HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-17, Page 5JULY 17, 1891 flit Rehm C.rusabroolz.. Fred 1?rioe, of Toronto, was clotting in this vicinity this week. Mise Brodie, of Seaforth, was visiting at Mrs, ltitohhs's last week. The Snbbath Bohol pio•nlo came off, very onosossfully, last Wednesday after. noon. ltay. D. 13. McRae was away attending the meeting of Presbytery in Winghan this week. Miss Mary Blair and Mise I61Ien Mo - Neil arrived home lash Monday from the Goderibh Collegiate Instituto. Earlwin lioersbor i5 home for hie m- ention. He was lame when he prime home, but we are pleased to see him around &•gide. Miss Nettie McDonald, daughter of A. D. McDonald, of LOeknow, but former. ly merchant of this place, is visiting 01 Mr. McNair's this week, 1f3a r>itve. E, Livingstone shipped a consigumoat of maple to Scotland this week, John Taylor who was hurt at Grigg's burn raising is progressing favorably. Mai. Tufts Is having a largo addition built to her already commodious rest• delle. A largo number of our citizens took in foe Orange demonstration in Brussels on Monday. The directors of the Agrioultural Soo. ioty have secured a large number of new ,members tide year. A garden party under the auspices of the Trinity church was held at the resi- donne of John Seandrett on Thursday ,evening July 10t1a. Bell's Brass Band from Wingham in attendance. A number of young people belonging to the church met and presented Miss Godfrey, with a beautiful silver set, au• companied by a well filled purse, as a slight recognition of her services its or- ganist, whioh position she has held for some time past with credit to limed and satisfaotioa to the congregation. 17Chtn1. Fall wheat is ripening. Ra pborries are yielding a good return. Reeve Milne is 011 a business trip to Muskoka. • Our town 18 being painted red by local professionals. Alex. Imlay, of Seaforth, is visit- ing -his brother John. Sidewalk repairs aro now in, order an exchange being made from plank to gravel. Mrs, Dawson, of Wingham, and her daughter, Mrs. McLeod, of Toronto, were visiting 11irs. J. A. Young this week. Several of oar citizens attended the Iawu party at Joseph RaymLrd's, Grey, last week and report having a8 good time. .Ernst sent 18 large representation to the Orange celebration at Brussels on Monday. Our 0, Y. B'e and Orangemen always Ret great credit for their neat uniform. It was r'parted here on Tuesday that Itobt. Wray, blacksmith, had fallen out of a buggy on Monday and broken )lie neck. The ruiner w141 false we are pleased to say. v2 1 r On 's •dt evening, July.. 1st, a b1). L e sound will bo held oil thgwunde of 1'Int. Simpson. No pains will be spared toanako this the best evening entertain. nte,.t of the season. The proceeds will be fur the beuelibof the Methodist ehureh finances. While members and adherents are particularly requested to attend, a hearty invitation is extended to all who wish t0 spend 88 pleasant evening. f:' r•e,s-. 1;. Levis and wife, Holmesville, were of visiting at Jno. Hill's this week. Samuel Snell, merchant and post- master, of Jamestown, has been on the sick list lint is now able to get abont again. Mian Martha Eug'or, of S. S. No. 10, b.td the honor of taking the higheat nom. her of marks in the East Huron Inspeo- tortte et the rodent entrance examination to the High Sehool. We wish her con. tinned nucoess. The County Organizer del ivered a lec. ture at Speiran's school house on Tues. dav last, at the close of whioh seven new members were added to "elope of Grey" Association Patrons of Industry, which tw888 organized a chert time ag-,. Grey posse -ass the faculty of always appre- ciating a good thing. SootoL.—A est enjoyable time was &00110 at the home of Joseph Ravnard on Thursday afternoon of hast week in con- neution with a b 1s owlet. There were swinge, croquet and other amusements. The musical and literary program was very entertaining indeed, and the various performers acquitted themselves in a moot creditable manner. The program wits as follows :—Ohairmua'e address, Dr. Cale ; solo, Miss McQnarrie ; recita- tion, MISS F. Sherlook ; solo, Mina Sher - look ; renitatimn, MISS Strachan ; 8010, Miss Grigp, of London ; dialogue, J. A. Frain mud \ilos Strachan ; recitation, Miss Grigg ; reading and address, Rev. 13. Sherlock. 'the financial results were about $10. It is to be hoped these gatherings Will become more frequent, as they have a vary beneficial effect oft all attending. Wistar It,tan- Some one visited D. MoKinlay's hot house on Sunday night and stole between 200 and 300 celery plants, Wet. Rob•n'tsolt was elected ad route. selttahivo to the Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0. 1, meeting, whioh will ba held iu Stratford during the second week of August. At the blued uonpetibiolat Mt. Pores', on tine 20.1, Bella factory band, of this town, took third place, comp -•ting against some of the beet bands in the oountry, Geo. Pettypieoe leaving resigned, Jos. Bullard has been appointed as Ohief of Police and captain of the fire cowpony. Mr. Pettypieee intends removing to Mar ituba. ei pin -n10, nndur the auspices of An. ohor of hope Lodge, I. 0, G. T„ .will be held in Wilson's With, alongside the north branch of the Maitland river, on the 22nd loot. A yo•ulg 11151 'named Laban Walters was instantly killed while felling trees in a bneb throe miles from Wingham, on Thursday, 0811. Ho and a companion vaned Joe MoDonald had been pawing a tree till it required a wedge. McDon• ald was driving the wedge with an axe which glanced off striking Waiters in the bowels, almost nutting him through. Death was instantentiotts. Walters was twenty-two years of ago and had only t been married three mouths, THE BRUSSELS POST rtt40/171 1 Jos, Hurtiboso, who luta resided in 1 Joseph Smith lo bitelc from his trip to Winghlun for netnbe• of yours, and the west, whose duty it was to ]seep the wires of the G, N. W. Telegraph Company in re• pair, will remove, with his family, to Mina. Ile will still remain in the em. ploy of the 01811)0 o(lnpaay and will be es.tgnod a largo diotriet surrounding Orillla over which he will have sopor. 0101011. 111N i h, Baying has commenced in Nile section. G. 13, Phillips, of Loudon, 1805 in town on Sunday, 3u1Can McKellar is fast recovering from his rement illness, Mrs. 0. E, Tanner and children re• turned from a visit at Sarnia, 0,1 So:1day afternoon the members of the L. 0. L. 913 to the number of 40 marched to the Trinity Church. Rev, Mr, Hughes, of Wingham, prea0bed a thoughtful and earnest discourse from Galatians 5 chap. 1st verse, F. W. Tanner and bride returned front their wedding tour on Wednesday even- ing of lout week and were Serenaded by the brass )sand at their residence on Mosley et. The members were invited in and partook of the good things. On Monday the members of L. 0. L. 9113, headed by the Blyth brass band and accompanied by a large number of our oitizena, boarded the train for Brussels to oelebrate the glorious twelfth. They re- port a very large crowd present and some excellent speaking. Gro t•rte. Mins M. Norman, of Toronto, is visit- ing with her aunt Mrs. Oarson. 31'. and Mrs. Mills, of Walton, were visiting Rev, Wim. Torrance last week. Dr. Luke, of Titusville, Pennsylvania, is vialtiing his old college chum Dr, Took of this place. Alex. Strong and Jas. Rowe, have par% chased a lime oar load of horses for the ,Manitoba market. The "Unions" secured lit prize tut Harridan on July tat and the "Rangers" vecured 1st in the football match beating their old enemies the "Iron -ides" of Ternborry. The boys feel proud no doubt, Mr. Watson is securing another lot of horses for the Glasgow market. This is the third load be has taken from here. As he is a Glasgow man he evidently knows what suite the market of the old country, Mr. Pentland, of Dungannon, is supplying the pulpit or the Methodist church here owing to the pastor being still confined to the parsonage. Mr,. Torrance is also on the sick list yet. If good wishes would make them better they would soon be in the enjoyment of good health. The Spring Bank olnecae factory teas destroyed by fire oil Sunday aft •rnoon of last week together with the contents and household effects of S. W. Laird, the cheese maker. The loss is said to be covered by insuranoe. Some of the milk is being aunt to the Gerrie Notary. It is expected that a new factory will be built 11.9 eau as possible and may be in shape for work in August. An !Lee:dent ooauu'ed at raising a few it f that valla"0 on " miles north o Saturday 4thinst., by vhi h '.011141 man named Corson 10.4 his life. It appears that Chown being up on the building lost hit bulunne and fell to the ground injuring the spine so that paralysis of the body was the result. Medical aid was sunt. mooed but in spite all that could be done death closed the south's earthly eareer on Monday morning. The fueeral took plane on Tuesday afternoon to the Gorrie cemetery Rev. bar. Phillips, of Clifford, ofliofating. Tho family have the sympathy of a large number of friends and urgnantanoes. D.1.orr114. Farmers aro busy haying. Bees and dances are all the go around here just now. A number wore away last weak writing for ooltifioates. Mrs. John Johnston and family are visiting at Lunkuow this week. Alex. Forrest had a barn raising last wools. Everything passed off nicely at it. Richard Milinr inflicted a gash in his foot while splitting wood last Monday. lie moll be laid up for a while. Rumor says we are going to lose one of our fair daugntere on the let eon, and it seems oar loss will be Brussels gain. Stoee masons are busily engaged putting stutie stabling under the barns on the 1st con. Tee), will soon be com- pleted. Master Milfred Martin, of Grand Rapid+, Miet ,, ie at present visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oald• bink, of the 211d 00n. lttunor of another sved•ling'prebty soon. There have been quite a number on the 188 con. and it wont be long till we have another, by all appearances. Orangemen from this locality state that they bad a good titne at the eels, oration in Brussels last Monday and say there wee a sweeping big crowd. Walker Ard, of the 1st con., who bas been attending Owen Sound High School for the hast six .menthe, Into returned after trying for a Third class certificate. We all wish him success, 0111x.—I8 is with touch regret that we chronicle the death of the late Arthur McGuire, of the let line of Morris, who dopar;od from this world Saturday night, the 4'11 inst. Mr. MuGflire wail in lila usual health that day, ate a hearty sup. per mid retired to rest at hie Ilene! hour —about 10 o'clock. At 10 minutes past 11 he rose up in bed in great distress and )tie spirit took its flight to 0 better land above, in about twerp,' minntea, caused by that fell disease, 11,1105 trouble: The dee00.011 89885 in hie 71st year, He was burn neer Omagh, in the county of g'y. rgee, Ireland, but emigrated to Scotland while quite a young mat. He ohne to Canada in the year 1852, first settling in the township of Markham, where he re. sided for awhile. Then he removed to W3eaunah sod thence to Itis late rein• d.na8, about 25 years n\ge, 1'1e wits it 1111111 anti obliging neighbor, always will. ing to hells in the time of need o' aiuh- 1000. Ile fo,lowud the trade of 0 wearer in the late yea's of hitt life. His aged 1 partner in life will reside on the Home i stead. 110 leaves 0 family l f 4 boys lu.d i 3 girls, all of whom aro grown 11p ani doing for tb'nlonlvu0, Of the boyo thea 1 is :—Arthur, fu Bi'usteio ; John, in Sullivan ; James and John, 10 Wtnglut The girls are a--Mro. Giboon, of 11001 llastiugs; Mrs. iVilaoit, of Clinton; Mrs. S. Jaokeen, of llruosolo, The funeral wait Largely attended by bbl friends and acgnahtlanoca. Mrs John Rood of Saginaw, Mich, 1 is visiting relatives and friend&' in this township. '1', .7. McNeil, of S. S. No, 3, took a perfect marls in arithmetic at the meet Entrance examination. Some rare sport has beet enjoyed he. tweet) the 481, 511) and 0th lines over recent base ball matches. Mrs. Wright, of Prince 15'ward, i0 at present visiting her sister, faro, J John- ston, and other f0111tive3 on the 1st con, Travellers passing thro'tgh Canada say prospects are brighter for good °rope around this locality than any other part they have seer. Haying has commenced in this locality. It turned out better than was expected. Fall wheat is looking splendid. The re- cent rains have greatly added to the ap- pearance of the craps as also they have to the farmers' 001111tenitnces. Cherries,gonseberriee and raspberries are ripe and the augur is now beteg manipulated in considerable quantities. We sunpooe the ladies all hope sugar wont rine, although there la some talk of it, bttt live in hopes it wont until after p1e"Giving Cline anyhow, The Trustees of the Sunshine church state that the item in last week's issue concerning the extension of the c111reh shell was incorrect in that part whioh gave the impression that graves bad been enclosed in the building. To prove their contentiou they aro willing to have the said ground dug over if desired. 113laaave85'. Mrs. (Rev.) Hartley returned home nn Saturday last. IYIr, Hartley drove down and stet her at Listowel, Mrs. Leech, of Ft. McLeod, daughter of Abram Jackson, is visiting at her parental home. Wo aro glad to know she is recovering wholly her health again. Mrs. Wm, lylcLean, of Gode'ich, mother of Mrs. (Rev.) Waltwin, and Mea. Down - lug, of the same place, spent Friday and Saturday of last week at the parsonage. The Orange amiss last Sunday n 08,1- ing in the Methodist church was very in• leresting, and the church was crowded, The pastor preached from Matt. 228,d and 21st, Next Sunday morning at 10:30 there will be a prayer and praise service, and public worship in the evening at 7 o'olook, The dairymaid social given by the young ladies of the Methodist church last Friday evening was a deoided success. The novel supper was given on the par- sonage lawn, a most suitable place for a social gathering. After partaking of the sandwiches, coffee, gingerbread, butter- milk, sweet mills, honey, et al, the com• pany filled the Foresters' Hall, just op. mite, and enjoyed a musical treat, J. J. Denman sang "Uh I for the bloom of my own 0185180 heather," in flue form. He 11100 deserves mnoh praise for ills skill and peresverance in conducting the practices of the Dairy Maida. 1'Iiss Hattie Reid's reuitatton, "The Clow aid the Bishop," 0150 entertaining; also the duett "Where are you going, my pretty maid,' by Miss Reid and Rersy Jackson, The singing of Miss Remittal, of Wing. ham, was grontly appreciated by all ; also the duett by herself and little brother, They were kind) encored. Of e ntrae td 110 dairymaids were the chief abtrewtion and they looked beautiful and fascinating in ' their print dresses, while aprons and clairy•maid caps, and they sung their rural songs wall, IlIrs. We1hwin occupied the ohair, iutroducii:g end.: part by the resonant ring of 0 brass cow bell. She has been untiring in her labor,/ to make the sooial both a inimical tre.it and a financial success. The proceeds of quilt and social amounted to over 4$90, She1 iff McKim, of Guelph, has gone on 1 a trip to Ireland, Woodetook has formed a Grocers' Pro- teotive Association. The Royal hotel, Kincardine, has been sold to Robert Reed, of Owen Sound, for 2,4.450. The Paris council having refused the usual 4$100 grant to the hose company, it has been disbanded. Florence G., belonging to Coleman Bros., Seaforth, wan second place in the 2:24 pace at the Windsor races, • Archibald Mwloolm, of Oak Lake, Mau., formerly of Huron county, had a hired man nomad Zebedee Te•iao and a $450 Ian of horses killed by lightning recent- y,A strong 88nr1 influential Ass diadem of Patrons of Industry was orl'autzed at Hannah's school house, Tuoker. nti8h, of Friday evening of last week, to be ° ill.'d "Flower of Tuoltersmith," Wm. Char- ters, Pree. ; Wm. Campbell, Seely. A trade meeting will be held in Seaforth about the end of this month. Two men 111 a 01111110 had all exciting race with a beer on Lake <Vahuapfttep• ing, Algoma, 0 few days ago. 'they met the bear in to narrow ubannel. One of 1 the men struck the bear on the lu ad with an axe and dropped tato axe overboard hi doing so, The', the 1)0111 atuuked the canoe. The men piutdledfo' their lives and fou. hl with their paddles as best they eoald until he gave up the clime. Whitt might have proven a fatal mitt. 1 bap occurred to the 0•yvar•old daughter 1 of Thant. Couhwill, at Elmo, a few days ago. It appears the little girl was hiking 1 a lunch to her father in an adjoining field, and in crossing a burning tal'ow got lost ie the donee evoke, and quick y the flames enveloped her little form, and 1 when foiled she was etatldiug in a heap 1 of live ooale, crying piteously. Her feet and ankles were Itorrioly bnrnsd. The pour child suffered untold agony, and 14 will b,+ weeps, if not mouths, before site Wil legal', the nae of her feet. Her life was miraunlolNly saved. Listowel Banner:—D, 51, Simpsau pnrahlwea the bnaneoa of field's lively from the Stevenson BI'oe. 111)0114 a yea' ago nod for It time adorned to do a gown busiuc.n. After the moon Iasi week le, gave ant that he was going to a woddiog, lout started • 1f with two teeing Itud the band wagon shit seine goods stowed away, .f, w'. Soo t hue a unattel mart• gage o0 his 900110, and 130e. if/11110N le 1:101111 Realest hits, Rini a Low hour, aria he Hat left their 0 10pi0101 t were mous ed an 1 they act out atr01 him, everts klog idtn Ju Mitchell mut getting the property the ha,l i 1 his 00-100100,1)0, kle 01511101( OBI balance of the prOourty ,1885 1,8 1110 401101, but it 1.18,0 11,1E found 110 hu 011110(1 88)8(1 Buint0r was 00,10 after him to bribg fling back, lie spent a day or two loot- ing for him but has not found Hint. bar, Snot is boaaver fully seamy! for the amount owing 111111 31111 an w0 believe IS Mr. Zilliax. In dant Silepoel's debts aro very law mud 001010 that he owed he pay, ed up the day lie left. bits depart ma was u0neidvrableof n en'pr,ae all mean 1, DB, Ei/NCLAIll 9 M.D„ 1J.A., L.C,11.S,0•, M.0.P,S.11„ Specialist, - Toronto, JONATHAN I1tmr'unlvr, Lint ,we),- ' Al ter unt+t, dm.' 1811 1113' 11108109 101811 lraperty 10 118) 1111, -'•ee 101 111 8010.081 11111., 501' Whet they raruuvi a ho Leluss ease 51 eeusanipttol, Ut, 8bunair curers gnu." 01100 91AUv 1uu.00o, wundbnuee, says "when all others rental, 1)r, Isfaulalr eared we of lets." It• ftn111:It'rncN, t1al'letell I'laer, says t— "11r. bhtuhdr eared and of Oaturrh." Oho. Rowan, lilyyll,, says:—''Ur, Sinolalr ourell 111e of heart 0188a/wan.' dropsy, when 1111 others felled:' Merriam n! J'rirvclr Nature, erunlfhl on by folly, Dr.'iiaelair. certainly Cures. Caxl.c'xlta.tf-ons. Proe. WILL BE AT T1373 AN ER13103 NOTE':., BRUSSELS, • Tuesday, Aug. Aug. I I th, '91. Constipation, IF not remedied in season, is liable to become habitual and chronic. Dras- tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels, confirm, rather than cure, the evil. Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and strongtheniag in their action, are gener- ally recommended by the faculty as the best of aperients. "Having been subject, for years, to constipation, without being able to find much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills. I deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have derived great ben- efit from their use. For over two years past I have taken one of these pills every night before retiring. I would not •willingly bo without them."—G. W. Bowman, 26 East Main et„ Carlisle, Pa. r' I have been taking Ayer's Pills and using them in my family since 1857, and cheerfully recommend them to all in need of a safe but effectual cathartic," — John M. Boggs, Louisville, Ky "For eight years I was afflicted with constipation, which at last became so bad that the doctors could do no more for me. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so that now I am in excellent health."—S. L, Loughbrfdge, Bryan, Texas. a Having used Ayer's Pills, with good results, I fully indorse them for the pur- poses for which they are recommended." — T. Conners, M. D., Centre Bridge, Pa. Y Aeras Pills, TBBPABBD DY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists sad Dealers fn Medicine. WM allted 1 1! ILII h,S'1' - CASH - PR ICE Paid) ter Wool hl the s q nolle . - We wish to call vour at- t•elltio'1 to the fact that we still Want more Wool, and we are determined to intake this wool season one of the largest, fur we have is Tre- mendous stock of Goods on Ilan -,i. It is necessary that vl'u should look ground be - Cure you dispose of your wool to see where you can make the best purchases with it in WON LEN GOODS. l3uy in tise Cheapest, Sell in the Dearest Do not fail to conte and see 011r Large Stuck of New Fine Flannels, in New Shades and Patterns. Something Never Before Shown the Public We have made up a lot of Fine I:-lalutax Tweeds, just the thing fur school boys. We also have n big stock of l+itteTweeds, Coarse Tweeds, Bed Blankets, Yore Blan- kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts, Cotton S11irtings, Cotio1alades Shirts and Drawers for this aens.lu's urate, which we offer Al' BOTTOM Pi31EES. Everybody should come and try our fine Carey Flannel that, won't shrink in washing, 8.,1d out wears the .common grey flannel sold the public. - Itoll Car, lel;, Spinning, Fulling, and Manufacturing 1 'l'ween,r, lt`ituu10ls, Blankets, &c. on short notice. B. Itr. ill'ilttk �l hull; Zara ra and Eggs Eggs have dropped in Peine, so has our Large Stock of Prime SMOKED0 HAMS, I3RI.AXFAST BACON Ann SIDE MEAT An of Our Own Caring, We &iso Manufacture Bologna San/sage. Patronize home industry by calling onus. (live me a call and prove the truth- fulness of the above statements, Wm. Blashill, Butcher, ; A The in. Your Bonnet, ]. Have ()mobs, Frames and Empty hives for Sale hives aro Well Made and Wall Painted. Price, 713c. .I hell. Call at— DAVID MOORB'$, 8th Con., Mori�i's. or write Walton P.O. Take a Bargain while you hay,: the ell ttrcti. .1.°m [40P.S.> ,3.1. ®... 1 M'COLL BROS. & CO. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, -when you can get the CELEB1ATEI. "LA DINE ?" —)SPECIALTIES(— Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harney;:. MANUFACTURERS : McCOLL BROS. S CO., TORO TO. 4d•t18n For Sale by B. GlUtlt.Y, BriiiseIt. CONFEDERATION .. LIFE, - organized 1871. - lief/cd Office, 'Toronto h'emember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable, FIt1110 FROM ALL BESTRL000Oi.S AS TO )4E6I1)I.10E, T1IAVEL 0It OCCI;PATIO:' Paid.up Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Policy. 'I'HE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST I1ABLT DIcATn ; PROVIDES AN INC0t10 IN OLD AGF., AND 35 A GOOD Ixv1iST'alltNT. Policies are Non -Forfeitable after the J'aytuent of Two full tinned Premiums. Profits, which are Unexeelled by any Company doing business in Canada, ale allocated every five years from the issue of the policy, or at longer periods, a. may selected by the Insured. Profits so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future time under any circumstances. Participating Policy Holders are entitled to not less than 90 Der cent. of the profits earned in the cause, and for the least seven years have actually received 95 p• r rent. of the profits so mimed. W. C. MA Dt 0 )NALD ACTUARY. J. K. i , fACDONALD MAMA 1' 6 AG DlazaTalt. P , ... , tfriapssots.lan. ETTE BRUSSELS WOOLEN ]IILL °Q ty 'JI' (.'.t'e WANTS TO GET 50,000 POU J°S OF WOOL In Exchange for Goods. The Highest Market Brice will be Allowed. ,wow—.., We have a Pim Aseortmen.tr of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan- kets, Sheeting, Knitted Goods, Yarns, 8&c. All Wool left with dl's for manufacturing, whether rolls or otherwise, willhave our prompt attention. $41.TI.VqTIN ,ua" glee ALYMOV�nW,k,V .ar gaat•rari HOWE & Brussels..