HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-9, Page 8g THE BRUSSELS POST ACa R9 1\61 G -51i7.7fM,. FANCY GOODS, BOOKS, WAS, DOLLS and various articles suitable for holiday gifts are now arriving. We have made a careful selection of such lines as we considered good value and suitable for our trade. We will be pleased -to supply you. G. A. MADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRA 1 i TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : G0I50 SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Mail..........,. c:53 a.ln,Mixed 9:45 eon, Express 11:52 a,m.l Mail 8.00 p.m. 9fixod 9:05 p.m. Express 9:55 Pan. carill 'Metes 31c1115, A chiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent ik. VOTERS' List Court on Oct. 23rd at 9 a, m. AnvxnrtsE your strayed stook in Trill POST. lF yen want cheap glassware call at Geo. Backer's. IF you want anything in the furniture line try R. Leatherdale. THE be -8 value in flannels we have ever shown. Alex. Straohan. Boors made to order and repairing specially attended to. Geo. Good. UxnERrAxING in all its branches. Em• balming a specialty. R. Leatherdale. 3. G. BEENE has moved into his new store. Wetcli for his advt. next week. APTRENTICE wanted to learn Harness ;taking. Apply at once to H. Dennie, Brussels, Fon a nice pair of tine boots Cooper & Smith's or J. D. fling's, Strachan's is the place to secure them. W. Blaabill and wife were away at Northville, Mich., and Detroit last week. Mrs. Blashill is still in the "City of the straits." CALL and look through our Flannel De- partment se we have many leading lines. See our 19c. line worth 25c. Ferguson & .Halliday. J. LOWRY has brought upwards of fifty oars of brick to Brussels this year. This will give some idea of the work done by him and his men thin season. I Alt agent fur the oeleberated Karn and Goderioh organs. As I buy them for spot each I can sell them at a price that will surprise ynu. It. Leatherdale. MANAMA, Northwest and Western States subscribers to Tun Potter in arrears will greatly ublige if they will remit the amount at once. See the label. It should be marked up to Jan. 92. THE many remarkable cures of catarrh affected by the use of Ayer'e Sarsaparil- la is conclusive proof that this loathsomu and dangerous disease is one of the blood, only n.eding such a snatching and pow- erful alterative to thoroughly eradicate it. A n5''OCTIVE belonging to theDominion Express Company has been in this lo- cality looking up information concerning the express bag robbery, between Bruer sets end Wroxeter, on Wednesday of last week. The reeults of his visit are not yet made public. J. Inw5N and N. MoBaiu, of Atwood, have leased the northern store in ,lire. Saaehan's new block and will open out a stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, &o„ in a few weeks. Roth gentle- men have had a number of years of ex- perience and are very highly esteemed in their own locality. Mr. MoBain has been engaged in Listowel. The stand chosen by Messrs. Irwin & MOBain is one of the best in Brussels. "A STITCH ill time eaves nine I" and so does a gement save time; money and expeuse if cleaned, pressed and dyed in a thorough and artietio manner, which can be done promptly and at a small Dost by sanding to Parker's Dye Works, Toronto, or any of their agents all over Ontario. R. Parker & Co. make "Auld clothes Look moist as guid as new," at a cost of lege than one•fourth their original aIeu. Gie him a trial and ye'lI no re- gret it. Agency at Skene's General Store, Brussels, ON Thursday, the 24th September, the Maitland Presbyterial Society shipped to Rev. G. A. Laird, Missionary and Prin- cipal of the Industrial School at Orow- atou, N. W. T., over 900 pounds of cloth- ing and bedding for distribution among the Indians on the Reserve. Latest re- ports from that point are encouraging. Over fifty Indian children are attending the sahool and aro ,tndioue and obedient. Besides the regular sohool lessons, the girls are taught sewing, knitting, &o. Mr. Laird has (barge of about fifty fam- ilies, and services are held in private houses at different plaoee. THE Winghain Advance says:—Tia congregation of St, Paul's church aesem• bled et their place of worship on Sunday last to oelebrate their annual thanksgiv- ing. The neared edifice was gorgeously adorned with beautiful flowers and plants, grain, fruit, bunters, ineoriptione, eta. Perhaps never before slid the 01108811 look no beautiful ; in toot our pan is not su0i- oiently gifted to do it j•as tee. Rev. W. T. Oluff,,rooter of 1 mauls) preached morning and el ening, .,,nd hie sermons were impressive and listened to with raga attention. The rev. gentleman dealt with the many onuses for which we 'should be thab)cfnl u1 this moat favored land of care—abundant grope, peace within our borders, an honorable govern. anent and many other things. Large nangreeations were in attendance mern- ing nntl evening, Bev. W. T. Gruff is no stranger in Wingham, having on several occasions ocoupied the pulpit of St, Paul's, and throe who have heard him are much pleased with hie earnest anti taoughtfdl diecoureee. ;a'fiv,r.ttif -1400:4,. w`M1rL'',�mt"�r��?'ti.' The Hottest Horse may oft be Cool, The Coolest may show Fire; The Friar may often play the Fool, The Fool may play the Friar, 33 1-3 was the discount the got off custom made Mantles, Uleters, Mantle Cloths, and Dress Goods when in the City last week. I knew by past experience that wholesale men would slaughter their prices at the end of the season and waited patiently, allowing my opponents to buy all their Fall Goods in midsummer. I bought the bulk of my Fall Mantles, Mantle Cloths and Dress Goods last week and hence the bargains. We will move into our new store on MONDAY, OCT. 12th, and have those fine Sealettes, Mantle Cloths, Mantles and Dross Goods packed in our shelves, and as we bought we will sell, so they will go to the very first ones who aro eager to buy Mantles, Dress bloods mus JUST received half a ton of L. C. bocon at Geo. Busker's. SERVANT wanted. Apply at once at THE PUT Publishing House. Fon a nice suit or overcoat you oamnot do better than at Straohan's. Tun benefit of the electric light on the streets is very manifest these dark nights. BIG bargain in a fine large organ. Particulars at THE POST Publishing House. AN0TaING kept in a first-class city furniture store is also kept at R. Leather - dale's, Brussels. A. B. SMITH spent several days in To- ronto last ween pioking up bargains for the Fall and Winter trade. ANOTHER week of fine weather will put the brick walls of the Richards and Laird block well on toward completion. LADIES, when you are looking for dress goods oall at Ferguson & Halliday's as you can depend on getting the newest styles. Fon all litres of goods suitable for the Fall trade go to Strachan's where you will get good value for your money and nioe fresh goods. W. M. SINCLAIR presented us with a home grown peach, of the Crawford variety that would do credit to a Southern clime. It measured 71inches in rircumfereuoe. A MUSICAL and literary program will he presented at the Epworth Lengne meet- ing next Monday evening in the Metho. dist church, All the contributions will be Riven by the ma-oullne gender. I KEEP the largest and best assorted stook in my line in the County, (barring none.) I buy my goods for spot Dash and having had 20 years experience I defy competition in prices. R. Leather - dale. QUEEN VICTORIA Las a remarkably fine head of hair for a lady of Ler age, but her sou, the Prince of Wales, is quite bald. Had he used Ayer'e Hair Vigor earlier in life his head might to -day, have been as well covered as that of his royal mother. It's not too late yet. Cann of THANES.—We are instructed by Master Frank Dennis to return his best thanks to E. R. Grundy for nobly rushing to the rescue of "Tory" last Sat- urday when au nuacgnaiuted, oornrnon Collie dog Lad commenced the rob f o masticating him. Mr. Grundy ie en- titled to a medal from the Sooiety for the Prevention of cruelty to animals, if all Frank says is true. 'humans MARKET.—Grain is coming from the Southern end of McKillop township to Brussels this Fall, also from Berlook locality in Hallett township. Some peo- ple say our buyers are paying more for grain than they can Bell it for but that is not grieving ae any, the advice we give is for every farmer to take advantage of the best market in Huron County before the roads get bad. WELL SooreTtan.—Bruasele isnot bad• l,y oared for in the way of Lodges and Societies of various kinds. To prove the statement we append the list :— Masora, Odd Fellows, Ancient Order United Workmen, Canadian Order of Foresters, Loyal Orange Lodge, Maccabees, Royal Ternplaro of Temperance, Independent Order of Foresters, Epworth League of Christian En• deavor. HALF A MILE ouTWAsn.—Inetruuti0ns have been given to station agents, road masters, motion bosses and employees of railroads generally, to thoronghly parry out the laws regarding cattle run- ning at Targe, and that is to impound every cow, horse, sheep or pig found running at large within ono half mile of any crossing in city, town, village or country, and to prosooute the owners thereof where they persist in violating the laws. IIONOR TO WHOIi IIONon IS DIA.—The Brampton Conservator, of September 24th, oontained the following complimen- tary and well deserved notice oouoerning Rich. Lees, well known in Brussels and locality :—About four years ago Mr. Lees, of our High School, set himself the task of obtaining a degree from Queen'e Uni. varsity, Kingston. Most of those who are situated as he has been, and thus ren. dered unable to attend lectures, oontent theneelvos with a mere pass. Mr. Lees, however, wanted to do more, to beuorne a specialist in FOienee, and therefore at. tempted the work in honor 8018008. Rio enemas is attested by the foot that on his second to last examination in that department he obtained first plltwe, and on his last examination eeoond place, notwithstanding that he was in pompe. titioll with men of ability and men who had thoirntnense advantage of attending the lectures of able professore• IIe has just recently been saceessful in passing his lost examination for the degree of M. A., a distinction whioh ho has earned by hard persistent work. Mr, Lees will 11017 be able to feel that a hoifday ie a holiday, and not merely so ]Hach ueloolc- ed for time for the preparation of the work in that long coarse which he has brought to an end. and Mantle Cloths so very cheap that Competition will be n0 where. Lovely Dress Goods we will start at Go. per yard ; Cotton Shirtifigs at Go. ; Cottonados at 10c. ; yd. 'vide Gray Cotton at Go. ; Gray Flannel at 10e. Blankets, Underwear, Gents' Furnishings, Tweeds, Wtrdted Coatings and Overooatiugs—a 'very largo stock to select from. Get your suit made to Order from us and we will give you new goods to select from. Piles of Roadymado Overcoats and Suits in Boys' Youths' and Mons' sizes— NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! EVERYTHING NEW ! In Buying, my experience is worth Thousands of Dollars to us. h1.J;t 9Ltt;•w4 }tI'l� aS 1 •ly No meeting of School Board last Fri- day evening for the oft told reason—no quorum. THE fouled Tiger blend of pure India and Ceylon tea, the best value in the market, al Thomson's. Now enbeoribers are rolling in. Our friends can aid us greatly by recommend- ing THE POST to their neighbors. FERGUSON & Hetrmer are showing all the newest styles in ladies' jackets at very low prices. Fit gcarauteed. NEXT Sunday Rev. G. F. Salton will preach a special sermon to the young mon of his congregation at 0:80 p. m. 1,200 new envelopes to hand et Tun Pore Publishing House. Get a thousand with your card printed on the corner. Fon sale at a bargain, one well bred driving mare, a year old colt and one two year old colt. H, L. Jeolwon, jeweller. ROOMS to rent over Mrs, Straohan'e new block. Will be in readiness by Sep- tember let. Suitable for office, sewing rooms or dwellings. Apply to Dn. Mc - KELSEY. HunoN County Council will convene in Goderieh on Tuesday, 20th inst., at 8 o'olook. The appointment of a secoessor to the late Co. Clerk Adamson will be taken up and other matters of im- portance. IF you are in need of new window shades oell in and see R. Leatherdale's spring shades. It will never pay to put up the old kind. A new and well assort- ed stook just arrived. RE1Iovsn.—Owing to the building of a new block I have had to vacate my old shop and may be found for the next two months at the Brussels Egg Emporium where I will be pleased to wait on all my old customers and as many now 011e8 .0.s favor ma with their patronage. .A. Culture, Butcher. WELL.DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satfsfaatiou. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brnssela. 48-tt A LARGE and well assorted stock of Cooper & Smith's boots and shoes juet received at Strechan'e S In addition to the above excellent make and quality we have added several linea of ladies and gents fine Boots manufactured by J. D. King & Co. As this firm has a high re- putation for style and durability we have only to mention the fact of having them in stock sad shall be pleased to shote them to our many customers. Alex. Straohan MILL/NARY Orswnn,s.—Last week the various Millinery Departments in Brue- eels were thrown open for the Fail and Winter seasons to the 'tidies of this lo - minty. At Mrs. F. 0. Rogers the die - play was very fine in hats, bonnets and millinery goods. Mise Green displays o,mmendable taste not only in her mil• linery but in the artietio manner in tvhioh the goods are displayed i0 catch the eye of the visitor. The outlook for a big season's trade 1s good and the many orders testify to this fact in a most prac- tical manner. lure. Rogers has also a large stock of ladies' mantles and mantle clothe.—Miss Livingstone had a very at- tractive exhibit arranged at the store of W. Nightingale & Co. and the comments of the fair sex was by no means un- complimentary when the scrutiny was completed. To give e. description of the fashions and styles is not our intention but a call at the store will give you a good idea of the prevailing or coming etylee and trimminge, This firm reports business good.—Mies lloare'o show room is also well stooked with seasonable goods and she is ready to attend to the waute of the ladies in fashionable and becoming headgear. In foot Brussels milliners con suit the public generally as well, if not better, than any of the sun rounding towns and the earlier custom• era realize this fact the sooner peace will dwell in the various homes. For further partioulars enquire of 193108 Green, Miss Livingstone or Miss Hoare. FINE. LIVERY BARN.—On Wednesday afternoon It member of THE Peer staff looked through Beattie Bros.' new brink livery barn and peonoanoea it one of the beat he ever saw outside of the big (stab, liebinents of the city. The building is so two.story brick 42x98 feet, with 12 foot callings. There is a driving flour of 42x 00 ft. In this port RI a comfortableofftce, bedroom and harness room, The stable is 42x48 and is fitted up with 10 stalls, 2 of thane being box stalls. flay and oats are fed in a most convenient manner. The whole interior is plastered and is roomy and well ventilated, An aro eloo• trio light illuminatee the whole down. stairs. On the second flat j8 a large store. room for buggies or cutters according to the season and a door and hoist arranged for the purpose of taking them up or let- ting them down. On this floor is also a mammoth oat bin with a capacity of 850 bushels and it 50 barrel tank for soft water to be used in washing riga by a handy arrangement of hose. The hay anti straw are stored in the westerly part of the second story. The etolle work was built by George Robb ; the brick work by Pugh & Cornish; the roofing by Watson Ainley ; the carpenter work by Dan. MoNaughton & Sons ; and the painting and glazing by Thompson & Grimoldby—and the work has been well done throughout. Beattie Bros. keep from 9 to 12 horses and atip-top outfit of wheeled rigs, cutters, sleighs, &o. They also own and run the bus to all trains and carry the mail to and from the depot. ENTRANCE LITnnoruss Fon 1892.—The following is the list of literature seleo. tions for the High School entrance ex- aminations of 1892 :— Lesson 4—The Little Midshipman. 7—Boadicea. 14—Lament of tbelrish Emigrant. 16—The Humble Bee. 21—Oft in the Stilly Night. 21—'Tis the Last Rose of Sum- mer. 34—Death of Little Nell. 87—The Bell of Atri. 41-112akiog Maple Sugar. 40—The Mound Builders. 50—The Prairies. 79—The Capture of Quebec. SO—Waterloo. 83—The Influence of Beauty. S5—Marmion and Donglas. 90—Msroy. SELECTIONS FOR ME11ORI0.ATION. Lesson 13—The Bolls of Shandon. 31—To Mary in Heaven. 40—Ring out Wild Bells. 42—Lady Clare. 48—Lead, Kindly Light. 47—Before Sedan. 73—The Three Fishers. • 09—The Forsaken Merman. 103—To a Skylark. 105—Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. The Dopy book to be presented to the examiner by entrance candidates ie No. 0, senior foultll, of the authorised series. MORN TaoxetN.—In Listowel, on the 21st Sept., the wife of Mr. W. E. Tremain of a son. DAVInsoN.—In Elms, on the 21st Sept., the wife of Mr. Peter Davidson of a son. STEVENSON.—Io Listowel, on the 29th Sept., the wife of Mr. S. J. Steven- son (butcher) of e, daughter. SOTsIIRLANn.—In Wingham, on Sept. 26th, the wife of Mr. D. Sutherland of a sun. Aoett.—Ili Turnberry, on Sept. 24th, the wife of Mr. Andrew Agar of a son. GAnnuTT.--In 'Wingham, on Sept. 28th, the wife of Mr. H. Garbutt of a son. LAIDLAw.—In West Wawanoeh, On Sept. . 27th, the wife of Mr. Jas. Laidlaw of a daughter. 9xEa- 10,ILLARD. —In Chioago, on Sept. 24111, Wm. Pembroke Mallard, son of G. A. Ballard, of Listowel, aged 24 years. BIVEoe.—ln Teeewater, on Sept. 20811, Annie Deleon, infant daughter of Albert Rivers, aged 1 month and 22 nays—. a.vcTIOza' s Ax ae. WEDNE5DAY, Oor, 14.—Farm Stock, im• pl,lements and household furniture, N lot 16, con. 8, Morrie. Sale commences at 1 p. m. Adam Scott, prop. George Kirkby, allot. Tnnnenex, Ocm. 22nd.—Farm, farm stook, implements, household furniture, &o., Lot 10, con. 5, Grey. Sale com- mences at 12 o'clock, noon. John Smith and E. J. McArthur, executors for the late John Lowe. F. S. Scott, aunt. MR-r7'esrn .S S2ARo7:7T03, Fall Wheat (new) Spring. WLeat..-......., Barley Peas Oats. (new) Butter, tubs and rolls lfggs par doson Flour por barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Pork .. Hides por lb ..,, Salt por bbl„ retail,..,. Shoop 0181110, each Lamb eking eaoh... Wool, per lb 00 86 35 67 25 13 12 5 00 30 9 00 6 00 4 1 25 60 40 18 5 I011 95 90 50 58 28 14 00 50 00 00 50 00 00 75 50 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. "1BisIERAL SERVANT WANT. 11n. Apply at 000080 MRS. W. SINCLAIR, M ONEY TO I1O:AN.—PRIVATE Fonds. Apply to GEonon Hn sseteoN, Joliet, Illinois, or to 41.tf 718102. 149LLY, Wessels, ANTED.—AN EXPERIENO- rr An general servant to go to Brandon, Man. Good wages and a permanent posi- tion to a good reliable person. Apply at Tan Pose Publishing House, Brussels. LBS. MLR A YEAR. 12,000 The dam of my Pure S red Jersey Bull has given 000 1bs, of milk In tet months with her first calf. Sho is expo( ted to give 12,000 lbs. in 1a months with icor third calf, k'or further particulars regarding this Bull ap- ply at my Drug and Book S tore, 13 reseals. G. A. n1AMMIAN. S' LRAYED F130M TEL PREM - Isms of the Undersigned, lots 4 and s con, 18, Gray, on or about Sept. let, 8 red yearling steer's and*/ spotted yearling ,syr - shire heifers. All of them have pigrings in right ears. 58.00 will be paid for te infor- mation leading to their recovery. 13OBk:13T 13LAIR, I^ 4. Walton P.O. VOR SALE.— HOUSE, LOT and Fruit Garden, situated just outside the corporation of Brussels. The under- sigued offers his beautiful homestead, com- priising an acre of laud laid out in small fruits, a good briolc house, stable, 11rat-el'tss won] etc•, snaking a eom9103o borne. 1''or• further partieolare apply to S, 4.80 FBA10, russels. A14IEETING OF T.11E COUN• cm of the corporation of the County of Huron will be held at the Court House, in the town of Goderleb, on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, 1801, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the transaction of General County business. By order of the Warden. Co.Olerk's Office, WM. HOLMES, Godericb, Oct. 5, 01.1 Acting Co. Clerk, VOTERS' LIST COURT. Noble( is hereby given that a Court w111 be hold pursuant to The Voters' List Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at Burton's Hall, Ethel, en SATURDAY, the 24th day of Oot- ober,1801,atthe hour of 10 O'01ook fn alto forenoon to boar and determine tbo sevoral complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Grey for 1801. All persons having businoes at the Court aro required to attend at the said time and place. WM. SPI1NCk1, Clerk of said Municipality, Dated Oct. 1, 01, VOTERS' LIST COURT. Notice is Hereby1 held pursuant toThe Vatars' Lists will HE" by Idle Honor the Judge of bio County Court of the County of Huron et the Town Hall, Bruseoie, on FRIDAY, the 28rd day of Octob- er, 1801,at0 o'clock a. m., to hoar and doter- mf0e.the several laompliunte of more and omissions iu the Voters' Llat of the 'Mutioi- pality of Brunets for 1801. All poraoue hav- ing business at rho Court are required to at- tend at the said time and place. F. S. SCOTT, Clerk of said MunioIpality, Dated the 28111 day of Sept.,1891, Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given,pursuant to rho provisions of chap. 110, sea, 00, revised stn - tutee Ontario (1807) that all parties having Maims upon or against the estate of Hobert Armstrong, late of the Township of Morrie, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deoeae- ed, who died on or about the 10th day of May last past, aro on or before the let day o1 November, A.D., 1891, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to 1V. B. Dlekeon, Brum. eels, Solicitor for the A dminietrator of the estate of the said Robert Armstrong de- ceased, a etatemaeb in writing of their Chris- tian and Burnam,e, and addressee and full pariloulars of their claims and the nature of all securities (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby further given that after the said let day of November the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the tweets of the quid deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having regard only to the olalms of which notice shall have been given au above required, and the said Ad. miuletrator will not bo roeponoible fdr the assets or any part thereof to any pere0n or persons of whoeo Maim or 01010,5 1101100 shall not hero been received a6 the time of such distribution. Latod at, Bruoesls the 1st day of October, A. D, 1891 W. B. DICKSON, 12.8 Solicitor for Administrator. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, IN S'nE MA'1TL'n OF THE ESTATE OE DAVID MAG DEM, DECEASED. A 1)111 N1e't'1RATOR'i4 i O'I'ICII. Pnr0unn6 to the pro0let0us of 11 S 0 chapter 110, Nobloo Is hereby given I) l.hltt al{ parsons having any .claims or demands against the eetuto of David Maguire, late of the 'ToWnehip of Grey, in rho Comity of Huron, out the farmer, 23311 day of Aug fat A. 73.1801,, uu e on or before the.BOth day of October, A, D. 1801, to deliver, or send by ppoet prepaid, to 1tOborb1.1'ayter,al i3rugaele, Solteitor for 1(hsaboth Ann Maguire, Admtefotratrix of the estate and efleote of tbo said deaeuood, their names, addressee and deaorrpbione, with full partietlare of their claims. And notice la further given that after the said 80t11 day of October the said Adrniuistrawrbx Will proceed to distribute the Minute among - the pere0ns entitled thereto,baying re. bare only to rho diairne of which notice has een given, and the s.tie Adlntialebratrlx will not be Habit, for the Wald aoeotri or any part thereof no distributed as aforesaid to any person of whose Claim Iotioo than not have been received at the time of such die. tributiorl• 13013T, L.'PAYLClB, Solicitor lot Admhrletratrix, Dated 00t.V,'Ol, Brussels, Out, 0A3TROILI A This preparation will be found a re. liable remedy for the ordinary clieoaoee of children, such au Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Cenetipatiou, hind °olio, Worms, Toothing Troubles, Foverieh. nese, Diarrhoea, and many other diseases common to children. It regulates the bowels and assists digeetion. Ib done away entirely with the giving of nauseous doses of Castor Oil bo children• lis ac- tion on the bowels. is gentle and the el. foots produced are reliable. This pprepar• ation is one of, if not the best selling ar- ticles ou our list. The formula itself is perfection, is nine in flavor, dense in body dark in ooior and fragrant in odor. 3'. T. PEPPER, Chemist & Drugg Brusist, sels. BANKING. 1\/j.INTOSH & MaTAGGART, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, Trem.aact a Ce•oneral Banlciaag Mv.aixaecr�. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and hutted States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Aaonts—MEncnANT'9 BANK of OANAssA. New York Ag e51,e—IMronTnne Aifn '1'uAD- PHIS NA'17oNAL 13ANII. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. R• L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. Ofh00^Vauetone'e Bloch, Brua. eels• 01.0030 U T M. SINOLAIR, • 80Nottor, Oonvayeoaer,Notary Pub. Ifo, &a. Office—Graham s Block,1 dc .,r north M Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan, D1OKSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrow & Proud foot, Godo. rioh,) Madders, Solloitore, Conveylineors, &c. Offices—Brussels and Sonforth, Brus- sels UBloe—Up-stairs over Bank, Money to Loan. 11,0.HAY8. W. n, Dlmi0ON ' BUSINESS CARDS. 1SS O'OONNOR, 'reacher of Organelle Piano. 40-tf Princess street, Brussels. •NT H. MoORAOKEN, Iesurer of l arriage Llcouees. 00108 at his Grocery, Turnberry street, firussell. • D• N. BARRETT, • 1'onsor•ial Artist. Shop—Next door eolith of A. BT. 1IcKay & Oo's hardware store. Ladies'end (Madrona hair en Wog a sueotalty MISS BALL Ie prepared 30 give lessons on the Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ. Spselal at- tention given to Technic. For further in- formation address— Box 175, Brussels. A• MoNAIR, Theurer of Olarriago Lloeneos, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Oommie- eionor, &o„ Q. B. Oouveyauocr and Agent Fire Insurance Co. office at the Oranbrook Post Office, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE" AND MARINE. GUELPH• ALEX. HUNTER, HUNTER, of the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron. Conveyanoor, Notary Public, Lund Loan and Ineursvoe Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Ooll0ottone made. Chloe In Graham's Block, Brussels. OIL PAINTING, Mise Morten,. of Wiugheu, is prepared to give instruction )n o11 palating. terms maybe ascertained at Mies Nellie Ito se' etoro where samples of work may be seen, Mies Morloo would also tales a few more pupils in maeio. firA. HAWKINS, • Organist in et. John's Churn', Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A. W. Thayer, IDfne. Doc., Now York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thos. Belly's, Turnberry a . e o if it yy [ efto. at their own hoose. Terme moderato. 40 - DENTAL. 1)1BN7C.It►4P M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OPrrIon—Over Popper's Drug Store, Brunets, AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Torras cheerfully given. Orasbrook P. O. Sales may bo arranged at Tan Poste Publishing House, Br•tlssels, EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct est on reasonable terms. Perms and farm stooka specialty. Orders left et TIER Poste Publishing Hoo so, Bru cook, or eentto Walton P. 0,, will receive prompt attention. 'rJA.VING TAKEN OUT LIOEN• ars as an Auctioneer, Iain prepared to oonduet sales of farm stook at reasonable priole. TCnolviug rho standing of nearly every peresu I am Ina position to sell to good narks and get good security when gold oucredit, Satietaotiou gquaranteed. Give me a oall, 09- F S, SCOTT. MEDICAL CARDS. V17M. ll', CALE, M.D., 0.141., V0' IDlombor of the College of Physician, aid Surgeons of 011313010 by examination, (Mice and ltestdouoe—Main street East, Ettlel,buterio, A. M.oNAUG.HTON, 1'I. D. 0, M.,1,. T1„ U. P., ?Edinburgh, M. 0, P S. Ont, AtPogpor'e Drug Store from 9 to 11;80 a. in, and from 1:50 to 4 to. in, At other home may be tonna at his OesldenCe, form- erly ooeinted by Dr. 03 utelllnsou, Mill st. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, ea • Bonet Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a omni- potent manner, ,Partlol{lar attention paid to veterinary douliet• Calle pronittl at- tended In, Office rrndYvllhrmaty-'Two 40011 north et iriSge,1'arhberry stn Brnes8le, lee prei ga) lent pre 5851 m pH me of for ing bat cat ben the ed do ext 1.130 dui dal for shc pri 1101 Co Kit 181 riot ate He nol Sn fag old old G: 0] Ou for Tel Ta• Olt Ts fill lion Ro Ool bio Ta, A' gel q'gld sin 1135 &1 JI 1 i, T' R 1rt bra Gr Wt ml J Ta R Ro if flit mi Po Cu J Cl d 1. Ca J1 m' 1 Sl tit re oh ar ag lir 01 Ss J0 81 G E y0 0 13 B 0 bl