HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-8-7, Page 88 BICYCL E ! Are you going to buy a Bicycle or Bieyulate, because if so, 1 will be pleased to take your order. 1 can save: you express charges if tart more. We are agents for THE LEDGE CYCLE Co. GEORGE TOWNSEND & Co. GENDRON MANUFG CO. Or in fact we can get for you key Wheel you Prefer, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookeeller, cac. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOCTURRN EXTENSTON W. 8. 13. Trains Imre Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GorNO Sonses. Corso Smolt. 95011 31:53 8.1.13. I Mixed 9:45 a.m. Mattress ILE a.m. Mail 50e pan, =Iva RAO pan, Express 11.53 pan. Karat Raps .11fcms, A chiel's aniang ye to -kin' notes, Au' faitla he'll prent it. AUGUST. Brun schools re.open on Tuesday, 28813 lest, Tun as mill will start work next ;reek. SCIMM., Board meets this (Friday) evening, SPEctAL.—.17 yards of regular 7c. cotton for 51.00 at Ferguson & DU. SINCLAIR, the epeoialist, will be at the Ameriean Hotel, Brussels, next Tuesday. C'APT. BAss is asking for a number of reeruitg for No. 6 Company, 88rd Batt., to go to catnp at 88. Thomas in Septem- ber. &Trim found. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying for This notice by codling at George Beaker's grocery. TEE (mat advertised as lost a few weeks ueo Was found by Joseph Scott, of Morris, and returned to the owner last Friday, Advertising peys. As next Tuesday is the civic holiday the business places will be closed and the public should govern themselves ac• cordingly in making their pm aliases. New fall wheat has been delivered at the National Roller Mills by Conrad Michael, of Grey. It woe the Rogers variety and scalea 61 pounds to the bushel. Dzeresons.—A. meeting of the Direr - tors of Brussels Driving Park Assoota. tion will he held 136 8130 American.' Hotel on Friday, evening of this week. Dire' tors asked to be present, A. Onseem.—Eight roorned-house, near- ly new, with hard and soft water, A. 1 cellar, large stable ana driving house. Must he sold. Easy terme and reason- able price. Apply to E. R. Gareby. 5475 will purchase the building and lot on Turnberry Street, Brussels, for. sierly used as a photo. gallery and Den- tal office. Apply to 4 4 G. R. ilLutrrx, D. D. S. Box 124, Grommet', Mich. "On, if I had only token this medicine earlier in life, what years of suffering it would have eaved me I" was the touch- ing exclamation of one who had been ' clued of rheumatism by the use of Ayer's Saisaparilla. Scores of 833013 eases are on record. Tun new stone bailee house at Ross' miIl is completed. It is 133:30 feet and will prove a valuable aaquitition to the mill both in the metier of room end com- fort it doing work. It also lessens his danger from fire. The mill does a largo trade. Bran MolLtr'is team, 9811 con., Grey, ran away from the Queen's Hotel shed last Saturday afternoon. The wagon struck the south end of the bridge and threw the box off and the horses brought tip at a telephone pole at the corner of William and Turnberry streets. The wagon was considerably damaged. Howma blueasz•—The monthly meet. ing of the Howlok Mutual Fire Insnr- mice Company was held in the Gorrie Town Rail on July 2511t, all the members present. 105 applice Lions were passed, amounting to 5257,815, This is the largest amount ever passed in any month in the 17 years history of this Company. All the claime presented were settled. ENTRANa EXAmINATION.—The following are the names of those who were remora. 'mended at the recent Entrance Examin. ation for Brussels, Wingham and Wren. uter. All those recommended by the Ex- aminere have been passed by the Ethics. ation Department —Brussels — John Menzies, Wm, I. Smith, Jas, Fred Welsh, William Stewart, Sarah Dough. erty, Edith Humphries • Win charn— Bella Cummings, Lornie Gordon, Frank n IL Omar, Percy 60380311886 ; Wrouter— tl Lotto kr. Orr. th Manimait and rnif NI 0133138. Tee Pose has a great many anbsorib. Ise ere in Manitoba, Northwest and Western til States. A number of them keep their subsoriptions paid with the rogelarity of a clock work but the large majority are in W &nears, sotne woefully so as far as we aa ore concerned. We 551,1 money to run Q our business and poy 81,, way, so We ask se you, 18 33011 live hi the 18, ality named, or thereabouts, to melte 31 3110101 60 OgnarO A, fl. Look at the label on your paper, W It should be marked Jan. 92. If not you E 43130 5001300 the amount due by multiply. ing $1.50 by the nuraber 08 3389.80 behind, Goo(' harvests and good times only help ea when they prompt our subscribets to send along a small share of the proteeds. This item is not for “kir., Smith nor Mr. 4ones" 10 partionlar but is for You if you are in arrears. We will nohow. ledge all remittaneee on the laboL Who *ill be tho first to remit ? Address lettere to W. II. /tem Publisher, flres, Sale, Ont, TUE BRUSSELS POST .&u.7, 1891 estsisacialocesssacceemsrarmaiiiirstrissuansciatamix.vainsostassurnsamilaiatses,utsittroAtiomwasitsir 851 COMING EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS 55% BEFORE. E will Move into our Now Store with the Stone Pavement in front, instead of a sidewalk when finished, about Septeniber lot. R. switrrxit. We will then be prepared to meet all oppositions. as Everything will be New in Dress Goods ; Everything New in Mantle Cloths ; Everything New in Enn ' glish and Canadian Tweeds • Everything New in 'Worsted and DiagonalStriped; Worsted Coatings andPantings, Overcoats and Custom MadenSuits. EVERYTHING NEW IN GENT'S FURNISHTNGS, - EVERYTHING NEW IN BOOTS We have bought. all our Pall Goods, and will have them in the New Store when the time Never so Low 1 Never so Good ! Never so Stylish Never—"Well hardly ever"— are we left, but always right. N. B.—No second hand goods ; no goods that were ever offered to the public before, will ever be allowed to enter our store at any price, but all will be New, Good and Sound Goods. Scoteli, Irish, & SHOES. C01110S. A. R, SMITH. Cure holiday next Tuesday, 11613 inst. Exoursion to Goderioh. S. Fete offers his desirable property for sale on Queen street. You oan get all sizes in Ivorine enters for 15o. at Ferguson & Halliday's. Buusszns Laorosse club talk of playing a match at Goderich next Tuesday. You can get 14 yards of factory ootton at Fergueon &Halliday's for 61.00, worth 80. per yard. A aunesta, tournament on Aug. 27813 at Gorrie, is one of the coming events. Brussels nab has been invited. New subsoribers are rolling in to Tan POST. 60 cents in advance secures it until January 1892. Dont borrow any longer. Tin roofs of J. R, Smith's block and the Queen's Hotel have been receiving attention this week by the tar and gravel men. Oen Lacrosse team was defeated at Wingham last Friday afternoon by 2 to 0. Brussels has the material for a good lacrosse club if they wonld settle down to practice. TEE distention of the stomach which many people feel after eating, may be due to improper mastication of the food ; but, in most cases, it indicates a weak. ness of the digestive organs, the best remedy for which is one of Ayers Pills, to be taken after dinner. AOCIDENT.—Last Friday nooti Thos. Smith had the misfortune to fall through a hole in the seoond floor of their faotory (used for taking lumber up and down) to the ground floor, a distance of about 18 feet. His back as injured 13-8 hie old time pluck Soon pet him on his feet again and we hope'he will suffer no bad results from 8130 rapid deseent. Execnsme.—The annual Sunday school excursion to Goderieh on Tuesday, Aug. 11. Betern fare from Brussels, by speoial train, leaving at 8:80 a. m., will be only SO cents for adults a,nd 40 cents for children. The steamer ''Gity of Windsor" will run excursion trips on the lake that aay. Train gets to Goderioh at 10;45 a. m. and leaves at 7:85 p. m., thereby allowing exousionists .nearly 9 hours at the lake, LXST of passengers ticketed this week by J. T. Pepper, C. 1?. 2. agent, Brusoels, are as follows :—Prank Vansbone, to Winnipeg, Man. ; Edmund Pepper, to Winnipeg, Man. ; Malcolm Black, to Sault Ste Marie ; Robb. Ransom, Ethel, to moosomin, Nae,; Sas. Sholdioe, Wal- ton, to Methorn, 1414n. ; Geo. Love, Sun. shine, to Hartney, Man. ; John Bolger, Walton, to Methorn, Man. ; Geo. licitly, Walton, to Ivrethorn, Man. ; Zech. McKee, Ethel, to Binsearth, Man. Frank ffelly, Brussels, to Port Arthur. Dirnovicamems —Jahn Soli hos put up a new picket fence in front of his reFi- demo, Queen street.—A new floor has re- placed the old one in the Queen's Hotel veranda/I.—him Roddiak is having a, brick storehouse and woodshed sweated at the rear of his store, The new building will be 1402 feet.—The section house at the railway, in which Wm. littler re• sides, has been enlarged and greatly im. proved by new siding, &o. Donnie the past week T. Fletcher ticketed the following passengers 1-7, Lamont, John Simon and John Stubbs, to Hartney, Mao.; Thos. Maxwell and Mrs. Maxwell, to Chioago ; 11. Dennis and 0, P. Seholfield, to Toronto; Dr. Oavanagh, to Elora ; Mrs. Bateman, to Algoma Mine ; Wm, Xing, to Mooeumie, Man. ; Elias Dickson and Thos. Brown, to ; Ansa A. Ross and Miss T. Hunter, to Detroit 1 Chas. Hiokson, to Portage la Prairie. Tu E PosT would like to know who tho Brusselite was who got left on the hoot trade and ho.d to borrow a pair of slippers to go home ?—Why is it that when the fire alarm rings alma everybody, fire- men included, race off to the are instead of running to the Hall for the engine and hose oarts ? More than one person cloes this and tben have the nerve to wonder ''why tinder the sun is the 00 5108 ot at work sooner ?"—If a great dsal of le swearing done by persons milling emselves men, and boys would not kely be lessened if a few of the old ads had a good big fine imposed on an for their profanity ? Quorenie..—On Thursday of last week number of the Blyth Quoiting olub ere in Brussels , and played a friendly Me with our local pitchers n6 the neen's Hotel, resulting in the following ore in a 52 point garne 1311T11, 113atiennts, 1400011, . es 0E014 '3 . Livingston 0 j, C. Tuck 10 !?:t....NT=15rstE . Total 42 Total 67 Referee for Blyth, A. S. Cousins. The return match Wite played at Blyth on Tuesday and resulted as follows 8. 81111513371, tanraistr,s. 2 1. Stretton 22 W. tudse 13 A, 2. Cantina, 15 .3108. 1)avlu ::::::::: 3 .r.;,;7'2:130318, 17 Total 58 et Total ee Referee, Win, Livingston, Tnn postoffice hours on civic holiday will be 4:30 to 6:80 p. Tne largest and newest assortment of gents' ties at Fergueon & Hallidays. BART Huron Fall Fair will be held in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Oot let and 2115. We have just passed into stook We week 50 pieces of the newest patterns in prints. Ferguson de Halliday. TOWNS= CLERK ROLMAN, of -Osborne, was in town on Wednesday interviewing Reeve Graham in reference to the Coun- ty Clerkship. TILIOS. KELLY bits about half an acre of tomato vines and expects a very prolific erop. 00 one vine Mont a foot long, we oounted 25 tomatoes. Next week he will have plenty of them ripe. Bre G. T. R. excursion to Grimsby Park and Niagara Falls Satnrday, Aug, ltith. Good program: at the Perk. Tiokets 62 00, gooa to .aturn on the 18813. For particulars inquire of G. T. B. agents, BOOTHS.—On Friday evening, 14613 inst., at 8 o'clock, the privilege of selling refreshments on the Brussels Driving Park on the day of the races, (Fliday, 21st insa) will be let by poblic antion 186 8115 Amerioan Hotel. L. 11018131.1 mune to Brussels last week and set to work as one of the proprietors of the National Roller mill. We extend 18 cordial weloome to Mr. Hembly and family in their return to Brussels and hope they will be greatly prospered. NS/nu-Dream men Darramm.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin svelte and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence assent door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 48-88 I. 0. If.—At Court Maitland, No. 699, at the regular meeting, held Friday July 81st, the following officers were install. ed :— T. Fletcher, P. 0.11. ; S. 'Wilton, 0. R. ; IL Black, V. 0. 2.; R, W. Ross, It. S.; A.. 0ousley, F. 8.; 1. Ballantyne, Treas. ; D. Ballantyue, S. W. ; R. Wilson, J. W. ; W. Ramsay, S. B. ; B. Vincent, J. B. ; 0. Rozell, Chap. FM PM: td 011038 onr Tits above out represents the interest taken by a large proportion of our read, era in Canada's Favorite Exhibition. This the Directors deserve for their un- tiring efforts to keep it at the front of Live Stook and Agricultural Fairs. Ite growing popularity ici doe greatly to the attention given in revising the prize list, making suoli alterations as are required; to the improvenlent of live stook ; en 00110551644 the better classes of grains and seeds for cultivation, and bringing out and foetering now inventions of all kinds, A large number of spoolsi primes are offered for ensue and butter as the manufacture of these artines is consider- ed two very important industriee of this Provinoe, Special prizes are also offer. ed for the cow malting the tumt butter on the grounds, the Mete to be ender the supervision of an expert from the Agri. oultumi ral College. The machinery in motion in the main building was of soh an interesting and instruotive oharaotar that speoial efforts aro being made to eclipse former yaars, In the Art De. partment there is a new departure and ono whioh has already proved excluding. lysticoessful ; artists are allowed the privilege of disposing of their procluctione by private gale and public emotion ; by adopting Olio coarse and efforte of Seere• tary Browne they have secured 13 magnifi. cent collection of works of art by Britigh masters'containing paintings valued at 4 000 storling. A sight of these alone would well repay a 3/113ib to the Western Fair, bat whet they add sash special attractions as the Wild Weat Show, trapeze perforniances, fancy rifle shoot- ing, fire engine contest, camemout sawing matehes, elaborate fire -works displays, balloon races by lady and gent, bands of music, eto., where oan we go that we will receive so much solid instruction and en- joyment at such little expense as to the Western Fair in London, September 176h to 26th. 73(:)M.TO XCENIO.—In Mitobell, on July 30813, the wife of Mr. A. Koenig, Brussels, of a son. lifleMSWoRTR.—In 31611011, Ott July 27813 the wife of Mr. Z. Hemsworth of a daughter, EOLUES.--In Elam on Thursday, July 16831, the wife of 1111'. j. 11. liolines of a daughter. Toon.—In Clinton, on Augest 2ri81, the wife of Mr. A. M. Todd, of the News. Becord, 04 9. son. MoCcener.--In Elma, on Wedneeaay, July 22n5, the wifo of Mr. Hugh Mo0ourt of a dar4ghter. 2\1C-A.Mareimp, 8eoN—DUNN.-011 duly lot, at the Presbyterian manse, Akron, Cetera. do, by Rev. Mr. Soon, Mr. Charles II. Wilson, of Akron, to Mise Alice, second daughter of Mr. Wm. Dunn, of Atwood, Ont. WALREIL—At Otterville, 00 July 29th, 11fra. Walker, aged 86 years. 1303PFS2.—In Grey, on July 81st, Ada Coffyn, aged 25 years and 6 days. Woonahtu.—In Londesboro', on August 2nd, James Woodman, only son of A.. Woodman, aged 32 years and 11 months. Ganvm.—In Beguiling township, Balton Go., on July 80813, Annie, oldest daughter 01 Won. and Jane Garvin, aged 20 years. z• -es,==, ex-imeuv-s. Western, London, Sept, 17 to 26. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 7 to 19. East Huron, Bruseels, Oct. 1 and 2, Central, Guelph, Sept, 22, 28 and 24. North Perth, Stratford, On. 1 and 2. Northern Walkerton, Sept. 29 to Oot. 2. East Wawanosb, Belgrave, Oct. 6 and 6. Northwestern, Wingharn Sept, 20 and 80. Huron Central, Clinton, Sept, 28, 29 and SO. ^ 3151R,T.,Tia2MX.,0 3,.1C-49.2M2SPIeRi. Fall Wheat (new) Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats... Butter, tubs and rolls.— Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes ........... Hay per ton Pork ...... Hides per lb Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skhee, each Lamb skins ectola Wool, per lb. 87 85 40 430 42 12 11 5 00 60 8 00 5 00 4 1 26 60 40 18 90 90 48 65 48 18 00 5 50 00 00 5 60 00 PO 75 50 20 DRILL, 1891. Men Wanted! A number of eligible men aro wanted fOr No. 8 Cotupany, Bard (Buren) Battanowhleh 33888 00 013153) at 448. Thoonoo, t should be 0138,30 at 0000 0.0 Dlskeon 31 Ro.y'e Illrsnsolo, HAYS, Captain, Brussels. Aug. 0,95. .Voters' List, 1891. MUNI0IPALITY OP run ToWNHIIIP OP MORRIS, COUNTY Ilintotr. Notice tshereby given that 7 have trans. 0)16804 05 delivered to the persone mention. od in nootloue ti and of the Ontario VOters' List 5.08,1880, the Goldin] required by said sections to bo transmitted or delivere4 of the list, made purimant to said Ant, of all persons appeatity by the revised As- sesine oat hell of the said Muniolpality to be ontiteed to voto itt the said Municipality at thmitions for Members of the Logielative Assembly and at Municipal Impatiens ; and that said list Was lot posted up at my Wilco Blyth, On the 183) day 61' August, 16111, and remnant there for lnslloOtion. Alootors are called Upon to eruchaine the and iist, and if any omissione ot any other anon ere foutul therein, to take 10(111031560preeeeillugs to have the sold errors co3. rooted according to law. WE, 01411131, Clerk of Morris 1)0 6011 at Morris otti day 08 4,85,13)411, STANDADD T3ANN or CANADA HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, W. P. COWAN, Preeident. j. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, map CAFITAL, • - • 57,000,000 - 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND, - 500,000 agenciee In n.11 primiipal_points in Ontario, Quebec., Manitoba, -United States and Armload. Brussels Agency. A General Banking Business Transacted Yammers' and other good Notes Diseounted at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Callen Mous 1)118180 08 all points. Deposits received and interest allowed at oui rent ro.tes. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Bitvings Bank De- posits of 21 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and coin. pounded half yearly, Prornut attention 13114 57085' facility afford- ed nestoulersliVing 186 38 distance. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, Agent, 1801)8501 8, April fith,1881. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. - • - .,.• 0ff0NEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE 31-Toitb, 0.;,uty 10 Gramm HINGsTon, 41.tf TEIOS, XELLT, Brussels. . _ rilENDERS WANTED. -I_ Tenders wanted for quarrying and de- livering SO /lords of Wage stono from quarry to Brussels, disittnee 24 miles. .8,18, 03112111, 18 LBS. 07 131)1831.1811 PER WEEIC P1183108) of my Begistered Jersey Bull is said to be able to make 18 pounds of butter per weelt, She is an imported Jersey and a prize winner at the Toronto Industrial., 18.5., DEADMA.N, Druggist, iho. Brusselit. QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES 6,..4 of the undersigned, lot 21, con. le, Grey, 315 01 about, Jams 106, 7a yearling Steer, red and white in eolor, star ill forehead. ()weer nienrieterikestIliid to p,r;ye property, pay expenses DA 1.4* ODGALD MaTAGGRT. 11 073517 IND LOT FOR SALE. - 2 -1 The stibseriber offers her house and lot, corner of Janios and streets, Brunets, There ie a comfortable house, good stable, aplendid well, &o, on the pre. mises, 1 0015 01 land. For further portion- lars as to 1)8108, 3,011115, eat. apply to 53118. 85931, MaCIILLOUGII, Brussels. 17140R SALE.— HOUSE, LOT 1- mud Fruit Garden, si tented Just outside tbo corporation of Brussels. The under- signed offerable beautiful homestead, cow. Prising an acre of laud laid 006 18 etoall frttits, a gooe brick hottso, stable, firatmleas well, eta., making a complete home. For further partionlars apply to S. 5010515,4-tf Brussels. Harvest Excursions, Prom all Stations in Ontario Return Batas to nurrnvnbr HARTNEY DELORAINE MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH REGINA mooszuw YORXTON CALGARY $35.00 PRINCE ALBERT To leave 811 111111110 ln the hmance Ontario ou AUGUST 111H, "°1,1,;3,4.;„1 2(1:1181131e". AUGUST 18THI"°=LaNnfief"' SEPT'S 1ST, $30.00 Parties tiokaing from other points amen arrange to arrive at Torento in time to eon. 3088 331149 the 11 p, rn, trail leaving August 11113,18131 mid September, 'WOOL For further particulars apply to any agent of the Company. I, T. PEPPER, BEST FRESH PURE ENOLI8II PA RIS GREEN AT PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, 11 BRUSSELS. g BANKING. MoTAGGA.RT, 13ANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Tro.at.asuct t31,000.e.ro.1 NOTES DISCOUNTED, Conn Mau and United States Drafts bought and sad, Interest ailowed on Deposits. Collectiont made on faeorablo terms. Canadian Agents —2CmarrA505's 13A331, 01 CANAZ.A. Now YOrk Agents—ImPorrer.ne AND TRAP. Ens Exam", 136533. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING• L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 11, e Solleitor said Conveyancer, Callao - tions made. Oftloo—Vanstone's Block, Brus- sobs. 21-8m* AATM. SINOLA.IR • Solicitor, ConvoyeaLer, No tary Pub. Ile, dm, 011Ice—Gralutiu 0 Bleak, 3 door north of Pepper's Drug Storo. Private Puncle to Loan. _ Ra HAYS, ...1L/ (Late with Garrote 31 Protulfnot, (lode. rieh,) Barristers, fiolleitors. Conveyaneers, 310. 011ices—hrussols and Senforth, Brus- sels oince—Llp-stairs over Bank, Money to Loan. 0.10815. w. D.DICKSON BUSINESS CARDS. ISS O'CONNOR, 210801153 01 Organ nett Plano. 40-81 Princess street, Brussels. NV • Issurer AfarriageLiecnsoS. 2. MoC.RACKEN, OOloe &this O.'r000ry, l'ittinbarry street, Brusse10. ialpi N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next floor south 05 38, al, lifoRay it Co's hardware store, Ladies' mud childrons hair entting 38 91180138183' BA.Lli Ts prepared to give lessons on the Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ. Speeffil 06.tentiOu given to Tochnie. Per ftirther in. formation address— .Box 172, Brussels, A. Issurer Of Marriage Licenses, by lUoNAIR, appointment of Lient,-Ooyernor, Commis- sioner, Sm., Q.11, Conveyancer ace Agent Vire Instil:untie Co. Office at the Craahrook Post 0111oe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM iNsIMANON, FIRE AND MARINF. GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, .C1.. Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, 00, Enron. Ouveyeseer, Notary Public, Laud, Loon and 111e131e33ee Agent, Fantle invested mid to loan. Oolleotions made. (Mae in Graham's B look, Brussels. (III, PAINTING. Miss Merles, of Viquebtou, 10 proparea to give instruction in oil painting, Urine maybe ascertained 08 Miss Nellie ltoitS' nom where mambas 00 )503), may be seen, Mimi Movies would also take a 1 Ow more pupils itt amain, rip A. HAWKINS, _L • Organist it St. John's Chureb, Brim. eels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 05 31, W. Thayer, Mus, 1)08,, New York, wilt give lessons to pupils either at TIM, Bally's, Tem/berry sa, or It preferred, at 611011 ORM homes. !Corms moderate. 4 1.1 - DENTAL. 18.5. Ball, L. D. S. 'Nitres Oxide Gas a8. 3318011860)04 for the ?Linea ExtraotiOn of Teeth. 7118081-01-5 Street East, Tonozno. 1)10 NTIS 'X' M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., 0.D. $., Graduate of the Boyd College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Du& versity. ()ninon—over Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, Autioneer, 10 alwayS ready to at. MI sales of farms, farm stook, itso, Terme cheerfully given, Oranbrook 50,0. Sales may be arranged ab Tun Pon Veniality Rouse, Brussels. Gt EORGB KIBICHY, Licensed AilatiOneer. Sales (minuet 00011 renSonable terms. Varies and farm stook a specialty. Orders loft al Tan PORT Publishing Non so ,Bru seals, or sent to Walton P. 0.533111 receive prompt attention. TIAVING TAKEN OUT L10317'7. J..1 010 as an Auetioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm 8600)0 at, reasonable Priem Knowing the standing of nearly every permou 538531513 330 4334051 to sell to good marks 38011 508 good security when sold on °malt. satimaotion guaranteed, GiVO um a will. 02. F S. SOOTT, MEDICAL CARDS. Ii/V11;teinPlAoit tnine'OtilieDge"o;CIT;114.87eian, atul Burgeons or ()Marion by exn.minatlen, Office and Bffilidenee — Main street East, 1Sthel,011tario, sr A. MaNAUGHTON, M, D. t, • 0,181,, 5,31.0,50., Edinburgh, M. Cl, 10 9,001, At Pepper's Bong Store from 9 to thee a, 01,955 ix= 1130 to 4 Pi 111, At ntber hours may be found at his residenfie, form. orly eiumplecl by Dr, flutehinson, mili st, VETERINARY, T 1). WA17WIOK, e,• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary °aloe°, is prepared to treat all diseases of doineeticetted animals in a eo8. potent manner, Pertionier attention paid to veterinary don tiotry, cells llOou)94533 Agont, Brussels. see'roN1 kl1" " "1'711°41'4" "18 quo, Tomb errY at.,