HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-9-25, Page 7Sn.PT. 25, 1801 AIIIN1111111111111.61111111=1.01.0111111111MS lotted among the various mum:urns of art Late Fore!gn News iutd-i--orvi-- olLojlilofl of tho Italian Minister of lILietioll 11118 18.011 0111114 to the filet 1.1114 .A. BRUTAL OFFICER, best pictures of the great masters two • I kept onus -alai from the eye8 of 1Mblle ill 010 V111.101111 eiturclies %Odell .11111 them. Cat by a S reel IIOPII• Not otily ints the puldie lio benefit of them Ind t helloed precious win Ice 0)1101 iltsunselves 11.111 'uneigned to rot for want of light. Tho 1101.1,1,r liam ilserefoteortlered that, (dandles a Is isl sires shall (-shalt thew 0 ii., ..1 sy los able (0 80 then eat where the., lust los deprived of the necessary III8ILLL 1 Of lig 11 1 MM. nil', In some en808 the Goveruineut will pity 1110 1.081,0,1 100 churehoo au annuity for exhibit- ! log tInsir art treasures to tho people. yourtnallo Atutsni• itrss:.“ Arrttrit. Kaiser William's latest title is a " Holten, zollerit Gen, Gordon." Krom-MuttPlitullutret.Daittrongsaksli, 011l of the Iv:there of King Chelalotilcom th, First of Siam, 8 expectsol in Paris. A 011e0 distinguished member of do FrenehTheatrc, \vas 1.1tts eonspicuous during lhe siege, Shno, Agar, has died in Algeria. Naval Minister Barbey, In a recent 1111101' igation of the French Alexia°, became con. vinced that many of the naval were totally incompetent. Mnitty will be dismissed. The imps:did yacht 01 Nepoloon. L'Aigle, in \Odell Eugenie made her voyage to Egypt, Wn8 lately Up for sale at Cherbourg bin as the 111)411181 1)1(1 1088 only 110,000 frenes, she was withdrawn and will be broken up. Inte.de Lessons has the reputation of being 'Ito met pious and most decollate lady in Paris. There aro 4,514 paper mills in the world, of which Germany, the greatest paper maker has 1,443. Regard thg female models for artists the critics say that tho French are undersized and have had shoulders ; the Germans have not classic faces and too broad hips ; the Italians are not well rounded ; the English are too tall, and the Spaniards are anatomi- cally deliciee t. Instantaneous photography has been used Lo record the ni (set:slam s of tile lips in speak. leg and lsy puttiog the photographs in a zoetrope a deaf mute can easily read tho words. Nuropean Russia luts 1$5,0110 kilometres of tutvigalsle 11.1141 10.1108 ; nen. 112,111111 ; Germany, 10.000 ; Eitglan1,11,1100 ; 11; ltaly,2,3UU Belgia,2,200 ; and Sweden, 1,300. The annual report of the Cremation Society of Zurich shows that loot year loolies were incinerated in the crematory of that city 1 among them were tho remains of the poet Gottfe.ed Keller, and of Prof. Negelli. distitrisence and no irreverent scenes occurred whet) the coremontee wereperform- ed Ily placing two iron bars at seven or eight yards distance from each other, and putting 111e01 in itommunization on one side by an insulated copper wire and on the other side with a telephone, it is said thet a storm can be predieted twelve hours ahead through 0 certain dead sound heard in the receiver. Achille Fouhl, the grandson of Louis Napoleon's Minister of Finance, And 0. tremendous Ilcumpartist, has announced to his constituents that he is for the republic, in consequence of the overwhelming mani- festation of the popular will in its favor. Some military manseuvres to be tried in linhemia aro thought to be so important as involving a. new problem of taetics, that a cordon will be drawn around the whole district, and people livieg in it will not be 011010011 to leave their houses for two days. Murdering servant girls has been 0 luma- tive business for Mr. and Mrs, Schneidee in Vienna. They would Mier girls good situa- tions 111 the oeunny surrounding the city, and manage to murder them on the way out. Three or four died in this way before the Schneiders were caught. Slum as an aid to cooking is provided for by a chief in Berlin. Ho luts (imposed a 1)01)111 11(111011 the " Boiled Egg Polka) with this notice on the title page 1 ' To boil the eggs place them in boiling water, endplay the polka in allegte moderato' time, taking them out at the last bar. They will then be found to bo boiled to a nicety." Aceording to the latest statistics the busi- ness exchange of the Congo 811(15 18 develop- ing very rapidly, The exporas in 1887 were valued at 1,980,441 francs ; 1880, 2,009,300 ; 1889, 4,297,543; 1890, 5,242,199. The im- ports for that term amounted to 1 2,720,000 francs, It is noticeable that metallic CM. reithy is becoming popular as the foreign business increases. Helgoland, the little island three square miles in area in the North Sea, is being strongly fortified by the German Govern- ment. The work will last rt year and a half. The island WAS ceded to Germany last year in return for valuable -kfrican pee, sessioos by England, who had held it since 1807. A Chian was drowned a short 111110 ago at the military college of Ploctsensee owing to the brutality of the swimming in- structor. After swimming 1111 1i1 he 1008 completely exhausted the Chian dung to a beam for rest, The officer, thinking 110 10t1.9 only shanuning, struck him with a pole and irettle him leave go. He sank and was drowned. The officer was arrestecl. Several amusing instances have been re- corded in the Parisian comic papers 01 1110 French en thnsiasm for Russia. An excited orowd is said to have held a demonstration in front of a bookstore window in which a mopof Russia, was displayed. A num 1008 carried ill U.1111111111 1)ee01.180 be pulled out a oigar ease made of Russian leather. At a hotel the guests remained standing while they ate " charlotte rustle" and the hood played the 1341881m 0111(011012 0011110111. Like Germany and Austria, Turkey has worried herself Into active preparations to resistan expected attack from Russia. The work of fortifying the Turlto-Aussian frontier in Asia Minor is being puehed with great energy and several now tortrosses on tho roads leading from Russia, to the strong points of tho Turkish Empire in Europ11 havo been begun. Largo tanks for tho storage of water for troops have been put up at an expense of 85,000 eaoh in many moutitain passes. 1)or4eve, who last year negotiated the poetics between Franco and Dahomey, return- ed to Palle late in jnly for Ins houlth. says 1 "Continuation of tho peace with Dahomey is by no means assured. At 111001), WO are merely enjoying an 001081100. I fear that at his first opportunity the King will get new hostages and drive os from the land. Thou the Germans could take our place. They NM waiting only for 0 chance, Roomitly they have imported 20,000 noodle guns, tnaclol of 1870, 200,000 eartridges, ancl tWo revolving cannon, " The picturesque islend of .Lsoroina, off the Dalmatian coast of the AdelatieSeasbolonsod to the late hole apparent of Austria, Prince lludolph. His father, tho Emperor Francis Joseph, has presented the island to a nun- noey. Now soother property of the unfor- tunate Prince, the castle of Moiorling, Mar Vienna hos boon presented by the Emperor to one of the local orders 01 1110 Catholic Church, Tho castle is being transformed into 11, monastery, Tho objects of art and the curiosities which the late Prince gather- ed on his travels in tho Raab will be distri. According to the late military 0110181108 , there 1(0)1 (11) illiteime persons in Bavaria" Among .g,771( recrulte 01111010)1 111 the army in the Palatinate there were only 01000 in• dividuals who could not read or write, But that district. forms no exception to the rule, The general 11001ber of recruits from the entire populetion tuts 20,584 and ILITIOng them 80010only six illiteeate persons. Of,the throe illiterate of the 1 alattnate one oame from Lower Bavaria and two from Upper Franconia, Oborpfolz, Central Franormia Lower Francouia, and Swaben not ;And 0015)415 illiterate into the army. Good results of the persistent training of Gorman cavidry horses in swimming have begun to appear. Al a recent drill of the second 1,1111s11 Reghnont of tho Guards be. tween the Ileiligensee and Niedor Notion- dorf, scores of horses swam the Havel with. 0111 1,110 aid of hstters or guides. All except nine or ten appeared to have lost completely their innate fear of water, and plunged into tho river without being urged. The fow timid Itoreas were guided ncross the river by means 01 111(1101-14 111 the hands of mon who preveded them in rowboats. Not 0 few soldiers whose horses took to tho water without hesitation threw off their clothes 11,1111 51011111 after them. A peculiar accident befell Miss Schumann one of the tight rope performers in 010(14 Copenhagen, other night while performing she fell front her lofty perch, and in 1110 fall struck the sharp steel rope with hoe arm. It out into the flesh like icnifo mid severed an artery, The spectators saw with homer a stream of blood spurt out that, loll upon the endienee a 01'111180n ahowee as the girl wits caught in the safety net. As it happened there 01,118 wrgeon 10 the orosvd and the wounded dancer WM instantly taken in hand. She will recover. Bi Paots in Little Space About the year 450, the Ionians first introduced the present system of writing from left, to right ; previous to that time from right to lett prevailed. There are at least ten million nerve fibres in the human. body. Throe and a half millions of people are always on the seas 0) 1(15 world. One-half of the people that are born die before the ago of sixteen. A recent survey has established the num. bee of glaciers in the Alps at one thousand ono hundred and fifty-five, of which torn hundred and forty-nine have it length of moro than four and three quarter miles. A grain of musk will scent a room for twenty years, and at the end of that time will not show that it has diminished in the least. A grain of carmine or half a grain of ani- line will 110)40 (1 leigshead of water so that a strong rnieroseope will detect colouriog mattee in every drop. A. luminous buoy has been invented, tho light of which is protlaced by phosphuret of ealcium, and is visible two aud a half miles away.. The proportion of Anglo-Saxon words in the Engish Bible is ninety.seven per cent, of the whole. The receipts of 010 French Treasury are larger than those of any other civilised nation. It tekes about three seconds for 0111888090 to go from one ond of the Atlantie cable to the other. This is about seven hundred miles a second. Only about ono person 111 a thousand dies of old age. An inch of ram means ono hundred tons of water on every acre. The smallest kuown insect; the Ptorato- mns Putnamii, a parasite of the ichneumon, is lint ope-nineteenth of tut 1111111 in length. The thickness of the human hair varies frotn the two-hundrecl-and-fiftieth to tho six- liendrodth part of la inch. Blonde hair is the finest and red the coarsest. The force required to open an oyster ftPliears to be one thousand three hundred and nineteen encl 0 half times the weight of the shell -less creature. Watkins' Eiffel Tower. Sir Edward Watkin's projeot cf 1111 " Eihe " Tower for London has aesumed substantial form. 12,11 estate of 280 acres 1110 been purchased, a, company formed without application to the pUblie, lk plan has been approved, 0811111011 erected on the con. tignous railway, the foundations of " The Tower" have been commenced, and on aaturtlay 1', large party of representatives of the press ware conveyed from Bea:mist. to Wembley Park in twelve minutes (0 see what was going on. The ground acquired is undulating mid woody. The estate is nearly divided between the building pro. petty and the ornamental park, with ifs ' Towoe" and Winter Garden. A fine lake of over fivo scree is being formed by the aid at the Upper Brent River, which will he pleasant for boating its summeraucl tho seene of curling, (bikin)4 and skating in winter. The tower will stand on the 111911sst omin. onoe in the park, from which, at present, peetty views are to be seen extending some miles boyoml the immediate surround. togs, The design of Mr. SLowitrt, one of tho competitors for the prize awards, has boon adopted as the basis of tho plan, and 81r Benj.amin Baker has boon associated with hbron the eaustruotion. The tower will be mainly supported on four largo concrete blocks, in dimensions 20feet long by 20 feet bread, and 25 feet derip, The excavation for one of these blocks id nearly completed, the geological formation of the hill being stiff olay. The elevation of the site 10 0110111 140 feet highey than the site of the Paris tower, and the ironwork of the Wembley tower will be 1,000 feet. As this willetand on a sort, of pedestal portion of 150 feet, the 10101 1101)4(11 will be 1,150 feet, or 350 foot hove the Paris example. The roads mid ornamental grounds ate being prettily laid out, by Mr, Miller, and 111010 18 undoubtedly an attractive settlement being formed 0010011 if it can bo always 1'0E10110d with the prompt. Rude of Olaturclay's jottrney, should prove a popular place of reeort as well as residence. Silk and lace mitts 11000 boon hold i11 the least favor during the 8111111110r, '1110 Hamburg Social 1)0111000018 (810 arrest. ing to attack the capitalists in ono of their gnat etrongholds. They intend to otart a joint stech brewery. TEE BRUSSELS POST, IN OUR OWN REALMS. 110 1111S. Elton.% t l'11015 nilelt 1 Ns. " When Christ, Cottiells," These peoph wore ex patting Messittli or Chriet. That 10111,11 they were ex retiog as 01 body o 1101111 1' (melt one of 114 18 rillVIL) oxpeeting. book earefully into your 110 11 1111s1, ex• (tinkle your W11114.10111 of thoughts, fuel you will Hee that Lbere 10‘0.,58 regioo of yon 1111111 18 1 li 1011801y looking fOr from your en vironmente This is your downy. Now your Glide', or deliverer 1.1 811L1101144 111)1,1 111 yenned, telling you tho exitet way out this minute. Job stud " 144 not, iny help ill /110? " \\1 111111 111e 18 011e thonglit, thet if I heed it will lift ou: out of every situation and eir. cuoistaece which the Roman yoke on tho Jews typified, 01, 10(11, you. WIlftt 18 true of you (0 1,1110 of every sentient thing. Now the Christ thought in yon 10111011 will 311Na you, you do DM lot 11400 i 18 Why With you, Why deo% you 1 Etteh mind is a kingdom of thoughts. We have all power over our kingdom of our own thoughts. Wo may let a Hinds:do 1110119111 01' it eldef priest thought shut oil tho beautiful one within us 01 111011 always says " I am thy Savior." Hush all your realm of thou lits for ft 1111). 1110111 and let that one whie I says " am Christ " speak, Von oan actnally work miracles if you lot that thought have full sway over your other thoughts. These lessons of Jesus Christ among che Jews and Gen tiles represent your Jesus Christ thought within yourself. Each thought says " I am." You let, tha11 one have reign over you which yoit please. " I 11411 envy,"says one thought ; " I am bigotry," says another ; " I am sec. cess," says another " I am your Savior from all evil," says the greatest one within yonr realm. This greatest thought is your oldest thought. It 10118 (1'1111 you in the beginning, is with you 11011., 111111 0001 0111011 1,o with you, world without end. It le the " Ancient of Days." " Conte and reign over us, Auelent of Days," Notiee this, if you please, that your pious thought, repre(enting the traditioos or the past 118 10 the severity of God, is quick 1,1 take an,l bind your Jesus Christ thought. Your Pharisaic thought, representing your past teachings as to your inferiority before Ged, ale aye chokes down the generous, Sabbath -1 weal:10g. Christ thought. .NoNV Jesus Christ, or the power of truth, is in you all. This prove) of tiuth you can not kill, but you may bide it if you please for a while. " Vet 0, little while mu I with you," it seys just as quickly as your piety and bigotry see roused, For the power of God is never manifested where pious bigotry is allowed rule. When this knowledge of the ways of thoughts in the mind became known to some very heave thinkers they voluntarily let all their thoughts keep perfect silence while the Jesus Christ 111009111 spoke in them, saying 1 " I am the "Meesiah. 511111 Jesus Christ." They all reported wonderful experiences. 51 seemecl to them as if their whole being was God being. There was nothing but God " above them all and through them all and in them MI." Jesus Christ is God. 'lids 10 not person, but principle. Jesus Christ is the voice, power of God. These people 11.11 became strong through and through. They became well and sound through and through. Their judgment became strong and healthy. They are sure that if you will not let your old nrejudicem blind you, but will lot your highest 11)0)19)11 111)0,0 freedom, you 011 118)1 like a bird out 01 1110 0111110 of the fowler, free in Gocl. Listen to that 11141100t itleawithin your realm 01 1(10100, Here is its message ; any man Shiest, let him come unto 111e, and drink." Von know you are thirsty for something. If your friends love you you still are thirsty. If you have money you still are thirsty. If you have thine you still are thirsty. If you are learned in books you still are thirsty. You will always be thirsty for something till you let your highest idea reign over you. It says : "1 arn your lover, your friend, your couneelor, your satisfaction." There Is no other way of receiving Jesus Christ ex- tent this 0100. It is the prinaiple thst is never absent from the mind of any mom or seaman or child. No matter what you have clone or 011009111, if you will let you thoughts all hold still for this one to rise in its majesty you aro good and great and seise and healthy from that moment. The satis- faction of living is yours when forth from you flows the living 100101 ,12 your highest idea only. This is not the de (trim of salvation by works. It, is not tlie doottine of salvation by faith in anybody or anything. 11 10 set. vation by the " lot there be '' of Moses foul Jesus of Nazareth. It was by keeping silent for God to be the whole 01 111)10 that Jesus was enabled to say so boldly, "1 and (.110 1110)1101' aro one. He that bath seen me bath seen the Father." Spinoza \MS so lost in finding the p010011 1)) Goa OVOr 011,1 through and hi him so wonderfully 11101 110 00111 celled the God.intorien led 1114111. Many people have been afraid to let their J881.18 Christ thought be their only thought. It seemed stulclduly to them as if they them- selves wovo oll Jesus Christ, all God, nothing Moe of them. Why they could possibly be afraid to 11000 their mind entirely 00011910(1 by one palest idea is a mystery. To hold back from speaking this idea in the 0110111, or rather lotting tho Wee, spook itself, is to put off the power of theHoly Ghost (accord- ing to this lesson). The 1161Y 01,001 is the quickenitig power of God. The lIoly Ghost hos not, emno while you are sick, while you are poor, while you are lame, while you are unhappy, And you can not have tile Holy Ghost till yen have been silent, enough for the Jeous Christ iden, that is within your realm of ideas to speak its words Within you very definitely, .4.0.,,,,nriranoomeronems word, but by excusing God '11 00 many deal- /lige lie (amid not possibly bo guilty of, we have all dratvn 10 Veil 148 Or elle t41111. Ole sleep erying unto deep within 1114 811y/11g, ''1 :1111 God,' does not bring the power of Gml011 Einiekly 11 0(1)' letting the idea Jesus f Chrttt la spoken till the veil is lent. At, the seine time there is no sl ens.° in the meaning ssf the Wor,18. /0 within your mind 0 i lie God idea, Vint are expeeted to Isla': norasles. 1..Very one of you who takes this mode of slealiw, with the 111111,1 W1 II 1110 yourself converted 1,, (' ''s1.:71o .r)f 11 lo,I i,'Il li 11011111, '1)000 114 Mg the power of one who lets all his wind red, 011)1 11101011 01.15' 10 !MVO OM 110 Wet' to MN kWh 111080 who aro ealled dead, 0 ou 1181.00 11111 p01001' to turn copper into gold, Theis, los, (orange po Nell: lying dormant, 0S it were, within you,whieli, keeping all your thoughts still for one thought to rise itt its glory, would quieken. This is the mystery of Chsltinews." 1118 spoken of OM the Iine of David, beeause only victorious people aro eupposed to have the powere of God with them. But everybody 10 a victory over the world by this process. There is nothing to do, nothing to believe 0011 ''Let be what is ; let speak what. Is time, Of mune you have heard that truth le omnipotence, 1 085111.0 you that 11 )0, Let apeak within you that ;secret, silent word, while all your other thoughts lie low. " Be- hold, I have put my mune upon thee." Even while you thirst for the child 10 (10 well, the home to be harmonious, the eirsironments not to cramp you so, behold, in your midst, that is ill your realm of thoughts, stands the Christ. 11010 you see how the kingdom of heaven is within you. Many people OM letting this thought in the midst al theta speak till there 114 gyeat ineeknees and lowlinese of heart where before was pride and arrogance, They do not care for name tool fame 01111 rule where befere they were iimbitious. For you know .1)10,10 Christ is not atnbitious, Your highest thought is meek and lowly of heart. Let the night Aratches finil von still while your highest. I inn speaks. All tl at Y011 dream 01 100 desirable Is itt that redeem- ing word. So many people catching thie knowledge of the metaphysical instrnetions given by Jesus Cheist for one example aro the hastenin„," on of tha!, time of which the prophet spoke, " Slimy saviors 81111.11 come U p from Jerusalem," jernsalern meaus peace. Sio from theyeace of letting thoughts lie still for the 0111181 0110 to say, " I am tby Redeemer," saviors aro springing up 0.11 over the earth. " They shall all be taught of tod" Is the prophecy. This God -thought that waits within yott, being let 10 505' I 0)11, will teach you all things and remind you et' that country from whence you came forth and unto whielt you return. You have a wonderful kingdom of thoughts. Which one reigns now? no Nor 101 amtaus of being Jesus Christ. Do not bo afraid of any expeocuce that comes with lotting this wonderful idea speak within you. Do not lot your thoughts rise up with MI kinds of babblings like they did in the Nazareth man's time. They said " Shull Christ oonto ortt of Galileo ?" You may ooinfort yoerself by knowing thitt tho high doctrine of "Lot these he " says : " Let, the same mind he in you that was in Christ Jesus our Lord." Your mind is not too low a place 101 2(0111' best thoughts to reign over your poor 01108 in. Tho poor ones are oomplotely redeemed when they lie still as death for that over-prosont one to say 1 "1 am thy Messioth I am thy Savior, thy Mond, thy counselor,thy mighty lodgment, thy power and majesty i°1•1°T\r. e'ertiti'lle JONV8 rankled the Messiah be. came they feared that Galileo was not good 0110001 for Him to come out of. You ere exactly that when you think you two not good enough to have a thought anywhere within yott which 10 1)10 savior, the righteous. Nome mon havo not lot this thought in their mind by Jesus Christ because that word seemed to them to be a man with a religious system to urge and not a principle, so they have let this snprome thought within their say : "I am God, end I reign over thee." Now, in the beginning that was indeed the The Pirst Use of the Potato. There is much curious amusement to be had in tracing where the foodstuffs we use and the domestic animals we eat or use originally came from. Professor Max Mul- ler, reasoning through his science of words, finds that the goose WASI domesticated very early, or at least 801110 bird like it. Goose in English, gan in German'drop. ping the " g " according to the laws of language, the word becomes miser in Latin 11101 correspondingly in Greek, with the aspirate that marks the cligainma dropped, mid so back to mom in the Sanscrit. Our prehistoric Sansorit aneestors of the Imlian fable lands had geese, Professor Muller therefore coochules, 017 birds resembling them closely. Through thousands of years the name has remained, varying °My &mooed- tng to the known laws of the clutege of promundation, and probably the thing stood throughout behind the name. Such is the antiquity of geese. It 18 since Queen Elizabeth's time, only four and a half centuries ago, that tobacco, sugar, and potatoes have been esed, Sir Walter Raleigh being instrumental in es- tablishing the use of all these in England. The circumnavigator, Francis Drake, has the credit of introducing the potato in Europe, but the Spaniards bad brought it with the tomato from the Andes some while before, and it was established there and in Italy, where they tartutfoli, long before Sir Walter Raleigh shipped his cargo, 1n11126, from Virgins. to England. According to Humboldt it has been cultivated in England since 1084, in Saxony since 1728, andsinee 1738 in Prussia. There 1008 11111011 difficulty in introducing the potato into France. It was only toward the end of the reign of touts NW, that it begsn to be used. 'The learned had opposed its introduction systematically, saying it produced leprosy, and the common people refused to (08(1 11 even on their live stook. A trick at last established it. Fields were planted all 0001 10,01100 with potatoes and carefully guarded till the tubers were ripe, it being given out that these fielde were grOWing anew thing especially for the King, and that trespassers woul(1 be pro. scented. Now, the laws at that 111110 10e10 severe. A man might be hum, when he hunted in the wild forest, for tlie grime 01118 the seigneurs', almost each one of whom kept the private gallows. Trespess against the King implied, therefor°, terrible punishment. The danger of the punishment proved itself an alinring, bait. As the contriver, wise in 1111111011 Indere, lied foreseen, the fields that Were purposely left unguarcl- oil WOre pillaged right and left, the potatoes eaten, some kept and planted, mud the tuber at last effectively introduced in Franco Woman's Rights in Australia. " The revolt of woman," as lately agent. piffled ill 0111' 111AV courts, hes 1100¼' spread to the antipodes, where a wife hes just 0111,11)' tad to 1110 11111)41011(1)0 of Goulburn that she had thrashed her husband with a whip. Her action 1105 commended by the magietreto, especially ar the wit' uped husband was of a drunken disposition, and continued his Worship : " It would have an excellent effect if all wthes of drunken husbands did the eitmo instead of appealing to tho court for protection," Ile said Ile knew several instances where the commended course of treatment luul resulted bonelluially, though the Whin 8110111.(1 only be used when the re- cognized head of t ho house had abrogated his right to rule by flagrant misconduct,— Nil Atha atuetle The First Message from Martr, ithodgeass—" Out' experimenters have at last eneetteded ottritetiog,the attention of tho people inhabiting Mere ' Sitively—" Indeed ? Has apy mesuage passed between that planet and the earth Y" Snodgrass—"Yos ; they 0010110(1 10 1111000 what the some was." ses Call a Chicago girl largo hearted and generous,: if you ohoose, but never refer to hoe as big soled, Inexpensive tennis euits of ilminolottooro made with a boil skirt and shirt waist, with rt, border MI the skirt, sleeves, and bolt of a, contrasting material, WILL BEVOIXTIONLZE TED DAK4 MADE, The American " rehalelineks 10 be Super. veiled by 14 ClIn1111.18 11 Mello!, A despeteh f ruin T01'01110 says has re. maiuml for Toronto, in the (tersest of Marine Engineer Itedway, to make 'mother advance 111 liaval arehiteet me. II I 0 1110,1e1 111111 dt/tW11 plitlin of 41 nen, style tho 1010 ,sieryilig, 1110114. It, 114 as fat. ahead (Taft which i 0 \ 110 a ::1711,-1:1118 1 :1:101 I 11 11 1:1 t lyt nt `• whalelseek vessel of the Ana:dams at the " whaloback" is an fol- Van,,11 011 01,1-111,8lel lake Villa of square Tat siiiferenues between tide Cana - model and thi American " wbalebaels." are 8everal, Mr, iteillYtty'S boat 10 fashion. ed ifoneretely after 011 Indian canoe.: It has 0 flat bottom, exeept for a f notion of heel 01 1,110 stern to aueompany the rudder. The 111111 is somewhat after the style of that of the whaleletelis, There 11.1e no billWIttits. The 119901. worth: art: very measpe, being only a eabin et the stern, where the boilare tool machinery air, /Ma It small protection forward. latter the whalebacke have net get, 111)111(14 11,1 vantage is that the 01ohms and ()able &mills may be approached in any sort of weather. Along ths mein dock authlehips runs a railetboll watic.way, In which are the hatches, and on each side of 411 jinn outside of the railing are the eight moorposts, Whillebacks lave hog. 8130111 prows, but the Railway model has a rani prow, which hail nutty advantagee over the farmer, Instead a digging into 01100)-)' sea, it cagily cuts throughit unfit:pleads the water on 101)1011 81110 like 0 duels emerging Iroino bath. It is proposed to form a syn• dicate and build a line of these vessels to eitrry flour elteess, etc., down through the St. 1,awrenee River to the matithne Pro. vincos and the seamoitst, whence they will fetch return earuoes of coal. All the trede will be done at "Canadian ports. The size will be put at 14 stealers" just big enough to euable Use limits to come beck up up through the 01111015. These are the projected climeosiout; :—Extreme length, 18 feet ; extreme beam, 42 feet ; 00- 11011(0 depth, 1)) feet 411,11,0011 igh t• oast draught, 1) feet ; sleep -load draught, 12 feet. Tonnage- -Displacement at, light draught, 1,4 1 7 groes tons ; displacement at deep - load ilraualit, 1 ,s90 gross tuns ; dead weight capacity, 1,20o gross tons 1 ;lead weight capacity light, 756 groes tons. Machinery -- Compound enginee, twin screws ; oylinders, 15 inches awl 27 Moths by 21 -inches stroke ; 9105' (110, 120 ponntle per square inch. Speed —Tcii knots at load draught, eleven knots at light draught. She wiil 'moo a oellular double -bottom extending from stem to Meth well up leeward on the prow to keep the bows down, which will csmtain 450 tons of watee ballast, The model and plans are 0001' 011 ViOIV at the office of Shipowners Sylvest. or Bros., at the foot of Church street, and 010 1)01(1)4 favorably commented on by many captains, The First Iron Bride. At the present day, when WO are aeons. tomed to look upon iron as the ehief eon. strnetioe material with which civil engineers aoitarchitects all over the world deal, the first iron bridge, that was over built is a ;metres sight, This bridge, the arches of which were made of iron, 1000 00110(1 "Iron" bridge," and it WiLS erected in 1778. 11 spans a little river in the county of Salop, on the railroad line from Shrewsbury to Worcester, in England. At the present day the structure is surrounsled by a thriving little village, which took its name from the bridg,c). Several thou foundries have been established in the neighborhood. The strac, tine was a titnid attetopt at what has since developed 1010 185 extensive industry. There are three supports; two of them see very small and cross a uarrow country road, while the third and largest one ;mans the bed of the river. It is about 00 (eel long and weighs 378 tons. The braces were 00.81 ab Coal. brookdale, every bar being composed of two segments. Stephenson, the great civil en- gineer, wrote as follows on the construction of this first iron bridge " we bear in mind that the manipulation of cast iron 0010001 the time 0( 110 erection in its infaney we cannot 11019 1)111 feel convinced that un- blushing audacity alone could conceive of such an enterprise, and the intelligence with which the details were ontlipect and execut. d is equal to the boldness of the concep- tion." The bridge is constantly used and is in excellent condition, a foot which disproves all the ominous clemorings of °ranks that the pernicious influences of rust will sooner or later bring danger to the iron bridge of to.clay. Bloody Scenes at Pisagua. James Knox, a native of Chili, whose father is English, has just arrived at San Francisco froin Pisegus. He has been for some years working at the nitrete docks, but was recently diseharged 00101 500 others, and 008.0 an eye -witness of the oapture of the city by President Balmiteeda's troopS and the feeocions punishment inflicted on all who opposed the Dictator. Governor Valenzula, who had been driven from the city hy the insurgents, returned With the Balmaeocla forces and wreaked vengeance on those who had conspired ageinst him. Executions became so common that they excited 00 1101100, and although the people wero starving in the streets, none dared to complain of the Governor's action in locking trp the grain. Twenty miners came in from the mountains 0110.d1)y to get supplies, and, failing to obtain them, attacked the (lover. nor's house with paving stones. He ordered his troops to fire on the 111011, 010(1 25 persons, litofitly 100111811 111111 01111(11.011, were killed. Finally the city was bombarded by the insurgents, oust out of 800 teorms only 25 were alive when tho firing 001180,1, 010 nuns thlity among the itiliabitants being terrible Valet:sole ‚0011811111011 on board the war 0010e1, Whiell 111011 0100.01012 0111 of the harbour, and when it returned the Governor was missing. It was repotted that he had been oast over board as food for sharks, True, 'The patent medicine man usually has tho good 801180 10 001111110 11 1111801f to ordinary, everyday diseases. He leaves to the physi e1101 easeesin which there is inunocliate dan- ger to life, each as violent fevers. Ho does this because in the treatment of such cases, then are otliee elements of importance be. sides modioine, 001.011 tts proper dieting, good musing, a knowledge of 1 he patient's strength and so on. Where there is no ab.. solute (1911)401 10 lifo, where the disease is one which the patient can diagnose for him, solf or whieh some physleian has already do. tumbled, the patent medieino maker says fearlessly 1 ' I have a preparation which is better than any other known ond which Will cure you,' in nine eases nett of ten his statemen t is truo,"--Y. llsoehl di ;Tice). 11 11) absolutely true as regards St. Jacobs Oil, tho great remedy for pain. Powdered (11111 91000 ground 10 004 impalp. able powder and mixed with the white of on egg makes ono of the strongest contents known. ft Ma re And by so doing liosol's 8 teseperiflit eureo ; erutent, salt rheum, ;Lai all other blood 'lis, 111111 proper diasstitsn. 0111,8 dyspenslas gives strength to every organ of Th., tooty, ;ad talents tto.n8-..; of that tired 14-1(11)408' 11.,ro 1111.114 1.1f,11011. The feet thm 11 1105 1111' 1 11A1.1.1111 ttf 011Ierg 81:10e10111 1,M85lt 1111,111 eill'e you. N. 11. 11). Alm 1.11 0" 000 Sarsa )arHla rold 041 ,0 areseitsts, for03, rrsonreilOnly- t. noun ,1 masa ICO1 1.70.nsc..st 0:077:4 Rni.vin1/0211.4.1rMINOVIN111211111111 Pleserving Peaches. A preserved peach is gains a different article from 0 omitted cnie, althozgli the two proceesee are so often etnifounded. A pre - Reeved peach depends for its preservation on the quantity of sugar used rather than 11 1)00 i 18 being sealed up like 00,81,1,011 peach in an air tight 011.11. To preserve peaches prepare a syrup three•quart.Irs of the weight of the peaches us td. Put the anger over to boil, adding a cup of cold water to every pound of sugar. Beet the white of two eggs with their eggshells, and stir them into the eold sugar 8,1141 water, Plaee the syrup where it will come to a boiling point very slowly, An iron kettle, lined with poreelain, its the best thing to cmolc it in, Stir the SyrIlp often while it is miming tin the boiling (mhos bu1 the eminent it boils )(over the kettle closely, and draw it back where the syrup will merely 811111I,er 111.1bs the up only at the sides of the kettle. Leave 11 10 eook 0118 1014y for half an hour. Then 1.01110Ve the 110001. and skim olf the thicic White 0011111 Which Will COVer t1sprop. The remainder is charities" syrup aud is the peoper syrup to he used to preserve so rich a fruit es peaches. Pare the. ugust Flower" Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, Mo., during the past two years has been affected with Neuralgia of the Head, Stomach and Womb, and writes: "My food did not seem to strengthen me at all and my appe- tite was very variable. My face was yellow, my head dull, and I had such pains in my left side. In the morning whent I got up I would have a flow of mucus in the mouth, and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes my breath became short, and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached. all day under the shoulder blades, in the left side, and down the back of my limbs. It seemed to be worse - in the wet, cold weather of Winter and Spring; and whenever the spells came on, my feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. e I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using August Flower Then the change came. It has done me a wonderful deal of good during the time I have taken it and is work- ing a complete cure." 0 G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N.J. peaches, dropping them, one by one, as they are peeled and halml, into a pan of acidulated water, or water in which traspoonful 111 wine•vinegar is mixed to the quart. This prevents the peaches from turning black et bile peeling. TM not leave in the 51115 111 preserving, but creek one-third of them, selecting, firm and sound ones. Blanch he kernels and add them to the syrups Cook the peaches in the syrup 01.1 they are tender enough to be pierced easily Ivith a straw, but not till they break to pieces. Set earls or jars in 13a118 of boiling water, till them witli the hot peaches, set them 1100'15' immediately till they are cold, then, cover them with brandied paper and seat them up, or 2(00 1103' seal them up boiling hot, as in canning, if you prefer. They will keep in either way hut the first, is the, old•fashioned way, and most old families prefer it. Tho breech between Carmen Sylva, and her husband, the King of Roumania, on account of Mlle. Vacaresco, wit= her son wants to merry with her approval, grows wirier, The queen will listen to no argil ments of state or politics, but goes In straight for romance. mr.cxEt. DIAMOND VERA OURII CORES DYSPEPSIA AND (INDIGESTION 1( 7)011 cannot got Dinmoncl Vera Coro front your Druggist, send zsc. for t'ample box to . OANADIAN DEPOT 44 and 46 Lombard St. TORONTO. ONT,: