The Brussels Post, 1891-8-21, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST
Ten Minutes,
eitnooe people still believe awl teak, Lai
that butter to be good must take et least
30 minutes, and Settle say an honr, to
churn. The butter that took IA prise
On two mansions at • the Brilssele
Show was lese than ten minutes 1,1 sep•
afating. This cannot be deme, however,
without a good THERMOMETER so as
to have the cream at jest the right tem.
peratare—no guess work will do. We
have just teoeived a stook a these and
E rill Move into our New. Store with the Stone Pavement in front, instead of a sidewalk, when finished,
about Septembor lst.
We will then be prepared to meet all oppositions, as
Everything will be New in Dress Goods ; Everything New in Mantle Cloths ; Everything Ne.w Scotch, Irish,
pleased to supply you. Worsted Coatings and Pantings. Overcoats and Custom Made Suits.
Druggist, Bookseller, &e,
being all glass are easily cleaned, will be English and Canadian Tweeds • Everything New in Worsted and Diagonal Striped ;
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
GoING Serall. OMR° :Amyl m
Mail...... ..... 0:50 um. Mixed 11:40 a.m.
EXureSS 11:5e a.m. Mall . . 3.1111 p.m.
Mixed ........ 9:05 p.m. Express 3l:05 p.m,
coral Iith)s Pins,
chielar amang ye Wein' notes,
An faith he'll prent it.
Sulam reduced. Geo. Good.
IMMITEE Division Court next Tuesday,
24th W.f.
QUARTS and it gallon jare very obertp.
Geo. Good.
FALL meet; ou Brussels Drivi us Park
. toolay (Friday.)
TERESIIINo machines and their steam
eugines are on the move again.
SPECIAL. -17 yards of regular 7e. echo,'
for $1.00 at Ferguson & Hallidas's.
Nere Tuesday Mr. McGinnis takes pos.
session of the store purehaeed from Geo.
Yoe can get 14 yards of factory cotton
at Ferguson & Ealliclay's for 61.00, worth
per yard.
BUTTERNUTS, hiskOry, hazel, Walnrits
and chestnuts promise to be very plenti-
ful this year.
Ara the farm hands who went from
Ontario to Manitoba have been engaged
and many more are wanted.
WE have just paSS8II into stock this
week e0 mews of the newest patterne hi
prints. Ferguson &
As will be seen by notice elsewhere
Mrs. Robt. Armstrousea only sister churl
last Friday in loco Co., Michigan, aged
67 years.
Tem walking cane lost and advertised
in TEE POST Was returned to its owner
last weett. This is anoth.r proof that
advertising pays.
BARGAINS every day, except Sender, in
gents Doneole,s, Bals, (Jones and Ux• I
fords. Ladies' Bal,, but;on,d and Ox, I
fords. Geo. Good.
By. Joao. Ross, B. A. is away for a
well deserved holiday. There %vitt ono.
sequently be no service in 111elville Ch arch
for the next two Sabbaths.
G. T. R. painters have been refresh-
ing the depot and other buildings in
their yard here and have made a great
improvement hi the appearance of th ings
TEE latest svvindle is reported iu the
eastern papers. An ageut visits the
farmers with a perfeot thistle extermin-
ator, which he sells at $3.50 per bottle.
And some people are fools enough to buy
$475 will purehase the building and
lot on Turnberry street, Brussels, for.
merle, 'aged as a photo. gallery and Den.
tat office. Apply to
4.4 0.11. MARTIN, :D. D. S.
Box 124, Crosswell, Mich.
Iv the ladies would abandon costa ,tics
and more generally keep their blood pure
and vigorous by the use of Ayer's Sar-
saparilla, naturally fair complexions
would be the lute instead of the exception,
as at p,esent. Pure blood is the best
Tee Clinton New .Ere, of last week
says t—Th e Victoria Cricketers played a
rnatoli with Brussels club, here on Tues'
day last, defeating them by one innings
131131 8113 runs. The home team looked for
a closer contest as Brussels olub is a
pretty good one, and were, therefore, all
the more pleased at their victory.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is peeper.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells °leaned out and put in proper
shae e. Terms reasonable. Residence
mooed door north of the bridge, west
eide of Turetherry st., Brussels. 43-tf
Came» ov PRoPERTV.—Noble Gerry
has purnhased the residence of W. F.
Stewart, King street, opposite the leletho•
dist thumb, and has taken possession.—
Edward R. Grundy has disposed of hie
property on Flora street to D. Ewan for
the sum of $050. There is a largo oorn.
fortable house and a big stable on the
lot. It was a bargain, Mr, Grundy
talks of removing to Kincardine.
IT is said that the Grend Trunk Rail- a,
W13 y has decided that after this year there
will be no more "Civic Holiday 53100131'
8601180 along the line. They advance a
number of reasons for this change of
policy, the chief of which is that it is
not to the ootnpany's interest or con•
venience to continue them. Speuial low
rates will be given att 000318101 or eiremn•
StanCoS tnay require, 1101 501 in the way
a (neje holiday tops.
BPWORTII LEA01711.—The Y. P. 0. A. in
connection with the In ethodiet 011111511 ha
this place has been transformed into an
Epworth League of Christian Endeavor.
The following office Wuhan have beau
elected for the catmint terra ;
1'residenr, Rev. G. Salton ; Plesident,
Geo. :Bogen 1 Sam:Mary-Treasurer, Miss
.P. E. Kerr; Chrietian Endeavor Depart.
meat, Mies Minnie Moore Vies' Presi.
tient ; Beligions Work, Neleon Gerry
Vice Preeident ; Soeutl Department, G,
A. Hood Vise President ; Literary De-
partment, H. Jelloeden Vile President.
A new program for the coming Fix
month31 win be ready shortly.
We have bought all our Fall Goods, and will have them in .the New Store when the time comes,
Nev,:lr so Low ! Never so Good ! Never so Stylish Never —"Well hardly ever"— are we left, but always right.
N. B.— No second hand goods ; no goods that were ever offered to the public before, will
ever be allowed. fp enter our store at any price, but all will be New, Good -and Sound Goods. .441 R. S MIT
HARVEST long boots at 01.50. George
You eau get all sizes in Ivorine collars
for 15e. at Ferguson & Halliday's.
THE new storehouse in the rear of the
egg emporium has been completed.
Two gilt lettered signs have been
planed in front of Alex. Strachan's store.
Tie various departments of the town
school will reopen Monday, Mat, for the
Fall term,
Ties salt block has shut down as re.
pairs to the pan are necessary. They
have quite a quantity of salt on hand at
the blook, hoaever.
Rooms to rent over Mrs. Straohan's
new block. Will be in readiness by Sep.
tember lst. Snitable for office, sewing
rooms or dwellings. Apply to De. Me.
Toe young man who is 21 years of age,
is a British subject and earns on an
average $300 a year, can get 1118 name on
the Dominion voterslist if he takes the
trouble to attend to it.
51(13>5 Hair Vigor restores oolor
vitality to weak and gray hair. Through
he healing and cleansing qualities, it
prevents the aocuinulation of dandruff
and cures scalp diseases. The best hair-
dressing ever nutde, and by far the most
REV. G. F. SALTON is preaching a series
of sermons on Sabbath evenings in the
Methodist church on Modern Scriptural
Paintings. Next Sunday his topic will
be Edwin Long's "Mena or Christ."
Last Sabbath it was G. Dore's ..Chris-
tianity triumphing over Pagenisn."
They promise to be most instructive
Ewen—Last Saturday evening Thos.
Whiting appeared before Reeve Graham
charged by Benjamin Driver with as.
saulting and kicking his son James while
worklug in a, flax field in Morris town-
ship. Whiting acknowledged the offence
and 33135 fined 62.00 and costs, amountIng
in all to $4,00. The magistrate acuniu-
istered some g000d adobe that should be
careftilly considered by more than one
youth in Brussels.
A NOTE from Rev, G. B. Howie, Ph, D.
Beyroute, Syria, says he arrived safely
in Jerusalem on June 20th. He left
Montreal ou May 20111. On arriviug at
his old home he wee greeted very heartily
and many listened with interest to his
sermone in Arabia. The sun rises seven
hours earlier there than it does in this
oountry. Dr. Howie says he may return
to Canada before Christmas but if not
he will not leave Syria until next May.
Westeru Fair, held at London on Sept,
17111 to 26111, have issued large posters
and lots of well illustrated prow vans, of.
tering a gold medal and $100 as a prize
for the best steam Fire Engine that will
raise steam the quickest and throw
water the farthest wish the least amount
of steam pressure. The Ronald Works
are sending three fire steamers—large,
medium and small sizes—to both Toron•
to and London Fairs. We will be muoh
nustaken if they dont bring to Brussels
these fine prize trophies to cap the
climax of their long, well earned repute.
Mon for great power, efficiency and sub-
stantial service fire fighters.
LAST Saturday 4. Forsyth, Inspeotor
of the Underwriters, was in town and,
desiring to test the efficiency of the fire
engine, brigade, &e., the alarm was
rung about ten o'olook in the forenoon
and although the firemen were not
aware of what the intention was the
engine was hurried out and water was
thrown in 12 noinutes from the first
stroke of the tire bell. A, little time Wall
lost on account of the fire in the engine
being started above instead of below the
kindling. These tests are very im-
portant to the various fire companies in.
terested and we believe the Inspector wits
satisfied with the exhibition. It is only
fair to say that more than onee the
engine has been at work several nainuthe
quicker when a fire was in progress
LAST week's Stratford Herald says ;—
man named Alfred Cress WaS arrested
t the residence of Philip Woolfs, in
North Istothops, a, few mites the other
side of Gadishill, last Wednesday, on a
°barge of bneglarizing the G. T. R. sta-
tion at Brussels some time ago. Tito
pi:honer and hie brother Joe had been
worki»g at Woolfe's, and word Walt sent
into Stratford and Wednesday night,
Chief McCarthy accompanied by Pollee.
man O'Donnell, Chas. Penpraso e,nd T.
Tobin, jr., vieitod the house and arrested
Alfred, Jomaph Cress was a little smart.
or than his brother and ericapecl by jump -
Ing out of a window. Polieeman O'Don,
neil tore his shirt off in an attempt to
catch him and likewiee fired a revolver
at him, bat Cress kept on the nue Co
had nothing on bob his pants, he in his
harry nob having bad time to drum aonl.
pletely before making his ethape. The
remainder of his Mottoes are in the pos,
session of the pollee and Will doubtleee
be returned to Chen shoeld he apply for
them in person. 0, T, It. Detective
Bradley has the warrant for the man tvbo
was arrested and will mite the prisoner
away for trial.
Came raisins 5o. inir pound. George
TUE largest and newest assortment of
gents' ties at Fergueou & Halliday&
PEACHES, tomatoes, bananas, oranges,
lemons, huckleberries, apples, grapes as
they come in. Geo. Good,
Terse I3., the celebrated runner owned
by Beattie Bros., of this town, took &at
money at the Hanover races.
Denney those okterpillar nests that
are to be seen ic webs on the shade and
fruit trees, or your trees will be stripped
of their leaves.
Taos, AINLEV injured his right hand a
few days ago by it coming in witted
with a panel sander in Smith, Malcolm
& Gibson's factory.
Jame -make of cheese manufactured at
the Grey and Morris Cheese and Butter
Factory %Vas shipped this week by Mr.
McLaren. The price received Wee 9j;
AoN0 the recent publications of
music for brass and reed bands is a set
of waltzes entitled "Erlervin" issued by
C. G. Conn, mush publisher, of Elkhart,
Ind. The author is Harry J. Whitley,
leader of Bell's Factory Benoit, Meehan'',
MAGISTRATES Minter, Grahaill tulci
McCrea were engaged a couple of days
last week in hearing the suit of Scott vs.
Clegg for assault. It was adjourned
until this Saturday. Lawyers Dickson
and Dickenson were looking after the
iutereste of the parties in the suit,
TEE Wingham Advance says :—"Prior
Brussels I This unfortunate village has
had enother good-sized conflagration.
On Friday night W. R.Wilson's foundry,
a blacksmith shop and two private houses
were burned, and the big woollen mills
were considerably damaged. Brussels is
certainly in hard luck and Wiugham
sympathizes with her In her troubles."
You are somewhat astray, err. Advance,
as there was only one house burned and
the woollen factory WU not damaged.
Mona 13 UILDING.-011ria Zilliax, of the
Central Hotel, has Id t the contract for a
two storey brick building. It will be
18x42 feet with plate glass front and tar
and gravel roof. D. Lowry has the sbone
and brickwork, lathing and plastering at
$425. The carpenter work is not let yet.
Contract is to be completed by October
lat. Mr. Zilliax has pnrolorteed half the
brialt wall from Jas. McGinnis, successor
to George Btelter and makes use of the
same. James Ross has leased the new
store for is geocery and will open out th
soon as 31 131 ready. The she 18 a good
Rsees.—Friclay of this Week the Fall
rapes take place on the new Driving
Park, Brussel& The following well
known horses are here and ready for
work ;-2:32 olass—"Bay Fly," Grand
Valley ; "Dr. Livingston," Blyth ; "Ax.
tel," Stratford ; "Sleepy Joe," Clinton ;
and "Charlie 0," Brantford. 3 minute
race —"Queen," tDrescion ; “Allanford
Chief," Ifarriston ; "Letter B," Wing -
ham ; "Billy A," Brussels. In addition
to the above there will be the named
race and running thee. Brussels Band
will be in attendance.
FOnT BTM.—Friday evening of last
week the "Rangers," of Gerrie, drove
over to Brussels and played a match
with our team on Victoria Park. No
goals were scored iu the first half time
although the ball was kept in claugerous
proximity to the visitors goal. The
13russels eleven pressed the battle in the
second half and won four goal's quite
easily. The teams were composed of the
following klekers ;—Gorrio — Mitchell,
H. Wright, Terrain)°, MoDermitt, Mar-
tin, E. Wright, rallahy, Waters, Spar.
ling, Keine and Arnold, Brussels—
Grirnoldby, Jackson, Sample, Stratton,
McCall, Sloan, Cavanagh, Meadows,
Feeguson, fflorden ard Bellantyne. The
return mut-oh was played on Thursday
eventing of this week at Gerrie. Result
not known whet' we went to pros.
People We Knov.i.
Dunford sr. is visiting her sou ab
George McLaren is visiting relatives in
Rev. j. L. Kerr wits on the sick list
last week.
Miss Georgie Howe he been holiday-
ing at Hespeior.
Miss Montgomery is home from a, visit
among old friends.
Bishop Ward, wite and son spent Sue.
day in Kineardine.
Miss Carlisle, of Hensall, is visiting
her sister this week,
Neil Riehardsen is away to the west
on an exeereion trip,
Mrs. Morrison, of London, is visiting
her parents in B1 MOWS.
Mies Lilhan Ainloy was visiting at
Wingham for a few daye.
Mho "..".rueedale, of Waterford, is vielt.
ingXre. W. E, Walston&
Mrs. Brother e end son, of Milton, are
visiting relatives in town.
Mee. C. R. Vanstone and daughter. of
Southampton, are visiting relatives la
Miss Aggio and T. S. MoCutcheon, o
Toronto, were visiting Mrs. E. Dunford
Rev. R. Paul occupied the pulpit of 311
Harriston Methodist church last Sunday
Mrs. L. Towers and children have gon
to MIddlerniss for a visit with relatives.
Mrs. Elly and son, of Waterloo, ar
enjoying a vibit at the lifethodiet parson
Miss Bolams, of Denver, Col., is visit
ing her mother and other relatives in
Mrs. 3. , A. MoNnughton sma Mre
Gilotti were at Bayfield for a few days
last week.
Miss Edith Inman arrived home last
Saturday from her millinery situation
at Guelph.
Capt, R. S. Hays, of Seaforth, looked
in on a few of his Brussels friends one
day last week.
Harry Brendle, a former resident of
this town, was renewing old acquaint.
anees this week.
We are sorry to hear of the illness of
Mrs. Stanley Anderson. She is with her
husband in London.
RbV. S. Jones and his grandolaughter,
Miss Elsie Jackson, are enjoying a visit
with friends in Goderieh.
Misses Olive and Norms, Vanstone are
back from a holiday visit to Salem. Gar-
field is also back from Galt.
0, Wolper, wife and family and Frank
Vetter, all of Berlin, are in town this
week visiting at D. A. Smale's,
John Drewe, of Paris, is enjoying a
holiday visit with old friends in Brus-
sels. Ho is James Drewe's oldest sou.
B.)Gerry and wife put in a few days
very pleasantly at Grimsby Park. They
went on Saturday and returned on Tues-
Geo. Powell and wife, of Toronto, are
visiting at S. G. Skeneat. Mr. Powell
is Principal of Johu street Public school
in tha Queen city.
Dr. Ltohnes, W.I H. MoCraoken, the
SIisses Moore end W. H. Kerr took in
the excursion to Niagara Falls and
Grimsby Park last Saturday.
Rev, G. F. Salton, Mrs. Salton and
Harold arrived home from Niagara•on-
the-lake last Salmi:day. They report
having had a meet enjoyable time.
John Alexanc'er, the "Lion," of Toron-
to, is in tbo rane for the most popular
travelle r on the road. For wholesouled-
11055 he should get to the top of the heap.
The Clinton News -Record says :-11 is
reported that Walter Coats, of Clinton,
is a possible applicant for the county
clerkship. Es would make an exoellent
A.. Kneobtel, Principal of the Chesan-
ing, Mich., public school was in town for
a 'short 14018 11110 week. He has just re-
turned from a holiday trip through
Manitoba and the Northwest.
e Elam, Atwood, Sept. 29,
eVestern, London, Sept. 17 to 26.
e Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 7 to 10.
East Eteeon, Brussels, Oct. 1 and 2.
O Central, Guelph, Sept. 22, 28 and 24.
- North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 1 and 2.
Northern Walkertea, Sept. 39 to Oat.
East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 6 and
. Northwestern, Wingharn Sept. 20 and
Huron Central, Clinton, Sept. 28, 29
and 30.
James Buckingham, a balloonirst, made
an asoeut and parachute drop at Pleasant
Beach, Omendage, lake, N. Y., Sunday.
He dropped into the water and by some
amens was entangled in the paraohute
and drowned.
Pell Wheat (new) 87 90
Spring Wheal; 87 90
Barley 40 45
Peas 60 02
Oats ... 40 00
Butter, tubs and rolls—. . 12 13
Eggs per dozen 11 00
Flour per barrel 5 00 5 50
Potatoes . 40 45
Hay per ton 7 00 8 00
Pork .. . . 500 650
Hides per lb 4 00
Salt per bbl., retail.— 1 25 PO
Sheep skins, each 60 75
Lanob skins each 40 50
Wool, per lb. 18 '20
IS..uG. 21 1891
^ ^ .
•7.'rilis ;preparation will be 14331111a re.
remedy for the ordinary diseases
of ohildren, melt as ludigention, Hone
trammel', Constipation, Wind Uolie,
Worms, Teething 5(03111(3)1Neverielt.
nese, Martha -we and many ether diseases
COM 151011 to 01311113'933, It ('93)13111133 the
1111333113 and asaltde digestion, It does
away entirely with the giving of 311.331300139dosed of Cluster Oil to children. Its as.
tion on the bowele is gentle and the of.
feats p101111501 055 reliable. Thiti prepar•
53 0011 iS one of, if not the beet selling ar-
ticles on our Ilsb. The formula itself is
p056800033, 10 11108 -in flavor, dense in body,
dael{ ill (1010r and frageant in odor.
Chemist A. Druggist,
Tersoneemet G-amt.eval, Mio.17.1"..t.rAg
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Calleetiont made on favorable terms,
Canadian 41.0011 18 "...MERV/SA:IT'S 1313310CANADA,
New Y01111 Asouts—IMPORTIMS AND TOAD -
Ens NAT/ONAL 131331x.
- -
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. Office—Vauetone's Block, Tirue.
8e10. 21-3m
• Solicitor, Convoyaneer, No Lary Pnb.
Cc, 13,>.011iee—Gralunn s Moak, 1 dc.jr north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
(Lato with Garrey & Proud foot, God e.
rich,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers
dm. Offices—Brussels and Seaforth, Brus-
sels Office—Up.stalre over Bank. Money
to Loan.
R. S. DAYS. W. D. =MON
IVJ Teacher of Organ ma Plano.
4041 Princess street, Brussels.
NV• Iss.urletr°oCif11.31aAnaKgeELNice' meg. Office
at bis Grocery, Turuborry street. Brussels.
_Lye. Tonsorial Artist Shop—Next door
south of A. 81. McKay d: Co's hardware store.
La dies' and a/111,11one hair witting 1331)1881511)'
Is prepared to give lessons on the
Plano, Parlor and Fir Organ. Special nt-
formation address— 13 ox 172, Brussels,
Isnurer of Marriage Licenses, by
anpointmout of Lieut,-Covernor, Commis -
Wolter, 333., Q, B. Conveyancer and agent
Fire insurance Clo. Office at the Crembrook
Post Oillae.
- — — — — 'Written given to Too ulo, For farther ln-
W. F. COWAN, President.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
ASSETS, - • • $7,000,000
Pane in, CAPITAL, - • - 1,000,000
RESERVE FUND, • - - 500,000
Agencies 30 ,1)1 priecipal volute in Ontario,
Quebec Manitoba United States
5114 1000133316,
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Farm ere' and other good Notes Discounted
at lowest rates. Drafts Issned and Conon-
Omni made OD all points. Deposits received
anti interest allowed at attire,'( rates.
Interest Allowed on Savinge Bank Do.
posits of 81 and upwards front date of
deposit to date of withdrawal, and com-
pounded hall yearly.
Pro= t sotteubloo and every facility afford-
ed cu Moaners living at a dIstauce.
Brussels, Apr11801,1801.
P1.14(18, Apply to 0730110H IIINORTON,
MORRIS0.11.—In Elma, on Aug. 8111 the Joliet bl
wife 0! 111r. Wm. MarrIS011 Of 08005.
Listowel, on Aug. 11511, the
wife of Mr, John C. Hay of a (laugh.
Monkton, on Aug. 10111, the
wife of kir. A. ICtthry of twins, son
and daughter.
Weialea.—On the Cud inst., at Mont.
gornery, N. W. T., the wife 06 5310.
a. 0. Warner of a SOIL
MIIIIIIAY—S1)ILWART,-011 Aug. 5th, by
Rev. J. Caswell, of Listowel, Mr.
Wm. Murray to Bliss Harriet Helen
Stewart, both of Molesworth.
Snotrisrs.—In Loco Co., Miehigan, on
Aug, 14111, Elizabeth Sheath, aged
07 years.
Rees.—In Ethel, on Aug. 19311, R. F.
Ross, aged 17 years, 7 months and
19 days.
—OP A—
F eaa 1R2 M e
Clerk of tho Fourth Division Oeurt,
Go, Huron, Clonvoyanoer, Notary Piddle,
Land, Loan und Insuraucte Agont. Funds
invested and to loan, OcliectIone made.
011100 111 Graham's 13 look, Brussels.
miss Merles, of Wingham, Is prepared
to give Instruction In oil painting, lame
0157 118 ascertained tit Mies Nellie Rose' store
13)0(0 51131)1155 of work may be scion. Miss
1310(10s 11100131 also belle 31 few more pupils
• Organist in St. John's Church, Bola.
sole, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 0113.
W. Thayer, illus.Doe., New Turk, I'll! give
kousis (nts,,,t a e.111;i1i, I lir pilot 14,7; aadt aTtli n6 01.1 yw'
homes. Luis moderate. dB -
37 34 2:3* E 7C`r 1
G. L. Ball, D.D.S. Name Oxide GCLA
mIiolelso'ecl for the Pcialose Extratitlou of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, Ton Dm.
M. CAVANAGH, L, D. S., D, D, S.'
Graduate of the I009311 Celle e of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of 'monk Cul -
41.1f 311106, ICTILLY, Brussels, varsity. Ormon—Over Popper's Drug Store,
14-10R SALE. -1 GOOD 11015815 5
years old, goocl driver ; 1 Covered Beg-
gy ; 1 light Wagon and 5138311 Cutter, eheap,
for cash, Private 1111.40k
1 01 LBS. OF BUTTER, PER vinu ri
The Dam 01 1.7 Registered Jersey Bull is
said to be able to make 18 pounds of butter
per week. She is an imported Jersey and a
prize winner at the Toronto Industrial,
G, A. 11EAD1EAN, Druggist, cto,
1..." of the uudershined, lot 21, eon. 10, Grey,
071 or about ante 1st, 'a yearling steer, red
aucl white ha 5919(451e1 1331019110311, Owner
is reguested to prove propert)', IlayextlelIeeo
and take 11.4a away,
lot, corner of aalneit and
Fl °TiljtoSenubliseNriPorLoffOeTrs 11'h0erBbSeAci.strjemEiti--41,
11188e1d. nem IR a comfortable hens.,
good stable, splendid well, dm On the pre•
mises, I 00.1.0 of laud. For lenient, paetieu-
tars as to totes, torms, die, apply to
MRS. WM. meOULLOtletie, Drussele,
end Vrs it ettl'11011, RI tuated ' outside
the corporatiou of Brussels. Who Under-
signed offers Ids beautiful homestead, Mr
11018106 '33 on a al 1 1 1 11 , O. Hamilton has received instrue-
tions from 11. Adams to sell the north
part of Lot 11, Con. 0, Morris, containing
97 acres and 20 perches, on
l'HESDAY3 AtturusT 25)11,
'3301 1n e3110,l1
heats, gooe 01 brick house, stable, 45101-0111911
13511, ele„ Making 8 eminIlets home. For
fttrther p Cantors apply to
B. 335/00,
4-11 Inhered%
at 8 o'clock p. m. Te property is knoen
as the Sunshine Farm, and is well adapt-
ed for stook, Brick hoarse, frame house,
frame barn end other Buillings, Terms
easy.—Made known at sale or by apply-
ing to either
duo., Blyth. Prop. Londesboro.
A...) the fah of Juno, 0 heifers anti 1 steer.
Two heifers are dark red With tnrned•iu
hOrtub other heifer a dark graY.Steer a
dark red NOW white Star 011 fOrellemd end
straight Oleic horns, Any information lead.
ing to their 1 000V0111 will be suitably re.
ORO, BATEMAN, Det 18, con. 7, Grey,
MOOS 111111111), Luo 20)000, 7, tint'.
Rtbel 11,0.
xi. • Auctioneer, ie always ready to at -
to nil sales of ferule, farm stook, ace. 'Arms
eheerfully given, Oranbrook 31,0. Sales
may bo arranged at Tice POST Publishing
House, seesaws.
Lieensed AllOt101190k. 011105 aentlnet
84 ou removable terms. Vanua and 1 arm
stotilc a sneelalliy, Orders loll at Tun PORT
Publi Hon se,Brussels, or inintte Wal tell
P. O., WM reeelve prelim 6 attention.
SE an an AUetioneer, I am prepared
to conduct Stiles of farm stook at reason ahlo
Drifts, Knowing the stauding of nearly
every person I am in position to sell to
goeci marks and got good seourfty 1111011 sold
nu credit, bettlefactleu guaranteed. (the
810 a oall. 32- le S, SOOTT.
\VW. F. A.0 LE, 151. D., 0. M.,
member of the College Ot Physician,
and Surgeons 01 Ontario by examination.
Office and Reaftleitee Wool] itast,
IV13 0, M., In 011.0.1'., ittlithurgh, O. P
6.03,3.. 131 31011)3015 Drug Store hole ti to
11)130 tt, 10. 1.0131 hem late to 4 n, in, Al, other
hours may be fotind at his reeldenee, form-
erly onoupted by Dr, Llutehinson, Mill at.
eJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat all
diseased of domesticated animals In a, Oat -
potent planner. Particular attention paid
to vntertnar y dentletry, Oath promptly at,
tended les Office and Inflrmary,—Two 118015
north of bridge, Turaberry et., firuseehis