr' U C Cy U N Brei W ui ✓ N E ,N y. W C, U 41 2 ,,r, F N D p FW.1 �' 04. mo14 W ar W i.r r», cd W m O w 119 '41 OP C7 ,' V a f/) r 4 Vi k"1 0 oG oo N .0 o n. F F 5a y 4'1 els co O wo raj cro 1-- O.. W C 0