HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-8-21, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST wimumminagnaimasummionsuuni.m.m.",....maging.masso _elimstarrietoUISSM110121entssicriareaniuMegocioromuselnuessommseEmomesSIMStatatanmn0OrgiarosALIMMUsittrAmateNZMAMMEinaMUnegaringling011.01," Grey Council 1Wooting. New Advertisements. Locals- Goo. (local, Loual-- Dr, J. C. Ayer. Auctiou Sale It. ,k dame, her bale • 11. li. ikon, Caetroiiina .1. T. Pepper. (JbcVtist, FRIDA AUG, 1, 1891. . - Washington Letter. (Prom our Regular dorrespondentd washineton, Aug. Wei. The members p981181 Senate Committee on Naval Affairs are about to make their annual inspection end thyestigation of "our insellicieut coast and harbor de. fences." There are some people who are disposed to regard this eunual 181. spection and investigation as a junket, but thoee who jump et such concluNiot cannot be classed as for -sighted patriot else they would not scoff when our ove worked United States beoators contr bute a portion of their hard•eerned stm mer vacation to this ardnons task. It has been asserted by persons wh claim to have made n study of the matte that it would be quite an easy task for British man.of-war to reach the harbo of NoW York in thirty•six beers, demo ish millioes of dollars' worth of propert and get back to Halifax before a Unite 18 r- 1- mills on the dollar, township rate at l• 1 a 108111118 and sehted assesamout 6,10 of a mill on the dollar for the current O year, Petition of Alex. Iiird and sie• ✓ teen °thetas praying to have drein con- structed louder the 'municipal Drainage r Act through the following lands ; Lotto I. 32, 83 and 3 1, on 811813th and 123h cons. ; 3, lots 32, 33, 34 and a5, un the Ilth con. ; cl lots 34 and 38, 10th and eth cons. of the E township of Grey ; lotti 1, and 3, 11111 • con, ; lots 1 and 9, 10th 0011. ; lots 1, 2 d aucl 3, Uth eon. of the township of Elma. e Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by AVni. Brown that tho clerk be instructed u to notify Mr. Bolton to 11(18140 81.0 examin • Racal of the premises and report if ad e vieable. Carried. Tne engineer report ed having examitied the drain effecting n the lands of Joseph Whitfield and stated • that ts, re-eurvey would be neoessary. I Moved by E. Bryau, :seconded by Thos. o Ennis thet permission be granted Joseph • Whitfield to go ou with a, re -survey uf amid ditch or drain. Carried. The ouginewes eerbflcate ef letting ditch or drain under an agreement made by M. S. B. Titagiun was read over and passed and an order issued to the contractor for the amount of certificate. By-law No. 5 for drainage al amended by the Oourt of Revision was read over a third time and finally passed. Chas. Blaokert ap• plied for gravelling to be done at lot 18, con. 12. No [motion taken. Moved by Walter Odver, seconded by Edward Bryan that the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed to pay off 1811 1110 railway de- bentures as soon .as they fall due. Carried. The following aouounts were handed in and ordered to be paid :—C. Hudson, gravel, 811.00; 0, Hudson, shovelling gravel and grading at lots 26 and '27, cons, 5 and (1, $10.50; James Brown, 38188111833 30(1 graveliing at lot 60, con. 1, 00.00 ; Geo. Coats, gravelling at lot 30, con. 2, 025.00; Henry Baler, ditch cm boundary Grey and 'Wallace, Grey share $5.64 ; David Robertson, grubbing stumps, lot •24, con. 4, 91.50 ; Geo. Ilta• Kay, grading on boundary Grey and ElMit, between 34 and 10 cons., Grey share, 1311.08 ; Ward, gravelling on 8(110 30819 0, con. 14, $0.00 ; Jas. Grieg, work on boundry Grey and Blum, con. 12, 61.00 ; Geo. McKay, gravelling 181 101 33, con. 15, 810.50; Jas. Cummings cul- vert at lot 85, con. 14, $0.00 ; Maulattn, 11188111133 088 bouudary Grey and Elmo, coll. lri, 810.00 ; Wm. Machan, ditching and grading at lots 34 and 33, con. 17, 050.56 ; Geo. Sparling,gravelling ott side road 5, con. 15, 020,00 ; Luke SPieran, 331118111033 011 side road 5, con. 14, $10.00 ; Win. Hamilton, repairing boundary Grey and Elma, between cons. 12 and 13, 510.00 ; W. H. Kerr, part payment contract printing, 025.00 ; Jas. Alartm, gravel, $20.65 ; John Eckmier, rag bolts and spikes for culverts, $1.00 ; Wm. Hugon, gravel, 05.10 ; Hart dr Co., Collector's roll paper 1000, 91.21 ; Robt. Docket, gravel, $13.80 ; Agnes Brown, keeping up fenoe at gravel pit, con. 9, $2.00 ; Jas. Mitchell, repairing bridge al eon. 12, $1.00 ; Robe 1331800, repairing culvert at con. 14 and one clay's work breaking stone cm road, 83.00; John Ritchie, gravel, $3.50 ; Mrs. Thos. Cardiff, gravel, 00 oents ; John Hollineer, ditch at lot 10, eon. 10, 82.10 and lumber for culverts, 83.011 ; John Dukelaw, diteh at lot 21, con. 12, $1.25 ; Time, Strachan, gravel, $11.44 ; Joseph Savage, ditch at lot 20, con. 5, 815.05 ; Wm. Mitchell, ehovelling gravel, 82.00; Robt. Dilworth, shovelling gravel, $4.00 ; Wm. Milne, gravel, 880,00; Jas. Jackson, gravelling side road 1, con. 8, 010.60 ; John Lowe, gravelling at tote 5 and 6, con. 8325.00 ; John F. Beirnes, digging ditch al lot 20, con. 8, engineer's certifioate, $160.00 ; L. Bolton, enginee8'3 ezpenses, Ditehes and Watercourses Act, $23.00 ; C. Switzer, gravelling al lot 1, con. 12, 615.10 ; D. Campbell, culvert, 013 lot 15, con. 16, $2.• 00 ; John Stewart, Wearing ditoh at lois 15 and 16, oon. 15, 87.00; Enooh Clark, repairing oulvert and gravelling at lot 16, cone 17 and 18, $2.00 ; Wm. Blake, polling ditch at lot 24, con. 14, $4.00 ; T. Ale tck, grading and gravelling and °lean- ing (Utah at lot 5, con, 14, 820.35 ; Wm. Bird, removing crossway and turnpiking at lot 15, con. 12, 072,50 ; John MeTag• pa, box drain 181 109 24, eon. 16, $1,50. The Couuoil then adjourned to meet again at the call of the Reeve. Wm. SPENCE, Clerk. Council met a lielhnitticils lintel, Critobrook, Aug. 11111, 33.811, parenant to adjournment. Members 0(181 all preeent. Reeve in the ehrtir, minutte of bust mi (11 inn read mud passed. A, letter Wita lead fr0111 the Idrovitstsial 'te't•ststtrer re 1,11,111 improvement thud. stating that said fund will be pant to mumetortlitti 0 en- titled thereto durieg the present month. altered by Walter Oliver, seemed a by Thos. Etude that Moseys. Milleand ltryan be instrinsted to offeet a settle - meta with the numielpality of lineeele in regard to said f nud. Carried. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Edward Bryan that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorigecl to borrow of the Standerd Bank, liruseels, the sum. of 6100 for township purposes for the cureent yeer, Carried, joint petiticm of live tate. payers from the townehips of Grey, Howick and Wallace to alter and enlarge the boundaries of Union School Section No. 4, Grey and Walluse. Moved by Ed., ward Bryan, seconded by Walter Oliver that Thos. 33trachan be appointed nag. trator for Grey. Carried, A By•law was passed axing tenuity rate at 2 1, 1.0 States steamer could remelt the point attack. Therefore, the Senate commit tee will vieit Newport, Isar Herber, an other vulnerable summer resorts on th coast and endeavor to accumulute infor• motion that will be valuable to tiles when they come to shape naval legiala tion next wiuter, Of course there ar some hypercritical persons who will wan to know what the Senate Committee o Naval Affairs did with this class of ie formation obtained on previous anima trips, but 11 18 hardly proper or fair t have the motives of our patriotic Moms tigators impugned by every chronic feult finder in the couutry. The season for scientific gatherings in Washington is upon us, and from now until Fall trained experts in all branches of sciences will make Washingtoe their Mecca. They are headed bete from all points of the compass. The microscop- ists made up the vanguard and hardly had they plunged actively into their work when the sessions of tbe fifth an- nual convention of the association of American Agricultural Colleges mid ex• periment stations began. This body, • which assembled hers last year, had such a pleasant time they decided to come bAck, one of their pernoses being to get in the scientific swim of the federal cap- ital this summer. Washington is quite the center of 810181108 31 prestent 11.0(1 10813' be permanently. The Association of Official Agricultural Chemists and the Society for the Promotion of Agricultur- al Science will convene this week. The Economic Eutomologists, the great American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, the Geological Society of Americo, and the International Con• gress of Geologists all will Le here in ses• sion this month. .18.3110813 deal of Democratic campaign work will be done in Washington next winter. The national and Congressiottal uommittees and the headquarters of the Association of Democratic Clubs will be side by aide and all three organizations will wo•k in harmony, tinder this ad. nimble arrangement there will be no duplication of work, anti the greatest amount of good will be ancompliehed with the least expense. Senators Gor. man, Hill, Brice, Kenna, and Ransom are ottrtain to be fregoent visitors 33 14(0 bettclquarters, and tins fact Meares the attendance of the other 1,0810)11 of the party. Inquiry at the Treasury Department develops the fact that Secretary Footer's plan for continuing the 41 per cent, loan at 2 per cent, has so far failed to meet with the favor that was anticipated by its advocates. On the 2n11 of July there were outetandinif 031,000,000 of -11 per cents. Since then 018,500,000 of the bonds have been continued, leaving 37,- 000,100 1/ per astute. in the possession of 800 national banks and 325,000,000 in the hands of individ ea Is. These bonds, aggregating 532,500,000, in order to be continued under the present offer, must be presented on or before September 2 ; otherwise the Scoretary of the U.'restsury must he prepared to redeem thew 0x1 presentation. The northwestern part of the Capital City is surely rus in nein,. It is but a step from the asphalt and stately resi- dences to woods and fields. It is quiet, too. The birds know this and abound thereabouts. In the evening about toon• down partridges can be beard calling by people who live in fine banal near by. Often they come further down. These birds 1(888 00011 the other evening, 011 1(10 steps of the President's ohuroh—the Chattels of the Covenant, on Connecticut avenue, and their cry is sometimes to be heard in the grounds of the British lega- tion, just opposite, Aotiug Secretary Nettleton has decid. ed 1811181 18 is not neeessary under the re• gulations for customs offleers to viait post offices where packages are held for duty, but that the postmaster can have snob packages opened by the owners in his presence and report to the customs offimals for an estimate 013 1118 duties, which will be collected and forwarded by the postmaster. If Mr. Quay heads the Pennsylvania procession it will hardly move in the ad• ministration groove. According to some of the able party organs cheap eugar is expected to cover a multitude of extravagant appropria- tions. It doesn't regeire marsh of a prophet to (Recover that next wintes will be made lively with Congressional investi- gations. The t111'ee•3,ear•old child of Mrs. lamo of Medicine Hat was killed by a building falling npon 18. Edward Duff, prinuipal 013 8110 13aptist College, Winnipeg, died Saturday at his residence. Iies 180,0 46 ,years of ego and mime from Poterboro , Ont. A Bleckfoot Whet named Big Water hag been brought into Calgery from High River under the tterest for atabbing another Indian. The Indians had an altercation over some tobacco, when Big Water stuok his knife twice into the others abdomen, making serione Wounds, He was drunk at the time, and the police will investigate where he obtainel his wit May. Huron County. Canton has a blind basket maker, 0111018018 thieves are still operating in Luoknow. James Steep, of Clinton. is ehipping apples to the east. There will be no Caledonian gamee in Luoknow this year, 14mius on the $ is Clinton's rate of taxation this year. Ilohnes, of the Clinton New 33ra, noonpied Rue pulpit of the St. Mary's Methodist church last Sunday. Several large tanks to be used for fire protection have just been oompleted throughout the village of Exeter. Several workmen have been engaged during the past week repairing the for. rime and pan at the Exeter salt works. All breakages have been nioely tnentioci and it is now in full working order. The eontraot for the ereotion of the eounty bridge on the boundary line be. tween Morris and East Wawanosh has been awarded to L. Hardy, of Exeter, for the surn of 9760. The oontrecti for the erection of the Silver Creek bridge adjoining Seaforth hag been awarded to ( Robert Jamieson of Fordwich foe the sum o13900, IItred Ittunball, of Clinton, eapeels leave in a few titys on 31. s (oil to hi daughter, 01 1 litho:shim, 11 e 8 Virginia D. Shanahan, of 1111113.88, 1008 a fins mare laet week ; it got its leg broken ineastimithly Ity 38 kit•It from anothee letr•ie, and had to be killed. C011(811..11 Bros., of Clinitsit, ,11111,81„,, Ili" first plume of Ille sermon ea Alondko of last smelt, the (nem will be very beevy one, and coneequently large tinantiticie Will bo ehipped. A, are, suppotied to be of ineendiery orminalid considerable damage at Exeter early Sundity morning. Lazes drag eters, ilolland'a tin shop 181111 W. E. Coneheutturle drug store with °entente were destroyed. Fall and spring wheat around Seethe ie the best mem they have bna for years. Oats a(1d peas good. Barley light, 11)18 good sample. Hay rather light. Corn good. Potatom, first clam Other root urope good. Apples light crop, Pears good. Richard (levier, of Ilullett, voungoet son of .11,1311 doyley, has not been its good health for some time, and with the 0081. 818(11 of his medieel adviser, has eoine to Clintou for examinatiou and treatment. ills ailment is a serious one, but it is believed that under good care and Racal. don he (0411 001110 ont all right. The fall wheat around Winghttm has beeu harvested and in a number of (lees where it lute been threshed 31 1)801'. ages between 25 and 35 bushels per aere and weighs ill pounds per bindle'. Spring wheat proinivee equal to the fall. Oats and peas will be cousiderably above the average. Farmers hi that section say they never luel euch 18 (mop. Apples and plums promise well. Coo. Johnston, who has been employ. ed in the furuiture fatotory at Lucknow, met with a painful eacident receritly. In company With S. Kay and J. Camp- bell he drove to Holyrood o, double carriage, and while leading the horses into 1118 (11191033 shed of the hotel theee, one of the animals suddenly bolted to the side and threw Johnston to the grounli breaking his collar bone. AvilIDENT.--As Thee. :Holmes, of I Loltueeville, woe puttiug up cs, fenee on Monday morning of last week he Wee ae. cidently kioked by a colt. A. McLeod, who was with him, wished to go for a rig to take hitm home brit he wonld not at first 1181811 to it as he supposed he was not much hurt, but on getting worse he allowed McLeod to go. They got him to the house and ertmmoned a doctor, but in spite of all they could do he died the next morning. The heavy wind and rain storm of Sunday, August 01h, did MUell damage both south end north of Exeter to orops aud buildings. Near Centralia, it roust have been a cyclone. The spire of St. Peter's R. C. ehuroli was blown clown, carryiog with it a portion of the roof and western gable. Fortunately it swung clear 013 8110 main body of the church, or the damage would have been greater. The church was built about 'fourteen years 0.340, end has been a prominent landmark slime 13)31 811110, with its tall cross -tipped spire. Last year the °con- gregation expended a large eron on re. pairs and new painting, and were just on the eve of porchasing a bell. The loss will be Dilly 01,50. The Rev. Father Keeley and hie oongregation have (ho aympathy of all who know them. Go Friday night of last week 181)10.010 oat of the ordinary line of such pleasant events Wok place on that part of the lake shore kuown as the South Beach, near Baylleld. It Was the uni pm and original idea of one of the fair teurists sojouruing at the Queen's, A pie•nic after nightfall 1 The company asseni b. led just as Old Sot was sinldng from sight in the bosom 013 1118 lake and pro- mpting a sIght Whieb 80118 well worth seeing. .tes soon as darkness appeared a large fire was lighted awl the good things were enjoyed, after which a large kettle and a quautity of sugar were produced and the mysteries of taffy making pro- ceeded with, The .00tnpany beteg sup- plied ivith plates and spoons, were soon busy in disposing of that toothsome dainty which was the outcome of the Kettle, Sugar dr Fire combination. John A. MeCarthy, aged 80, is the oldest constable in the Huron District. He was brought up in Yorkshire, Eng. land. Mr. MeGarthy atteuded the school from which the character of "Squeers," is drawn iu Dickens' "Nicloolas Niokle- by." The original of the ohmmeter was Thomas Shaw, of Bowes Academy, near Greela Bridge, Yorkshire, and Mr. Mc Carthy is the boy Who had his clothes stolen by "Squeers." He remembers well the oomtnents of his school mates on seeing "Squeers' " son parading in kis clothes, which were m colt too small for him, mud also recollects a severe whip- ping he received for stealing a crust of breed and 3 little bacon from the' sehool larder, o The steyen.yuer.0111 daughter of john 11IatittlItt, ((13 6311' Strsi ford Pi1, f 11 f 111318 . 11, tiering Moeda), atfternerm of hoot week, etesteining a 'Emotion of the loft arm , above the elbow, Aledioril Mil wee sum. • moiled anti the intnry att,•11,10t1 to. on Saturday morning Detre:Gee John (1011119 saw a young MD trying to die- • 1,01011,.),),0901111,toptraeogtiltiAlorlolaiile !street, Tot • man tinder 01(111(3, anti the young fellow Semi 001.fi(5eell to vial, 31113,3 the rig from a Stretford livery man and had driven from that 101881 to Toronto. The pollee notified the 0181108 that 1110 herse I0110 Rao, The prisoner's mime lo j. FL D. Sharpe mud his 110010 le Newmarket. A little son of Almost Fisher, of Logan, met with an almost fatal acuident. It appears that the men were going out to a Interest field with a binder to 1(111011 1(180 attached three horses, 13e11133 unable to 3481 11111003411 the gate onc.• of the horsea was unhiteherl and the little boy, with the father'e consent bat against the pro- test of the hired man, 18 18 placed noon his back, when the animal ran atvay. Ihe boy wile thrown off, and hie foot getting tangled in the harneee he was di tinged 131800334) 1110 field, end when pit:Ic- ed llp 008 thought to be dead. A leg WM broken, Tams end body torn, bet loo will recover. Clalt Reporter says young boy Moore igen Stretford whom the the chief found with Robitisoses circus proved rather a diffioult enstomee to deal with. 18.'hen Fit in the eell to a wait the arrival of Heine One to take him home, he made the "world ring" with hie cries. 1 After stending them for some time the I chief deeicled they were entirely too ' Lunch out of tune to be oontinued, so he I brought the boy upstaire to hie office and there locked him in. The chief beiug called away, tbe buy forcer] up the window and by some 31e3100 mammal to drop to the ground and made off, probably join- ing the dit•ous again, About three o'clock Saturday afternoon of last week Michael Slattcley in chiming a 'cow from Ids garden, stuns bled and fell heavily to the grorind, Slattery has been a ward of St, Marys, and Coun. :1930101111, Chairman of the Relief Com mittee, wag communicated with. A floc. tor was sent to the house of the unfor- tunate men and it woe found that the right leg had been fractured above the knee. 18.5 it had been deoicled 10 the meantime to send the sufferer to Stmt. ford hospital for treatment, the leg was bandaged and a slat used to keep it in position. Slattery was placed on a mat- tress on springs and driven to Stretford hospital, where his injuries were attend- ed to. He is there at the expense of the town. In the Dakotas and Minneseta the harvest is well nnder way end the prom. iso of a big crop is beinp, more than ful- fill81ta' 21s second meeting of the Lake Huron trotting circuit held at Harristen Tues. day WaS a great success. The running race was not finished, one heat to be run on Wednesday. So far it has been a neck and•neek struggle betweeu Peekaboo and Topsy 13. Summary :-2:50 class trot or pace, puree $125 --Axtell, 09 Stmt. ford, 1 ; Allanford Chief, Harriston, ; George, S. B., Palmereton, 3 ; Letter 13., Wingham, 4. Time, 2.421. Free-for•all, P11108 $1.50—Grey Tobe, 131sievitle, 1 ; Bay Fly, Grand Valley, 2 ; Sleepy ;Toe, Ofinton, 8 ; Neustadt Lad, 4. Time, I 2.31. Open Run, half mile herd race, purse $125--etteletboo, Sarnia, and Topsy B., Wingharn, won two heate eaoh, with Chas. Stewart 3, and Hum• ming Bird 4. Topsy 88011 the deoiding heat on Wednesday. Perth County. miss Agnes Knox, the St. Mary's elocu- tionist, has left Winnipeg for home. The Bt. Marys council has awarded contract for the erection of market shade to cost about 8200. John Busch, of Sebringville, has sold his twodegged oolt to it company ito Stmt. ford for 0250. It pays to raise equine cripples. , Mrs. Pettapiece was helping to move a barrel of sugar in the Motherwell atom the other day when it iell on her ankle, inflicting a painful wound. Ills contract for slating and tiling the roof of the new market building Bt. Mary's, 1180 boon awarded to a Toronto firm for the stun of 6587. During a reoent threehing on W. 181115. 00110 farm, on the 3rd of West Nissouri, twenty•four bap were threshed from the seed of two buehels Surprise wheat sown last fall. Ronne Mohr, the well known hotel - keeper of Gadehill, is confined in the gaol, haying gone out of 1110 mind, Re has been growing more and more dement. ed tor the last 31818( 018 two. It was decided 116 18 meeting held in St. Jamete Chetah Reutory St, Mary's, that instead of holding a. Garden party and Harvest Festival in the Reotory gronnds, the congregation be invited to give direct- ly the amount white] would probably be raised. A. frieudly game 013 318150 ball was play. ed between the dry goods men and the grocers of St. Marys on Friday of last week Motel eesulLed in a victory, at the end of five innings, tor the grocers of 21 to 131. Ott Tees:ley another "scrap" took place between the tailors end hotel. keepees vs. blacksmithe and paietere. Thong P I 05) 801831 3 score 03 18 to 9, REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR S &LE .—THE UN • DERS1GNED has several good Forms for sale aud to ('0130, 000.8 terms, lu Townships of &Farris and Grey. 13,0, SCOTT, Brussels. 87-tf. OHOICE FAR11 FOR SALE.— ehuis buildings. A rare bargain to wish Lot 14, 000.12, Gray; 100 acres that. 11811'0b(150)', Tilde perfect. Apply at once te S811 CLAIR, Solioltor, Brussels. N. pHOICE FARM FOR SALE.— N.) Being South half Lot 27, con.% °term, 100 acres, nearly (111 01811809. 1(00(1 18)111111095, floe young bearing °rob ard. mediate pos- session, Easy Terms. Apply im W. AI. SIN ()LAIR, 11- Solicitor, &a., Br u &sole. VAR"' FOR SALE.—THE UN• dm:signed offers his valuable 100 acre farm, being Lot 32, Coo, 0, Grey, for sale. There me a acres under orOp, balame timbered. There to n, good orchard, wells, dm. on the premiees, besides log house, bang barn, ,0&a. Will be sehl on reasonable tonna For 13riee 180(1 1081 particulars apply 80 Will, 112,181811111, 11100(01 P. 0., or &MIN 'BEATTIE, SeitfOrth, Out. NTALUA.BLE 50 ACRE FARA" V Frat wost I,ot 11, 050,9, Grey, 018011180 from Brussels. The land is gOod Clay 100111, well drained, mostly all cleared and im go0,1 order, Or.e acre of or- ehard in good repair. There 18 a never 5841' log spring on tho 1,10811000 (10(1(18 extra well ab the buildings, The buildings are comfort- able, Would take suitable property In Or ear russe as per, pay. Per further m.- 110111005 11111)131 00 the premises to Taos, mooarse,on, or (0th -e00 13183110015 1'. 0, Oaf 'FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- DlbiteiciNED executors offer the John Lowe farm for sale. The property consists , of 100 titres, being Lot 10, 0031. 0, Grey, and 1 haVing thereon a nrat-elaas brick bouse, bank barn, orchard, wello, never -failing spi1og, 00011 foouoo, Sm. AbO1111 70 acmes °leered, balance bush, Possession will be gloom next Fall. Por further particulars es 10 !Mao and terillS apply to W. B. DB3E:SON, Solicitor, Brussels, or to JNO. SMITE, 1w E. a. MoARIPRIIR -"L"""-"'' 02-11 Oth tion,, Grey, FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN. DigalliONED Offers 1 or sale the north west quarterof lot 28, concession 0, Morris, 00(111131 01 Buren, containing 00 ltbrini. The laud 10 ot enality aucl in a bign State of oultivation, woil fenced and utuler•dralued, OS etyma cleared. New frame honee, 8 rooms, milk house with eonerete walls, 2 180110, good barns end shed, orchard , eta. Eight acres of fall wheat. This desirable proportiy °dieing the corporation of Brussels. 'Snit - able tow will be Oven . Title perfect, IAMBS (*301)11114,03(1.018, ad. Seafarth 11,0, CLOOD HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAI,33,—Phs undersigned offers for We cm the most ronermalde' terms, Villtete Dot 101, on the corner of King and John streeta, Brussels. .00 the property, ara a need cellar, got, cl Prattle (1W011185, 181111 settee rooms aod kitabcD, pantry and %modelled, Ilard end soft water, tom a, good frame amble, driving shod nod 100 110000. Thu beildings aro all in erst•olitss order, and there se ante ample Morn far another build- ing on Ibo condi, i' defame 101300 80131 tea. solutions, Pot term ,s tee, a mly to MRS, 1512,33900A111 , Brunel° P, 02.10 or to A tRuserert,Div. Court Olerk, 91, 1891 i‘s.=r,i..7gAzter.z.r...Mul.F•t-.741P4F.2011?9,SeFt.41.1F=r242,141seitaili ‘170 THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 3333 CANADA. DRILL, 1891. Men Wanted! A. ninnher of eltailde nom ere a an led for NO. 3 Cotopeny, figrd. (11 0 fon) Battalion, which goes tn onion at St. Thomas, on '1'11140)1 811, SEPTeas ItEit 1s1. A 1,1,1,e, ioom should be Made at once at Dickson .8. Hay's otIlee, 11,8,10eptitin. brussels, Aug. 1,111. !FASTER FAIR LONDON September 17 to 26. OAIAIOAA FAVORITE LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL, Industrial and Art Exhibition Established 18118. LAMA 110411112,811 OF 118X118110ITS As» .1317E11111A814E, 11WEEt1 1E2,111. 1844)0 11,10 (3033,), but 1601 114( 3,1' better. $25.00 IN PRIZES Attritetione, ate., which aro being arranged for, will surpaai ally yet in odueed. SVECIAL EXcellsiON 18.8.11110 tn.; ALL Wm. Retries close Sept. 12th. For Pr:ze Lists and toformatio ri 111 to CAPT. A. W. Ponro, A.. BROWNE, President. Secretary. ou hin, TS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub - .5 stances from the bronchial passages. Frequently, this causes inflanunation and the need of an anodyne. No other expectorant or anodyne is equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays irritation, induces repose, and is the most popular of all cough cures. "Of the many preparetione before the public for the mire of colds, coughs, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there is none, within the range of my experi- ence, so reliable as .Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. For years 31 was subject 80 (10105, followed by terrible coughs. About four years ago, when so afflicted, I was ell- vised to try Ayer's Cherry Peotoral and today all other remedies aside. I 011 so, and within et week was lvell of my cold and cough. since then I have always kept this preparation in the house, and feel comparatively secure." *Mrs. L. L. Brown, leenniark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a seyore cold. which affected my lungs. I had a ter- rible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave rae U. I tried A.yer's Cherry Poet:oral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. 13y tho con- tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent c ere was effected."—Horace Fambrother, Rockingham, Vt, Ayes Cherry Pectoral IMMURED my Or. J. C. teyer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by an Druggists. Price V; ter 1133908, 95. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 HIM 1)0(`11 1,13101 in 111.4 1)81(1,18 .i111T41111.11t (11) Void (1.15s LOWEST RATE OF I.STEll,St No Commission. Borrowers can bare loans emu- plete,d 111 Throe Dcys if title satisfactory. W. IL SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels, MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro. porty itt 6 & Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans Ivith privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY LOWEST RATES. Private and Compali y Fundi. .A.PPI..-1C TO J.C, Heffernan, j.A.Youn g. Valuator. Agen t. Ethel P.O. ,Ont. PAC Harvest Excursions, ErOM fitatiOnS in Ontario Return Rat es to METITVEN TIARTNEY 1)IfLOR.r1INE 00S011 IN BIN 50/1119 T REGINA. MOOSEJAW YORK'JCON CAT.CS AR Y PRIN013 ALBERT $28.00 s3o.00 $35.00 To leave an points 10 tlie Frevlime of Outarlo on AUGUST 11TH, "tr,,',',,e1V1i,:-"' AUGUST 18TH, "P16:11:48.11•171,11181PP- SE PT '8 1ST, "ct"'"Orie10431. 'et" - Portia& tiekotIng froth other points should arrange to arrive 01Toronto in Mole to con- nect wish the 11 it in, train leaving August 11(18,10(8, aLcl September, 150,16111. For farther particulars apply to any agent of the Company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. - CONFEDERATION LIFE, - Organized 1871. - Read Office, Toronto, Remember after Three Years Po/lo/es are Incontestable, 31111110 101201,1 ALL REST RICTIO NS AS TO liES1DENCE, TRAVEL OE OCCUrATION Paid-up Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in 00,011 Policy, THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS AllSoLUTE PROTECTION AGAINIST EARLY DEATII PROVIDES AN Limn] Is OLD AGO, AND IS A GOOD INVESTMENT. Policies are Non.Vorfeitable after the Payment of Two full anneal Premiums, Profits, which are Unexcelled by any company doing business in Canada, am allocated every five. years from the issue of the policy, or at long* periods, Re may be seleeted by the ineurcei. Profits so Allocated are Absolnte and not liable to be recluorei ot• recalled at any future time uuder any cirounistimeee Parbicipating Policy Holders ere entitled to not less than 90 per eent. of the profits earned in the class, and for the past seven years have actually received 95 per cent. of the profits so earned. W. C. MACDONALD, ACTUARY. 3. II. MACDONALD, MANAGING 13111803011. W. X -X. X1Gi3j,, Li'russel •••• 1,..fammomm•••••mff,.... IWOOLL BROS. & 00. .Axe sil1 pleasing the public with Oils. Why uso an Oil that will injure your naachinery, when you can get the CELE RATE "LH INE —)SPECIALTIES(— Cylinder, Larcline, Wool, Eureka, ppindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harnest•;. MANUFACTURERS : 1E0001Z nnos. 8: 00., TOItONTO. 44.61n For Sale by B. BEIM, Brussels.