HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-9-18, Page 1Volume 19. 1.1311.911re. .1..111rt.it.nosznelaVaylant..1.3.1....wrow mulesion,rnzarat..«incas:wo BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1891. 0108....1.•3.1,...4.144.61111.101.11101.1414.0331.1•KWItatal.00.1..01.fintlAMINCSI.G.RWEIMISIMIMIrnifirliTe- ,a-U,BoN ASSIZES. - The Huron Assizes were hold id Coda - rich. last, week Mr. Justice Ji at- conbritlge presiding. O'Neil vs. Murdock for 51,000 damages for fitIliff imprisonment was brim', The result was that a ward lot for $40 MB re- turned by the jury, for the plaintiff. Mr. Justice Feloonbridge, in (building ; the case, only allowed plaintiff division court code, some 020, and granted de- ll , fondant high court webs for their de - 1 fence, hene.e plaintiff's notion for the thousand dollars resulted in it judgment against herself of about 11200, being the differentia between the division court costs awarded plaintiff and the high court oosts awarded defendants. Hanna vs. Atabeson'an aotion to de• termitic the boundary between the pare ties' farms in the township of MoKillop. At the conclusion of defendant's witnes- ses plainbiff's counsel asked for an hd- journment on the ground of the absence of material WitlIOSSOS Mill leis Lordship postpoued argument till Stratford as- sizes, October 19, where farther evidenoe can then be taken. Dale vs. St, john, was an action for slander, the particle being well known residents of Hulled. On motion of Mr. Holt for plff., His Lordship put off the trial until next assizes, pl•ff. to pay costs of day within ton days after taxation. Mason vs. Vanoanip, the parties to this live in the township of MoKillop. This was it case of seduction. Verdict for plff. for 0500. Hie Lordship directed judgment to be entered for the full amount with full oosts of suit, with leave to issue execution forthwith. Lane vs. Dungannon was an examine. tion of witnesses directed by the Queenet i; Bench Division for report by his Lord. ship. Morgan vs. Yeo, an action for seduc- tion. Mr. Campion, Q. 0., for tbe deft., applied to put off trial on account of his client's absence, but his Lordship refused the application. On the trial of this ease del tes counsel withdrew, and after hear- ing the evidence of Isabella Morgen and Sarah E. Morgan the jury reterned a verdict for 9600, and His Lordship en. tared judgment for thet amount with Intl costs and leave to issue execution at once. Willis vs. Drake, an action for slander. The plaintiff, John Willis, 10 a farmer residing near Port Albert, and a barn be- e longing to him was burned a year ago last month, with several tons of hay and a reaper that it uontained. The property was insured and the plaintiff subsequent- ly received from the instintrwe company a portion of the amount stated by hiw in kis maim paper. After the fire the defenchint, Wm. H. Drake, who at the time lived on the farm across the road from the pleintiff, told persons connate. ed with the ;Eileen/moo company and others that ho had Been the plaintiff and his wife set the barn on fire one night that he was out late in his field, and as soon as he had the match applied and a dame started he went home and got in bed without waiting to see the progress of the fire. It appettred that before the fire the defendant had been before a inegietrate on a °huge of stealing a oow, of which he was acquitted, that the plaintiff, John Willis, had been called ES M. witness against him, and that in con- sequence the defendant had since had an unfriendly feeling toward Willis, and it was also admitted by the defendant that be is now under indiotment charged with buruing down his own barn, Verdiot for the plaintiff and 050 damages. Polley vs. G. T. R. et al., for damages to horses in transportatioo. On the tte. plication of the 0. P. B. Go. trial was ! ! pestponed till next Assizes for the county ! el Huron. Leave was given to the defte. ; (the U. P. R. Co.,) and the plff. to eemend as they may be advieed. Code of the application to amend and costs of the plaintiff, in any event of the came, le against She C. P. R. Go. et Rogers vs. Bowers et al., for illegal 't e distress. Gibbons, Q. 0., for pliff. ; and Garrow'Q. C., iffolt and Collins for defts. Rid Lorcisnip ordered judgment to be en - I ! tend on tonne of conned, minutes filed. Carter vs. Bamford et al. An notion for construotion of a deed of separation and dower.- This was a friendly suit in 1 ' which a widow, who resides in (Minton, le' und who during her husband's life time k 'f, hied apart frotn him on it separate ambi- t ..e; 1011111011 agreed upon, but the parties af- terward cohabited, and the widow claims dower for hermit and for maeutenenoe ' for her femily as though no deed of sop. 1 aratioe had been made. Mr. 11thrieford !, is oat excutor of the estate of the late hug. band. Judgtnent reserved. +! Queen vs. Olen, for aggravated assault il 0110 Scott being -the promouting witness. I. TMS WAS changed to oommon moult. I Defendant was lined 920 dollars and ; mate. The parties live in Morris town. hip and chiting an altediation Suitt ealled defendant7a liar, when the latter : seruok the former with a stick he had in his hand. This is one of those cases : that never should come before the higher ; winds. Though defendant committed a breach of the peace it was under greet ' provocation and the case Should have eeen settled before a inagistrate. Instead ; of defendant taking the law into his own bands lie should have proseouted I ivitnese for using abusive language oe language tending to pt•ovolse a beetich of the peace. But he dfd what 90 men out ,of a hundred would have done eerier the provocaiion. . Queen ve. Ohenthers, for shooting with intent. This is It OREM that mound in Clinton where the defendent is °barged with ehooting constable Milner of Lista. well. The trial Was postponed natil the Spring easing to allow defendant to ' , proem um abili. Iu the meemthno he will ' remain in gaol unease he can 80083:0 bait ' . by applying to the court itt Totonto in ;the meal form. -News Record. The Croons .501. To the Edhor of Tim Pone'. Dean 1415,--1 understand the Crooke Aot conipels hotel-keepere to doge tbeir bare at 11 p. tn. each week -night, 0X 051 Seturday when 7 o'olook is the home No liquor is to be sold on the Sabbath nor 1311. Sale to a minor legal. These provisions mentioned above are not kept in Brussels nor in the surround- ing villages. Many of the bars are run ut high pressure at 19 o'olook. Where is the Inspector that he does not see these violations and enforce the law? I was lead to believe, along with many others, that if the ',terrible iniquitous" Scott Act was done away and the ebeautiful, prohibitory" Creeks Aot once more brought in every holder of Boom would, "'honest Injun,' never break it. It's all bosh and there must be a change or somebody will hear tell of it. Our boys will go down hill fast enough without winking at their whiskey drinking. Wake up Mr. 1mq/odor. Yours, Sept. 15, '01. A Feenan. POPULATtON OP OANADA. Increase Less Than Half a Million. A. summery of the census of Canada has bean laid before Parliament. The following is an ahstract of the results :- PROWNORS. Per cont. of (Eastern Maritime.) 1881. 11301. Increase. Nova Scotia 440 572 450,503 2.20 New Brunswick 321,033 821,294 0,02 2, 11. Island 101031 100088 0.18 Total ...... -870000 -880,005 1.17 (St. Lawrence.) Quebec 1,350027 1,180586 000 Ontario 1025,922 2.112089 9.05 Tobiti 0,285,940 3001,575 0,60 (Western.) bfanitoba 82,260 131,442 118.06 Assinabola, Alberta mud sasicittobe 015 61,817 140,98 151,81011 Columbia 40,453 02,767 27,513 Unorganized 30,041 32,168 4.00 - Total 108,105 340,801 10209 TOW population4.224010 4,821,244 11.52 These figures do not neerly come up to the expeotatious formed. An increase of only 498,534 in ten years is ortainly not what was expected and will prove a great dieappointreent to the public. Brussels Council. The regular meeting of the Brussels Council was held on Monday evening, 7th inst., all members present, Reeve Graham in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read chid 9085 - Tho following amounts were present. ed ;- R. Henderson, Fire Dept.,......9 4 50 Thos. Gill, Street Imp 50 F. S. Scott, salary W. ;fames, Fire Dept Thos. Stewart, Street Imp 40 00 3 00 492 Mrs. J 1Gashlll, charity 4 00 Smith, Malcolm ob Gibson, mis19 58 Moved by 3. M. McIntosh, secluded by Jno. Ament that above accounts be paid. Carried. Moved by J. M. McIntosh, seconded by II. Rom that we settle with Grey town- ship re Land Improvement Fund, Crown Lando, on the basis of assessment of 1867. Carried. The resignation of W. 1e. Stewart, re. moved to Durham, as Connoillor, was read and acempted, .9. By-law was passed levying the var. ions rates for the ourrent year as fol- lows :- County rate, 1 1110 mills on the dollar Local " 5 8/10 Railway 11 7/10 It II II By-law 10 (Howe) 1 " " 9 (Front et) 5/10 t. " 8 (Ronald) 40/10 " " " Con. Loan 1 4/10 Sohool rate 5 It It The rate will consequently be 2 cents on the dollar, the same as last year. Capt. Albertson asked permission to use the Sall for Band practice. Granted. Wm. Ainley asked consent of the Council to remove frame butcher shop from Turnberry street to Jas. Walkerei lot on Elizabeth street. Granted. Council then adjourned. • ; Wm. Martin, Belmont, has °atter:tea 3,000 pounde of honey 90001 his &platy of 1915 colonit s. le Big preperations ate already being ; made for the race between Milian and aud the Australian scalers at, , New Weeteninster eW the 241h Met. congregations were remffirmeil and it woe agreed to apply to the H. M. C. for twe dollars per Stibbath on behalf of Le.ngaide during the vaoanoy. 3. S. Davidson end R. F. Cameron, students, performed the proscribed exer- cises which were sustained, and they were °edified to the Senate of Knox Col- lege, Toronto. It was agreed to ask the Probationer's Committee to supply Knox church, Brus• stile, in November. .9. letter was read from Dr. Cochrane notifying the Presbytery that 11900 for Home Mission and 9560 for Augmenta- tion are expected froin this Presbytery for the year. The matter of holding mission meetings; is loft in cherge et the several sessions. It was agreed that the annual Sabbath Sehool statistical mode be printed and distributed among all the Sabbath schools of the Presbytery, and that the Sabbath schools be asked to defray the coat of printing and distributing said re- ports. Committee's were appointed to con- sider the General Assembly's remit e and to report at next meeting. The next mooting of the Presbytery will be held at Wingham on Tuesday, Deo. 881), at 11:15 rt. rn. . Joim MoNeun, Clerk. Cricket Mal eh. 0110851410 VS. CfArrOS. The return match between the above mentioned olubs was played on Victoria Park on Wednesday of laet week. Clin- ton was reinforced by two players from Mitchell and Exeter mid put up a good game. They seored 47, Awty securing 10, in their innings in the face of good bowling and fielding. Brussels tied their snore in their lot innings, Dennis batting out 18 in good 'style. MoMurchie did capital bowling. The visitors in their second trial scored 59, the Mitchell MEE getting 16. Tbere dent appear to be any tail end to their team when defending the wioicets. The home team started in with the full debermination of winning but six oeslook, the time arranged to pull stumps,came with a seers of 84 runs and only three men out the match conducted and was called to draw on the lat innings. H. Dennis was credited with 18 runs in the 2.na innings and A. Currie was set- tling down for a good more when be bit his wicket and had to retire. The extend. ed score is es follows :- MINTON. 1st INNINGS 2051103111800 McGee, 1116 Russ, std b ltoss,c Salton 2 Scholtleld 0 Shepnard, b 1) Ross o Grewar 0 b Ross Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of 1VIttitlitnd mob at NVingbam on Sept. 8th, Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, Moderator. Elders COM. missions were received. A commietee consisting oe REVS. T. Davidson, Roes and Jones, and R. Douglas were appointed to prepare a minute regarding the death of the late Rev, G. Brown, of Wroxeter, to be sub- mitted to the Presbytery at its next meeting. Messrs. MeFarlane, McDon- ald and H. Chambers were appointed to prepare and submit to the Presbytery a minute regarding the death of the late Geo. Chaplin, an elder in Pine River congregation. A. McKay arid John Archibald were appointed auditors to examine the breasuree's books and report at next meeting. A. petition from the congregation of Lneknow, asking leave to melt the school board a strip of land edjoining the church, was granted. The rosignaticin of Rev. D. Davidsou, of Langeide, was disposed of and the fol. lowing motion passed : -That the rosig. nation of Mr. Davideon be act:opted, to take died on the 1st of October. NMI° doing tie the Presbytery desires to put on r000rd their appreeirction of Mr. David - son's oharactee as it Christian minister, and their regret et porting with n, broth- er who, by his uniform kindness and cotietegy, has endeared himself to then) ell. As a member of Presbytery be et - tended the Court reguierly and was ovee found willing to do any citity entrusted lio lum. lila Presbytery pray that the Grew, I-Tead 09 8115 enure)) may yet open enother door of usefulnees to him in some part of the vineye 1. lefe. IldoNabb Was appointed moderator of seesion and to &elate the charge vacant on the fleeb Sabbath in ()debar id 8 p. m. Applioatious to the 11. Miseionary Comereittee on behalf of &la -receiving • 0 Howson, b D Ross 5 1116 Roes e Meg aid 7 Awty, 1116 Ross 0 1109010 10 Itonmington ltoss 0 b 314000 MeTaggart,b 111 Ito as_ 1 b D Itoes Kennedy, b 311.005 Cochrane 1 ME OUt 0 Illalurchiu, run out 5 b E 'Ross 7 Harland, b J Ross 7 b 1) Rees 4 Coates, run out Spalding, not out Extras Total Grand total 5 b J Rees 0 Growar 8 0 b 13 Buss 0 Dennis 7 8 /344tras 4 _ - 17 Total 50 10(1 BRUSSELS, 1st INNINGS iludItnCtIos, Donnie, run out, 17 b Howson, a Rforaurchie 18 eousley, b MaltItOhis... 0 13 ltfokluroble ... I Schullield, b hi ;Movable 0 nOS out 1 Currie, b Mobil" -obi° 0 bit wicket 8 315055, b Awty o Kennedy 8 Rev Muff, b ?Joklurohie, 6 1) 10758, 11 Awty 0 ltev Salton b Moilittrehie 0 Doebrano, b Awty 5 Grower, b Awty (1) Mcnehi. not mit Extras 12 Total Xs 77 Extras,. ..... Total eeseeeenereeegiemeemee." can be beard, exactly em rendered, 83102 - tions from different °perm ito eang by raw, the voice of Gladstone, the Grand Old Mao, as he thundered forth argu- ments hi the House of Commons, Lon- don, Englenri, or the comic songs of Joe, Murphy. A. large Grand tetand has been built which will command a view of everything going on in the grounds. On Sept. 29th to Oct, Brd the 0.10. R. eherge only a fare and e half, good till Oca 5811, and on Sept. 30th and Oet. 100 a single fare will be charged good to re- turn Oot. 3rd. The Northern opens at Walkerton on Sept. 2981i and closes OM. Once Patronize the Northern. Brussels School Beard, The regular meeting of the Brussels Public School Board was held in the 0ouncil Chainber on Sept. 4th. Members present were T. Fletcher, W. B. Dickson, EL. Dennis, T. Farrow. Moved by T. Farrow, seconded by H. Dennis that T. lelebeher be chairman pro tem. Gaveled. The minates ol the last regular meet - 07g were read, approved and signed. Moved by H. Dennis, seconded by W. B. Dickson that the Secretary be author. hied to borrow the sum of 91050 for 11 months from the Standard Bank to re- lieve nobs metering Oat. 3rd and pay quarter's salariee. Carried. Moved by T. Farrow, seoonded by EL Dennis that H. lames by pstid 91.50 for extra work at sohool. Carried. Moved by W. B. Dickson, seconded by H. Dennis that the Principal be indeest. ed to procure a map of the County of Huron to be subjeot to his approval. Carried. The Board then adjourned. TIER NORTHERN FOR ISM. Never in the history of she past 14 ex- hibitions held at NValkertou have the proapeots looked so bright and so eerly in the season for such a grand exhibition of Live Stook, Agricultural and Dairy Produots, Fruit, Vegetables and Ladies' Work, Fine Arts, etc., etre, nor have the list of attrautiona been so varied and entertaining as the present season's. The program put be- fore the many patrons, of the Northern in this distriot this year is larger and better than ever. Nowhere outside of Toronto or London Gen be found an ex- hibition equal in attractiveness and in- struotion to the Northern. Those who have patrouized •tho Northern in the past, know that their many and remuner- ative prizes draw it large field of corn. pothers and bringe out the closest Dom - petition in the different classes, especial- ly intLive stock and speeding in the ring, while the list of attractions easily downs the bill of fare presented by any rival inetitution in this district, and we are oontideut will setisfy the most 'fastidious of the novelty loving public, and a large same of whose patronage the Northern will justly be sure to retain. On Wednes- day and Thursday there ere three events each day on the track. On Wednesday, single trot, bed three in five heats, 'twining, beet two in three E eats, and it wanting ram by egrioultural teams, On 92hurechty-Stoelione Mot,besb three in fire heats ; rutining, open to all, bed two in three and it oompebition for efficiency among the lady drivers. Prof. Cooper, one of the most daring and atio• 0e50101 roronautiste in the business, has been seamed to give two exhibitions, to - gather with his trained dog 31" zimmous, which is the only canine toromtutiet in the world, on Weeingsgey ttnd Thursday. Them daring metal performers amend in their belloon to th0 CIMICIS and from tied tremendous height drop from then: bai- lee,* and for neerly 1000 feet deemed with awful velooity wheel their frail petachute begins gradeally to open and they deemed to mothee meth in 'safety. The managing committees have seogred the servioes of some of the best aorobetio performers in the Wendy who will, without doubt, please till thoselutenist. ed in the performance of midi daring fads. TOM FASO), 'atm NVizzard In- ventor," has given this ago many wondoe- 9 el ifwentions but none more pleasing issid Matteotti/a then dile wonderful rattchiee the Phonogreph which Will be itt the Northeen, Throtigh this main° Sporting News. The races at Mitchell, an Sept. 4911, were successful beyond expectation, and ell heats were closely contested. 2.0001005 ; purse 5160. O. H. Field's "Charley G.," 1 8 3 11 H, T. Westinau's "Dept. 09toul," 31 1 2 3 15.02. Itapson's "Donaldson," 3 2 2 2 2 Time 207, 2.38,3301, 2.82.1. Pree-for-all; purse $175. A. Milay's "Capt. Hunter," 4 3 1 I 1 A.. Tbompsun's "Autel," 2111 2 2 3.14*00035 "Tom Burs," 1 2 4 8 3 0.00. Field's ob nDun can ," 2 4. 3 4 dr Time 2,341, 2.289,o20,2014,0.0'*. Running rae0-5 furlong heats. Beattie Bros. "Top ay B.," 2 1 1 3. H.Donhue's "reek -a -boo," 1 2 2 16.13. MeKenzie's".2r1110e55," 0 8 dr Time 1.00, 1.00,1.07. P. Pelly, Arkell, hag a prone cow, Between Saturday awl Sunday morning sho gave birth to a °elf. The cow was doing all right and the calf ditto. On Monthly morning the eyee of the good yeoman WOM more than wide open when he beheld another mil sucking the cloys. She had given birth to it during the night. A most remarkable ease, which has baffled all mediaal skill, and which is maid to be without a precedent, in the pereon of e healthy and strong middle- aged farmer resieing near Teeswater, has come to light. One side of this gentle. manes face will not permit him to place in his mouth any meat, no matter how fine it bas been preparee ; eggs be can eat, bet mills he Gannet drink ; wetter he can drink, and broad he can est. The alllieted side of hie fare will spurn any objectionable food as a ohild would meth- oine. No 08000 000 be found for it, and the effect is not at all pleasant. A Leamington young man, whose name for the present will be McGinty, had a thrilling, if not espy interesting, exper- ience the other night. It was about the midnight hour and intensely dark, when he was walking along the NI. C. R. brook near Comber. He heard a brain coming thundering along behind him and in order to prevent any injury befalling the engine be decided to climb the fence and remain in the field till the train passed by. It WAS a high barbed wire fenee and after a desperate struggle with this Mc- Ginty reached the top wire and banteced himself for a gentle spring, expecting to alight on terra firma. He leaped and went down, down, down, in fact, he says today that he feels as though he were still going down. He was in a tank which, ha says, is 00 feet deep, 15 feet in dissenter and filled with water to within 3 feet of the top. Fortunately tha walls of the tank were made of log °rib- bing and after a long climb he reached top not much the worse, and perhaps a little better, for his trip. DISTRICT COUNCIL It. T. OF T• = On Monthly of this week a meeting of temperanoe workers in connection with the Royal Templars of Temperance in Huron County convened in the Odd Fel- low's Hall in Seaforth for the purpose of organizing a District Commit. J. E. Pyper, of Seaforth, occupied the chair and performed the duties in a happy and satisfactory rnanner. j. E. Tom In. specter of Public Sohools in Weat Huron, made a very efficient Beeretary. J. Kerr, of Winthrop, and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, were appoinsed Scrutineers and the election of officers was proceeded with and resulted as follows :- J. H. Pyper, Seaforth, Dietriet Select Councillor ; Mrs. W. H. Lomb, Goderioh, Distriet Vice Councillor; Rev. 3. El. Simpson, Brumfield, leis. triot Past Councillor ; W. H. Karr, Brumels, District Chap. ; NV. Stoneman, Henan, Distrid See. ; Geo. Rogers, Brussels, District Asst. See.; IV. Lewis, Orecliton, District Treas. ; W. Carley, E./eater, Distrid Herald ; Miss Sarah Cudmore, Kippon, District Amt. Herald J. T. Wiggins, Fordwith, District Guard ; J. Kerr, Winthrop, District Sentinel ; J. E. Tom, Godermh, 3 year Trustee ; 3. Wanless, Varna, " Et. MoQuarrie, Blyth, 1 " The officers were then installed by Brom Pyper and Simpson, Bro. Rogers acting as Herald. Committees were struck and the follow- ing report adopted :- Distribution of .reports rind papers. - B. Redding and Misses Harty and Cud. 10008. Temperance work. -Geo. Rogers, 3. Kerr and Mrs, Hale. Correspondence and Memorials. -J. E. Tom, Jas. Beattie sud Miss Newton. Appeals and Deoisions.-Mesars. Greg. ory, MoQuartie and Simpson. State of the work.-Bobt. 'Young, 3110. Beattie and Mrs. Leech. Finanoe.-Mesers. Lewis, Mustard and Hooey. Opening and resuseitating Councils. - Messrs. Wanless and Gore and Miss Frank. It wee decided to hold these meetings quarterly, the next one to meet at Clin- ton on Tuesday, November 10th. After a brief discansion of topics r0. lating to the Connoil the interesting gathering was broaght to a dose by sing. ing and prayer. The Seaforth people entertained the visiting delegates in e most hospiteble manner. tOrtnetelliced IsZtewee- Peen Lyster, of Kingston, hi dead. Ommeron 130)0011, of the Toronto Globe, fermerly of the London A.dvertieer, is ill with typhoid fever, of whieh there is e great steel in Teeento. The 0. P. R. steamer Empress of japan areived off Victoria, B. C., Sittur• (ley morning. She made the run in 10 days and 80 minutes, boating the record. Arthur Berne eei was severely b`tten by one of Carling Bros.' dogs et Exeter the other daei. The led was running clown the hill at the river, and the dog ne doubt thinking 110 was going to tettnek the children who were playing, at the bottom of the hill, aet Upon him and la. eeraled hits limbs in several phloem Dr. Tennant homponed along at the time and with moistener' managed to take the dog off. It then set upon the men but they Iteeoing it with e rope, it SIM WWII 110008 (Ma 11110t. DOMINION ELECTION PETITIONS. -The Dominion election petitions have been distributed for trial as follows : Court of appeal. -North Bruce, East Brum, South Leede, Kingston, Bad Hastings, Lennox, Hest York, Addington, Prince Edward and cross -petition, Centre Wel- lington and cross -petition, North Wel- lington end cross -petition, Mat Elgin and crosepetition. Queen's 13enoh Di. vision. -Glengarry, Halton, Prescott, Lincoln and Niagara, East Peterboro', Muskoka and Parry Sound, South Ox- ford, North Victoria, South Victorie and cross.petition, South Essex and cross - petition, South Ontario and cross-peci- tion. Chancery Division. -South Nor- folk. West Northumberland, North Waterloo, West Huron, Welland, Lon- don, Monok and oross-petition North Norfolk and crose-petition, North York and oross.petition, Bobheosll, Peel and cross -petition. Common Pleas Di- vision. -South Grey, Kent, North Perth, South Perth, Algoma, East Sitncoe' East middlesex, West Middlesex, NorthMid- dlesex and oross-petition, North Went- worth and oross-petition, Haldimand and moss petition. Number 10. Baggageman Clark, running with Con- cluder Walmeley an the L. II. b33., was drowned at Kineardine on Thursday, about one °Wools, while bathing off the old dock. The body was recovered shortly after. He was a devoted Christ- ian man. On Thursday afternoon of led week Bev. J. L. Red had si cataract removed from his righb eye by Dr. Ryerson, a To- nto oculist. The reverend gentleman was quite blind in that eye for several rive previous to the operation. 91rs. Kerr is with him in the city. Tbey are expeoted home in e few attys. The Seafortla Expositor trays :-"Com- Min Hays had a peculiar experience when oheciting his baggage at Seafortit. He is 11 barrister. A young lady Maimed bis trunk and wanted it °hooked for NVingham. She meld not be persuaded that she was mistaken until Captain Hays opened the trunk, unpacked the contents, and asked the lady ' to don a brave "soger" uniform and come to camp, The Captain is still single but is now away on leave of ebsenoe. ' Additional Local News. Yon save 329 per conb by buying your coal oil at 13. Gerry's. Tim displays of aurora borealis last week were of a magnificent character. EX. L. Jecxsox has jusb secured a large stook of the latest designs in watches, clocks and jewellery. "Tnn Shadow of Death," by Holman Runt, will be the topic of Rev. G. F. Salton's discourse next Sabbath evening. W. H. IffoOnacxes is still to the front in garden "Bass" and has Giant Rocca onions' from seed 4 of which weighed 4.1 pounds. A. CURRIE, butcher, has removed his shop into the south portion of the Egg emporium and will be found there ready for badness. BEATTIE BROS. "Topsy B." won let money at Mitchell rams beating 'Peek- a-boo" quite handily. For a half mile she has few equals. NEIL MCIAMONLIN has a curiosity 10 his garden in the shape of a orab apple tree on which there is fruit and second blossoms. Rev. R. Paul has strawberries that are putting forth second blossoms also. J. 111cGmess could not arrange his af- fairs satiefadorily so remonveyed the building and stook of groceries to Geo. Broker. Ris short experience cost him eeveral hundred dollars. Mr. Braker is once more holding the fort in the old. stoma. He is improving the dere by having the front rebuilt in line with 0. Zilhax's new store. Bann or HOPE. -Tho first modiste of the Brussels Baud of Hope, since last Spring, was held on Monday evening of 19,st week. The program consisted of the following :-Chorus, Band of Hope ; re. °Ration, "When I was at the party," L. Hindes ; trim Bell Bawtinheimer, Nellie Ward and Thurso, Gerry; recitation, "Be hind," Mary Hunter; song, "A prayer," Mary ; chorus, Band of Hope. Mrs. Jas. Kerr and Miss F. E. Kerr hey° charge of this interesting and very important juvenile institution. 3.33. BELTS THE Soo. -The station of Rocald vs. the town of Sault Ste Marie, which WM tried at the Spring chancery sittings at Goderich, will be remembered as of general interest. It was an notion by J. D. Ronald, the well known Brus- sels manufaoturer, for 06,200, the price of a steam fire engine and its appliances and interest thereon, or in the alterna- tive for specific performance of an agree- ment to purchase the engine by deliver- ing debentures, etc. The learned judge, Mr. Robertson, delivered judgment in Toronto reoently, in which he holds Said under the original resolutions and the am oeptance of the engine aud the defend- ants having teemed and dealt with it as their own, the contract became exeouted end the defendants are lieble for the pur- chase money. Judgment for the plain- tiff linen the debentures with costs. Garrow, Q. C., for the plaintiff, Iding. ton, Q. C., and Farewell (Sault Ste. Mao(s) for the defendants. V. Taylor, who was arreatea for ap- parent oroolcedness in a barrow trans- action with local blacksmiths, has been allowed his libertyon suspended seuten• oe. The Goderich Signal says :-V. Taylor was tried before Judge Toms on Saturday on a charge of improperly tak. ing notes in connection with the sale of a patent right. The defendant was found guilty and released under suspended sen, tenom The proseoutet looked somewhat surprised when told by Hie Honor that the giver of a note under the circumstan- ces was guilty of the same offence as the prisoner. The note had not been endor- sed across the face, "For patent eight." The Star, of the aame town adds ;---1T. Taylor, who was committed for trial on it charge of fraud in the tale of it patent right, as noted in these columns last week, mime before Judge Toms on Satur- day tor trial. After hearing the cam, owing to the diffioulty of proving the patent, His Etouor released the prisoner on suspended senteuce. PERSONAL PA.RIORAPIIS- Miss Nellie Ross is visiting in London. Miss Lottie Simile is visiting in Brus- sels. Miss Elsie Jaclsson has been visiting at Ethel. Dan. McKenzie and Wittl spent Sunday in Carrick. Alex. Smith was bome from Toronto for a few days. Mrs. Travers, of Stratford, is visiting Mrs. A. Hunter. Mise Lily Kendall has gone to her situation in London. Mrs. Graham is away on a holiday visit for a few weeks. Mrs. Murphy has returned to her home at Imlay City, Michigan. Mrs. S. R. Smitte, of Waterford, ie vieiting relatives in totyn. Hugh 'Williams is visiting old time friends in Waterloo County. Chao. Seeger and wife are away on it holiday trip for a few weeks. , BPI". Downing, of Tim Pon staff, en - Med a week's visit at Goderiob. Miss Clara Creighton returned to her situation at Chaeley on Monday. Wm. Yatea, wife, and children, of NVingham, spout Sunday in town. , Nes. McKenzie, of Godetioh, was visiting at Dr. Holmes' last week. Mrs. E. W. lielson and daughter are visiting relatives near St. Marys. Mies Clara Thompson is home on a visit of a few weeks from Toronto. 0. 11. Turnbull, of the Galt Beporter staff, was home for a holiday visit, Miss Francis hoes returned from a month's visit to Port Dover and Toronto. , Adam Reid nrrived bash from his trip to the west lest week. He went through to the Rooky moutdains. Mre. Gelled', who bas been visitiug here tor ri few months, left for her home in Colorado on Thursday. Miss Hingston, of Wathington, has boon vieiting her mother and other rela. tivos and friends in Brussels. Mies Annie Dudley has gone to the TtOilliEg Home of the Salvation Aemy, at Toronto, with the view of becoming an officer. W. Rodstiak was nway on a holiday outing to Oshawa, Cobourg. Rochester Mid "round" edict got binds on Tumeley of this week. Mrs. Pearson returned Mitt a lengthy visit to the East led weals and after' few slays rest loft for a, visit tvith her deughtees at Po it Heron, Mich. Thom Good has gone to Toronto where be has Bemired a position. The Bend Will miss "Tommy" as he handled the kettle drum with considerable skill. Miss Maggio, oldest deughtee of Denial Stewart, is now filling the position of precentor in the Mount Forest Presby- teeian 01100511 with greet acooptence. She lid a good oh, le to aseiet her. 0. 1'. Sebolfield will go to Toronto on leridity t� piny leerosse in the Queen oity On Settirday 07 the Match Totouto vs. Monteeel, Me. Grey, of Meriden, Will relieve him at the Steamd Bank 1.16re, EnwonTit LrAernl.-On Mon day even. lug ti M.usioal and Litstary entertain- ment was hold in the basement of the Methectist ohurcb, under the auspices of the Epwertla Lettgue. The pastor emu. pied the chair in the almenee of the Pres- ident, The following pi•ogram VMS 9t0- 4011tOd Etta the opening exeroiees ;- Male Qeartetie, "Jue,nitite by A. Hood, N. Gerry, A,. Anderson and T. S. Hum- phries ; reeitation, T. A. Hawkins ; har- monica selection, A. Aederson ; reading, "Unjust Ilelance," Miss Maggie Mo - Naughton ; deed, Miss L. Boddick end Miss A. Rivera ; reading, "Them men iu O boat," llev. 0. F. Salton ; bermonica selection, 0. A. Hood ; reading, Miss May Turnlmil ; solo, "The Gates of the West," Miss F. E. Kerr ; °bores, "God be with you till we meet dole," by °Om. pony, Eleven new numbed Were added to the League. There was it large and. ienee. Ab next Monday °mein& meet- ing Ree. B. Pohl will give en addreee 001 "Why am I a iffethodiet." Inetrumettel sideotione oft violint will be givail by the MIMS $1ith. lilverybody will be Made Weleoree.