HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-9-25, Page 44 TIIE BRUSSELS POST
imaseezeseezeitee....na,retest zeztu asseez i ' .. ttwerI'a, e�ev;.ss;e rzinerreeetanemeeenn'misers.rasmevernieseeetz assts cesznar>:•ta' ezeivnr,•amrierte ew ewenennlr t:o;:r m
New Advertisements.
Local --Gee 0oed.
1,00al—Thos. Kelly.
Leone --J. J. Gilpin.
Locals—J. C. Ayer.
('01'Heta-- A, Stt•lteha0.
Strayed .Win. Bla,thill.
Locale-11Ire. E. Refers,
Local—Star Reeteurtuit.
Arriving-- 0, A, Deadman.
Locals--Fergneen ie 1I111iday.
School I1ooks—Pose Bookstore.
Servant Wanted —Pose Publishing
(1 1)l 3i1`tlzze15 4)Ost,
FRID,-1l', ,SEPT. 25, 1891.
DotunuN Parliament may prtrogun
next week. Mr. Lister's arraignment of
Postmaster General Haggart may delay
matters but it will be time well spent'.
An additional sessional allowance to the
members is one of the probabilities.
JUDGE G:wi has decided that what is
known as the Park By-law is good law
and that the Toronto Council had power
to pass it. This settles the validity of it,
and henceforth the disturbers of the
peace who have been wont to gather in
the park on Sunday will have to regard
it as apylying to them.
THERE is every indication of a big
European war before very long. The
leading powers have their military are
rangemente all made and their troops
drilled. Who will drop the spark into
the magazine is not definitely known but
with all the modern death dealing engin.
ery of war a fierce 0005010 could be
waged in short order. The white flag of
peace does not float over Russia, Ger.
many, Frame or even England today as
all these nations are armed to the teeth
and ready for the outburst whenever it
' CONSIDERABLE attention is being direct.
ed to a seizure of cattle at Montreal
troubled with pulmonary consumption,
or something like ie. The disease often
shows itself by lumps on the neck. the
Provincial Board of Health is investigat-
ing the case and is advising looal Boards,
cattle dealers and farmers to keep a
sharp look out for diseased cattle, It is
said a few affected animals have been
found in Huron County. Good, whole-
some meat is one of the staples and pee_
ole cannot be too partioular about seeing
th tt it is so.
AT the risk of being terribly disloyal
we beg leave to state that the annual ex-
penditure of thousands of dollars for the
so called drill of Canadian volunteers is,
in our opinion, a waste of good money.
If the men, or boys, were drilled once a
month or even quarterly during the year
by the officers it would not be so bad but
such is not the case and in a score of in-
stances in every Battalion one year's
drill is all that ie taken. Siolmess (?) or P)'ivate
supplies are the order after the novelty is
over. There is room for big improve-
ment by the Militia Department.
root his wily into the stomachs of those
of the Danishpeople who care for pol'!t,
ea well as the rotund Germrut, and there
is mule genteel and dignified exultntiou
over that feet et the Agrieultnral Ile•
pertinent tu.dny, 'Chis morning Beore-
tary husk received official illforuratiou
riot Denmark bed removed, upon the
same terms as those advanced by Ger,
many, all the restrictions which have for
some time past shut the American pork. '
er out of these markets. Seeretery
11 tisk says this movement 111 fitvor of our
hog le, he feels Duro, going to extend un•
ill It becomes printieitlly lillallinl0ne,
"How much of it market will there be ?
It is reasonable to suppeso that we shall
sell ut least $70,000,000 woftlemeys Duch:
J 0rry.
The provisional government of Chili
was recognized this week by the United
States as the government de facto of
that country. It's a long lane that brei
no turning, bit now that they have
reached ale turn our Chllian neighbors
will look upon the act of recognition ire
an assurance of genuine and enduring
friendship. Whether Mr, ligan should
be retaloed in Chili as the representa-
tive of the United States will largely de.
pend upon the ncoeunt he renders of his
stewardship tinder the Balmaaeda govern-
ment with whioli the State Department i
has not vet favored the public.
The Itata is to be returned to the
Chilien government in accordance with
the terms of a compromise effoated at a
oouferenec between the congressional re-
presentatives here and Secretary Traoy
and Attorusy•General Miller. It is not
an unconditional surrender of the vessel
and a simple baokdowu on the part of
the Il. S. The terms of the agreement
are that the (Milian government is to
pity the United States a sum equal to the
expense incurred in pursuing end cap-
turing the Itate.
Ex•Attorney-General Garland writes
from Hominy Hill, Ark., to contradict
and head off rumors t0 the effect that he
is in any sense it candidate for one of the
vacant places on the Interstate Com-
merce Commission. He was offered an
original appointment on the commission
by Mr. Cleveland and declined. He says
he has definitely retired from public life.
Tho old reliable "well-defined rumor"
has finally found time to "eouueet" YIr.
Clarkson with the coming Cabinet
Mr. Blaine is about to return to the
Capitol. The Blaine mansion in Madi-
son Place is thoroughly overhauled pre-
paratory to the arrival of the Searetary,
and itis expected that he will be back at
the State Department by Oct. let.
Secretary Prootor intends to resign
his preseut office before taking the Sen-
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Washington Letter.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
lAsnroo'rosr, Sept. 11, 'e1.
The Bar Hareorite who has been en•
gaged in editing the Blaine health butle-
tiu since the Secretary took refuge at
that seaside resort would prove a valu-
able plan in any wella'egulated news-
paper office. His versatility and genius
have run all through the series of official
announcements. When Mr. Blaine's
condition first became alarming the
manipulator of the Bar Harbor health
stereopticon said so. He did not say so
in the dull, sickening thud manner em-
ployed by some correspondents. He
said so gracefully and in a style calculated
to create sympathy for tate distinguished
Patient. when Mr. Blaine's condition
began to improve the health bulletin
man bad him recover with a delicately
shaded crescendo movement that oould
not fail to attract ole attention of the
whole country. If Mr. Blaine should
finally succeed in his Presidential aspira-
tions he will prove most ungrateful if he
fails to provide something handsome for
the enterprising individual who edited
the Bar Harbor health bulletins.
"It doesn't mutter who is selected
Speaker of the next House," said a prom-
inent statesman the other evening, 'there
is going to be a great deal of heart -burn-
ing over the committee aseignmente. If
precedent be followed the single State of
Texas would be entitled to four chairmen
—Mills, of the Ways and Means Com-
mittee ; Culbertson,of Judieiary ; Crain,
of Pacific Railroads, and Kilgore, of En-
rolled Bills. But should Mr. Mills be
elected Speaker, he would lay himself
open to the charge of undue preference
shonld he give chairmanships to three of
his own delegation, Who would he out
out ? This is only an illustration of the
stumbling blocks that lie in the path of
the winner. Somebody is bound to flet
hnxr, because there are not enough chair-
manships to 5o• around, particularly as
every one of the defeated Speakerebip
candidates thinks he will be justly en-
titled to (read one of the big committees."
Judge Cooley, chairman of the inter
state commerce commission, Inge resign-
ed. The news created no surprise here.
Although it has been known for nearly
two years that Judge Cooley might re.
sign at almost any time, as he leaked
the strength since hie severe illness to
perform the duties of hle office, his resig-
nation comes as a, shock to an important
branch of the service, Chairman Cooley
was the great lawyer and great man of
the commission. Not only so ; he was
one of the ablest constitutional lawyers
and writers on eonstitubionel and muni-
cipal law that the oountry has ever had,
The American hog le now at liberty to
and Company Funds.
solicitors, Ede.,
Royal Dlail Steamships.
CABIN RATS, * 80. *110 and *60, Single
880, to ooolttoordingLotnfSaerom
INTERMEDIATE, Outward 925; Prepaid 860
Steerage at Lowest Rates.
Accommodations Unsurpassed.
Apply to 8. & A. ALLAN, Montreal,
on W. II. IL.E11.11,
IF not remedied in season, 18 liable to
become habitual and chronic. Dras-
tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels,
confirm, rather than cure, the evil.
Ayer's Pins, being mild, effective, and
strengthening in.tlteir action, aro gener-
ally recommended by the faculty as the
best of aperients.
"Having•been snbjeot, for years to
constipation, without being able to find
much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills.
I deem it both a duty and a pleasure
to testify that I have (leered great ben-
efit from their use. For over two years
past I have taken one of these pills
every night before retiring. I would net
willingly be without them."—G. W.
Bowman, L0 Last Main st., Carlisle, Pa.
"0 have been taping Ayer's Pills and
using thein in my family since 1807, and
cheerfully recommend then to all in
need of a safe Let offnetned cathartic."
—John M. Legge, Louisville, ley
"For eight years Iwasafllir.ted with
eonstlpatian, which at last became 00
Ind that the tdoetors could do no more
lar me. Then I begun to take Ayer's
P)lle, and r,uon the towels recovered
their natural and reirular all inn, so tint
70 ,W I am in excellent Health."—S. L,
S..oughbritige, Bryan, Texas.
leaving ,nod Ayer's Pills, with gond
resill8,0 fully inder00 thein for the pul-
pses for Which they ere recommended."
—T. Cohners, 80. D., Centro Bridge, Pa.
yer Pills,
Cr, J. 0. Ayer Be co., Lowell, mass.
Sold by e11 Drugfdete sod Dealers in Medioina
MRS. E. ROGERS, Brussels.
E Invite the Lathes of Brussels and Vicinity to inspect. More
especially, our Dress Goods Department, both black and col-
ored Goods. We have a very large stock of both, comprising all the
most Fashionable Styles, and prices away down to the Lowest. We
have also a very large stock of Shirtings,Flanneletts,Cottonades,Citrpets
Velveteens, in fact everything new and good. We most cordially in-
vite Patrons of Industry to examine our Stock, and feel sure our prices
will be found lower thein; so called Patron and Grange Stores, and the
Goods we offer are all ne'ly and Fashionable. We invite inspection, no
trouble to show goods millno compulsion to buy.
Tea rh'`eett?seellre EiNe:'-------
MISS GREEN, our popular Milliner, has just returned from the Markets and is
preparing for our opening which will take place on the
We invite every Lady to see our beautiful Goods which this Season are very
Tasteful and Elegant.
In this Department we have some new designs. Our Stock is very largo aucl we
feel confident we can suit the most fastidious taste, but unless a Garment of this
description is made to fit properly it becomes a waste of Material. Miss MooRE
has again charge of this Department, being, as everybody is aware, a practical
hand and guarantees it first-classdfit or no sale.
Sept. 18, '91. E. ROGERS, Brussels.
Why Not Da Your Own Thinking?
Bnuss0Le, November 800,1802.
S. M. McLEon, Goderieb,
DEAR SIR. --I 1(10010 have written before
now to let you know bow I ant getting along
I 801 alob better than lwas; gaining strength
every day. I have a good appetite and sleep
well. I can taste the full quantity of the
System Renovator and It does not sicken
me. My limbo aro all right now; quite
smart in that way; owe111ngg all gone, The
great thirst is gone; I drink no water at
night, but I take a little buttermilk. I aur
quite straight again, Send me another
bottle of your System Renovator,
Yoare,&a, JAs. DUNCAN.
BRUSSELS, February 7111,1601.
3. M. MaLEon, Goderich,
DEAR See.—Fifteen years ago last Novem-
ber I started to doctor drat; I was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any, At times I suffered greatly from MT
stomach; I continued. bot I grew worse.
I turned dropsical ; limbs and body swelled
badly. You know the state I was in when
I went to Goderiob--a mere wreck, could
hardly walk—Mitering from Briget's dis-
ease. Just one year ago last fall I began
year Renovator and SpaeiBo Cure. I began
to mend in a few days; continued then for
three months Neatly, 'Although I was told
I could not be cured, if you sew me now,
well and hearty ; eat everything that 00mes
Inthe way. Iowe you the praise of saving
my life. I was in a Hopeless condition when
I went to you, in font no ono thought I
would gob better, I oaunot speak too highly
of you and of your medicines, for it was
them that cored me, words cannot express
my thanks to you, Freely pass my name to
anyone. Yours, &c.,
SOLD BY J. T. PEPPER, Bmisseee.
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
Hl Dennis', Brussels).
Gall and see then before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c always in stock and sold
at Close Prices
If you want a set of Light
or Heavy Ilarness I can
supply you,
See our Scotch Collars.
11« Denis.
g'O T 1-+1
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be allowed.
We have a Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, &o.
All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention.
SEPT.40•COMMaa:Mapigi/M/001.W. 11.•110
25, 1891
Alvltol J 0 i,Anajo V`VUIITE YORK -
'19u, lords i:;ua 1 will keep for servleo this
1(00,0111 urnsnu Ile lulptuve,t burgs whim
Yor orris,
to 1dg "Bendy" p6 let 31),
31ra rb, 1 wln;olr 1 !linked 101111,1,• of solus
will be ttltetl, '1'er118 .+1.110 00 be p81rl at
(Awe ofservlee, with the privilege of return -
180 it ne0e0sary, Pedigree nlito be send • 111)•
u1 ap,Ileatlmt• 101)11;1('1' N1(11I0I,,
1501 Proprietor,
DEns1GNF.n has several good Farms for
sale and to rout, easy terms nil Townships
of Kerrie and Grey, F. S. SCOTT, Brussels,
Lot 1.1, Con. 10, are ; 100 60108 1 [(wif-
eless bull ll ors. A rare bargain to a Dash
bur¢ha5er. Itie l,eye eet. Apply at 0000 to
1V, Al, S f iv CLAIM, Solicitor, Brussels. 80-
5, Being South half Lot 27, 0011.11, Morris,
Ionna eavcrnnugueasaryipagll8•1o011,rud, IGmnomdobdhtlite
session. 1a03 ipn•g>ee-
'Oe'a,lo. Apply to
1v. 111, Sl N CLAIRO,
11- Solicitor, ,90„ Weenie.
,lersignelloffers 1119 Valuable 106 acre
form, being Lot 12, Con, 0, Grey, for Hale.
T110re aro 85 60000 under crop, balance
timbered. There is a good orchard, 108118,
&o, on the mein Isom, besides leg horse, bank
hare, &a. will be sold on reasonable terms.
Fm' price and full particulars apply 10 1331,
.HA l310l RK, Il ru muds P. ti., 01' Jung 1(08110110,
Soalnrth, Ont. 170(10
eon SALE.—Being west , Lot 11, Con. O,
Cirny,+1miles front Brussels. The laud is
good clay learn, well drained, meetly all
cleared and in good order. Ono acre of or-
chard in g0011 repair. Thom is a never 'flail-
ing spring on the premiums and an extra well
at the buildings, The bnildinge aro camfort-
able. would tante suitable property in or
near Brussels as part pay. For further par-
ticulars apply ml tbo premises to
TI30S. MoGRFG011,
or address Brussels P. 0. 0010
DEMON= executors offer the John
Lowe farm for sale. 0110 property consists
of 100 acres, being Lut 10, con. 0, Grey, anti
having thereon a first-class brick house,
bank barn, orchard, wells, never -failing
spring, good fences, &u. About 70 sores
cleared, halauoe hash. P000ession will bo
given next Pall. For further particulars as
t0 price and terms apply to
W. B, D0ONS011, Solicitor, Brussels,
or to
G2-tf .7140. SMITI•I, l:x¢outol s.
N. J. kit:A tTHUR
00)1 eon., Croy.
DEn010NEn offers for sate the north
oast quarter of lot 28, concession 0, Norris,
County 0f Huron, containing 50 ,ores, Thu
laud is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivation, wall leveed and under -ii aained,
e'S acres cleared. New frame 115050,S rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and shod, orchard, etc. Eight
soros of fall wheat. f1105 ausirable property
adfoius the oorpoiation of Brussels. Suit.
able torn' will he given. Title perfect
TAMES-G1t1EVIS, Owner,
86- 80efort1 P. 0,
The dnaorstgntd Executors 01011 the
"John Forbes" (farm for sale. The property
eonsisto of 150 awes, being lot 0, 000,8, and
west half lot 7, con. 8, Grey township. There
tiro 100 acres cleared anti made• crop, balance
hardwood bush. On the preiniie8 is 0 gond
0 storey brick house, large blank barn with
stone Stabling, wells, windmill and piping to
stables, two orchards, good fences, &e. The
trtl'111 is iu 0 good state of cultivation and is
only 22.4 unties froom lire sols. Possession to
Qoruitapply pulehtoneor• Forprise, terms, &c., writo
0-01 JAS, CARDIFF, -Brussels P, 0.
or 1). 14'010168, 0 tratf0111.
Specialist, - Toronto.
JONATHAN BUSOnART, Libtowol, eoys
"After spending all my money and property
to leo purpose 011 8(0111001 men, for what
they tanned a hopeless naso at consumption,
Dr. Sinclair cured mu."
Itlna. Mawr Fnuro1o, \Vnadhonse, says ;—
"When all others failed, Dr. Siuulair mired
m e 00 80e."
D. Itonl:nmsoN, Carleton Plane, says:—
"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh."
GED, BOWED, Blyth, says:—'•Dr. Sinclair
oured me of heart disease ao4 dropsy, when
all others failed."
Diseases of Prioata Nature, brought 011 by
jolly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Ogres.
Co o,, station Fre®.
Friday, Sept. 25th, '91,
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and whaling sbill to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from 10etabliehod and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
.Latest Designs.
&IMMRGO, 1;a.
I "Aiso a Full Line of Vf000Ns and
Violin Strings, tee., in stook.
N. R. --Insurer erhMarriage licenses.
T. Fletpher,' Brussels.