HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-9-25, Page 5SPIPT. 25, 1801 TIIE BRUSSELS' I'08T
. _
I Adam Halliday, Inn., intentle teklug NOT riS COUBCD. 1
310NE1 To !JOAN. Private Funds to Loan.
The Evening lleanon, of Strutter." Imo
$tri.cf EtW t iit the Leaden fair this week, It swine hope milieu,' to onr nest, per eopy.
c000ell met gummed adjeern. lit Iasi, weelee 3tratford p.sien-s it wag
• he hat; decided. to try a elingdo from the
• little fair& meat matebire itil present. Athletes of ; 10410.410410.4t a load of flax wnighing
..1.111W00(1. WM. 1.1111C111141111, WIN Mid Boo, of
Miss Mnaggie Miteliell had the miefor• ()glum& have been enjoying a holiday Militant of Money to Loan
t tha
nee to run a hot poker i11110eer eye one viait with Gm fainillee of 'lime& John
011 Faral et Village Pao-
' perty at
day Inet week. ani AIln 1
1 re, Pyline emd Mee. Alan were r ,3!;,linoosk30,
;,,Ji: 0(30 shteruAea,,,
t1:11,esivauhs Oil:: 11017,14 f,1111r1Lirntg.
gravel, $2.70 mannaorg, armed, : the T101.1 affsir, Culnyaniel No. 1 and 2
114 ; Wm. MeKeivie, gravel, 3.0e ; Thee. did duty 011 frontier 10 1800 and 1307
ChM, shovellieg greed, $1,00 1'. Barr, during the Fenian troubles. The re
gravelling, a:Lee ; gas nude, gr,Evel, 10)1) 1)14 offinnunies Wore fernied in tsus.
1$1.20 ; 11. N. Duff °oats re Camplaill $1014. 3 and 1 in St. Marys, Na. 5 in the
Ewan, $3,30; Win. Taylor,gravel, 80 eta. ; township of Illanshatd awl No, 0 in 11111.
.1, Elston, D. Getklee and Geo. Protor 1 chell. No. 5 hail aluee been traneforred
to Liatowel and No. fl to Stratford. The
funeeviewees foo', $2.00 each ; Wm,
Hooper, gravel, $1.-10 • T. Clerneits, re. first comintmder wu Mont. Col. Servia,
pairing OIlnwolI' 1 141, 11 1.0o ; Misses who wag appointed Brigatte Major in
Exford eharity, $15,00 ; Win. finuth, 1870. He was susseodod by Meat. 001,
repairing road, $4.00 111. Littlefair, Smith, who retired in 1301, Lieut. Col.
gravel and drainage, $5,00 ; J. $1. O'Con. Scott taking his plane. ile was Hemmed
eor gravel, $1.75. Moved by 0. A, Howe, ad by the prereut emnmencling officer in
seconded by JOH. Proetor that a, liplaw 1880.
be passeed authorizing the Move and
Trenseree to borrow $.500 from the
Bonk of lIanilten in Winglmin to meet
current expenses. -Carried, Moved by
Geo. Kirkby, creuonded by jail. Proctor
that Jno, Mooney be re -app Anted colleet-
or al it galaxy of $85.00 on furnithing
satiefactery seenrity to the emount of
$1 1000.--Carrin.l. The Colleen then ed-
it:reed to meet again on the lilth Out.
next, W. CLARK, CIerk,
1,2131 111„„ti„,4 read ;tog Ists.aat, Aseonots 1i 1110 pounds had been drawn into Una 111.11
wore oraerna to be Inds; as follows ;...g, city. Win. liferrylleltl, of Dionkton, hag
',ArriiiicTilii,"4'grgLIYI,"I' 52!)1)(31'', 1 1gasj,"'4,21:11,7,: , ObrE1r1111ti11114Mitliel:;itarld'Arbil(3igitiKiii1ignTi,03.?,01111,;o115111titit,
I lie Rev, ('ref. 0. II. N0WrnlLfl, L. 13,
D., D. D„ of Melfinder University, To.
ronto, Irreaelied the anniveriutry eel:views
of the llaptiet churoll led Bentley at 3
54nd 7 p.m.
R. M. Ballantynn has dispneed of his
splendid briek reeldonee to Jaime Ham.
mond, 01 111)11113, for the earn of $1,000.
Mr. Hammond may congratulate him-
self upon getting one of the fineet resi.
dences in the village at 14 ream:male
Mrs. D. Fraser spent Sunday in town.
11. MeOrito, of the Clinton Collegiate
1101110 01)02' Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Day, of Wi,lg11arn, Wee
visiting friends town last week.
Mrs. Smith of Beverly, has boon visit-
ing frioudo In town the past weelc,
A. large number frorn 13elgrave and
vicinity are taking in the Western fair at
London 11110 11)0011,
The new sidewalk from Timmins ti•
C10'41 store to McCunning's tailor shop
has been completed and is a decided ins.
pi overnent.
Hesveet Home servicee in which the
Sunday School ehilth•en will take part
wIll be held in the Preebyterian church
next Sunday in place of the regular ser.
tt-z-ir tax".
*Eli Smith and Mies Ousel° Etre visit.
'leg at London this week.
Some peouliar experiences often crop up
in my travels the latest is that of a men
who deducted 30 cents from flax pullers
for three stumps found in the 3 acres of
flax. Ten cents a stump.
Ou September 17th as Sue, Cololough
who works for Wm. Ward, 123113 0013.
WAS pu.ssing lot 30 he was startled by the
unpleasant screaming 01 )1 wild eat. He
soon took to his heels end was quite poor-
ly for .onse time after from fright.
Miss May Smillie, daughter of Jellies
Smillie, has been engaged as teacher in
Button's school house, 8131) line, for 1802.
She is attending the Model school at
Clinton at present. We wish her success
and feel satisfied she will do well. Mr.
Morrison's certificate expires.
Miss Maggie Hamilton has gone to
Brussels to learn dress.making.
Some thief entered Mr. Hewitt's gar.
den and stole a number of cnbbages.
Mrs. Weiss, 01 1100 Royal Hotel, has a
young son. This increases the popula-
tion of Walton.
Mrs. (Rev.) Forrest and Mrs. Smith
are snending a, few days at the lake
The young people of the Mothedist
church purpose holding an entertai133 laletteal.
ment before long. Bennie Davis is attending the Lisbowef
Mrs. Sage and her cleughter, (an(1 the
Ili"li Sehool,
bottles) arrived home safely on Tuesday '•-•
John Cober and Aat•on aro attending
vieiting relatives and Mouth; in ltotetet
end London. Mee. Alibi Iwo darted on
bur return trip to Winnipeg but will stay
at Joliet, !Hinds, tor a while with hoe
Whet might lown been it very eerions
nodded happenea to John Li: tie, 1.1
snemS that the noles 011 hie barn bridge
having beemno ra11s11, and While drawing
0)1(20111 two of the poles broke, letting the
hindifeet of the horses through the bridge.
A erowd of men soon gathered and sue.
eeeded in getting the horsee out without
injr ry.
ElynnNEAL.- Ou Weelneeday of 11110
weds Jacob Earner, the head miller in
the National Roller Mill, Brussels, mid
Mies Lizzie, third daughter of Allan
Ritinsay, of this townehip, were united
in marriage by Rev. A. Y. Hartley, at
the mange, Blitevale. Miss Mire Ram.
say, deter of the bride, end Frank A.
Wood 0.01384 1110 part of attendants. Mr.
and Mrs. Bair= left for London on the
afternoon train followed by the best
wiehen of relatives ana friends. The
wedding gifte were of a, velnable dm me-
ter. TIM Polir joiue 12) the congratnle.
MATRIMONIAL- -On the erening oE the
1.10h inst., Berry Wilkinson clime over to
the benediete by teking 10 (2111)0811 a wife,
in the person of Mist, Mary Walsh.
Both are industrious and 04t1r-P.1101e and
therefore axe worthy additions to the
marriage circlets. Miss ',Midair and J.
Wilkinson did 1)10 1)0)10110 for the couple.
The personal friends of both families
gathered to wattage the =oniony which
was performed with despatch end de-
corum by theit pastor, Rev, 5. H. Dyke.
The presents were beautiful encl practi-
cal in their nature. The happy couple
left on the evening train fee Toronto.
Ken II•rtli.
D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth, leaves for
the Old Country Mile weelc. Ile goes
home to superintend the disposal of his
fall shipmen ts of 014(10 0.1311 other imeiness.
John Hannah, the Strafed& creamery
man, shipped recently two carloads of
butter, which weighed 48,000 lbs.'and
netted nearly 510,000. It goes to the
Old Country.
E. Messett, of Sertforth'accused of ad.
dueting Catherine Kenneiy, aged 12, of
the same town, wae up for trial before
Judge Toms, Saturchty. Messett is about
70 years of age. His counsel placed the
defence very strongly, and his honor al.
lowed the prisoner to go on suspended
sentence. The evidence of the girl, al-
though not broken down, wa,s weakened
by that of ether witnesses, who testified
not only to hor unreliability, but the
previous good character of the aceused.
evening from Toronto.
Thos. Ryan is attending the Collegiate
Institute at Seaforth. He is 11m011
missed by the boys as he is quite a
f aye te,
John Hewitt and wife aro attending
the Western Fair. Quito a, ntonber from
this vicinity ere also taking advantege
of the cheap rates.
Mr. Dunn has disposed of his house
and 1311 013 Scott street to Mrs. F. Birney,
at a fair price.
The Tempeiance Hall Co. have given
the contract for the putting in of two
wood furnaces in the Tempernnce flan.
Sam. Mellwaiu ancl Sam Taylor put
on and nailed thoroughly 174 buncheS of
shinglea in 0 hours for A. Roe, of this
H. W. 0. Meyer has the brick laid
down for erecting a fine block of three
etoree, one of which he intends occupying
himself as an office.
T. A.. Mills, after 18 years spent in
business in this town, has disposed ni
his stock of dry goods, Etc., to G. E.
King, who lute been with Mr. Mills for
many year&
Dr. Geo. McKenzie, son of Reeve Mo.
Kenzie, of this town, who passed his
examination 135 8.)) M. D. in Toronto,
Ibis spring, is now practising in Concord,
California, and is doing well.
Charles Kneobtel is offering a 520 set
of single harness for the best single
horse to be driven in a. four wheeled rig
at the Wingham Fall Show. This is
very liberal of Mr. Knochtel and 11 18
likely that competition will be pretty
100013, 0.1 ibis not every day that a prize
as valuable as this is offered.
Threshing is in full blast.
Township ()outlet' will meet on Oc-
tober leth.
Miss Mary Currie is visiting friends in
Messrs. McKay, Cloakey end Halliday
Sundnyed in Blyth.
Joseph Clegg and wife are visiting
fi lends ta Kincardine.
Jno. Pybue has renewed his lean° of
the Johnston farm, lot 24, eon. 6.
The bridge whieh spa,na Master's tweak
has been endangered by the meant show -
Messrs. Denham and Powell, of Myth,
the votaress apple buyers, Etre again on
the war path.
George Jaelcson did a goal day's work
reeently pitehing 20 loads of oats, 28
shocks to the load.
Mr. and Mrs. Mattici, of Chicago, have
been visiting Reeve Mooney and cast
friends in this loaelity.
The funern,1 of Martha Johnson wag
lergely attended lash Sabbath afternoon
in Belgrave. The bereaved have our
Mrs, Jas. Daman tecoived a telegram
111,113 110,3 father, Henry jackson, of Lind.
clay, was dead. She and Silas Jackson
left on the movning trein Wetineeday to
attencl the funeral on Thursday,
John Mooney has been neepointed To
Colkotor for this Township for 1801.
He does his work well and gets the
money withost much bothee. Ho gete
$85.00 for the work and earns the money
There heve been many large yields of
grain ropertod for the past Intranet but
there is one ;note yet. Jas. Spoir hod
11(2 Whoppnig big Weds of oats from 16
aores of lend. He has not thtoshed yet
so cannot sey what ainonnt of grain
there wits bet expeots 0110 be large,
the London exhibition this week.
J. M. Davies has been away for Has hist
few weeks. Ile is assorting lumber fer EL
firm in Stretford.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, of Harley,
were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Stnblis, this wer-lc.
There was no serviee in the Presby-
terian ohnroh last Sunday owing to Com.
111 0111011 ab Cranbrook.
Wm. McAllieter and wife were amity at
Amberly last week nttending the funeral
0) 1110 brother.in-law.
William Melased ha,s taken charge OE
the grist mill in Goode, and will remove
his family there soon.
U. Richardson, having spent a ample
of weeks visiting some of the 1 ighbor.
ing towns and villages, has resumed bud.
nese again.
T. P. Simpson and Alex. Peebles re-
turned last week from their trip to the
West. They evidently enjoyed them.
selves and give quite a nice account of
the aountry. They say that the crops,
especially in Dakota, are something ex-
113 t
Rev. J. F. Parke, of Listowel, was in
town this week.
Mrs. F. W. Tanner is visiting lisr par.
salts in Watford this week.
lilies Archer, of Warwick, is the guest
of M.re. Tanner, sr., 11t present-.
Mrs. T. NV. Scott reterned on Friday
from a lengthy visit in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Northoott, who lives about
Mr. Emigh has rented his hotel at the 10 miles north-east of Bowmamville, has
station to Mr. Patterson, of Winghttm. lost her arm and will probably lose her
John Denholm shipped several oar. life through the seretch of a cat. It &p-
leads of apples last week from this sta. pears Mrs. Northcott was inning in it
tion to different parts in the Northwest. ohmic with the oat on her kuee, Ewa in
Messrs. Gray, Young ta Sperling have pushing it off reueived Et =atoll ou the
purchased recently the Dunean property hund, whieh alinoet immediately began
which adjoins 11,0121 80.11 works property. to swell. ln a few &bye mortifieittion
Our burg and surrounding country is 8813 (0, and the attending physician fouud
being well represented at the Western it neen,sitry to eteputate the arm below
Fair which is being held in London this the elbow. Mrs. Northeott is tow lying
in a very low state, it being hardly ex.
s Maggie Moore has returned from peoted 111(21 5(10 will elleyive 11)0 0(2011(1 of
a five weeks visit in Port Hume. She is the operation.
accompanied by her amnia Mies Rebecca
Robert Milne sold the Commends.'
Hotel last week St a good figure to oar
townsman, Jonathan Emigh, The new
proprietor takes possession on October
Our boot and shoe merehant, T. W.
Scott, hes.pleeed EL very dee street lamp
opposite ins store which is a decided ins.
ptovement. Others should follow the
example and lighten up our dark streets.
On Monday evening a number of the
young folks of both eexes wete in waiting
213 11110 station to welcome home Mr.
Powell and hie bride but they got sadly
left as the expected did not appear on the
scene. 011, my, you ought to have eeen
the long 111001) 011 the disappointment.
011 Thilreday the body of Mrs, Philips,
of London, fortnerly of this town, MIA
brought here foe ietorment, Et large nun).
her of sympathising frieds beiug in
33(0.113311(1 at the statio. It Wa3 tetO
the Union 00011311817 where it as ie -
posited along eine ofteid sowo Archie McIntosh, of Lietovolis the
W000 laid to rest a fee yeae g, purchaser othe American hotlStrap.
ford, the consideration being $7,100.
England has selected a site at the I An o.eoident Which will in all probe.
World's Fair. ' batty terminate fatally ocatnrred et the
Two million pilgrims have viewed the aThleon street crossing of the Buffalo tt;
hold 000.1 (41 Treves. ; Lake Huron divisiou of the 0. T. It.
Twenty home were herrn to death in I at Stratford about 0 o'eloalc Wednesday
Mileage on Monday night, morning. The victim, M03. T10003149
The Donbass of Westminstee is 10114 003110 n , n, women of about 45 years of
of cricket and (213 (1 game playmi between 040, white apparently in a deep study,
Iwo elevens of ladies at her country plea; walking on the tuts* end wits stimuli by
1(1 Cheshire oho r•cored a remarkable sno- the express from Goderieli. Her skull
0008 as a, bowler, WaS fractured.
(2 21 st News'.
Sarnia had a $ 1,000 lire Monday.
Geo. Blair, of Emit Zorra, pulled 21
tons of flex off 7 aores.
A Roman Catholie conference wee
opened in Kingston Tnesdey.
A. successful hortioultural exhibition
was opened in Hamilton Tuesday.
A yoting man of NVoodstook ia suing a
young lady fox breach of prombe.
Sixty thousand people visited the Mon-.
treat Provincial Exhibition Mondity.
Homy Jaeloion, 11 farmee of Lindsay,
VOW killed in 12 runaway accident Tues.
A.n unknown prisoner oominated sui-
cide in Amherstburg gaol on Sunday
030(30 (12(1,
The noted evangelists, Crossley and
Hunter began revival serviees in Paris
Monde y.
Henry Bedell a convict in Kingston
Penitentiary received 25 11414118N Monday
for striking one of the guards.
A. Bushell, of Norwich, dug up a 2 lb.
3 oz, potato recently, of the White (Ole.
phant variety. It measured 27 inohes in
Hanlau gave McLean of New Westmin-
ster 500 yards start in sculling a raise on
the Fraeer River Monday and MuLean
won by 60 yards.
Wesley Kemp fell from a, bridge in
course of eonstruotion on the Gland
Trunk Railway near St, Thomas Mon-
day morning and was killed.
The Wiarton News tells of a gigantic, Bruasels to the following pninte, and re -
puff ball found near that village. It
turning tint later then October 111, 'al :- Special Value in Glassware.
measured 2 feet inches in cireumference
Detroit, Port Huron, $3.50 ; Cleveland,
one way and 2 feet 0 inehes another way. a„.„,., _ay
This, it is said, breaks the puff ball ead, ,. City, $.0.50d Gated
record. Milwaukee, $0.50.
A French -Comedian family of eight,of
For further particulars call on
Montreal, were poisoned Ttlesday by
pet -taking of caubage soup. It is sup- T. FLETCHER,
posed the eabbage tract beer, sprinkled with
Town Agent, Cr. T. R.
Pads green. Several are not expected to
A Hudson mail Untied his first wife 20
years ago, and No. 2 five years ago. The
twiee tvidower repairs to the cemetery
regularly every Sunday moraing,
atiug butts graves preeisety alike with
vases of dowers. Them he takes his
position at the head of the graves and -
and smokes.
0, W. Cryderman, druggist, of Walk-
erton, was going to the bank the Other
day with a, deposit of 39,), amen 110 WaS
called outside the door to attend to moth.
0,3 0)121181'. He loft the money with the
deposit slip and benk book on top of the
safe at the latek of the store, 00
returning a minute or two afterwards the
money was goue. No 0106 to the thief
has yet been discovered.
Fire broke out in Davis' woolen mill,
llarriaton, Tuesday afternoon. The
building is a. total wreck, together with
the maehinery on the second floor. The
stook and contents of the lower flat Were
saved through the exertions of the fire
beigade, who did good terviee. Thera is
some ineurattue, but not sufficient to
cover the loss. The fire is supposed to
have been caused by a bpark from an en-
gine. Great sympathy is felt for Mr.
Davis. A. number 0( 11)130(10 are thrown
01111 of employment.
to plain facts about the l3. & C.
corset. You can't break the
bones -for one thing. If you
do, within a year, you'll have
your money back. It fits like
a glove. And hear how it's
sold: if you're not satisfied,
after a few weeks' wear, you
can return it and get your
Another Annual Fall Excursion
6 cry 61 Per Cent., Yearly,.
Striti,glit Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
ApPly to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels,
Money to Loan on
Private and CoMpany Funds,
L'Pl..."1( 17
J.C.ITeffernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agen t.
Ethel P.O., Ont.
Owing to Mr. McGinnis failing to
complete his arrangements I am back
again in my Grocery.
I am very thankful for the patron-
age in the past 15 years and ask not only
a continuance of the same but EL large in-
crease in trade. I have a well assorted
stook of
and am continually adding to it.
Big Bargains In Teas,
apt 14, ,,7.00 ; Cuteinnati, imago,
The Montreal Belletin says :-,T. J.
Vipond, of the firm of J. J. Vippond ta
Co„ who hae just returued home from a
(rip throng the prinoiple apple seetions
of Ontario, states that in the counties of
Lembton, Middlesex, Kent, Elgin, Ox-
ford, Wentworth, Prime Edwavd, Dur-
ham and Northumberland there will he
1030 111011(1') of an average crop of clean,
large and fine apples. Perth, Huron,
Welrington and Wentworth about 0110'
100.1) of a good average amp, mai Heidi -
mend, Etinuoln, Brant anti Essex counties
about onmfurth of an average crop.
The beleoets of twenties it is said will
not be over one-gnarter of 0,11 average
Orop. The ore') Og early varieties 03E28
'ergo, but the white!: orop will not be
bulky all 1101111 reported. The recent
steems it; England ibllppoItrs have done
1211 immenee &mount of injury to the
fruit osep,and 13.110(3 (511 Great Beiniii May
require (1(1(5(111 portion of our yield,
IS not only a distreSaing complaint, of
1 itself, but, by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en-
feebled, is tbe parent of innumerable
maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is the best cure for Indigestion, even
when complicated with Liver Complaint,
is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway
Centre, Mich.: -
"Liver complaint and indigestion
made my life a burden and came near,
ending my existence. For more than
four years I suffered untold agony, was
reduced almost 10 11 skeleton, and hardly
had strength to drag myself about. • All
kinds of food distressed me, and only
the most delicate could be digested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
physicians 1130110020 030 without giving re-
lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do
any permanent good until I commenced
the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which
bas produced wonderful results. Soon
after commencing to take the Sarsapa-
rilla I could see an iMprovement in my
condition. My appetite began (20 1131111311
and with it came the ability to digest
all the food taken, my strength im-
proved each day, anti after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions, I found myself a well
woman, able to attend to all household
duties. The medicine has given me a
new lease of life."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rinrinaD 118
Dr. 0. C. Ayer Ec Co., Lowell, mass,
Prlee $1 ; 810 bottles, 56. Worth $5s bottle.
COIne Sept. 23
40 Oct. 7-21
0" Nov. 4-18
V•00 Ci) Dec. 2-18-30
olite Attodant.S
rogreS5 Rapid
ricg Low
loty of Room
Prime Hams and Bacon.
1110111 do much puffing about my
business but I am giving bargains that
are worth securing. Call and prove it
for yourself.
(;e . Baker.
Have been placed in no bands
for Investment 011 rod estate.
No Conzmission.
Borrowers eau 1111V0 loans COM-
pleted in Three Days if title
Post' Nolulon
Another [ase
New Goods
to band suitable for the Holiday
Trade. Special bargains in Bib-
les and Photo. Albums.
Large Assortment of
Beautiful Dolls.
Rocking Horses, Drums,
Carts, Magic Lanterns.
&c. for hoys.
New Stock of Note Papers
and Envelopes.
Full lines of School Books, Inks,
Scribblers, Pens, Pencils, School
Bags, Slates and everything else
required at School.
„1 Few Fancy Baskets
Left and will bc
Sold nt Cost.
As Space is Limited a cut will be
made in prices of all Toys to
make room for other goods.
'POST' Bookstore.
YE can roach some of the trade all the time.
YOU can roach all the trade- some of the time.
13 LT Ta.
YOU cannot roach all the trade all of the time
U'NL'121&'14 'VOT.7-
advertise in THE BRUBELS HST.
Organized 1871. llead Office, Toronto.
Remember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable,
Paid-up Potioy and Cash Surrender 'Value Guaranteed in each Poliey.
Policiee are Non -Forfeitable after the Payment of Two full anneal Premiums.
Profits, which are Unexcelled by any Company doing bushiest] in Ottnada, are
allocated every five years from the issue of the policy, or at longer periods, as may
be selected by the insured.
Profits ecr Allocated are Absolute and nob liable to be reduced or recalled at
any future time under any circumstances.
Participating Policy Holders are entitled to not lees than DO per cen10 of the
profits earned in the ohms, and for the past seven years have actually received 95
per cent, of the profits so oEwned.
W. 0. MACDONALD, ACTUARY, J. K. MACDONALD, Mainemo Dnitiorron.
W. 11, Mt ERR, A. 42,:e nt, 13 as at ss sal i.e.
Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will
injure your machinery, when you can got the
Lardine, Wool, Eureka,
Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harnesti.
Agent, Brassels, 41-e0 For Sale by B. OERRY, Brussels.