HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-31, Page 5JULY 31, 1891
1'hobnildingaommittee of Ft. Panl'a Money to Loan,
ohureh, Wnl{;ham, aro asking tenders for
tt 1.
llog.tln1 gtuth
rborly meeting in e
Methodist. ohureh next Sabbath,
Cattie dealer Scott, of Listowel, ship-
ped. a oar of fat oatte from here last
Next friday morning at 9 o'oloolt the
appeal of G. K. Matheson against the
proposed new drainage will be held here
before Judge Toms.
Sunday school exenrsion to Goderioh
on August 11th. 86 cents ie the return
fare and children 46 Dente, The train
leave+ here at 8:10 a. m.
The Patrons of Industry did not ar-
range with either of our marabouts here.
Both sell goads at close figures and the
solid old) will eeoure bargains without
presenting invoices or anything of the
112 it
Joseph Garter returned from Calgary,
N. W. T., on Monday.
Rave 0. Hamilton has proolamed the
OLh of August as our oivie holiday.
Edward Watson shipped several ear.
Joule of cattle from this station to Mon-
treal on Monday. ample Saturday a eple of Frenchmen
with a performing bear invaded our burg
and amused the natives.
A union piu•nie of the Presbyterian
and Methodist Sunday Schools was held
on Wednesday in Giles Jenitins grove.
On Saturday evening the members of
Trinity Ohnral,woman'e Guild met at the
rectory and presented Mrs. Goo. W.
Racey with an address accompanied with
a beautiful silver app and saucer.
00 Thursday evening of hist week the
members of the A. 0. 0. W. of Blyth,
Belgrave and Manchester lodges met at
the lodge room here and presented the
Rev. Bro. Geo. W. Raoey with an address
on his departure from this plane for Bel-
Flax pullers are on the warpath.
W'hitfield's school honse has a bell
Fall wheat is very nearly all out and
is a goof crop.
"Lady of Grey" patrons meet Friday
evening, Aug. 7th.
Mies Bertha Ball is home from To-
ronto for her summer holidays.
Wen. Schnook is at home with his
cru, broken but will soon be able to work
Wm. Smith has just returned to Ham•
ilton after a two weeks visit in this lo-
John Hill and ohldren, of Clinton,
were visiting relative; in this towuship
last week.
Juno and part of July oheoso 'nada at
Barr's factory was shipped on Tuesday
of thie week.
The new barns on the farms of Wm,
Lake and Jno. Slommon are completed.
They are line roomy structures.
;bliss Habkirk is renewieg olcl acquaint.
anew in this locality. She is greatly
taken up with the QneOO city.
Jae. Smith's daughters, Oar,ie and
Beeelo, from Montreal, are visiting their
grandmother, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Jas.
Snaith sr. also paid her a short visit.
Gossips are malting a big fuss about a
patron haying a hundred pounds of
illg:tr. Do- you see atl,ythllt4 wrong
about that ? Is gossiping a precept of
your Ceristianity ?
O'►T 1•oxeCot•.
Lovely weather.
It ie a girl, and "Ab." wears a very
pleaaRnt smile.
Mrs. Wm. Mahood and family, of
Sioux Oily, U. S., are here on a visit to
Mrs. Robt. Gibson.
Business is dull on account of the
farmers being busy with their harvest.
Both hay and fall wheat are out.
Our B eeve was absent Monday of last
week attending the funeral of the Lite
County Clerk, P. Adamson, of Goderich,
John Hooey shipped a oar load of
horses to Manitoba on Tuesday, 14th
inst., and Robert Evans shipped a oar
load last week.
Our civic holiday has fallen through
owing to not being able to complete ar•
movements with Guelph baso ball olnb
for the present.
Rumor says that Robert Black hoe
pnrohased the grist mill here. We hearti•
ly trust it is eo as "Bob" is a genial,
good fellow and will do well wherever he
Quito a number of onr young men in-
tend taking in the cheap harvest excur-
sion to Manitoba on July 28th and Aug.
4th for $46,00, good for 4 months during
harvest. Wages will be good there.
Malcom Allen, of Colorado Springs, is
home on a visit to his parents. "Mack"
looks the same as ever, the 4 years ah.
sends has not altered him any. He in-
tends returning in about a month.
Our town has the usual influx of Sum•
mer visitors. Mise Lawrie, of Listowol,
and Miss Hudson, of Wingbam, have
been visiting their grandparente, Wm.
Lawrie and wife.—George Brown is
home for his holidays. He has bean
teaching near Ottawa.—Mise Alice
Walker, of Prescott, daughter of our
former peinclpal of the school here, is on
a visit to friends.
'Winall ana.
Work on the foundation of the new
Bank of Hamilton building is lasing
pushed along rapidly.
Mayor Clegg and Reeve McKenzie were
at Goderioh on Monday of last week, at-
tending the funeral of tho late County
Cloth Adamson.
Oliver Gilchrist, of the firth of Gil-
ohriet, Green &0o„ Chipped a handsome
dining table to his sister in Oaithnes•
shire, Scotland.
Rebt. Orr has taken 7. H. Hie000ks
into partnership with him, and after the
let of Augu t the business will be carried
on under the name of Orr & Hisooulte.
The Times says :—We aro pleased to
note that the energy and ability of our
lite Public School principal, W. B,
Groves, ore still making themselves ap-
parent. He is let neeietant in the Ryer-
ROU sabot, Toronto, and has ohooge 'of
file is fifth class, The city of To -
Couto offers for annual competition
among the pupils of the five senior fifth
classes of the oiby twelve eobolarshipe,
tach of which was two years tuition at
one of the collegiate institutes and is
worth l 40. Five of Mr. Groves pupils
suoceoded in winning soholarehipe and
out of tho first five places in order of
merit they to.&k the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and btli
position, the first two being the winners
of the tiny gold and eilver medals as
I the eviction of their prol)Oeod flow
ohuralh in town, Tenders wi I be reeoiv-
eci op to Aug. 26th.
Th' Methodist Church, Windham, was
Lite scene of an interesting event on Wed.
Desduy of lust week. The occasion was
the wadding of Alias Rosa Demuth, aided
den,hter of J, J. Monolith, council-
lor for ward No. 2, to Thomas Jidgltr
Bowles, son of Sheriff Bowles, of Duffer.
in County, formerly of Cdingham, and
now a prosperous fnerahant in Orange -
EL el rtt�*aj.
Look out for Sabbath sobool excursion
to Goderial on Tuesday Aug, 11th.
Give the children a day's enjoyment ab
the Take end go yourself. Return fare
from Belgrave 60 cents for adults and 80
cents for children. Train leaves at
Fall wheat is a fine crop.
Quite a number intend patronizing the
Sunday school excursion to Gcderich on
Tueeday, Analog 11111.
Last week W. Currie left for Qui•
Appalls, Wm. Aehton for Moneomin and
W. Oakley for Deloraino. They were
ticketed by J. T. Pepper, Brussels.
The voters' list for Dominion eleotion
purposes is -receiving considerable attan.
tion just now. A. good many people ap•
pear to think an election is not far off.
Mrs. Robert Sperling, who has been
visiting relatives here for some time,
leaves next week for Van0onver,6 where
her husband has a eiivation. She 0e0ur•
ed her ticket from J. T. Pepper, of Bros -
One of the early settlers of Morris
township passed away on Monday of last
week, in the person of Mrs. 3, A. Mo.
Ewen. Deceased had until recently en-
joyed goodhealth, but a short time ago
received a paralytic stroke, from which
she never recovered. The bereaved bus -
band and family have losb a kind wife
and mother, and the people of this aim.
munity sympathize with them.
-A. two
The "3305" takes a holiday next week.
J. Johnson hos moved his jewelry
business into the store lately vacated by
Wm. Forrest. The now premises have
been refitted.ecpoaially for Mr. Johnston's
growing business. The
oleo been neatly lettered vbyoW
It appears Ilex growers in ibis locality
are vieing with each other as to who can
produce the best sample of flax. The
gest to 00m0 to the front is Wm. Bell,
ho glorying a sample measuring 4 fret 5
inches. The seed producing this sample
was sown May 22nd, aid the flax pulled
July 21st.
The Ben says :—For a small town At-
wood is jealously looked after by nom.
meraial Hien, Prov or five in a single
day are known to have besieged the
place. Our menthants turn over a pile
of goods in tt yea'•, the result of judicious
'Advertising and a pad ionizing public.
The latter neoe.sarily follows the liberal
use of printer's iu11,
Thursday, Aug. 13th, has been decided
upon by the Council as civic bo'iday.
G. Y. Donaldson, of Sentb's bantling
house, was ogled to Stratford this week
by the death of his father.
Three cars of flue horses have been
shipped from Listowel for Manitoba and
the Northwest ; one oar by 11. Johnston,
of Qu'Appelle ; one by Messrs. Bennett
and Huston, of Virden, and ane by
Messrs. Hay and Feutnn, to Nespawa.
At the Listowel obese market last
week, about 10,000 boxes of cheese were
sold, all offered being taken. This repro•
scanted over $60,000 in .bard cash. A. F.
MacLaren, buyer for J. L. Groat tb Co.,
shipped three oars from Listowel elation
last Wedueedny, ani T. Ballantyne &
Sone shipped four ours the following day.
Rev. Isaac Campbell, pastor of Knox
Presbyterian ohoroh, has received from
the Faculty of the National University
of Chicago, Ill„ the full Honorary De•
gree of A. M., Ph. D. The several ex•
aminations required for the attainment
of this Honorary Degree were held under
the local presidency of Rev. Dr. Gunner,
and were supervised by Rev. I. 0. Quinn,
A, M„ Ph D.; Professor of Mental and
Moral Philoeophy, ah Anaconda, Mon.
W. D. Bright hen gone to Manitoba
on a pleasure and recreation trip.
Friday the 14th of August is the day
likely to be set apart for the eivio boll.
obt, Jamieson lefti en Monday of last
week on his semi-annual trip to the Old
A number of the nerbare of the Sea -
forth Fire Brigade were in Brookville
last week attending the tournament in
that town.
Wm. McDonald, youngest eon of Rev.
A, D. McDonald, has gone to Winnipeg
to take a stteatiOa in that city. He has
been in J. C. Smith's bank here for 'a
couple of year's.
A very unfortunate and painful awl.
dent happened to the youngest eon of
Geo, Duuaan, of this town. The little
fellow accidentally fell down stairs and
got the lower part of his chin knocked
off and time leaving the teeth exposed.
LAcnnasm.—Quite an enthueiaetio crowd
turned out to witness the laoroese match
on Monday between the Beavers of this
place and the Ontarios of Brantford for
the championship of the Western Die.
trict. The malob, however, wets played
under protest, it being claimed that the
Ontarioe were playing outside men and
an Indian, Under the circu,eetanoes the
Beavers were loath to go on with the.
game and did not at first play up to their
usual forte, and it was not till the On.
Larios had seared the first, seeoud and
third goals, in 10 minutes, 15 minutes
and 5 minutes, respeabfully, that they be.
gap t0 realize their danger. Then, set.
tling down to good play, they surprised
the Ontari ,e by so (ring the fourth game
lin twenty and the 0111 hi five minutes,
Froman putting the ball through in oath
case, The nbxt game was also daaforth's,
as far as play was concerned, but Camp,
bell of the Onbariog, securing the ball,
scored the sixth and winning game for
Brantford. H, O'Loughlin, of St, Cath.
erines, aoted as referee, and by hie ruling
prevented any attempts at rough play.
The juniors who have been added to the
senior Beavers have not in any way de-
tracted from the strength of the team,
and, atter the first little excitement wore
off, played good Wreath.
1l\foney to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
and Company
Solicitors, c&c.,
A Bee in Your Bonnett
I have Combs, Frames and
Empty hives for Sale.
Hives are Well Mode and Well Painted.
Price, 75e. Each.
8th Con., Morris.
or write Walton .P.O.
Take a Bargain while you
have the chance.
Canadian Pacific Illy.
To enable laborers to reach the bountiful
harvest of kraut tuba and the Nerthw oat, the
Canadian Pacific Ity, will make the following
1Oo' One-way rates (—
From aur Station in Ontario to
going July 28 and August 4
Pmrohnsora nt these tiiket' to recessive Cor
tiheato to enable talent t0 return no to Nov.
:30th, 18et, for. Sin each, providing they have
been working as farm In borers for one month
previous to their return.
For particulars apply to any Canadian
Pnoise Iced 'way eh go lit.
Agent, 13runse'a.
Make Known Your
—)Y]F 1OU(—
Waut to Sell a House and .Got,
Want to Buy or Sell a Horse,
Want to Loan Money,
Want to Bo1Tow Money,
Want to Bent a Room,
Wyant to Rent a Farm,
Want a Boarding Place,
Want a Servant,
Want to find anything Lost,
Want to Buy or Sella Farm,
Want to Make a Name,
Want to Sell Furniture,
Want to Bent a House,
Want to Buy a House and Lot,
Want to Save Money,
Want to Find anyone's Address
Want a Situation.
Want to Make Money,
sick Headache,
I8 a complaint from which many stiffer
and few aro entirely free. Its cause
is indigestion and a sluggish liver, the
etre for which is readily found in the
use of Ayer's Pills.
"I have found that for sick headache,
caused by a disordered condition of the
stomach, Ayer's Pills are the most re.
liable remedy."—Samuel C. Bradburn,
Worthington, Maes.
"Atter the use of Ayer's Pills for
many years, in my practice and family,
I am justified in saying that they are an
excellent cathartic and liver naedicine—
sustaining all the claims made for them."
W. A. Westfall, M. D., V. P. Austin
& N. W. Railway Co., Barnet, Texas.
"Ayer's Pills are the best medicine
known to me for regulating the bowels,
ordO for stomachdiseases
and liver.. I by
for over three years from headache, in-
digestion, and constfpab'on. I had no
appetite and was weak and nervous
most of the toe. By'using three boxes
of Ayer's Pills and at the same time
dietingm self, I was completely cured,"
—Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kansas.
"I was troubled for years with indi-
Beston, constipation and headache. A
few boxes of Ayer's constipation,
used In small
daily doses, restored ate to ]health.
They are prompt and effective."-W.H.
Strout, Meadville, Pa.
Ayer's Phis,
rnilrente tut
Dr. J. C. Ayer & 00., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Brugglsta and Dealera in Modiolus.
The nn,iereiglwd rv111 keep for service dila •
prevent eoaco0 Otto Auproved largo white
Yerltehll'o pig 'needy' 00 lot 811, roll, a,
lfarrin, In wlc,,h a ill ,lte+1 t:muhar of :town
will b0 101101. 'Tereus 81,00 to h0 paid ab
01 run of servieo, with the privilege of return-
ing if necessary. 30,110ree may bo soon up•
on appiiee5eu, IIOSERI! NICHOL.
1811 Proprietor.
MD, ALA., L.C.P.S.O., M.C.P.S•M.,
Specialist, - Toronto.
JONATHAN BusanenT, Liabowak, suy8:—
"Atter spending all my money and nropefty
to no purpose on medical .nen, for what
they tore ped a hopeless ease Ot e0116UID141011,
Dr, $1{eclair ouro0 mo.'
Mae. MARY FURLONG, Woodhouse, says :—
"When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair eared
me Of tits."
D. 1tem,nT0ON, Carleton Place, says;
"Dr. Siuolulr cured me of Catarrh,"
Oleo. Rowan, Myth,says:—"Dl', Sinclair
shred 0,e of heart 11120000 1111.4 dropsy, ,when
all others fulled."
D'iaraaeu of Private Nature, brought oil by
folly, .Lar, Sinclair certainly Clam,
Cecsoultateon. free.
Tuesday, Aug. I l th, '91.
PraotTeat a tch ,na7t er
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by ns.
Ci nek,s' 0 f' the
Laiesti .Designs.
Lwuts GIDE Rrxos,
EAnRINOs, &o,
t•:. A.Iso a Pull Line of Vt,ij ,, and
Violin Strings, 0vo., in stook.
N.B.—Assurer of Marriage Lit pI,S, s.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
A. Tip-top ,Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
IIt Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
. purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c. always in stock and sold
at Close Prices
If you want a set of Light
or Heavy Harness I can
supply you.
See our Scotch Collars.
�a Dennis.
Wishes to announce to the
people of Brussels and Vicin-
ity that he has added to his
business a stook of
Moots & Shoes
Of Very Superior Quality
and will sell the same at Very
Close Prices for CASH.
Special attention as us-
ual to ordered work
and Repairing.
Give ilio 13 call and "l will suit
you both in
IN. 13.—Ripe started FLtIlI of charge on
goods sold by me,
s,r st rxRs^ mvr :.:uns!verscems4.11ME:rsrJ rTts5 lr0wewo.:laeuo
Sunday School Excursion.
The Annual Sunday School Excursion to Lake Huron will take
place to Godc'rieh on
Tuesday, August lith, 19]-,
A Special Train will Run as follows:
PALMERSTON.......... ,. 7.10 A. Il, Adults $i1 00
GOWANSI'o V ......... 7.25 95
LISTOWEL 7.37 05
AT WOOD 7.50 ..140
HENFRYN 8.00 85
ETHEL 8.10 85
BRUSSELS 8,80 80
BLUEVALE 8.48 65
WINGHAM 8.55 65
LUCKNOW Regular trains to and 85
WHITECHURCH i from Winghain 75
BELGRAVE .,,.,., 9.16 60
BLYTII9.40 50
CLINTON 10.05 85
Children $
Arriving at Goderich at 10:45 a.
Returning, 'Train will Leave Goderich at 7:35 P. m., thereby
allowing, Excursionists neatly Niue Hourelat the 1aIce.
The Commodious Steamer "City o'Windsor" has been engaged
to run Excursion Trips on the Lnke during the day at a Low b'are.
General Manager.
Goll'l Pass. Agent.
_L.1 -_E-1 •F!
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed.
We have a Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted,
Goods, Yarns, &c.
1111 Wool left with us for manulltotnring, whether rolls or
otherwise, will 11,1,ve our prompt attention.
HOWE & co.,