HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-9, Page 5Chi 5. 41x•Ltxkltt teens. Mr. Reymann Nr. purposes having a sale in tiro near future. 1'10LiLia eloNair left lash week to attend the Gn+lerinh Collegiate Institute. R, .I''. Oautoro0, who has been spend• ing his vacation et 110011, tette teturned to Knox College, Toronto. Our village was Minced completely detente:1 lent Friday. Tho exhibition in. Bruseels was the magnetic power. Impactor Robb visited our school last week and gave the bays and girls a holi- day 00 Friday that they ,night attend the fair, .AS.iwoo( 1. Fall Fair t'eooipto totalled $210, $00 in excoss of hest year. 11. E, Harvey left Wednesday for To- ronto, where he will prosecute his studios at the lluivsrsity. Jas. A. Gray, of the Elmo, factory, captured two red tiokots for his cheese at the Western Fair. Robb, Getnpbell, employed in II. IIoar's blacksmith shop, put on 57 horse shoes on Saturday besides doing other week, The Presbyterian church anniversary Anemone were preached last Sunday by Rey. J. L. Murray, M. A., of Kinoardine, Jas. Currie, for some time employed with )tie brother at the tailoring Rade Ward Barker, son of Mrs, J,'1'. Barker, 1 The funeral took plane en Ti eplay fore. Jiisntarek street, fell of the sidewalk j 1' way to the public eehuul ;rod TIIE BRUSSELS POST weewiensensisierepenetagemeenniessawaseni Iaast Sunday Michael llowrd diad t1' hie home on the 116hcon:,a,(edea yen•-,. when on tan broke his urn] at the wrist, V. . 0. Clarke, of Listowel, Ont., a traveller ropreentiug Ogilvoy,Alexander d( Ander:on.'Poronto, In aha west, has pat- ented a Erring tioitot for cloth beanie. Tho ordinary board on which cloth is rolled is grooved. and a ticket 4116a0h001 10 a Npfrnl spring worics in the groove. The ticket cannot bo torn off and lust. A number of ladies mot at t 10 100t- denca of Mrs. (Dr,) Parke and organized thomaelves into a "Choral Society," whose object shall bo "Tho further ad- vancement of teosinal millers: in our oommunity, and fur the study of good standard and Ohtesie wm'ks." The officers elected for the following year are :—President, Mitis Ross ; lot Vloe- 1.'roeident, Mrs, W..1. Hay ; 2nd Vice. President, Miss MOKlnon ; Secretory, Mies J. Morahan ; Freaserer, Miss Gib. son ; Conciliator, Miss A.. Climie ; Libra. rine, Aline L, Draper ; Aco0mpanists, Misses James and Sutherland ; elusioal Committee, Mesdames Parke and I. Campbell 'end 112. Dixon. The !moiety intend meeting every Monday evening, Wit 1tou. W. A. Ilnmphriem is at Toronto, Miss Maggie Reid, of Varna, to visiting at D. Campbell's. T. A. Hawkiu8, our popular music teacher is visiting at 0taffs. koro, hos secttrod n eitnation nl Palmer. nano• Musical and literary entertainment 111 The wicked editor of the "13140" says : tllo Methodist church next Thursdayevoniug. The lean, lank, ungainly -looking youth The oommnnicn of the Lord's supper from the country, no0onpunied by his was dispensed in Duff's ohnroh last Soh - best girl, (tressed in colors resembling rho fitigs of all nations, was ono of the usual ettroctiotie at the Fair. lite infry es Sneak thieves are o1 the warpath. Robb. Kerr lost ills entire flock of geese on Monday night of this weep. The potato harvest is about finished and a good orop reported with some tom• plaints of rot. Sunday shooting is becoming a very iv/mime occurrence here, Every Sunde.y the roar of musketry is to be heard from morning till night. Tho August make of Silver Corn er's cheese factory was shipped at this station on Monday of this week, Thos. Ballon• tyno being the parobassr. The price paid was 10 cents per pound. What might have proved a serious fire was averted on Sunday morning of last week. Joseph 00,80 and family, who live in the station house, were awakened by smoke and on going to the waiting room found a hole burnt through the floor about a foot square. Had it not been discovered when it was the building would have been consumed. Winer )lana. Re;. John Potts, D. D.. of Toronto, ' hem Methodist ,• ooh in the Winghain will e g 0p church on Sunday morining, Oot. 11 Mi. J. Paterson, formerly landlord in the British hotel here, leased Emigh's hotel, Blyth, tor n number of years and remov- ed last week. Two good blook.paved crossings have been put Clown lately, one crossing Vie. torn. street moil the other crossing Minnie street at the iutereection of these two thorou h fares, H. W. C. Meyer, of this town, present• el his Q. 0. patent to the court at Os- oeek ndlon seas milleday withinning of the bar last by Chief Justice Galt. The new Bank of Hamiltou is drawing nearer completion every day, and it will not be very long before the citizens of this town will have the pleasure of vie,v- ing the finest building in town. Miss Aggie Eadie, who wrote at the .reoont teachers examination in Wingham, for a third class certificate, and failed, has been granted her certificate by the Education Department on appeal being made for a re -reading of her papers. W. J. Roe, of Morris, and J. S. Ander- son, of East Wawanosh, son of Finlay Anderson, have gone to the Philadelphia Dental College, the former fur his final term and examination and the latter for his second term. Both of these young men were formerly students in W. H. McDonald's dental office in this town. The store of J. 3. Homed) ce Son, of this town, was burglarized to the extent of two or three euibs of clothes and some gent's furnishings. The burglars gained an entrance through the cellar and up the back stairs, No traoo of the burglars can be found. This is the second time within a year that this firm has been vis• ited by these midnight prowlers. Lisa .° w e 1. Rev, SKR, Livingstone preached at Wiarton lash Sunday. W. J. Climie who spent the summer in Manitoba and the Northwest has return. ed home. Rev. Mr, Baeohus has s mammoth tomato vine which hue grown about ton 10eahigh and is loaded with tomatoes to the top. J. H. Gunther, jeweller, has bean non• fined to hie house for about ten days with a sore leg. The limb is improving and he hopes to bo able to attend to basin esti in a few days, T10 has boon obliged to post- pone the opening of a branoh jewellery store at Milverton, In the case of the Queen ve. Obambele an application was made at Osgoode Hell, Toronto, on behalf of the prisoner for bail. Chambers is charged with shooting at Constable Bahner, of Lig:). tel, et 01101011 on the 041) of May last, when Bohner. was endeavoring to effect Chambers' :meet for supposed cons. pliuity iu the robbery of a store at Her. rletun, s Several affidavits were 21118(1 showing a4 this dote Chambers wall in Pott Arthur and that it was impossible for him to have committed the act. The 01400 000100 to turn on mistaken intlentify. The peculiar feature of the ease is that owing to the action of Deteutive Murray, who 114(1,) the (410001, there vera no de poe1ti01t0 Laic '11 beloro to nnlgisteato, and the curt had to determine the question of bail on the prisoner's affidavits and affidavits of a lumber of apparently res. peotable people, who say that Chambers w14a out In Clinton on the day of rho shooting. Instead of a preliminary ex. anlinatiot, a bill Wall presented to the grand ,jury direct, and only Bulmer ex. :unlined. lined. The other witn00000 for the Crown, aoeording to tllo affldavite, went beak on the prosecution on the sebjeet of identity. • Chief Justice Galt made an order admitting the prisoner to bail, himself in $3,000 and two audios in $1,000 each. The Drown strongly opposed the appijoant, bath. About thirty joined. J. 0. Welsh removes to Seatorth next week. Itis place its superintendent of the Melhodtet 0unday school will bo taken by Geo. Grigg. W. Wray, of McKillop, has been en. gaged MR suc0000or to T. A. McLauclllin as principal of S. S. No. 11, Morris. Mr. Wray is it good student and will, no doubt, make a succo'sful teacher. On Saturday a meeting of the members and adherents of Duff's church was held to decide upon a successor to 111e late D. Ross as precentor. The choice lay between Wm. McAllister at a salary and Miss Martha Snaith wrthoot salary. The latter was successful by a vote of 32 to 24. ]0.1441-riFs. Miss Maud King, of Blyth, is at pre. sent visiting her uncle, Jared King. John Little, 4111 line, is visiting hie parents and other relatives in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler, of Port Albert, were vioiting at W,n. J. Johnston's last week. Mr. and Miss Hoover, of Wawanosh, were visiting relatives on the Jot con. last week, Henry Robb and wife, of the •1st con., have gone on a visit to relatives in Mich- igan. May they have a pleasant time. James Bailey, no old nae living on the 4111 line is quite ill. His sickness is said to be occesi0ned by excess in etimu- lents. Jacob Ramer end wife returned to Mr. Ramsay'+ on Monday evening of hast week from London whore they had been on 0. wedding trip. We regret to have to state that Donald Gerrie is dangerously ill end very faint hopes are entertained for hie recovery. Hie ailment is a dieea0e of the blood. Considerable inconvenience is being occasioned just 001V by the rebuilding of Bothnia bridge. Threshing maOhities lords of grain, &o. cannot get 0p or down the hills through the river. Air. Jamie- son, of Howiok, hue the contract for the bridge. The work should have been nom• plated a month ago. On Mouday evening of last week the 1st Oen. was the scene of considerable ex• oitement in the form of a oharivari. The boys had quite a lively time but they did things up In excellent style, if it may thus be termed. They were quite a jolly crowd and it is not best to let things die out altogether. It was what some people term a "reception." f>roo A little talk is being indulge] in on the next municipal 01004)on. David Sinclair and P. McIntosh per. pose leaving shortly for Michigan )amber. woods. Chas. i'Rozell, 0111 0011., 1134 puruh'LOed a young thoro' bred Durham bull this week, from a well known.breeder. Oliver Herds and Duncan Were, the cross cut saw hnetler0, won 1st. prize at Wroxeter Fall fair on Wednesday. Apple buyers are busy packing and shipping apples. The crop is light and contrary to expectations the price low. Mrs. angle McNeil, who has been so seriously ill for the past few weeks, is, we are glad to know, again convalescent, B. Matthews, who left for British Col- umbia laet Spring, returned a few weeks ego and will resume his former oucupa. tion—farming. McLeod Bros., of the 4th cot., are Jo- in g a good season's work in the threshing business. The emits in this vicinity fs yielding much better than was nti0ipet. ed. Bev. H. A. Baylis, of Trowbridge, has gone s, 0011o1{,e at Cobourg, Itis health is considerably improved. His brother who purposes entering the ministry, is attending the Belleville College at pres- ent. The faire have attracted quite a num. bet from this vicinity this fall. The principal exhibitors from thio 0001ion teem Thos. Baylis and Amos Smith' bout of whom captured quite a number of prizes. Ie is reported that Malcolm McNichol j4'. is going to move to a wormer climate for the winter and will make his head- quarters in MoKillop Township. He will be greatly missed among the "boys" of the 4th. Dem —0n Thursday morning of this week, Mrs. J. W. Rrotvn, aged 83 years and 7 months, died after a very brief i11. 0080, at 1101' home on con, 10. Iter hug. bond died seven or eight years ago. they were old residents in the township. Tho funeral takes p see on Friday at 1 o'clock, interment at Brussels cemetery. A meeting of those interested in the 14th ooneession drain luso held at A. McInnis, corner last Saturday atomise, Phis drain has not been giving good, a at 0Ear1i011 of late, The majority were in favor Of having the engiuoor brotght on, If this is clone the dram will be surveyed from beginnitlg to end and a properaward made. Each party will then know how muoh they have to m14itttaiu. The drain will be uniform in sizer 01141 will b0 mote Satisfactory to all partt00 in the end. now, the iltferment being twine at Beek. f11,1:1 11. O. (emery. Twa brothers and a sl -tor 0urvive film but 1411 are well up in ytare. How doll norms people aro tubo do not , read a 1on141 pa1101'. WO heart) 11 111E411 nay the other day that if the dry weather nontin eel he wag going to get Abbott to' whitewash hie harem, having ho'tr11 that he wee an export at the business. Now juet imagine the awful nonsequenoes i4 would he to the uoutitry if the et:et:Ming would give way. Our township was nearly deserted last Friday, Wig being the day of Brussels and Suaforth shows. Tuo exodus tette awful. Many wished they oouid divide thomaelves and attend both. Everyone came back mind you and are ot100 more comfortably settled in their old 11omo0 and that old and reliable "Grey forever" expression can bo 00011 in every face. MoN'rt1LY Rercu',.--Tho following re. port shows the standing of the pupils of S. S. No, 5 Grey for the mouth of Sept. : Part 1—Alex. Dunbar, Arthur Robert. son, Mabel Coates ; Part 2—John Pear- son, Albert Robertson, Sandy Lindsay ; Jr second --Florence Coates, Bella Coo - les, 301141 Kemp Sr. eeconel—John Robertson, Arthur Robertson, Willie 01. iver •, Jr. third --Dave Duke, Amy Spil- ka, Maud Onsens ; SI'. third—lien Tay- lor, Susan Pearson, Jennie Duke 1 4111 class—Georgina Alexander, Deuald Kel- luer, Mary Jane Holmes. Gno. DOB80N, Teacher. LGl Isatf. 4 J. C. IIel'ferinen has commenced to buy grain on the market here. J. tinnsuId has painted and otherwise improved hie store and dwelling attach- ed, on Mein Street. One of our citizens invested in a "gold" watuh and some other jewellery at Brnss- eds on Fair day. It will be a cold day when the fakirs get left. David Millie, our well known stock man, 00011 rho Silver Medal offered at Brnseels Fair, by the Ontario Agriculture & Arts Ass0ui0Liol for the best herd of cattle. SUNS OF TEtreim&w0E.—At the regular meeting of the S. of T. the following offi- cers were elected for the ensuing quar- ter :--W. P., Robt. Elliot ; W. A., Miss D. Sherlock ; R. S., Miss F. Sherlock ; A. R. S., Miss A. Ross ; Con., H. R. Dob- son ; A. 0, Mise A. Milne ; I. S., Mies E. Lake; O. S., P. McKay. MAtcatoTn PEAns.—This week a splen• did specimen of the Flemtsh Beauty pear in Postmaster Spenae'e garden was sent t0 the editor of THE POOT. It weigh- ed one pound two minces and measured over 18 inches. On the same tree were two other pears weighing one pound, and fifteen onnoes respeotively. It will be no easy matter to beat this in in the fruit line. There were six pears on the tree referred to in this item. Sorrow, REPORT: The following is the to of tl junior department e oct of the r Ethel public onool for the month of Sept.:—Senior 2nd oleos—Carrie Eck - mire, Willie Spence, George Greeusids, 14fabel Eakmire, Wilbur Lindsay. Junior 2nd class—Ellie Dilworth, Eliza 2(1004(1• lum, Lillian King, Zechariah MMlcCalluru, Part 2nd --•Maggie Davies, Edith pitlno, Alvin Barr, Sandford Burtou and Cora Sanders, equal. Senior 1st class—How- ard McAllister, Edna Rayllard, John Peebles, Geogs Rloho dsou, Middle lst class—Willie Peebles, Gideon Zeimen, Karl MoAllis 00, Ratcliffe \Vhelpton. Junior 1st class—Willie Lindsay, George Sharp, Willie Willis, Emma Imlay. tat class—Susie Manning, Oliver Lindsay, Mary A. Klemonhroth, Annie Riobard- son. F. A, StnEanooc, Teacher. Cat'ws. A Chatham despatch says the frontage tax by•lawwas defeated for the fourth time Monday by 41 majority. A girl named Bocrdeau was fooling with abuzz sate in Shafer's mill, Tilbury, when she suddenly parted company with two fingers off her left hand. Herbert, the 2 year old son of David Brown, of Brook, accidentally pulled over on himself a pail of hot water which had been left on the floor in readiness for scrubbing and was scalded to death. Hugh kloDormot, aged 80, of Essex, was released fsom the Sandwich jail on Saturday, having served a farm for vas gran0y, He was shipped by the method. ties book to Essex, from whence he came. A burglar visited Jndge Borne's resid- ence in Windsor early Monday morning and got nothing, but came very nearly getting something he wits not looking for, net01ely a bullet which the judge fired at 11110. A sharper the other day went through an excursion train running from R,ohro- ter to Niagara Falls and offered bogus tickets admitting the holder to all points of interest at the Falls for $1. He sold 300 before be lett the train. Mrs. Bridal, living near Keith, WAS 0.1- sisting her husband at logging oil the farm near Dresden, on Saturday, when a limb attached to it moving log snook her in the stomach, inflicting injuries from which she died in a couple of hours. While in search of eggs, Mrs, Daniel Potcher, of Paramount, ,nisOod her foot- ing and tell from the scaffold to bra barn floor beneath, breaking three ribs and a collar bone in the fall. She was found some time afterwards in an mutone5ion0 Slate. A woman uam011 Mrs. Hunt has been sent to Jlrentfordgnol trona Onondaga, on the charge of arson. It appears that oho quarrelled with a man with whom site has been living, and set fire to some hay in revenge. About two tons of the product were burned. Frederick Hartry was poisoned from handling skins in the eolith cud ttunery in Newmarket a few days ago, the virus having been convoyed through his system by moons of a bruise. Since Sunday he 11110 bean confined to his bed and . ie Lu quite tt oritloal oouditiot, Monday afternoon a curious sight was seen in the yards behind the O'Neill house and Blaoltburn's Wolter shop, Wooleto h. It wag au invasion of goal , to the number of 50 to 100 birds. Tho birds wore quite taupe and seemed to know the law anti thoroughly understand that the ol000 season was not out ye . Last Sunday night Mos. Peter Mn• Culled., who resided on the Indian re serve near Bernie, was in the not of milk. tog 011(1 had gob all tint one cow milked 'but had left tine one, wliic11 had o young calf, until the last. Hor husband tool( the calf away, and tlto cow immediately turned on the poor woman, goring her t.11d trampling hoe undor,fool, killing her. WlaPreaserwantranue When the (1. I', R. (*0110(44 for t1,' 1v0,4 gigs pnllh,g n,t4 hnoday r coning from alt.• ltiehnun"l strn,t statin,, 10,41. duu,a 4511 1141 fellow Who had burn Lidding adieu to 140(1(0 friends rushed nut of olio i of the eats, evidently fearful of baiug carried away with the trate In hie ex ointment he did net nntiee n linsaeuger, Geo, Them' mon, of 1)ot,1it, etaudiug on the steps of the Oar, cud, running against hint, tee hitter was knocked oft the train on to the platform. while the ex- cited Individual full over biro. Thorne. son Sustained severe) brttioee and also 111100(11 the train, while the other fellow had hie urns broken and teas otherwise injured. This is the way with the S. & C. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it—but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money. Ii'oa SALE BY A. S'iTIACnAN. STANDARD BANK or ciANADAI HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. {;0 WAN, Preoi(lont. 3. L. BRODIE, Cashier 14004000, • - - 37,000,000 PAID lie CAPITAL, - - - 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND, • - • 500,000 Agencies In all principal points in Ontario, Quebec. Manitoba, Milted States and England. Brussels Agency. A General Banking Business Transected. Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Collets - Wong mads ou all points. Deposits received and interest allowed at mureot rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De- posita of 01 end upwards from dote of deposit to date of withdrawal and eoue- ponn,tact )toll yearly. Prolm,t attention and every fa oility affor t- nrl curt oilers (trine at a distance. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, Agent. Brussels, April etb,1801. Why Not Do Your Own Thinking? D ItoFFo 4'o, November 8114,1S60, 0, J. 30. McLnnn, (1mlorinlL Dean Sm. -0 0honm Have w, itte n before now to let you kunw l,ow I a r eettiug along. 1 nm a lot better than r was; gal nine strength every day. I have to good appetite anti sleep well. I can tape the full Quantity of the System Beunvatnl• and 1t does not Woken mo. My >I,ol,s aro all right now ; Quite smart in thea way ; swelling all gone. The greet thirst is gone; I drink uo water at oh:ht, but I take a little buttermilk. I ate Quite straight again. Sees me another bolt's of your Systnul Renovator. Yours, &o., Jas. DUNCAN. FOURTEEN MONTES LATER. BRUss1L0, February 716,1091. S. 11f. MOLnon, Gnderic6, Dunn Stn.—Fifteen veers ago last Novem- ber I started t0 doctor first ; I wag treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped me any. At tomes I suffered greatly from my stomach; I continued. but I grew worse. O turned dropsical ; limbs and body swelled badly. You know the state I was in when I wont to Godoriob—a mors wreolc, could hardly walk—suffering from Bright's die - ease. Just 011e year ago last fall I began your Renovator and Speci00 Ours. I began to mend in n few days ; continued then for three menthe steady. Although I was told I could not be cured, if you note mo 00w, yr+ll uud hearty ; eat everything tont 001108 ill the way. I owe y011 the pram Of saving toy life. I IVES in a hopeless condition when I wens to von, in foot no one thought I would got bettor. I n,dn01 setae 100 h,g6134 of you and of your medicines, for it was them that cured ane. Words onunot express my thanks to you. Freely puma my name to anyone. Tours, &o., JAMES DUNCAN, SOLD BY J. T. PEPPER, Bnessurs. Rheumatism, BEING due to the presence of uric acid in the blood, is most effectually cured by the use of Ayers Sarsapa- rilla. Be sure you got Ayer's and no other, and take 1t till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from the system. We challenge attention to this testimony :— "About — "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I sate by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a roan had been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no re- turn of the diseaee."—Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 123th st., New York. "Ono year apo I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, bei( con- fined to my hoose six months. 0 game out of the sickness very much debili- tated, steal no appetite, and my syst.lnn disordered In every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and begat) to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual heath. I cannot say too much in pratee of this well-known medicine" —Mrs. L. 1,.. Stark, Nashua, N. H. 91001'0@101 THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LAFIGEST SALE Irl CANADA. Money to Loan, Money to Loan of Farm Pro- perty at LO REST 14,.12'ES Private ani Company Funds DICKSON & NAYS, Solicitors, (Gr'., BRUSSELS, ONT. ALLAN LINE _Royal Mail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE Fo1TNIGI T.Y RAILINGS FROM PORTLAND on HALIFAX, To DERRY on LIVERPOOL. CABIN rtA'r040, (3446 044110 and $00, Single $80, $90 uud $1111Return, Recording to Location Of Staterooms, INTEIRMF,DI,ATE, Outward 328; Prepaid 800 Steerage of Lowest nates. Accommodations Unsurpassed. Apply t0 H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, on W. IX. IiA:I 111, AGENT, BRUSSELS. MONEY TO L0.4.N. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Fitrni or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6-'1 Per Cent., Pearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to 14°t. Hunter, Division Court Clerk. Brussels. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Compalliy Funds. A1 PL' TO J.C.Heffernan, J,A.ironng, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 0810 THDS1 FLETCHE Practical tiV'atclafraaker and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Linea in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Platen Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by no. Clocks of the Latest Designs. JEWELRY ! WEDDING RANDS, Lunn Gust Rnies, BR0o01nls, EARRINGe, &o. r Aleo a Full Line of Vtonozs and Violin Strings, &G., in stook. N, 0i,—Isaurer of marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. 8 111,1)., M.A., 1, u.I'.."u., `:.1'.1',S.51., Specialist, - Toronto, ToNATNAN 11e>4'nnit'(' le.tlo+re , :noys :- "After npeudinu al, Ina 1n1n1. 1 ,u,a erupertg L. as Nall/Otto oe luo,n.;rl owl.. for •1.11.t, they ta0(11ee a 1104101' -Hs 0,1, 01 cnunn,npdio,t, Ur. Sinclair cured mo." Elite MARY RUnA000, 2( 0101house, a0Y4 "W11011 f141 others fulled, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits." 01o,tRRlcen r;, r•rule4,n t'ho•r, "(Y0:—• "1131.r' (411101(14' m(00*1 w, '.1' '„Gu 4'h." 04110, ROWED, Myth, ,nye: lir. Sinclair Cured n:e nt lural1 ,Oname 0u+1 'leap ay, W11ea Ell othci'n Melee." 1)i.+•rnarx Of Pri•',N, .Yoh"',, hrolnit41 ort iey folly, Ih'. Sinclair certainly Gems. ConAsultaa4 on Free. WILT. BI: AT T11J5 AMERICAN HOTEL, B3USSELS, —.0N -- T h u rsday, Oct. 29, '91, P PILES J L ONE WAV RTE ES TO THE wo BY r T1ir 10100 Sept. 23 y O yS Oct. 7-21 15.>"410-',G„-,, Dec. 2-16-30 'r r ±1391+ HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OF ' olitt; Att¢gdai is rogrus Lapid k rice Low mk j ty of Root &Ag1 nUTAoS FROM ANY AGENT o1 THE COMPANY J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. 'Post' BoaKstore Another Case OF New Coops to hand suitable for the Holiday Trade. Special bargains in Bib- les and Photo. Albums. Large Assortment of Beautiful Dolls. Rocking Horses, Drums, Carts, Magic Lanterns. L&c. for boys. New Stock of Note Papers and Envelopes. Full lines of School Books, .Inks, Scribblers, Pens, Pencils, School Bags, Slates aucl everything else required at School. .1 Few Fancy hcISk els Left carad, will be ,Snlcl at G'ost. As Space is Limited a cut will be made in prices of all Toys to 1)9106 room for other goods. `POST' Bookstore. iV1'OOLL BROS. & 00. Aro still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CELEBRATED "LARDIEY )SPECIALTIES( Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness., MANUFACTURERS : A fir's Sarsa arida MoC L 1ppg5es e X14 Y PREPARED DY g e11Y111VMo e11A lE+eYM® • WtaO /a Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oo., Lowell, Mass. .For Sale byB. L'a Ii RY Price A1: ear, betties, $5. Worth $l a bottle. 44 -nm 7 911 TORONTO. Brussels.