HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-8-28, Page 44 TIIE BRUSSELS POST AUG. 28, 1891
New Advertisements,
Local -Wm. Ross.
Local -Geo. (food,
Loeitl 1 hl e, Fletcher,
Local --Geo, Thotneen.
Locals ---1)r. Ayer k C,,,
Dry Goods --A, it. Smith.
Jersey cattle -Cl. A, 1/maintop,
Clearing sale.. -Ferguson & Halliday,
advertising -Pen Publishing Limey.
} e ,s rlisst k '11rr5t,
I+12Ir)Atl•, ,IUU. ?b, 11191.
Tole Toronto World says ;---The Con-
servative papers of Quebec might very
wisely cease attempting to defend sir
Hector Langovin from the charge of in.
duty. In
�• neglect of t
a and
this respect be is indefensible, and the
more gracefully the truth is ackuowledged
thegfor him d his life-long ;shim
beftet b n au
HENNnnin 11EAToa, M. 1'., says be ex -
pacts every moment to hear that ocean
penny postage has been instituted in au.
Oordance With an intimation convoyed
to him by the British Government. Mr.
Heaton sailed for Australia last week.
Ile leaves in full confidence that Cana•
da's irresistible claim to immediate
peony postage to and from England will
be strenuously pressed.
Tne Dominion Government is an an-
onMaly and its reoeut moves far from
siatesmenlike. First Senator Abbott be.
comes Prime Minister ; then Senator
Carling holds the fort as Minister of
Agrioultnrs and now Senator Frank
Smith becomes Minister of Public
Works. Not one of the three are re-
sponsible to the people of Canada as
they have sought safe harborage in the
Tug Ontario Government having look
ed into the working of the Septennial
Benevolent Society, has decided that
their plain is unworkable, end the follow•
ing order in Council appeared in the
Ontario Gazette of Saturday :-Referring
to the order in Council of 18th Jane last,
and upon consideration of the report of
the Honorable the Provincial Secretary,
dated 5th of August, his Honor the
Lieutenant -Governor, by and with the
advice of the Executive Council of 0n•
tario, has been pleased to order, and it is
hereby ordered,that the corporate powers
of "The Septennial Benevolent Society"
be revoked pursuant to seo. 10, ch. 89,
53 Vic.
MA01TOU' crop reports are to the effeot
that though there has been frost no
damage has been done, It is to be hoped
that it Is true that little or no injury has
yet ocourred but itis seldom that the
frosts, which come regularly some time
during the third or fourth week of Aug.
prove harmless, The wheat shows little
sign of injury at first, but later the ef-
fects appear. The frosts have, undoubt-
edly, been light so far and as the great
percentage of the wheat area has now
been brought under better cultivation,
which to some extent prevents serious
damage except from hard frosts, and as
millers have learned how to deal with
frozen wheat, it may be hoped that the
value of the crop has not been greatly re-
The annual meeting for 1891 of the
Ontario Branch of the Dominion
Alliauoe will (D. 1,'.) be held in Richmond
Hall, 26 Richmond 08. West, Toronto, on
Tuesday, September 158b, commencing
at 9 a. on.
Never in the history of Canada were
the situation and outlook of the Temper-
ance cause more full o£ interest Ilion
they are today. The question of Pro.
Whitton has been forced upon Parlia-
ment, and its advocates will no longer
allow 18 to be ignored. Churches are
speaking out more strongly than ever
before. The liquor traffic is being
crowded within narrower limits, Right
publio sentiment is steadily pressing with
intense energy for further restrictions,
and ultimate prohibition,
Two matters will specially clothe the
attention of the Convention :-(1) The
National Situation. (2) Our Position as
a Province. The Temperance people did
not ask for the Prohibition Commiseion-
they did not think it necessary ; but now
that it has been resolved upon, it is their
' duty to do all they can to make its inves-
tigations es complete and effective as
possible, Our Ontario Local Option
Law is before the Court of Appeal. If
it is sustained, as we confidently hope it
will be, we must he prepared to strike
boldly at once to bring our Province
under its stringent provisions of total
Prohibition. If it falls, we should at
once demand a broader, fuller, and un-
assailable measure of Prohibition for this
Province. We must also further prase
for all the immediate general prohibitiotne
that we San imoure from our Provincial
The Allianoe, as an organization, is
not ho any sense in competition with any
other organisation. It is simply the
Legislative Committee of the various
temperance sooietiee and workere. It is
composed of members and delegates.
Any Temperance or Church Organiza-
tion that contributes annually one dollar
or upwards to the fund of the Alliance
is considered a branch, and hie a right
to send to the Convention one delegate
for every dollar mo oonteibuted. Iu ad.
dition to the delegates so constituted,
any temperance ;worker approving of the
objects of the Alliance may become a
member by paying one dollar or more,
It is epeoially requested that all ohnrehes
and temperance 80ofetfes will kindly
tinned themselves with the A lianee ten
the plan above named, and that as far ss
possible they with appoint representatives
to the approaching Ceuventlon.
The time for the Convention Inas been
fixed to suit the eonvonienee of those who
desire to visit the Termini Industrial Ex.
hibitiou, Iu the second week the ex.
hibltion is at its beat, and the raflwav
rates are lnweet. Our friends can take
Tuesday for the Convention, and have the
remainder of the week for si ht•eeein •.
All raiiwass will sell tickets to 'Torauto
and return for a single face. Lockett;
will be good to return up to Monday,
September 21st. No eertilleates are
necessary. Delegate„ will simply per.
obese return tickets when leaving Home.
On Monday, 140, there will be an ex-
cursion at ti still lower rate, full partic-
ulars 0f which will be advertised in 000•
motion with the exhibition. Tioket good
to return up to the disi.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met at the ,Morris town
hall on August 17th,pureertut to adjourn-
ment. Members all present, Reeve in
the chair, minutes of last meeting read
and passed. On motion of Messrs,
Proctor and Caldbick the Clerk was in.
siructed to notify the engineer to locate
u drain from N?, lot., 8 and 9, con, 7, al,o
a ,brain from loos 19 and 18, con. 9, Ire
soon as the necessary papers are filed.
On motion of Messrs. Iiirl.b)' and Cold -
hick the Clerk was iustrected to notify
the engineer to locate a drain front S} lot
16, con. 8, as snow as the necessary re-
quisition is filed. 'Moved by Geo, Kirk-
by, mended by 0, Caldbick that 525.00
be expended in grading and gravelling on
sideline between lots 10 and 11, Sl eon,
1, the job to be let by Mr. Ifowe.
Carried, Mr. Proctor voting nay. On
motion of Messrs, Kirkby and Proctor
the following accounts were ordered to
be paid :--Jas. Watson, gravel, 518.00 ;
Jas. Martin, gravel, 97,72 ; P. *Murphy,
charity, 54.00 ; 1'. Strachan, gravel, 51,-
40; D. Herrington, gravel, 93.30; E,
Bosman, gravel, 519.24 ; D. Ferqubar-
son, gravel, 56.30 ; Geo. Peacook, gravel,
510.70 ; Wm. Taylor, gravel, 50.10 ; Jno.
Hays, gravel, 51.'33 ; I. Farrand, con-
tract on north boundary, 520.00; W. H.
Kerr, printing and advertising, 526.76 ;
Wm. Ellis, digging ditch on Si lot 29,.
con. 4, as per engineer's award, 5151.58 ;
Lewis Bolton, engineer's expenses, 58.00;
Jas. Martiu,gravetling on East boundary,
502.70 ; Quintin MoBlain, emending
gravel on East boundary, 515.00 ; John
Hays, keeping insane indigent, 515.00:
1. Farrand, gravelling on centre sideline,
523.57 ; P. J. Felty, repairing Hogg's
and Clark's bridges, $46.00; E. Oliver,
inspecting and spreading gravel, 52.00 ;
Jas. Myna, gravel, 55.00 ; Wm. Watson,
repairing cnlverts, $2.50 ; Jno. Cloakey,
gravelling on sideline, 520.00 ; Isaao
Downey, repairing Bodmin's bridge, 75
oeuts ; Geo, GondEellow, digging ditch,
55.85 ; M. Masters, digging ditch on 6th
line, 58.00 ; C. McClelland, gravel, 54.55;
Jno. MOArter, gravel, 5.1.10 ; Jas. Mo.
Arter, gravel, 58.95 ; Jno. Oakley, gravel,
5.4.74 . D. Errington, gravel, 58.00 ; E.
Littlefair, cedar for road, 512.02 ; E.
Whiteman, gravelling on West boundary,
587.26 ; Corporation of East Wawauosh,
grovel, 512.7.4; Jas. Jackson, spreading
gravel on West boundary, 54.50 ; Jas.
Jackson, repairing culvert, $7.50 ; Chas.
Taylor, culvert on sideline between lots
10 and 10, con. 0, 510.50 ; Wm. Cunning-
ham, repairing culvert, 51.50 ; John
Wallace, re.huildhng culvert at lot 8, 7th
eon., 510.00 ; Sann1. Love, repairing
bridge, 514 50 ; John Somrnerville,
gravel, 55,00 ; John McCaughey, stone
kr road, 59.00 , Win. Tooker, gravel,
52.40 ; F. Wright, gravel, 52.50 ; J.
Golley, gravel, 51.70; Wm. Hopper,
gravel, 85 cents ; W. C. Stratton, grovel,
54.40 ; C. Howlett, grading on centre
sideline, con. 9, $24.00 ; R. Shortreed,
keeping Palmer, 515.00. Bylaws No. 6
and 7, 18111, were duly read and passed.
Moved by Jas. Prootor, seconded by 0.
A. Howe that this Council do now ad-
journ to meet again on the 14811 day of
September. Carried.
W. Gaunt, Clerk.
Perth (county.
DISTRIcx MEETING. -The Lirtowsl Fi•
nancittl District Meeting will be held in
the Methodist church, Trowbridge, on
Tuesday, Sept. 1st, commencing at 1:80
p. m. On the evening of the same day,
at 7:80, a public Sabbath school conven-
vestion will be held, presided over by the
chairman of the district, when the follow-
ing important subjects will be consider-
ed ;-"Children at public worship," Rev,
W. Baugh ; "Christian character in the
teacher and for the work," Rev. T. Amy ;
"Doctrinal teaching in the Sunday
sobool," P. Hepinstnll ; "Why and how
the S. S. may help the home," Rev. J.
Livingston ; Question drawer, Rev. J.
W. Pring. Persons introducing a topio
will be allowed 10 minutes, others limit-
ed to 5 minutes. The choir of the
church will furnish music. A collection
will be taken to defray expenses.
CDIT,-On Thursday morning, Aug.
18th, Mrs. Wm. Ward, of the 5th eon.,
Elmo, dropped over in her chair ani
died instantly, Death was caused by an
old trouble, heart disease, although she
bad been better this summer than for
some years. She rose at four o'olook on
the fatal morning and got breakfast for
her son Joseph, in order that he might
catch the darty excursion train for the
Palle, and was shortly after etrioket
dead in the manner referred to above.
Deceased was born in the county of
Cagan, Ireland, and when two years of
age removed with her parents to the
township of Cavan, Durham Country,
Ont. With her now bereaved husband
she had lived in Elena for 21 years,
during which time she gathered around
her many warm friends by reason of her
loving Chrietian character and neighbor-
ly kindness. She was a faithful and
Consistent member of the Methodist
ohuroh, whose even, loving, unoetenta.
Cons life was a beaediotion to the oorn-
munity in which she lived. She was a
sister of A. Fergn.on, of Morningten,
end leaves in all four children, two in
Manitoba and two boys at home. Her
son Joseph, teacher of S. S. No. 4, is one
of the meet sterling young men of the
township, Mrs, ward died in her 57th
year, The funeral was conducted by
deeeased'e pastor, ltov, D. Rogers, of At.
wood, assisted by Revs, Caswell, of Lie•
towel, and Henderson, of Atwood. One
of the largest and meat repreeontative
funeral proeeseions (95 vehicles) over
witnessed in the townetlip followed the
rerrittins to the Lima Centre e0metery,
Thus lived and the died an indulgent
mother, a kind neighbor and a devoted
Jlrl'ROV1:11 I,l\ItGIf W11IT E YOIRK.
Sllllth 1301.IR,
'Oho nnde'wigued will keep firserviae that
preont sensor the Imin•nved large white
Yorkshire Ng ' In o ly" on lot 20, eon, 0,
Morris, to which as limited number of sows
will bo falcon, Terms 01.00 to La -toad at
Gine of service, with the privilege of return.,
in g
ing If nes ossary, 1 lignin muv 1 o sooU Up•
on 01'pliotsttoe, 1,(1131:181 1111�111>>
1.1 1h•eprietoPruprietc,r,
• 1A1i,61S 1+OR SAL +' TIIL i N•
DSbnaiartan has several goon Farms for
erste and to rent, easy forms, in 'remnants
of Morris and Grey, V. 8, SCOTT. 13rnseele.
E. 010',A1.411.,
class bi1<lines.t rare bargain to 0 cash
pV.r17,I CL'TAt11porchior,Auas. oen-
Being South
Ib:as1 half
f ot 27, oo
100 acres, ard, Good teings,Oue ; bentsrg orchard, Immediate 13,5-
00'5'40",00, 1e iWlA.pp0Lafu,
t1- Suhoitor, ,40., Brussels,
do -reigned offer's 1110 valuable 100 acre
farm, being Lot 12, Con. 0, Grey, for sale.
Thorn are 86 acres umdcre drop, ba lance
timbered. There Is a good nrai,n•d, wells,
&a cattle promthes, besides log house, bank
Nub, 0e. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
I'00 prtee and full particulars apply to W'21,
HAIOIUI0R, oraeeele P. (p., or Jouri IIIW0000,
Sentet0ll, Get, 37.0,0
Iron GALE.—Being west 9 Lot 11, Con. 0,
Grey, "i miles from i300801410 The bnnl is
coed olny loam, well ilrninod, mostly all
cleared and in woad order, Or,s acre of or.
chard In good repair. There to a sever well
spring on the p1• a buildings
mud an extra wall
at the buildings. Tbetabldiugsaro conifort-
lLble. Would take ennoble property in or
near Brussels as part pay, For further par -
Maulers apply ou tbo premises to
or address Brussels P. 0. 381f
0011030NE33 executors Opfer the John
Lowe farm for sale. The property eousists
of 100 acres, being Lot 10, con. 6, Grey, and
having thereon a drat -class brick house,
bank barn, orchard, wens, never -failing
spring, good fences, da. Abnut 70 acres
cleared, belnne° bush, Poosessiou will bo
glvou next Ball. For further particulars as
to price and terms apply to
W. B. DI0108ON, Solicitor, Brussels,
or to JNO, BDIITS Bxeoutors,
L. J. ,11oARTHUR I
62-tf sib con., Grey.
nEneioNEa offers for sale the north
east quarte rof lot 28, concession 6, Morris,
County of Huron. containing 50 acres. The
land is of lrst quality and in to high state of
cultivation, well feuded and uudsr.drained,
05 acres cleared. Now frame bonne, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good Marna and shod, orchard, etc. Night
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
&Moins the corporation of Brussels. Suit.
able 001m will be given. Title perfect.
3AME5 GRIEVE, Owner,
36. Seaterth P, 0.
SALE,—The undersigned offers for
sale on the most reasonable tel urs, t'Illago
Lot121, or the oorcor of piing and- Jobn
streete,nrnssels. ,Ou the property are a
good cellar, good fram a dwelling, with seven
room and kitchen, pantry and wuouslred.
Bard nail soft water, also tt good frame
stable, driving shed nod ice house. 11,0
Mulldin is are all in iIrst.aloss oder, and
tb ere 35 050 11.1113310 room for another build•
isf3 013 the corner If desired, Price vary ren.
satiable, For terms, &e., apply to
11115, VARY CU101411], Lrussels 0, 0.
112 -ti or to AAII1:121TEn, Dry, Cert 010193,
DRILL, 1891
Men Wanted !
A number of eligible men are wanted for
No. 6 Oompany, 33rd (Huron) Battalion,
which goes to camp at St, Thomas, on
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, Applloatious
should be made at orae ab Dickson h Hay's
otnce, Brussels.
R, 13. HAYS, Certain.
Brussels, Aug. 5, 81.
S Headache
IS a complaint from which many suffer
and few are entirely frog. Its cause
is indigestion and a sluggish liver, the
cure for which is readily found in the
Use of Ayer's Pi118.
"I have found that for sick headache,
caused by a disordered condition of the
stomach, Ayer's Pills are the moat ra
IiabIo remedy." -Samuel 0. Bradburn,
Worthington, Mass.
"After the use of Ayer's Pills for
many years, in my practice and family,
I am justified in saying that they are an
oxeellent cathartic and liver medicine-.
sustaining all the olalme made for them."
W. A. \Vestfall, M. D., V'. P. Austin
& N. W. Railway Co., Burnet, Texas.
"Ayer's Pills are the best medicine
known tome for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases oansed by a dis-
ordered stomach and livor. I suffered
for over three years from headache irn-
digestion, and constipation. I had no
appetite and was weak and nervous
most of the time. By using three boxes
of .Ayer's Pills and at tine same time
dieting myself, I was completely cured,"
Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kansas.
"I was troubled for years with inn.
Enation, constipation and headache; A
few boxes of Ayer's constipation,
used in smart
daily doses, restored mo to health,
They are prompt and effective." -W. K,
Strout, 7deadville, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
rntrenlm b4
Dr. J. 0. Ayer ik Co„ Lowell, Maes.
Ootd by alt Dr545181e and Yleefere Ib Medicine,
In the Next Fifteen D
Our desirable and well assorted stock to be offered
to the Public at exactly
coarr ppue
.�dll B
Every person within 10 miles of Brussels should
take advantage of this Golden Opportunity of secur-
ing High Class Goods at a very low price. Call in
and see the Bargains.
Practical T'atchr)aaker^
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to seouro
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from .Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
Emulates, &o.
/.."Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, &c., in stook.
N. R.—Usurer of Marriage Llconees,
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
II. Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
Ste always in stock and solei
at Close Prices,
If you want a set of Light
or heavy harness I can
supply you.
See ollr Scotch Collars,
the ,wise
±4 'O± T.EI H
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be allowed,'
We have of Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, BCC.
All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or
otherwise, will bitve our prompt attention.