HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-8-28, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST.
late Foreign News,
"Bad Death of a Young Lady,
The population of Belgium amounted on
the last day of July to 0,147,041. Brussels
has alma S00,000 inhabitants,
will diseent tem% their commereial 111134141(3
with iluseia. Speniali trolly oxpi.,:s
June SO awl the Portugueee 011 Feb, 0, 11030,
.At about the eame time the commervinl
treaties between Ruesia and the other
fatet rumens of Western Europe will ex pi iv.
The Ministry of Illative 04(4.1 work planning
new treaties with a view of guartitng tI
intereets el tl:e Russian tratloin Eurepe.
The protium merchants have presented
Petition to the Agricultural Depert remits
the aliniet rice of Imperial Peoperty and
the Interim' to promote the eultivaihnl
lute in the watered regions of the eurpir
At present. that article, which is maid IS
gram liege, is imported from India at fro
.tutt the Milk of Human kindness.
A thetsc.seing scene, throwing fresh light
0/1 the Istelatents regime now prevailing in
Ilia l'esteht dominione, was witnessed a day
te or two 13.4.0 1(1 the :seediest' Runway atat ion,
in ‘'it•natt. 14.4. eater of the wititing.room
French drummers are to be exeluded ts to tigil per ton. llom malice the priee
from Alsare•Lorraine, and the French stand, tit bagged grain considerably higher th In if
of shutting German drummers out of jute ceuld be lad. in Russia. Experiments
were made in its cultivation on 1110 1 /Metter
111141 111 Caticasta which were perfectly stemma
ful, The grain traders new demand Glut jute
be acelimatized in all the water regions of
Hustatt at the expense and by the entourage -
1110311 ef the Government,
Eton, or the collection of wheels 0111011
constitutes what is popularly known as
Etun, has a thousand scholars.
Japanese lace is coming into the market.
It is a new manufacture, and hithet• has
been mainly consumed at home.
A 'awls telegram says :—Att abominable
crime was cenunitted at la euilly, it suburb
Baron Osten Slacken, a descendant cf of Paris. Three little toys, about 10 years
Napoleon's Field Marshal, rich and %Innen, of age, were playing tm the bank 01 1110 river
ried, conunitted suicide lately in Duldieln, a and two of them removed their clothes lied
seaside resort in Livonia, because " life wes jumped into the water for a bathe. The
too monotonous." third, Clement Cressennier, being unable to
rosai,rhe Z, 01)4/ takes a very gloomy 0101131, was not so quick, mid had enly taken
view of the economic situation of Germany. off some of his Gimes, when an unkeown
There is great destitution among the lower ,man approached the child, and 11110W 111111
classes on 1100011111 of the high priee of tI1 1° the Hver• He was varried awaY l'Y
provisions, the enrrent and drowned, while the mis.
.4.1 Freiberg, Saxony, lightning struck creant who had caused his death 1010310.1
into a cart an.I drove off towitals Paris. lie
three times one of the mines, and the third
time it knocked senseless several miners has not yet been arrested.
working 1360 metres deep under the surface Baroness Martha von Liebig, a beoutiful
,of the earth. young lady who was engaged toll gentle-
man Of high rank, went to a dentist's office
At Belfort, the groat stronghold of 'France Soon
'n Vienna to have a tooth tilled,
nn the eastern freutter• a new e413111e ef after the operation an inflammation of the
-warfare is being constructed. It is a large
velocipede with twenty.eight seats. It is! „f the joyer
lperiosteum occurred, followel by a swelling
t • f I ' part of the free, which symp-
army of the east.
.An employee at ow of the large French
arsenate was recently charged with havieg
sent two tons of smokeless powder to the
works of Sir William Armstrong at New-
castle. Ile made use of a friend's name,
-whom he knew, and who occupied a higli
position under the Goverement.
The greatest manicures in tho world ap-
pear to be the Sakants of the Congo Igion.
Among their tribal customs is the paring of
the nails down to the quick with an instru-
ment designed for that particular purtmee.
A tremendous plethota nf novels is report.
ed in Paris. For example, 43,000 copies of the
lost production of popular writer !lave been
returned to the publishers. It is said that tee demos 14111 curiosities then saw how
1 the case stood and informed the police. The
o 1010(1at 1381 meat maneets les o le toms abtrine.1 the relatives of Miss Liebig
so much that they sent for 0111 00 the most
celebrated physicians. But even this doetor
could not save the life of the young ledy,
although he had 1118(10 011 ineisioe in the
lerynx in the hope of giving her ',chef.
,A. dealer in old curiosities delivered at
the house ot one of his customers an !nage
of Christ in old ivory. The price agreed on
was 4,000 fames, The denies was kept
waiting in 011 ituteroom while the purchaser
went away with the image, saying he would
1,e back again in a moment with the money.
He did not turn tip. After waiting for half
an hour the unlucky dupe 110 13041 to 1,0 8(81.
p1030181. He mend that the oar 313. which
his client had gone out led to a staircase.
another publisher has 3,000,000 volumes el
hand, which aro unsaleable.
The Belgian military authorities have dis
covered that various songs used in the tout
are not quite proper, and several poets an,
composers have been applied to tosupply the
thief, however, has not yet reappeared,
• Twenty thousand Norweigian workmen,
• represented in convention at Drammen, re -
1 jected, with nearly two to 0110, Socialistic
'resoltitions offered air adoption, but appeal-
army with some uno jectionable songs in
Freneh and Flemish to take their place.
Some of the small shopkeepers of Paris
have appealed to the Pope for .protection
from the big concerns that are driving them
out of trade. They ask his Holiness to
formulate some phut for applyieg the law
of justice and charity to the freedom M. trade
and competition so that the little dealers can
live in the presence of the great.
A marvellous and horrible accident hap-
pened at a presate house in Paris. The host
had invited a number of friends to 1 uncheon,
A. great Danish boar hound was in the room,
according to custom. A guest happened to
drop his napkin, 01111 while stooping to pick
it up the dog with a spring seized his throat
and killed him. There was a terrible strug-
gle to pull the beast oft, but withotit avail.
Some alarm and much anxiety are felt
ler Emin Pasha's safety. The Pasts -11c
.Zeitzeny announces that Kurt Ehlert in Zan-
zibar has received from Ernie a letter dated
at Kiaia on Feb. 4, in which the exmorer
said that he hoped to reach Tanganyika at
the end of April. Since then notlueg has
been heard from him, and rumors of battles
have beeb repeatedly received along the
A new kind of stamps mill soon be intro.
duce(' in the postal telegraph service a1 Rus-
sia with a view to securing the inviolability
of the privacy of letters. The new stolen Its
printed on very thin paper, and cannot be
used again if it is once put upon a letter.
When used wet and taken off the envelope
it leaves an indellible impression upon the
spot where it was attached, ao that if a new
stamp is put: upon the emme spot the ina
pression of the first stomp can be seen
through it.
The question of introducing the study of
living Oriental languages into the Russian
commercial schoolt is beteg discussed. It is
believed that the ignerance of such langu-
ages is one of the principal reasons why
Russian traders cannot successfully compote
with English and German maims in the
markets of Persia, China, and Japan. It is
thought that if Russian manufacturers and
exporters will have in the Asiatic countries
agents like those of their English and Ger.
2710.11 eonmeeitore, well versed in the langu-
ages and manners 00 2315 orientals they will
soon take the lead there.
The offilashioned Russian wagon driver
(tehoomelt) -who carried passengers and
freight long distances in his rude self con-
trived veltiele, is still competing successfully
with the steam horse in the land of the
'White Czar. A merehant of Simferopol has
recently forwarded 0 large shipment of salt.
ted meat to Poltava, by tohoomaks, paying
them 43 kopecks per pool (3(3 English
'pounds) for transporatation, The same
freight would coat him 62 kopecks per pond
it he had sent it by railroad. Beside the
expense of 14 kopecks per peed, the meta
chant saved coming into contact with the
railroad offiaials, whose manners are some-
times annoying,
The Hessian Ministries of the Interior and
'Finance have sent a circular to all the
Governors and the Communal 0011310118 0f the
interior, demanding estimates of the amount
of grain needed for winter seeds and for the
suistenanoe of the peasantry of their reaped-
ive districts for the ensuing agricultural
year. The estimates must be accompanied
by exact accounts of (begetting still preserv-
ed in the communal storee and the probable
yields of the standing °rope. There ie a
strong movement to prohibit the exportation
of grain to foreign land until next spring.
The Alexandrovsky anti Pootilovsky iron
foundries and steel rolling mills cannot
prepare all the materials required for the
new vessels for the Russian navy. Largo
orders 81081 110 given to foreign foundries.
In order to obvitite tine difficulty the MIME,.
try of the Navy has adopted a plan for the
enlargement 3,0 its steel relling mills it)
Rolpeene and wmit on it has already c(4m.
Veneer), Aepori.ling to the plon, the Mine
Will be /thin to turn oat daily 400,0(341 Issia 4.
Of Wel plates for tho new ironclad& 3314
ore for these 1(3112 (49 will Le supplied from the
Government. it
" The Spanish and Portugnese 44nvermornts'
haVo notified 4 he 1111081011 ,Mvermileill, that 1
at the expiration 00 3110 preeent term they 1
among the worthy workmen I likewise to
loan money at 11 low rate of interest to those
taking up sueb laud in order to give them a
chthee to imprave it aud melit by their op.
portunity. The conventton memorialized
the Storthing to abolish contract labor by
law and to fix severe punishment tor ens.
ployees who, by threats, promises or gifts
endeavor to influence their workmen in the
exercise of their political rights oral duties
The indefotigable traveler and captain of
artillery, Boren V. 11, Kelleserauss, arrived
311 141. Petersburg recently on his velocipede.
On this fragile instrument he has traversed
various parts of France, Spain and Italy. He
has visited also Algeria and Morocco, and
after four months ot travel he returned to
Russia via, Anetrith During this trip he has
traveled in all five thousand versts, 104111111
twenty poumls in weight on the journey,
His average speed was 103 vents, 00 111 miles
per day. He received an enthusiastic re.
caption everywhere he stopped particularly
in France and Africa. Notwithstanding the
fatigue reenithm from his tour, the Baron
intends shortly to ride on his velocipede
from St, Petersburg to Moscow.
rtch landowner named Gabriel and his
niece, who lived alone together near Kuhn,
Gerinitny,were killed by a litirglar this week.
Both were annul dead on the day after the
burglary, with hatchet cuts all over their
bodies and a bloody hatchet on the table of
the dining room. .All the money and
documente of ('01110 10 the house were carried
off by the murderer.
:Much excitement has been caused in uni-
versity and military circles Ito a duel at the
German university town of Freiburg between
the Infantry Lieut. Teazel and Dr. Berger.
The quarrel began in a beer garden and con•
earned 11100111(411 its Dr. lierger's company.
The weapons were pistols. The first ex-
change of shots, Berger received a 314.111312 311
the throat, The wound was considered
mortal at first, although the itt nine] man is
now thought to have some chance of moth
esy. The Mallet is working downward and
if its eventual position is such that it canto
removed, Dr. Bargee's life may be saved.
The Liepsie police hove shut up the
:Modell baths, the meet fashionable 8101310-
4.131113 11031083 311 that city. The cause of this
action was the neglect of the attendants
in allowing a boy who couhl not win,
to enter the Mg bath without a rope, il. he
lathing mastee was called sway limb after
the boy entered, mud the boy was drowned
unnoticed. Several hours litter the boy's
mother celled at the baths for hint, and he
could not be found. The swimming bath
was drained and his body was found at the
bottom, There have been six similar cleatbs
in the swimming bath since the Marion
house wits opened. The owner is under ar.
rest and will be tried for manslaughter.
A Boon to Travelers
Anything that will reduce the rattle and
vibration of the ordinary railway car is
O boon to the traveling man, .A new appli-
ance tvhieh is said to possess thls
nation in a marked degree is the cushion oar
wheel, which has the additional advantages
of being simple, gale, eeonomital and noise-
less. The wheel is composed of two parts,
the center and the tire, while between the
two is a thick tubber bend 0111018 acts as a
cushion to absorb 1111 1318 vibrations,
Tho tiro is eo mode that it may be removed
without taking the wheel from the axle.
'The rubber is so placed between tho center
and the tire ae not to be liable to injory
from a, hot box or from the corrosive action
of the lubricants. The rubber 141111 01111 20,-
000 miles without showing the slightest eiges
of wear , and in a similar distally) tho 0011.0
of the tire is one-thirty-scenml of an inch
Much is loss then one-half the lima wear
for this amount ((1 2304101,
Title to Stop Fooling.
Dr, (111111" (In fashionable patient tatills
neroly the meet, obi eilment, 11131 dear
Mts. 1'4tyle-011, 1413 clootor ; 1 rially (1131
131.. Graff —Ilan 1 If that really is so 1,11
ntvo to eitente: the course id saw,
tient 1
Me(8(11( eta, ad men condemned to ten
stood 11 group of three, e, \'01100013'o\'01100013'oo d mat
with a white, Hewing I meal, a, pale -Weil
girl, and It youth, '11,,'1111111 W148 0(1(131133)latterly, tout 1(10001111311(1000111131 1(15 semi attracted
the attention of 1 110 bystanders, who 1114.30(1'.1114.30(1'.ed the 44.1(143' of his grief, Ho made no reply,
but held up a letter, exelahning 00 he (3131l
so, '' Poor sv110114.'I Peor child :" Thu hotel
had jeet been handed to him 1,3. the young
man who had met hint et the station. As
ROM as lle had reeovered his COM 1)041100 the
10)10100g tele was elicited 10 him
Ile was a 11-1,1,301,1411-1,1,301,141 Jew, mimed T0111110
Miall(101', and had been exiled like so many
t1300001111,3t1300001111,3of his co -religionists. The letter
apprised hint of the death of Ida wife mei
the dangerous illness; of hie daughter. Fer
11101 than forty 3'001'o3'001'o he had kept a dairy
111 Velikoje Selo, in the diet riot of Kiel!:
His 80131(130 1141100010,1 to severitl thousand
roubles. About three weeks age he and
twenty other inhabitants of the same locality
received. orders to pill: the dista let within
twenty-feur hours. The Natchalnik tor
Burwell:(ette') was responsible for their 0x.
111110/011, and carried out his iustructions
\Oat the utmost rigor, Mt -niftier obtuined
brief respite to make some urgent P101801"
0130118, but his invalid wife and his daughter
were compelled to depert at once. They
went to Calais, where they hail relatives,
and they 8000 to wait until the head of the
failyand his seeond ditughter—thecne who
ae000081p11113101 bite to Vi\30m10'-51113311'1 30111
them. .M0131;100 gave his wife all his mall -
able funds, and witund up his affairs at Vol.
ikoje Selo as speedily as lie could. On the
evening of Saturday, the 271 I: ult., lie lied
just timslied his Foyers, and was lighting 0
small oil lamp to commemorate the miniver.
Key of his mother's death, 110)108ee the Burge.
master mid two gendarmes entered 11 is house,
ordering him to tlecamp forthwith. /le
entreated them to let him finielt lighting the
3,31 10013). ''Out you, Jew," was the
answer, " you have taken advantage of our
31303111805 111111 have remained too long al-
ready." aloukler begged for an hourlonger,
to get a few things together before starting,
but they threatened to put him in chains if
he delayed a moment. Thereupon he woke
up his daughter 01111 left the 33011003301100 with
He came to Vienea, where 34 friend met
him at the station and brought him the let.
ter containing hetet, of hts wife's death,
which occurred two hours after his arrival
at ( altos. At the close of his narrative the
old man sorrowfully observed " Now 13
am olone with my two daughterW
s. hat
0111 be315003110 of them ?" He WaS asked if he
had no son. " las," he replied. "I have
one son, but he is in Siberia." P3103104', 11
1 1 h 1
years' hard lahor for a speech delivered to
some of Ins fellow students
Mr, Balfour and Ireland.
If Chief Secretary /Sallow. keep tm his
present pace a little longer he 110111 11800 so
thoroughly treated the principal sons of
:Ireland as to leave the advocates of Home
Rule very small ground for interference
With so much skill, and it may be added,
justice, has he managed affairs in that much -
troubled Ined that even his enemies are
constrained to praise him for what lie has
(10110. All the world knows 1100 when the
potato crop failed last year and dire famine
threatened the people he 01 0080 051110 10 the
rescue, and by the inauguration of public
works brought relief to thousands who but
for this timely 0141 11)084. hare greatly suffer.
ed, 11 1101 miserably died. Speaking the
other <lay to a recommendation tor an appro-
priation to pay the salaries and expenses non.
fleeted with these relief measures, Mr. Bal-
four said that " it was the inteetion 01 234.8
government thnt these works should prove a
permanent means for the promotion of the
welfare of the inhabitants of Ireltottl." But
of all his deeds and projects touching Ire-
land none has more startled the public
or mused more comment among poli-
ticians than the proposition to give
Ireland Home Rele—tiot exactly the
Rome Rule thot Mr. Gladstone 0.1111 Mr.
Parnell have been contending for, and yet
so good a substitute that it will require
considerable genius to show that the now
measure is 4100 05 desirable as the old. The
Chief -Secretary has announced that a, bill
will be introduced next session providing
for a local gevernment for Ireland similar to
that which England and Scotland now en-
joy. Referring to this announcement the
(.'at'rh; says it sincerely hopes
that the Local overnment bill will be the
serious business of the next session of Par-
liament adding " if it ie a Homo Rule bill
under another name et -on Rome Rulers will
rejoice. Mr, Gladstone has already stated
1114.4.1 31 is undeniable that the Conservatives
in some respects hat e a great advantage ill
undertaking Homo Rule legislation, for
when the Tories propose radical legislation
the Lord's growl, but they bens. it." More-
over, Mr. Healy has promised in behalf of
his associates thitt if the mvernment 18510.
(111808 such a lull the 103511 members 141081d
certainly support it. But although Mr. Bal.
fottr and his governmentlinay have the honor
of introducing thomeasure that willsettle tide
vexed queation, it is undeniable that much
of the 0(0132 1:03.' the result will be due to the
earnest odvocacy and powerful pleading of
England's greatest Commoner, whose Paine
in history will not be appreciably affected by
the eireumstanee that another merely B»ish.
ed the work which lie had so greatly aided
and apparently so nearly completed. No
matter who mos, frame the bill or by what
name it may he known, whenever substan-
tial Home Rule is given to Ireland the name
of Mr. Gladstone will be assmiated there-
The Long .Dress,
The young Woman of to.clay who is sweep
fug the streets with the tail of 1100 frock
Would do well to remember the story that
was told in the middle ages ithout it proud
dame who flaunted along with her tail behind
her as vain aoa permock, and yet.presenting
it horrible appearance. 11.01' 011 thl8 tail Sat a
collection of little devils, all fighting 05 31004
as they could and making her burden very
hard to beat. At, last, however, she became
conecious of her folly, and, reaching a, sloppy
pleoe, she lifted up the train, and all the
devile fell in the mire, Her sense returned
to her, and she out off the 11011801301001 length
and WM' it 10 1/0 1110(10 11120 1131113101 pet ticoats
for the poor; Ifietory docen't relate how
many petticoats were made out of tide tail,
but t is Mir to mewled,: that there must
have been leveral, oho 1 hey would riot beta:
been ream ed to ie the plural number. It
bc, num tamed, easually, that the
little devil,. sitting 011 the trained ekirte of
30.113431 are named Dirt, and Raga She 0110
111118 ought to road the moral of this story,
rAllitS kb, 1161 like to groat old, and ,yttt
they're the very first te tolopt new-wrinkle:a
Aviuij' 28, 1 80 1 ,
YOUNG FOLKS yoe itt daybreak. Remember that if you
The Angels in the Rouse.
Tle•ee p1145 440 dimpled rums, 13(4white ;IA
1101(1 me in soft embed,' ;
Three 11311,' eheeks, 11110 1'1103'i 0,14114.0.1711'1,
Were Wooed a3(31184 1,1ee,
, minas lairs 010, 11111. area +1+0 elven so deep,
1:0" 01" 1: I1 "e
Three eal, set 1 11.. 1. set me sw, 10301
Three 134.310 (041(1) from heaven,
An, It is well that ''1113 10 ones" should love tie;
It Igh te mir faith when dim,
'l'o know Om epee our ble,,sed Savior bade
• them
Bring "little ones" to him,
And sold he 1104, ''(11 such Is heaven?" and
blested t o In.
.1 ad held hem told, breast
I, 31 1301 ,Weet: 10 knew taal 1(1(4')) 110y 1011,Ve
"114 13100 they 130 20 rest?
And yet,-tte tiny angels 00 111)' 11311010,
Ilow 1711111fie"nesi should
Tho.o angels are 001 1101110 l"
A Debghtful Story.
when General Sheridan assumed col
mend of the Federal army, operating 111 tl
Valley of the Shenandenh, during 2115 884
met. of 313(34, he moved his forces fro
Helltown Heighte, just beyond Harpet
Ferry, to Mount Sernmit. This herald
ridge of land afforded an advantageous 1100
tine for the troops, and they held it unt
Sheridan was ready to advance up tl
Valley end crush Early's army.
.As Was usual under Buell an attitude
welting between opposing armies, there w
it good deal of activity along the pick
lines, the uonstantly dropping shots fr
quently swelling iota briet volleys.
The left of Sheridan's line extended acre
the Deny ville dirt read, and his 1(1031018 0014.
mended (110 1:01,11 on the 0313101301141 Creek,
few limidred semis front the ford stood th
Wilson House, oecupied l,y 1:11rs. Wilson, tb
NVIOONV of 0 Confederate, and her littl
daughter, Alice, then oboei eleven yeav
old. Being assured 1,t, Gen. Emory, of th
tiineteenth army corps, that she would b
protected in her home, or safely removed i
the event of hostilities coming near th
homestead, Mrs, Wilson remained in (31110'
possession, little Alice being meth interest
ed in the movements of the picket parties
as they marched to and fro 31001 the house.
About noon one day, the hot summer 11.1trembled under a sudden crash of musketry
owing to el, effort made by the Confederate
to seize the ford. For menet. an hour (1,skirmish continued, finally ending by th
11:041813118(1014111(3)back their assailants
When silence had again fallen on the semi
four men m
cae slowly up the hill from th
ford, cartying among them a \mended coin
00(10,reaching a big oak tree thee threw it
wide.spreading branches 0\'00 111C rotttl,thes
hearers ilepositott their 113113)1080 burden it
the grateful shade.
Little Alice watched the men from Iliveranda, as they toiled through the hot 81111
shine, and, seeing the potty pause under the
oak, she ran awe to them.
" What's tho matter ?" ,ialced the child,
her innocent eyes dilating at the sight
the !deeding .084 apparently insensible
"It's our Jen, miss," replied one of the
mem, as he wiped the perepisation from
his sunburned face with his tattered cent
Jim got hit bad just now in the fight
below, end 00 000 afraid he'll die."
"Have you said a prae•er for him ?" was
the child's next question.
" Well, 310, we haven't, and that's a fact,"
replied the man.
" You see 110110 of us thought et that, for
we were looking for a surgeon. As for
praying, I didn't suppose any of us could do
it, in the right way if we 'wanted to,"
" I know a prayer," said little Alice in a
pitying voice, Shall I say it ?"
"Do, Miss, for jim needs 11 1)01131,"
The child approached the wounded man,
and, kneeling on the grass beside him, put
up her little hands in the attitude of prayer.
.As she did so the wounded man opened his
yes wonderingly ; the soldiers who had
arried him front the creek leaning reverent.
3, on their muskets.
"0110 Father which 011 10 Heoven, hallow-
ed be Thy Name, Thy will be clone on earth
as 31 18 in Heaven."
"As the words were 'uttered in childish
rehle a convulsive shudder 1011 through
(111'O frame, and a fresh gush of blood sprang
rens bis wound.
''.40101)," 118 murmured, and then death
laimed hint
The pathetic little story soon circulated
in the Nineteenth 'Army Crops, touchieg
many a heart that had become hardened
by the vicissaudes of war. A week after
Jitehe death the corps marched over the
road to take up a more advitneell position.
As the head of the column came in sight
of the Wilson mansion, ono of Gen. Emory's
aides recognized little Alice as she stood on
the veranda, and he pointed her out to the
°reanding officer. As the 3)01104.01 rode
est the gate he lifted his hat to tho 03)11(1nd as the entire column moved past every
at and 0031, from the general to the drum-
eaboy, wag raised in salute to the little
onfederate girl 0110 11011 prayed for the
he dying P04314111 soldier.
The child did not realise the honors paid
er, being more intent on seeing the panel).
y of war passing before her. 'Many it man
Ito paid his salute that day sloops in the
rtile soil of the valley, but few of those
ho are still living have forgotten the 111+
To Oity Children n the Country.
It is alsvays well to remember the fact
tssavage 0008 and fierce dogs can't climb
t r
Don't waste your time in trying to eateh
two.inch fish with a ten foot pole.
You may imagine that you help the
haymakers by jabbing the horses with the
pitchfork and getting tangled up in the
ti y011 do not, and they will probo.b.
ly bell y
Don't go Oa 311 the woods to Hy o kite—
only the Weds fly there.
If 0 strange dog smiles at you, it is poliey
to smile baels, and if ho runs at you, the
best thing is to run back.
Don't elimb treee al ter blackberries, The
only thing you will get on such a tritest is—
" left."
Don't, try swimming 111 creeks where the
1031100 38 two feet deep and the tired six feet,
11 is adding imailt to injury to burn up
the farm:rat fence in trying to took the coen
that you have helped youreelf to,
If you get tired doing net hi no, 11 15 a good
thing to sit under the bun awl team the
time in '1,331 11,3) for the -weal hernmelt to
<Tow. A great many ditt-e may he employed
3» this manner,
When you go out for au allglay trump,
don't eat ttp all 31(1311 301301) at len n'elmk,
Yon will feel etarved by two if you iln
Do not ba angry if ilia rot/stets :walnut
went to bed at 01111001. 1001/111 be
tn get up -with the elieskons, and roosters
that stop to eonsitler such things.
11 31 goose (.0100 at you do not cry yourself
11 them Only geese do that.
Don't try leniefrog over the 1.0104 111 the
pastime. 'ffile et eee might object.
A barn roof is not 311(14011. 110 toboggao
title, 1411(1 ellingles are rather hard on 101101'
A Nefarious Business.
In his inhirces before the National Edith.
rial Association, t.lr, 4, Fraolt Richardson
of New Vork, who probably know as much
about, the advertising business ad any
one else In the United States, ereated a 8011.
settons by 1118 expreoire of is remake We and
very extensive system of petty s windling
which bas grown up in recent ygars among
retail dealere, and more ospemally omong
druggiste. The owners of the papule:.
patient medicines and standard prepara-
tions whesc virtues have stood the test of
thne and experience expend many millions
of donors every year fn nilvertising them
Through the sgency of their advet.tieement
in all the leading newspapers of the lam
the lames and r•irtnes of these preparation
Miro bee01110 (03 families. as household word
with the entire newspaper reading public t,
the United Stales and Canada, Taking
edvantage of the widespread popularity
which these articles have thus ',winked, the
111113)34181 18014110 wr 113)01) the customer who
calls for them some cheap and fraudulent
substi tate labeled in a 110aely similar manner,
which he falsely represents 08 11081113) 110011
1111010 Or compounded by himself amiss being
as good or better than the preparation asked
for, -when in 1,111 those 'ranch -tient 81111011.
111108 are not made by 113015113, though 80
labeled, but by houses devoted to thc num.
tiincture of those worthless counterfeits,
and when lie knows nothing whatever of the
ingredients of which they S30 00111p0Se1.
'fake for example Hood's tiareaparilla. This
is a standard medicine which its proprietor
put upon the market nely after its merits
had been fully demonstrated. By the ex.
penditure 01 1100113' a million dollars a year
in advertising it has berolue known to neerly
evevy newspaper reading household in
America, When the custamer asks for it
the druggiets tells him thet Ito has not got
it, or 11 110 has got it, that he Inas also got es
good or it better sarsaparilla which he made
Itimself—the fact being that, though its
label resembles that of 1-Imers Sarseparilla
and bears the name of the druggist tta its
menufacturer, it wits rosily made in Detroit
133' one of these nuinufacnnt ere of eheep and
wortiless substitutes, 18111011 the druegiet
can lmy for a fraccien of the stun which
Hood's Sarsaparilla would 0001 him mid of
the ingrediente of withal he knows nothing,
And so 11 31 through timely the whole round
of popidarpatent nie,lioinooand preparations.
At Detroit anti elsewhese there are houses
whose sole linsiness 11 311 to maitufaeture
worthless mixtures or vompeunds which
they sell to' retail druggists under labels
winch bear some resemblenee to these of
such favorite standerd property ions 348 C01.•
ter's Little Liver l'ills, Seett's Ennilsion,
Morgan's Sapolio, Wolf's Acme Blacking,
St, Jacob's. Oil, Dr. Pioree's Discovery,
Syrup of Figs, etc., and teldeli the druggist
buys for a third of the price he has to pay
foe the latter. It is these spurious hints -
wins falsely lablod with Ins own name
which the dishonest druggist endeavors to
21010 00 MS unsuspecting customer as smite
its good or perhops a better article than the
advertised one called for. He nuthes
much larger profit upon the cheap and
worthless substitutes than upo0 the genuine
article and henee his interest in trying to
palm MT this spurious trash upon his cus-
tomers. But in so doing he descends to the
level of a 000101011 cheat and swindler. It
is a mean and contemptible fraud which
druggia s and others will no longer be
be permitted to practice with im-
punity. For, if 00 are not mis.
taken, the &Milo press of the eetincry
will be aroused by Mr. Richardson's time-
ly exposure of these swindling opevations
to pat the public upon their guard against
Ole dishonest dealers 1111110 resort to them.
It isnot enly a fraud on the customers of the
merchants, but it is an outroge upon the
manufacturers whose liberal- advertising
has created the deinond for the article
which the druggist seeks to meet by selling
the worthless iinitetion ir,stead. When
they find 31101 111020314 of realizing the ben.
(Ate of their own advertising it is thies dis-
honestly perverted to the advantage of 111011
0110 have practically bribed the druggists
to swindle the public and rob the honest
manufacturers of the legimitte fruits of
their investments in printer's ink they will
cease to advertise, or still greatly curtail
the amount of their advertising. Some of
them have already done sn, and others are
likely to follow their example unless a, step
shell be mit to Ode nefarious business. The
publiehere have thus a direct and import-
ant imorest in aiding by 01003' 1000110 111
their 3)0000 4.0 put 05103) to it, and they
can make an ensl of it very speedily if, oy
a general concert of actinn, oil the news-
papers throughont the countey shell unite
in exposieg these feel -0111501. prectices and
holding them and their 3)013)01 4.01008 hp to
the indignation of all honest people. —SI.
Paul's Ptonter Press,
Electricity vs, Hanging,
As was to have been expected tho execu-
tions at Sing Sing have called forth from the
press a 3415010 11101331 comments 13100103110 011(1
otherwise. Of those which oondemn the
method, it appears that many had committed
themselves against the use of eleatriffity lse•
fore the executions took place, and, being
eirwilling to confess their mistake, they have
simply revamped the seusational falsehoods
they disseminated last year concerning the
Kommler execution, adding tt, few new 3)01'
3.1511114.00 from their Gam imagination, Some
have been ae great pains to shotv that one or
more of the bodies hod been slightly bellied
at points where the electric current en tered;
as if a, soared spot on a murderer's corpme
were worse than tho blackened face, bulging
eyes and disfigured neck of a matt who has
been hanged, As a matter of fad there was
no burning ; the water hi the sponges
through which the current reached the body
wns heated by 31, 111101 in one or tlt inetances
moue, blister, This at toast is the testi-
mony of the nine 01' ten physieinme and
several clergymen who were authorised to
witness the executions, and whose official
decimation is to 1110 effect that death was
instantaneous and painless, and ontholy
without, offensive accompaniments. That
the opponents 00 1310 now method feel that
any attempt to cliserafflt it, or to have the
old order restored. would (mil in failure, is
00011 by the fact that they arc now demand-
ing the abolition of capital pullishment
together. In this 003100,110 111a1131, who are fn
favor of electricity lla opposed to hanging,
14.1)1 readily join, holinseng that the woad
thing thot can be done with a criminal is to
31(11 11110.
Penple seldom iminove -alum they 11000
no model but themselves to copy holm
The most attentive nani to business W
ever knew 1105 Ile 11110 wrote on his thop
door ''(1054.) to get ;tarried ; return in lutlf
en hour. '
Blushing Girl —.• Yes, Jack, My heart
is in your keephig." Voting liaggageinan
—"My own darinig 1 I svill give you a cheek
for It."
Colonel Shone). tap; It is 0 mistake about
(it. being nellealthy to sleep in feathers.
I " Ilere timing chicken, for instanee,"
he remarked, the other (l)1y. " See how
tough Ito it; 3"
Teacher—" Name some of the most im-
portant thinge existing tonlay which were
unknown one bemired years ogo ?" Tommy
—" You and me."
Sho—" l'apta may I marry Jack 1 I eould
go further and fare worse," 110--" Von
couldn't fare worse." athe—" Then what's
the 1180 of me goiug furthee ?"
First Vag -a" I -Tow did you plead ?" See-
Vuna- No' g»i1ty, of course." First
Vag • -" And whet del tlte judge eity ?" See -
and Vaga--.' .11:330337 daya."
Conk (ruminit(ing 111 the kitehen)---" I
wonder what I must do tonlity to rile the
0038818. Shall I Mull the meet meat to a
cinder or bolt the potatoes to a hash 1"
" Rastus, %rind, would you do if you
heel a million ?" asked 130.te1e01'y. 1,1 eat
10 wiutle bueinese," returned Ratites " I'se
powerful fond &millions
She :Med a tear -upon his vest ;
The 0333111 1)311110 hin»vinee ;
The vest was niade of flannel, 10141.
He hasn't seen it since.
Meringle —"Did you have much of a
time svith the boys laet night V' Malsangle
—."I'ime 1 Well, I should smile ! 3.011
ought to have lad the beadael e I woke up
" with this morning."
The young thamatist telling the stoey nI
11 18 1100 play to the new manager, said : ' As
the two robbers crawl tu at the whitlow the
clock strikes one." "All," said the manager
which one ?"
" I understand now," said a gueet at a
fathioneble resort, "telly they call this the
Overlook House. Unlese you nye tipping the
waiter all the time your wants are complete.
ly overlooked."
Lady (to trio -nal—. This is the third Onto
you have called hem toglay." Trentp—" It
ia true, madam ;but 11(111 sure you %vouldn't
wan t a man to get along 10411 any less than
three meals a day."
Mrs, $pooney : " Will you love me (1,01 )10
intiell, darling, when 11(1(1 old r —Mr S. :
" ore, dear ; you won't be so Filly then."
It is often luthi meeond thoughts are
hest ; tal they are in inattersoffna,myta, bet
not in masters of cro.ri, (4,.. In 10:1te00 of
duly first though ts are eommonly best —they
have more in them of the t;ed.
A piper printed net a hundred miles from
(loran contained the following advertise.
meta —" Lost, a cameo 1.000011, representing
Venus and Adonie on Paisley I toed. about
ten o'clock on Wednesday evening."
"Ilike to go in bathing with nit. wife 1"
" Why?" " Well, she's ufraid of beiug
t'hoked bs, the breakers, sn there'a a certain
amoun2 of satisfaction in something being
able to make hor shut her mouth."
Sister (in the privacy 00 111010 own mood
—"How do you know, Clara, that Mr.
Nicefello has always associated with eitie
girls ?" Clara—" Because he dwell% make
any 140100 when he kisses."
Unrest in China,
According to latest advices the situation
in China is anything but assuring. A wide.
spread feeling of unrest prevails ; 10/111e in
several places riots have occurred and blood
has been spilled. The whole count ry' seems
to be on the verge of a rebellion. A de-
spatch front Shanghai says ; " The whole
empire is in 0 ferment ; Pekin is in a panto ;
foreign volunteers are drilling assiduously
in Shanghai 3 warships are hurrying front all
parts of chtneso itud Japanese waters up to
the Yangtsze, and the yellow bosom of the
Eldest Son of the Ocean ' is covered 103111
the men-of-war of Great, Britain, America,
Franee and Germany, while the quick
cruisers of Russia and Spain aro hag ming
for the protection of people of their nation-
ality from tile South and further east. The
air is full of trouble and the Centrol Gov-
ernment of Pekin is simply paralyzed with
terror at the seriousnese of the situation."
This despatch is confirmed by the Steamer
Empress of %din, lately arrived at Vie -
thrive B.C., which reports that the whole
southern portion of China is in a state of
turinoll, law itnd order being set at defiance,
and atoned liands of plunderers making busi-
ness almost impossible. What adds to the
tierroustioss of the situation as seen through
European and American eyes is the eireum.
stance that the feeling of hostility against
foreigners is very marked, and that several
have already been killed. Of course there
aye agitators and conspirators, and 111000 0,08
maid to be stiering up the natives againsb
the foreign residents who live in constant
fear of being atm:kW at any moment.
That this is bad news no one will deny.
And yet, it is a question that America (in-
cluding both the United St:steamed Canada)
may ask, Is there not some justification for
this opposition to foroignera? Have Ameri-
cans 5110011 themselves worthy of the hospi-
tality of the Celestials? True, we do not kill
the Chinese when they come to us, and in
thee respect are getting more than we give.
Wo should not forget, however, that those
who sot to 0410)1g8 1118111551815 do not always
stop when they hove rendered a full eguivas
lent, May not this be our sevenfold 1000111.
Dense returned into our bosom ?
Neither Did Re,
Niece (whispering)—" Now, Uncle Hiram
1113. 1110 give you Al hint. Here in town w0
rtover oat pie with a knife,"
'Uncle Hiram (from Hawcreek)—" Gosh t
Neither do I," Mandy. Any way suits
(takes 1140 3)1800 of pie up in his fingers,)
singular MAO of e, lark returning to Rs
captivity is reported from Annan, 14. 30 0.
splendid singer,' and has often been shown,
having been in the possession of its preeent
owner for several years. Every morning
during the summer months it Ivas placed
above the door outside of the house. A few
weeks ago a, storm of 011111 dashed cage and
bircl to the ground, The end of the cage 1413(8
knocked oet, 01141 the bird escaped, Ono
inornitig, at the expiration of three weeks,
the lark suddenly. appeared hovering round
its fernier home and showing unmistakable
signs of a desire to be restored to its nw
quarters, The come leateredt 088
hung up in the urinal plasm 3 the bird int
Inediately entered the door, end, being sup.
plied with food nod Water, ones more IWO-.
(leaded in its accuetomed manner to enliven
the neighborhood meth its straiti.