HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-9, Page 44
New Advertisement$. ger; cuions,yellow,Ge0Chapman, jagi
illtuultnn ; °mous largo rets Jae leant-
ilton, Ii Jennings ; paunnips, (lar Ulmwp
L°cals—_1)r, Ayer. Haut, 1t Jennings ; celery, 13 fencing
Strayed—Knit. Blair. Johu Cirahl m ; cauliflower, 14 Graben
Cnrset•e A. Sea retain,. Indian cern, ,e Riker, W A'luCornsiuk
Local i.l T,. Jackson. beans m WPeet, le Hill ; Pumpkin,,
Pall Goody A i . Smith ( Miller Itis Hamilton ; equasb, Joh
County Council wen, Holmes. Sanders, Geo Gordon ; (fibrous, Geo Go
Admluistrator's Notice- -1., L. 'reeler. don, 1t M l3allantyee ; temetoes, 1t jet
Servant \Vetoed --'Pur: L'osr 1'ubliahiug rings, \V Horn or ; meek melon,
House, Baker ; water melon, A Baker ; Rolle
tion of vegetables, !t jonnings, jobb Gtw-
hatn ; fall apples, Smith 131.118, john
Sproule ; winter apples, G ;Mayberry, f
Switzer ; arab apples, \Van Horn sr,,
5te.velleon ; collection of apples, (1 Mut
burry, A Miller ; winter pears, W Steve;
son, A Simpson ; fall pears, Y Coulter
Plums. A Simpson ; grapes,, Win Her
ar ; live pounds of butter, A Baker, ja mms
Priest ; home ale bread, john Graham
A Baker ; baker's bread, 11 13 Hamilton
piokles, John Senders, j Switzer ; hem
made soap, A Simpson, j Switzer
strained honey, Wm Horn, sr, Miss 111
Ball ; comb honey, \V Horn sr.
Judges—john Goodall, G \V Dawson
j H Clintie, Tiros Male.
LADIES' liEl',tn'r)IENT.
A ji]IG 1,011 b! R\ICE.
In Thenudorslgueilwill keep Im service on
t Let 7, (Inn. 4,, Hh run tbo tl(:Roster
1. Whsle Boar, (an ids," Pedigree may he
s4, noun ou applies limn Isis Rice Lund dem hath
oteak 101 prizes at the hmlaoErpnl Slimy at
Toronto, Soatorib alp! Blyth. In lan), 'Loans,
81,00, with privilege or returning if Pecos.
12-4 FRAN3( BAINES, Proprietor,
(plc `tirttss'cls .a t.
h'IUtP:l1', OCT. 9, 1891.
The Elmo, fail show, held in Atwood
on Tuesday of last week was a success
in every particular. The outside depart-
ment was full with the exeeptionof sheep
and pigs. There was a large exhibit of
cattle, and the poultry wee excellent, the
exhibit being much larger than that of
leen year. In horses, there was a fine
showing, some of the best stock in the th
county being in e ring. The imple•
natant display was poor and almost peg.
leeted. following is the prize list t—
• Tho nndtrsigseti will keep for service this
pfesout Rouses rho .Luproved large whits
n Morris, to idg ",lima" st tot 26, too,c,
B Morris, to w dolt a limited number of sown
bn taltun, 'l'ert o 81.00 to be paid Lit
luau of necessary,
with Lha privilege of return-
ing if neonatal•}'. POdtgroe stay 00 scan ap-
e Ou applivatlou, Rol31;141' NLUH0L,
18tf Proprietor.
Patched quilt, John Stewart, J
Turnbull ; oronitet quilt, J B Hamilton
M Hall ; log cabin quilt, T Jackson, t
Hall ; fancy quilt, Ji'o Morrison, John
piens. Hislop ; counterpane, e1 Hall, J Nixon ;
Heavy draught --Span of horses, T ornamental needlework, el loess ; fine
Jackson, Smith Brno ; three year old sltirt, machine trade, lI Hall, G May -
filly or gelding, Wit Sweeton, Fred
Switzer, John Dickson ; two year old
ally or gelding, John Dickson, Fred
Switzer, A Simpson ; nue year old Idly
or gelding, 11 S Ballantyne ; best mare, woolen gloves, Jas Nixon, ef Hall ; fancy
R 5 Ballantyne ; brood mare, J Diokoon ; knitting, Jae Nixon, M Hall ; crochet
foal of 1851, John Pickson. General wet k, 111 Hall, J B Hamilton ; coverlet,
A Miller, ant Dioltson ; wreath natural
(lowers, Jno Graham, T\'lu Stevenson ;
painting on plush, T Jackeon, 6f Hall •,
berlin wool work. raised, A H Wynn, 31
Hall ; Berlin wool work, ilob, A H
Wynn, M Hall ; tidy, T Jackson, Wat-
Son .1 Gibbs ; mantle and table scarf,
\Vat -on & Gibbs, HI Hall ; pincushion, el
Hall, A H Wynn ; pillowshams, T Jack-
son, M Hall ; ti sue paper flowers, Jno
Morrison, S Wberry ; araseenn work,
Watson & Gibbs, el Hull ; table mats, 11•I
Hall, A H Wynn ; toilet set, el Hall, T
Jackson ; Bela pillow, R Ford, T Jaek•
son ; painting on plush or satin, A 11
Wynn, M Hall ; fancy slippers, M hall ;
ladies' underclothing, Watson & Gibbs ;
outline work, W Stevenson, A H Wynn ;
cotton batten wreath, S Wherry ; collec-
tion of pictures, Watson & Gibbs, R Hf
Ballantyne ; collection of ladies' work,
M Hall, Watson & Gibbs; Recommend•
ed feather wreath, V Ioerger.
Judges—Mrs Geo Moffatt, Wingbam ;
Mies Maggie Stewart, Bruoeels.
n0ttSrGNED Ras several good Farms tar
A Rale anti to rout, sone norms, in Townahipo
of 21 orris and Gray. P, S, SL'OTT. Brueaule,
\l 87-41.
berry ; woolen soaks, Jae Nixon, J Diok ;
darned stockings, 31 Hall, Jno Switzer ;
stockings, G Mayberry, Jae Nixon ;
woolen mitts, Jas Nixon, S Wherry ;
purpose --Span of horses, T Dickson, T
Jackson ; three year old filly or gelding,
John Guy, 5 Bennett, John Dick ; two
year old filly or gelding, 5 Bennett, Geo.
Mayberry 2 & 3 ; one year old filly or
gelding, 11 Hamilton, Wm Horn jr, II
Hunkiu ; best blare, T Dickson, J B
Hamilton, J Guy ; brood snare, J Dan•
can, le Switzer, J Riaeh ; foal, 3 Dun-
can, 11 Hankin, J Diok. Carriage—Span,
3' B Hamilton, W Peet ; buggy horse, G
Wiles, J Scott ; saddle horse, R Roe ;
three year old filly or gelding, J Bowes,
Y Coulter ; two year old filly or gelding,
J G Ballard, J W iMcBain ; one year old
filly or gelding, J Sproule, J G Ballard ;
brood mare, J Sproule, W Boyd ; foal, J
Sproule, W Boyd ; pony, A 1d Wynn, J
Judges—Jas Jones, Mitchell ; Peter
Deans, Wingbam ; Jae ieerguson, Brute,
Durham—Miloh cow having calved,
Smith Bros 1 & 2 ; miloh cow to oalve,
Smith Bros ; two.year.old heifer, Smith
Bros. Ayrahires—milah cow having
calved, J Dick, W Dickson ; Heifer calf,
Thos Dickson, 3' Diok. Jerseys--ntileh
cow, A H Wynn ; heifer calf, A kI
Wynn. Grade—milch °ow having calv-
ed, J Dick 1 & 2 ; mileh cow to calve, H.
Smith ; two•year old heifer, J Diok 1 &
2 ; one•year•sld heifer, A Lawrence, H.
Smith ; bull calf, A Lawrence, 3'
Dunoan ; heifer calf, J W Boyd, 3 Dick.
Any breed—yoke of oxen, J Ittaoh ; two.
year-old steer, (4 Mayberry ; one•yeer-old
steer, A Lawrence, G Mayberry ; fat
beast, A Simpson, H Smitb.
Judges—Wm White, Hibbert ; David
Milne, Ethel ; Peter fowler, Blaevale.
Canadian N'e♦i'fe.
There is a rumor that next Beeson two
fine boats will run from Cleveland to
Goderieh, calling at many intermediate
Mayor Butler, M. Iiutchison and Wen.
Lee, of Goderieh, were in Ottawa the
past week pointing out to the Minister of
Pubiio Works the necessity of improving
the harbor. The deputation seem satis-
fied with their reception by Hon. Frank
Last Thursday night Mrs. Peter Ilia•
Oullougb, who resided on the Indian
reserve, near Sarnia, was in the act of
milking and had got all but one oe w
milked, but had left this one, which had
Leieesters—Aged ram, John Hislop ; a young calf, until the last. Her husband
shearing rain, Gro Mayberry ; ram lamb, took the calf away and the Row im.
T Dickson, Wm Dickson ; breeding ewes, mediately turned on the poor, woman,
T Dickson, W Sweeton ; shearing ewes, goring her and tramping her under foot.
T Dickson 1 & 2 ; ewe lambs, W Sweet. Deceased leaves bebind a husband and
on, T Dickson. Shropshires—Aged ram, large family.
C Heller ; shearing ram, J W Boyd ; The Galt Reporter says :—W hile some
ram Iamb, J W Boyd 1 & 2 ; breeding boys in Ward 1 were cutting up a portion
ewes, J W Body 1 & 2 ; ewe lambs, J W of a pine stump on Tuesday, the axe
Boyd, H Bounenberg ; fat sheep, any struck something hard and an examinee
bteed. J Hamilton. tion showed it to be a dint arrow head,
PIGS, which in the days of long ago had been
driveu into the tree, doubting by some
Indian when testing his bow or shooting
at a mark. It was buried in the wood
between six and seven Inches. If this
little bit of flint Gould speak what a story
it might relate.
A six.year-old son of Mr. Mingo, a far.
mer living in Bethune, was seriously in•
jured by the accidental discharge of a
gun on Sunday morning. It appears
that he and an older brother were on
their way to Sabbath school, but called
at a neighbor's house as they were pass-
ing, There was no one but a boy there,
so apparently the lads thought it a good
opportunity to examine a gun which
they found in a shed attaohed to the
house. As le usual in such cases, the
boys did not know the gun was loaded
until it went off, shooting the little fellow
lit the Bide.
Mae. (Dr,) Stewart, of Palmerston.
received a letter from her sister, Dire.
Large, last week announcing her safe
arrival in Tokyo, Japan. In the letter
was enclosed a clipping from The Japan
Mail published in that city the day before
her arrival, which is au foilGwe; "It was
stated some time ago that a man under
custody at the principal pollee station in
Chiba Prefecture, hod ounfessed to the
murder of Rev. Mr. Large, which event,
18 will be remembered, took place in
April of last year. He was described as
In youth of about 20, by name Isoahima
Karam, a native of Kollo, in the Suzu
district of Kazuen province. At first it
was supposed that he was insane, bet the
Myiuko Shimbun alleges that the exam•
ination conducted at the Chiba magis.
traoy goes to prove him thereat murderer,
and that the fact was reported to Tokyo
on the 28th instant," Mrs, Large knows
the prisoner well.
Bari Gehl died in the hospital at Port
Arthur, on Thursday night of last weep,
from a fracbured skull, and in his death
the district loses one of its oldest uiti.
zen5 and most experienced explorers. he
was born at Inneptucken, on the Rhine,
Bed fail wheat, J Ditkeen, 4V Boyd ; 57 years ago, and came to this country
white fall wheat, J Hamilton, 0 Haller ; when a young man. Ile prospered in
spring wheat, A Miller, A Baker ; two. the county of Beene end owned a saw
rowed barley, A Miller, A I3alter ; six. mill, te farm, a store and a hotel. But
rowed barley, A Miller, W Stevenane ; in 1009 he Dame out here, and from then
black Date, A Miller, A Baker ; white to now he has made the bush bis home,
oats, A Miller, Smith Bras; peas, W following.up an exploror'e life, He bee
McCormick, Smith .Bros ; sheaf of flax, sold snores of locations and he discover.
L Hill ; timothy seed, A l3aker, 4V. Ste. ed Silver Hill mine, tate Ottawa loeatine
venson ; white elephant potatoes, Wm on A4tik Lake, and a big list of others of
Peet ; Beauty of Hebron potabes', John others of lesser note. Gehl was explore
Graham, John Itowat ; late potatoes, R ing in the State River County with hie
Bailanbyuo, H Ronoenbeeg ; early pots, son when he accidentally Blipped and fell
toes, John Graham, Jas. Struthers ; over a bluff, Hie Run found 11in1 upper -
Swede turnips, G. Mayberry, Wm Horn, sntly Menge at the foot of the lame.
sr ; turnips, any variety, John Nowa[., J Ile was taken up and brought to the hos-
Tennant ; mangolds, long red, J Graham, pital he=re, The deceased was a than of
W McCormick ; mangolds, yellow globe, tremondous maculae etrengtll and bee
W Horn sr, J (Hallam ; beets, W Me. been known to pick up a steel rail weigh.
Bain, Geo Gordon ; radishes, A Miller, ing about 000 pounds and tarry it off the
A Baker ; oahbages, A Simpson, V Ioer• heat,
Berkshires— teed boar, J Tennant ;
boar pig, Smith Bros, A Mtlier ; sacking
pips, J Tennant. Yorkshire Whites—
boar pig, A Miller ; brood sow, A Miller ;
sow pig; 4, Mfller ; sucking pigs, 3 Ten•
Judges—Thos Davidson, Duncan Mel-
colm, Wm Isbister.
Fowl—plymonth reeks, T Male, J
Morrison ; white leghorns, T Male
brown leghorns, T Male 1 & 2 ; ham -
burgs, any breed, T Male, A H Wynn ;
games any breed, T Male; inching any
breed, G Smith, T Bale ; blank spenieh,
T Male 1 & 2 ; houdans, T Male ; light
brahmas, J Switzer, G Smith ; bantams,
A H Wynn ; geese, A Hiller, J Hamil-
ton ; ducks, A Miller, V Icerger; turkeys,
A Miller, J Hamilton ; pigeons, T Male
1 & 2. Chicks--plymouth rocks, T Male,
J Morrison ; white leghorns, T Dickson,
G Smith ; brown leghorns, T Male 1 &
2 ; bamburgs, any breed, T Male, A H
Wynn ; games, any breed, T lklaie, j G
Ballard ; oochins, any breed, T Male 1 &
2 ; black epanish, T Male 1 & 2.; light
brahmas, G.Smith 1 & 3 ; bantams, T
Male 1 & 2 ; geese, A Millar, j Priest ;
dnoks, j Priest 1 & 2 ; turkeys, A Miller ;
pigeons, T Malo 1 & •
2 ; recommended,
black leghorns, G Smith ; golden po-
lands, 1T Male ; canary, A H Wynn,
judges—Robt Anderson, 11 Elliott,
Cowhide boots, pegged, j Ferguson ;
calf boots, pegged, j k'erguton ; union
flannel, jag Nixon, H Ronneuberg ; suit
of cloths, R 144 Ballantyne, G Currie ;
fulled cloth, C Heller ; pair blankets, jas
Currie, C Heller ; woolen yarn, j San -
dere, j B Hamilton ; rag carpet, jas Nix-
on, 1i' Switzer ; fluor mat, j Switzer, j 3
Ballard ; double set carriage harness, j
Happier; team hereon. A Campbell ;
bee hive, H Bounenberg, Wm Horn or,
judges—H Gleieer, H lel Schaefer.
AGItICOLT110A74 riloDCCTtOys.
) Let 11, Ono. 12, Grey; 100 acrea; lIswt-
class buIl,504n. .1 rare bargain to a 00011
purchaser. Title perfect, Apply at °neo to
W. M, SIN CLA311, Solicitor, Brussels. 30-
%I30101; FAR al FOR SALE.—
) Being South half Lot 07, oma.4, Morrie,
100 acres, non rly ill cleared. Good bull i,,ge,
flue Venug beuri ng orchard, InEinetliilte pus.
Session. Easy Tera,;. Apply En
tf- Solicitor, 40., Brussels,
.L� derelgued offers his valuable 100 time
loran, being Lot 10, Con. 0, Grey, for sale.
There are 85 acres under crop, balance
timbered, There 1s a good orchard, wells,
&o. on the premises, besides log house, bank
barn, &o. W111 be sold on ronsouablo terms.
For price and full particulars apply to W111.
HAIIKIIIK, Brussels P. 0., or Joey RwATTtE,
Seaforth, Out. 97.0m
Pon SALE.—•Being west 4 Lot 11, Oou. 0,
Grey, 24 miles from Bru mils. The land is
good clay loam, wall drained, mostly ell
°leered and ingond order. One aero of or-
chard in good repair. There is a never fail.
lug spring on the premises and an extra well
at the buildings. Thebuiltiingsoreoomfort-
able. Would taste suitable property in or
near Brussels as part par. For further par-
tioulars apply on the promises to
or address Brussels P. 0. 8841
DEnetGNP.D executor's offer the John
Lowe farm for sale. The property consists
of 100 acres, beteg Lot 10, sou. 5, Grey, and
having thereon a arst.olass briok moues,
bank barn, orchard, wells, never -failing
spring, good tonnes, &c. About 70 acres
cleared, balance bush. Possession will be
given next Pall. For further particulars as
to price and terms apply to
W. B. n IOKSON, Solicitor, Brussels,
or to JNO. SMITH, 1 Executors.E. J. MOARTBUII r
42-tf 6111 Oon., Gtey.
Dn+ESIGEED offers for sale the north
Rest tluarte r of lot 28, concession 6, Morris,
County of Huron, contain ing 56 notes. The
land iaof first quality and in a high state of
oultiyatioe, well folioed and under -drained,
:5 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with 0onerete walls, 2 wells,
good barns Hutt shod, orchard, oLe, Eight
a0res of fall wheat. This .1001rab10 property
adjoins tba corporation of Brursole, Suit-
able tern' will be glveu, Title perfect.
86- Seab.rth P.0.
. J The nuemeiguerl Executors offer the
"John Forbes" !Farm for sale. The property
consists of 150 eves, being lot 5, con. 8, and
west half lot 7, eon, 8, Grey township, There
are 180 acres cleared and under crop, balance
hardwood bush. On the premises 18 it good
2 storey brlcli-house, large bank barn with
stone stabling, wells, windmill and pilling to
stables, two °robards, mood fences &o. The
farm 10 to R. good abate of cultivation and is
only 21 miles from Brussels. Possession t°
suit purchaser. For prloe, tutus, &c., write
or apply to
8•tt JAS. OARDIFF, liruaeele P. 0.
or D. FORBE:, Stratford,
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate,
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, B 'U88818,
ick Headache
I8 a complaint from which many suffer
and few are entirely free. Its cause
is indigestion and a sluggish liver, the
cure for which is readily found in the
U80 of Ayer's Pills.
"I have found that for sick headache,
paused by a disordered condition of the
stomach, Ayer's Pills are the most re.
liable remedy."—Samuel C. Bradburn,
Worthington, Mass.
"Atter the use of Ayer's Pills for
I am jny ustified in sin aying that they are
excellent cathartic and liver medicine—
sustainingg all the claims made for them."
W. A.. tiVesbfall, M. D., V. P. Austin
& N. W. Railway Co., Burnet, Texas.
"Ayer's Pills are the beet medicine
known tome for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a dis-
ordered stomach and livor. I Buffered
for over three years from headache, in-
digestion, and constipation. I had no
appetite and was weak and nervous
Most of the time. By using three boxes
of Ayer's Pills, and at bite same time
dieting myself, It was completely cured."
—Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kansas.
"I was troubled for years with indi-
gestion, constipation and headache. .A
taw boxes of Ayer'% Pills, used in small Prime Hams and Bacon.
dally doses, restored me to health.
They are prompt and effeetivo."—W.4.
Strout, Meadville, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Masai
field by all Brueghel end DOalort le Medicine.
00T, S), 1891
O _El'
171 A. MA
+14h. Cfrr CHPETTO:S3
This being one of our leading Lines we are this
Season showing all the newest novelties, Compris-
We invite the Ladies of Brussels and Vicinity
to call and inspect our Stock before purchasing
elsewhere as we have many new novelties to
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
H. Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&e. always in stock and sold
at Close Prices.
If you want a set of Light
or Heavy Harness I can
supply you.
See our Scotch Collars.
�. De niS.
Owing to Mr, lhtoGinnis felling to
complete his arrangements I am back
again in ney Grocery.
I am very thankful for the patron-
age in the past 14 years and nit not only
a continuance of the same but a large in -
man in trade. I have a well assorted
stock of
FRUITS, &u.,
and am continually adding to it.
Sig L3argain8 in Teas,
Special Value in Glassware,
I don't do much puffing about my
business but l am giving bargains that
Iare worth securing. Call and prove it
ter yourself.
Geo, B ker,
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market price will be Allowed.
We have a Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, &o.
All Wool left with us for
'manufacturngwhether trolls or
otherwise, will bsve our prompt' attention.
& CO.,