HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-2, Page 5OCT. 2, 1801
c rstatblroolc..
Min Edith "Lope, 01 Atwood, ie visit
ing her uncle, Cleo. Mattson.
John ferric has gone to Coderlob to
attend the(ollegieto Institeto there. We
wish him amen.
Tee Purr for the halanoi of 1811E for
25 acute. Baleen of alto year free to
now subscribers for 1802.
The eider mill is now going full blast
and will no doubt bo prepared to grind
all the apples that may bo brought in,
01,0. Powolt'a sale of household fneni.
tees, tweeds and roadyrntalo olothing
name off very suocesefully last Saturday
etternoon, but as all loos not disposed of
it was decided to continuo the silo on
Thursday cud Friday evenings of this
weeto ble soldlere are yet andtanyone lob
wisl of
Min a cheap suit we would advise them
to attend this sale.
WiH1 )Iain.
Mrs. J. A. Morton, of Wingllatn, met
with quite a serious aeuideub on Wednes-
day night Of last week. It appears that
finding the room very warm on reaping
to resit, she laid down on a lounge in the
hall, About two o'oloolt in the morning,
when she got up to go to her room, she
went in the wrong direction, and walked
out the upstate hall door and fell to the
platform beneath, thereby injuring her-
self seriously
The second writ of habeas corpus is.
sued by Chief Justice Galt the other day
with a view toward liberating the alleg-
ed forger, Henry Garbutt, and setting
aside the order made by Judge Morgan
for his extradition to VanIlstyne, Texas,
was returned Monday morning before
Sir Thos. Galt. The writ was obeyed by
Detective Cuddy, on behalf of Governor
Green, who produced Garbutt's body in
court. Mr. ItIurdook, counsel for Gar-
butt, argued at some length in favor of
setting aside the order and put in 17
affidavits from reputable citizens of
Wingham, alleging Garbutt was in
Wingham, Ont., at the date when the
forgeries he is alleged to base been con-
nected with were committed. Judgment
was reserved.
Our esually peaceful little town was
thrown into quite a state of exoitement
last Saturday morning upon learning
that aboab 1:80 p. m. three crooks had
attempted to burglarize F. Metcalfe's
jewellery store. Constable Davis, who is
also employed as night watchman by the
town, got onto their little game end
caught them in the net of forcing the
front door. They made a very deter-
mined attempt to escape, but Davie sue-
oeeded in securing the trio. Too much
ptaiso cannot be given to Davis for his
pinok in cantering the three single-hand-
ed. The trio appeared before Magistrates
Young and Hamilton on Saturday and
gave their names as James Roberts,
Godorich ; Thomas Morrie, Windsor,
and George Taylor, Hamilton. They
were romauded until Monday morning.
The megiatra,es thinking there was suffi-
cient evidence against them' committed
them for trial. They were taken to
ensue Dixon by constable Davies on
Monday afternoon. They are a hard.
looking lot.
Tho barns of Peter Scott, on the north-
ern boundary, had a elan cell the tither
day from life,. Spathe from the steam-
er ofn tltru•hing Ionian ignited some
pots straw and it WW1 just notiood in time
to prevent a conflagration,
Aeereet r. -A pe0uliar yet mine 000i -
dent befell W. T, Mooney, eldest son of
lteevo Mooney, on Tuesday of this week.
They wero working in a fallow and the
father was 0510g an axe oho ing by some
means Wm. caught the stroke on In arm
just above his elbow, intiioting en ugly
gash. Medical attandauoe was at once
as 0onhld aad tebe expelcted.ationte is It will be11,e l
time before the arm will be restored to
its former usefuluo0s owing to the melt
aloe being damaged.
Joeotban Moore is veneering his 110,100.
Several from this vicinity attended
London Fair.
Mrs. Thompson, of Brussels, was visit-
ing in Walton last week.
Master Gordon McDonald lass returned
from an extended visit to Arthur.
R. T. of T., No. 888, hold their meet-
ings every Wednesday night 0t present.
Tao Ladies' Aid Society of Duff's
church are giving a series of very sac•
cesaful teas at the houses of the mem-
The last of the hogs belonging to the
oheeso factory patrons 11000 been sold
and were delivered at Mitchell on Friday
of last week.
Wm. Edgar and brother-in-law take
charge of the stage this week. Mr.
Thomson was efficient end obliging. Wa
wish the now proprietors success.
A wedding party which passed
through this burg on Tuesday felt so
good that they could not restrain their
cheers to the evident amusement of our
natives. Rad and blue tape was in
On Saturday night some persons stole
three or four baskets of grapes from Mr.
Gallinger's vine. Such ohildren (young
men of sense would not do the mean
trick) should he spanked and put to bed
et reasonable hours,
LAM CO N.S. 1 .
The Lietowol fall rases will take place
on Wodnesdey and Thursday, 7311 and
Oth Ootobee.
Tatham & Co. 11000 sola their hard.
ware business to Mr. Moore, of Ridge•
town, formerly of St. Marys.
J. S. Geo Itis sold out his store busi-
ness at Newry, end to Doming bank to
Listowel. He will likely open up hush
The aeeoud story of the new furniture
factory is nearly up. The dry kiln. en-
gine house and brink chimney are also
well advanced.
Will. Freeman, son of A. D. Freeman
01 31,10 town, wbo holds a luorativo pea".
tion in the offices of the Edison Eleo-
trio Light Co,, of Now York, has been
10010 on a holiday trip.
A monster turnip is on exhibition in
front of J. H. McDonald's grocery store. fr0ahments were served on the field.
It weighs 21 lbs• and measures over a
foot in diameter. It was grown by J. ---- --�
M. Ohmic in Wallace, and ii ono of the li,-a:x. •
Greystone variety. Duncan McDonald and Jno. McNeil
Frankie Burt, the fonr•ysar-old son of I have been reappointed tax oolleotors for
The auttiverserYsomeone in ouonection I boHineav 1333/.11+41 In, the IMI1 was
With St. Andrew's church, Atwood, w111 thrown omen and the ladbw H,,w1 had a
be prenatal by Ray, J. L. Murray, DI. A., i Hplendid sapper r,x,ly to which ample
rl a 30 H d,
( 4GI1 at junta) n inn � c „
Bewley, tat. i l.x all nL loon' ,
t w Ll so.
' adru orJ
of ileo r
l l 0, rn. and 7 13. uh On the following !options were rendered by the Ethel Glee
Monday night the rev, geutlematn hill de-
liver hie tx)puler leetrh'a, "What 1 011w in
The (Newlin Order foresters, of this
place, purpose giving a concert in rho
Town Hall, 0u Friday evening, Got, it.
They have assured for the evening Can.
aria's amnia voaaliet, Sint Fax, 'ale, Nati-
on, the fnvorito comedian, of Winghaln,
and D. Lamont, of Listowel.
1131 settle.
The August make of cheese wag ship•
ped last Wodneetlay. It sold for 10§
conte per pound.
Harvest home in (tonna:tiou with the
Methodist church on Friday evening of
next week. Brunetti Methodist choir
will be present. Rev. W. McDonagh, of
Ridgetown, and others will address the
a udionce.
./Last Saturday afternoon the program
of games and sports annonneed was held
on 3no. Diament'g field. Wingllam and
the "Uuious,' of Gerrie and Wroxeter,
played 5 innings at baso ball resulting in
an easy viotocy for the latter. Foot -ball
mime next Bolmore and Gorrie being
pitted agairl03 one another. Gonia wet.
They afterwards played a match with
the "Ironsides." After 40 minutes play
and no goals being scored the Gorrieites
refused to 00htinn0 the game on 000ou11
of darkness so forfeited their nano of
winning. Foot meas were run and the
whole proceedings was enlivened with
bag -pipe music by Jno. Mitchell. Burt, Be-
es ac.
cident00 2'ridaymet tlast.th a raWbiletc crossing
the street to his grandfather's, W. C.
Hay's ho Blipped on the sidewalk and
broke his leg at the thigh. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Bort were in Toronto at the
The Lletowel Gas Works are being mach
improved in outward' appoaranee, the
holder and roof of the works having been
painted a striking color. The new office
in 00n100110n with 1110 works is now
finished, and is a neat brick structure.
An asphalt walk and a bovlevard around
the front and east side of the works are
aleo in oontemplatlon.
Howick Township Fall Fair will be
held hero on Saturday.
The fruit eveporater is now in full
blast, running night and day.
Some talk of a change of proprietors
it the management of the "Vidette."
Two new grain buyers will make
things lively in this lino here this season.
J. W. Green, wife and family, visited
friends here the early part of this week.
Jae. Armstrong, V. S., and wife were
visiting Dr. Armstrong, of Fullerton,
Mise Millie McGrath, of Tarn, ie visit•
ing the Misses MoQ0rrrie, of Grey town-
Mise Mary McQuarrie has gone to Lon-
don to attend the wedding of her cousin,
Miss Grigg.
Grey Council will hold their next meet-
s ng onFriday,Nov.6th atZimmer's hotel,
Uriah McFadden and his son John
were visiting old friends in Mornington
township last week.
The contract for the new bridge, lot 82,
con. 7, has been let to Alex. Burd for the
sum of 8220. There were four tenders.
Mrs. Alex. Frayno, of Nebraska, has
been visiting here for a short time. She
tame to Canada to attend the funeral of
her mother. Mire. F. was it Alin Mc-
Donald and lived in tide locality.
Last Thursday (Sept. 241h) Robert,
eon of Geo. Bislop, of the boundary pass-
ed away to his long home, at the early
ago of 24 years. The cause of hie de-
cease was an internal sheen. The
funeral took place on Monday, the in-
terment being made at Wroxeter. Rev.
Mr. Davidson took charge of the setv10e.
Jas. Bald and wife, of Howick, were
returning from Mr. Hislop's the other
last week. day, ', ridingin a road part. Mrs. B. pu
EI. Perkins, post master, who has been up her parasol and thus frightened the
ailing for some time, i0 very low at horse which ran away. The occupants
present and little hopes of his recovery of the vehicle were soon thrown out and
are entertained. seriously injured, the lady the worst.
Wm. Doig has moved into the house She is o. daughter of Geo. Elleiom
roaently vacated by IL Black, opposite The Listowel Banner says :-Mrs.John
club, and the Misses Wilson and A. M.
11foXay, of 13ruosels. Interesting addreo•
000 were given by Dr, Wee, of Atwood
C. Merrilleld, of Monlcton ; T, Fletcher,
of Brussels, and others. 11 erne 19Wok) nk
before the company 00parated, bap py
to meet, sorry to Iert, hoping to sleet
The Reliance Bleach! Light Co., nom•
posed principally of J'nrontosheroholdors,
has got into 1t little trouble et Strained,
They are plautblg ales along the street
with the ilades
of selling illumination
to whoever may buy. A f0uti1n in Stret-
ford, headed by John Rend, dislintes the
oompany'a rights to the streets of Strat-
ford, and an injunction is talked of, The
company, it le said, have no contract nor
agreement with the corporation.
1411,1111 "'
Another Annual Fall Excursion
Brussels to the following points, and re-
turning not later than Getuber 10, '91 : -
Detroit, Port Huron, 83.50 ; Cleveland,
80.00 ; Saginaw, Bay City, 80.50 ; Grund
Rapids, $7.50 ; Uimmmnati, Chicago,
Milwaukee, 89.50.
For further pertiaublrs call on
Town Agent, G. T. IL
Dr. Tuck's office, Jae. Sutherland wi
shortly move into the house next to Mr.
Will. Torrance, who has been em-
ployed in the Glasgow house during the ala last. Ilor remains were brought to
summer, has secured a 0111113ton in the Lietowol and the funeral took place on
Northwest and leaves this week for the
new field.
The ."Unions" did up the Wingham
base ball team at Blnovale tournament
last Saturday, score h to 19.. Five in-
nings were played. The "Rangers" were
worsted at fool ball, however.
W. 17. Clegg Alas gone to Ottawa in
company with H. W. 0. Moyers, of
Wiugham. It is rumored that the latter
is pushing to be appointed to the Senate.
Your correspondent thinks it high time
that this body were not elective as some
wish, hut swept ont altogether as a me-
lees expense to the country and a dump-
ing ground for political hacks whom the
public cant be induced to elect to repre-
sent them in parliament.
PRESENTATION. --On Tuesday evening
the football boys of Gorrie mat at the
Methodist Parsonage and presented their
Captain, Will. Torrance, with a plush
collar and cuff one, a writing portfolia,
a mirror and an address. Mr. Torrance
left for the Northwest on Wednesday,
where 010 has secured a position in one
of the largest stores in Moosejaw. The
address was read by W. Doig. Mr. Tor-
rance replied briefly, after which Rev.
Mr. Torreon replied also and gave wel-
come to the boys. After refreshments a
plea+ant hour was spent with music, con-
notation, &c.
Smith, Inkermun Street, late of Grey,
wee visitiug her daughter iu Luther
township a coupe of woeke ago. During
her visit she took ill and died on. Tues-
Miss Aggie Miller is visiting friends at
Ingersoll for a month.
011ae. Ritchie has been seriously ill
but 15 improving nicely now.
Jas. A. Sharp visited London last week
and enjoyed the wonders of the Western
Rev. J. A. MaLacblin, of Teeswater,
preaohed Educational sermons on the
Belgravia oirouit last Sunday. He was
at Sanahine in the afternoon.
Frank Baines has invested in a thorn'
bred Cheater white pig. Ira sire and
dam wero let prize winners at the To•
ronto Industrial Fair last year.
J. and W. Baines 110d a horse that wee
apparently on the stole list, something
being the matter with its 100011h. The
Brussels veterinary was called on and
the mouth examined when a hemlock
knot was removed from the horse's
Adam Scott purposes going to Mai.
gen the last of this month. He has been
engaged to take charge of Stone & Wells'
tarn of three or thee hundred acres near
Saginaw, Mr. Scott should fill the bill
to is ninety. He will rent This own farm
in thio township.
StncioasE,-Monday evening a bompany
of twenty or mote rolativee and friends
of peeve and Mrs. Mooney visited their
home, ou the quiet, armed with well
laden baskets, and helped them celebrate
the 27th annivetenry of their marriage,
The time leas spent in social chat and a
brief martens by Rev. G. F. Salton.
R. McMurray, 4th line, sowed 111
pounds of Carter's Prolific imported, 2
rowed, barley. From it he has threshed,
cleaned and geld 97 busttals to Reeve
Graham at I3russels, for 50 cents per
bushel. This will be an interesting item
to farmers es there 10 a diversity of
opinion concerning the results from sow•
ing tlli0 variety of barley.
Elms Fall Fair VMS held here 00 Tues.
Real estate in Atwood is experienoing
somewhat of a boom at present.
f R '
rt o evleiou will be
Voters List Oou
held ab Ioerger's hotel, Atwood, ou Oat.
8, 1891.
Jae. Irwin has disposed of his comfort.
able brick residence to A. Farrell, of
Blinn, for 8950.
Wm. Lockheed, 13. A., son of Deputy.
Reeve Lockheed, wee elected the other
any President of the Galt Ooliegiate In.
stitutel football club.
Tho following figures appear in the
Upper Catada Bible Society's annual
report for 1891 1 -Atwood breech, total
amount collected for the year 1891, $94.-
The oonfeoti0uory businese carried on
here for some time past by James Doll,
brook, has been sold to Ches. Zeman, the
former returns to his farm 03 the 10th
con. of Elma.
"Beauty and Wisdom -Which 1" wag
the subjeot for debate at the Y. P. A.
meeting last Frliiay night. 3, W. Ward,
S, Stinnett, !L'. M. Wilson and E. 17.
Harvey, were the spoallers.
Mrs, J. L. Mader de upending her vaca-
tion with her sister, Mrs. (D11.) Innis, of
Jaollson, Mich. She will visit friends in
Ohio ago before r0Luruin31. Her daughter,
Frances, will accompany her home,
Saturday of last week a partridge flow
on Mrs. Harvey's store, The temptation
proved to nautili for J. Sanders, who let
bang, and the next instant the bird was
lying at his Feet. It was a danay not.
A Cantata, entitled "Quinn nether,'
will bo given here about Dee. 25th. It wood) hionkton and Brussels Donets was
in being gotten up by Miss Climie, of Lis- held in MaAliister a Heil. David Milne
towel, add about 40 characters will be occupied the elude In a most aceeptebte
required to reproduce this beautiful court manner. After the initiatory 00rviee
scene in Biblical history. had been gone through and some eoaf06y
Thursday to the Molesworth oemetery.
The innoral was conducted by the Rev.
0. II. Phillimore, of the Baptist (beech,
of which deceased was it member. She
was in the 05113 year of her age.
BARN BURNED. -Early last Sunday
morning the frame baru on Uriah Me-
Fadden's 50 aura lot, 12th on., was 0011-
sumed by tire, sepposed the incendiary.
In the barn was '2 seagulls, mower, '2 sets
bobsleighs, 2 sulkeys, hay dike, rack,
plows, buggy pole, &c. in addition to 10
acres of bay and 15 acres of oats. The
building lits 34x50 feet and was, with
contents, insnred for 8800 in the Howick
Mutual Fire Insurance Go. Mr. Me -
Fadden and one of his sous were absent
from home at the time.
Halt el.
Potatoes area fine crop.
The township oouuoit met here on
Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. T. P. dimpeou has been ill with
pleurisy but is improving now.
A.large number from this locality will
take in the Fair et Brussels on Thursday
and Friday.
Last '1'00Bd0y Wrn. McLeod and family
removed to Gorrie. We wish him suc-
cess in his 11010 home.
David Sproat, who has been off on an
extended tour to the Pacific elope, Mani-
toba, &o., arrived home tide week.
Tux Pose for the balance of 1891 for
25 aunts in advance. To new subsoribers
for 1892 the balance of this year free.
The Maohauios' Institute library has
been planed in the Hall over H. F. Me-
Allister'O store cold is note in running
Wellington Mc Paggart, of Chiselhurst,
was hero Inst week. 'There appears to be
quite a magnetic Mileage° for the Mo.
Taggart Bros. in Ethel.
It is reported that Robb. W ilson will
remove shortly to Wingham where he
will run the eugiue at Bell's furniture
faotory. Bob. will be missed here.
Voter's' List Court will be held at
Burton'd Hall iu this place on Saber.
day, Ootober 21th, for the purpose of
hearing appeals in aonu00tion with the
list for 1891.
A gannet renovation is in order at the
Methodist ehnr011. The plasterer's
trowel and the painter's brush are at
work. In the meantime services are be.
ing hold in the Presbyterian 011nr011
which has bate kindly placed at their
disposal -
We do not vouch for the attthentioity
of the fo1101ving but it ie reported on
pretty good authority that two of the
Brunetti Foresters on their retry )tome
from the demonstration here on the night
of the 24th ult. chased a wild Dat up is
tree, and after throwing several 030310
piles until .the p,itienee of their fore .1
rangers were almost exhausted• they
were compelled to leave her tarlyship
mistress of the situabion.
I. 0. Irl. -On Thursday evening of haat
week a re -union of Independent Order of
Foresters belonging to the BOW, At.
To take the place
of the old-fashioned corded
corset, try the B. & C. corset.
This is just what you can
do. You can try it, and even
wear it for two or three
weeks, if you wish. Then, if
you're not satisfied, you can
return it, and get your money.
Why Not Do Yoor Own 'thinking?
BEueeELo, November 8311,18110.
3, AL Motion, Goderlch,
DEAR SIE.—) should have w, itteu before
now 00 let you know bow I a•,' getting along.
I am a lot better than I was; gaining strength
every day. I Have a good appetite and sleep
well. I can talcs the full quantity of the
System Renovator and it does not eioken
me. My limbs are all fight now ; quite
smart in that way; swelling all gone. The
grout thirst is gond; I drink no water at
night, but I take a little buttermilk. I am
quit straight again. Sent me another
bo3t'e of your SYsYours, &0,. JABRenovator. DORGAN.
•mucsou Cummartexc E's rias fscomtiaisac ,rr_rnm ' ..;
tU S
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
B1Da8ELs, February 710,1801,
J. M. 1 toLEon, Gnderich,
DEAR Stn. -Fifteen years ago Last Novem-
ber I started to doctor first ; I was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helpedme
any. At times I suffered greatly from my
stomach ; I continued. but I grew Averse.
I turned dropsical • limbs and body swelled
badly, Yon know the stat I was in when
I went to Goderich-a mere wreck, could
hardly walk -suffering from Rright's 131e -
your Renovatort and Specifics Oursest . I began
to mend in a few days ; continued then for
three months steady. Although I was told
I could not be cured, if you 5017 mo now,
well and hearty ; eat everything that comes
lu the way. I owe you the praise of nein
my life. I was iu 13 hopeless condition when
I went to you, Su fast no ono thought I
would got better. I nuns spank too highly
of you and of your medicines, for it was
them that cured me, Words cannot express
my thanks tb you. Freely pass my name to
]ours, &o.,
Cejfealt4eU Lin .01 1
*1 ito first steges, ean'bo successfully
O hocked by the prompt usso
of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Even 111 the later
periods et that d'',casc, 11.e conk Ie
wonderfully relieved by this medielu0.
"I hove 110(1,+.yrr'S Cherry Petters"
with the lead efn:et in 1Ly3 p0'nc3100.
This wonderful prep0nul23) once saved
my llfe. 4 lied a eminent nt cough, night
sweats, was greatly 001 , e. in flush,
and given up by Loy 1"'"e:10n. One
bottle and a bnif o'. the 1 dttu1(11 cured
ole," --A. J. Eidson, 11. 1.1„ Middlett,u,
"Several vane ego I wa8 30./e l:1e ill,
The doctors se:l m
7 33011 in eon: np:;o -,
nod that tlicy could do nothing for me,
but (lvi00(1 ins, its a teat. 1. „•t, to try
.As ytr"Chbrt'y Tecto al rr tnl:ing
tins mrdir.lno two y1' three months I
win; Cured, a11(1 tit• iteeli11 3, mi1111s good
to the peeeent dt,y."-,i...a..1..113110rd,
Dnrioo, Conn.
„ Several years age. an al's l,000 limns
from Cailforu 1, by R , I eoutraoted
0.1 eta , le L (1)11 P1.r e, me ,tl}'e I
1,-110 ,. It. 13 11,y 111,1e V a n1, ..1 ,l .3
physiet.n r 1 1 i•l r old 1„'.I 11,y in,
ind,n:"r 1'sip'vl , t ..vs a brd.ie
of A,et'e 1.1e1^r 1..,•1 or „ T rd it
freely, and Illy 10ulr3 a ( 0 u 0100 1 •'tel
to a Nattily o,nulitk,a. F:nr. thee 1
)13V0 fuyttritav 3 gu"
,.,g,,• .3 ,.'.is ')rep-
a1'ntion.” -" „1.,,1 italle1Li, •,.o Ou.a.ah,'A tr.
1'� t. w. ria 7y¢ Cl„ •.
Info. 1
Dr. J. 0 Ayer ?a c., „ .: nA t
60'3 by MIDVS t.'•'0, r • •t ..t;.
Private and Company Funds
Solicitors, dc.,
hloyal .flail Steamships.
CABIN RATES, $40. $50 and 880. Single
)tau, $101 and 100:1)) Iteturu, according
to Location of Stateroom,
INTERAL11)DIATE, Outward $25; Prepaid $:10
Steerage 05 Lowest antes.
Aewmi niodnl ions i;nsn massed.
Apply to II, as A. ALLAN, Afnutroal,
on W. IE.Ii1:Rl1,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 (5 62 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
YA Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds,
J.C,leffernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. 2310
THOS. F JE OI1:1:e',
:Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
an. macadam/
M,D„M.A., L.U.I',S.O.,
Speolalrot, - ToIlontot
JONATHAN Ji tHicifART, I.Intewel, eu y3 :--
"Aft"r spo,.dmu all toy teensy coni urnperty
to no purpose on 111 e,ih,nl u1"1., f"1• what
they termed u hopeless ease of reenumt'ttee,
l:)r•. Sinclair cern cnO."
Arne. MAIM FoloLeno, W00d110u80, says:•^
"When all others fulled, Dr, fifuduir cured
113m of ata”
D. Rollr:nTOON, ('arlrton place. says: -
"Dr. biuobdr cured Inc, of Catarrh."
Oen, 1towOn, Itlylh, 1•ays:-'•Pr. Sinclair
cured 010 of huul't 10011.80 02,4 draggy, when
all others failed."
Disrrrxro of Priratc Nature, brought on by
folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Carex.
coneultat1on Froe.
Thanking the publio for past favore and
support and wishing stili to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us. ,
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
—o --
Thursday, Oct. 29, '91.
t Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, &0., in stook.
N. 11.-lasarer et Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
310)80 Sept. 23
ySNov. 4-118rcce
Oct. 7-21
n ±1391± -
ol'Ite Attendaryts
rogress Rapid
rice Low
Inty of Room
Agent, Brussels.
Posh' Boos1ore
Another Gass
Vew Goods
to hand suitable for the Holiday
Trade. Special bargains in Bib-
les and Photo. Albums.
Large Assortment of
Beautiful Dolls.
Rocking Horses, Drums,
Carts, Magic Lanterns.
&c. for boys.
New Stook of Note Papers
and Envelopes.
Full lines of School Books, Inks,
Scribblers, Pens, Pencils, School
Bags, Slates and everything else,
required at School.
..1 Few .Fancy Bast ets-
Left and will be
Sold at Cost.
As Space is Limited a cut will be
made in prides of all Toys to
make room for other goods.
`POST' Bookstore.
Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will
injure your Machinery, when you can get the
Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka,
Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness.
44.5m For Salo by R. C ERRY, Brussels.