HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-17, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
Berries and. Cream!
Who is there who cannot enjoy a dish of
Berries and Orealn. We have no Berriee
for Bole but we oan simply you with a
nioe artiole of
Jersey Cream.
During the fruit season we purpo•e (12
addition to our Jersey Milk Shake) keep.
ing OA supply of Jersey Cream which we
can sell by the half-pint, pint or quart.
This Cream is obtained by the Creamery
process and will be kept in a refrigerator
at my Drug and Book Store so that it
will be sweet and nice.
Do not neglect your Potato vines but ap•
ply some of our Pure Paris Green which
we guarantee to kill the potato bugs.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
0005118112 EXTENSIoN W. 0. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
GOING SOWN. Gomm Norm n.
Mail 0:53 a,n). ... . 9:45 am,
Exurese 1:52 am. Mail 3.00 p.rn.
Mixed 9:05 p.m. Express 9:55 pan.
Pius Pau.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pront it.
PALL races in Brussels, August 210.
BANANNAB 2o. each at the Star Restaur-
GET a copy of TITE POST and send it to
your friends this week.
Laser party at Dr. Graham's lawn on
Tbureday evening of next week.
Free pulling will oommetme neat week
in connection with the Brussels mill.
REV. MB. adoelase, of Luoknow, occu-
pied Enox church pentit in Brussels last
Amx. Wireow has placed a beautiful
piemo cased "Bell" organ in the home of
D. McEenzie,
Tim T. P. C. A.. of the Methodist
ehnrch 111 this place has been changed to
an Epworth League.
1e1e lathing is finished at the new
American Hotel, Mr. Shaw, of Seaforth,
who had the job, is a lightning lather.
W. M. Moan and W. Covert, of the
Toronto Bicycle Club, were in town on
their Wheels on Tbnrsday en route to
PRANK STRETTON bad his left shoulder
injured on Monday while playing football
on the Park, by another player running
against him,
Tne games announoed for the 13211 did
not come off, owing to the inability of
the oommittee to seoare a sufficient
num'ter of entriee.
REDUCED R85EE3.—For the next three
weeks we offer millinery at greatly te.
duried pricee.—Large quantity of flowers,
eto. Call and see. Miss Hoare,
ERINT CulOnies of Italian beet for sale
M a bargain, as I have not 'ante to at-
tend to them. Alco a good working
horse, 4 years old. D. FRAIN, Brussels.
Cone loot on Monday, 13th inst., on
the 42h /ine of Morris betweeu the Erns -
sets gravel road and the 3rd sideroad.
The finder will much oblige by leaving
the same at Tile Pose Pub. House, Brus-
As there is no royal road to learning,
so there is no magical cure for diseaee.
The effect, however, of taking Ayer's
Sareaparilla for blood dieordere comes as
near magic as can be expeoted of any
mere human agency. This le due to he
purity and Istrentth,
Noteom—A meeting of the lat July
Ceebration Committee will be held in
the Council Chamber on Tuesday eveu•
tag, 21st inst., at 8 o'olook, for the ma-
laise of receiving the financial statement
from the Treasurer, G. P. Scholfield,
R. Gump, Chairman,
Warm -Dream AND Dername.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is peeper,
ed•to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells °leaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable, Residence
second door north of the bridge, yeast
side of Turnberry at,, Brussels. 4341
Coenutena.—The Ladies' Committee
in conneotion with the Band dinner is
mired to meek at the residence of Lloun-
°Woe Stewart on Friday evening of thie
week at 8 o'clock. An aoconnts should
be handed in to Mrs, (Dr.) Graham, at
once. Persons who are short in their
dithes may find them at H. Dennis' her.
nen shop.
ACCORDING to the official statement,
certified by It. L. Taylor, agent, the elec.
Hon expenses of Dr. W. J. Holmes at
the last Dominion election was $816.20,
made up as follows :—Printing, 826.75;
livery, $127.00 ; general expenses and
servioes 81 Conarnittee rooma, 864.18 ;
telegraphing, &c., $18.41 ; Personal '08'
penees of candidate, 080.00.
Meexmao and return, good from data
of lathe until 31er Oot., $18.00, Going
via N. W.1'. Co. to Sault Ste. Marie,
therm stompers of Delta Traneportation
Cocto Mackinac, Thie trip gives tour.
fide on afternoon and night in Sault Ste.
Marie and four daylight trips through
the entire length of the beantiful Ste,
Marie River and is direct route from
Bruesels and return. For information
and Ttokets see T.
'J own Ticket Aga
LAWN PARTY.—Oti Tharsday evening of
next week, 2arrt inst., 0. lawn party is to
beheld on Dr, Graham's laWn. In adai.
tion to a tip•ton mueicel and literary
program the Brussels I3and will be in at-
tondance. A. lady elocutionist fermi
Monroe, N. C., has Mao been secured for
the otteasion. All 2110 clergymen in town
heate been invited to be present. The
grounds will be iliuMinated with electric
light. Refreshments will be dispensed
&trine the evening, and an enjoyable time
le twinned to 9,1l attending,.
all Oaks from Little Acorns Grow.
When you lay this paper down please place it with our Advertisement on top, you see we always expect to be at
the top and trust you will yonder us this slight favor,
About the Ready-made Clothing we advertmed for this Month it is selling quickly and it pleases our Customers.
We have a few Summer Suits, Coats ancl. Vests left.
If you want anything in that Line Call and Get our prices. We bought them at 65c. on the dollar and will clear
them for regular Wholesale Prices.
S A/1=1-1.
In about two months we will move back to our old stand and you may expect bargains in all lines of Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, &c„ for the next two months as we want our stock as low as possible, I
thank my many customers who have dealt and stuck by me during the last twelve years in business and also the many
new Patrons who have dealt with me since I was burned out.
Mia{sits talatlibli1110MMINIMMISIO11111
ROBINSON'S show at Wingham on 11
81st was billed here by flaming posters o
A ese wee held last Friday, at th
Brussels Driving Park levelling up th
new alum.
WilAT iS known as long vacation i
legal oiroles began on ,July Ord, and wi
continue until September 7111.
PERMISSION has been granbea KnO
church, Brussels, to moderate in anothe
call toward securing a pastor.
Tile very close and vivid lightning on
Tueeday evening shook np the telegraph
telephone and eleetria light wires.
Ore potatoes are a scarce article i
this locality but as the new 01102 ar
coming on to the market the want wil
be speedily supplied.
Ian Friday afternoon the Methodist
Sabbath school held their annual pia -
Mc at Mr. Hargan's grove, 12211 con.
The children enjoyed themselves.
NoTICE.—All or any person having
claims against the Dominion Day Cele-
bration Committee are requested to hand
them, at once, to J. N. Kendall, Seure-
tary, so that the books may be balanced.
Tug National Teachers' Convention is
in session in Toronto this week. Princi.
pal Shaw is in attendance. Be will also
represent St. John's Lodge A. F. & A..
M., at the Grand Lodge convening in the
Queen city next week.
CARD OP Tratexm—The Citizens' Band
Committee, of Brussels, most heartily
tender their sincere thanks to the ladies
and others who so kindly assisted in var-
ious 8578 10 makine the entertainment
at the akating rink last Monday, in the
interests of the Band, such a gratifying
INCOCRECT.—The Atwood Bee says
'Tile football football match played in Brussele
on july 181, between our senior Mob and
the Brussels team, resulted in favor of
the latter by 2 to 0. The player who
particularly distinguished himself for
good playing in the Brussels team hap.
pened to be an imported man—a member
of the Hiltons, of Seaforth." The refer.
enoe to the "imported" player is not oor-
reot, Bro. Bee, as W. Sloan is the person
referred to and he is a school teacher at
Barrie's school, 2 miles from Brussels,
and he boards at Jno. Mooney's, less
than a mile from the corporation. Ele
does play goal for the "Hurons" but he's
not an imported player to Brussels. We
venture to guess that the members of our
foot ball club reside nearer town than the
Atwood team.
le Rev. S. JONEs Ma &Way last Sunday
n preaohing at Whitechureh. He also at.
tended the sessions of Maitland Presby -
e tory, at Wingham, 013 Tuesday.
e As clerks must send to reports the let
of the month, alt whose duty it is to
n record births, marriages and deaths, are
11 urged to attend to the matter at once.
Mnat.—Having lately purchased two
fine Jerseys we have plenty of rank and
never having sold buttermilk our custom-
ers are still welcome to it. Jae. Wmeon.
Now that the summer holidays are on,
the small boy will daily see how near he
oan come to getting drowned without
actually making it necessary to call to
the services of the undertaker.
1 C. P. R. Exounsuns.—The 0. P. It. will
rnn au excursion to the west for harvest
hands on July 28111 and August 4111. Fare
out $15 and return fare 813 if person
works for 80 days on farm. Tickets
good until Nov. 80.
LAST Tuesday evening the new officers
of the R. T. of T. were duly installed in
Brussele Council by .Past Counoillor
Young, of St. Thome. Mr. Young is
making an effort to put in a Seleot De-
gree in connection with the mane iustite •
ATER'S Hair Vigor has long held the
first plaoe, as a hair.dressing, in the ea-
timation of the public. Ladies find that
this preparation gives a beautiful gloss
to the hair, and gentleman use it to pre-
vent baldness and oure humors in the
Tun corporation is having the thistles
and noxious weeds upon the streets
destroyed and the owner or occupant of
lots are hereby notified to attend to the
same duty on their premiees before go.
Ing to seed. The law is very striot on
Ibis matter and persons interested should
ettend to this work without mieruion.
STANDARD BANK.—LI another oolutnn
we publish the fifteenth annual report of
the Standard Bank of Canada, a branch
of which was opened at Bruesels last
March. We notice that the institution
has added another $40,000 to its reserve
fund which now amounts to $500,000, its
authorized capital being 82000,00:, The
direotors, in view of the immensely pros.
perms year and the wealth of the cor-
poration, felt warranted this last year in
increasing the dividend to its stookhold.
ere. The Standard Bank, with its head
office in Toronto, has now 17 branches
throughout Ontario at each of which a.
Savinge Bank has been established
where sums large or Enna!l are received
on deposit and may be withdrawn at any
time without notice, interest being allow.
ed front date of deposit to date of with-
drawal, Farmer's notes discounted at
no endorser required where parties
standing ie known.
Causem—The Waterloo Chronicle says:
"Tbe art class conducted by the Rey, G.
F. Salton during the peat winter met
at the pio-nio ground on the afternoon of
Dominion Day and presented their
teaaber with me elegant gold headed cane
suitably engraved. I'. H. Sims, score
tary of the Free Library Board, spoke in
behalf of the class while Mies M. Anthes
did the caning. Mr: Sime referred to the
Wonderful enooess of the class e.s could
be seen by referring to the published re. t
port mad said that the 8050880 of the
candidates from Waterloo was largely
due to the ability of the teacher and the f
great enthusiam he put into the work. 11
Mr. Salton in reply thanked the members o
of the olase for the hanatenne gift and t(i:)
said that the teaching of the Chtfill had
not to him been a task but a writhe of i
constant delight." The same paper w
also says ;—"Tbe Rev. G. F. Salton, for T
tbree yeare the popular and eloquent r,
pastor of the Methodist churoli here, loft w
for Brusse/s, hie new field of labor, last n
Thai:inlay. Prior to hie departure he woe I
made tho reeipiene 02 1120100008 p00081018 s
whioli thew thee the relatione oxistiug 8
hetWeen hitt as muster and the differentli
ohuroh workers were of the most cordial h
ehataoter. In addition to the pregente ft
nsentioned elsowbere he received feorn the m
Ladiee e. purse of $20 and fermi the se
Ellsworth League a gold pen and holder, C
Both Mr. and Mrs, Salton Won golden o
opiniene from the good people of Water- si
loo and while thee departure will be in
numb regretted by a numetons oirele of
iriende they [tarty with them the prepare h
end beet wiehee of the metnbere of the 0
ohneoll for even more abtindanb geoceses al
in their new field of leiter."
Nexe Sunday the regular quarterly
meeting services will be held in the
Methodist church in Brussels. Fellow.
ship meeting commences at 9;80 a. 111,,preaching at 10:80 followed by the sacra-
ment, This is a ohange from the order
followed for some years hence the mem.
beti of the congregation will do well to
bear it in mind.
A NEW insect has appeared on Hie
wheat in parts of this couetry, and
farmers are at a loss to know wbat effects
it is likely to have on the growing grain,
It appears first on the stalk in the shape
of black apeoks ; these develop into a
small insect the color of the bush on the
wheat, and in turn develop into flies.
There are said to be 05:1110118 of these in
the wheat flees, but eo far there are no
visible signa of injury having been caused
by them.
cent affiliation of the Toronto College of
Music with the Univereity of Toronto,
places the former side by aide with the
reooguized eduoatioual institutions of the
Dominion. Wisely conducted and
having in vieve solely the advancement
of the musioal art, for the arts sake, the
Torouto College of music is in touch
with the national spirit of genuine pro.
gram. The poeition held by the
College to.day is chiefly due to the un-
flaggiug euergy of Canarla'a veteran eon -
doctor and leader, H. Torrington and
the staff of eminent musioians itseociated
with him, whereby etudents are afforded
every legitimate support in Requiring 4
thorough musical education. The fall
term begins Sept. tird, prior to which
Mr, Torrington will have returned from
his holiday trip to Germany
and other important 055181081 centres in
Ilurope. A handsomely prieted pros.
pectin will be sent on application.
GRIMM—The Hastings Star of the
8th inst. says 1-000 Monday afternoon
Mrs. Minnie flumplariea, wife of Thos.
Humphries, died at her father's (Isaao
Thompson) residence, Albert street, at
he age of 27 yeare, months and 27
aye. She came from her horde in
Winghom, last New Years sufferin
rom an aggravated form of la grippe,
er medical attendant in that town re.
ommending a change, whioll, art the re.
ult has shown, did not prove beneficial.
ther eomplieweions followed, finally end.
ng in consumption, to which the already
eakened system fell an easy viotim,
hough her death was not wholly unex.
ected, the untimely ending oda life
had but a few ehort years entered
pon the joys of metheehood, is sepremm
y sad, and the afflicted litiebend and
orrowing parents have the warmest
YmpothY in their bereavement. Mrs.
nmphries lonvos one child, too young/
weever, to realize its teerible loss. The
moral took pl000 Wednesdity, at 1:80 p.
., from the Methodiet church, where
Mites wag held, to the Trent Valley
emetery." Mrs. Humphries had been
onnooted with the Methodiet (Morel
noe the ago of 14 yeare, told at Had.ge, Brussels and Wingham gave many
Memos of the joy brought into her
eart and lite by hoving fellowship with
hrist, Her death WitS a triumph, and
most the last sentenec she uttered was
Dear Jesus Onto guielfly,"
PAT accounts due Meese!.
Stewart & Lowiok not settled within the
next 10 days will have ten per cent. add-
ed for oolleation. As Mr. Stewart is re-
moving from Brussels the accounts mush
bo settled now or else pass into other
As will be seen by notice elsewhere W.
E. Armstrong, Jas. Duncan, Thos. Nor.
ton, Mina Norton and Dora Smith, pup-
ils of Brussels public school were success-
ful in Rassing the reoent Entrants° Hz.
81810801011. Others were very Mose and
have, we understand, been rooms:intended
by the examiners.
Coutree BOARD.—At a meeting of the
County Board of Examiners held at Clin-
ton July 6111, 1801, the following resolu-
tions were adopted :—Resolved, That no
candidates for professional oertificates
who will not be 18 years of age before the
81st December, 1891, be admitted to the
Model schools." Resolved, "That the
minimum percentage on each paper be
40%, and 60% on the total; that marks
for bad spelling and bad Eneglish be de-
duoted from each paper in the same pro-
portion as in the non-professional, and
that 5 per cent. Of the marks of the paper
be allowed for neatness of work." Re-
solved, "That we, the County Board of
Examiners, cannot allow tnis opportun.
itT to pees without expressing our un-
feigned regret at the long.continued and
severe illness of our respected, efficient
and genial secretary, P. Adamson. Our
sincere desire is that he may yet, through
Divine Providence, be raised up to enjoy
health and to sit at our council boards,
that we may rem, as for the past twenty
years, the benefits to be derived from the
counsel of one possessing such =Hire
judgment, clear insight and legal ability
in matteri3 pretaining to the educational
interests of the county. We also desire
to express our profound sympathy for his
amiable partner in life in the trying air-
oumstanoes in wbich she is now plaood,
and pray that she may be divinely sus
ained in tbe heavy trial she is now
nndergoing, and that a copy of this reso-
lution be forwarded to Mrs. Adamson."
ART CLAN.—The Art Class in menet.
tion with the Waterloo Free Library was
remarkably successful at the reoent ex.
aminations. Two ailver medals oome to
Waterloo this year. Miss Alice Soheu-
erman takes the Departmental silver
medal and certificate for the best design
for sideboard. John Dierlamm takes
the silver medal offered by the Home
Knowledge and Public Library Associa-
tion for the beet design suitable for a
painted ceiling. Miss Isabella Hendry
and Miss Bell McGregor each passed in
eubjeats and are awarded Teachers'
oertifloates. Miss Martha Anthes and
Miss Annie Beam passed in enbjents of
the Primary course hi which they failed
last year and are also e02111e3310 Teach.
erscertificates. Bat it was in the Ad.
vitiated and Mechanical oonrse that
Waterloo won its phineipal honors. In
them other Mechanics' institute and free
libraries were completely distanced.
Waterloo occupies a solitary place al/ by
itself at the top of the list. The remark.
able success of this Mass must in a large
degree be ascribed to the Teethe., the
Rev. Gem P. Salton. He had reoe ived
a pretty thorough course of instruotion in
the Kensington Art School, London,
England, before reaming to Canada. His
thorough knowledge of the eubjects
taught, coupled with a !futility in impart,.
ing instruction and an enthueinetio intee-
est in art, wee no doubt the main faotce
in the enemas of the pupils. The reepli
also slum] the benefit of such evening
classes in =ping forth any latent talent
that may exist in the community.
Neither of the medalists ever attended
any instruotions in are before last winter.
Both are still quite young—not yet out of
their teens. In addition to the subjeots
of the Advanced and Mechanical muses
they studied and wrote on the But/jests of
the Primary course. We heartily 0011-
gratuIR,te Teacher and mils as well as
e Dirootoro of the Free Library upon
the remarkable BUCCOSS achieved this
yettr.—Waterloo Chronicle.
Anew 60 Orangemen marehed to St.
John'e ohnroh last Sunday morning,
from B
the Orange ell, and listened to 'a
very imitable and practical discourse
from the text "Their oharge shall be the
Ark," Numbers, Ord chapter and alst
verse, by the incumbent, Rm. W. T.
Oluff. A number of the brethren are of
the opinion that the reverend gentleman
shot close to the mark for a non-member
of the Order.
:Fonda. Apply to 11E01108 01I2085011,
Joliet, Illinois, or to
41.21 THOS. KELLY, Brussels.
of the underaigned, lot 21, eon. 16, Grey,
00 00 about June/et, ;a yearling steer, red
and white in color, star in forehead. Owner
le raga eated to prove property, pay exnellees
and take him away.
810114, Con. 12, Grey; 100 acres ; first-
class buildiugs. A. rare bargain 00 a cash
purehaser, Title perfect. Apply at once to
AY. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels, 09-
DERSIGNED has eeveral good VarUlli for
sale and to rant, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. V, 0, SCOTT, Brussela.
Being South half Lot 27, eon. 6, Morris.
100 acres, nearly all:domed. Good buildings,
flue young bearing or:Mord. Xnamodiete pos-
session. EaSY Terms, 403'10
W. M. nIel CLAIR,
tf- Solicitor, du., Brussels.
Tlio subscriber offers her house and
lot, runner of James and streets,
Brussels, There is a comfortable houee,
good stable, splendid well, to. on the pre -
tutees, 1 aore of land. Per further particu-
lars (8 (0 price, terms, dOe. appiY to
MRS. Wel. MoCIILLOIIGH, Brugge's,
-11.- undersigned offere her property, 11 mine
north of Brusaols, for gale on liberal terms.
There is one acre of land upon whicth there
are two housee, stable and a small orchard..
Tho place is conveniently /mated on the
gravel road. For further particulars as to
price, terms, too, apply to
1.4 Prineese street, Brussels
dersigned offers his valuable 100 /tore
farm, being Lot 12, Con, 9, Grey, for sale -
There are 85 acres under mop, balanee
timbered. There is a good orehard, wells,
Sce. on the premises, besides log holm, bank
barn, 8e. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
Por price and full particulars apply to WM.
HA BRIBE, Brussels P. 0., or ZORN BEATTIE',
Seaforth, Ont. 87-603
'VALUABLE 50-101TE-=0,2
V FOR NAM—Being wooti Lot 11, Come,
Grey, 21 miles from Brussels, The land le
good May loam, well drained, mostly all
cleared and in good order. One acre of or-
chard In good repair. There is a never full-
ing spring 02 028 promisee and an extra well
at the buildings. The buildings are comfort-
able, Would take suitable pr000rtl, In or
near Bruseels as part pay. Por further par-
ticulars apply on the premises to
or address 13ruesels 5', 0. 0821
01(10800810» exeentors offer the John
Lowe/ arra for sale. The property consists
of 100 woe. being Lot 10, eou. 5, Grey, and
having thereon n first -oboe briok bowie,
bank barn, orchard, tvells never -failing
aereral ruegd torsi adn °leen:east & °Pon steluocn "wial rbee8
given 00111 10111, l2'or further particulars as
to price and terms apply to
W. 13. D f01000N, Solicitor, Bruesels,
J, eloARTHUR f
or to
020 con., grey.
DND810NNID offers for aide the north
01.11111thIlle.—wIitne 111020mrrri, Noenisotnheaulartrhit illostaa,
lima Ft6tanittPcti lu Ft tlaarrisf°e'il.1011a1 i;fllyt aa7nni Id °TT a51°61.1nl ge lbea?:t :tail
oultivation, woo Tonood and moor -drained,
05 acres °leered. Newfreane house, 8 rooms,
mint house with cenerete walla, 2 wells,
3313OIL77301211.:60 areasam=aeeriza
Perm of fall vilmot, This deairable property
good barns and shed, Orohard , ote, Hight
adjoine the corporation 01 1335(0018 Suit-
able torn, will be given , TIbleperfeet.
86- ;AMES G/t17011,518,004twonetbr, 110.
Fall Wheat 97 1 00
Spring Wheat .• • 95 98
Barley 46 48
Pam 63 65
Oats ... 46 46
Butter, hits and rolls.... 12 13
Ligge per dozen 11 06
Flour par barrel 5 00 6 50
Potatoes ., 60 1 00
Hay per ton 10 00 00
Pork ., . . 300 500
Elides pet lb 4 00
Salt per bbl,, retail...a, 1 26 Ofil
Sheep eltins, each 60 76
Lamb skins oath 40 50
18 20
S2L111,—Tb lihderSigned offore fer
aftle on the most reformable tonna 'Village
Lot 101,0(3 the corner of King and John
streets, BreSeele. ,011 the property are a
good eellaraiood frame dwelling, W1 th Bayou
mem aud kitchen, pantry and Woodshed.
Hard and tent water, teso a good frame
etable, driving Shed and ice limo, The
buildings oro all in flretenass ordete and
there 15 alto ample MOM for another WM-
103 OD the oorner 11 desired. Prier) vory tea.
female. ISM terms, &m, applY to
HUB. Malta' Otlitlelte,Iltuseels 11.0,
MU Os to ,11020Eii, Dtv., Court Clerk,
JULY 17, 1891
rSaras-.Gract0, Go08oret1 2Ehaxi.lciome
Canadian and United States //rafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Depoeits,
collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents —Mitnanatir's Biota oP
Now York A501149—IlorpOranas AND Toon
xi. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.,
2,0110r1 aide
Street Ell:ZrigronSg"Dgie
Solicitor and Conveyancer. 00110e -
None made. 001100—Vonstone'a B2r3kin, *Brus-
• Solicitor, Conveyanoer, No tary Pub -
lie, it°, Offib0—Grahania 13look, 1 de cr uorth
of Pepper's Drug Store, Privitte Puede to
(Late with Garrow 3. Proudfoot, Gode-
rich,/ Hamsters, Solieitors, Conveyancers.
°Meee—Bruseels and Seaforth, 13rne-
sets Ofileo—Up-stairs over Bank. Money
to Loan,
0.8.11500, 0V.1l,110155031
..I.rttfTeather of ilifift.novjleatiVatto,.
mit Brussels.
TXT• •nearer of Marriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
1) 8'. BARRETT,
Tensorial artist. Shop—Next door
south 01 4. IL MeKity es Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and thildrens hair cutting a speonity
13_ • Theurer of Merriage Licenses, by
aPPointment of D1eut,a3overnor, Commis -
Diener, ere.,Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Oilloo at the Oranbrook
Post °Moe.
Clerk of the Fourth Daewoo Court,
0o, Huron. Conveyaneer, Notary Publio.
Land, Loan and 'neurone° Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections mode.
Oftlee in Graham's Block, Brussels,
Miss Merles, of Wingbatn, le prepared
to give instruction in oil painting. derma
may be arieertalsed at Mist) Nellie Roes' atom
whore eamples of work may be seen. Moe
Merles would also take a few MOIR pupils in
• Organist in St. John's inure), Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 014. W.Thayer, Pius, Doe.. New York, will give
lemons to pnplle either at Thos. Kelly's,
Turnborry st., or if nrofarrod, at their own
homes. Terme moderate. 40.
G. rl . Ball, L1), 8, Nitro B Oxide Gas ad-
ministered tor the Painlees Extraction of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, Tenor/To.
Graduate of the Royal Coll g of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of 'Arent UM
13orrusElle,Ormort—Over Pepper's DrueStore,
s Auctioneer, 18 always ready to at.
bo 011 salmi of imitate= stook, dem Terms
alleertrillY given. Cranbrook P. 0. Salm
may be arranged at Tun Pose, Publishing
Home, Brussels.
Lieeneed Atuttioneer. Sales eonduet
ad on reasonnble terms:. Parma and feral
stool, s sueololty. Orders left at Tim PooT
P eblishingliouee,Bru min, 00 0011220 Walton
0„ will receive prompt attention.
sn aft an Auctioneer, I ant prepared
to oondnot woe of farm stook at reasonable
prices, 1{nOwing the standing of nearly
every persou I am in a poeltion to sell to
good marks 8115 get good secority when sold
00 orodit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
toe a call, 03- S. SCOTT,
W. 1'. CALE, M.D., 0. M.,
Menther 132 1120 ooliego of PhYelelon,
and Burgeons of Ontario by examination,
Gino° and ItesIdeueo —210.11 etreet Haat,
Ethel, Ontario,
• 0.0i.,t.1tO,p,, Edinburgh, M. 0. P
S. Ont, At Popper's Drug Store from 0 to
DM a.m. and from 1:30 to 4 P. rrl, 46 Other
hours may be found lit bie reeidenee, form-
erly occupied by lar. 11 u Mid 118011, Mk
Cr • 5181101. Gradliath el the Ontario
Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all
dinoases of domeetioated animals In a come
peteht manner. Parttoulmattention pM:5
to veterinary dentietrY, Oath peomptly at-
tendea to. Oftlee and intlenteryrTwo doer%
north 80 beidne,Tnenborry ite Bream*,