HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-9-4, Page 8THE 13RUSSELS POST JERSEYS FOR SALE. 415 will buy a bull calf nearly pure bred from good milking strain, 413 will buy a part bred heifer oalf froin one of the best COWS in this seotion. .940 will buy a Jersey Cow, nearly pure bred, due to calve next March. 645 will buy a pure bred Jersey Heifer due to calve next March. 460 will buy a young Jersey COW, pure bred, due to calve next May. Also for sale a line young jersey Bull. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &c. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOIITHIERN EXTENSION W. G. & 0, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South. as follows GoING SOUTH. GOING /Sawn. Mail 859 itni, I Mixed 9:45 a.m. Exmass.„...11:52 non. Mail 8:08 pan. Mixed 0:05 pan. Express 995 p.m. 1j:oral Ettns Items, A. chiel's smug ye te.kin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. SErrxhintic. Commu, rneeting next Monday. Coal, oil at 16 cents at B. Gerry's. Torioxmo exhibition opens next Monday. PIMIS are an abundant crop this year. Catuca raisins 50. per pound, George Good, FLEAan put in your order for stove coal to S. Gerry. FOURTH Division Court did not pan ont last week. The grist was too small. No. 9 cook stove and 21 pieoes of furniture for $15.00 at B. Gerry's. STONE is being hauled for the wing walls at the south of Brussels iron bridge. Taos. Efsid.'s auction sale will take place at the Revere House on Saturday, 12011 inst., at 5 o'clock. Tan three fine Ronald steam Fire En - eines were shipped to the Toronto E. hibition this week. They're beauties. Tan Inspector of the Gore Mutual was in town last week arranging for the set- tlement of W. R. Wilson's loss from the recent fire. 80150010re-opened last Monday with Principal Shaw, Miss Taylor and the Misses Abraham in their respective de- partments, Dsvnt Boss sr. has greatly improved the appearance of his spacious residence, on Elizabeth street, by the application of a dress of paint. Tan ladies' jacket found last week 9,nd advertised in THE POST Was claimed by Mrs. Emigh, of Blyth. Another proof of the use of printer's ink. HUGH WILLIAMS ik SON talk of erecting a large brink livery barn on a lot near the bridge on Turnberry stir( et. The site is a first-olass one for such a pur- pose. ROOMS 50 rent over Mrs. Straohan's new block. Will be in readiness by Sep- tember 1st. Suitable for office, sewing rooms or dwellings. Apply to DR, MC. IIRLTET. Wit were through the new American Hotel on Thursday of this week and feel safe in saying it is one of the finest build- ings in Western Ontario. Mr. Koenig ex• peots to move nest week. No Paper Next Week. Following our usual custom we will omit the publication of next week's issue of Tan Poss. Job work will be attended to as usual. Tun only radinal cure for rheumatism is to eliminate from the blood the acid that causes the disease. This is thor- oughly effected by the persevering use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Persist until oared. The process may be slow, but the result is sore. COMPANY N. 6, 33rd Batt, left Brus- sels for St. Thomas on Tuesday morn- ing's Main, via Winghano Junction, un- ' der the Captaincy of R. S. Hays. Lieut. J. W. Shaw joined thern at Clinton. The boys were ols.d in a new uniform. They will be away 14 days. Tisn Band gave their weekly concert laet Friday evening at the market square instead of 0/1 the band stand at the park owing to the illness of old Mrs. Maley. Capt. Albertaon is working up a lot of splendid musio and our citizens are only aorry that the evening's will soon be too cool for the continuanoe of the ont.door concerts. What'e tbe matter with a weekly program in the Maitland rink ? G. T. R.—Toronto Industrial Exisibi. tion --Fares from Brussels to Toronto and return, 8011 to 181h Sept., single fare 93.50. Excursion days are 15th and 17011 Sept., fare 92.60. All tickets good to re- tain Sept. 21st. Guelph Exhibition— Sept. Mid to 24th, eingle &status fare, 92,10. Good to return 26cli Sept. In- ternational Fair and Exposition, Detroit —Excursion day August 28th, faze $4.15, Good to return Sept. sal, For tiokete and information apply to T. FriVraintlt, G. T. Ticket Agent. LIST Of passengers ticketed this last week by J, T. Pepper, C. P. It. agent, Brussel% 1—Angus McDougall in Sault Ste Marie; Fred, Laird, Ethel, to Glatt - ton, Dakota ; Meg Ella McNeil, Ethel, to Ottawa ; Miss Mary Blair, Cranbrook, to Ottawa ; L. ItioNeil, Bthel, to Ottawa; Pas, MOD011akl,,, Walton, to Deloraine ; Biohard E. Cardiff, Grey, to Alexander, Man. ; Thos. T. &ND:Lublin, Morris, to Alexander; Alex. Grant to High Bleff, Man. When the Frost is on the Pumpkin '1' And the Fodder is in the Shook, And you hear the hobble -gobble Of the strutting Turkey cook; And the Rooster holleuster as He tip -toes on the Pence; Oh! its then a fellow feels his best, On a Cold and Frosty Morn When the Frost is on the Pumpkin And the men are Husking Corn. SEPT. 4, i89i eszonsiarancrefortacolemte%ssaticonewaransmazicatinmmaractsow yam= itaravzom. DON'T put your hands in your Trouser Pockets, whistle "Annie Laurie" and expect to keep warm the coming Fall Days Much more practical to $elect a comfortable Overcoat or suit from our new stock of Fall Overcoats and Suits. Nothing small about them but the price and that is exceedingly minute, By selecting early you secure the pick. We will:soon be in our ne Elr store and have bought a large and attractive stock of -Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Gent's Furnis hings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Coatings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furs, in fact a big stock of every- thing kept in a lirst-class Dry Goods Store, mith. Pons spices and vinegar very cheap. Gno. Goon. GRANITE preserve kettles for about half price. B. Gerry. SCARLET fever is bothering some Brus- sels children yet. You get a 41.00 worth of coal oil for 83 cents at B. Gerry's. REGULAR services will be resumed in Melville church next Sabbath. ALF. LOWERS and men are at work on the foundation of 0. Zilliax'a new briak block. POMTS and all repairs always on hand for the Ayr Advance plow at D. Ewan's shop, Brunets. Nuxm Monday at 4 p. m. thefirst meet. ing of the Band of Hope for the Fall term will be held in the school house. BARGAINS every day, except Sunday, in gents Dongolas, Bela, Conga and Ox- fords. Ladies' Bele buttoned and Ox. fords. Geo. Good. HENRY jASIES has pulled down the stable on Ilia lot, John street, and will utilize the material in the erection of a kitchen at the rear of his dwelling. Tun municipal aollector will soon be presenting eat& of the ratepayers with a neatly prepared statement of this year's taxes and the time for payment. No one will be slighted. NEXT, Tuesday the Clinton cric het :dub is expected to play the return match with Brussels on Victoria Park. The members of Brussels team should do little practice work if they expeot to win POSTMASTER FARROW Says he will 50 oapb the suggestion of Tan POST and keep the postoffice open an bour later for the oonvenienoe of holders of look bone and drawers. This will prove a eon venience to said parties and others who wish to share in the advantage should in vest in a drawer or look box. G. P. ScHOLE/ELD arrived home on Mon. day from the Toronto—Montreal Moroase battle on Saturday. Although slightly vvounded the satisfaction of winning the victory and being credited with two bull's eye shots far outweighs the soars of the conflict. Mr. Martin, of Parkdale, re- lieved Mr. Scholfield here. Witna•Dvatime AND Daummo.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging end drillin wells and is prepar. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaotion. 1Vells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence sound door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43.05 COmPLIDIENTGIT.—A aubsoriber 50 Han, nibal, Mo., in remitting his subscription says ;—"I still read with interest your neway paper and hope you may continue to prosper tie you have heretofore done." A London subscriber writes ;—"I enclose 43 which pays for Tun Pose to Feb:It:try next I suppose in justice to myaelf I should have discontinued the paper long ago but it seems as though we cannot do with TIM POST." STAGNATION na BUS/NESS.—A level-head- ed exchange eays :—Many a business man oomplaina of stagnation in business without stopping to consider that, as its name implies, stagnation is the stopping (standing still) of business energy and enterpriatt. The healthy conditton of water is motion. The healthy condition of business is aetivity. If a business man falls into the habit of "letting up" at this time of the year, he makes his own busineas activity. It is wiste to atart soon ; 10 15 wiser never to stop, for keeping everlastingly at it brings sue- oess." Stir yourself, stir your help, stir your elletOmers ; to stir things generally and keep them stirred is 'minus, For this purpose there is nothing better than advertising in newspapers of undonbted circulation among those who are able to buy and likely to become customers. Wznmee Ea/JR.—The Weet Bay City (Mich.) Post says of a young lady a for- mer resident of Brussels t—lifarry N, Rothwell, of Detroit, and Miss Minnie Amu, daughter of Mr, end Mrs. J. W. Ames, of this city, were united in mar- riage Tuesday, Aug. 2503, at 4 p. tn. at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 404 South Henry street. The oere- mony was performed by Rev. 0, H. Irv- rg, pastor of the First Baptist churth, n the presence of the relatives and a few intiinate friends of the contraoting par. o Woo, William Ames and Mies Ida Amea, e brother and /lister 00 01)5 bride, Mileiatod :Le grOomentan and bridearnaid. The t bride wore a lovely sunbeam of cream f colored RenriettR, With oream ribbon ana pearl bead trimmings and corsage S ouquet of orange blossoms. The brides. aid woe a:rayed in dove-oolorod Hen. 'S atta, with eorsage bouquet of white t lice. The werldfng gifts were 110811 s imam and costly. Mr. and Mrs, In othwel left on the 5 o'clools train for a. etroit, where they will make their home 0 future. The bride has a Wide °Utile of Jude in West Day Olty, where she has 5 ado he horns; sinoe childhood, while a e grOoM ohe of the most efficient ployees of tbe Detroit eleotrieal works. 0 bo Post unites With the huts of fe n g the bappy pair in heartfelt Maims dor o realization of their brighteat hopes. You save 324 per cent by buying your owl oil at B. Gerry's. PARTRIDGE shooting is in season and our looal sportsmen are on the warpath. ArPRENTIOR wanted to learn Harness Making, Apply at once to II. Dennis, Brussels. Fru Ixsunnum,—The Howiok Mutual Insurance Direotora met at Gorrie on August 29t11. They passed 244 applica- tions amounting to 9359,555. The Dir- ectors were all present, the President in the chair. All claims that came before the Board were settled. REMOYAM—Owing to the building of a new blook I am obliged to move tny but. oher shop. I will be found for the next to or three months in the building for- merly occupied by Messrs. Diokson & Hays, one door north of t•he new Ameri- can Hotel, where I will be pleased to wait on all my old customers and se many new ones as may favor me with their patronage. A. CuRit/R. A 511000958 Complaint comes from the fire insurance companies. It relates to large losees in the farming districts on live stook due, as reported by the farm• ers, to lightning in connection with barbed-wire fenoes. Most of the animals killed in this way were near the wire femme at the time, and ibis supposed the metal strands act as aonduotor of eleotri. city in a degree sufficient to largely 111'orease the risks of Bach insurance. o CANADA TOR AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER.— . Soathern dialect story, of absorbing i . terest, by a Virginia Canadian, will Sound complete in the A.ugust and Se ternber number of Canada, the n national magazine. The two numbe will be sent to any address post•free f 20 ciente in stamps. Poetry aud prose ablest Canadian writers, choke seleotio and bright and timely departniente every number. Every Canadian fami should subscribe for Canada. A o dollar bill will pay for it from now un the end of 1892. Address: "Oanacla Benton, New Brunswick, A CHAUTAUQUA Literary and Sol:anti Circle was organized in Brussels la Monday evening. The meeting was he in the baaement of the Methodist chum Rev. G. F. Salton, who has been 001090 bar of the Circle for years, gave th necessary information concerning th work to be done. On motion of D Graham, seconded by Dr. Holmes Re Mr. Salton was chosen Presiden Moved by W, EL Kerr, seconded by Dr Cavanagh that lairs. Graham be Beare tary. Carried. Some iiftesn person have become members and a large num ber of others will likely join before th first meting which will be hitdd at Dr Graham's residence on Tuesday evening 13011 inst., at 7:30 o'olook. WEDDING the Normal Ool lege, Fenton, illich.,at 10:30 m. Friday July 31at, mouthed the marriage of Obas. Vernleigh Packer, of Saginadv and Adele Gladys Campbell, grand daughter of the late P. L. Bamtinheitner of Maple am, Ayr, Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev. j. W. Kennedy Resisted by Rev, J. It. Tewell, in the p55- 0500801 the immediate friends of the bride. At the appointed hour, the bride entered, leaning on the arm of Prof. Palmer, and accompanied by the bridea. niaids, The groom followed, eaoorted by the groomsmen, and the marriage cere- mony was performed in the chapel whioh had been handsomely festootied aud decorated with potted plants, After the ceremony :congratulations followed and the wedding party prooeeded to the dining hall where an elaborate banquet was spread. on tables ornamented with out flow:us. The bride was handsomely attireci in Nile green crepe de ohine, with an overdress: of white Spa.niah lane, made en train, with square neok and caught up with pansies and trailing ivy ; Lvhite silk mite above the elbow and our - sage bouquet of pansies and maidenthair fern ; no jewelry bat a gold pendant, and carried a bouquet of white rosebuds and white carnationa, The bridesmaids were fdiSe Nora Shidier, of Drucleville, and Miss Georgia Graham, of Oxford, Niel). They were dressed in cream al. batten, with ilowers and botiquet same s the bride's. The groomamen were E. IL Pratt, of Argentine, and j, F. Weber, f Imlay Oity. Mr. and Etre. Puttee mbark upon their voyage on the tnatri- monial sea with the heuty coparatula,- rioiennad. aenm m a the best wishes of them J. A, Triosfite Tannincoox.—Last aturday's London Advertleer gives the allowing account in which a. A. Thomas, yell known in oonnection with the in. reduction of the eleotrio light into Bruit - els, played the leading role :—Thie orning about 10 O'clock J. .A. Thomaa, O agent far the Ball Eleotrio Light 0909053',livitig at 250 Dundee etteet, nshed into Livingstone's clothing store, 94 Richmond street, and commended triking Gunge Trobilcook, the tonnages.. e then kicked him out on the street and ontinued beating him there. A crowd athered around but could learn nothing f the cause of tho affair. In order to get a0Me explanation an Advertiser to. A n. be p. ew re Or by 95in ly 115til fio at Id b. r. v. 5, • FALL FAIM—The East Boren Fall b Show will be held on the enlarged and in greatly improved grounds on the old ri dates, Thursday and Friday, Oct. lst and li grid. The Directors are arranging a tip- m top prohraM of speoial prizes and at• 111 tractions that cannot fail to attraot and D please the fie the half•mile in m track is in prie riondition there will be fr aOrne tests of speed for the drivers, to There ts no better prize HAM - the Conoty bh than that el the Emit Enron Society. ern Mee Show this Vail will be the best ever T lisisi in this geotion and everybody inter. of meted simuld got their exhibits ready. th porter contrived to see Mr. Thomas at his residence. He stated that a 12 -year- old girl, who had been taken from the Fall Wheat (new) Stratford home about throe years ago Spring Wheat and adopted by Mrs. Brown, Wellington Barley attest, had come home yesterday and Peas had told a story to the' effect that the Oats. (,817) had entered the store at the invitation of Butter, tube and rolls..., some elderly man, that he had taken im- Eggs per dozen proper liberties with her, and had offered Flour per barrel her 5 cents to come back the following Potatoes morning. • This haa come bo his Hay per ton. (Thomas') ears, as he and his wife took their meals at Mrs. Brawn's, "This morning when sent to the market the girl expressed some fears," he continued, "and I oonsented to acoompany her. X left her at a junction of Richmond and Dundas street, and stood on the south. 11111041.2111141..7.3.1136.41.411.$4 3E3TSSMIT-.0 zvZ..9.7e=7EITS. 91 95 90 93 40 45 60 00 30 31 12 13 11 00 5 50 50 8 00 5 50 00 00 75 50 west oorner watching her. She was going along when I saw a man with a grey beard in a door and it struck nos that he was the one•who romosted her be. Sons. 1 know the girl aid not see him beoause she was going straight ahead. The man attracted her attention and beckoned her in. She foliowed him and I rushed over sna found them both lie. hind the counter. I told him I would have to whip him and then 1 punched him and kicked hitn ont onto the street until he escaped in a photograph door- way the other side of Mountjoy's store." Mr. Trebilcook was seen at the store. 1Vhen told of the assertions made he ex- pressed the greatest surprise and indig- nation. "I never saw the girl before this morning," he mad warmly. "I was leaning on the counter inside the door when she came in and asked for a busi- ness wad. While 15058 in the aot of getting one for her the rnan came in and assaulted me as you have heard. The statements are the most foul untruths, and I have laid an information for as- sault against him." Mr. Trebiloock has been a well•known resident of the eity for over 25 years and has always enjoyed the utmost esteem of his fellow -citizens. Those who know him Would not for a moment entertain the slightest belief in the charges made against him. He has a large family of children. For many years Mr. Trebil000k bad charge of the clothing department in Walker's "Golden Lion" store. The whole thing tarn be ventilated in court, and his friends have no doubt whatever that it will be bleared up satisfaotorlly. 3E1Cae,SO LERPARD.—In Toronto, on August 28th, the wife of Mr. Sanford Leppard of a son. TmL.A.ZeMS,SMITR. BOTHWELL—AmRs.—In West Bay City, Mich., on August 250h, by Bev. G. 11. Irving, Mr, Harry N. Bothwell, of Detroit, to Mise Minnie, daughter of Mr, j. W. Ames, of West Ba City. PACEER—BAWTItillEillER, — In Fenton, Mich., on July 31st by Rev. J. W. Kennedy, assisted by Rev. J. R. Fewell, M. Chas. V. Packer, of Saginaw, to Adele Glady's Campbell, eldest daughter of Mr. A, Badvtin. hehner, of Brussels, Ont, apxonez. Mumun.—At Crombrook, on August 81s0, David Miller, aged 76 yeare and 6 months. Ronn.—In Butte City, Montana, on Aug. 19th, jamas Robb, forinerly of Elam, aged 45 years. GRINT.—At Kingston, on Aug. 21at, Peter Grant, son of John Grant, nthelt aged 22 years 3 months and 7 days. AIN/GM—In Brussel, on August 29t11, Eleanor Watson, relict of the late William Ainley, aged 70 years, 6 months and 22 days. 2, M2-MONXTS. /lima, Atwood, Sept. 20. Blyth, Oot. 8011 and 9th. Seaforth, Oot. lat and 2nd, Zurich, Sept. 14th and lfith. Exeter, Sept. 28011 and 29th. Hensalk Sept. 15th and 16th, Mitchell, Sept. 2308 and 24th. Goclerieb, Sept, lath to 18013, Western, London, Sept. 170o 26. Harriston, Sept,130th to Oot. ist. Palmerston, Sept. 28011 and 29013., Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 7 to N. 8Iast Huron, B`Maaols, Oat. 1 and 2. Central, Guninh, Sopt, 22, 23 and 24. Notth Perth, otratford, 008. 1 sna 2. Northern Walkerton, Sept. 29 to Oct. East W0WanCe3h, Belgrave, Oot, 13 9,nd 6. Northwestern, Sept. 20 and 30. Centro Brace, at Paisley, Sept. 22108 to 24th. Kinoardine, at Xinertrdine, Oot. 8th and Oth. Canada Central, Ottawa, Sept. glird to Oet. 2nd, Enron Townehip, at Sept. 29th and 80th. Great International, 80, John, N, Sept, 28r8 to Oct. iltd. .. .... Hides per lb ... .. 4 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 25 Sheep skins, each GO Lamb skins each 40 5 00 40 700 5 00 STANDAnD BANN Or CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. P. GOWAN, President. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, - • - • 97,000,000 Pam vs OAP/TAL, - 1,000,000 BEEMBVE roam, • 500,000 Agencies in eAl prinepal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, 'United State,/ and England. Brussels Agency. A General Banking BUB:nese Transacted. Parmere' and other good Notes Diseounted at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Collo. Mons made on till points, Deposits received and intereat allowed at entrant rutea. SAVINGS BMX. Interest Allowed on Savings Dank De- posits of 91 and upwards from date at depoeit to data of withdrawal, and coin. pounded half yearly. Prompt attention and every facility a Mord - ed customers living at a distance. G. 2. SOROLFIELD, Agent, Brussels, AprilStb.1801. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GENBEAL 8ERVANT WANT - SD. Apply at once to MRS. W. IV. SINCLA5R, MONEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE -IL Vends, Apply 00 ElnaleGE IIINGsToN, Joliet, Illiuogs, or to 41.tf THOS. REDLY, 13ruesela. pOR SALE. -1 GOOD HORSE 5 -12 years old, good driver; 1 Covered Bug - n': night Wagon and h. new Cutter, cheap, /or Cash. Private Bale. a W. It. WILSON. OLD EAR -RING LOST LA.ST •••-•9 week between Hr. John Straehan's, Oren and the 701.1 conoession. Pinder will greatly ob/ige owner by leaving it at Tan PosT Publishing House. 17.-11 STRAY STEER.—A. BOAS _•-• Steer, one year old, eattle to Lot 5, eon. 15, Grey, about two niontha ago. The owner is regueeted to prove property, pity expenses and take It away. »At. ISMiTH, Brussels, QTRAYED FROM LOT 28, CON. 7,morri•, on August 30011, Mitch caw grey and rad in color, hole out in left ear: Any information leading to the reeovery ,of this animal will be suitably rewarded. JOHN WALEER, 7.tf DOCKET BOOK CONTAINING A. a small dune of money left at the Bros. aela Egg Emporium on July 13111, Owher maY have the same by Linville property and paying for this notice by applying to UM, BALLANTYN51 4 SON. S LBS. OF BUTTER prat W10118 The Dam cif my liegietered croey Deli ta said to be able to make 18 pounds off butter Per Week. Site 55 an imported JerSeY and A prize winner st the Toronto Indnetriai, O. A. DEA131V14511, DrUnglakstil Es, OUSH AND LOT FOR SALE. - The subscriber Meeks hos Of h eu Fijito. crud, lot, 005005 Jamee and Brussels. There is n comfortable house, Rood Stable, aplandid Well, ,ko, on the pre, 7111000,4 acre Of land. For further portion. lars 5.5 50 Orin, tering, dieapply to NIRO, WM. MOODLLOUGH, 139000510, 1:41011 SALE.— HOUSE, LOT and trreit Garden, el Mated just outaide the corporation of lirtissels. The maim, signed offers his beautiful hot/maimed, emu, priaing an acre of land laid out in Mall fruits, a good brick home, stab ta, rttst-ciass well, etc:„ making complete Milne, Par further partieulars apply to 8. rnna, 4.4,0 Drusaola, QTRAYED. ON OR ABOUT the 10th of Juno, a heifers and 1 tuteor. Two hoifere are dark red Leith turned -4n hong, other heifer a dark gray. Steer It dark red with white star o:n lo5the:44 and atraight Wok horns. Any information load. 955 to their nieovery Will loci imitably re. 11""(01.110, BATEMAN,1 et 18, Ooh. 'fy Grey, MOSES DENBY, Let 00,015, 7, Wel P. 0, OASTROILINA This preparation will he found a re. : liable remedy for the ordinary illaoasee of ohildron, 50011 RS Indio . don, Sour Stanuteli, Conatipation, Wind Collo, Worms, Teething Troubles, Feverish. nese, Diarrhoea, and many other climates common to ohildren, 11 rogniatea the bowels and assists digestion. It does away entirely with the giving of nanaeoue doseof Castor Oil to children. Its 11.0- tiOn on the bowels is gentle and the et- afriotanpisrootinwe 3odf,Siii0nroliuldbiejubtailtItlPir4Paatr:- Wes on our list The formals, itesil is perfection, is Mae in flavor, donee in body, dark in color and fragrant in odor. X. T. PEPPER, Chemist de Druggist, &easels. MOINTOSH & MoTAGGART, JUNIORS, BRUSSELS, ,z‘zo.st.maaa Cileow.erial 1105.1.1e95105 auhaatel...a. NOTES DISCOUNTED. oausitiett avid 'United States Drafts bought and sold, Interest allowed on Deposal, CollectiOne made Oilf5905eb95 trona. Canadian Agents —Menem\ mass Dams ca, CANADA. Now YOrk A.sente—imporiemns AND TnAii• DRS NATIONAL Henn, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, L. TAYLOR-, BARRIS-TER, I. lb • 801101tor Alla Cony eyaneer. Colloo- Eons made. OMee—Vanstone's Bleak, Brus• Bela. 01.802* IV• 81311.1o1StoirN, goljnvAa yiallne' or, No tary Pub. tin, &o, °Mee—Graham a 1310,30,1 dc. north olPepper'a Drug Store, Private Puede to Loom. DICKSON & BAYS, male with Garrow Proutifoot,Godo. rich ,) Barralors, Benetton. Conveyancers. &a. 0E1mm—brussels and Soutortb, llrile- eels 00105—Cp•etalta Orem Bank. Money to Loan. n. B. NAM W. n. mensal; BUSINESS CARDS. Tt/fISS O'CON▪ NOR, ▪ Teacher of Organ and Plano. 40.55 Princesa atreot, 3r1155911. H. MoORAOKEN, • Isauror °Marriage Lieonaos. (Mica 5.0 545 Grocery, Purobarry street, Brussels. i.lot•• N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artiet• Shop—Next door son th 00 .0. MM.:May 5: Co's hardware store. Ladies'and obildrene hair cutting n, Specialty M ISS BALL Is prepared to Rico lessona on the PISMO. Parlor and Pipe Orge.n. Special at- tontion given to Tochein. Par farther in- formation address— Box 179, firessels. A MoNAIR, 11.• Theurer of Marriage Liatinses, by appotranient of Lieut;Goveruor, COMAS/. sionar, &c., 53,36, Conveyancer and Agent Piro Inelmance CIO. 011100 at the Oranbraels Poet Otilea, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM Mt/BANS/4. FIRE AND MARINS, 1311 ELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, Cleric of the Fourth Division coml. oo, Huron. Conveyancer, //mare Public. Land, Loan and insurance Agent. Funds Invested anci to loan. Colleations made. Oillea in Graham's Bleak, Druaaele, OIL PAINTING, Arise lifortee, of Wingham, is prepared to give inetruation in oil wanting. 0OrMs may be ascertained at was Nellie Ross' Moto whom samples of work may be sou. arise MOrlee Would also take a few more P111018 rp A. HAWRJNS, J. • Organist in St. John's Church, Brus- sels, and in the Art of Teaching, OW of A. W. Th ' arer Mus. Goa., Now York, wilt lessons topupils either at Thee, 10611706 Turuborry ea, or if ureferred, at their own homes. Terms moderato. 0 - DENTAL. sionms7•=xs,rx-4-x" 13.5. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide (a -as ad- ministered. for the Prinhwa Extraction of Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street End, TOXIONTS, 1.) E NT JOS M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeona, Ontario, tITN1, of Tomtit° Uni- versity. Ocurion—Over Popper's Drug Store, BSUSS016, AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, _GA. • Auctioneer, is ahvaya ready to at. tend sales of farms, fawn atonic, 845, Tents cheerfully given. OrenbrOOk 10.0. Sales =ay be arrenged at Pros POST Pub/fah:Mg Howie, Drussela. aBORGE KIRKBY, x._A Licensed duotionsor. Bales comic/et ecl 00 roaeonable terms, Farms and farm stock a aboolalty. Orders left at Tun POST Publishing5louse,Bruesels or sentto Walton P. O., will receive prompt littoution. HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- A-i. en en all Auctioneer, 5 am prepared to condo:It aeles of farm stock at raariontthle prices. 'Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in it position to sell to good marks and got good- seourity when sold ou credit Satisfaction guaranteed. Give um a call. 82.- 56 3.8003333 MEDICAL CARDS. M. 13'. CALE, M,]), C. M., aranthor 51 11,5 College of Physloian, and surgoone Of Ontario by examination. °Moe and Residence — Mein street Rad, tithe', On lario. A. MoNA.UGHTON, M. D. • 0.151. L, rt. C. P„ Edinburgh, M. G. P S. Unt, Rt Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to lloto a, in, and from 190 to 4 p. in, At Other hours maybe found at his retddeneo, toxin. orly occupied by Dr. Elutoliinson, X,111j st. VETERINARY. 11: D. WARWICK' ty • Honor Graduate,of tho ontaria Veterinary College. is prepared 00 treat an diseases of domeatleateci anima/a In a cont- POt011t 900111150. PartIOUlt/t attoution paid to veterinary dentistryttatis prometly at- tended to, office and Intinuary—Two deers north 05 bridge, Turoberry st,, brattish,