HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-8-21, Page 54 ivuo, 21, 1891. zwag.goway,•417.,,,4,:31Zirly.r..intertaltIlaiZZIratlIt4Z-WIITTP,11617,TIIVVIMMECGIVIVriallIMSFItg KIi5trict 1 ; metes and twittirts1 1 convielkn in every imidthce, 11) in ouly feir that; Hoy partiee guilty of tieframling fellew , patient,: H1041141 le; given the ii,tuelit ef the 1111 1:4s1. Jew. With the littitilook or itimilar Bike L. SherlectIc W110 11. 0110000oft11 01111. . nutelthau eke,: 11.000411)e !mote aro didate at 11141 1.0101.11) 31.(l clue leachers' ; made en that it ie ainmet iniposeible fer t seethed ion, /the wrote tit Lietowel. i gelliy porter to teteepit detention. Net bet fro m '., s u y Wo maims:elate her,more MO OA so fluidl were 41 1441)1111. Last 'Nettie, sky Robert 10, llool died at the homeof hie brother.in•law1440,11(11);teem (lithos, after a lengthened Means Ho Wtt ill 104 Nth year. The funeral Mikes 1114400we on Friday at Stratford, the 011111F0 1)111144 t/tE011 14114141t 111r0 011 010 110.111 train on that day. <1-sstisrtroir. 004111011 11101) 110101 Ittit Prittty Tho rill commenced work on Wednesdity of tde week. Tolin Mlmoth Jr. improvei his 11(1(100 by 444.4,44441444413 a Ititehon to it. .131, Fox ion he sick Bet this week. SVe hope to see 111111 recovered soon. 141441. SIUMM011 IR having her house veneered with brick and a kitchen erect- deday, , Adam fisher is the br ieklayior and A. Reymann the carpenter. Atwood. Fall Show hero on Teesclay,Sept. 2114.!,.public 14&40114&4011111 rempened kd Mn- otiI. S. Forrest littoee 1430 11 to as t on aitrwi peeto New York state. 11. Popo r-inovati 11111 11,101104444:3 mp to the l'oreeters' block. A goodly timber 01)411110101)4111101441141)0sts 0444441) kt to Coderch on Tuesday f hod week. Last Sunday Rev.J. W. Pring, of Vordwich, preache1 in the110411011401)is t dim elhere. J. L. Mader, D. C. II, of the Intle• 11041(114411 Order of Foresters, lad received cheone of $20 for four weeke sickbenefit foRobt, 'Aby, who 1(44.11 11111 leg badly outsome tins go. II° 41100 re. ceiveclachequeof 17.15 fo10 day: 1101) benefit for Alex. Hied, of Elma. Gorries. The ew Dagpole was 0141441)0(1 at the town hall last wok. A gang of Workmen have been et work t the station lengthening the switch and making other important improvements. Jm. Found, of Meadowvele, has bean appointed station agent here in place of 0. A. Seaman, rosignea. Mr. Found is a young manandcomas highly l'011041)111009.The Vicetto says :-Our postmaster Henry Perkinshas sparedneither pains nor money in fitting uhe 110)44 post- tionsid ered .NlT elliilrl e nto ofilee. It is large andowell laid xoff, the 0100 of office drawers and beee is a handuoina piece of workmanship, it con- teins between lock bxes, and drawers mid face boxes 121, all finished in ash . It W/19 1111)10 in Wroxeter in the Smith, Malcolm Cilken factory and under the futu re. tnal TfdTs s paired in good ; (1444)1 riattrone 11r1'4101'110148 the hone e t 1010Win 110 art to getheir tines. e u, aloh le r ettult . . r418v. 00110010 reopened tide week. Bike Dees, of i(118110, 114 1)0011 ASH* 4044 relative: in thin township. A. box ;maid will be given at the resi- dence of .1111141 01)1440144411 on Wednesday, A4194481), ;26th, cornmeneing 0,1) n'elook. Udall Altdadden secured '24441 01004 nertificate et the enew examination. irate a geed 111)11414141) and will make hie mark. Audrow ef the 1 11)11 line (oweda feld of fll wheat last week. There will bs considerable HOW11 11010 week. A young man heti a 011411141) with a bear the other morning. He heard a gruntlbstanti was a little surprsed to see the beer not more titan ton feat from 143144. Iris bearehipwas moving leisnre• ly in the ilirention .341000 or (anode on the back of Tilos, 011110r0 farm. 414 The Tirnesialinlidl;i:igtl:isnor. Lost Monday washoliday. 10 onion piti•nia WtE110111. 'The Advance 4101111041.1)08 3. 13. Forge. son, town Clerk, for the Comity Clerk. p. Owing to nentintiecill-heelth, Rev. .7. Crawford has rosgned the pitstorate of the liaptiet church in town. W. T. '1)141.108 WIL9 in Brookville last week attending 11180)1414144! nieethig of the Ontario High Court of the Indepndent Order of Fousters, as representative of the laced ettert. Dr. W. B. Towler heti (110111000(1lect of his stock of drugs to A. L. Hamilton, ofSt. Theneite, a young mot 44441)10 has renontly graclimted at the Ontario Collegeof Plur. 4041.0)1. The Dr. will remain in town, Peter Deane, anobioneer, sold by WIC. tion, tho rnile01141141119 rink to Alex. Orr, of the Park Hotl, for 9600 cash. Ile also sold, atthe same time, a brick reg. danceon Josephine street, toMr. Wilson, of Wroxoter, for $620 cash. The pro• parties belonged to Wm. Armour, and were sold by him on iteeount of hire. moval to Milclmty and entering it other 111s111013. The prices realized were low. W. 0. Taylor isputtinganew roof on his hotel. Dame Rumor retinae a wedding in the 1eciItervisionoho. Ramshaw, who is foreman, he eeign and Mich areboth largely due to Min and we be. lieve that no town of our size in Ontario can linnet of a superior. While it re. 404)448 it wilbe a, standingadvertise- ment fn er t'he li re: and o we t kian ansh iporof 1)118141 10144011411, rtI tss. Mrs. (1Iov.) D. Forrest is visiting in the (4011(1)1y of Toronto. Ts, fmdier face f our public school 13404414041 will now be seen daily. MiLizzie Magill, of Wawatiosb, is renewieg ammaititances Vlten. Meet: Flora end Minnie McDonald have returned frotn two week's 10401140.in the Queen City. School re.opened on Monday of this week. During the vacation both rooms underwent a general renovation and now look 440)110440)110111114)1 like what ectioolwoms should. S tole fast shingling was done by Goo. 13441411)09 nod A. 11134111341(41)1 on D. Farquha- sen's bal m lost wrtte:oselt . T uhhey t ook roffrert h- e old shingles and re•shingled the barn , which is 36x60, in two andono-half &Lys . The 1111141443410 wre laid M. to the weather. On Friday of kat week John Morrison had the misfortune to got 0110 of his hands badly cut by 000111143 it: contact withaelub elm in the sawmill. It up. pears lio was cutting a slab when one part swung round and knocked his baud againstthe saw. Ie was fortunate in notRcing it altogether. On Wednesday ofthis week 218 boxes of July make fom 0441' cheese factory were ehipped. McLaren was the buyer and the prics paid %VMS ie per lb. Those persons who 41418 8(1114443 that it was fron this factory that the bad cheese was senthad better hold up al Mr. Edga; is making 0110808 480044(1 to none. Litowel. Henry Rapp has leased the Aannell Honse, atthe stition, and is now in pos. session of thesame. Adam and Conrad Newt are building anadditiontoj. S. Bowman's brielc store on the corner of Main and Mill streets. R. E. Hayhas purchased from T. Mak. ling, Elma, the Wilkes colt, Donovan. Heis showing'great form in the hanees and promisee to be one of the speediest of the lot. J. 0. Hay ltabeen 4310041 0\V81' to eat RS manager ofthe new bttery andleaves on an inspection trig to the prineipal furniture fatories iMichigan and that district. The 1440(119 of seleeting ant p144011143 orders for the most improved machinery will be at once proceeded with. 11.111,0 0Arnis,-The Banner says -In. specter Miller has Intrihis hands full of milk Winds 144111.1(181 parties 0114)13109 with tampering with milk sent to 0110888facto21es. On Satuctlay, Aug. 181, Dan,1311(101),et, ofthe 611 line W48110118, plead guilty before I'. 11ITedium: to sending milk from whiee cream had been re 'newel to the Oahu- 011000 itothy. rilec$20 Mid 94004110. Onthefith hist, he had fourcases before 111011110110.09 john. eton, .7, P., l'4111110101011, ell of Aayboro' and VMS of the 11011100)1 factoy. Ceo. Cowen, 131)014(10 ILekertott and C. Philips wore chargedwith skimming and 1)41001111 McFadden ith watoting. 'leek. deton was fined $10 and costs, the others $5 011410,480'. 041 P0841941)' of lat week another betels of mesa were tried before P. M. Ter:lino. Robert Burne, Clement Burnett and Tittnea Freehod, 10th of Wallace, and patrons of P44101044111011factory allplead guilty andit fine of 920 and 0001)8 1370 WM imptredin each ease, On the 111Mat., Mark Waind a p0144044of Goldstone faotory was lined 410 and costs at Drayton fp 811101(11101)1). In all so far Inspector Miller had thireen Th91)1.11011 shape end nicely painted. W. 1'. Weser and sister Lis,zie are hove on tt ('14414 1(001 Stratford. Rev. .T, AL Smith rind wife were Vita. 11141 in Kincardine loot week. Vowtee 31 by die 1 on Monatty 104.11 inst., and wes barest on 'reesday. 3. II. 'Thompson is witting 01.0418 041 the 'ground for the etilargemeet of his store. A number from here rook in the ex. cut ski: 10 Ooderich on Tuesday of last (141,1 11. Crepe in this vicinity are excellent, oats are very heavy. ltoot crops are ! 4443041 to be good. A. heavy thunder storm pas.ed over here last Sunday evening fith inst. A unmber of fields of grain were laid tlet. J. W. 'Whitfield trial his now threshing machine last amok, and it worked splen• clidly. Ile 1)11111 11 entirely hitnself last winter. The Silver Corner's thecae faotory shipped the lash half of July make on Wednesday, the price realized being l71 cents per lb. II. 0. Stevenson and wife hove gone to Manitoba. They will be awns+ 40 days. Word has boon received from them stating that they had lost $130.00 iu cash and a due bill for $84.00. Every- body was sorra to hear of the loss, G. T. It. Deteetive Bradley and his lately appointed assistant, John Casced. den, are at present !oohing up yoting Oren, who is said to be implicated in a number of burglaries in and around Lis' towel, 11111) 1)10 ham so far eluded them. 1)114)1'!' 1411,. W. jitekson sowed Fall tvhest last week. Miss Kirkby and 3. Olennan were sue• oessful in pausing their examinations for tenet:era, Rev, A.. Soott, wife and children, of Saginuay, who were visiting relatives in Morris'have returned to their home. '1 bey took the overland route with a horse and buggv. The Rogerson farm at Sunshine will be offered for sale by public auction on Tuesday of 14.01)14 (4401)!), Nth inst., at 5 p m. 41. bargain may be expected. See advt. in thia issue. Ladd week's Stralford Beacon says :- The pulpit of the Waterloo street Metho• dist church will next Sunday be oco t pied by Ilea. Jabots H. Dylte, of 13olgrave, who Is repotted to be small physically but a giant mentally. 111) 18 proposed to hold a public Sabbitth school service in Jaelcson's Methodist ohnrah on the afternoon of the first Sabbath of September. Addresses ftre expeotei from Rev. W. F. aampbell, Ph, B., 09 331)1111, and W. H. Kerr, of Bre:. eels. Appropriate musical selections will also bo gweti. 01,11011143 430.1.2011 party 501141 bold 411) 1118 reaidenne of Jame: Russell oti Tuesday evening of this week and a moat enjoyable time 41111) 30 by all. After an excellent tea had been partaken of, the ladies hari (leaked out the gentlemen with beautiful bouquets of flowere, the mueical and literary petit 01 1)148 progrstit svas entered upon. Rev, J. 11, Dyke, the poptilitr peeler, prettified as ellairman and after 44 few pointed remarks intro. clueed the follewing intr.:reciting pro. grant :-Oponiug hymn ; preyor by Bev. 11. B. Willwin ; music by Mitmers Ilona and Wilkinson, Bleaare, Blackwell and Hood ; reading, Marshall finehee ; mueio, MI., end Miss Hunter 1 addrees, Rev. D. 13, Birlte; recitation, j. 15. Ithuter ; solo A. Hood ; eddress, W. H. Kerr ; dualt, Mr, and Bliss Hood ; meal°. Mr. Mo. Clelland ; reading, 41. Blackwell ; tuldreso, Rev. Mr. Wallwin. The pro. coeds an:minted to 9924109 will be applied on personage aecount. Itle. and MI% 11000011 18[1)1401b14144 undone to add to the 44018(1016 40841 enjoyment 03 1.11088 proactnit. T E 13 RUSSELS POST 11$111(tasstle. Ten tinicet: :told bore felt Ciritithy awl Nittgent leo latourtley, A large !leek of Mono° wore drivel; to pound last week by a, farmer who found the.. 111 bin io. ttev. 1tr. W, lessdi, of 1Verel1iiint, made eall here this week while ult 1110 intty 110010 from Ornivary Park. AlssAer's general etore coming 111 for 44 (4 oh, re of pit hit twat novatiott, John be t milks WItoroVer he gee. The late train ;drank aud kille,l 10 two yeur old heifer On 11 104b110 crogaing :thew tritilwa,v between 'Brussels and Illuevale on the 131.11 hugs Wm. Cardner, who bee been Mopping with hie parents einee the death of hie wife two weeks 041), 11119 returned to Teeewater to resume work. During 1110 petit week Walter Patter. Hen nag been finishing off Otte iidditioo to his house, 1011)1111 10111 add both to the benuty and emnfert of the place, Joseph Leech and 11144 brother ledwerd emelt part of !mit wool: et theie birth- plene in Lends county, taking 1141411) 1)1 e family reunion of it large IL family on case 01 0014011 !option,f te ; TumlovEDLAIR1 It: WHITE YORK 1 1, SHIRE 110.1 R. 1 The itetivrehnott wet ;coop bier vi.r.lot. 11,1 14014.11 1110 1 mereved w41440 1.011,Shir" filt 114 ;,1‘311•1% 1,,i(1,11 .1 1,11141,11 I :111,A111-1. 114 win 60 (411111, Ti.1.104 ,fl.'1.),,)t it he pool at rovaie 14(410 14! nen Willi 110,11riViingo or 4141)110.111 11' 110e,i'larYP . edige 4,,'re1111lv 1.4.1111 1111. applatall.11. .1(011 1.1a N19;1101,, 4.144 Proprietor. Money to Loan, -- 1111'y f li4441111 011 nt 8111 Pro. roily tt1 IJ) ri" EST 11,4.7'ES, Dn. BEN'CLAT Ma 9 and Dompany Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, 801/eitors, BRU$SELS. ONT. 0.1"14'1100.4';41140014 j11u00u00o(oo1wal4 Practical Intellaialter and, Jele:(7/et',, P114111, 11(41 the publie for y4114.1)t favora arid etippoct sod wishing otill to 8041048re 141,11' patronage, 0.0 KIT opening out Full Lines in ARO SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware L.C.P.S.O., ALLAN Li111‘.cli fimn Lst•iblitilit .1 and 114411:408le Makers fully war:meted 1,0'11, Specialist, - Toronto, 1,1149/141mall sm URSrindliEs, CHEAP EXCIONS to EUROPE ocle8 or the “Af ter ajzoLding iz moony tufa at .104341111441.104341111441llus, Moto), says l'olveNinnTY L1,1111N .On 1,1totI L(1 f410,,./, DOR oporty to oo poroono tal otneal. Dion, for whet PORTLAN D HA L1FAX, they fimmeil it bop/dose 00119, Nino are Atilt 11(14)44, • i It Lill ed 010. .. Will Smith started For hie school 111 M118. lever Prennicti 'Woodhouse, 00448 1- (Juistorvillo la .1 Sett -a -day morning, 111'otvii en 1,11 Miters 90444,9, IR, 8th0l8411 Mired tending to spend Smiley at U1'i1e:1,y Park. Rots. J,entliorti and wife also left lue(41( D.,?:4,1,fil,;:glisoN, Carleton Plane, euTS i- on Saturday a. nt. to 1.4181141 13 iincl.iy and ' l'r• 'aohult' 0"4'041 111e 09 ClanlTh " Monday at Orimetty Park. Ilev. IVia. Gallagher, of Wilighani, II led the pulpit of the Preabyterien church hod Sunday in the 1113:401100 of Rev. ,S. Y. Hartley, who is hitting sunn• mar holidays. Rev. Win. Geddes, of Whine:hutch, will lin the same pulmt next Sunday morning. 1 he It Illtilleffil DierrIell AIeettng of the WILL BE AT THE Wingliam Distriet will bo held iii the Methodist clincolt here Ott I'll',3 I Ls', Seot. AiViERI:Mi IIOTEL, 1331.113ELS lst. A public meeting will be held iti 7 the (wetting wino, tvItIrJsiee are 1144 (14441011 --..00.---- 39001 Mr. E. A. 111lf1W. of Wroxeter ; J. II. Dyke, of 0 .1 rave ; 11.1,1 Re:, G. F. Friday, Sept. 25th, '91. ' 80.110,1, of lirtwiele. Ono, Myth, say.: -"Dr. Sinclair envoi inn of boort aineabo itIJ4 droptly, Wboll all eaters failed," pl,ra.fra of Prirate Nature, lywyyla on by folly, Dr. Sinelyir certainly ('V.1. Cs.xt.uwatz..t)...tnt. xce. The Britielt Beek of Amstralia has sus- pended. Last week there were 0,2134 immigrants FOR, landed 0,1 New York. I if ty people weee injured nod thirteen ENTIRE HORSES AND MARES killed in a. atiltvay wreck in Switzerland Monday. Matsacht It. Serekitchi, the oelebrated Japanese wrestler, died in Nov York on Saturday. James Wallaee, at one time a well know railroad man, has oommitted sui- cide in Claioago. As a result of drinking water from a foul well at 11111weeikee, '2 persons have died sod 24 are ill. Owing to the et:amity of the French crop the contents tax on Wheat will be sespended for 044)1 )100.1'. At Bedford, Ind., Dr. Judah; propriet- or of a large hetet. fatally shot his wife and .11011 blow his own brains out. imported •, with foal. It is stated that 0 Mr, Blaine is nom- t One Canadian bred Mere, heavy dranght, hatted for President by the Republican rising 5 years, with Nal 1)3 1104' side. The subscriber offers the following Well-bred Animals for Salo : "Cadiz," (0504), Vol. 311; ",Earl of Brearlalbane" (0700), Vol. II. These horses are 3 years old ; heavy draught. "Lamm Chief," 6 years 041, lieaVy draught. One Entire Colt, rising '2 years, from im- ported stock on both sides; heavy draught, “Prinee of Douglas," EL road or carriage stallion, rising 8 yeare ; imported. One Heavy Draught Alitee, 6 years old National Convention he will ateeet. Three colored brothers named Williams, all ;woollen, were in a home: in Savannah, am., welch was struck by lightning. Two rvere killed and the other seriously iitittred. P140000098 of 10041.')! 111.14011, 011111111.1'0 those used in distinguishing manufaetur- ed opium, have bsen seized iti Chinese shops in San FtallOblOo. The tenanto of L eal Litron in Ire• One Mare Foal, from imported stock on both sides. e Ono Gelding, 3 years old, heityy draught, TFAISIS will be made to Responsible Parties. The above mentioned stock may be seen, pedigrees atrium! told prices °b- tu:hied by applying to A. fssi P- IC X It land, have arranged to purchase the 26. 11114180E1A P.0 gnats for 22311,0110 undor lee use, len l pure] NM Nat. . - . - 8p4leg1:011 ia able to sit up for n A brief period daily. Ilia friends now ser. iously hope be will be able to reocermy his pulpit. Ills weakiiesa is still very great ancl his progreas is necessarily slow. The rem:tweet delirium has cees. •-e- • ocl. He 1131118011) 010)8 the Lord's peoule Volce Would not lot him die, their prayers kept hill! alive, Hie physleiens sotto that his dieettse retains a hold Viet threatens to withetand every remedy. The best Nog- noslivation at present is that it will be ;speaks many months before he will be 111.110 10 preach. liCam anti Eggs Eggs have dropped in pride, so litis our Large Stock of Prime SMOKED HAMS, BREAKFAST I3100011 AND SIDE BIEAT All of Our Own Ouring. We also Manufaeture 13010434141 Sausage. Petronize home industry by calling on ns. Give 1110 1001111 and prove the truth. fulness of the above statements. Blashill, Butcher, Rheumatism, DEING due to the presence of uric acid in the blood, is Moot effectually cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Be sure yott get Ayer's and no other, and take 11 1)11! the poisonous aoid is thoroughly expelled from the system. We challenge attention to this teatiinony "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various reraedies, including mineral waters, without relief, 11 130440. by an advertiee- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing Qom. ,plaint, after long suffering, by taking .Ayer's Sarsaparilht, I then decided to nialre a trial of thie medioine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased tO State 111411 11) has effected a complete cure. I have sines had no re- turn of the dieease."-Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th st., New York. "One year ago I was taken in with inflammatory rinswinatism, being con- fined to 01)1 1104400 aix menthe. 1007116 ont Of the sickness very 11)11011 debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced swing Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and 00011 recovering my usual r cannot say too 11111011 in 31141100 of this welleknown reedieine." -1VIrs. L. .A. Stark, Nashua, N, 11. yer's Sarsaparilia, 00001104)D 00. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Pelee O.: sht bottles, RS. Worth $6 bottle. and Tells You Where You are privileged to buy all classes of DRY GOODS at very close, sharp prioes, so long as you do not ask for trust, and bring along the "useful dust." It is emit we sell for, our prices are rock - bottom every day. We have a special sale on each day of the week. New Table Lin- ens, New Table Covers, New Table Napkins. New Towels and going at greatly reduced prices, see our $1,75 Man.:Ale Quilts, worth $2.23. FERGUSON 86 HALLIDAY. Butter and eggs taken in exelkange, To 1./IN411 on LI V1i141'00Ii. I CAHEN 1161%8.6We, $30 and $110, Single; $00, $110 and 8110 ItotUrie, acoortling tn Location 8.:f Stateroom, INTIIRMEOI.ATE, Outward 42:1; Preettld 080 Steerage of Lowest Rates. A rrOra gt Ogg 3,34,44 11. Wig 11141,140g. 1.1-1(144 to II. & A. it :Montreal, tin . 111141 A, *ova, Iiiinssut.s. Why Not Do Your 111110.0111.0, Nnr01111,ar 14411. J, 31, 11, 1ir..0, Godwin)", ;411,---1 41,0111,1 bane wlittett buffo, tlow to 1.1 yoll !MOW 411,741 1 m•t. piling along, I am a 1ot better than win.; gaining strength. every day. 1 have n good appetite 11 0,1 sleep well. 1 ean talca the full quantity at the System Renovator and 11 does not sicken 1110. Aly limbs aTo 111 right non! ; quite smart in thst Nay; 411.1 vono, 0.210 greet thirst is gene; 7 °rim; no water 44 add bt ttt . quite apain. Sou,. tun Ullothur LOWn of your Sy.tum Renovator. Yours, jss. 41./e4414. 1.01'11TEE44 31ONT118 141;011. Burssma, Folirnary 7111, 1.191. 1.31. Mermon, Goderleb, Dnitu S1n.-1041teen Vtlaril 040 lost Novem- ber I started to doctor first ; I WAR 11041.01.1 for dyspepois, but they never helped me any. 111. 1)0408 I suffered greatly from nlY impeach ; I 4400111111109. but 1 grOW 0.0W10, I turned arOpnleal 4110,1,8 mid body strolled badly. You know the state 1 wits in when I went to Godorich--n, more wreck, 00,41,1 hardly valk-sulTering from Bright's dis- ease. Just one year ago hat fall I begun yout Renovator and ilpeolgo cure. I to Mona 11, a tOW a;;YO ; emitinneil then Mr three mouths steady. Althontei 44 WaS 1111.1 00121,1 not be cured, if you saw me 'low, w,l1 ime latotty ; 0411 0440(3(11)404 that. (mines In the way, 1 owe yoll pranne of saving my l41e. 44 4.41118111 11 1101,0100R 0011alti011 4440011 Weln 00 r011, In feet no ono thought I would get holler. 0000001. speak Ion Inglily of you and of yrur tainlichion,,for it 4008 thrall that mime WOTtIS 011/1•010; nay (411111198 1.0 you. F.1.11Cly 41/11. my name to enetem. leers, Ani., JEWELRY \V044,4,11444 134101,0, I.41/1100 01151 DAMP% BRO1)(111,4, Eau 4111V,ia, &O. ft.Cc-s-Aleo a Fell Line of V1111414:0 and Violin Strings, am., in etoelc. IV. M.-Ism:rev of XarrOntle, Lleennes. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. A Y CLimIAGEs! A. Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby- Car- riages have arrived at IL Dennis', Brussels. Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. . Trunks, Valises, Satchels. &..c always in stock aud sold at Clue Prices If you want a set of Light or Heavy- Harness I (mm supply you. See our Scotch Collars. SOLD IlY J. T. l'Eprial, 11111009460. CLIS,VIAMII.V.0......4AUMIO.2•04,10µSMIVOCAMteileilegna,ITEINZAUZILTMlatiliVIINR. .114404401 1)1 1.6 57ca 12.7:13 Dennil FOF< 1.1 :El. 311 ea=2.1:611G- P.321211,1 BilESSELS [KEN UJLL WANTS TO GET 5OOOF POUN S IF IOOL In Exchange for G-oods, 11.11V.17111.16RMIMIMISE111131,3211111111111131E•2113. The Hig.iost Market Price will be Allowed. anamoolowaisommosonionwaterw. We have a rine Anortraent of 7., Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan- kets, Sheeting, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &a Atteitiniximeottlis! All Wool left with us for manufacturing, '9110 tiler rolls or otherwi8e, will luve our Prompt attention. SATIETACTION GITAII.,41,17TEED HOWE & CO Brussels.