HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-31, Page 4New Advertisements.
Lamle—Dr. a. C. Ayer.
Local—E, B. Grundy.
13;eyelne—Cl. A. Peadraan,
Jersey Cattle- 0. A. Deadmen,
Brussels Voters e List—F, S. Scott.
(Pie Nrusztis Vost
FRIDAY, JULY 81, 1891.
rr is said on competent authority that
the regular promedinge in the House of
Commons now attract but very little at-
tention. PuMio intereat is now centred
in the doings of the committees which
are investigating the results of the policy
of plunder and fraua iu connection with
the administration of public affairs. It
would appear to tt certain extent the dim
closures before the parliameatary
mittees are a "vindication" of John
Charles Rykert, late M. P. for Lincoln.
When Mr. Rykert was turned out of the
D011Se a Commons he declared that he
was no worse than dozens of others, end
subaequent events have shown that he
told the truth.
Tius nineteenth century* continuen to
produce evidences of progress in marine
matters and the results will be more
noticeable aa time rolls on as the follow-
ing will show :—The grain -laden whale.
back steamer Cbarles Wetmore Ms ar.
rived at Liverpool, having crossed the
Atlantic in elevett days, landing Iter
cargo in splendid condition. This is the
first inatanoe in which a simmer has
sailed direct from Daluth, the head of
navigation on the great lakes, to Europe,
and the emcees of the Wetmore may re.
sett in revolutionizing the whole grain
carrying trade. The vessel was obliged
to lighten cargo labile passing down the
St. Lawrence canals, reloading at Mon-
treal and carrying to Liverpool every
bushel of wheat taken on board at
Dttluth, The whalaback proved easily
manageable in rough Atlantic weather,
and already English ship.buildere are
talking of adopting the model for both
freight and passenger ships.
CoxstnaitAntu talk has been engaged in
for several days over the proposed re.
moval of the Brussels posieffiee from the
old stand to a 1110re southerly one. We
bave neither seen nor signed the petition
in circulation opposing the change nor
we think it will be ef much availWe are opposed, never the.lesa to th
do e.
office beiug moved, not for personal
reasons, but because the people as a
whole will be more conveniently suited
as it is. With the exeeption of the salt
block and the Vanstone roller mill all the
other manufacturies are north of the pro -
sent site. Then there is the matter of
security from fire, but Mr. Farrow in.
forms us that he purposea veneering the
building he has purchased and will thus
put it ha a better condition. The In -
specter has given his cousent, we nuder-
stand, to have the °face moved and white
we think the postmaster would have
made more friends for himself to leave
the office in the old stand where it has
been for so many years, we have as idea
that the petition, which has been quite
freely signed, is too late to accomplish
what was designed by its promoters.
H111`011 C01.1.13e3e.
The 83rd Battalion will go into camp
at St. Thomas, from the 1st to the 121h
of Septenaber.
A meeting of the Directors of the
Turnberry Agricultural Sooiety will be
held on Saturday to make arrangements
Inc the Fall Show,
Frederiok McLellam 5 years of age,
son of John McLellan, builder, of Say.
field, was accidentaily drowned last week
by falling into the river nesiz the bend.
John Pedlar, Stephen, has a fine stalk
of wheat containing about 80 grains, very
large, and of the velvet chaff variety.
Mr. Pedlar says this wheat will yield
enornaously, about 46 bushels to the
The Permit High &hoot Board has en.
gaged J. C. Hutchinson, of Fordwich, as
assistant teaoher, in place of Mr. Ramil-
ton, who resigned u few weeks ago. The
new teacher will get a salary of HOO per
A Innatio named John Campbell, of
the lilth oen. Ashfield, attempted to
brain one Illotelorzniek with an axe whoa
a well.direeted blow with a Wok by Mr.
Boyd knocked hint insensible. Re was
at once humid with ropes and a oonstable
sent for. He has since been sent to
Goderich jail.
John Murdook, of the 12t1I con. of Ash.
field, was hiving a swarm of hem that
had alighted in a tree, when the limb on
which he was etanding suddenly broke
and Mr. Murdook fell to the ground,
ligbting On hie heaa. He lay for mule
time unconscious, but is able to be about
again as usual.
Geo. Vesper, of Exeter, abet off three
of kis toes of the left foot a few days ego,
Ile had loaded his gun to shoot sparrows
lant the gun failing to dieeltai go, he paint.
ed the muzzle to the ground, and while
withdrawing the charge the gun wont off,
ecivering three of his toes as above stated.
Hie boot Wee torn to pieoria and his foot
otherwise badly injared,
The 3.year-old daughter of John Hey -
weed, Exeter North, had been ont play-
ing with the other children in the garden
and Underneath the apple trees and hed
eaten a quantity of the fruit which bad
fallen underneath the trees, Now the
pteabotse bad been planted there too and
but a short time ago they had been
prinhled with Paris Greeh. The belief
Is thsit the applag were iyieg underneath
the loaves of potatoes and that the fluid th
buS the ponsoned whichfrait tweed ki
a len upon them, and the child par- i be
took of
its death,
r_Chos. MoMillan,nI Ifinlmen, has
rived home from Scotland, Ile repo
having mot it good Market with
The num tel. of births mothered
McKillop fro. the six Menthe ending 3
of June, leel, wati 25 ; deaths, 10 ; m
Hages, 2.
COndeeter Snider will deliver a teeth
in the Town Hall. Clinton, on Month
August 3rd entitled eLife
or people you tricot.
The other day while W. East, of Clin-
ton, was cutting gram, he game across
snake, which on being opened, was found
to contaia 17 smaller enekes.
Mrs. O'Neill, of Clinton, had the mitt.
fortune to break her leg, near the hip.
Being up in years it may talca some time
for the injured member to heal.
Robt. Carter, of the 8th eon., Rallett,
bad the misfortune to lose a horse the
other day. It was running about a field,
and tripped over some logs, breaking
its neck)
A, Bieyele olub has been organized in
Clinton. N. Wilmot is President; M.
Cantalon, Vice•Pres. ; Ohm, Cooper,
Capt. ; and j. P. Doherty, Sem-Treas.
There are 15 wheels in the town.
Alex. S. Campbell, of Luoknow, re.
ovived from Will Donagh, of Winnipeg,
an old school mete and shop mate, a
unique silver beaded Cane, made from
the horns of buffalo and Texas steers, as
a memento of the friendship existing be.
tweet) them.
A son of iVillitun Morrieon, 1\10E1110p,
while driving u lior,e attached to a hay
fork on Monday Met was struck by a rein
soap, which, catching on ono corner of
hie mouth tore los Meek so severely that
it required a good many stitches to brin
the parts together.
Quite recently four or five Clintoniana
went over to Detroit to week, having se•
cured situations in advance. After they
had been there a few days the Labor
Unions got them disoharged on the plea
tl at it was a violation of the Alien Labor
Law. They have all mound situations
sines, however.
A. colt belonging to Jas. Cartwright,
Hullett, met with a singular ambient the
other day. Following its clam to the
table the colt caught a hook of the 'ma-
stless in its mouth, and the presumption
is that the mare pulled away, and thus
out the colt's month, which was torn as
far batik as it could go.
On the 22n5 inst. a little girl of John
teyerman, met with an mei.
dent while using a sharp knife. By a
stroke of the knife she opened the knuke.
le of the fore -finger. She was taken to
a surgeon and laad the finger properly
dressed and hopes are entertained that
the finger may be aaved.
While Charles Wrightnian, of West.
field, was in the not of putting a rope for
the hay fork in the putty up ou the traek,
the rung of the ladder on which he was
standing broke, letting him fall a dis-
tance of 23 feet, breaking his leg near the
thigh, clishiceting his wrist and bruising
him considerable; all over.
Eackiel Bernell, St. Marye, mot with
rts a very painful occident in Jas. Elliottas
hic querries by letting a e00 lb. bar fall on
his feet.
in limy Ifildebrieht, of Leon, sold to
Oth Thee. Jones, of Mitehell, the other day
ar- 28 head of line attille, reeeiving therefor*
something over 02,000.
re , George Skelton, a young man employ-
ty, I ed is Orr's planing mill, at Stratford,
ll" had the misfortune to laso two of the
is f, t band,
Quite a number of Olemie City reel,
dents are taking tibia by the foreleek and
laying in a ;supply of mail for the winter
months. The lowest quotation heard of
this year is 114.70 per ton.
W. J. Howe who has been a member of
the Listowel band for BOMB years, has
taken a position ab his trade in Kincar-
dine and been engaged aa leader and in.
struotor of the Kineardine band.
The inspector appointed by the dairy-
men's association visited Winthrop cheese
feet my recently and tested the milk
with the Babooak tester. In fo ty pat-
rons one bad 4 per sent. fat, fourteen
had over 3-30 per cant, fat, and three had
less than 3 per mitt., the later is an aver-
age, which shows one pound of butter for
thirty.three pounds of milk, 4 per cent,
shows a pound of butter for twenty•five
pounds of milkItt his second visit be
will have to sea any herd of cows milked
that shows less than 3 per cent, fat.
Dr. Wright, of Bayfield, has loaated
Mitchell fall fair will be held on t
2.3r,1 and 241h of September.
A. Dent, of Mitchell, contemplates ta
ing a trip to England, Ireland an
The contract for lighting Stratford ha
been awarded the Reliauce Electri
Co„ of Waterford.
Jas. Barns, of St. Marys, was knocks
down by a team of horsea on Riohmond
street, Landoll, and had his arm broken.
While running a patent bay elevator
the other day Thomas Geary, of Hibbert,
lied the flesh torn to the bane from three
At a recent vestry locating of St.
James' ehurch, Stratford, they authoriz-
ed the erection of a $5,000 Sunday school
building at once.
City Assessor Sharman, of Stratfere,
is very proud of his reoord. He bad
only thirty-seven changes in over four
thoutand assessments.
John Busch, of Ellioe, gathered in R6.-
50 et Mitchell on the 18th by tha ex-
hibition of his two.legged oolt, the charge
for admission being 10o. Many people
also viewed the freak in Stratford on
Show day.
Knox churela, Stratford, is being rapid.
ly rebuilt. The brick.work is preigresca
ing, and a large circular window of stain-
ed glass has been placed in it. The town
hall is also progressing slowly, and is
gaining in appearance every day.
The Stratford Presbytery held its
regular meesing in St. Andrew's church,
North Easthope, on Monday evening,
July 18th. Rev. R. Pyke, of Shakespere,
was continued in the aim of moderator
till next meeting in September. In the
absence of the clerk Rev. A. Henderson,
M. A., of Atwood, Wall appointed clerk
pro tem, Rev. R. Bamilton was ehopan
as moderator of N and S Nisaouri in the
absence of Rev. J. Campbell, Granton.
The Presbytery then resolved iteelf into
a conference, and in the presenee of a
goodly congregation, Rev. J. W. Camer-
on, B. A., of North elornington, read an
able and thoughtful paper on "How to
make the moat of our wotking force," in
which he gave special peomihence to
three principles,. viz t Cmoperation,
amiability and spirituality.. He was fol-
lowed by brief and appropriate addresses
by the other inemberapregent. Burliness
was resumed next mottling and among
other items of interest the following were
appointed conveneve of the standing
oommittees for the year, elm : Statistics
--Rev. I. Campbell, Listowel ; Borne
1111861one-13ov, 13. Hamilton, Mother.
well ; Foreign litisaLins--13ev. A. Hen-
derson, M. 41.„ Atwood ; Temperanee—
Rev. A, Tully, Mitchell 1 French Evan.
gelization—Rev, E, W. Panton,
ford ; Colleges—Rev, Ie. A. Cosgrove,
St, Marys ; Sabbath Sohools—Rev. W.
111, MoKiblain, B. 4,, Millbank ; Sabbath
Obeervanoe—Rev. 3, A. Cameron, I3. A.,
North Mornington ; Aged end Infirm
Ministers', Widows' and Orphan& Fund
iokson, Donegal. The ladies of
e neighborhood entertained the moto-
rs of the Preebytery wit/a the uttmet
minces and with the most generone
laapita lity,
Royal Mail Steamships.
emlin BATEs, $.10. $50 and $00, Single ;
$80, $90 nee $1t0 Returu, according
to Location of Stateroom.
INTERMEDIATE, Outward 520; Prepaid 580
Steerage at Lowest Antes.
ste(10111111104bIE IOUS Unsurpassed.
Apply to 11..0 A. ALLAN, Montreal,
on W. E1. I E1.1,11
AGENT, BatiseeLS.
A Partnership bowing been formed be-
tween R. Thompson and E, Grinaoldby,
under the Firm name of Taoatesott &
GRTNOLDRY, they are now prepared to
promptly attend to the waits of the
public in
Paper Ranging ft Specialty.
Orders left at A.. 11.1, McKay & Co's.
store, Brussels, will have our prompt
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
'Valuator. _A gen t.
Ethel P.O., On, 286f
in / —
F028 &ILE.
—11 --
The subscriber offers the following
Well-bred Animals for Salto:
105515" (0564), Vol. II ;
d ',Kart of Breadelbane" (6700), Vol. II.
These horses are 5 years old ; heavy
"Lavin Chief," 6 years old, heavy
One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from irn-
ported stook on both sides; heavy
"Prince of Douglas," a road or carriage
stallion, rising 8 years; imported.
One Heavy Draught Mare, 6 years old
imported ; with foal.
One Canadian bred Mare, heavy draught,
rising 5 years, with foal by her side.
One Mare Foal, from imported stook on
both sides.
One Gelding, 3 years old, heavy draught.
TERNS will be made tO
Responsible Parties.
The above mentioned stook may be
seen, pedigrees secured and prices ob-
Wood by applying to
at Do Toar On Thinking
Bausenne, November Otto, 1880
3. ki, MoLaon,Goderieli,
DEAR 81/1.—X should bays Vnitten before'
now to let you know how 0 1111 getting along.
I Ina EL 10 batter Wool was; gaining strong th
well. ioftn te tItretI
qssat,ttty o
System Renovator and It does net sicken
We. Aly limbs are id) right now ; guite
siartlst gal "Y on:;gret tgOi r t,, TIse
ter abaI
take a little buttermilk, 2 ain
gene straight again, Seal me another
bottle of your System RenoPator,
YOura,Se., JAS. DoNoAN,
YOURTEEN mourns r.ATEll.
Blitisser..s, February 7112,1801.
J. Ill, Matzen, Boiler/eh,
DEAR Sra.—Eifteen venal; 140 Illat NOVGIA-
P07 3ars'igpli!°iTt'thiP'ts'evIerwrolgiatTIVi
any. At times' 0 Buffered greatly Irmo my
otomaoh ; 2 continued, hut I grow worse.
wined dropsical ; limbs aua body melted
bully, You Iniow the state / was in 'when
C went to Clodorieli—a more wroelc, could
hardly Italic—suffering from Bright's dis-
ease. .111st ono year ono last hall / began
your Itenovater and Elamite() Cure, 3 began
to inend Itt t few days ; eolith:Med then for
three loorithe steady. Although 1 wae told
could not lio Mired, if you sew lne now,
well hearty ; oat everything that comee
In the way, 20015 you the praise of Saving
my life. I spas In a hopeless condition When
I went tO you, in feet no ono thought I
would get better. 3 cannot speak too highly
of you and of yotir mediating', for it was
then% that cured tile, Words lhallaOt informal
my thanks to you, Freely page ltey rle.11.10 to
anyone. You &a.
Soho DI J. T, PBPPER, Barnet:Gt.
..-41A1uMS POR UN.
5. Dritutos ND hoe eovneal gong Farms fr.r
sale 011 10 rent, easy terms. in 'BoWitshipa
or idorrh; and Bray. F. S. ii..30TT,Iirusseis.
bot 14, Con, 12, Grey; 100 Rum ; amt.
clase huitaluLe, A rats bargain to EL 01141
perctieser. Title perfeet, Apply et one. 1.0
W. M. SIN (MAI% Solloltor, Brussels, 80-
kJ Being South half Lot 27, sons, Morris,
300 acres, rly all °loured, ood buildings,
ne voung botri ng orchard, immediate pos.
WM91011. gas), Tories, Apply bo
tf- Scimitar, .15., Brussels.
.1 undersigned offers her property, intim
earth of Brussels, for sale on liberal tonne,
There is one sore of laud upon whish there
are two houses, stable and a small orchard.,
l'he place is conveniently )(mated on the
gravel road. For further Parliellitira ila te
price, terms, So. apply to
1-4 Princess street,Bresseis,
rIARM .4'031 SALE.—THE UN•
a dersigned oEors his valuable; 100 nem
farm, being Lob 12, Oen, 5, Groy, for sale.
There aro 85 acres under crop, bahtneo
timbered. There is a geed erallard,
45, on the premises, besides log house, hank
barn, &e. Will be told ou rouroundulo terms,
For price and full particulars apply tO WM.
BABBIRK, FEllifiaela P.Oe JOHN 010051301,Saatorth, Ont. 17 -tee
UALN.—Iielng west Lot 11, 000.0,
a my, .14 lulled from Brussels, The larid is
good clay lotus, well ermined, mostly 01.!
cleared and in 000(1 order. Doe mom of 00
chard in et:mai:emir. There is u, never fail-
ing spring on Olio i,ronikies itud an extru well
nt tho buildings. The handl]; are f
e, Would take suitable property 10 or
bear Brussels as part pay. For further Par-
ticulars apply on the premises to
021105. McGREGOR,
Or address Brussels_P, 0, 0815
1. pelmet:no okeeutore offer the Jolla
Lowe farm for sale. The prODerty COnsiets
01100 acres, being Lot 10, 000. 5, Gray, end
having thereon a lirst.chtes brick house,
bank barn, orchard, wells, never -failing
spring, good fences, .ke. About 70 :toren
oiearea, balance bush, Possession will be
given next Fall. For further particulars as
to Price and terms apply to
11.13. 000115075, Solicitor, Brussels,
or to alio. mom.
E, 3. Al oA ATBUR ""i"
524f 011.1 000., Groy,
DIalsIONED offers for sale the north
east quarto rot lot 28, eonoession 0, morris,
0011.13 tr of Huron ,tiontitla in g 50 mires. The
lanais of first quality and In a high state of
oultivation. well Mimed anti under -drained,
acres cleared. N ew Irani o house, 8 roonls,
hottee witb concrete welts, 2 wells.
Coed barna 0113 shed, orebard, eta, Eight
acres of fall wheat, This desirable property
adjoins bIOS corporation of Brursels. Suit.
able torn% will be gi veu , Title porfe et
, ,
Rugby th P0.
SALE.—The undersigned offers for
sale 010 the most renerougge loituo, Villege
Lot 121, on tho corner of Kiug thug John
strents,Brussels. On the property tle0
good cellar, goo cl frame girellinu, with seveL
roonni and kitchen, pantry and %medalled.
Hard and soft 'water, also 0 good frame
arable, driving plied aud ice house, The
buildings are all in Arst-elass order, and
there te also ample mom for another build-
ing on the corner if desired, Falco vary rea•
sortable, For terms, gio., apply to
101158, 1014111 (TJRI11E,13);m5els 00,0.
12-4 or to A.HMSTEri, COurt
Zan,. and Efftwe
Eggs have dropped in prise, so hae our
Large Stock of Prime
All of Our Own Curing.
We also Manufacture Bologna Sausage.
Patronize home industry by somillg onus.
Give me a call and prove the truth-
fulness of the above statements.
Wm, Blas/ii/l, Butcher.
Private Funds to Loan.
HEM% boon plocol in on hands
for Investment till real estate.
No Commission.
-Borrowers can We loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
Shoddy -
- Pedlars
Are on the Warpath, so aro im-
plement agents to entrap the
wary fanner into buying Warier
plows made at a distance from
Brussels, for which you cannot
get repairs when needed.
Farmers, consult your own in-
terests and encourage home mall-
ufacture by calling at the
russels Foundry
Where you can get a Superior
Article at a Reduced Price, Guar-
anteed to give Satisfaction, or
no sale.
/110855, with ncid riltsbur, Sgeell
linarda, SIHOO HMI Double.
Plow Pointe Of Every Make at 40c. each.
Gang Points 25 Ceuts.
Best Pittsburg Stott/Boards fitted 011
any plow at the Lowest Possible Prise.
Be sure and call and examine onr
stock before buying.
W. R., Wilson, Brussels.
Hadf the Virtues
Have never been Told.
Read this—
Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast
and kidneys for years very bad. When I
stooped could soareely straighten up; felt
tnisetable. For three months I persisted
in a free use of ST. LEON WAren. It was )
the oup of joy to me; brought relief, par
excellence ; paina, stifling, etc, all gone.
Call at my office, I will tell far more
aboo t the value of St. Leon. W.
Empire Laundry, $28 Queen street west,
And this—
I bad rhemeatilsm in my knees and fingers,
bilious headaches, eta. orerY few Week&
Mr, Higgins, Empire Laundry, urged nlo to
try ST. Lnox mineral Water. I aid, aud it
set me all right; han0010bes and Pains ell
gone. tfy wife and three etaildren also nee
it, We all find St, Leon Water NWT good
and healthy. T. T. S. AtImanSoN, Watch-
maker and 'lovelier, 810 Queen street west,
Geo, Good, Agent,
St.Loon Mineral Water Co'V, St. Leon, Que.
9 —
Organized 1871. _Head Office, Toronto.
Remember after Three Year Polioies are Incontestable,
Paid-up Policy and Cash Surrender Value G-naranteed in eaeh Polley.
Policies are Non -Forfeitable after the Payment of Two full annual Premiums.
Profits, whit% are Unexeelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are
allocated every five years from the issue of the polioy, or at longer periods, as may
be selected by the insured.
Profits so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be redacted or recalled at
any future time under any circumstances.
Partioipating Polioy Holders are entitled to hot less than 90 per cent. of the
profits earned in the Wass, and for tbe past seven years have actually reoeived 95
per cent. of the profits so earned.
W. X-15 BEJiZ, Ag'ent, 1E9raiSiStel-
iksl'OOLL BROS. &
Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will
injure your machinery, when you can get the
Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka,
Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness.
11/LoCOLL 13noz. 84 co., TORONTO.
11-eni Fop SaIe by it (JERRY, Brussels,
JP1LY 81, 1891
7— •
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro -
party at
6 & 6,1 Per Cott., Yet'/y,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, lirusee's.
111 its first stages, can (be successfully
1 checked by the prompt use of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later
periods of that <Thiene, the cough is
wonderfully relieved by thia inedicine.
"I bavo used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with the host effect In my practice.
This wonderful preparation once saved
my fife, I had a eenstaut cough, night
sweats, WEIS greatly reduced in flesh,
and given up by my physician. One
bottle and a half of the Pectoral mired
Ale."—A. ,7, Eidson, M. D., Middleton,
" Several years age I was severely 111.
The doctors said I WEIS in consumption,
and that they could do nothingtor me,
but advised me, as a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Peotoral. Alter taking
this medicine two or three months I
was cured, and my health renaains good
to the progent day."—James Birchard,
Darien, Conn.
"Several years ago, on e. passage home
from California, by water, I contracted
so severe a cold that for some days
Was eellfiDed 50 my staie-rumn, and a
physician tin beard considered my life
in danger, Happening to have a bottle
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it
freely, and my Julio were soon restored
to a healthy ColulitiMI. SilWO then I
have invariably recommenilbil thio pren-
aration."—J. B. Chandler, Junctien, Va.
Ayers Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
po'd by all Druggists. Price 110; al.botilea, 50.
001 ani 1.
Paid for Wool at the
Lidovrel -
We wish to call your at-
tention to the fact that we
still Want more Wool, and
we are determined to make
this wool season one of the
largest, for we have it Tre-
mendous stock of Goods on
hand. It is necessary that
you should look around be-
fore you dispose of your wool
to see where you can make
the best purchases with it in
Buy in the Cheapest,
Sell in the Dearest.
Do not fail to come and
see our Large Stock of' New
Fine Flannels, in New Shades
and Patterns. Something
Never Before Shown the Public
We have made up a lot
of Fine Halifax Tweeds, just
the thing for school boys.
We also have a big stock of
Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweed',
Bed Blankets, Horse Blan-
kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts,
Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades,
Shirts and Drawers for this
season's trade, which we offer
Ev,erybody should come
and try our fine Grey Flannel
that won't shrink in washing,
and outwears the common
grey flannel sold the public.
Roll Carding, Spinning,
Fulling and Manufacturing
Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets,
&c, on short notice.
rt. F. Brook &