HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-17, Page 4TEE BRUSSELS POST New Advertisements, Standen Bank. Locals -J. 0. Ayer se Co, Cataarh-J. 0, Ayer •9 Co, Bemenas-Sr Restaurant, Strayed -Donald MeTaggart, Constipation -J. C. Ayer dt Co, Property for sale -Mrs. jut, Sinclair. ItbVrussits ast, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1891. Tena Minister of Customs has ordered that parties coming to Canada for health or pleasure during the summer rnonths and intending to reside for a limited period in tents or cottages, rented or owned by them, may be allowed to make entry a such household furnitere, eto., as they require for uee while in Canada, with the condition that if the same are duly exported on or before November let a the same year 90 per cent. of the duty will be refunded. offieials In the Navy Department and perhaps none in the Department of State who believe thet the prize oan be he/d. It in aeserted that etie was no more fitted out for purposes of war than was tile Robert or Minnie, and it mg - pears altogether improbable to those who are best informed in sue) matters that tbe gosirt at San Diego will hold her for violationu of the neutrality lawe. The best authorities here oontend that the (barge of kidnapping cannot be sustain• ed against the vessel, as the law Ammo of the government are trying to do, but eau he against the officers only. On the queetion of international law there has been a conflict of opinion in adminietra- tion circles from the first, It is under. stood that Secretary Blaine never be. lieved that the goveromeut had any right to pursue the Rata after she got outside of American waters, but that Attorney.General Miller and Secretary Treey contended that these should be given and continood until the vessel WWI captured on the high seas or in a foreign port, Certain it is said that the prevail. iug opinion in the State Department is that a mistake has been made in the matter, end those officials in each of the departments who opposed the pursuit feel very confident now that their jade' ment will be vindicated. If the eonsti• I tutional party should finally be success. Tun Montreal Witham says: -Mr, I ful in the revolution it is said that the Burgess, Deputy Minister of the Iuterior, has resigned, and two offinials of the alma department have been suspended owing to corruption and irregularities. Mr. Parley, the chief engineer of the De. partment of Public Works, has been sus- pended because of corruption. It is clear that incompetency or negligence, if nothing worse, characterized the heads of departments, which have proved to be honey -combed with evil. Too McGreevy case still absorbs tl attention of the country. The furthe the investigation goes the darker an deeper the plot appears. It is one of th foulest stains on the political history o this Dowieion and throws the Paeifi scandal completely in the shads, on Mr. A.bbott says that no matter who th person is found guilty of dishonesty from a Oabinet Minister to an extr clerk, he will have to go. So a thoroug cleaning out may be looked for of al those whom the investigations at presen proceeding may implicate. Tao Emperor of Germauy has prob. ably done eomething towards streneth• ening the friendship of the German and English people by his state visit to Eng. land, but it is to be hoped that he will not make the mistake of misconstruing the publio welcome which has been -ao. corded him into an expression of willing. ness on the part of the people of Eng. land interfere aatively in the Continental politics of Europe. The sympathies of the English people are at present un- doubtedly with the Triple Alliance as against Russia, and Frame, both of which notions have made no secret of their enmity toward England. But the Eng. lish people are not inclined to embroil thenaselves on thet account in any rnere Continental dispute which does not direotly effect their own country. The desire of the English people is to main. tain 'the most friendly relations poesible with all the nations of Europe, awl to secure a lasting peace throughout the world. Washington Letter. (From our Regular Correspondent,i Washington, July 10, '91. The third of the seriee of four great 12 - inch guns was jacketed at the Govern ment shops at the nay yard Tuesday afternoon, the Brimless of which marks it new era in American ordinance. It is not generally known, but it is neYerthe. lees a feet, that the New Orleans inci• dent stirred up the departmenb some- what and while no order to that effect was issued, the officers in charge of the gun shops teem quietly notified to have all things in readiness so they could put on a night force immediately upon the receipt of °Here to that effect. The work now being turned out at the navy. yard is of a class known as high.grade steel guns, atid one of the same kind is now at the proving ground waiting to be tooted. The Picket has now been pat upon the third and workmen have the tube of the fourth on the planing ma- chine. The magnitude of these guns ean be imagined when it ie known that it re. eoires eight months to turn ont ripe fully equipped for duty. Tim guns are known as type guns, and all 12 -inch guns here- after made will be of the same pattern. They are made from blueprint drawIngs s detention of the Data may prove em• barrassing for this government. Them people, who are termed the insurgents, clam; to be the government under the constitution and that they are sot en- gaged in a revolution. If they Succeed, they may claim that the II. B. proloog. ed the struggle by the deten. tion of the Data, and may claim in- demnity. The matter excites a deal of ' comment in official oiroles and the divi. sion of sentiment le marked. tieoretary Foster and Searehary Rusk, both being regarded as men who believe in practical plaice, with further poli- tical prefertnent in mind, are just now the victims of the olfiee.seekers. With the Ohio campaign on hand and a large number of Ohioans among those who have gone or are soon to go out of the census office, Mr. Foster is being put un • der a regular thembeetew pressure. Many of the applicants are armed with the strongest influenoe that Ohio can furnish and are importunate in their ap. peals and demands to be taken care of. The places in Ur, Rusk's department are not et desirable, for the most part, as are those in other departments, but there ate teeny employed in the seed & division outside the ossified service, and this fact draws fire toward him. Morris Council Meeting, Me Court of Revision met, pursuant to adjournmentoit the town hall, on June 29th. Members all present. Geo. Hen. derson wits entered as tenant for pt. Di& lots 29 and 80, don. 4. J. B. Smith and Frank Smith entered tenants for Si 27, con. 6. Bob;. Bruce and W. J. Braudon entered owners 5, con. 8. Arthur Oantelon ons dog struck off. The Court. of Revisiog' then closed and ordinary Connell business tii•as proceeded with. Mr. Allan Ramsay appeared in reference to having an engineer brought on to make survey of a proposed dram from lot 25, oon. 2. After heariug the parties in- terested it was moved by Geo. Xirkby, seconded by 0. A. Howe that the Clerk be instructed to notify the engineer as soon as necessary papers are filed, Car. ried. Moved by Jas. Proctor, seconded by Geo. Kirkby tint Thos. Healy be al- lowed to perform his statute labor on sideline between lots 5 and 6, oon. 7. Carried. Move.I by Jas. Proctor, aeoond. ed by S. Oaldbiok that 0. A. Howe be in- structed to let a job of digging a ditch on 71h con. line, opposite lots 4 and 5, a. soon as II enfficient outlet is obtained for the same. Carried. Moved by S. Cald• biok, tleconded by Geo. Kirkby that Jas. P000tor be instructed to expend 825.00 in gravelling on centre sideline, con. 4. Carried. Moved by 0. A. Howe, second- ed by Jas. Prootor that Geo. Iiirkby be instructed to have road repaired on cen- tre sideline, con. 8, oleo hill at lot 21 on 8th con. line, the whole not to exceed 865.00. Carries/. Moved by S. Geld hick, seconded by Geo. Birkbythat the Treasurer be instruoted to draw $1200 from the Bank of Hatnilton, Winehatn, to pay current expenses. Carried. Acooutibe were ordered to be paid aa follows :-Alex. Niehnl, work on 6th line, 81.00; P. Ce,ntelon, work on 6th line, $2.00 ; T. Rumen, work on 6th line, 81.00 ; NV, II. Erwin, printing, 8200. ; corporation of Haat Wawanosh, gravel, 92,80 ; Duff &Stewart, lumber, 912,27 ; Wm. Martin, repairing Venal - ethic's bridge, 92940 ; D. Littlefair, cedar for enlverts, $10.25 ; G. Wheeler, gravel, 94.05; John Wheeler, repairing Bodmin's bridge, 91.00; R. Bloomefield, gravel, $2,20 . Wm. Geddes, building culvert and repairing Brandon's bridge, 97.50; D. Campbell, wood to Bliases Ex - ford, 98.75 ; Wm. Martin, gravel, 93.00 ; Jas. Brandon, gravel, $1.00 ; Isaac Fer• rand -gravelling on centre aideroad, 951.• 00; John Cloakey, gravel, 96.70; Arth- ur Cantelon, digging ditch, 810.00; A. Campbell, work on road, 76 oents ; E. Erwin, building culvert, 914.00 ; Jack, on, gravel, 99.95 ; J. Soott,• repairing Overt, 92.00 ; T. Gorman, wire fettee and calculations requiring as oareful o workmanship and aocurate results as those required ill the coestruotion of the most delicate chronometer. l'he least fraction of an Mob in one of them/age tubes would rein it and entail a cost of thousands of dollars for the completed twelve•inth gen, width is worth 845,000. The navy•yard gen shop, while it may not be the largest in the world, is the most finely eqeipped and reeulte equal to those attained hem are superior in every respect, These shops will soon begin the constrnetion of the 13 -inch guns design- ed to be u.ed on the battle•shipsIndiuna, Massachnsette and Oregoo. These wil1 be probably as big gums as any vesteel will starry and the battle ships have to be conatruoted with particular reference to the charnoter and sine of their arma- ment. With the preeent additions to the navy.yard ahop it Will aim be pea. sible for them to make a 16•thoh gun, which would be a monster, The four 12. bleb guns how in process Of eonstruction are the largest ever made in this country, and are attracting the attentioa of army and tient offiestre. The extreme range of these guns can only be oe'culated, No vessel oould stand the shook of the re, &Al of one of them firing et the elevation nehossary, hut they den be used for pritc. floe/ work at a distance of eight Now that the U, S. government has got the Thais in port she is a source of more anxiety than ehe wag MI a 'fugitive from justice. There are very few tre 95.70 ; Wm. Kelly, ditoh and culvert, 916.75 ; P. Ellison, ditch, 988.00; Jas. Jackson, gravelling on South Boundary, 925.00 •' Geo. Pierce, repairing ardvert, $4.00 ' ; John Lawson culvert, 91.50 ; J. McDonald, culvert, 99.00; Jas. Evans, gravel, $3,15 ; T. a. Holmes, servioes on Board of Health, $2.00 ; D. Pipe, repair- ing oulvert, 91,00 ; Shortreed, keep- ing Mr. Palmer, 911.00; Wm, Geddee, gravel, 91.20. The council then adjourn. ed to meet again on the 17th day of Aug. next. W. MAIM, Clerk. 41. Oee n tad lass N We-'.Mltnhell'ecivic holiday will bo Ang. 6, Galt has organized a Poultry and Pet Stook Aasociation. Three hundeed hop me fed at tho Avonhank cheese factory. The East Zorra and South Eaethope Agricultural moieties will oreet IMU, building 40x165 In Wee. Exteneive pteperationo are /Stine made for the teception of Premier Mercier on his arrival from liarope. Levi L. Annabel, of Toronto, wail 5001- dentally Fillet in the brain On Wednesday by a boy enrrying a gallery pietol. Drs. Trow, Smith and Cull performed sdi' fficult operation reeently, On one of the eyes of Gotleth ffenniek, Logan, by outtpig away a large oataract from the puptl. The other eye will be similarly Med 11000. Seven hundred workmen in the rifle faotoly at Erfurt, Germany, been diamond. jaeob Holtman has sold the Ihi Agrioultnral works to John Griev Neastadt, who will put machinery flour inill. Principal Tanner, of the Li bas gone on a veeatim to Europe. He sailed from New on Saturday. The Business Educators' Ammo the United States and Canada held thirteenth anuual convention at Cha gust on Wednesday, The Stratford Gas Company is W. Gordon, proprietor of the Albion Windsor hotels, for $5,000 for al tapping of ODO of the °timothy's; pip The total proortede of the Dublin nia on the lot were $886. After th pongee are paid there will be a Wan fOttid0.00 over to be apelied on the s The preliminary objections in th teen Nova Scotia elootion oaaes wer missed by the Supreme Court at He the other day. All the petitions at go on for trial. Thi Regina Lender announces tha Territorial eleotions will be held year shortly after the adoption of amendments to the Northwest Territ Act introduced by Hon. Mr. Domino Before the Tarte Committee on nesday Lightfoot, the civil service o tO Wit= Owen Murphy Said he given $100, admitted that the state; was correct. Simon Peters, in came ing his evidenoe regarding the cross• contracts, elahned that they were gnr and that be was dishonestly treated. Miss Mary Howell, daughter of Rev. j, E. Howell, AI. A., recently tr tarred f rum Berlin to Goderiab, met quite a eevere and painful acesident the way to Goderich. While looking of the window a spark from the loco tive struck her in the eye, burning face quite severely. The attendanc two physicians was required to rel her on their arrival at Goderith. injury Watt not dangerous, though painf al. Angus McDonald, of the lath o Best Williams, narrowly eseaped be killed on Monday. He was diggin trench for spiles, where the Wa bridge is being built, and when ten below the surface of the earth caved on him, oompletely burying Win, It quite a while before he was reamed f his per nous position, for as the men the ola y away the trench kept caving However, life was not extinct when t found Win, and Dr. Caw, of Parish was sent for. He is getting along as as could be expeoted. The Canadian Pacific railroad about completed arrangements t praotioally create a new aIl.rahl ro between New York and Chioago. T has been a rumor that has tempi much attention in Chicago of late, heretofore hes lacked confirmittion, interested official gave positive suranoes that it was a fact, and gave following details :-The new route be the Canadian Pacific from New Yo to Detroit. From Detroit a new li will be built via. Vert Wayne, Ittd. to Chicago ; a new line will also be built from Det.oit to Toledo and front Toledo to a janotion with the Detroit-Chiciago branch, The Canadien Pacific) cannot, of course, operate lines in the United litotes, and the now Rue will be built by the Brice. ThOtnaS SyndiOate and Rieh- mond Terminal interest., amply backed by money furnished by Canadian Petal° directors: Almo t, if not quite, enough subsides have b• en granted hy different cities and counties to build the line from Detroit, The °entracte have all been let for this work, and the contracto•s are bound to complete it befote the snow files. In addition the Canadian Pacific bee been authorized by the parliameutery railway oommietee to build the South Ontario Pacific roach from Woodstook via Hamilton to the Niagara river, which will be Et:tonne...A by a new cantilever bridge. The same corporation will aim build from /3u51alo via Hamilton to To• vitae and mom,, a new lake outlet by building from Teeewater be Xittoardiee on Lake Huron. This work is all to he completed within a year and provides for everything except the Chicago ter- minal, whith will be, un'ess present neg. otiations are declared off, the new Lake etreet elevated road. In effect the new road will be a gigantic) belt line, giving entrenoe to Chicago to such tines as the Lake Erie and Western, Laukawanna, Lehigh Valley, Rome, Walkerton and Ogdensburg, Western New York and Pennsylvsnia, Richmond Terminal and others which now are tied up hy other °connections. Mileage right') will be leas. ed to them roads, enough leases having already been made to guarantee hand- some earnings. With the inauguration of the new route, the Canadian Pacific will duplicate on the Atlantic' its Pacific omen fleet oteteamers. royal ham Ilbards ea, of Io r a etowel trip York iation their titan auing and Iwo! 00. vio- e ex- ce of thool e fif. e &a- nima e to the this the odes y. Wed- lerk had nen t lud- wall bled the • B• wibli 011 01.1b mo. her e of ieve The very on., ing • a ter'S feet in Was rom dug bey 111, well bag hat ate his ved but All es - the vill rk ne Catarrh IS a blood disease. 17ntil the poison la I expelled from the system, there esti be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough count of Ayeroa SarsaparBle,-the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner you begin the bettwr ; delay is dangerous. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, and was treated by a number of physi- cians, but received no benefit until X began to take Ayerle Sarsaparilla. A few bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and com- pletely restored my health." -Jesse Boggs, Holman's Mlle, N. C. "When Ayer'S Sarsaparilla was rec. ommended to Inc for catarrh, I WA in. alined to doubt its efficacy. Raving tried so many remedies'', with little pen- eflt, I had no faith that anything would cure me. X beeame emaciated from lose of appetite and impaired digestioa. X had nearly INA the setae of smelt, and sny syetern was bailie, deranged. I wad abeut discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re. [erred me to persona whom it had cured of catarrh. 1,.iter taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine, I am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." -Charles IT. Maloney, 113 River at.; Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsapariiia, MEM= ax Dr. J. O. Ayer do. 00.p. Lowell, Mac.. Fries at; ode bottles, 95. Worth o bat% DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER T HMKSBEST FAN D Act Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. 11.1. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, 13ntssely. J. Wishes to announce to the people of Brussels and Vicin- ity that he has added to his business ut stock of READYMADE Boots Sc Shoes Of Very Superior Quality and will sell the same at Very Close Prices for CASH. Special attention as us- ual to ordered work and Repairing. Give me a call and I will suit you both in GCODS AND PRICES, JUNO. DOWNING. N. B. -11.111s sewed FREE of charge on goods sold by Ine• Half the Virtues ST LEON Have never been Told. Read this - JOY FOR PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years very bad, When I stooped muld soaroely straighten up; telt inisterable. For three months I persisted in a free nee of Sr. Loos WASSID. It was the oup of joy to me; brought relief, par excellence; pains, stifling, etc. all gone, Call at my office, I will tell far more about the value Of 51.1.4011. W. BIGGINS, Empire Laundry, 823 Queen street west, Toronto. And this - BILIOUS HEADACHES GO. I bad rheumatism in my tutees and fingers, bilious headaches, etc. every few Weeks. Mr, Higgins, Bmpiro Laundry, urged Mc to try Hr. ',non Mineral Water. I did, and it set me all right; headaehes and pains all gone. My wife and three children ale° uee it. We all find $t. Leon Water verV gOOd and healthy. 3. T. S. ANDILI11301.1. WSW). maker and Jeweller, 310 Queen street west, Toronto. A FRESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED, Geo. Good, Agent, St.Leett Mineral Water Coly, St. Leon, Q1/6. TR, FLETCHER, PracticaZ Watchmaher arid Jeweler. --- Thanking the publie for past favors and support and wiebing still to secure your patronage, we are opening ont Bull Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Silver Plateci Ware from Established and Reliable Waken fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs. JEWELRY I WIMDIN6 RMOS, LADIES GEM BINGO, PAINTIND and l'APB11 11410E1 A Partnership baying been formed be- tween 15. Thompson and 13, Orimoldby, under the Firm name of 1.1tomvsoN ,t Gautobnor, thsy aro now propLtroct to promptly attend to Ma watts of the public) in H01.1813, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTINCI, Paper Hanging is Bpeoialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Orders left at A, ill. McKay 4; Co's. store, Brussels, will have our prompt attention. THOMPSON Jr, GRINIOLOBY. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE 1.011.TNIOIITLY SAILMIS mom PORTLAND on HALIFAX, 10 DERRY 011 LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES, 940. $00 and 900, Single 1080, 1ft1/0 nun 91141 Return, accortilug to Location of Stateroom, INTERMEDIATE, Outward SW; Prepaid eso Steerage at Lowest Rates. A -commotion ons linsurnaSsed. Apply to IL IA, ALLAN, Montreal, on W. fl. XXiis, AcEnr, MUMMA. Shoddy - - Pedlars Are on the Warpath, so are im- plement agents to entrap the wary farmer into buying inferior plows made at it distance from Brussels, for which you cannot get repairs when needed. Farmers, consult your own in- terests and encourage homc man- ufacture by calling at the Exussels Poundry Where you can get it Superior Article at a Beduced Price, Guar- anteed to give Satisfaction, or no sale. plows, wink Boat PH osbnrg Cost steel 11011.1.1111. Single and Double. Plow Points of Every Make at 40c. each. Gang Pointe 25 Cents. Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on any plow at the Lowest Possible Price. Be sure and stall acid examine our stock before buying. W. R. Wilson, Brussels. STANDARD BANE CI CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. COWAN, President. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. CAPITAL, A.Untortlaltb, $2,000,000 PAID . - 1,000,000 RHUMB FUND, - 460,000 Ageneies in an 511ziridn---esigugailap.odirnts in Ontario, Quebec, Mauitobn, TJuited Stated Brussels Agency. A General Bankiug Business Tta01311.0{011. Farad ers' and other good Notes Demounted at lowest rates. Drafts issued aud Collee- tions made on all points. Deposits received and interest allowed at cuirent rates. SAVINGS BANK. interest Allowed on Savings Hank De- posits of d1 nun upwarde from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and 5015' 00806151 half yearly. Prompt itttentiOn and every facility afford- ed eutiteznem living at a distance. G. P. SOROLFIELE, Agent, Brussels, Apr118E11,1801. Why Not N Tour Own Thinking? Entratalts, November Eith,1880. M. Manor., Goderieb, DRAM sin, -.1 should have written before now to let you know how I am getting along. I arn a lot better than I was; gaittiug strength every clay. I bare a cowl appetite and sleep well. I can take the full quantity of the aystem Renovator and it does not sicken 1210my limbs are all right sow; quite (insert in that way; swonieg an gone. The grout thirst be gone; I drink no wider at night, but 1 take a little buttermilk, I am quite straight agaia. Send me another bottle Of your Syntem Renovator. Yours, So., JAS, DONOAN, SOUIVrElErt 1105105 IcAsItlt. Baneolut, February 701, 1801. fd, Moidloo, entierleb, DWI Sim -Fifteen years ago Mat Nevem. bar 1 started to doctor first; I ;vas/ trouted for dyspepsia, but they never helped ino aty. itt times I suffered greatly from nlY stomach ; continued. butt 1 grow worse. I tweed dropsical •, limbo and hotly SW11111111 badly, Y011 know the state I was in 1011011 I went to Gotlerieb-D. Mere Wreck, mule hardly walk-sudering from Bright's 11) mute, ffuld ono your ago limb fall 1 began your Renovator and apecific Cure, I beget) to Mend in a low days ; eautinued Mott for throe months steady. Althotigh 3 Woe told / could net be cured If you W well in.d hearty ; oat oral )‚thing that (mules n the way, 1 owe yOu the prom Of saving u y life, I Was in a hopelo ooW ltditiOS hoa Went bo you, lb tact 00 0110 thought would gat bettor, cannot speak too highly 1 you owl of your medicines, for it Wee them that mime Words 02111,01 expreee ay thenka to you, Freely pass my name tO snyosio. Yours, rte„ JAMES DUNCIAN, SOU, T. PRI)1111t, lisoastat, Bn000nus, I &lamas; &e,i ta'Aleo a Foil Line of Vronme and Violin Strings, 8to., in stook. 0 N.11.--,11gsterer Of 111111r1rMge ticektiMed it T. Fletcher, - Brussels. JULY 17, 1891 i vioitOuGiI.BRED JERSEY BULL.- rulutms 01.0 SEIRTIOE OF MY Ono Cow, 02(00; 2 Cows, *4.00; additional °own, $1.10 each, all the property of one deducted whoa paid 0 1 the Wino of service, Rome, A I lemma t 01 11) per 0005. will be CI, A. DEADMAN, Druggist, see Jersey Coin $2,d0onoll extra, ImpRoVED LARGE WHITI3 YORK- - --- • for service this ThSeltiulallieligTo Ad 1101'111 keep monad season the improved large white Yorkshire pig ''iteady" on lot 20, 000,S, Atorrls, to which a limited number of nows will bc taken, Terms $0.00 to be paid et Mum 0 f service, wi th tho privile g e r01 001110 5 - 1141 110011111r3'. I'0111111r111431okoz ap -o.4J01h,...110in,1,511tf 1,:optor, .MONET TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. APPLY" TO J.C.IIeffernan, J.A.Young,, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 2811 Canadian Pacific R'y. Commencing Friday. July 3rd THROUGH SLEEPH, FROM TORONTO PO iiAN OLD ORCHARD ON THE MAIN COAST. and to all WHITE MOUNTAIN RESORTS EVERY TUESDAY and FRIDAY Returning, leave Old Orchard Every Monday and Thursday, running through' to Toronto during Seminar Season. For further particulars apply to any agent of the Company, J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. Ctior Wool! The Highest Price in Cash or Trade will be paid for any quantity of Good, Clean, Marketable Wool delivered AT S..SMALE'S TAILOR SHOP, Opposite Central Hotel, Brussels. Farmers will find this an A 1 Market in which to dis- pose of their wool, as I will keep a good assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Cottonades, Ducks, Flannels, Socks, Shirts Drawers and small wares, all of which will be sold at the lowest paying prices. A CALL SOLICITED. S. SMA.L.E. 13 A. DETY A RMAGES A Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car- riages have arrived at It Dennis', Brussels. Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Ste always in stock and sold at Close Prices If you want a set of Light or Heavy Harness I can supply you. See our Scotch Collars, 11. Den am,