HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-9-4, Page 5SEPT. 1S)1, TIIE BRUSSELS POST 6 twx ,,,,timwaysygonsmsusatospsuonfoMotsmowerartrtiuMnerMnsalsocnesseransuntafrenwamtninerzermosstersionms elsomosarmanammonatgicainnecooslaMarassecematimlasesvOGRINEINCOMPRIDAMOVONIPsta DIEREOMErarr. 1315tritt "Atti)s, 1'OXtt8. J. (2. 0,p00, of Hamilton, le removing lo Wroxoter, and will tetra poiemegion ef the aimed thintral Hotel, Mr, Cooper le remaining populse holm with new fttrthee„,,, 0,11lus11 will met ln the neigh- borhood of $1,700, 12 on 8100(1111t of leek of 01)1.11116.. fied itt 0 mills 011 1110 dollar, to close their bneiness places at 9 o'oloolt holidaye, (111118110116(111118110116Eve and New Yeera most unanimously minted an agreement on Seturdity 01511te and nights before Elve excepted. Settforth races have been declared off S01(1110111(6 rine of taxation has been x The merelmnts of Seaforth have el /sitteelotet ft. '... Ctbisric). The Vidette le hnliclaying this wee/c, Alva ThOinite 'Wilson, widow of the late T. Wileon, miller, of Fordwich, died et her residence on Saturdey, Aug, 2901, and was hnried on Monday, Rey. Mr, Muir officiating, There was it large fun- eral. John Sheppard, a, le•yeer-old boy Hy. hie tia (I orrie, fell from the Fraser Heiehte, just ('(1.61 03 the elevittor itt P01.1 Stanley on Tinnaley of hot week and was picked up unconscious. Ile remain- ed filet way until morning, when he rallied and was taken to Sa Thomas. It is not known yet whether he will live. The lad hut oomo with au excursion pally. - st I toll. Miss Bella McKibben is honie on 18 short visit. Mrs. Den. Campbell and Alin 1300010 Kelly spent Sunday in Vann. Miss klaggie Lleffernan, of Blyth, was visiting MIER Ruth Jones last ek. Rev. Mr. Snmerville mud wife, of De- troit, are viaiting at Rev. ID. Forrest's. Several from Walton and vicinity have gone with the volunteers to St. Thomas, some going with No, 100,, Seaforth, and some with No. 5 0o., Brussels. Alias Jennie Kirkby, of Morris, has been engaged as enoceasor to Mise Kelly as teacher in the junior department of our wheel at a Wary of $220 per annum. Mr. Jones, late tentuit of tho Royal, has rernoved to Soaforth where he has started it hatcher shop. Demean Mo' 00634 has gone also and will go in cam. ;any in the business. Mr, Wise, the owner of the hotel, has taken pesseseion. it number of our citizens intend taking ite the Toronto exhibition. Several of our sports attended the ranee in Clinton on Saturday. The stone wall of Dr. W. J. Milne's rcaidenee ie about finished. Arias Dodds, of Watford, is the guest of her shiner, Mrs:. F. W. Tanner. Onr public school wits opened on klon• nay after being closed tor eight weeks. The members of 1110 0. 0. F., of Blyrh, inteed ere long to give the public a con• cert, W. Sonthoott, of Exeter, a former resident, is :dieting friends in town for a few dava. Alex. falder has erected a conunoclious briek kitelion and cellar to his residence on King etreet. The briek work of John Stewert's new residence on Dinaley street ia completed end compares favorably with our many other pretty homee. On Moiiday afternoon a whirlwind paseed over the eestern portion ut this burg tearing the shingles off sorne of the dwellings end lifting the roof off the tie111 mill and doing other damage, bat 001 01 a eerie is nature. Atter this a down- pour of rain followed. ..E1Ib1101. ACOIDENT.-A Kingston corres- pondent of A.ug. Slst says ;-"Peter Grant, while running on the main track on the Grand Trunk railway near Xing. ston, to eseape from a heavy rainstorm, was struck by a subarban train and ran over. His legs wore so orushed thab amputation was necessary at the General Hospital. Grant had his head clown, and the heavy rain prevented him from uotioing the approach of the train. Be is from Ethel, and wee employed by McArthur Bros." In ocinnection with the ebove John Grant, of Ethel, writes : -In oonneetion with the death of Peter Grant, on the 21st, ult., from injuries re- ceived by being ran over by a train at Kington, I beg to state that the deceased was my son. He had been for some years from home and finally went to Kingston with Robt. McFarlane, late of Morris, and at the time of the unfortun• ate and fatal aeoident wad in the employ of McArthur Ethic., 11. 13. contractors, of Belleville, who esteemed the deceased aa ono nf their beet men. On reaehing Kingstime before the fanned I found re. ports 000002)1 131111 1.1)0 deoeased was with- out home or friends. My presence con• bradiotod thds» and I found thea a num. ber of people had been kind to my boy, for which I thanked them. I also found 11161 1136 offeets had been carefully mar. ed and were duly handed to me. Wiliam latirbairn, of Kingston station, lute kind• Ly cousented, on my behelf, to settle any jusb claims thee may lave beeti against the cleceseed. Ethel, Sept. 1st, 1891. ILA* rowel G. T. Kidd, aernmereittl traveller, and his family are changing their reaidenoe from Lietowel to Toronto. Rev. Max, Atendt has tesigned the pastorate of elm inithevan church here and accepted the poeition of pastor at Sellivan Out. IL as W. Woode have bought out J. Soliank's bus husiness. The town will therefore hove but one bus insteed of two hereitfler. The fviends in this vieinity 03 1110 Bev. Geo, IL Taylor, formerly inetualbent of Chriee ahuroti, Lietowel, but who has been residing Irelancl, during the peat four years, will deeply sympath• ize with him in the loss of his wife, the ne:ve of whoa: death has but recently been reueived here, the:ugh the ead ovoid , °natured in Actity last. A. Camp Meeting is announced to take , , ...plaoe at Moorefield on Sunday, Sept. Oth, '" under ehe witspices of Oonoetoga lodge C. 0. F. Rev. Jones Livingatone of thin town and gettoral other madders will conduct the religious aerviess. On elon. day everting 4 coneer1 will be gleen, in Which the White brothere will t tke pert. A. meeting of mittens ((1 11(8 oonntioe of Alra. Hugh Petriolc, of tho northern Huron, Perth, Breen, Grey end North hotuidery, pageed away to her rewind Wellington wee hold at Lietowel Thine. • laat Sundev after a lone 31111040 of eon. day. Thu meetitig Wag odrlivwloll by 1319 sumption, She lottVes (4, hut:band and Heeretary of the Dieninion A860c:1010m, largo fatally to ineerit her demise. They David Plewes, otolotly on the export flour lieve the gympathy of the community. trade, It wen doubled that OE soon ea Stretaiiiiente--On Monday Miss Mule, the (01113111 1)143331) to be merketed freely to dengliter of Duman BleLatiehlin, left for cell another meeting and arrange to ex• Clititoo Model 8110 :vent to the Collegiate Institute cu Wier town last lennary 0(2(10141,3,0(3, 1(0 getting it Stel 016130 eereiticate at the repent exemin• Won, Miss MoLandille lute always been 11 utiocesaful ettelent enti will make a. No. 1 teacher. files has the good wishes of her many friende. Box SoCIAL.--A very snenneeful box soeial was helti et John Straelian's 071 Wedneaday evening of Ittst week, up. :verde of BOO perecnus bairn; pment. The lawn 10611 131 up with 25 Chinon lanterns end several heleks smiled In nue oil. alvergreoes wore plened round the lawn and seats were eroded by the kind hoet. The following program was well render- ed : --Quartette, Sliseee Reid &lilt Taylor and Messrs. Strachan and Taylor ; solo, Miss Ames recitation, johnicie Snell ; Bolo, Mists Mary Straelten ; cite:twee, 11188 Emmeline and Wei. kleientirrie ; veoitation, Miss Mary MoQuarrie ; aalo, kliee Meggie Taylor, who wee encored ; whims, Thou, Scrachen ; inetrumental selection, A.J. AloColl ; 1.1010, 11tioo Ames; remitation, 11. If. Cart ; solo, ellicaAlililo illoQuarrie ; song and °bores, Misses Stranhan and J. A.. Frain ; dalogue, Miss L. Straelian and J. A„ 1?rain. pert a ',ergo (110,004 of flour. tear ex. porters frein Tomato to Montreal will be invited to untied the meeting. - - elarieterleat mu. H. W, 0, Meyer, Q, 0., returned /corn businese 1115 10 Ottawa last week, Poetere and prize lists of the North. western Fair, to be held in \gingham on the '29111 end 301111 of September, have been issued. Aleserci. 16011000, Swailleld and Satoh - ford, of the Clinton Organ Company, were in town Iamb weak interviewing the klayor end a Committee of the Town Council in reference) to the removid of their fectory to Winglain In the near future. A, 0. Milford, who hail returned from Cnba, has loonght with him a Ruatian bloodhound. He is a yew/Tint anim(l.l, gentle and quiet, but is a capital symbol) dog twit has done good sorvice for hitn clown among the natives of the Ialand. c ite1,,ilmo.the terror of our Whighain an• Sii. Henry Tyler, President Grand Trunk Railway; 11.2. Settrgeant, Gimer• at Manager •, Aesietant Manager Stephen. son ; Chief Engineer Hobson, and Divis- ional Seperiutendeut Tiffin inade an offi- cial visit over the Southern Exteusion ofTowneltip Council ou Manley, 14'31 the W. G. as 13. DivisiOu of the 0. T. R., inst. napping over at Wingbarn for some Harvpst is late big two 01 three dap: time. They were nIeb at the btatiOn by will finial it now. AI. Black, 166(3100 hi S. S. No. 3 is on Mayor Clegg and a number of (111.1002(0. the sick list tine week. Miss McLeod is the guest of Miss Bfinnie Russell this week. Mrs. Kelly, of Teeswater, was visiting bar undle W. Johnston last week. Mrs. Herrington and children are visit ing het; sister Mrs. Geo. Parker at. Sun. shine. Bob. has started to keep bachelor's 31311 11)16 week but rumor se.ys it wont be for very long. Aliss NolILo Ruttan, 01 1310 2nd eon., is at present awny visiting at the Rev. A. Russell's, of Exeter. alias 111. J. Irvine, 'late of Near York oity, was visiting her fether last week prior to leaving to engage in missionary work in China. Henry Robb jr. went on Tuesday last with the volunteers from Winghttm to St. Thomas, that being their place of meeting this year. D. Robb, Inspeotor of schoole, is again going hie reunite. He expresses himself as generally wall satisfied with the con- dition of the schools in this townehip. Aliss Kate Wilson, of Atwood, was teaching a couple of days for ber brother in S. S. No. 30 last week, he being away at the foot -ball tournament at Gorrie. James Smith left last Monday for a second term at the Business College at Owen Sonnd. He is taking a com- mercial course. We wish him success. John Matchers, of the and con., has gone on the excursion to Manitoba Ude week. Some of the gira will be going about with (4, sad conntenanee until he A freight oar wait aeoidentally de- returns railed at the stetion yard last week. Miss E. Dultnege, of the N. W. T., ROT, E. W. Hughes, of Wingbam, who has been attending college at St. preached in St. Alban's church last Bun. Thomas for aene time, is at present day. visiting reletives and friends on the la 3. S. Gee, of Newry, intends golug out and 2ed aimeessions. of the store business at Newry about Miss Fannie Newcombe retuned to Cob. let, and will disnoiee of 3118 large her home in Newark last week. We 011- eloolo. derstand there hae been a big run on Mialnel, Fox, of Grey township, has crape since. We have uot heard whether purehased Fled. Oxtoby's house and lot a certain naerehant has himself become a end will become a permanent resident of customer or not. Atwood. EL Boar has disposed of his handeome 3131uevel1e. chestnut two-year-old mare to Mr. Sohittbein, dry goods merohant, Listowel, receivieg the faney dgure of $200 fur the Same. While in the mot of oonpling care at the stetion here Geo. Hays, brakemen on the G. T. R., got several of his lingers crushed, the fourth finger of his left hand having to be amputated. The uns fortunete young man's home is in Paanerston, He will be off duty for a oonple of weeks. E. tit. Yates, fo-merly tho hero of the hour in Atwood some months ago, hes signified his intention of entering the Presbyterian mir'stry in Penusylvania, where he is now raiding. As a (natter of importance he has written 10 17. local English church olergyman for certifi- cate of eharae,er. The body of James Robb, who woe as. oidentally killed by falling from it wagon in 13u01e Oily, Alontana, arrived home Tuesday night of liteb week. Deceased had been a reaidenb of Montana for up - war& of twenty years, and was last home 00(6 vieit Klima &even years ago. lle was the eldest soil of Mr. Robb, 12011 con. of Elms. As deoeimed had no living relneives in the West (his wife baying died some time ago) it was the wish of his mother 11181 110 be haried in the family plot in the Elmo. Centre cemetery. relt or re re. Crateelttroaelc. Mise Brodie, of Seaforth. was visiting her aunt Mrs. Ritchie last week. Isaac klollay, who took a (Were attack of typhoid fever while working up at South River, Parry Sound District, was brought home last Friday. Ike looks V81 y thin but is improving favoritbly. While Dr. McKelvey was driving along through ono of the back streets of our village last Tuesday afternoon his horse took fright at some duoks end ran away upsetting the Dr, out. All ended with it damaged buggy although without aerions lujury to himself. The funeral of the late David Miller took place here last Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Miller moved to Cran• brook about 9 months ago and has been eiok during all thia time. Howao it great sufferer for the last month or two but al- though suoh was the ease he Was nerer heard to complain. He considered it as the will of Hawaii and on this Remount he repeatedly atated that he was willing to endure all for Christ's sake. He leaves a son and two daughters to mourn the loss of a kind and loviug father. His daughter, Mrs. Powell, who was the only one who could be with him at the last, and WI10 WAS so kind and faithful to him all through his siolcness, has the heart felt sympathy of tbe ootmnunity in her lonelhie33 end bereavement. altsea-oocit. C3 -rev. The new bridee at Jamestown ia com- pleted. It 100101 to be a strong structure. Mr. Laing, of Ethel, did the job. SPLENDID TEL1:191.11.20.-1310w0 bhIEShirlg one day this week for Ohne. Rozell twelve acres of peas in thee hones and forty minutee. There welt) fear huedred and twouty.five 'bushels. Beat that who can ? elOn Thursday of this week Thos. T. MuLauchlin, and Illohard Cerdiff left for Manitoba having seoured work near Braudon, Alex. Grant also went to High Bluff where he assist in menaging 0.0 elevator. They are all good workete and will get along all right, Mrs. MaLanoli• lin and tardily will rernaln here until Mr. Mao. returns, One.-Alithy of our readers will regret to learn 01 1310 death, DA Neepawn, Ehtn„ of IV Govonloolt, formeily of thie town. ship. Me. Govenlook took elek with diarrhoea, on Aug, leth, and died on the 22ad. Ile had enjoyed good health all stunner, Lto was a native of Sootlarid 80311 (12 years of age. Ho Mune tO Canada in 3.83311 24.21(1 resided a yeat in Galt, when he mune to the township of Grey one taltitig up land near the village of Ethel continued to reside there 11111)1 1883 when he reterned to the old country, where ho apeht two year& He manned to Canada in 18831 and going to the Noethwest took np a, large trent 61 111.02 nea' Neepawe where he tattled clown and has sinc11 been somewhat extensively engaged in farming. He had a large oirele of friontlfs in thie country, who will be ilerry to learn of his death. Croquet is the leading amusement here, Bluevale cheese factory sold the July 0)1(3(0 for gi cents. "Grey Tobe" took 1st money (11 11)0 Stratford races last week. PLATFORM MEETTNO.-On Triestine, even. ing the beautiful, commodioue and mod• ern Methodist oluirell 1,1 Bluevale was nioely filled with a very appreciative audience who came to enjoy the musical and literary program arranged by the popular pastor, Rev. I. B. Wallwin. After singing a, hyrnn Rev. J. A. Mc- Lachlan, M. A.,, of Teoswater, offered prayer. On motion of the pastor, almond - ed by Joseph Leech, W. H. Kerr, of Tun Poor, wits voted tO the chair. Rev. E. A, Shaw, of Wroseter, read an intermit. ing and carefully prepared paper on "Questionable lianas and Amusements within the Church." He dealt with the use of tobitceo and liquor, and dancing. Rev. J. H. Dyke, of Belgrave, wag quite at home with his address "Conditions of Church Prosperity." He inpressed on the audienoe the responsibility restit g 00 eash Christain and showed how the various departrueuts of ehurch work would prosper if the membership is alive to their duty. Rev. (0. 15. Salton, of Bruesels, was the last speaker and his toplo was "Our tioys," in whieli he ably chempioned their rights. It was replete with humov end good sense and was greatly enjoyed by everybody. During the evening Alias Dulautge renitered three solos. "The Kingdom Blest," "The lluety Sickle" and "Flee as a Bird" In a atyle that did great credit to herself and i added very materially to tho pleasure uf the gathering. \Vie. Smith and Joseph Leech moved end seconded a vote of thanks to the speakers, Ringers and obeli.. man whioh was unanimously eareled. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and Benediction. It would nnt be out of place to add here that Bluevale hal one Of the nicest Methodist chinches foic it size the writer ME yeb Neon in 1110 0201511 Conte:woe and it ia 13 oradit alilte to pastor and people, Dmence Miceree. -The Financial Dietrint meeting of Winghtern Diatriot wee hold. 111 the elothoctisb church here on Tuesday. Ilev. 8. Flattery, M. A., B. De presided. Rev. W. F. Campbell, Ph. Be Seoroutry. After devotional exercileee the roll was milled mid the follo:ving per. sons anewerect to their names c-Revds. Sellery, MeLarailan, Shaw, Salthe Ottewell, Campbell, Swann, Dylte end Wellwin. The litymen preeent were ;- Messrs, 14101301101 '3. H. Young, W. Poll- ard, W. J. Johnston end W. II, Kerr. The $618,00 epportioned to this Dietriot for the Suporanuation Fend for retired ministers, wiclowe and ohildren WES sub divided as follows t-Wingbern, 970.00 desboro', $117,00; Blyth, $59,0e ; 2.113111004Yer s Cherry Pectoral, Teeewter, 946Wee it,00 ; :cater, $4 , 0 Brussofe, 9330,00; Waltoe, 439,00 ; Lon - 934,00 ; Belgrave, $81,00; Bluevide, $45,. 00. Atiseiontery and Educational work was left for load exangernent, with a few ' Dr. J. 0, Ayer ae 0o., LoWell, Mass, exceptions. The question of WINN b'd by Dreggisis.. Prtee 17; sixtotties,ss. km'oideour:tigti,o,fri,1174,4 Private Funds to Loan, 1(01,11100 Iuo 00 1h 132,13333 31(113011 mein Winghitin Distriet, He he . preportiou 01 1372,11110 assumed by 310833111 62010CD0 uodurmw, Row, Mr. CalOpboll Nab. ;Bibbed the following eeale in dividing 010 Have hem placed in my hands ailment over the stetione end cireuite for investment en real estate, W11101) 0117.1 1010011102 and adoptol : Wing. hem, itnel ; Teeswitter, 9231); ;greet:ter, 9215 ; Weasels, $271111;iytliV1113tc..)10 d , ..9211o! J01(11011)'1300', 312(34)1 burn, $285 ; !Mermen, Oleo ; Bluevale, 9223, All pest subeeriptious will be al• lowed to count on abeve SUMS. The May Dletriat nteeting will be held in Whig. ham. 13Iuovele people wore mo•t hnepit. able in their entertainment of the yieltore. Huron CORD tar. R. R. Nelson, of 13xeter, ineneger of the tank hou-es cm the London, Huron ce Bruce Ritilwny, tuts recelviid au appoint. nlenb in the engineering department at London, and %yin 113000 1114 femily there thortly. Gregory Tom, who, previous to hie do. pinging) for the WSlit WEB engaged as prinoipal in the Exeter Publie School, 111(3 been cum, seful ab obtainlog it high grade certificate In the recent school teitelagee eel:initiation as second teacher in the High Helmet, 11.1 10 smeary of $1,200 a yORT. In response to a requeet front A. Mercy, the representative of the Doherty Ovecen Co., oi Clinton, Mayor Carpenter called a speoial meeting of the Chatham Council to 00003(1011 18 proposition he had to offer for the removal of the Doherty Organ Clompativ's faetory from Clinton to Chatham. Mr, Marcy, on behalf of the Doherty's, melte to establish 10 oom• pany with a capital of $93,000, and asks the modeeb sum of 910,000 for patents and good will. The town was asked to give a $10,000 building, free land, taxes end water. The Planet says the propo- sition sent a cold ebill clown the backe of the eleuncinors, The rues were hotly contested at Clinton last Saeurday, t he various com- petitors being urged for all 'Slay are worth. Only the IN and 2.32 races were 1r0.10/1 ; the "Open Run" was de. eared off. Following is the snore :- 0.50 0116T. 15,00'. (3811108' "iunie B.," 41 04 11. dniompson's elextel," Did not start. 3.01. Eddy's "001' Sheaf," 2 2 4 3 J. L. Doherty's "Sleep y Joe ," 1 4 9 2 4 t/, T. WeebOreok's "Charley G." 9 3 1 1 1 Timo 2.001,2.015,2.30, '2343,, 2,32 MOT. .fil. Livingston's "Dr. Liv ingston," 3 0 '2 15,33. Saott's "Bay Ply," 1 11 W. j. a Aoki:one; "klarry 0.," 44 4 John Beaconvs "Tom, Berg," 2 8 8 Time 2.395, 2.341, 2,0133 Judges. -11. McKellar, D. 'W. Chamber. lain and Thos. Bell, DUNN'S AKINC OWDER THRe'ssAnTcf!TD =EP POSTED 1 - Ar TOBA N 0 Riff' EST A.JD- FREE FARMS, NORTHWEST FARMER WHAT 100 FARMERS SA.Y. DAIRY FARMING, MINING AND RANCHING. SCOTCH FARMER'S SUCCESS To be obtained FREE by writing or 0041311(1 0(1 W. R. Callaway, 118 Keen Se. W., TOnONTO. Or J. T. PEPPER, Brussels. ONSUMPTI0N1. raommaresees. its first stages, can the successfully' I checked by the prompt use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later periods of that dieoase, the cough is wonderfully relieved by this medicine. "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the best effect in my practice. This wondevlul preparation onoe Saved ray life. I heel a conatent cough, night sweats, NYRS greatly reduced in flesh, and given up by my physioian. One bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured J'. Eidson, AL. D,, Middleton, Tennessee. "Several years ago I waft severely ill. The doctors said I was in consumption, end that they could do nothing 106 060, but advised me, as a last scant, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine two or throe months I WU eared, and health remains good to the present clay." -James Birchard, Darien, Conn. " &Mat yeara age, Oil a pnasitgelmin0 from California, by water, 3 contracted so severe a cold that few some clays I was cordite:a to my state -room, and a physician on board considered my life fa danger. liappeeing to have a &tale of Ayer's Cherty Pectoral, I need it freely, and my limes were soon reatoved to a healthy condition. Slime tlien have Invariably recommended this prop. aration."-J, 33,01180111011, Junction, Vo, PexablinD 831 LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST, No Commission. 13orrowers ca01 have loans com- pleted in, Three _Days if title satisfactory, W.M.SINCLAIR, Solicitor, lirussels IIJE$TERK FAIR YY LONDON. September 17 to 26. ti ANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL, Industrial and Art Exhibition Established 186e. LARG Esettsustt 001 511101116110 AND ATTENDANCE ETERS YEAlt. 1890 (0,18 good, but 1891 will be better. $25.00 IN PRIZES! AWE:tons, 01.0.11 11101) are being arranged Mr, will surpass any yot produced. &Nam, EXCURSION RATES ON ALL. )1' VS. Entries Mose Sept. 12131, Ivor Fr:zo Lista and intorno at oil apply to 00811'. A. W. PORTN, TOOS. A.. BilowNE, President. Seoretary. DR. siNcLAnt M.D.,ALA., L.C.P.S.O., 5 Specialist, - Toronto, JONATEIAN 130001tm040, Listowel, says 1- "2.1 ter spending all 017 0)000)' and property to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a bopetess case of consumPtion, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mae. Melts rIMLONG, W00(11101180, says "When all others fulled, Dr. Sinolair cured .m001000." D. ROBERTSON, Carleton Place, nays: - "00. Sinoleir cured ma of Catarrh." (4100. BowEn, Blyth, says :-"Dr, Sinclair 0000c102e of heart disease au.l dropsy, when all others failed." Dismiss of Private Nature, brought on by folly, Dr. 81,10103r certainly Cures. Coxiwultmtiosa. W'roo. WILL BE AT THE AMERICAll HOTEL, BRUSSELS, Frid ay, Sept. 25th, '91, ALLAN Ll -N14,41 Royal 310 ,'/'l1 ins/lips. CHEAP EXCURSIONS tc.EUROPE 1'0UTN1141/2'LY 8001,111i6 1,10,3/ PORTLAND on HALIFAX, DB1511Y on LIVERPOOL. C11/110 RATES, *40, 6:013 /(4111 500, Alogle 900), SOO owl Wile nottire, tumor:ling tu Luoatiou 00 Statorooni, INTERMEDIATE, Outward +1,21; Propaid $20 Moorage at Lowval litotes. Arcomisoilati OSA ranurpaskyli. Apply toll. & A. ALLAN, Alouireal, on 'W. II. 1c.ionar, Aereer, 131000051,6, nem andl'agf,s Eggs have dropped in prim, se has our Dirge Steck of Prime SMOKED HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON nee SIDE MEAT 2.11 of Our Own Curing. We also idanufaeture Belognit Sausage, Patronize home industry by calling onus. Give me a eell and prove the truth- fulness 01 1310 above statements. Wm. Blashill, Butcher. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY LOWEST RATES. RATES. Private and Company Punch. TO J. C, Heffern an, J. A.Youn g, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., 0 t „tt Y011 can reach some of the trade all the time. HIT can reach all the trade some of the time, .f...1e13 IOU cannot reach all the trade all of the time -TJ .4 "5."- 0 TJ - advertise in THE BRUSSELS POST. CONFEDERATION LIFE, - Organized 1871. Bead Office, Toronto, Remember after Three Years Policies VW Incontestable, FRED 31(010 ALL RESTAEOT CO NS (38 110 liESIDENCE, TBACEL OB 00C,IM'ATTON Paid•up Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Polley. THE NEW ANNUI2'Y ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS 1113301,ETE PROTECTIoN 610 1,18481 EARLY Den; Peewees AN I110001* ix OLD Amu, AND 10 A GOOD INVESTMENT. Petioles are Non.Forfeitable after the Payment of TWo full anneal Premiums. Profits, which are Unexcelled by eny Company doing business in Canada, axe allocated every five years from the issue of the polity, or at longer periods, es may be selected by the insured. Profits ao Allooated are Absolnte and 3101 1163(10 to be reduoed or recalled at any future time under any circumstances. Participating Policy Holdera are entitled to not less than 00 Der vent. of the profits earned in the ohms, and for the past seven years have metually neeeived Oft per cent. of the profits so earned. W. 0. MACDONALD, 2.093IMIT. 3.51, MACDONALD, MANAGING Diumeon. W. *I, XCERIZ, Alront, 13russelts. M'COLL BROS. & CO. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, wcan hen you get the CELEBRATED iiLA DINE r Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness. ATANUFACTUREaS : 1VIcOOLL BROS. & M., TORONTO. For ,$itte, by B. GERRY, BrusseIN.