HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-31, Page 8lenerieniffille 8 BICYCT S 1 Are you going to buy a Bicycle or Bicyclette, becauso if so, I will be pleased to take yonr order. I can save you express charges if not wore. We are agents for : .THE BUDGE CYCLE Co. GEORGE TOWNSEND & Oo, GENDRON MANUF'G CO. or in fact WO can get for you Any Wheel you Prefer, C+. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, stn. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussele Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SOUTH. Gone Nairn, I. mail ..... ....... etas a.m. I Mixed 0:41 Exprees amt. man tampon. Mixed Otos p.m. Express 0:05 van. A , gpral Vet.us _ ebiel's arnang ye takinnotes, .A.n' faith he'll prent i. Corxem meeting next Monday evening, Bersseas civic holiday on Tuesday, Aug. lith. MAWR EOLDSTEAD, of Seaforth, wag in town last Tuesday. SMITH, MRICOILI1 & Gibson employ at present obout 50 men. New cabbages have been gold at Rut- ledge'i, restaurant this week. THE electrio light pole has been put in position nsar the Revere house. Kees church Sunday sehool held their annual picmio on Friday afternoon of last week. nye Lacrosse team talk of playing the return match with Wingham on Friday of this week. A :WILBER of Brusselites will see Rot. inson's aggregation at Wingham on day of this week. A NYHRER frOID DYIISSE318 and looaltty contemplate taking a trip to the west during the next month. SoME of the local horsemen are getting their flyers in shape for the races which are to be held ou Aug. 21st. Blesses. FERGUSON ift E1ALLIDAY have had a gilt lettered sign placed in tha front of their dry goods store. SaTCEIEL found. Owner may haYS the same by proving property aud paying for this notice by cahing at George Banter's grooery. THE grading and levelling at the Bruseels Driving Park is about :templet - ed. Messrs. Shine and Alderson heve done a good job, Rev. B. Pain will preach in the Melillo - dist church next Sabbath and Rev. 1. B. Wallwin tbe following Sunday. The peetor will be home for bis work after that. SHAWL fOtitla in Braseels on Thursday. The owner may have the same by prov. ing property aid paying for this Raver- tisetnent by calling ab TUE POST PUbliSh • ing House. LAST Friday the infant daughter of John and Louita Wright died, aged 4 months. The funeral took place on San. dayafternom, the Salvation Army taking charge of the service, Tstt phenoroeual success of Ayers earsaparilla started into existence a host of competitors. This, of course, was to be expeoled ; but the effect has ben to demoustrate tbe superior merits of Dr. Ayers preparation by a constantly in' creasing demand for it. SfrAirt,,—Ths party who some time ago took a striped black and gray shawl, by mistake (rem A, Lt. So ith's store, Brus• eels, will kindly return the same at once and grettily oblige the ownet. It may be left either at Mr. Smith's store or THE POST Publithing House. Mns, C. BOWERMAN. Ilettesnisa— On Wedneeday afternoon of this week Wm. E. Heist, of this place, and Bliss Annie Harding, of Liman, were united in marriage, at the borne of David Heist, Albert stteet. Rev. R. Paul officiated. Jno, Heist supported the groom and Miss Ellen Fulton was brides. maid. The wedding party went to Lis, towel for a drive. Ie. is stated that Messrs. Edgar and Musgrove have secured tbe mail contract between Brussels and Seaforth and Brus- se)a and Goerie for the mat five years. The nubile appeared to be of the opinion that T. Thompson was tbe most likely appliettnt ea be bad the outfit and was giving general satisfaction, 'The nw contiaat commences in November, we understaod. FFPFF Manna and return, good from date of issue until 81st Ont., $18,00. Going via N. W. T. Co. to Sault Ste. Marie, thence steamers of Delta Traneportation Co. to Mitokinao. This trig gives: tonr- iets on afternoon and night in Sault Ste. Marie and four daylight trips through She entire length of the beantiful Ste. Marie River and le direot route from Brussels and return. For information ad Tiekets aee T. FT,I4TCHED, TOW)] Ticket Aga Pow Sogres,—The Ross boys ars star bowlers.—eTippie" Mitt 'mother mime. sion on Tucsdity.— Ile to is said to have been a eoother" peas einee the MIL— The flax mill el .11 commence oper• atim s shot tly,—A MODS Bros, factory le tit thd up in the most Approved gage. They do a, big bueineres.—Fall Fairs are oomiog to the front.—A yOung Mist., be. longing to Brussels, was noticed one clay ilia week smoking is cigar. It was not voty lady like.—Dame Rumour Faye a Wedding will alertly take 1)11).03,1 tit 7stke need nat be aftitid of bin POW giving him away.—It la stated that Geo. Back- er its about to Orel ota hie gtheery and if so Will remeve to the Northwest. It'a about time thie entigration Oessed,—Nctv Wheat ie going to be a tfrr.top gample, THE BRUSSELS POST 11 COMING EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE, E will Move into our New .Store with the Stone Pavement in front, instead of a sidewalk, when finished, about September 1s. aMIEWkiL We will then be prepared to meet all oppositions, as Everything will be New in Dress Goods ; Everything New in Mantle Cloth.s ; Everything New in English and Canadian Tweeds ; Everything New in Worsted and Diagonal Striped ; Worsted Coatings and Pantings. Overcoats and Custom Made Suits. EVERYTHING NEW IN GENT'S FURNISHINGS. - Scotch, Irish, EVERYTHING NEW IN BOOTS 84 SHOES. We have bought all our Pall Goods, and will have them in the New Store when the time comes. Never so Low ! Never so Good ! Never so Stylish 1 Neyer—"Well hardly ever"— are we left, but always right. N. B.— No second hand goods ; no goods that were ever offered to the public before, will ever be allowed to enter our store at any price, but all will be New, Good and Sound Goods. A. R. SMITH. A. MO load of cattle were shipped from Brussels last Tuesday by drover Scott, of Dimmed. OUR oriolceters expect to play a match at Clinton on our eivio holiday, Aug. Ilth, with the local eleven. W. M. Sarcasm hes wire signs,plaeed in the window and door of his office. The gold leaf letters show off grandly and re. fiect credit on the handiwork of W. Roddick, A Cacteme.—Eight roornedthause, near- ly new, with bard and soft water, A 1 cellar, large stable and driving house. Must be sold. Eaey terms an8 reason. able price. Apply to B. R. GRUNDY. EZONY walking stick lost on the 121h sten. Grey last Sunday evening, between Whitfleld's and Shine's sohool houses. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning it et 01100 to E. DUNFORD, Brussels. Tait Brussels Voters' List for 1891 is in the Olerk'a hands. There are 257 voters in part 1; 111 in part II ; and 82 in part M. 90 persons are qualified to serve as jurors. The names of 45 ladies appear on the list. Tan 14 irty.flrat annual report of the Canadian Press Association has been re- ceived. It is neatly printed and con- tains the constitution, by-laws and a list of the members of the assooiation, aa well as a. buyers' directory. Tax official orders are out for the vol- unteer oamp at St. Thornas, on Septem- ber 12th, The corps ordered to attend are "D" Company Infantry School Corps, London Field Battery, 24th, 2515,, 26th, 28th, 3055, and 83rd batta/ions. R. LEATIVADDALE Was in Wingham on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week as valuator for Dau. McCormack, formerly of Brussels, in purchasing the furniture, eto., in the Brunswiek House, which hotel he takes oharee of on Saturday. AyER'S Oathartio Pills are reeernme0- ed by the best physicians bemuse they are free from calomel and other injurious drugs, being oomposed of purely vegetable ingredients, While thorough in their action, they stitisulate and strengthee the bowels and secretory orgens. LAST Friday evening as Thos. Edgar, wife and children were driving into town their horse allied ea some children in the road and upset the buggy. Mr. Edgar was thrown out on his head and received an ugly bruise on his forehead. The horse did not get away however and con. secnently the other ocoapants were not seriously injured. The buggy—a new one—was damaged considerably. It was o oloae call. BNCURSION.—The annual Sunday school exoureion to Goderieb on Tuesday, Aug. 11. Return fare from Brussels, by special train, leaving at 8:30 a. rn., will be ouly 80 cents for adults and 40 cents for children. Tbe steamer "Clity of Windsor" will run excursion trips on the lake that day. Train gets to Goderioh at 10:45 a. m. and leaves at 7:35 la m., thereby allowing exonreionists nearly 9 hours at the lake. Gee Cu,—Six roembers of the Bruit - eels Gun Club lead a, friendly shoot with half dozen of the Seaforth olub in the latter place last Tuesday. The visitors won by oue bird. The score was as follows :— Enasseas. SEAFORTA. Z. T. Rem 6 5. Pune'. le Dr. MeNaughton 12 W, Beattie 7 8.0. Dame,, 10 5. Hewitt 14 A, Stark 7 Banantyne, —11 .8.3. Bright 8 It, Watt 6 G, Hiuchley 19 Total 58 ...... Each man had fifteen shots and, as will be Beata by the report, Jno. Hewitt only mieeed one of the number, that being the hese one shot at. The teams were evidently evenly metalled. DAWN NARTY.—On Thursday evening of lash week the lawn party was held at Dr. Graham's according to announcement. The nicely cared for grounds were beau- tifully illuminated with lamps, Chinese lanterns and electric light, Small re. treatment tables were conveniently lo- cated ibud white aproned damsels catered to the wants of the visitors with an abundane supply of ice °ream, lemonade, 6offee cake, etc, Rev. John Ross, B. A, presided as chairman, the program being given from the west balcony as follows : Instrumental duett, piano and violin, Mrs, Geo. Thomson and 5- Ewan ; sslo, T. Gibson ; reading, W. 13. Diokeon. Dark °Muds loomed up and a few drops of rain followed stattering the andienee in double quiet( order. On Friday even- ing the balance of the program was com- pleted and &Ashdod of a solo by W. X. Sinclair ; reoitation by Mee Mary Bose; quattette by Miss Kerr, Miss EVilson, Dr. Cavanagh and W. a Kerr; hermonica masio D. MoDonald ; magio lantern viewe'hy Alex. Stewart, Brussels Band was in attendance each evening and oon- teibuted yeey largely to the plenthre of tbe gathering. The music wag tip.top and reflects great oredit on Capt. Albert - sen. Dr. and &Eric Graham left nothing undone to make everybody enjoy them. salmi. The oltpir will !awe about $80 to Apply on the efgan fend as the ptoceede c'f the lawn platy, WELL-D/OGING Assn DRIT,LING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him 10 a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells oleaned out and put in proper thare. Terms reasonable. Residence esocond door north of the bridge, west oide of Turnberry et,, Brussels. 48-51 Tait Wingham Advance says :—Geo. Russell Game near losing his home on Monduy morning. The animal had got on the 0. P. R. traok. The early train was moving out and the horse with a eouple of others undertook to keep ahead of the engine. They jatnped a culvert and attempted to jump another when George's horse got its lege down between the cross pieces. George was endeavor- ing to catch the quadruped and managed. to do so. The train mune within 20 feet of catching him also. The horse was extricated from its perilous position with skinned lege, but luokily not otherwise injnred. HURON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.—The quarterly meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held in the Y. Bl. 0. A.. luildisg Seaforth, two weeks ago. There were about thirty members in attendance. Drs. Ross and McKenzie, of Toronto, were also present. The following very interesting program was presented :— Dr. McLaughlin read a paper on Soiati- oa. Dr. McKenzie, of Toronto, who is a specialist on Orthopedic surgery, took up the general treatment of club feet, Epinal curvature and hip joint disease, illus. tratiug his methods of trertment on the oases presented at the esseOciation, Dr. Taylor showed a case the diagnoeis of which was obscure. Dr. Gum showed some pathologioal specimens of stone, ceo. Dr. BOPS, of Toronto, desoribed the operation of hysterectomy a.nd showed several speoimens of tumor. He also described the operation for intestinal anastomosis allowing apeohnens trona the intestines of dogs operated on. Dr. Milne showed a case of multiple nituretis arms being chiefly affected. Dr. Holmes had a cage of melte polio myeleties, the disease being oonfined to one arm. Dr. Gunn had 50015 of tumor of the brain. Dr. Amos showed a ease of rheumatoid arthretis. Dr. Woods read a report of caaes of erysipelas in children, which was rather unique in oharaoter. A. vote of thanks was tendered Dre. Ross eta McKenzie for their valuable assistance at the meeting, and they were made honor- ary members of the Assoolation. The following resolution was palmed by the association regarding the removal of Dr. Sloan, of Myth, from our midst. We, the members of the Huron Medioal As- sociation, take this opportunity of ex. pressing the high esteem in which Dr, W. Sloan, of Blyth, was held by this Association, he having been a resident of the °aunty for many years, and one of She most active members 01 5101 society. And also of expressing our regret at his removal from oar midrib. We also extend to him our best wishes for his future SRC - 0855. -- PERSON A L PARIAH RI PUS. R. M. Diokson Sundayea at Goderioh. Reg, Fleteher is visiting at Luoknow. Andy °ureic jr. talks of going to Manitoba. O. Shiel, of Galt, is visiting reletives in Beussels. Rev. David Perrie and wife,ot Ohesley, are holidaying here. Miss Maggie Smith is visiting her permits in Brossele. Miss Minnie Shaw is home from Port Elgin for her holidays, Elliaba, Armstrong has gone to Buffalo on a visit to his brother, Adam Reid purposes taking a trip to bite Northwest next month, Mrs. W. F. Stewart and son were viola. ing tet Woodstook this week. kiss Clara Creighton is home from Ohealey for het sumtner vacation. W. (L Smith, Of London, was visiting the family of Bishop Ward this week. Miss Teenie Hunter and Miss Annie Rose have gone to Detroit on a holiday visit, Mem M. McLennan, of London, is visit- ing relatives and blends in Bruesels and loctality. Miss jeseie Roes and her brother Wm,, of Guelph, were in Brussele for a few days thie week. Nekton Gerry is away on a holiday trip for a few weeks ameng o d friendle and acqUe.intenoes. G. L. Bali L. D. S., al Toronto, is erijoyiug a holiday with relatives and friends in Wile looality, Miss B ina Dennis is spending part, of her holidays at Harris:on. Herbie Dery nis ia visiting at Goderiola Mrs. John ;Wilkinson has removed to Grand Rapids, Mich, where herhusbamd has had a /titration for SeVeral Menthe, Mee. (Dr.) Scott, of Peoria, Illinola, Wag in toWn last Monday on a brief viait With former friends, Mrs, Scott was mks Pantile Simmep before her mar - tinge nnd teeided in )3rassele foe several roam Mrs. II. Palmer and children, of Sa Louis, and Miss Mamie °lumbers, of Detroit, are the gnests of Mrs. I. C. Richards this weelr. Dr. Kneobtel was home front Ripley for Sunday. The Dr. is well pleased ' with the outlook, from a professional standpoint, and expects to do well.. Ten Poem had a pleasant call last Tuesday from J. H. McBain, of Atwood, lile hes been supplying the Methodist pulpits on the liondesboro' oirouit for the past month e.nd enjoyed his work. He goes back to Victoria College next Tall, Wm. Mose, who bas served his ap- prentioethip with I. C. Richards as a harness e.nd collar maker, left on Tues- day morning for St. Oatharines, where he has accepted a situation with W. H. Gibbons, of that oity. While in this town Mr. Mose WOG respected by all who had tbe pleasure of his acquaintance. Brussels loss will be St. Catharines' gain. Somebody will be lonely bore. A life size equestrian bronze statue of the late Gen. P. H. Sherman, as he ap- peared on the omission of his famous ride to Winchester, is to be presented to Chicago by C. T. Yorks, president of a cable road. The eight days, from August 8511 to August 1515,, inclusive, will be a great time for rowing. To start, with, there is the double scull race between Hanlan and O'Connor and Gaudaur and BitoKe.y ; then the Canadian A.ssociation regAtta at I3arrie, to be followed by the North. West ern and Mississippi Valley regattas at Detroit. In the following week comes the Nationll regatta at Washington. 330Me.Z.1 . ROGIMS.—In Atwood, on July 21s5. the wife of Rev. D. Rogers, of a son. CADIPRELL.—In Brussels. on July 2185, the wife of Mr, Angus Campbeil of a son. Dams:min.—In Brussels, on July 2415,, the wife of Mr. G. A. Deadman of a daughter, astr.A.asasxamasa Hame—Ilename.—In Brussels, at the residence of the groom's father, on July 29511, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. William Edward Helot, of Brussels. to Miss Annie Harding, of Liman, in the County of Middlesex. =11 -MX). REARNS.—In Morris, on July 4.511, Moses Kearns, aged 83 years. BISHER.—In Mina, on July 19th, Wm. Fisher, aged 20 years. Mama—In Elmo, on July 58511, Emma, daughter of Jas. Nixon, aged 25 years and 1 month. Wingham Town Plot, on Italy 1815,, Emily Y. Brigley, aged 22 years, 3 inonths and 21 days, Wnronx.—In Brussels, on July 24111, Amy Roma infant daughter of John a.nd Louisa Wright, aged 4 months. Tfrostsom—In Turnberry, on July 20th, Beattie H. W., eldest daughter of G. Thomson, aged 28 years, 4 months and 28 days. Moilwna.—In Morris, on July 20113, Catherine Anderson, wife of John A. MoBwen, aged 65 years, 2 months and 17 days. 3iSRAT0130E17.49 Zaffal.M0.3iCZEITM, Fall Wheat 90 Spring Wheat es Barley 45 Peas 63 Osts......... ...... 44 Butter, tubs and rolls12 tiggs per dozen 11 Flour per barrel 5 00 Potatoes .. 60 Hay peF ton 7 00 Pork .. . . 5 00 Hides per lb 4 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 Sheep skins, each 60 Lamb skine each 40 Wool, per lb, 18 89 98 48 65 45 13 00 5 50 1 00 8 00 6 60 oo e0 75 50 20 Voters' List, 1891. MUSTOMMATY or TRH VILhAGE OF BialatillMe, COUNTY OF liunox. Notice is hereby given that I have trace. I:flitted or delivered to the pereone Mention. ed itt seetione8 autl 0 of the Ontario Vote& List dot, 1880, the copies required by soAd 'mations to be transmitted or delivered et the list, mede pennant to esid Asb Of all persons appearing by DM hot revised As- eessniontlioll of the said MUnialpidity 50 158 entitied to vote in the said tefunfeipality at Eleotione fir keithere of the Legislative assembly and at Municipal lineations ; and that Mad Cat WPM Ord mated Op at In v aka 13ruesele, on the last day a Jtily, 1801, and remains there for inopeettoe. Elootoes aro milled upon to examine the euld eat, and it any °Missions or any other orrots are found therein, to take Mat imitate pretmetlings 56 have the said errors eor- rooted wording to lee?. 8,131:191treTei Deuesele. Dated et laussele 3050 day of A1130.801, STANDARD BANE OF CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO W. P. COWAN, President, J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, PAID 13P CAPITAL, - - Rasnave FUND, 67,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 Agenda's in all prineipal points in Ontario, Quebec Manitoba, United Mateo and England. Brussels Agency. A Genera Banking Businese Transacted. Parra ors' and other good Notes Diacounted at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Collea. Mons made on all points. Deposits reeeived and interest allowed at ollireut rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Sayings Bank De- posits of 51 and upwarde from date of deposit to date of withdravral, end com- pounded half yearly. Prompt attention and every facility affore- ed customers living at a distance. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, Agent. Thermals, Apen sth, 1801. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 1U1ONEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE ITJ,Funds. Apply to GEORGE NINGsTON, joliet, Illinois, or to 41.tf 51108. KELLY, 13russels. rilENDERS WANTED. .I.. Tenders wanted for quarrying and de. timing 50 eords of bridge stone from quarry te BrusSeds, distance 21 miles. A.R. SWIM 18 L130. OF BUTTER PER WIIE The Dom of my Registered Jersey Bull is said to be able to make 18 pounde of butter per week. Sim is an imported Jersey and a prise winner at the Toronto Industrial. 6,8. DEADMAN, Waged, 80, Brueeels, SQIRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 21, con. 113, Grey, 00 01- about June let, 'a yearling steer, red and white in color, star in forehead. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expe noes aud take him away. 1-45 505508.515 MeTAGGART, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.— Tte aubsoribor offers her house apd Id, corner of James and streets, Brussels. There is a comfortable house good stable, splendid well, dur, on the pre- mises,4 acre of laud. For further particu- lars as to prioe, terms, 80. apply to 10105, 10550. McOtILLOITIGN, Brussels. NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that: the part- nership heretofore existing between John Caber and Ephraim Coln; as carriage 1..11535N TIS"r 5 makers, in the village of Ethel, le Mlle day diesolved by mutual consent. The business M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. 8 , tvill be carried en by John caber, and he Graduate of the Royal College .of Dental collects accounts and pays all liabilities. CO ER. Surgeons Onrio, and of Teionto DM- , vereity. OM ,—Orer Pepper's Drug Stare, EPHRAIM COMM. Bremen, Ethel, July 2155,1801. JULY 31, 1$91. BEST FRESH PURE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN AT PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS. BANKING. MoINTOSH & MaTAGGART, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, Trams,co.et 0- 01-oxt.ox0.1 2E5+,1.01=er:us. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafts bolt ght and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits, Collections mode on favorable tarots. Canadlau Aconite —lifisumrAtirs BANE OF CANADA. New York digente—IMPOnTarte AND 'FRAU- leas NATIONAL CANE, 73o.s.skl.m.g LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, _Lk • Bonet tor and Cony eyitecer. Collo°. Mous made. Ofilee—Vanstonces Bleck Brus- sels. 21-6n; Ix,'" M. SINCLAIR, v • Solicitor, Oonveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, 80, Office—Graham s Blook,1 dc.ir uorth of Pauper's Drug Store, Private Feuds to Loan, nlORSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrote 8 Proud foe t, Gude. rich,) Tiarristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, the, Oftioes—Brueeels and Seeforth. Brus- sels Oilice—Tip.staire Oyer Bank. Money to Loan. IL S. frAys. , w.B.DIGISsoN BUSINESS CARDS, ISS OTONNOR, 1. Teacher of Organ anct.Piano. 40 -ti Prince's street, Bruesels. H. MoORA.OKEN, • /Bearer of Marriage Licenses. °Toe et his Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels. lalo N. BARRETT, 15. Tome:mild Artist. Shop—Next door south 01 .5.. tf. McKay er Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ahildrens hair cutting a specialty mISS BALL ..L.La. Is prepared to give lessee', ou the Plano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Speclal a t- tention given to Technic. For further in- formation address— Box 176 Bruesels. MoNAIR, Usurer of Marriage Licenses, by annointment of Week -Governor, Commis- sioner, as., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. OfIlae at the Otanbrook POst Mae. ROBERT OUNNiNGHAM MURANO% FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, .ca_ Clerk of the Fourth DiYASIon Court, Om Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Donn and Ineurnnee Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collection" made. °Moe in Graham's Bleek,Bruseels, 0 IL PAINTING, Min /dories, of Winghern, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. 'lams xnay be aecertaived at Miss Nellie Rose' store where samples of work may be soon. Mum Mertes would also take a few more pupils in music TA. HAWKINS, • Organist 10 101. Jobe's Church, Drug- sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 05 8.. W.Tha yea Niue. Doe., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thee, Kelly's, Turnborry st., or if preferred, at their own homes. Terms moderate. 46 - DENTAL. n3E:11,7,2,ZEIM,Me."2' G. L. Ball, 15.15.8. Nitres Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Pciuless Extraction of Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street Bast, Tonosmo. CANADIAN '?ACIFIC Harvest Excursions. From all Stations in Ontario Return Rates to MBTIIVEN HARTNEY DI:MORAINE MOOSOMIN BINSOARTH REG1NA MOOSDJAW YORKTON CALGARY PRINOE ALBERT. $35.00 To leave ell pats,11. 0.510 Provinee of ots AUGUST 11TH, l'tliZoNou3801". $28.00 $30.00 AUGUST 18TH, 1°,50uboilV:1160Pv' SEPTII 1ST, Betttermaemuint. Deka Parties tialtoting frem other points should artnnge to arIIVO at Toronto In time to 005- eee1with the 11 0, m. train leaving AUguet 11 th, 18511 awl September, lot,1801, For fuether particulars apply tO sty agent ot the Company, T. PEPPER, Agent, proseith AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • A.uctioneer, 18 alwaye ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, dm. Terms eheerfully given. Oranbrook 0.0. Sales may be arranged at Tan Pon Publielneg Nona°, 135,ueselli. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Anationeer. Sales comity:it 81 00 reasonable terms, Warms and farm stook a specialty. Milers lel b at Tine POST P ubli ng Neu se, Bru ssele, or (Mitt° Walton P.O., will receive prompt attention, H AVING,TAAKtpN LIOEN• 055 08 to coluluet sales of farm stet& rerseortaarlg prices. Evolving tbe ',tending of nearly every pereou 1001 in a position to sell to good mocha and got good impurity when tiold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rive 01 e a call, SS, P B. SCOTT, MEDICAL CARDS. WM. F. GALE, MD., 0, M., Member of the ()oboe° of Physiolan, and Burgeons of Ontario by examination, Oilloe and Resideuee —Main Street East, J A. MoNALIGIITON, M. D. a D. MO,. 05.0,1'., Edinburgh, 10,0. P 15,080, at Popper's Dille Store froett 0 to 11180 a. DI. 411I1 from Itee to 4 p. m At other hours may be found at hie reeidenee, form- erly occupied by Dr, El utthinson, Min et, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, ey . Ronde Graduete of the Ontario votortuary College, le prepared to treat an dioeftoos Of dotneetteated alginate he a eorn- Patent manner, nartmular attention paid to veterluary dentititry, Calle prnmptly at- tended to, Office itud ilifirmary—TWO 510011 Perth 011)4(104 Tiirliberry CC, JIM atelfii