HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-8-28, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST AIM 2S, 1891 „.„,,,,„„c„,„",,,..2.dzurdadezdfldanamr.r.w=irinemds=cam,„,,,, TrrlmrraivrvvmmzRuemomgeufmmtupdmrm-z-mmvyzrxxosxdtrasnmxddtez.dta=osgm.,,,,=zgo:trd=r=.-Aemmkrdx2.oz tzevesrapi niMritt Itc43,5+ talon to t I 'rho large frame streetare known ail the town hall and meaket building, with eoutentik, was totally deetrovod by fire here Sunday morning. Loss on building and mini/nets, $4,600 ; Ineuranoe, Inoenkliariem was andoubteilly the muse. filly tit. Dr. Milne, of 13lyth, let the contraet for the emotion of 13 handsome leriolt house that ie 10 cost between three and fonr thougand dollars. Richard Hey. wood, of Oliaton, will do the brickwork, and Meesrs. W. Cooper and T. Molien- ole, of Clioton, the frame work. 1111 Apple buyers lure already on their roulade. Fan wheat le going la with it meta A large acrettge will be sowed this year. W. J. Roe, a student of the Philadel. phia, l'a„ Dental College, is visiting his parente. Among thriee who were encoessful in seeming new oettillosaes at Winnipeg re- oently we notice the following ;--SeCOnd class, pada A, Wm. 0. Hartley, Seraph Blackwell ; gmtle 13, Kate Calder ,k Third 010.1s, grade 13, Maggie .1M. Forrost. Croitatroolt. Mix. '1'. Watson, of 13lyth, woo visiting at the mama for about two iveeks. She returned home lad week. There was a Inver meeting mid it dance bela in the village Tnesciay even. Mg of Ibis week. It is needless to say that the tutteudaucke at the dance was huger than that et the prayer meeting, Miss Jennie Chesney, of New York, was visiting at the manse, Creithroult, last week, Mies Chesney visited the prineipal oities in Canada and game to the conclusion that Toronto is the pad. tint oily in the Dominion. at`V 'al too. Win. Neal and wife spent Sendey in Lak 0101, Mise Minnie Dorsey, of Seaforth, is visiting Id Lewis MoDonald's. Robt. Livingston, of Milverton, is visit- ing at Mr. Jones', Somebody us not in it now. Who is the young man who, not as usual, had to walk alone on Sunday? Beware of Bob. 12 o'clock bulleeins, fo r the instruction of early walkers, are getting very 0000' 01011 in our town, Alex. Gardiner has perchased the stock feral belonging to P. 1,1e.Ewen, pay- ing therefor e3,000. Mrs. Hugh Robb, Nellie and Miss Mo' Lean, of Seaforth, spent a few dap' with Airs. Geo. Campbell last week. A. number of our young people are leaving us tho first of next week to at- tend the High school at Seeforth. 31 10 repoi•ted that ;Tes. Welsh will re- move to Seaforth before long. He will be missed very moll should he leave. The Literary Society of S. S. No. 11, Walton, is again organized with G. Fer- guson as President. Ito affears are boomina. Al the recent examination for leacher(' Miseee M. A.. Blair, Maggie Simpson, Martha and Mary Stnillie set:weeded in obtaining certifies/Les ; the limb three getting Seconds and the last a Third. We congratulate them on their F000055 and leme they meat be as successEul through life. Last Sunday the worshippers ab St. George'e church were surprised un enter- ing the church to find that some evil dia. posed person or persons had plaeed a bountifel supply of brinks iu one particu- lar seat and on the chairs on the plat. form. Such oonduot looks like that a a pereon who never attends church but ie conclusive evidenoe of their great need to do so. Wina-lbot to. Stanley Watson, of Lower Winghturn, aged about 12 years, fell from a butter- nut Mee 011 Sunday and broke his left arm. A tug/of.wer between employees of the G. T. R. residing in NVinglituna and a team °home from the regnlar citizens is talked of. If someone would tuna a Gatling gun into the crowd of dogs which daily hover amnia ma Josephine street it would be doing a good deed. A baseball match between the school board and a team chosen from the member0 01 1136 town eounoil is perhaps one of the sporting events of bhe near fame in NVingham. 3, W. Onrry, 00113131 00 behalf of De. tective Lucas, has seoured an interim in- junction restraining A.. J. OonOver of Wingliam or Mrs. Conover from dispos. ing of any property they may hold until the present (Merge of forgets is disposed ot. The appliokution will ocene before the Comity Court at Goderich on Fridey, The A.dvemoe says :—An accident oe. °erred at the pio-nto on Monday which sommehat marred the pleaeure of the baseball match. A. battet accidently let the bat slip from lais hand and it struok A. H. Musgrove in the hollow of the chin. Luoluly no teeth were knooked Ma although the wound is sore enough, the under lip being badly out. Mr. Mus- grove was baiting parb in the match and WaS sitting on the grase about forty feet from the batter awaiting his turn to strike. Moms ABOtre GAantrYT. ^ Detective Lucite, of Seattle, Washington State, who has been in Toronto for the past two nionthe in connotation with the Garbutt extradition case, ie not at all satisfied to Id t the statemeets of W. G. Murdoch, manse! fee Garbutt, go uncontradioied. Mr. Murdoch went to NVaehington last, week to endeavor to have hia client's case kinked upon favorably by the Secre• May of State fund in the iMetview with a Washington oorreeponclenb he made statements whim Detective Lucas takes exeeption to, For instiame, it is olairried by the defence that Cilimbutt was in NVinghean from the Dit to the 5th of aferall ineineive and theeefore could not have oomettted the mime with whiell he is ()barged in Tome 011 Marcel 2n31. Soy. oral residents 01 Wingliam claimed to have seen and talked with Garbutt on the dates inentioried, and the main reason for their temilectieg eo Well wes that there rem mole at the time and Mom wove held in consomme° ab whioll Garbutt attended. Tho doteetiee has since aseettained that there Wae no mow at Winahato at the time, and several of the witnesses nola admit that they "Word mistaken and 1110.1 11 was after the 611) ot Metall that they ettW Garbutt, Veer Wiliam vet/admit/a lie woe, teetify that Gitehutt came to Winghtun on Ole Lehi aL 11 a.. m., hiarch lith (election diva mil 111131 they remember 1110 otieurrenee per• featly on neeount of the Mot land they were looking out for voters. "It le quite poeikible," Doteotive 1,310310 states, "fss man to be in Texas on Maroli 2101 and in Wingletni, Ont., on March lith, Our eon. tontien is that the forgery 3000 (lona mitted li3tle eater 8 o'clock ou the 2al1 of altureh, and that tho prisoner took the 0 o'cleck train thet morning. The long. est time the through journey takoe ikk 65 home from Van Alytine or Sherman, Texas, and that alloWS for a, utop over of six hours in Obioago. In Teem the banks npon one hour earlier than here and there ia oleo A difference of an boge in the time. Then the dietence from here to Texas is only 1,500 miles. Now," he said Maher, "the banke would have no (Meet perseoating an hutment man, and 11 110 proves his 114001101100 in Texan he can secure ally amount of (tankages from them who have insti- tuted them proceedinge. There are 20 witheesee in Tomo6 tlaat can tell at a, glance if Garbutt is the right or wroug man, and if dry 4o,y ho ie not tale Man there will be no hew of any Ruttier trouble for him." With regard to the statement made by Mr. Murdoch that there was no indictment against; Garbutt, Detective Lomas Metes that there is both indictment and warrent. He complains that the only object 01 11113 p1000111 0000130 of the defence is to increase the expense of the proseoution, as there mai be no doubt but 11101 111 the end the prissuer must go to Texas anti etand trial, laieeto aa• 01. D. Bober attended the ebologeapbers' Coueention whioh was beld in Hamilton last week. The days for the fa 1 meeting of the Listowel Driving Park Ims been fixed for Oct. 711) and 801. Rev. M. Turnbull, of Kinoardine, preached the annual sermon to the Canndian Order of Foresters last SIM - day. The sale of cheese at the fair in Lis. towel on the 13t11 inst., WM probably the largest even: made at any eingle tair in Canada, 12,550 boxes wore boarded and every box3(118sold, nearly ell bringing fla and 9+ cents per pound. and represent- ing an aggregate value of over $80,000.00. Nicholas Krotz, who has for a good number of years been in the employ of John Biggs of the 777 store, has decided to go into businese for bimeelf, and will open out with a uew stook of general dry goods, etc., in a few days, in the store on Wallace street owned and lately occupied by A.. D. Freeman. 31.6 a pleating of the Council tut Toron- to Junction a claim Wall put in by the lien Manufacturing Cm for 48,000 damages on account of the proposed steel bridge and improvements on the Western Road at the rear of the furni- ture factory. The subway lauas com- mittee brought in a report recommend- ing payment to the Hess Co. of $4500 in full of their claim, the company to oon• vey to the town 200 feet of their land measured along the lane to the south of their property,' the town to grado the 033,010 330 an approach to the Western Road bridge and the company to have the 000 01 mane for all time to come. (knee some discussion the report was adopted and notice was giVen of a by•law to carry out the offer of agreetnent. John MeLamblin's now briolt rekii• 11(1,1114, on 111,1 12111 eon., iH 111114 looking ; building. 3111, Meek wora was! (10110 by Mestere. Pugh ke whew' repute. Lion for good workmaoship 111 4(011 known. The °emelt at their 15.111 11103111131 fixed the township rate fer thie rem ab 0110 and six -11811th milk The Co, rate ill two awl oile-teuth milk and tiar, school ride eight-tentals 01 11 mill, New Reezniceme.---Jainee Turebuil's 11040 briek residence, lot 5, con. 1, to re. place the one 110(14°30d lakit Spring by aro, 10 aPPrOaelling e0Mplotion. The "Lew building is 2/1313l1 feet, with 20 foot male. .11 1300 a ondage teiof and metallie shingles. Mamma Coomben a; 'McDonald did 0 good job with 1(141 1)0101) Work. The brick hi red with white eorners. NV. leitullater is doing the ourponter work. When oompleted Mr. Turnbull will lieve one of the moot oomfoetable homes in the townehip. The work hae been method ahead very energetioally and will be oom- p'eted before many weeks roll by, At wood. New fall e heat is being brought into town, Mrs. Benson, of Cobourg, sistee of Airs. 3. W. MoBain, and Mrs. 3.31.. Turnbull, was visiting in this locality this week. More (veddings are SpOlien of, a,nd local prophet prediots a big boom in the matrimonial market during the poet three months. The brialdayers commenced work on R. AI. Ballaatyne's and J. Elunap's bloeks last week. Mrs. Porterfield's handsome residence is ready for the bricklayers. Wm. Marshall has improved the ap. peareame of a, number of buildings in the village this emson with his paint brush. The latest to don a new dross is II. Pope'd harems shop. A. mammoth equaah, grown by R. Ballantyne, may be seen at J. Irwin's store. It weighs 28 pounds, and would have weighed ninch more had not Immo little scallywag prematurely severed it from the vine. W. T. Farrell, son of A.. Farrell, Elm', and for sometime engaged at school teaching in Turnberry township, has ac- cepted the position of commereial travel- ler for a firm in St. Louis, Mo., with a respeotable salary of $75 per month. Ths .Epworth League starts on its «emend half -year's work, The prayer meetings whieh have beet the most pro_ fitable, will' be held eachFriday even- ing, exoept the Snit of eakah month whioh is literary evening. Ab this the League paper, edited by J. W. Ward and 5, Shawnee, will be read. 311 will contain original and eelectecl nutter furnished by 'numbers, and will be (sailed "The Lantern," bemuse its mission 10 10 ehine. Subeariptim price to members, regular attendance promply at the hour of 1)1ee6- 13131. C3, re Mrs. Henry Ball left for Lipsoin to see her mother who is ill, Mita Rachel Roe has rehurned from a, plearkant visit of two weeks with reletivea in Gonda and vicinity. Tina I'osa will be sent to new Babel -crib.. ert1 for the balance of 1801 for 40 oonts meta Dont botrow eny longer. Com ILILLED.---A. yearling Oliver Wilkes colt, owned by Thos. Strachan, of Grey, which had basil kit with Kidd &Oa., of Listowel, foe training for the dolt Mattes, met ite death intim tly a few days ago, It reared up on Re hind feet, atriking ibo head age/1310e a post, and (implied dead, evidently from 001101501011 of the brain, It Wue Walled al 31500, mut gave promise of being 13115 04110331001 of the fifteen mite entered to 1110 stakes, it having Made an eighth of a mile in 26 amends on its first trial. Stoneman STUDENT..—LVBSS Ella A. McNeil woe a nemesia oancliclate at the recent tenahere examieatione, obtaining a, Second Claes Cortificate, llor Third elms grade was seamed ftern the Publio echool and olio taught with marked ability tor three years tt ono section. Mim McNeil then attended Goderieh High 130110010011 almilt 13133 Menthe witl the above tesult. May her modem in the pest be an iedex of tuber° prosperity Miee McNeil purposes attending this iseselen (af. the Normal seluaol 111 Ottawa Mrs, Chns. 00415011 113 on the slick fiat. Wm. Patterson and Mee, Daniel LIMIS oontinue in pear health. On Saturday hum Henry Stevens wee Laken severely ill 11111 10 ttb'e again to be at his work, The butcher shop in opened up again and Ma Pattersoe 114 110 et/1141104 im 1 ru • liable to over. Rev, Me. Geddes, M. A., of White. ehureh, preached lash Sunday morning for Rev. Mr. Hartley, in his absenee. The 3411101 11031 fence Around the new 13,1011103114 church are reeeiving a °eat of paint this week. ,Tolin continues to gild and beautify. The di pute bete/Neu Mr. Heaney 'Led the 1114131000 01 the new °indult littit been settled waived recaurse to the 001114 1, each side mekip,a conceekkions. NV. II. Stewart jr. and IRMA. Stewart both enaceeded et the late examination. We congratulate them on their suocess and on the high standing apd proficiency to which they have attained. Next Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Wall - win will preach in the Methodist ohurch at 7 o'clook. Last Sunday evening be supplied for the chairman, the Rev. S. Sallery, 13. D., in Wingliem. On Tuesday next, Sept. 2n31, the Dis- trait Meeting of the Methodist (Murata Wingham Distriot, will be held hero. During the day the financial affairs of the Diseriet will be transacted, and in the evening at 8 o'olook there will be a publio meeting to which all are invited. Addresses will be given by tbe new men of the District, viz :—Rev. E. A.. Shaw, of Wroxeter ; Rev. 3% 11. Dyke, of Bel - grave• and Rev. 0. F. Salton, of Bens. eels. 'A. silvet collection will be taken at the door. Weaoxe raw. Onr base ball players attended the tournament at Gorrie on Thursday. Miss Agnes Jameson, of Stow, Scot- land has been visiting at Rev. Geo. 13rown's. Thos. Gibson, al. P. P., has gone on a, trip to Scotlatel. Mrs. Gibson did not go. 011140.—Lost Tuesday one of the best known and most highly iespected men in thio oommenity, viz, Rev. George Brown, went home to enjoy tho reward of the faithful. The deceased was a native of Stow, Roxboroughshire, Soot. land, and was born in the year 1815, aud consequently would have been 76 years of age, bad he lived until tho 15111 of Sep- tember. He studied for the ministry and was sent by the Free Church of Scot- land aa a missionaryto the West Ladies. He was thi ree years n Trinadad and six years in 3ainacia, and was theu obliged to leave owing to the climate not agreeing with him In 186e he came to New Brunswick where he resided 6 years and then aecepted a ma to Wroxeter where he was pastor for 22 years, resigning three years ago owing to increasing years. The revetend gentlemen was a general favorite with all and was an excellent premium. His death was ;occasioned by paralysis and other complications. Like 85. Paul the end had nothing dark or forboding to the snbject of this notioe and he died as he lived—;rusting in his Saviour. Mrs. Brown, who lime been a help.ineet indeed to the departed and three children (Alre. T. W. Gibson, of Toronto ; Mrs. 'P. Gibson, of Brussels ; and Geo. Brown, teacher at Cumberland) are left to mourn the boss of a loving husband and tun affectionate father. The funeral took place on Thursday tut 3 p. m. Rev. Mr. Muir, of Forcluviob con - cleated the service. Fhr.himl. Robb. Wileon, of Breesels, is engeged with S. Nicholl as bleakarnith. 7, A. Young taught 0.05140.1 days this week relieving Geo. Dobson at S. S. No. 5, Grey. Last week Robt. MoKelvey WaS quite ill tuna under the dootor's oare but he ha better again. Min L. Sherlook will attend the model eehool at Walkerton and will leave next week. 'IVs wish her aumess, lair. Peebles sr, had oce of his arma badly injured in 1,110 340303,1011) on Monday by being caughl in the machinery. . Heevey Dobson hes been daungorously ill with inflaminatiou 051110 bowels but is now improving we ere pleased to state. The position of head miller in Reeve Milne's mill has been taken by George Brewster, of Clifford, a former reeident 01 31111101, An onterteinment will be held by the Sons of Teinperance next Tneaday, Sol% 1st, at which the grand win thy patriarch 15 expected to deliver an addrees. A. Mechanics' Inatibute has been orgam• ized in Ethel, arid the following officers have been eluded ; Pres., Dr. Cale ; ViomPres, Geo. Dobson ; Sem, 01. P. Simpron 1 Trona., II. F. MeAllieter ; Libre/rime, 3. Holloway ; Directors—L. Bakmier, 3. Solloway,NV. 0017610, 7. Clober, O. Sttibbs, D. Milne, NV. Swam NV. Milne, G. Itnlay. A. large number of numbers have joined (311)1 1.110 Institute te expected to boom. Dr. 00.10 10 11pushee and 1-k ably emended by the other Mficere. Ttleeday 00 41110 week Mar- tha, beloved wife of David Henderson, died from a paralytic stroke received the Thursday previous, 171110 VMS the third attack, the first having ended hee about 4 years ago. '1110 deceased was the daughter of the late Menge Wallace, of Brume/a and WAN born in Ayrshire, Semland. She Wag unitea 141 IR image 1 1 to Mr. Ilendereon tubont 21. years ago. I The humid took place on Wednesday . afternoon, Rev. D. 13, McRae, of Oran - brook, offtaiethig, The interment WM . outdo et Brussels eetnetery. 17...... '5.T EL L Royal Mail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE VoRTNIoRTLY R1431.10310 100O51 PORTLAND 011 HALIFAX, en DERRY on 1,1 Vie R POO L. RATBS, $4(1, tans awl *on, unous; 9040., $90 and 19 4 0 Return, imam:ding to Location of biatuloom. INTEIMEDIA TN, Outward MD; Prepaid 539 Steerage 111 fewest name. AmenitikedallOnS rnaspIMS)41`41. Apply to 31,40 A. ALLAN, Montreal, 011 W1. 3I. li10ii24, Aunn, Bimmoo.s. Ilam and Eage _ Eggs limeo drooped in 111.1110, 80 has our Lido Stuck of Prime SMOKED IftalliS, BREAKFAST BACON ma, HIDE MEAT All of Our Own Curing. We also Mannfitethre 13010311111 Staisego. 3)0114011501 110100 industry by culling on us. Give me 0(1111 (did prove the truth. fulness of the above sademeets. Win. Blashill, Butcher. ENTIRE HORSES AND MARES FOR &ILE. The subscriber offers the following Well-bred Animals for Sade: "Cadiz" ((1504), Vol. 11; ..Earl oE Breaclalbane" (6700), Vol. II. These horses are 8 yeara old ; heavy draught. "Lagen Chief," 6 years old, heavy draught, One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im- ported stook on both sides; heavy draught. "Prince of Douglaa, a road or carriage stallion, rising 8 years; imported. One Heavy Draught Mare, 6 years old imported; with foal. One Canadian bred Marc, heavy draught, rising 6 years, with foal by her side. One Mare Foal, from imported stook on both sides. One Gelding, 3 years old, heavy draught. TER5t0 will 1)0 Made to Respoesible Perdu. The above mentioned stook may be seen, pedigrees seuured and priees ob- tained by applying to A. Pell? MAU , 26. Bnusseas P. 0 Why Not Do Your )wn Thinking? —131 Dineseme, November 801,1810. 7.11. Melmon, Doclerlob, Mum should have written before now 10 101 yen know how r am getting along. I am a lot better than I was; gaining strength every day. I have u, good appetite and sleep well. 100.11 balm the full quantity ot the System Renovator and it does not siolten me. My limbs are ell right now ; quite smart in that way; swelling all gone. The great thirst is gOne; I drink no water et night, but I take a little buttermilk. I 1101 quite straight again. Sen., me another bottle of your System Renovator. 0eU10,e40., 4.330. Dmictue, FOURTEEN 310130II0 LATE% Baresons, February 703, 1891. J. id. 11toLnon,Goderieb, DEAR.Sua—anfteen voars ago last Novem- ber I started to doctor ilrst ; I was treated for dyspepsia, but they 503,50 helped me any. At Ulnae I suffered greatly from nay etomaell ; I oontfuned, but I grew WOMO. I turned droptioal ; limbs and body, swelled bodly. Yon 013007 1110 state I wall m when O went to Goderich—a mere wreck, could hardly walk—suffering from Tiright's dis- ease. Just one yew. ago lost tall I began your Renovator and 91,50160 Cure, I began to mend in a few days ; continued thou for three mouths steady. Although I vas told could not he cured, if 3011 WV Ina 11007. well aid hearty ; eat everything that comes in the way. I owe you the prattle of saving my 3100. I was in a hopeless eouclition when I vent to von, in feet no one thought I would get better, 1 cannot speak too highly of you and of your medieinos, for it was ttem that cured um. Words canuot express my thanks to you. Freely pass niy name to anyone, Tours, OS DUNCAN, Soma no 3. T. PEPPER, BRUSSELS. ndigestion IS not Only a distressing complaint, of itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en- feebled, is the parent of innumetable tnaladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best cure for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, — "Liver complaint and indigestion Made my life a burden and canna near, ending my exiatence. For more than four years 1 suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and bardly bad strength to (Wag myself about. All kinds of food distressed um, and only the most delicate could be digested at 11. NVithin the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re- lief. Nothing that 3 took monied to do any permancnt good Until 24 minnameed the Uso of Ayer's Sarsepernia, which has produced wonderfnl resulle. Soon after cominenaiug to take the Sarsapa- rilla, 3 could 050 1311 improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food &Own, >373,' strength im- proved each (lily, and mow: tu few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found inyself 03well women, able to attend to ell honsehold duties. •The mediaino huts given me a new loam of life.' Ayor Sarsaparilla, PREPARED 310 Dr. J, c. Ayor & co., Loma, Mass. Price el; air Winos, $t. woo& Via betite. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment 011 real ostate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels, ESTERN FAIR September 17 to 28. O.ANABA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL, Industrial and Art Exhibitiol Ig8tabnabed 1868. LARGE I101'RE,1SR laningITS AND ATTENto,kfiCE , YEAR, 1890 WA good, but 1501 will bp better. $25.00 IN PRIZES 1 Attraetions, eta., which are being arranged for, will surpass any yet prodneed, SPECIAL EXCURSION BATES ON ALL NYS. Entries dose Sept. 19111, For Prize LiSts and information apply to CAPT. A.. W. Ponre, TUGS. A. Bnowee, President. Secretary. DL SINOLAIII, 11.13.10 ,31., L.C.P.S .0., ,M.C.P.S.111., Specialist, - Toronto, JONATHAN BLISCHART, Listowel, says " After spending all my money mid property to no purpose on m &Beal men, for what they termed a hopeless case or consumption, Dr. Sinolair cured me." Mts. MART 3IIII1,0740, W00(100080, 01378 "When allothera failed, Dr. Sinelair cured me of fits.". D. ROBERTSON, Carleton Place, says :— "Dr. Sinclair cured nie of Catarrh.. Goo, Rowno, Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sinclair oured Ma of heart disease ;tug dropsy, when all others failed." Disposes of Private Nature, brought 018 by folly, .Dr. Sinclair certainly Cures. Cosa.o.u.ltatioul. Free. WXLL BE AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, —ON— Friday, Sept. 25th, '91, MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount Of Jn1il' 141 Loan, on Farm or Village Pro- perty 1131 6 & t3 Per Colt., Yearly. Straight Loans with priviloge yr repaying when requirefl. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussel& MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY LOWEST RATES, Private and Compan y FtlIl A I? P.F...A7 TO J.C.Heffernan, J.A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 01041 — - Harvest ExcursioRs, From all Stations in Ontario Retnra Rates to 111ETEVEN HARTNEY DELORAINE MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH 1235013131 MOOSEJA.W YORKTON CALGARY $28.00 $30.00 PRINCE ALBERT $35.00 TO lOave all natl.:3,1:: ne Province of AUGUST 11TH, Bettuoula"beWZP- AUGUST 18TH, Rtrberug'Imiet' SEPT'R 1ST, R3tur It] 9,"111. c - 01t Parties tiaketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to 050- 1e01 171011 the 11 n. m train leaving August 1>111,1011,13313 September, 381,1001, For further partioulars apply to any agent of the Company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent. E3 russele. pansormentamenleum84.184,81118.18 YOU can reach some of the trade all the time. YO -O can reach all the trade some of the time, -0TL - YOU caimot reach all the trade all of the time --117 IC 0 T..7— Hvertise in THE BRUSSELS POST. - CONFEDERATION LIFE, — Organized 1871. Bead Office, Toronto. Remember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable. FREE FROM ALL RESTRICITIOM AS TO RESIDENCE, TRAVEL OR OCCUPATION Paid-up Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in eatili Policy. THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY Anfonne 31000330111 PlloWECTION AGAINST EARLY BEATH; 3)1100I0E0 AN INCOME IN OLD ARE, AND IS A 00011) Initeentio101, Policies are NomForfeitable after the Payment of Two full annual Premium. Profite, whioh are Unexeelled by any Company doing business in Cemada, am; elloMeed every five years from the issue ot the policy, or at longer periods, ea may be seleoted by the insured. Profits so Allocated are Abeolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future tinao 'leder any oironinstances. Partioipating Policy fielders are entitled to not less than 00 Per oettt. of MO profits earned in the class, and for the past seven years have actually received 00 per cent, of the profits so earned. W. 0. MACDONALD, Amara 3. K. MACDONALD, MA14.10/101 Diunesett. W. EL XCER/111, alp:cant, lerUSSelth.to 11101.111111MINIMIOM'a Ptil'COLL BROS. & CO. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CELEBRATED "LA OINE ?" )SPEC iMIES(— Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness, MANT.TPAOTURERS licOOLL BROS. SG 00., TO1I01TO. 44.0311 For Sale by It GERItt Brunetg,