HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-10, Page 8Berrie S and Dream!
Who is there who °linnet enjoy a dial] of
Berries and Cream. We have no Berries
for sale but we tem ennply you with a
nice article of
J'ersey Cream.
During the fruit season we purpose (In
addition to our Jersey Milk Shake) keep•
ing a eupply a Jersey Cream which we
can sell by the half.pint, pint or quart.
This Cream is obtained by the Creamery
process and will be kept in a refrigerator
at my Drug and Book Store so that it
will be sweet and nice, If you want anythina in that Line Call and Get our prices:
them for regular Wholesale Prices.
Jima. 10, 1891
Tall Oaks from Little Acorns
. When you lay this paper down please place it with our Advertisement on top, you see wealways expect to be at
the top and trust you will ronder us this slight favor.
About the Ready-made Clothing we advertised for tbis Month it is selling quickly and it, pleases our Customers.
We have a few Summer Suits, Coats and Vests left.
We bought them at He. on the dollar and will clear
Do not neglect your Potato vines but am
ply oome of our Pure Paris Green whieb
we gearantee to kill the potato bugs.
Druggist, Bookseller, ite.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Conn SOUTH. Como Bourn,
Exuress 11:62 am. Mail
0:.73 Mixed
8.00 p.m.
OAS 11.111,
9:03 pan. Express 0;35 p.m,
Iforal &LIS lteMS,
A chiet's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
anent cream for aale at G. A.. Dead -
New evergreen arches are being arrang.
ed for Monday.
New subscribers are rolling in, 60 cents
for balance of 1891.
Iv you have friends visiting you be
kind enough to let us know.
A envy issue of Dominion scrip is being
aavocated in some quarters.
Tint woodwork of the Central hotel has
been freshened up by a coat of paint.
Tu e average kid will be in clover from
now one Summer holidays are her.
FORTS•SEVEN wrote at Ilia High &hoot
entrance examination at Brussels last
BEATTIE BROS. have put a fine new
omnibus on the road and the old one will
be given a rest.
Worm is progressing on the Brussels
Driving Park and it is assum.
ing definite shape.
BREVE GBARA31 was away at Goderiob
on Thursday attending a meeting of the
Warden's Committee,
JOSEPH CLEO° shipped three ores of
cattle mid one loaded with sheep last Fri-
day. All went east.
Tire brickwork on the 11883 blocks of
Mrs. Strachan and J. G. Skene is about
completed. Beattie& new livery barn is
A TABLETS of Palmer's oe/ebrated fire
works. Ice orearn, Confectionary, tem.
perance drinks dm. for sale by Mrs. Kirk,
opposite Queen's hotel, Brussels.
Mme, -Having lately purchased two
fine Jerseys we have plenty of milk and
never having sold buttermilk our custom-
ers are still welcome to it. JAS. W,LSON.
BRUSSELS and Seaforth played a game
of cricket on Victoria Park on Thursaay
of this week. An extended report will
be given next week. Brussels won by 25
Hot ALIALS.-The Band will serve hot
meals in the ekating rink on Monday
13th, from 10:30 a. tn. at tke nominal
figure of 25 °site each. Rink adjoins
Victoria Park,
BOTICE.-All or any person having
claims against the Dominion Day Cele-
bration Committee are requested to hand
them, at once, to J. N. Kendall, Secre-
tary, so that the books may be balanced.
WHATEVER will be of interest in any
neighborhood of this county is good
matter for publication, If subscribers
and readers of To POST will send along
the news of thie neighborhood they wit!
confer a favor.
OBANOEXEN.-The membere of the L.
O. L. of Brussels end locality are re.
quested to rneet at the Lodge room 01
10 o'clock next Sabbath morning and
march to St. John's °Minh where no,.
W. T. Cluff will preach to them. A
large turn out of rnembere asked for.
' A, CERTAM person took the trouble the
other day to count up the number of
millinere Brunets and its immediate
vieinity now have, including those who
have learned and others who are still
learning, and found that they Bummed
up to over 25. If any other town oan
beat 51155 838 will take a back seat.
WErm•Dreente min DRILLING. -George
birt has all the necessary machinery /or
digging and drillie wells and is prepar-
ed to atteed to all work entrusted to bim
in a way that will insure satisfaetion.
Wells cleaned out sea put in proper
share. Terrns reasonable. Residence
sowed door north of the bridge, west
bide of Turriberry st., Brussels. 43-0f
e. Goon neconmesm.-An Owen Sound
OOrrespondent writes the Toronto Mail
concerning the waterworks system of
Whitton put in by J. D. Ronald, of
Brussels, as follows :-"The Water works
system of Wiarton is to be extended.
Acoording to the Vire Unaetwriters' As-
sociation that town ha it already the best
fire protection, cemeidering ite size, in the
OMENS OE TIBE.-We notice by the
DOW G. T. R. time table, 1001 homed,
that several slight obanges have been
made on the W. G. & B. Division, do.
cording to the new time table trains will
leave Bruesels station as follows :-Go.
ing north -Mixed, 9:40 4, ; express,
3:00 p, m. exprese, 9:05 p. to. Going
eotith-Express, 6:50 a. to.; exprese,
11:52 a. ; Mitted; 9;05 p, m.
BOYS TIM TOWN 10 Yonne 014 TIM 18711.
-Smith and Mclia,y have leased the
American hotel which will be ready for
the reaciption of guests on the 18113.
Corne one, come all. We are going to
open with one of the giandest tiesemblies
4Ver known, Dancing for all. Good
manic, A detachment of Bell's loitotory
Band, Wiogtia, have been secured,
All are welcome, Admission only 6
conte a dance. Blectrie light.
A. i. SMITI.
Tn about two months we will move back to our old stand and you may expect bargains in all lines of Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, kc„ for the next two months as we want our stock as low as possible. I
thank my many customers who have dealt and stuck by me during the last twelve years in business and also the many
new Patrons who have dealt with me since I was burned out.
Sgvemir, much needed repairs have
been made in the sidewalks lately.
SEvERAL pupils from lerussels and
vicinity are writing at the Teaobers' ex-
amination this week.
Been Wiemans di See are improving
their livery barn by ereoting additional
stalls, harness rooms, &C.
THE heavy rain and wind storm last
Friday; destroyed a number of Shade
trees. It also toppled two evergreen
arobes over.
REDTICRD RATES. -For the next three
weeks we offer mi/linery at greatly re.
duoed prioes.-Large quantity of flowere,
eta. Call and Bee. Miss Hoare.
EIGHT colonies of Italiambees for sale
at a bargain, as I have not tinie to at-
tend to them. Also a good working
horse, 4 years old. D. FRAIN, Brussels.
EIGHTS -EIGHT barrels of sugar were de.
livered at Bruseals one day last week.
As each barrel averages about 800 pounds
26,400 pounds 91 sweetening wen thereby
Wu are sorry to hear that Samuel W.
Laird wen burned out at the Lakelet
cheese factory last Sunday. It is stated
that they were away at church when the
fire started.
COLD, sough ooftlin le what philoso-
phers term "a logical sequence." One is
very liable to follow the other ; but by
curing the cold with a dose of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, the cough will be stop-
ped and the coffin not needed -just at
"Wine: your heart is bad, and your
hend is bad. and you are bad clean
through, what is needed ?" asked a Sun.
day.school teacher of her class. "I
, know-Ayer's Sarsaparilla.," answered a
little girl, whose sick mother hod recent.
ly been restored to health by that medi.
A. PHILOSOPHER tells how a girl's taste
differs according to her age : "At six-
teen she wants a dude with tooth -pick
shoes and a microscopic nioueitaohe ; at
twenty, a chief justice with piles of tin ;
at twenty-five, she'll be satisfied with a
member of Congress; at thirty, a coun-
try doctor or a preacher will do ; at
thirty.five, anything tbat wears pants,
fiom an editor op,'
How= Prinswat..-The monthly meet.
ing of the llowiok Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was beld in the Town Hall,
Gerrie, on June 27113, all the Directors
present. A resolution of condolince was
passed to Win. McKerrictber, one of the
Directors, who had buried his wife since
the last meeting, 112 applications were
passed amounting to $170,235. A few
smell claims were settled.
TJEDElt the amendments to the AMU.
ment Act at the late session of the Legis.
lotion, the poll lax in cities, towns and
villages is reduced from $2 to $1, and
young men in townships, who are not
assessed will hereafter only hove one
day's statute labor instead of two.
Owners' sons residing on the farm may
be assessed az joint owners under the
Franehiee Assessment Act of 1889, in-
stead of as farmers' sons, and are thus
exempt from statue labor. The act of
the late session relieves tenant farmers'
sons, residing at home from statute labor
in tke same way.
HM1E34EAL.-Ae will be Been by the
marriage notice Thos. Gibson, of the firm
of Smith, Malcolm & Gibson, of this
place, woe united in marriage to Mies
Sarah Brown, daughter of Bev. George
Brown, the well known Presbyterian
minister of Wroxeter, 073 Wednesday of
this week. The ceremony was perform-
ed by the father of the bride, assisted by
Bev. Jno. Boss B. A., of Brussels. Thee
enter on their new relationship with the
best wishes of a large °irate of relatives
and friends, We extend a hearty wel-
come to Mrs. Gibson as she beeomes a
resident of Bruseels and fully believe
that what is Wroxeter's lose will be
Bruseels' gain.
Mvisitionts.--At St, Thomas' ohurch,
Walkerton, on Tneeday, June 30111,
Erneet W. Hunt wag united in marriage
to Miss Lille. Maude O'Connor, of Drug..
eels, cousin of H. P, O'Connor, M. T. B.,
of that town, by the Rev. Mr. rat. The
church wan beautifully decoettted with
hot.house plants and ant flowers, around
the altar being a bank of flowers, "Phe
bride was tastefully attired in a travelling
dress of grey Henrietta cloth with hat of
grey tnlle end carried a bonnet of white
roses. The bridesmaid, Mins Minnie
O'Connor, of Brussels, was dressed in
pink silk with toque of pink roes ard
car:tied a briquet of pink flowere. Rev.
Mr. Boomigh, of Stratford, supported the
groom. The chimes were rung 100 the
bridal party left the ohne& for the resi.
donee of Mr. O'Connor, where a reeep-
Bon was held. The young couple left by
the evening train for 1'aisloy4 amidst
showers of rite and good witthes. Their
future home Will be 80uthainpton. The
presents were numerotle and costly.
nig Bev aoknoWledges the receipt of a
piece of brit/lee cake and joins with the
Many friends of Mr. ana Mrs. 'Lint in
this loeality in hearty congratulations,
A Your handsome gilt lettered sign has
been platied on H. L. Jackson's jewelry
store wiudow. The work was done by 0.
Jaokson, of Toronto- Although a drug-
gist by profession Mr. Jackson rather
excels as a sign writer.
Boon the town. If our town grows at
all, we must make it grow ourselves.
Each one must do all he oan for it, and
we must not and need never fail to speak
a good word in its behalf. Encourage
new enterprises, start new enterprises
and patronize home industries.
&team trains are running from Har-
riston, calling at all intermediate stations
on the route to Brussels, on Monday of
next week, at low rates, to accommodate
persons attending the Orange celebration.
Another train will run from Londesboro'
stopping at intervening places.
has a Hydrange flOWeT measuring 14 in -
clues in diameter and 269 in einem-
ference. Another of the sariie variety
may be seen in the window of Jno.
Grewar's grocery, bearing 10 flowers.
One of them was measured and, by the
tape, showed 110021 inohes and it Watt
partially wilted. They are beautiful
plants and very profuse in their flower.
Xcagerox to Gonznicn.-The annual
Sunday School Exoursion will be held on
Tuesday, August Ilth. Speoial train will
be run commencing at Palmerston and
calling at all stations until Clinton is
pasta. Lucknow and Whiteohurch is
alto included. Get your white dresses
and watch out for bills. Arrangements
have been made with the fast. steamer,
"City of Windsor" to run excursion trip
on the lake on that day at a low figure,
Hurrah for Lake Huron.
111sc101xac and return, good from date
of keine until 31st Ont., 518.00. Going
via N. W. T. Co. to bault Ste. Marie,
thenee steamers of Delta Transportation
Co. to Mackinac. This trip gives tour-
ists an afternoon and night in Sault Ste.
Marie and four daylight trips through
the entire length of the beautiful Ste.
Marie River and is direet route from
Brussels and return. For information
and Tickete see T. FLETOLIE11,
Town Ticket Agt.
A Patna by the name of Watson, but
with various aliases, is going around
among the Orldtellows. His plan of
operation is to claim that he is waiting
for his mail. and asks to have a cheque
cashed. He has claimed to be a member
of Guiding Star Lodge, New York, from
which lodge he has been expelled. He is
described as "about twenty-one years of
age, slender build, tall, light complexion ;
at the time of leaving New York was
clean shaven. Very plausible in eon-
versation, apparently well up in the
work; a smooth talker."
LUIRMAUS.-On Tueeday night of this
week some person or portions gained en-
trances to the Revere House by prying
off the bars from the window and stole
06 or $8 and a box of cigars. The box
was found outside. A. chisel, taken from
Jas. Walker's carriage shop, was fonnd
by Mr. Tuck. The same night somebody
was prowling around the rear of the
Standard Bank but Mr. Soholdeld 00
hearing the beige got up and armed him.
gelf with his seven shooter and it is gut, -
posed the party saw him and deeamped.
Our residents should be on the alert and
Bee that suspioious looking eharaoters
either "move on" or be accommodated
with lodging in the "cooler."
LAWN PARTS. -On amount of the very
heavy rain last Friday tbe lawn party
announced to be held on the grounds of
J. T. Pepper, Mill street, was postponed
until Monday evening. On that occasion
old Probs. was not any two generous as
the elements were by no means as rest.
However a goodly number attended and
enjoyed the. evening. The Band was in
attendance and discoursed very exeellent
selections to the pleasure of all. Ice
cream, coffee, cake, ctc, were served,
The lawn was illuminated by coal oil
soaked bricks, suspended from the trees.
As the gathering was under the auspioes
of the Y. P. C. A. of the Methodist
church they wish to express their thanks
to Mr. and Adm. Pepper for 'their kind-
ness and courtesy on that °cession.
Nuxr Monday, 13011 innt,, will see 15
large number of Orangemen and their
friends in Brussels to take part in the
annual oelebration. In the afternoon
addresses will be given by Iles, W.
Smyth, of Harriston ; Rev. K. W.
Hughes, of Wingbarn ; Itev. W. T. Oluff,
of Bruesels ; A.11. Musgrove, of Wing.
ham, and others. 1f1 addition to the
file and dram music Brussels Band and
the Boll Facitory Band, of Winghami
will be in attendanee on that day,
Ample provision is being made for the
accommodation and comfort of visitore.
Special trains will be ran at low rates ou
the G. T. B. that day, The town is be.
ing decorated for the ocoasion 0.1111 eVery-
1)04 who has it flag or hunting should
hang it out and add to the appearance of
the plaoe,
INTBODUCTOtts.-Last Sunday ROT. G.
F. Salton preached his inaugural ser-
mons in the Methodist church in this
place. In the morning his sermon was
based on Isaiah 4180 obapter and 17011
and 18th verses and e1 night his text
was taken from Phil., 18013 and 19th
verses. The discourses were the muslily
prectioal, unique in niany respeots and
have been the subject of much com-
ment during the week. Mr. and Mrs.
Salton have received a warm welcome to
Brussels and their stay will, armording
to in dioations, be a pleasant and profit-
able one.
The census returns of Sootiand pre-
sent a remarkable contrast to those of
Ireland, showing, as they do, how *bo
former country has increased in popula-
tion and prosperity during the present
century. Ninety years ago Scotland had
1,608,420 inhobitants ; this year's Denims
shows a population of 4,033,103. That
is, the population of Scotland has near-
IY quadrupled, while that of Ireland is
less by about 700,000 than it was in 1801.
And yet Scotland is smaller in area, and
contains extensive districts utterly in-
capable of oultivation.
230Zta; .
T),...sx.-In Grey on June 30011, tbe wife of
Mr. Geo. Dark of a daughter.
Burr. -In Brussels on Tune 23rd, the
wife of Mr. Geo. Birt of a daughter.
0.5 e383.RX-E17.D.
EltOOES-ERAND0N.-In Belgrave, on july
let, by the Bev. Mr. Godfrey, Miss
Mary Brandon to Mr. John Brooks,
all of Belgrave,
fluar-O'Cornma.-.In St. Thomas'
church, Walkeoton, by Rev. Mr.
Fat, on June BOtli, Mr. Ernest W.
Hunt to Miss Lille Maude O'Connor,
of Brussels,
CLB8ON-BROWN.-L3 Wroxeter, at tlie
residence of the bride's father, on
July 8th, by Rev. George Brown, as-
sisted by Rev. John Ross, B. A.,
Mr. Thos. Gibson, of Brussels, to
Miss Sarah Brown, of Wroxeter.
Smome.-In Grey, on the 3r11 inst., Mrs.
Peter Sinclair jr., aged 49 years and
10 months.
Wartime -In Blytb, on June 27113, Thos.
Watson, merohanentttive of Sterling -
[shire, Scotland, aged 76 yearr.
HUNPRIIIELL-In Hastings, on ne
inst., Blre. Thomas EL Humphries,
aged 27 years and months.
McGutne.-In Morris, on the 5t13 inst.,
Arthur McGuire, aged 71 years.
naawcreemsaa..0 24-azia2caml'I'S,
Fall Wheat . 1 00 1 02
Spring Wheat 95 1 00
Barley 45 48
Peas es 65
Oats ... 47 48
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 10 13
Eggs per dozen 11. 00
Flour per barrel 5 00 5 50
Potatoes ... 50 60
Hay per ton .. 10 00 00
Pork ., .... ...... ...... 5 00 550
Hides per lb .... . . .
. ..... 4 00
Salt per bbl., retail..-1 25 00
Sheep skins, each 60 75
Lamb skins each 40 60
Wool, per 115, 18 19
Penchi, Apply to GE01104ECINGST0N,
Joliet, Illinois, ok 101
41-01 THOS, KELLY, Brussels,
on Porm Seettrity at Law rate of In.
%amt. Apply at Tun Poem Publishing Hone°,
Brussels, 45 II. A,
undersigned will receive tenders up to
July 8110 for repairing the 'wheel house of
Scotian No. 0, Morels. Parties desiring in-
,,iniatiou about the work to be done may
etal on Q. Anderson oz' W. Cochrane, Brd line
Morrie, 'She lowest or any tender sot nacos.
eerily tomepted. Contraat to be completed
y August leth,
Brussels P. 0. DONALD 0551010710,Sec.-T0eaa,
1,00 14, 000, 10, Gray; 100 ; font -
class bundlt A rare bargain to a cash
purchaser. Tale perfect. Apply at entie to
Iff. SIN CLAM, Solicitor, Bressols. 89-
pA11i9t volt SALE. -THE
clersigned offers his valuable toe note
tarm, being Lot le, Con. 0, Grey, for sato.
There ave 88 soros under crop, balance
timbered, Where le a good orchard, well%
em. on the pretnisee, beside') log bouao, bank
barn, 45. Will be eoid on reenlonable tonne,
Per prieo and full particulate amity to
1033,80810 1'. 0., or JOIR7 FinA0T111,
Beiffoith, Out.16-0100
.R.. nunsierrun has several good Perms f
sale and to 0850, 01003' terms, in U.,ownships
of Morrie aud Grey. P. S. SCOTT, Brussels.
Being South half Let 57, come, Morris,
100 acree, nearly all ',leered. Good buildings ,
tine young bearing orehard. Immediate pee.
Seation. Easy Teruo,. Apply to
11- Solicitor, dm., Brussels.
The subscriber offers her houee and
lot, corner of James and streets,
Brussels, There Is a comfortable house,
good stable, eplendld well, dm. on the pro-
misee, acre of land. For further portion.
lore as to prioo, terms, eto. apply to
MKS. WM, McC ULLOUGH, Brussels.
V BALL -Being west 4 Lot 11. Con. 9,
Grey, 8.9 miles from Bruseols. Tbe land is
good olay loam, well drained, mostly all
cleared and In good order. One acre of or-
chard in good repair. There is a never feti-
lng spring on the prereleee and 5.0 510183 well
et the buildiuge. The buildings are comfort-
able. Would take suitable property In or
near Brussels as part pay. Por further par-
ticulars apply ou the premises to
or aciclress 13ruesels P. 0. 0500
DEllaseNED exeoutors offer the John
Lowe farm for side. The property cousiets
of 100 acres, beteg Lot 1 0, cm 0, Grey, tied
haviug thereon a first-clase brick house,
batik barn, orehard, 83ells, uever-failing
spring, good ISOM; tee. About 70 acres
cleared, balanee bush. Possession will li•
given next Pall. Per fin the partioulars as
to price and terms apply to
w. B. 831001 8001, Solieitor, Brussels,
or to JNO. !SMITH, }Executors.
E. 5. bloARTRUR
tg.tf iith con., Gray.
nanOZGIMD offers for sale the north
noel, quart', 000 lot 28, concession 8; Morris,
County of Huron • contain in 800 acres, The
land 18 01 first quality and in a MO state of
cultivation, well fenced and uuder.drained,
es mom cleared. 'New fre,me house, 8000810,
ntilk hoes with eoncrete welts, 2 wells,
good barns and shad. orchard, eto, Eight
aurae of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able tern, will be given , Title perfect,
88- &Worth' P. 0.
SALE. -The undereigned offers Tor
gale on the most reasonable terms, Village
Lot 101.00 the comer of King and John
stroete, Brunch,. tOn the property are a
good cellar, goo d t ramo dwelling, with seven
rooms and kitchen, pantry and woodshed.
Hard and soft' water, also a good frame
',table, driving shed and Me house. The
buildinge are all in first-olass order, and
there is also ample Nona for another build-
ing on the corner if desired. Price very xea-
eonable. Por terms, fee., apply tO
100089. 834100 0LIBR1E, BTU/ADIS P. 0.
52.01 or to A, Hinimmt, Div. Court (Berk.
8ale of Dwelling House and Lot
There will be offered for sale by Public
Auction, at the Queon'a Hotel in the
Village of Brussels, on
Saturday, .1aIy 25tII, at Ono O'Clock,
by A. tfunter, Auabioneer, the following
desirable property :-
ALL and SINGULAR that certitin parcel of
land and premises ill the Township of Grey,
In tbe °minty of Huron, containing three-
fourths 00o acre, more or lesS, being a part
of Park Lots nutnbers 14 and 15, Graham's
Sub.division of the south half of Perm Lot
Number One , in Ooncession eleven of said
ToWnslit/i, and better cleeoribed as follow', :-
Commenetng at the north east angle of said
Park Lot Number Fourteen, thence weeterly
along tho Heatherly limit of Granaries
AVORUO; 10 distanoe of ono ohain Mid thirty.
two links; thence parallel to tha town line
between the townehips of Morris and Geey,
a distance of five chalet' and seventy-nvo
mike to the uortherly litett of Bolton Ave -
and T wenty•fout ; thence northerly aloug
said /Me between wild Lets Pi/ beau and
Ifwenty.four, moo Fourteen and Twenty -for
to the plena of be inuin
The alio ye property Is wall situated in the
Township of Grey, adjiteent to the Village of
Brussels, °seeping tho heave taxes of the
Village and emdelne a good frame
bowie, With six largo 0001710. °eller alul a
Irmo summer kiteholt ittthelled ; there le
oleo 09110)5 zed well, having a oonetant
supply of bard water.
%imam -Ton nor 0000, of the pnr(MaBe
MOM, tO be DaHl on tbo day Of sale, and a
sediment amount to Make Up the 00101 01
Play pee cont, withie thirty day% to be nati
into the Canadian BRAM 00 Centraeree, To.
rola°, 10 th e Joint tnedit et the adminligrat.
ors and the otiloiel gnerdian, the balance of
the rinrehase money to be secured I by a first
mortgage upon eaid promieee, payable in
WO yeas, with letseest at the rate of Seven
per cone, payable half -Yearly.
The property be sold eubieot to a re
servo Bid, Rend by the °Metal Guardian,
emitter motion/are, torms and tionditions
of sale made known on the day of 80018, 07 013
applicatiou to tee undersigned,
KIM, MACDONALD, Tis.yrnsoir dsPntensex,
Vendors' Solioltore, Toreuto,,
00 0, 1 Or,
5,11555101033,or to 04
'Swan:wince a, Gesalercz.5. X330.001ielbe.,2:
Canadian and United States Bruits bonght
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits,
CoZlections made on favorable terms.
flanedian Agents -11110130110000'a BANK 03/
Now York A tients-Istroneems AND Tam)
A M. TAYLOR, B. C. L.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, ,loo., el Adelaide
Street least, Toronto. Money to Loan.
Bolieitor and Conveynneer. Collec-
tions made. ,Oillee-Vanstone's Block Bros-
eels. 21•B,
V • Solicitor, Conveyancer, No tary Pub-
lic, dm. 01110e-0-raluon e Block, 1 de north
of Popper's Drug Store, Private Funds to
DioRsoN & HAYS,
Mato with Garrey? 0. Prondfoot, Code.
rich ,) Barr.siers, Solioitors. Convoyanoors,
dm. Ofnees-Beusecile and Sonfortli. Brue-
eels otace-Ilp-stairs over 13anIc. Money
to Loth.
18, 8.8)0005. DICIGION
14-40.1tosS of O'CONNOR,
.1.1.1L Teacher Organ awe Piano.
Priteese street, Brussels.
j3:iir=i=gi)"at his jrgg.l'rt-;17ga.
JAI.. Tonsorial &dist* Sbop-300t door
south 01 4, M. McKay di Co's hardware store.
Ladles' wed abildrens hair cutting a ePeolalty
Tourer ol Mintage Liceu see, by
appointment of Lient,-Governor, COMMIS -
Wetter, Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent
Piro Insurance Co. Mee at the Oranbrook
Post 011ice,
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Go, Ziuron. Conveyancer, Notary Pnblie.
Land, Loan Insuranee Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made.
Office in Graham's Block, Brussels,
Miss Merles, of Winehatn, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting. Urals
rutty be ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store
where samples of wore may be seen, Miss
Merles would also take a few more pupils in
1. • Organist in St. John's Church, Brits -
Sale, and pupil, In the Arb of Teaching, 01 4.
W. Thayer, Mus. Coo.. Now York, will give
lessons to nupils either at Thos, Kelly's,
Turuberry et., or if nreferred, at their own
homes. Terms moderato. 96.
zsr ix" s sz•
G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad-
minietered for the Peitilese Extraction of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, Toeorom.
M. CAVANAGH, L.. D. D., D. D. Sot
Grodu,oge 01 e Royal College of Dental
8Dr01005s, Ontario, and of Toronto Ifni-
vereity, OPexon-Ovet Pepper's Drug Store,
• Auctioneer, 18 alwaye ready to at-
tend gales 01 1,80810, farzu stook, tee. Tertus
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Bales
May bo arrenged at Tula Poex Ptiblishiug
H01100, Bruesele,
N...A Licensed Auetioneer. Bales conduct
811 033 reaeOnable tering. Parma and farm
stock e. specialty. Orders left at Tont POST
blIelit ugHouse , Brunetti, o r sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prorapb attention.
JL.R. BB us on Auotioneer, ZOom prcriaVed
to of:Inflect atlas of farm stock at reasonable
prices. Knowing the Standing of nearly
very persou I am in it position to sell to
good marks anti got good security When void
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
me ri eall. se. Is 8. SCOTT.
M. P. CALE, IVI. D., 0.161.,
00000002 00 the Colleg e of Ph yeician,
and Burgeons of Ontario by examination.
Mae and Residence - main street East,
Ethel, Ontario,
ei • 0.04., tit ledinburgli, M. C. P
0, Oitt, At Pepporei Drug Store from 9 to
HMO rn, and from 1:80 to p. ro, obber
11000583105 be tam4 100 111, melanins, form-
erly othepied by Dr. Et et:Ades:on, Min at,
• Minor Graduate of the °maxi°
votorinozy aoilogo, in prepared to treat all
diseases of don:matte ated animals in a (nom-
ptoetve,init Inal Or . Partyletilitur agtotroontutiottypairad
tended to. °aloe and retirmary-Two dein%
north 01 bridge, Turnhorry at., 50058515.