HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-9-18, Page 5SEPT. 18, 1891 liptapavamittema EtiOrict WIeto5 THE BR If SSELS P () S T SITSM=08211081111101=1THMIMIX8E011121111111_111411114.1131211MMMTOX1=1111111808VISMICIIHRITVIIVREMEMP=IMMHOM:=1,01,11.1100H1=1888111MVXMIX1411.480MIDS Money to Loan, hlre. Kenny and nanghter, of Port I (10.,. ....,,Li,.., officer for North learn) Huron, 10111 iMitsis -Affinie Chambers, cif will hold a (mutt fer the final revleion 01 1, I -- Seefortit, have been vieitiog ae John 1.101 Dominion het of voter's for Lietowel . ' bloone 'it • 1 in the town hall at e p. in, on the 2101 of • eivitertil re se tin - Mgt; Annul° allS1111R11% returned on , Nev, 18.11, A large istortwooto in Oto rear of Poe. • IVerhiesday to her horne in St, Paul. Time ef. Arendt, of tbe Lutheran linty nil ter'm fueniture estriblielimont at liettforth Minnesota, tater 14 V11311 1,1 two =Ales oltureli Wa9 presented by the friends of together with a new house itnit a lot of with her eleters. the churole 00 the eve of his 11111110Val. valuable Ineniture west dettbroyed by flee Geo, Parker has removed into the with a handsome communion mot, ea it .re 0 IP li,'S 71 .11,1/ TF Si at 1:30 Tumidity morning. The prompt Tam Rogereon brink honise lie having memorial of regerd and appreciation of and efficient service rendered by the tire. pm:chased the fern' recently, MTH. G. hie servicee, INiOrloy to Loan 013 Pros lven kept 1110 live well under control, AI, Parker will live ill 4110 110080 4111,cat1('i The 00111,011 bee appointed Abraham Private awl Con 7pany F lin cl 8, otherwise disaetrous reaulte would have by Mr. Parker, on the west side of sitattolloml, Rtir.'llatiliTo(filreeetr".fko°rrtholiar ttniTy01.'ullTs followed in that part of the town. The the sideroad. stook WM pertly itusured• Suppotted .8.40011 time ma enjoyed at a parlor duty will be to see that all ehildreti of a mute, ineendiaristn, mad a; the ',peewee ('09)33131)00('09)33131)00 of led. rulhool age, not otherwise ineepaciteted, ward BOS1111111 last Tuesday evening. attend icehool as regnlaely 09 poseible. Rev. I B. Wallwin ocumpied the chair. Hoye caught playing troant will be sum - IN re I le rest. The program coneisted of intesioal and marlly deelt with. The Royal Hotel has been greatly im- literary seleutions and WAS 111081 enjoy- The 1,1stowel flax mill 19 ft tmey spot -- proved by IA ()oat of paint. able,— at the preeent time. Flax us being de- ,, Our braves have returned from ORM)) Axsiveuetee,-011 Sunday, llth inat., livered there at the rate of nearly a aaM and,ErY'v (1.1133o Y(1.1133re d weglad to got home. the anniversary eurviee of the Sabbath Duno. MeCtutig ancl Miss Ruth jonee, wheel at ja01111011'S appointment woe ...Z /eel'. ' of Seaforth, annclayed here. held, oommeneing ab 2130 o'oloolc. The John Morrison and Thos. Ryan have chide Ny„9 oucupjea by hem, Jackson, OICKSON 84 HAYS, soileitors, ONT. hundred tune 0, day, mid an army of apreaclers are at work in the fielde. The yield this year 111 0, !urge one, averagiug over two Woe to the ROM. 8100910. Livingeton expeot to tette in alien) 1,200 tons at their Lietowel mills, fully one- third of which, or ovee 260 acres, is their own growleg, gone to Settforth to attend the Collegiate. Superintendent of the aohool. Addresees They are hustlers and will give it good ae. were given by W. II. Kerr, of Bruesele, met of thetneolves. end Rev. W. F. Campbell, Ph. B., of Severed fume this yieinity 1400 attend- Blyth. Seine Medea seloctious of mein ing the Industral Pith. Among them wee0 rendered by a quartette choir mom - being Lewis McDonald and wife, Mrs, poseil of Milt, W. Jackson, Mrs. New - Win. Neal and Robe Ferguson. ooinbe, G. A.. Hood and W. Jackeon. A [11,14138111 01110 Wall seijoyed. IBIetevrelte. Farmers have put a lot of fall wheat in lettlicel. the sound thio season. H. le. McAllister hes engaged Alex. Bluevale and locality hes been leen re- 'McKay as ecstatic hi his store, preacadecl at the Toronto and London Joel Panabaker, son mud deughter, of Fain. Hespeler, were vieiting relativee in this The Monet Home in conneetion with loottlity. the Methodiet chetah will be held early 'Mrs. D. W. Milne, of Lscapirt, N. Y., in Ootober. Wag viaiting relative's and friende in this A foot hall tournament is to be held locality. here on Saturday, 26th hist. A big tinie Ethel has a new livery stabffi now is expected. managed by Ephraim Cobol:. He keeps Our cheese factory has not been 148 well three horses and outfits. patronized this season as 00 00)00 keener There is more eunshive at 13ph. yams. So many farmer)) are going into Caber's, It elionld have been a boy but stook raising in preference to dairying, iket-evocett. Some sneak thieves dole about two vale of egg plume from F. Glebe's trees one night last week. Aboub 50 heads of cabbage and a 1111)0)100 of 0110110313000 were stolen from Jos. Montgomery's garden Saturday night. A. hotly contested football match be. tween Iwo croak teams will be one of the attractive features at our fall fair this year. A. mine at Illeoillewaet, British Colum- bia, has been named the .8441100 Knox, after Canada's fair reciter.—Vancouver (13. O.) World. The Elmo, Fall Show will be held at Atwood ou Tuesday, 291h inst. A good ahow is expected as there are a lot of first-class farmers in that locality. Jno. Felton loolcs sinee Monday. The cause may be traced to the fact thee he has n, young gentleman at his home that will seen call him "Daddy." Good luck to the boy. At the athletic sports at Milverton the other day, C. J. Wynu and James Struth- ers captured almost) everything in the W031 of prizes. 0. J. book 101 in the half mile race, 1st in the 200 yard race, 1st in the barrel raoa, and 2n8 in the horse 0)00.jim tools 2nd in the heavy weight eon. test. Cliesertitroolc. 13, 3. Williams is away at the county town tnis eeek. John McIntosh, teaoher, ls Godo- er mill, Brussels, this week, whieh settled 0111)) this week at the Assizes. 661 pounds to the bushel. He 001)0(30(1Miss 3311.11100, of Blyth, is visiting at $1.00 per bushel for it. Ili was a spleti- did sample. Btu YIEL08.—Blias Dielcsou, 121h eon., bad a yield of SO lonshele of spring wheat from about 2 acres. 11 averaged fully 40 bushels an acre. It was the "Cali' forniam Reliance" variety. Dark c14 Shine threshed 50 bushels of above wheat in 0 little less than 20 minntes. Wm. and Alex. Perris had a yield of 374 INNI bushels of S from 8 mores or about 47 bushels per am. • THANES.—The neighbors and. friends of Mrs, Daniel Ross, lot 10, eon. 17, did 0 very thoughtful and kindly aot in aid. ing in harvesting the season's comp, owing to the sudden decease of her husband a 'short time ago. Special men. hien should be tnade of Lewis McDonald who closed down hie saw mill so as to al- low the hands to assist in the good work. Mr. Ross was presenter in Duff's Presby- terian church at the tinie of his death and to show the high appreciation of his past services the widow was presented with a purse containing upwards of 590. The ladies interested in the collection and presentation were Mrs. D. Campbell, Mrs. 0. Ritchie, Mrs. McGaviu and Mrs. McAllister. Mrs. Ross is desirous of pnblioly expreesing ber giatitude to the many kind friends for their sympathy and help in her hour of bereavement. Perth County. Robb. Kennedy, of Stratford, is the possousor of a paw of pore white twin calves. There is not a hair of tiny other color on them - The number of men at p es int employ- ed in the G. T. R. louomotive shops Stratfoed iii 055, the largest i111101111' 0,80 employed in their hietory. Thursday being Stratfordec 011/10 holi- day R was the oconsion of a series of sporting events; In the Agrieultural Perk, w 10111011 ere succeesfully carried out. In the morning a match between the junior lacrosse teams of Goderielt and Stratford took place, resulting in favor of etratford —two goals to one. In the afternoon the second little daughter is made wel- there was a free -for all r for a parse of come. 5250, in which the starters were Axtel, Messrs. Heffernan se Bawtinheimer Rosa B. and Gray Tobe, resulting in shipped another comignment of cattle to Gray Tobe taking three straight heats in the eastern market last week. They're 2.281, 2.35 and 2,28, and first money ; hustlers.Rosa B. taking 2nd, and Axtel, 3rd. In [6 )0 said that Robe Wilson is likely to the named race the entries were all local become a resident of Ethel. Bob. is horses, Achland, Willies and .R.. B. S. getting quite naturalized but he epins taking drat second and third places re - long yarns as ever. spectively. A very exciting ooneest wits Last weelc NV. McAllister, wife and the tug.of-war between teems from Stria. son arrived home from an extended tour, ford and Lucknow, Stratford won the visiting Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago and other weatern cities. Postmaster Spence and 3. Hemsworth are home from their trip through Mani. toba and Minnesota. They enjoyed their outing trimly muoh but were well pleased to get home again. They report the crops first-class. Mrs. McKay, of Sea -forth, has been very ill at her fathers. She same out to attend Mrs. Henderson's funeral and took sick and las not been ithle to get home yet. iffr. Ilenclereon has sold his house to John Eckmiee and will remove to Morris where he will live with his ,on George. (-331r Ono. Hill, wife and F011 are away this week on a holiday outing to the Queen'a city. Rev. E. V. Smith wee home for ttvo weelcs' visit from Stromness. He is en- joying his work and 16 )8 evidently agree. ing with him, judging by his improved appearance. jno. Harris, 10th con., delivered two loads 0) 1111) wheat mita National Roll - Rev. D. B. McRae's this week, John Goths is home on the siolc list. Farming it appears cloee not agree with him. Rev. 13 13. McRae attended the Pres- bytery meeting at Wingham last Tues. day, We notice that, the geutleman who took in E. J. Williams by selling him a patent harrow tooth and olip and who was placed in Goderich goal to await trial has received his freedom. Mrs. M. lertynann sr. died very sud• deftly last Friday. She was at one of the neighbors the evening before and on her way home took a paralytio stroke and died next day about noon. The funeral toolc place on Sunday morning at 10 o'clook, Rev. D. B. McRae conduct- ing the service. (Above was intended for hat week.) A.. C. Damee was down to Montreal last week with cattle. Miss Edith Hope, of Atwood, is visit. iug her uncle, Geo. Hudson. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be dispensed (D, V.) in Knox ohneoh next Sabbath. Prayer meeting wee held at the house of Win. Dark last Monday evening. It was conduoted by Bev. D. B. Mateo. The sacrament of baptism was dispensed. Dire. 111. Powe) advertises n, sale, by pnblie Nation, on Saturday !afternoon, 26th insb., of household effects, tweeds, ready mita° clothing, act. A.. Reymann is the auctioneer. The sale will he with out reserve as Mrs. Powell intends leav- ing Oranbrook. Dior ripe. Council meeting last 13101)0.33. Morris Branch Fall Show will be held at Blyth on Oot. 8311 and Oth. Edward Johnston has gone out to Manitoba to assist his brother with the harvest. Miss Annie Ea.ket, of the let oon., has gone to Toronto to visit her Muter who resiclee there. Miss jettnet Xirichy is attending the Clinton Model inherit and j. Cloonan is taking his course at Goderiele Mese Henry Eeket, of Thessalon, gomit, is at present vieiting relatives and friends in the vicinity of Jamestown. Geo. Ratan and Wife, who Were visit- ing relatives at Belleville foe the last couple of mouths, have returned home. Miss L17.818 Maunders left Brussels on Wednesday for Petals}, where lathe takes charge of a millinery deptietmenb for tide aeaaan. Joseph and Robb. S nillie, of the 1s3 cone wile each toolc lied &ass Certificates in July lave gone to Danielson to study few 2nd Clues Certificates. The reeidence of NV, Rogerson, 811) line, was remotely destroyed by lire in ft rather unaccouatable manner while the Menus worm absent feom home. The fire occurred after night. It is said, to the disgritee oE our town- ship, that LW° women who were living lo the safes ho Ise had a hehrleto.hane fight not long sinee and the heeband of ole of the pagilists was an onlooker. Title 10 8110113' (003 010 evidence of the en- lightenment of the 10.11 to/Rory. Liget° -vv The central telephone office is now lo- cated at .1. H. Gunther's jewellery store. Liatowel had a population of 2,688 in 1881. Now it has 2,587, a decrease of 101. 12,517 boxes of cheese were offered at the Lietowel cheese markeb Thursday of last week. 33. Rothwell sold his dwelling to .7. Bennetts for $1000 and putchasect Adam Hess' residenee for $2,800. F. B. Kiivere who has been connected tvith the Bank of Hamilton hero for some years, latterly filling the position of accountant, ie about retnoving to Hamil- ton, having been promoted to the head officio. The taw faotory is making good pro• gross at present. The brielt.work of the first fiat Is completer]. At a meeting of the directors the offer of Goldie & Mc- Culloch foe supplying the boiler and en. giue was accepted. They will cost about 5/3,000. The balance of the machinery and plant 1114V0 not yet beau purchased, The Banner says t—Constable 13uheor returned on Tuesday night from the Goderieli assizes, whim he was attend- ing in the case against Chambers, ohneg• ad with 8110031034l3ulmer at Cliuton, Ile at mien reoognieed Chambers na the Mall with whom he exchanged shots in the spring. The grand jury 1)10113411) 3)1 a true hill agaitist Chambers, but at his request the caffi watt adjOUrneti to give him time to peeffitre a clefenee. Chani. hers claims to have been 10 Baurie on the day of the Harriston burglary stud in Port Arthue on the day the shooting Wall clone. Balmer is quite positive however in hie identification and the proprietor of the hotel in which the shooting was dorm also says he is the man wanted. The tried may be hr night on at the Des comber Sessions 00 the Spring Assizes, Eggs have dropped in price, so hail our Large Stook of Prime SMOKED HAMS, I3REAK3"A34T BACON AND SIDE MEAT All of Our Own Curing. We also Mannfaature Rotor:11a Sausage, Patronize home industry by calling onus. Give me a call and prove the truth- fullleSH of the above satenients. Wm, Blashill, Butcher, THE 11 STAN I Owing to Mr. McGinnis failing to complete hie arrangements I am back again in my Grocery. I am very thankful for the patron- age in the past 15 years and ask not only first pull ancl Luaknow the second. The , a, continuance of the same but a large in - third was deolared a draw, and the ' crease in trade. I have a well essorted stook of money was divided. A friend game of laorosse was also played between the Stratford seniors and Niagara Falls alubs, holders of the senior championship resulting in four seraight games for Stratford. Tiine, 20, 25, 1 and 5 minutes reseeotively. Demon artn OREDITOR.—The annual re port 0) 310 Inspector of Diviaion Courts for Ontario shows that during the year 1891) in the 822 diviaions, 62,867 suits were entered. The amount of claims ed exelesive of transuripta of judg- ments and judgment summonses were e2,535,165.32 ; nutnber of judgment summons issued 10,092 ; total amount of suitors' money paid into inert 5827,- 581.87 ; total amount of suitor& mooey paid out of court 13813 1373.38 ; balance of cash in court $28,956.08 ; number of suits entered when the amount claimed exceeded 8100, 6,807 ; number of jury Teals, 105. In the six courts of the County of Perth 1,292 suits were entered exclueive of transcript nucl judgment summonses from other courts for 545,- 870.83. The number of judginent sum- monses issued weee 143. The total amount of suitors' money paid into court was 518,041.40 ; total atnount of enitors' money 'mid out of ceurt,13,17,922,- H8 ; bulanoe in mart, 34818.88; number of suits entered fur olaims exceeding $100, 108 ; munber of jury trials by juries summoned, 8. The amount payable to the county treasurer for the Division Court fund 18 3447.874 and the amount of fees and emoluments payable to the pro. \Pineal treastner for the use of the pro- vince is $11.84. The following resolution wee reported by a oommititee of the Stratford Board of Trade at its last meeting :—"That this oommittee, appointed by the Board of Trade, having interviewed Mayor Brown and City Solicitor Iclington and deliberated woe their report submitted to the ritilwey committee of the Oity Connell on August 19 with reference to their interview on July 17 at Montreal with the President and General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway 00., and, levies been informed by them of the re- sult of their aubsequent interview with the some offieials in Stratford on the 20th ult., endorse their mune in ample)... sizing the city's offer of 560,000 bonus toward the ereotion of car shops here am final, and in pointing out the certainty of no better or a like offer ever agait) meeting with the approval of the Sprat ford ratepayers. We also corroborate fully the review by the Mayor and Oity Solioitor of the vacillating comae of the G. T. R. officials regarding the oar shops and in endeavoring to turn to unfair count the desire of other cities to Bemire them. Their policy of concentration of five years ago has taken wings, and whereas the carrying out of that policy would eventually have oombined Immo. Hee and car works and foundry at Strati - ford, it 0080)0 40 have been entirely abandoned for the roa.intenance 01 3)10 fonndry at Hamilton and putting up the car work, to the bid of ambitions muni- cipalities." A young man named Allnut aceident- ally shot nod killed himself at Henry Wlette'a ranch, neer Calgary. Deceiteed, who was nineteen ymirs of age, was a son of an English Church olergyinan et Rtunsgitte, Bug., and had recently arrived to learn the remelting business. The exhibitioti fever is spreading in the NVost Indies. An agricultural and in- dustrial exhibitioa Was hpened in the Is. land ef St. Thomas, Danish West Indica, on Auguet 18, and the 10,000 inlabitents 01 11)0 little country, seventeen nthes long by four wide, onthueinetioally propose to outdo the Breish Island of &males, which 111141 all /304)04111011 leat spring. The exhibition promises to have good &mess in stimulating ItStal indnoi ries atulthe general trade of the islasid. 0. Blenciontown, Molls farmer named. Henry Winciam, was mowing grass the other day when the nueldree tem over a rettlerinalce, nutting it in two. The farm. br jumped froth hie goat and stooped to Oak up the tail (lett, in ordef to tenure the big bunch of rattles as a trophy, when the piano of snake With the heasi 14ttaohed sprang at him and buried hie fangs in his arm. Mr, Windsor died. Nothing is Bahl 01 3110 after career of the hake. GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, GLASSWARE, FRUITS, dee, and am continually adding to it. Big Bargains in Teas, Special Value In Glassware, Prime Hams and Bacon. I don't do much puffing about my business but I arn giving bargains that aro worth securing. Call and prove it for yourself. Geo. Baker. NEXT WEEK 1 FARE TO LONDON on 21st and 23rd, $1.80. ALL CANADA EXCURSION on ertept. Oita, OtP,B, TIMM to MANITOBA 1.3"POINTIOR.—By buying thew tiokets from G. T. It. agents passengers avoid re.cheeking aud transferring of baggage, and tickets read from Brussels and re- turn to all Manitoba points. See bills. Another Annual Fall Excursion —FROM— Brussels to the following points, and re. turning not tater then October 16, '91 i— Debroit, Port Huron, 53.50 ; Cleveland, 56,00 ; Saginaw, Bay City, $6.50 ; Grand Rapids, $7.50 ; Cincinnati, Chicago, Milwaukee, 59.60. For further particulars call on T. FLETCHER, Town Agent, G. T. R. /". EOPLES °PULAR 0N E WAY ARTIES TO THE OZ. 00ING Sept. 23 4.40 Oct. 7-21 Nov. 4-18 Dec. 2-16-30 BY THE +1391+ HAVE Tilt ADVANTAOF OF °lite Atte0da0tS regress Rapid rice Low ieqty of Room APT .CULAP18 FROM 003 08511? Or ter Comp/opt J. T, PEPPDB, Agent, 33rtisae31. 'VA1141HMTHES0110TESV,X.CHISIIMe=1= MONEY TO LOAN. -A-. Any Amount of Money to Loan 011.Parm or Village Pro. perty 6 6. 6.4 Per Coil., Yearly. Straight LOGIlli with privilege of repaying when required. APP1Y to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. .v.i ONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -a.t- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds, APPLY' TO J.O.Ifeffernan, J.A.Young, Valuator. Agen t. Ethel P.O., Ont. Rheumatism, BBING clue to the presence of uric acid in the blood, is most effectually cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other, and take it till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from the system. We challenge attention to this testimony : — "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing nom - plaint, after long suffering, by taking -Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I than decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took At regularly for eight months, and ani pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no re- turn of the disease."—Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th st., New York. "One year ago I was taken ill with Inflammatory rheumatism, being con- fined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." —Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. 35. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rimer= ET Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prise 814 017.010(1.101, 85. Worth $5 a bottle. 3 8.011.1141,4-18‘11.1.481108.118=180. k3, A THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST =ALE IN CANADA. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my bands fur Investment on real estate, LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No COMIWSSinil Borrowers cat have loans com- pleted in Three Days if• title satisfactory. W. I. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE 110RT13I1IITL7 0A1010011 rnoxt PORTLAND on HALIFAX. TO DERRY on LIVERPOOL. LUBIN EATER. $411. $00 and $00. Single SRO, $90 and $110 Return, aceurding to Location st Stateroom. INTERMEDIATE, outward 821; Prepaid $10 sleerag,c ot Lowest notes. AeC11311111011/100/11; Titsurpassed. Apply 10 51. .0.0. ALLAN, Montreal, on W. 11. IiEIU, Ammer, Seesaws. EST ERN FAIR LONDON, September 17 to 26. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL, 17dustrial and Art Exhibition Raabudmi 1860. LARC E INCREASE OF EXIIIIRITS AND ATTENOANCE EVERT TEAR. 3890 0.78 good, but 1691 rill be better: $25.00 IN PRIZES f Attractions, etc., whIch are being arranged for, Rill etwpass "MY yet produced. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALE, R‘V.... Entries close Sept. 12th, For Pr:ze Litth mod ,,ru) idiot, apply te CAPT. A. W. Poem Tinos. A. IlantrNg, President. &Oratory. YOU call reach some of the trade all the time. YOU can reach all the trade some of the time. u YOU cannot reach all the trade all of the time —tr "YOU— Advertise 111 THE BRUSSELS .POST, - CONFEDERATION LIFE, Organized 1871. Bead Office., TO7071.t0., Remember after Three Years Policies are incontestable, EBBE E50051 AT.L RESTRICTIONS AS TO RESIDENCE, TRAVEL OE OCCUPATION Paidffip Policy and 011811 Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Poliey. THE NEW ANNUI2'Y .ENDOWMENT POLICY" AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST EMT DEATH; PROVIDES AN INCINIE DI OLD AGE, ANTI 10 A GOOD INVESTMENT. Polioies are Non -Forfeitable after the Payment of Two full annual Preminmee Profits, which are Unextelled by any Company doing business in Caneda, are. allocated every fiveyears from the Issue of the policy, or at longer periods, as nine' i be selected by the nsured. Profits so Allooated are Absolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future Mine uuder any coireumstanoes. Participating Policy Holders aro entitled to not less than 90 per cent. of ehe profits earned in the class, and for the past seven years have aotually reoeived 95 per cent. of the profits so earned. W. 0. MACDONALD, ACTUART, J. X. MACDONALD, MANAGING DITINOT0a. W. 1I. XIDRB, A.go,•enE, 1334-u.ssc5,,L. IWOOLL BROS. & 00. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CELEBRATED "[AMINE ?" Oylinder, — )SPECIA LTIES( Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, NIA.NUFACTURERS : vccooLL nnos. & CO., TORONTO. Harness. 44.851 For Sale by B. GERRY, Brussels.