HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-2, Page 8ARRIVINC "FANCY GOODS, BOOKS, TOYS, DOLLS and various articles suitable for holiday gifts are now arriving. We have made a careful selection 01 such lines as we considered good value and suitable for our trade. We will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. • GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTHEBN EXTENSION W. O. & E, Trains 1ea,e Brussels Station, North and South. as follows: Gonlo SODTH, GoiNo Nonni. a5ai1....,......, 00 a.m. Mixed 9:45 a.m. Express 11:52 a.m. htail ,,.,........ 3a06 p.m, Mixed 9:95 p,m, Lxpreas 9:55 v.m. civs [rias, A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, Au' faith he'll prent it. OCTOBER. PRETTY brooches at U. L. Jackson's. Coreem meeting next Monday evening. RINoa, Rings. H. L. Jackson, jeweller, CoTvAo1 to rent, Apply to J. J. Gil- pin. Is' you went cheap glassware call at Geo. Bather's. A wEDDINelis on the tapis but we'll keep mum for the present. Fon a nice suit or overcoat yon oannot do better than at Straohan's. i mom and gravel crossing ie being pat down near the Town Hall. EvsRY lady should visit the millinery show rooms of Mrs. E. Rogers. Boots made to order and repairing specially attended to. Geo. Good, UNssnTAraNc in all its branches. Em- balming a specialty. R. Leatherdale. Tor wingwalls at the bridge are corn• p:eted and a good job done, so experts say. W. H. AleCRAcr.es took 35 prizes at the Wingham Fall Show on Wednesday of this week. ANYTHING kept in a first-class pity furnitnre store is also kept at R. Leather - dale's, Brossels. Burners was well represented at a I. 0. F. reunion at Ethel ou Thursday evening of last week. THE famed Tiger blend of pure India and Ceylon tea, the best value in the market, at Thomson's. Fon a nice pair of tine boots Cooper & Smith's or J. D. King's, Straohan's is the place to secure them. "JEPTHA'6 VOW'," by Edwin Long, will bo the subject of Rev. G. F. Salton's die. uuerse neat Sabbath evening. Iluxcnnns of teams are in town al. most every day delivering grain. Bros• eels market is the steadiest and best in the County. A Losn of young folks from town at- tended a party at Winghem on Tuesday evening, They arrived home Wednes- day morning. Fon all lines of goods suitable for the Fall trade go to Straohan's where yon will get good value for your money and nice fre.h goods. THE stone work of the foundation of the new stores to be ereoted for I. C. Richards and S. W. Laird was completed this week by A. Lowry, Room to rent over Mrs. Straohan's new block. Will be in readineee by Sep- tember lat. Suitable for office, sewing poems or dwellings. Apply to Dn. Mc- RELvEY, AN official letter has been received Ina' Postmaster General Haggart stat. in,, that the look letter box asked for at Brussels railway station will be here shortly placed in position. THE Voters' List Court of this muni- cipality will be held in the Town Hall, on Friday, Oct. 23 commencing at 0 a. in. Judge Toms will preside. There are a number of appeals to boar, I KEEP the largest and hest aseorted stook in my line in the County, (barring none.) I buy my goods for spot cash and having had 20 years experience I defv competition in prices. R. Leather - dale. To COB lESPONIERTEL—We will be pleas• ed to hear from you a little more regular- ly in the future. People like to reed the District news items every week and the oftener you write the easier the work be. Som es. le is education that makes all the dif. /arena between the men who dig in the ditch end the man who bosses the job. It is the superior qualities of Ayer's Sar- saparilla that give it its acknowledged pre•etninenoe over all other blood•puri• iters. Caner frequently finds a household un• prepared for its visit, while the rapidity with which it develops Dills for instant treatment. For this dangerons disease Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is an admirable remedy. It eavee many lives every year, Keep it in the hones. J. D. Emma has sold the small sized fire engine he exhibited at tite Faire to Blenheim, Kent County, Also a hose part and 1,000 feet of hose. The medium en„iiia will in all probably, go to St, Pants, 141 Mineola, and the largo machine in being negotiated los, The Ronald engine is Ming—not because 've say so—but for the roason that expert-, have proven that there is no better manufactured in the world, Howe lAthruAt.--Tete regular month- ly meeting of the Howiek Mutual Iseor• ante Company was bold in Gerrie Town Hall met Saturday, all the members ptosent. 84 new application were reoeiv od and passed. The owner of a barn in Minto township destroyed by fire was paid 512,000 in full of his claim, The rate for the current year was etrnok, viz, 5% on face of premium notes. This is the highest rate for several years the .renal figure being about 2 or 28 par cont, HE BRUSSELS POST 1zela. the Prost is on the Pumpkin And the Fodder is in the Shock, And you hear the hobble -gobble Of the strutting Turkey cock ; And the Rooster holleuster as He tip -toes on the Pence ; Oh ! its then a fellow feels his best, On a Cold and Frosty Morn When the Frost is on the Pumpkin And the men are Husking Corn. d)k+tt 19sPa A'” lSlJ19 1e7J I Oe. TON'Tput your hands in your Trouser Pockets, whistle "Annie Laurie" and expect to keep warm the coming Fall Days Much more practical to select a comfortable Overcoat or suit from our new stock of Fall Overcoats and Suits. Nothing small about them but the price and that is exceedingly Minute. By selecting early you secure the pick. 'We will soon be in our new store and have bought a large and attractive stock of Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Gent's Furnishings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Coatings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furs,in fact abig stock of every- thing kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store, LAu1E assortment of watches at II. L. Jackson's. JUST received half a ton of L. C. baton at Geo. Broker's. Tun best value in flannels we have ever shown. Alex. Strachan, APPREN'rlcn wanted to learn Harness Making. Apply at once to H. Dennis, Brussels, DBnr in and see Leatherdale's new stock of brass goods, something new in the house decorating line. DON'T forget the Band Concert this (friday) evening tit Maitland Skating Rink. Entire new program. Go and hear it. Tits POST for the balance of 1891 for only 20 cents in advance. New sub scribers for 1892 get the remainder of 1891 free. TUE preaching eervioes in Melville church will be withdrawn next Sabbath as the pastor will be at Ohesley assisting Rev. D. Perrie. Ir you are in need of new window shades call i1, and see R. Leatherdale's spring similes. It will never pay to .pet up the old kind. A new and well assort. ed stook just arrived. LAST week Neil Milloy brought to the office of Ten Pose a "mess" of "Dumber. ton Hero" potatoes, a new and splendid variety recently received from England. Our thanks are tendered for the sante. MRs. Jose. Srscreme, Princess street, has let the contract for a two story brick cottage, 30x21 feet with kitchen 16 feet square to Messrs. Smith, Malcolm & Gibson. The work is to be completed this fall. SEVERAL persons are arranging to Som. pete in the egg race, and the saddle, coat and vest race. There will also be a num ber of competitors for the prize o'fered for the beet lady driver. There is a splen- did course for these events and they should prove attractions at our Fair on Friday afternoon, REuovEn. Coving 10 the building cf a new block -I have had to vacate my old shop and may be found for the next two months at the Btu.selo Egg Emporium where I will La pleastCI to wait on all my old customers and as many new ones as favor me with their patronage. A. Cunnxr, Butcher. A WENDING party from MoKillop town- ship pointed the town red, (figuratively speaking) last Tuesday and made the town boys turn almost green with envy. The prinoipals were Joseph Kennedy and Miss Kate Nurse. The attendants at the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Mr. Molook, were George Stecernagel and Mies Agnes Nurse, all of McKillop, "A STITCH le time saves nine I" and so dose a garment Save time, money and expense if cleaned, pressed and dyed in a thorough and artistic manner, which can be done promptly and at a small Dost by sendiug to Parker's Dye Works, Toronto, or any of their agents all over Ontario. R. Parker & Co. make "Aold clo„hes look waist as guid as new," at a cost of less than one-fourth their original value. Gie him a trial and ye'il no re- gret it. Agency at Skene's General Store, Brussele. Tee remaining oases tried in 000080• tion with the alleged violation of the Crook's Act came up for hearing on Tuesday morning, The firet one heard was dismissed and the remaining three were then withdrawn by the Inspector. A map of the town locating the hotels and a calendar showing the Sabbaths would be two very useful articles to many of the witnesses in these rather notable cases. A vow Brueselites make a praoticeof patronizing every canvassing agent tvho comes along yet these same parties will do a lot of vigorous kinking if they ere passed by and preferenoe given to out- siders. An instance or two has mom° under our observation in the printing line in which bneineed men gave orders for bill heads, &c, to any houses instead of getting jest as good au article at a lower price at home. If a newspaper is expected to boom a town and its inhabi• tante for 12 menthe in the year and thereby induce people to trade there it is only fair to expect that the merchants and othere will patronise home industries, It makes a big ditierenoe to some folks ass to whose bovine is gored. SATURDAY, &Malty and Monday the Salvation Army put in as good time here. In addition to Brigadier Spooner and wife officers were preeent from Seaforth, Listowel, L'almoreton and other places. Some persona loeb 10 all lenge of decency disturbed the proceedings very meoh by throwing aged lien fruit, apples, &o., in• to the barradce whenever the door was opened. The wife of Capt. Freeman was etreolc on the throat with a portion of a eorneali and for a time dangerous vaults were anticipated. It's time the local authoritiee tools steps to root out this rowdyism. We have galled attention to This same matter a snore of times. The officers of the Army haus a right to de- mand and secure pr0tsotfon from the hoodlum element of Brussels 0r any other eivi11.od town. NovtLTirs in jewellery. H. L. Jack- son, jeweller. Iv you. want anything in the furniture line try R. Leatherdale. Tam Largest, eheapest and best stook of dress goods is at Mrs. E. Rogers' Bros. eels. renames Ss Mummy are showing ell the newest styles in ladies' jackets at very low prices, Fit guaranteed, To TUE LADIES. -13e sure and dont for- get to call and see Mrs. E. Rogers' splen- did show of Millinery on the 1st, 2nd. 11rd. Oct, ENTRIES are pouring in for East Huron Fall Show on Thursday and Friday of +hie week. Come to Brussels on Friday and hear Edison's wonderful talking ma- chine. A VERY interesting distonree was preached to the C. 0. F. last Snoday afternoon in the Methodist church by Rev. G. F. Salton Tltere was a good turn out of Foresters. PooTorrrco is now kept open until 7:30 p. m. for the convenience of the public who have drawers or look boxes. If you want to share in the advantage geta look box or a drawer. Davin Bnncl1ENRYOGE, of Morrie, was brought into town on Tuesday evening charged with abusing his wife. He was fined 51.0 and posts by A. Hunter, J. P., an Wednesday for the offence. Served him right. Wit. Beams took charge of the two stage lines from Brussels to Seaforth and Brussels to Gorrie on Thursday of this week. He has purchased T. Thompson's comfortable outfit, we understand, and will look after the travelling public and business matters entrusted to him in a prompt and careful antimer. A DAKOTA paper says :—Harry Dun. ford, Harvey: "Talk about your potatoes —while I was visiting at my old home in Ontario last winter, I saw some potatoes of the Beauty of 11ebron variety, and brought 8 of them home •,vhh me which I planted in my garden last spring. I dug them last week and got just 5 bush- els of potatoes from the 8 planted, Some of them weighed from 1 to 2 lbs." LAST ,Monday the unusual , oiroum- stance of four generations sitting for a photo was witnessed in Hunter's Studio, Brussels. The persons interested were Martin Farrow, of Bluevale, aged 87 years ; Postmaster Farrow, of Brussels ; Robert Farrow, of the Oivil Servise, Otta• tva. and his sou Russell, Mr. Farrow sr. is in the enjoyment of exneltent health and moves about almost with the vigor of youth. A IAMB and well assorted stock of Cooper & Smith's boots and shoes just received at Straohau's. In addition to the above cxoellent make and quality we have added several lines of Ladies and goats fine Soots mauufaotured by J. D. Co. As this firm has a high re• putation for style and durability we have only to mention the fact of having them in stock and shall be pleased to show them t0 our many customers. Alex. Strachan A "Cum" social was held in the base- ment of the Methodist church on Monday eveniug under the auspices of Epworth Lease. There was a very large audience present. G. A. Hood, vie°. president of the Social Department, oo- oupied the chair. The program consist. ed of solos by T. A. Hawkins ; and A. Hood ; and ouriosities in the shape of a star fish by Mine May Kerr ; ),piece of atone from old Fort Garry, Winnipeg, by Russell Fletcher ; finger bone of an American Indian, by G. A. Hood ; po. tato that grew in the sooket of hoe where the handle fits, by T. S. Humphries ; pipe smoked by Harvey, the Guelph murderer, by W. H. Kerr ; book that had gone to the bottom of the ocean in in the wreck of the steamship "Oregon," and a Japanese God, by Rev. G. F. Salton ; quarterly ticket given in the days of Rev. Jno, Wesley, by Miss F. E. Kerr ; Electric battery by Dr, Cavanagh. Five new names were taken us members. Next Monday night's program will be a proper meeting led by Nelson Gerry and a Bible reading, "Does sin pay," by Dr. Cavanagh, CWT.—Sunday forenoon the messenger Death summoned the spirit of Dixon A. Smule away. The deceased was born in Newoaetle, Ontario, on May 5th, 1857, and was consequently 34 years, 4 months and 22 days old at the the time of his death. Ha came to Brussels with his parents in the year 1861 and lived here almost alt his life. On the 240 day of December, 1881, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Borrie, fourth daughter of Chas. linos, of Middlesex County, by Rev. T. AI. Campbell, of Sarnia, Along with his brother t1, 1t., he (tarried on a Tailoring and Gents' Furnishing estab, lisbment for several years and sold out to ROSS Bros. Shortly after the subject of this notice and family removed to Sag. hum where they resided for about a year. On returning Mr. Smalo took charge of Is commercial wagon for Mr, Smith, of Hamilton, and while attending to life work contracted a bad cold end fn May 1889 he had to give up work owing to i11 health. Consumption 0001 showed itself and despite all that could be done by the best medical attendance and oars• ful and constant watching he gradually wasted away until his want of strength prevented him from raising the phlegm and death ensiled. Last February when the Koch lymph more was the rage Mr. Smale went to tho private hospital of Dr. Wilson, Dugerin avenue, London, in the hope of receiving benefit but after a stay of about three months and an ex- penditure of nearly 5300 he came book litble, if any, the better of the treatment. "Dick," as he was familiarly called, was a general favorite and was of a sooial, good natured temperament and made friends wherever he went. When be onme to realize that there wee no possi- bility of kis health being restored he was quite resigned to the will of his Master and said he was prepared to go, Mr. Smale had been a very enthusiastic Odd Fellow for a number of years but when he removed from Brussels he allowed hie membership to lapse and with it an in- surance of 52,000 in the Covenant Mutu- al. The funeral took plane on Wednes. day afternoon, Rev. J. Rase, B. A„ ofTioiating. Mrs. Sainte and little daugh- ter and other relatives have the sympathy of the community. ZYSOMN BAnnaN.—Ill Grey, on Sept. 23rd, the wife of Mr. Alex. Barron of a a Wrz'.raarsoN,—In Morris, on Oct. leo, the wife of Mr. Wm. Williamson of a daughter. 1V/stmt.—In Haysville, on Sept. 20th, the wife of Mr. Win. Walker of a daughter. KENNE Y—NURSE. By Rev. Mr. Mules*, on Sept. 89th, Mr. Joseph Kennedy to Miss Kate Nurse, both of Mc- Killop township. GooLn—HUNTnn.—In Windsor, on Sep- tember 9th, Mr, Thomas Goold, of Detroit, to Miss Janet Hunter for. merly of Brussels. Bo5au—Gninnso5,—In Elma, on Sept. 9th, by Rev. J. Livingstone, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Joseph Burke to Mies Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. Geo. Grierson, all of Elsa: McCnAE—S5rsrH.—In Elam, on Sept. 22nd, ab the residence of the br'ide's father, by Rev. Mr. Park, of Listo- wel, Mise Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr. Robb. Smith, to Mr. JD" Mo - Orae, of Trowbridge. azar . JACICsoN,—In Morris, on Sept. 10th, Francis Annie, daughter of James Jackson, aged 18 days. SHALE.—In Brussels, on Sunday, Sept. 27th, Dixon A. Smale, aged 34 years, 4 months and 22 days. MoFser'Nn.—In Boesivain, Man., on Sept. 20th Harry Dixon, son of J. T. and Mrs. McFarlane, aged 8 months and 7 days. Surra.—In Luther, on the 22nd inst., Mrs. John Smith, of Listowel, for- merly of Grey township, aged 114 years and 6 months. a-cre'a'xoxw sa:x,ss_ THURSDAY, 00T. 22nd.—Farm, farm stank, implements, boueehold furniture, &o., Lot 10, eon. J, Grey. Sale ors .r- monces at 12 o'clock, noon. John Smith and E. 5. Moorthur, exeoutors for the late John Lowe. F. S. Scott, aunt. k-"AI'7Z, E E' 'tT7'$, Blyth, Oot. 8th and 9th. Seaforth, Oot. 1st and 2nd. Luoknow, Oct. 5th and Oth. Howiek, at Gerrie, Oot, 3rd. East Huron, Brussels, Oat. 1 and 2. North Perth, Stratford, Oat. 1 and 2. Northern Walkerton, Sept. 20 to Oot. 2, Ener Wawanosh, Belgrays, Oot. 6 n.'sd 7. Kincardine, at Kincardine, Oot. ooh and 9th. Canada central, Ottawa, Sept. 28rd to Oot. 2nd. Great International, St. John, N. 73. Sept. 23rd to cot. 3rd, emvmomx.,s. avr.A.m=2zrY's, Fall Wheat (new) .. ,, .. 95 08 Spring Wheat ,. • 88 93 Peas 60 40 50 00 00 Oats. (new) 28 29 Butter, tube and mile15 14 Eggs per dozen 12 00 Flour per barrel - 5 00 5 50 Potatooe 80 00 Hay per ton - 8 00 10 00 Pork ,. . 5 00 5 50 Hides per 1b.... , 4 00 Salt per hbl., retail1 25 CO Shoop skins, each 00 75 Lamb shins oitoh 40 50 Wool, per ltt18 20 STANDARD BUR DT CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, W. P. COWAN, President. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, Pm OP DP CAPITAL, • RESERVE FUND, - 57,000,000 • 1,000,000 - 500,000 Agencies in all prinotpal points in Ontario, Quebec, kiaultoba, United States and Dngland. Brussels Agency. A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted at lowest rates, Drafts Issued and Collec- tions made on 011 points, Deposita received and iuterost allowed at entrant rates. SAVINGS BANK. Iubereat Allowed on Savings Bank De- dositof $1d upwards from dta eposit o datenof withdrawal, and°cora- pounded half yearly. Prompt attention and every facility afford. ad customers living at a distance. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, Agent, Brusaela, AprilOth.1891, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GENERAL ;SERVANT WANT- ED, Apply at once to MRS. W. M. SINCLAIR. MONEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE Funds. Apply to GNonsg HINoeToN, Joliet, Illinois, or to 0 41•tf THOS. BELLY, Brussels HORSE RISING 5 YEARS eon NOR sALN. Weighs 1,400 pounds, sound and good worker. Apply to JNO. WYNN,Brueele, R AM LAMB STRAYED ON n°bnoannhaeHad legaad rod iit oHebs, Th finder will kindly communicate with Wlti. BLASHIGL, Brussels, TANTE!),—AN EXPERIENO- Bn general Servant to go to Brandon, Mau. Good wages and a permanent poet• Con to a good .reliable person. Apply at ) This "FORT Publishing House, Brussels. 1'®®o LBS. MILK A YEAR. The dam of my Pure R red Jersey 13g11 has given e,500ibs. of milk inn ten months with lbs in t3 calf, with Icor Stn tot give f,l b'or further particulars regarding this Dtall ap- ply at my Drug and Book Store, Brussels. G. A. Died DMAN, VOTERS' LIST COURT, helNotice ursuant toot' 'Tee' Voters' Lt a ies will " by Itis Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Town Ball, Brussels, on FRIDAY, the 21rd day of hatch- er1S91,at0 o'clock a. m„ to hear and deter- mine the several (complaints of errors and emissions in the Voters' List of the himliei- polity of Brussels for1801. All persona hav- ing business at the Court are required to at- tend at the Raid Wine and plane, F. S. SCOTT, Clerk of Raid Hun Milt allty. Doted the 29th day of Stmt., 1851, VOTERS' LIST COURT. Notieois hereby given that a Court will be bald pursuant to The Voters' List Act, by Ills Honor the Judge of the County (ourt of the County of Huron at Burtbn's Hall, Ethel, ou SATURDAY., the 24th day of Oet- ober,1881, at the hour of 10 O'clock in the forenoon to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Muni°ipalttyof Gro', for 1891. A11 persons baying business at the Court are required to atteud at the said time and plan°. WM. 8P1DN01D, Clerk of said Mucieicality, Dated 036.1, 91, Notice to Creditors. NOTION is hereby given, lnu'surtnt to the provisions of ob541. 110 510,15, revised eta Cites Ontario (1087) that all parties having claims rupon ng hrite,01t the[ the of estate t Morris, In the County of Rn+'on, gentleman, d000es. ed, who died on or about the ilth day of May last past, aro 021 or before the 251 day. of November, A,0., 1801 to l by post, prepaid, or deliver to Vt', 13, seaDicksau, Bins.. sale, Solicitor for Cho A dministratnr of the estate of the said Imbed AnnatronR, de- ooaed, a statement in writing of their Ctris• Can and surnames, and a,l, "•oseea and full particulars of their airtime end the uatul'a of oft eoctiritioe Of any) hold by them And netters is hereby trailer given that alter 1110 said let day of NoVsmber the Ad. minlstrator1311) proesod to distribute the assets o1 tiro Pahl rieooaset] among itl1O nor• sons entitled thorel p, having regard only to the /dolma of which notice shall have bean given as above required, and the id Ad minletrator will bathe reeponsfbio fol' the aeoeto 05 any part thereof to tuyporeon er Vernons of whose claim or claim notice eha)1 not have been received a6 the t' oe of 03501 dtstribdtlon. elated et Bxueeels" a let day of Oe Scher, A.1), i 1, 129 w8o lel 0111 A,lrhh 'slratar, OCT. 2, 1891 OASTROLINIA This preparation will be found a re• liable remedy for the ordinary diseases of philciron, snail as Indigestion, Sour Otomaoh, Constipation, 'Wind Cone, WOMB, via Teething andlmanylobher diseases common to children. It regulates the bowels and assists digestion. It does away entirely with the giving of naneeo»s doses of Castor 011 bo children. Its se - tion on the bowels is gentle and the el. Foote produced are reliable. This peeper, ation is one of, if not the beet selling ar- ticles on our list. The formula itself is perfection, is nine in flavor, douse in body, dark in color• and fragrant in odor. 3. T. PEPPER, Ohemiet & Druggist, Brussels. BANKING. Ajj,oINTOSII & MOTAGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Traraao.ct a General aaxaletlas NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and baited States Drafts bought and sold, IaterSet allowed on Deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents—ltfnnonANT's BANK o1• CANADA, Now York Agents—Tiuonynns AND TnAD- NMM NATIONAL BANK. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. R L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Collec- tions madeioltor 011l00 iVanetoua's Blocl,Ol3rue- eels. 21-8m* -v • ALSINCLAIR, • Bolloibor, Oonvovaneer, No tory rub- or', An, Office—Graham a Block, l doer north of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loam. DICKSON & HAYS, (tato with Gamow d: Proudfoot, Gode• rich,) Barr,sters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &a. Oitlees—Brussels and Seaforth, Brus- sels Office—Upstairs over Bank. Money to Loan. B4O. HAYe. w. n, MMONSON BUSINESS CARDS. Miss O'CONNOR, 40•t1renaher of PrriuooB a etlnd 'eet -Brussels. II. MoCRAOKRN, • Ofiloe at his Grocery Tur of Marriage Licenses. Brae m, R• N. BARRETT, south of A. hr o1ayds Co's hardware store. Ladies'and obIldrens hair cutting a specialty MISS BALL Is prepared to give lessons on the Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ. Special at- tention given to Technic. For further in- formation address— Box 172, Brussels. A MaNAIR, • Ietn'er of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Oommis• F1re Insurance B. Oltica tithe Ornnbrook Post Oihao, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM ONSUBANON, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. BUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Divrelon 0011rb, Co, Huron. Oonvey0noer, Notary Public, Invested and loan °ll Collections lmale. ()Mee in Graham's Bloalr, Brussels. O IL PAINTING, to givo instriuebton tf o 011 painting. Terms where maybe of work may Nellie Ross' store Morias would also take a few More pupils lu music. TA. IIAWRINS, • Organist in 8t, John's Church, Brus- sels,and pupil,in the Art of Teaching,of A. W. hayer, Dios, Doc„ New York, wilgive loaenns to pupils either at Thee, Belly's, Turmberry at., or If preferred, at their own homes. Torras moderato. 45 - DENTAL. ENTI`l'.3 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S..,g,uuD. D. S., GradSurgeons, ate of Royal College olfoToronto Dental Uni- versity. O1PICN—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brusseis, AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, 1s always ready to at- tend sales of farms, fe,rm etobk, dee. Terms cheerfully given. Ora»brook P. 0. SOUS may be arranged at Tan Pon. Publishing Hose, Brunei. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales 000dnct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooka opooialty. Orders left at Tan Pon P ubli ebing.ilouee, Bre oriole, or esntto Walton P. 0„ will reoelve prompt attention, SAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- 51t OH au Auctioneer, I am prepared 10 conduct sale of farm oteok at reasonable prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every pore= I am in a position to soli to good marks and got good eeeurlby whoa sold ouCredit, Satislaotiouuaranteed. Give mea call. 02- P S. SOOT'"'. MEDICAL :CARDS. M. 1n. CALE, M.D., 0.111., Member of the Oollog° OCPbyeidau, and Surgeons of Ontario by °x0mtnatlou, 011.10 nue ltendouce —Maio street last, k36hol,Cutarlo, T A. MaNAUGHTON, Al. D. C 0, M„ 1,,1t. 0. P. Lklinburgh, MP M. C. S. Out, At Popper's BTU Store Iron 8 16 Mese a, sn, and from 1:80 to 4 U. m, A6 other )lours may bo found at his reeidenoo, form" Orly occupied by Dr. 13 u tebineon, Mill et. VETERINARY. f D. WARWICK, • Mellor Graduate f tho ho ouaOntario l ins Veterinary o clemesti is prepared to [rant all potent ca ner. ra5trc animals in a mom: potent inannar. Petry. Ca s pro pt paid to vetetended to. Tice and Calls )50005041 ate [soba to. dgioe curl LSlfrin0ry—Two 1100115 5052)5 of bridge, Turnb2rry et„ &ossseela,