HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-8-7, Page 4cetue oe Tot kerne. 'tuts itteussets Pire tecieuee and Omens or the Tenn. WO now desire to termer outsincerest thanke fer the promptitude and deepeteb vou displaved in turuing out in sneh a Mice to the lire in our factory on lime. day hoot. lYtt ere thaukful the fire did bet tern out terribly sotiutie, we could not but note the unanimity with Mil& yon "rnshed to the rescue" and tor yout actiou on 0128 4012 int., wo entertain the greatest incasee of gratis tette. Yours Trely, SEMI, 1110,,Col.31 it.! Unisex. Bruscele, Ante 5, 1421) 1. New Advertisements. Western Fair, Locals -Dr. J. 0. Ayer, Men Wanted -R. S. Heys, Loaals-bergueon h Balliday. Honee and Lot for Sale -S. Peer. Dry Goods-Perguson .1; (lard of Thanks-Sinith, Malcolfu Gibson. Crbe tit1 0.5t. FRIDAY, AL7G. 7, 1891. 7.'as Presidential campaign in the United States is warming up. The election takes place next year. 330001.11.I831 appears to he on the increase and Toronto, ethe Good" is into a muddle over the street railway. The moral sentiment in this country is at low ebb. THEME will evidently be no dearth of candidates for the vacant County Clerk. ship judging by the number of aspirants at present, as there are said to be fifteen or tweuty in the field. Among the names mentioned are Mews. Strachan, of Grey; Dulmage and IticKerreher, of Howick ; Morrison and Hays, of Me- Killop ; Mohnen, of teborne ; Whitley and Coats, of Clinton ; Hall, Holmes and Maleolmsou, of Goderich. The choice should fall on a num well versed iu municipal matters and Co, Council work. are very favorably impressed with the scheme of endeavoring to make the Maitland river, below the mill dam, ser. viceable for boating purposes. It is pro- posed to build a dam near Queen street and raise the water four feet and thus make the stream a source of pleasure to all who wish to enjoy the healthy eser- cise of rowing. In additio» it wonld be likely to eid from a sanitary point as the very low web r in the sunnier season cauees stagnatiou in many places. We don't know as the plaus are fully nutter ed but there is miry reason to suppose that the proposal would be heartily sup. ported by all. Tin= is0 proposal on foot to apply to Postoffice Inspector Hopkirk for a letter box at Brussels station as a matter of convenience to the residents of the north aide of the river. Wingliam and Listowel have seettrect boxes, we understand. The mail matter is lifted by the mail clerk on the trains. A petition will be circulated, we hear, in pursuance to the above re- quest and 11 will, no doubt, be largely signed by those interested. Considemble mali matter has been and is now posted at the depot and the letter box would supply a long felt want without incon- veniencing anybody very much. Ix the Mail of last Tuesday in speak- ing of the MoGreevy Scandal the follow. ing appeare :-It is believed that Mr. Haggett and his doings in the Postsof6ce Department evil/ be overhauled, and that the Postmaster -General will not come out with flying colors. Nobody appears to be particularly grieved at the prospeot that Mr, Ramat may be dieuredited, and possibly diagraced. He is the most nnpopular member of the Cabinet. Gruff, surly, and overhearing to his own friends, he has lost their respect, if he ever had it, and will certainly not receive in the hour of hie difficulty their gympathy. The suggestion that John Haggett le in trouble is everywhere reeeived with a eatisfied smile. Washington Letter. (Prom our Regular correeponeeet.) Washington, July at, en, n the next Congtess undertelies legis. lotion looking to unlimited ooinage of silver, 11 will also have to provide for meeting the extra expense which free coinage will occasion. This additional expenditure will amount, for the coinage of the American product alone, to be- tween $700,000 and $1,000,000 a year. In the present state of the national finaneee the addition of thio expense might cause some uneaniness at the Treasury Department. At preeeet the cost of converting silver bullion into donate is about 2 dents on every dollar. Up to July 1 the sum of $2,586,000 was coined monthly. The total Amerienen product is $70,000,000 per year. "With the progent mint facilities," said Director Leech a few days ago, "the largest we could coin, making 6 eeation. able overtime, would be 5,000,000 silvet dollars a month. Even that would be a tremendoue attain, To coin this amount would add nearly $1,001,000 ennually to the expenses of operating the mints. If new minks had to be erected of rectum the expense to the Government 'amnia be greatly increased. But it would be herd to 221)0,1186 elose eetimato of the exs Ilona if free coinage Welt adopted foe we do not know how much silver would be dumped into this country. You meet remember, however, that the &dye/Oates 01 1100 eoinage do not care for silve dollere. eituply want the eloveru ment to purelittee eilver hi marmite( tmantitiee and they nee 1t Wing to tale vein 1"211 112002108. '1'he mere Mot that th, law alloy, ed lln to 2'('(2 'U twining nilvel dOilars on 010 int of duly hen enabled UH to eut down the t‘xpeneee of operating flu THE BRUSSELS POST r Some talk of the Episeopalitene holding • I service bore. len. 'Me. Hughes, of Wing. 1 ham, will likely ofileiate. The Presbyterians last Sabbath hal I the phasure of listening to Rev, Mr. lte. • Veiny, English ehrtrob clergyman, 01'110 hes le ell visiting e few weeks iu this neigithorhood, his brother end other Mint $131/0011," elr. Leech believes that the ojl er quest ion Will right itself ill 12)228. '1 he European nations, he says, will before long be exbaueted of theh. gold at'd then they will agree with the United States upon an international titandard of bismotallisne "Will you eventually go to China as minister for our Government 0" Wail tile , question put to ex•Senator Blair, of New I Hempshire, the other eight. "There is a tradition," lie answered in a genial Iway, "diet people in the diplometio tier - friends anti 02110 assisted the pester at the morning eervice. Mr. MoVoety took for Me subjeet the parable a tiK, sowa. • and dwelt particularly on the "etony ground bearers." He 11d8 a efieasatit , delivery and in beautiftil simple, I totiehing langunge he Moulted his subjeet presenting them to the minde of hie listenere. Unfolding the train locked itp in the oft told atory and pointing out ' and warning about the many cliMoultles in the way. Mr. MoVetety will be al- ways a, weloome visitor, vice should not talk, I dont want to violate treelition, Boldly, I coat tell 2.11100 301 going to do. The hardest sort of labor, however, would be preferable to hangmg by the gills. I dou t say I WOn • go, May be with ft smile) they might find out over there it would be hard to cto without me. 10 16 true," be eontinn. eci, seriously, ',that I mitde speeches in the Senate against Chinese immigration • and alluded to the bad results of hating ! in our midst ench quarters an Chivatown ; in San Francisco, but 1 did not denounce ! the Chinese as a race," ; The Senator warmed up with his old- time enthusiasm when referring to the measure dearest to his soul, the scheme of national aid in edueating the 1005008. "I hope this Congress will pass such a bill," he said, "It is of vital importance and the longer it is delayed the more serious the situation becomes. TIP3 cities of the North and the rural com- mmeities of the South alike need the help or the Government in dispelling illiter. Roy. The ermeation of to -day I do not think as thorough and practical as wife the instruction given forty and fifty years ago. The masses of the Southern people wanted eutional aid but some of their leaders pereuaded them it was bad doctrine. 1 know it to be the greatest chance of salvation foe North and South, and hope the armee will yet triumpb." The idea of a government making loans to individuals, it seems, is not an absolutely 11040 01)0. At least there have been instances in which loans have been made to individuals from the public treasury of a State. The curious fact has come to light that from 1937 to 1860 Kentucky loaned money to indivicleal citizens and that a coneidereble addition to the revenue of the State accrued from the interest of these lorms-the interest upon those of 1859, for example, amount. ing to $97,528.10. The lorme were ell called in in 1961, and it is a remarkable fact that they were paid principal and interest in every instance. I learn, through a prominent member of the Republican executive committee who has just returned from a visit to Bar Harbor, that Mr. Blaine is melees- eirmably greatly improved in health. Ile e1020 that all the stories rmout Mr. Blaine being in a serious eonclition are abeolutely !Mee. Mr. Blaine celled on him toque end appeared to be le as good health as usual anti his appeetance gtiee no evidence of his having peeeed through 5821e10 Aimee. My informant says that Mr. Blithe, will resume his dutiee here ; 011410 118 has not Bright's tliseatle and has been suffering Merely rani 1002'- 8001 2. Ilo sieys that Ile. Blaine is not a candidete for (he presidencyand will not do anythingi to put himself n that atti- tude, but he 10111 1100 decline the 110111i1(. 6(121) 11 10 should (Mlle tO him al an ex- pression of popular sentnneut, without hie seeking it. Secretary Reek is not going abroad this Summer but is spending his vaett• tion in WISCODsill. Aaeording to Gen. Grosvenor, the next thing to a foreign trip is a visit to Wisconsin. When Senator Chendler feels that he needs exercise be turns and thumps his respected colleague. Brussels ConnOil. The regular meeting of the village Commit was held last Monday evening in the Council Chamber. All the members were present, Reim Graham in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and passed. The following accounts were present- ed : W. Denbow, street improvements, $31 25 Band Committee 25 00 Pose Publishing Hone, printing23 75 D. Stewart, miecellaneous 20 00 H. James, salary and et. imp's17 00 15 00 11 66 10 00 10 00 5 00 4 00 Mrs, Mendowe, salary W. Smith, street imp's D. Ewan, drain, ., D. Shine, at, imp's T. Stewart, et imp's Mrs. 1310.ehill, charity E. W. Nelson, Eire department,.. 3 00 Hart & Co., miscellaneous 2 00 R. Henderson, street imps 1 60 B. Borns, street imps .. 1 86 Moved by R. Ross, seconded by W. 1'. Stewart that the above a000unts be paid. Carried. J. D. Ronald addressed rthe Board, at length, in reference to the exteneion of Ole sewer on Turnberry street south so as to take water from his and °time cellars in that part of the town. The matter was freely discussed and left over for further consideration. R. M. Diann asked petinission of the Commit to build a dam across the river at the foot of Alexander street or there. abouts for the purpose of backing up the water sufficiently to allow boating during the summer menthe. The Council gave their approval to the scheme. Councillor Stewart expreesed his re. grets at big removed from Brussels and the consequent retirement from the Connell, Board then adjourned. )3I11e.vale. Robb, and Win. Stewart are hem for vacation. Wm. Smith has returned to Caistor. villa to his school. "Grey Tobe" took second money at the Woodbine traolt, Toronto, Mot week. Deputy Postmaster Farrow, wee; in town lad Sunday visiting Blinnarek Titnmine, Sunday echool exeursion to Goderieh next Trmeday. Pare from Bluevale 65 cents for adults( and 85 for children. Train leaves here ot 848 a. tn. Steam)! "City of Windsor" will be at Goblet:h. Mrs, Wm. Gardner died lost week of Le, grippe and was buried on Friday at Bluevele. The funeral sermon 40128 preached last Sunday averting by Rev. L B. Wahwin M a large congregaticl. Me, Gardner has the sympathy of the oornmuni ty. The P. C. 13loyele Club (London) bas iseued invitations for the animal tour to Goderieh Aug. 10, 10 and 17. The Beef orth 0110 18 authority for the statement that R. 021111002018 111(0 bought an interest in the Goderioli Star. On Saturday night a large number were at the (loo)2 at Goderich to see the deperture of th0901 who intended to go to Detroit in the Canoe. However, es the sehr. Pinafore was going south they embarked in her and proceeil iti her as far as Port Franks where they took to their oanoe end proceeded to Detroit, nee erespieweexeceecte REAL ESTATE. T.-41A11mS FOR SALE, --T111. raue;ooli•:11 has several gond Farms for side nod to 10111, PaNy torms, lo TotenshIps et 1,1 21(11. Ulla (12(5. F. (1. -8)1011, Beitsselx, 37.01, E FARM FOR S -AIX.-- elawralit,,,r..a.10. (Hoy ; 101; items Intre,,,, ; 11,rnt2 . 12.111,8)10011221j(, 881011o1', 1114(42.418, 1)1. rafOIOE FALt111 FOR SALE,- %. Being Smith half Lot 27,con.e, Morrie. 10 0 a0(00ntnlM(2g8°;17:.C478a!e11neVOuUuei11001.111.noTal session. Busy Terms, Apply 10 Six el AIR, ermeitoe, (2rnesole. 7- 1)ROPERTY FOR SALE.-rHE -L, undersigned offers her pr0p0rty.11 1111100 mirth ot 1040006)8, 2104' sale nu liberal terms, There is one Imre of land upon which there ktre two houses, stable and a Innen orehard.. The place le conveniently lootttod on the gravel roae. leor Nether pertlenlars tO price, t81108, 1111111.1' 00 MRS, MO. OLAIR , 1-4 Prluooss Wort, Itrussels. hisEwIluZIO111')00 (U.Nr; farm, being Lot 20, Oen. 9. (trey, 101. 04110. There two 85 Imes under orop, balance timbered. There is a good orchurd, 1101)0 6)8, 00 the promise% bee-klen leg liouso , ban It barn, itic. Will be sold ou reasonable terms. poi. paw, non Soll 111111(001,2218 2101,13 to WM. HA liltISK, 13r11)0010 1', 0„ or Jelin BEATTIE, Seaforth, Ont. 97-0m VALUABLE 00 ACRE FARM Money to Loan, Fon bALF..-11eing west Lot 11, Came, Grey, 0i miles from Brussels. The land is good clay tom, ivell drained, mostly (11 cleared and tu gond order, Oto acre of or- chard to good repair, There is a never fail. fog aortae ou the premises and au extra well at the buildings. The buildings are comfort: - aide, Would take suitable property in or near Brussels as part pity. Per fertile) par- thntlars «pply on the promises to THOS. OR, or address Brussels P. 0, 8018 Money to Loan 011 Farm Pro- perty at LOTPEST le,1TES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON &HAYS, Solicitors, 06e., BRuSSELS, ONT. EST.ERN FAIR LONDON September 17 to 26. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL, Industrial and Art Exhibition Established 1808, LARUE INCREASE OE 19.71011122118 AND AITE115t.t.02CE 00111010 100.111. 100 le:10t/00121, tut 141 be better. $26.00 IN PRIZES! Attractions, etc., which aro beirg arranged Mr. will surpass 1.1121 300 produced. SPECIAL EXCUUSION 1011210,4 OX ALL R`YS. Entries close Sept. 10t1,. For Prize Liets mid inforinatiou apply to CAPT. A. W. PoRTE, THOR. A. 13110401011, President. Seceetary. ENTIRE HORSES AND MARES FOR &ILE. The subscriber offers the following Well-bred Animals for Sale: "Cecile (6504), Vol. II ; "Earl of Breachtlbeen" (6709), Vol. II. These horses are 3 years old ; heavy draught. ",Lague Chief," 6 yeats old, heavy draught. One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im- ported stook on both sides; heavy draught. 'Prince of Douglas," a road or carriage stallion, rising 9 years ; imported. One Heavy Draught Mare, 0 years old imported; with foal. One Canadien bred Mare, heavy draught, tieing 5 years, with foal by her side. One Mare Foal, from imputed stock on both sides. One Gelding, 8 years old, heavy draught. Me/Annum TERMS will be xnade to Responsible Parties. The above mentioned stock may be seen, pedigrees secured and prices ob- tained by applying to A. r4Puirl,, 211. BAUSSizre P. 0 Save Your Hair BY a timely use of Ayer's Hair Viger. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the colon, fullness, and beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy and the engin:11 color was restored." -Melvin Aldrich, Canaan Centre, N. 10. "Some time ago 91 lost an my hair in consequence of measles. .After due waiting, no new growth appeared. X then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong. rt has apparently come to stay. The Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature." -.J. B. Williams, Floresvillo, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past four or gee years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. 51 is all I could desire, being harmlens, causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but asmall quantity to render the hair easy to arrange." -- Mrs. M. . Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass, " Ihave been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe that 11 1165 oansed my hair to retain Its natural color," -Mrs. R. J. Ring, Dealer ha Dry Goods, 8to,, Bishopville, Ma, Ayer's Heir Vigor, %Multi= BY Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Mast. eked by Drugglate and Perfumers. _ 1:41ARM FOB SALE. -Ii, B 'UN - A.' 0011815001) 0600110005 Offer tbs Jobn LOW 16110 101' sale. The property consists 021 100 acres, being Lot 10, eon. 4, Grey, and having thereen 10 first -elites briok house, be.tik harm orchard, wells,nover-tailing e _ , given 00028, 14611. For further nartminars 111 to price and teY1113 811(113 16 W.13. 010E110X, Solicitor, Brussels, or to .7N 0. saurn, I E. 3. ill cAll'flit'll jExacut8". 511)12 Oth eon, Grey. 14',A11A1 FOR SALE.-TRB 3.2 DERHIGNEP offers for sale the north eatn quarto r of lot 08, concession 0, Alorrts, County ok Huron, Containing 513 acres. The laud is 02 21160 quality and In a high state of aultivation, 400(1fenced and uuder.draMed, acme cleared. 'Et ow Inoue Louse, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walls, a well% good MUM{ and shod, orehard, etc, Eight aoros of tall wheat, This desirable property adjoina the 0Orporation 14,2 11Futtels. Balt. 0.140 1e18e will be given , Title 1(2(00);RIMS 0.1t1EVE, OW1401., 30- 801tf JYth 2.0. 0 COD HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALM-The inulersit.nod offers for gale On the most rnnarbe ttnu,o, Village Lot 121,,,n the corper of Ring and Jain etreeti, Enifieula. .011 the property. LIFO a good cellar, goo (raw 0 throllipg, 201011 seven imbue end isitchen, pantry alnl weenabetl, Hard end soft water, 8(06 18 good frame stable, drivieg Flied arm tee bons°. Tlic buildings are all in hrst.clans order. Ran there 11 also ample Mein ler anntber 1,1111,1, g On the corner if desired, Price very pm. eonable, For tonna the,, apply to 31118. 020117 110101110,1)111,00(1 10,0. 0241 or to A.EIVISTEll, Dlr, Court Cleric. Ilami and.'Eggs Eggs have dropped in prioe, so has our Large titock of Prime SDIOXED HAMS, I3REA.9(FAST BACON AND SIDE MEAT All of Our Own Curing. We also Manufacture Bologna Sausage. Patronize home industry by ealling 0000. Give mea call and prove the truth. fulness of the above statements. Wm, Blashill, Butcher. Private Funds to Loan.' EB20,000 ifitya been placed in 1113 hands for Investment on real estate, LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can liltve loans com- pleted in Three Days if title sat isfac tory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, I31'1388e18. ALLAN LINE Royal Hail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE FORTNIGITTLY 8000010 sem PORTLAND ou HALIFAX, TO DERRY on LIVERPOOL. CABIN HATES, SAO. 8110 and $80, Single ; $80, $90 and $110 Ituturn, according to 1 Aniation of 8tatei own . INTRUAIHDLITE, Outward 821; PrePold 890 Steerage at Lowest States. ACC011111101111110118 1.311911PIWNe4l• AplgY to IL it A. ALLAN,Ilontreal, Olt W. II. X12ii9110t, Mere, B euesy..r.s. IVIONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan ou FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds, P J.C.Heffernan, J.A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Eth el P.O., Ont. „„ Make Known Your ANTS Want to Sell a House and Lot, Want to Buy or Sell a Horse, Want to Loan Money, Want to Borrow Moue,y, Want to Rent it Room, Want to Rent a Farm, Want a Boarding Place, Want a Servant, Want to Find anything Lost, Want to Buy or Sell a Farm, Want to Make a Name, Want to Sell Furniture, Want to Bent a House, Want to Buy it House and Lot, Want to Save Money, Want to Find anyone's Address Want a Situation. Want to Male Money, ADVERTISE --18 TIIE COLUMNS Or - THE POST. .O1•••••••., - CONFEDERATION LIFE, - Organized 1871. Bead Office, Toronto. Remember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable, FMB 14214092 ALL RESTSCOTIONS AS TO 103511:1191.10E, TRAVEL On OCCUPATION Paid.up Policy and Oash Surrender Value Guaranteed ha each Policy. THE NEW 4NNUI2'Y ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PnoTEOTION AGAINST EARLY DEATH ; PROVIDES 1118 I1800015 IN OLD AGE, AND IS A GOOD INVESTMENT. Polioies are Non -Forfeitable after the Payment of Two full annual Premiums. Profits, which are Unexcelled by any Company doing businese in Canada, are allocated every live. years from the issue of the poliey, or at longer periods, as may be Bele:cited. by the insured. Profits so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be redacted or recalled at any future time under any eireumstemoes. Perticipabing Policy Holders are entitled to not lees than 90 per cent. of the profits earned in the ohms, and for the past seven years have actually received 96 per cont. of the profits so earned. W. C. xiliclDoNALD, Aoeueux. J. K. MACDONALD, ALINAO 11313 thenoron. NV. xi, mann, Arr,ont, 3l3russo106. MCCOLL BROS. & CO. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CRENATED "LARDINE 2" )SPECIALTIES( - Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness. MANUFACTURERS McCOLL BROS. & 00., T01101170. 44.619. For Sale by 11. 01411tRY, Brossolg. Aur,. 7, 1891 THECOOKSB[ST FRIEND LARGEST SALE: De CANADA. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan ou Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 6' 61 Per Cent,, l' early. Straight Loa»s with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to • • A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Shoddy - - Pedlars Are on the Warpath, so are im- plement agents to entrap the wary farmer into buying inferior plows made at a distance from Brussels, for which you cannot get napain when needed. Farmers, consult your own in- terests and encourage 1101110 Mall- ufacture by calling at the Brussels vouralry Where you 01011 get a Superior Article at a liecluced Price, Guar- anteed to give Sidislaction, 01 no sale. plew4, yruh tient Nib:bum Cast Steel Conran, Slagle anti trouble. Plo‘v Points of Every Make et 40e, Null, Oang Pointe 25 eittte. Best Pitteberg Steel Bonnie titled int any plea, 0( 1110 imptest l'onsibh; Priee„ Bo sure and call nee etitInibe otir stock before buying. W. R. Wilson, Brussels. .Wool %Hid HIGHEST CASH - PRICE Paid for Wool at the Listovrel - Woollen ills„ We wish to call your at- tention to the fact that we still Went more Wool, and we are determined to make this wool season one of the largest, for we have a Tre- mendous stock of Goods on hand. It is necessary that you should look around be- fore you dispose of your wool to see where you can make the best purchases with it in WOOLLEN GOODS. Buy in the Cheapest, Sell in the Dearest, Do not fail to come and see our Large Stuck of New Fine Flannels, in New Shades and Patterns. 8omething Never Before Shown the Public We have made up a lot of Fine Halifax Tweeds, just the thing for school boys. We also have a big stock of Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds, Bed Blankets, Horse Blan- kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, Shirts and Drawers for this season's trade, which we offer AT BOTTOM PRICES. Everybody should come and try our fine Grey Flannel that won't.shrink in washing, and outwears the common grey flannel sold the public. Roll Carding, Spinning, Fulling and Manufacturing Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Stc. on short notice. Brook & ri