HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-10, Page 5JULY 10, 1.801 purrancismuccolcmcloaczymescauseumcmc E11$trict Beim Itt (OK it p. Crae ore Rev W. Ortewellt w111t r reach to the Tide ooatinaed ell lay. The ground ,veil to t1.-'n ghiy moistened whieb was nob the r.ady Term !line members et Currieat ap- pointment next Sabbath evening. Orangemen from this looelity will go to J3rno6ulo next Monday aid join their brethren in tno big celebration there. A very snooesoful garden party was held at Thos. Dennison's lent Wednesday evening. Amusements were provided in the shape of swings, quoits, croquet, &e. A. good program wap 0180 presented. Pr0000ds about $20 to bo applied for church lighting purposes. Witt. Smith, toa(ther, io visiting rela- tives in Orillia and locality for a few {softs. A. heavy rain storm, aneompanied by thunder and lightning, passed over this ae1100 on Thnreday morning last week. Jost watch out nest Monday for the Walton L, 0. L. at the celebration in Brussels. A. meeting in the interests of the Patrons of Inclestry will be held here next Monday evening. Tho Orangemen and Lady Tree Blues will attend service in St. George's nhurch next Sunday afternoon. Bev. W. T. °lnff will preach, 320 boxes of cheese have hien sold by Walton and Winthrop factories to Mr. 1Iod,on. The price received wal 811.1(1 cents per pound. Cheese was shipped front Brussels station this week. 1E3elf-r1 vc0. W. Persons is erecting a flue residence on the hill. 11. Madden Inas recovered from his 03- eontlillnees. On Wednesday, the 1st iota, John Brooks and Miss Mary Brandon were united in the betide of matrimony. They left on the morning train to visit in Western Ontario. The Kincardine Reporter Bays :-Rev. Mr. Dyke, of Pine River, hits gone to his new charge at Belgrave. A popular preacher, he sacoeeded in doing grand work for the Master in IIuron township. He is rapidly coming to the front in the Guelph conference. W. Grigg had a Largo barn raised en Saturday, While the puriine plate was tieing raised one of the tenons broke from the post causing John Taylor to fall from the beam to the foundation, a distance of 15 feet, fracturing hie wrist and sprain- ing his ankle. A.twoocl. Telma Council are asking for a bridge and drain. Tho Ornngomen of North Perth have decided to go to Walkerton to celebrate 12th this year. Thie place was well represented at the exon0sion to the Model li'arm, Guelph, ,,ver 200 tickets beteg sold. Tho L mdesboro' correspondent to the Clinton New Era: -Mr. MuBain took Rev. Mr. Ferotsou's work on Sabbath last, and was listened to with profit and pleasure by his old friends. At a meeting of the directors of the Ontario Farmers' Flax Mauufaaturing Go., held Monday night, James Irwin was sleeted President and \Vm, Loch - head reelected Secretary. Alex. Lochhead returned front Scot- land recently. He visited friends in Ayrshine, Galston, Oatline, Kilmarnock, etc. He also visited Burns' monument, near Ayr -his birth place. The Bee says: --"35 feet of girls. -- Don't this sound fenny? Rather. Well, let us explain : Six young ladies stretch ed themselves out on We. Dnen's lawn ono day recently, and Mrs. Dunn under- took the task to measure them with a tape line. They measured exactly 311 feet. Their names are :-Misses Alice, Annie end Miriam Dunn, Ella P. Hawke, Beokie Musson and Belle Sharman. We would consider this a pretty fair average Might for domestio furniture." ease since early epring. 11 will have a vary benetinitil effect on vegetation. There is millions in it. Mrs. Sinclair, wife of Peter Sinclair jr. died on friday morning, of last weak after a brief illness. Although not in the beet of health for some time, she was able to intend to household Unties until tete previous day and in conseq ,ecce lilt Oath was a ;001 vel as a shook by the pont nnunity. The lin Land and family have the sympathy of the community In their hones of trouble. Thee will be a meeting of Petrone of fndnetry at Ethel on the 171.11 of July. They cordially invite Mr. Thompson, of Ilotfryu, tq deliver then one of his elo. (Not epeeehos on merchants, their pro- fits, &o. ins membership of "The Lady of Grey" in increasing. They inttiabed n member at 00011 meeting sleep it was organized. They will meet of Friday night of this week. LS1:4 ret Dr. Sloan, of Toronto, was in town this week. W. McGowan and bride returned home from their wedding trio on Monday even. lug. John Donbolm received at thia elation a line Jersey clew which he purchased iu the neighborhood of Kippen lately. A number of the elite of towic drove narked over to Peiut farm where they p for the city, putting in a good tine. Sir. Ondmore, of Kippen, is having a large quantity of pressed hay stored away in the building once known as Baw- de1's factory, on Dinelev street. On Sunday Rev. Mr. Hughes, 'Rector of Wingham, will preach a speoial ser. neon to the brethren of L. 0. L. No. 003, in Trinity ahnroh, Blyth, at 3 p, m. The Blyth 8tendard of lest week says : It is our painful duty this week to record the demise of oue of our old and reapeot- ecl citizens in the person of Thos. Wet. son, who departed this life on Saturday lest. The deceased was born in Ban- nockburn, Sberlingshire, Scotland,' and had he lived lentil Sunday last it would have been his 70th birthday. 141r. Wat- son carried on a suoaes8fat general mar- °anbile business in Campsie, Sterling - shire, for 35 years, and was for many years a member and treasurer of the Parochial Poor Board, and occasionally acted as inspector of the poor. 110 aeras with his family to Blyth In the spring of 18(j8 and for three years ?arm- ed on the 2nd con. of East Wawarosh, when he again started a general store in thio village and for 18 years carried on u. successful business, which wilt be con- tinued by his daughters, Ethel and Amelia. Mr. \Vett.ou was a man of sterling principles and was well known anti esteemed as bearing e. high Ch'10118n character, and has all through life been thoroughly straightforward in all his bit -mess transactions. He leaves it widow, one son and four daughters to a metre his loos. On 1londay t 611 {,e crowd renewed his remains to the 'Union Cemetery where they were interred. Cr rtes. Bees and dances are all the go. Hiving has eommenoed in this locality. Edwin Foerater in home for vacation. The Live farm ie offere 1 for sale by the executors. Most of the fat cattle in this locality have been shipped. The Grey Voters' list ie in Ole printer's hands and will be out elmrtly. the houses of menu responsible farmer] Therendawill next a move theBrOrange on in Texas, and, posing as a stook buyer, blondny of week to the Orange cele- has bought mules. As soon as he won a brMre. farmer's oontidence he would induce the Aire. Snyder and fad til d Vaughn, farmer to go to the local bank with him are visiting relatives and h fends in this and identify hint. At the bank be would present a draft purporting to be signed by Ford, Boughton & Co., bankers of Burton, Ohio. This confidence game worked admirably for along time, but at last the Lone Star state become too hot for the Canadian and he hied himself back to Canada, where he turned up a couple of days ago at Dufferin park, the possessor of a couple of fast horses and as 0 dead game sport, �'rr !dean t, ret. The 1100 of the town weigh scales was id by auction to A 11 Omar for 803 TIIE' BRUSSELS POST 1Xoe'n'lw. Raise J. Kelly in house for her emotion front °rend Bend. Sunshine and Betgrevo Orange Lodges are going to Bruseele next Monday to the { o , celebration. I haVC (lokIts, rames and Gnu. Kerr's new house le well on to. Empty hives for Sale. wart! completion, 11 will bo veneered with brink. Wiese are Well Made and Well Painted. On !'!mislay of last week Jae, Bolger arrived home from a trip to the old land. He enjoyed it very mush. There has been a little friction over the extension of the phuroh shed at Sunshine owing to the fact that it inclosed a por- tion of the ground in which persons had been interred some years ago. The parties interested put no a wire fence around this resting place in the new ad- dition but ib teas removed by the manag. erg of the church. Aaru,egr.--011 the evening of Domin- ion Day as Peter old Alexander Moffatt, of the boundary, were roterningfrom Wroxeter their horse shied. shortly eater leaving the village, and threw the two ocenpanta into the ditch on a pile of stones. They were (pito seriously hart and wine nnennsoious for a while. Jas. and Duvnd Moffatt were ahead of them ie another trig and knew something was wrong when the eau sway horse pas -ed Ohm. They went back and rendered valuable assistance to their leen fortu- nate friends, OmT.-On Tuesday of lest week 'Mrs. Samuel Bled, died, after a lingering ill. nese of several yetis, The funeral took place at Bl uoval e, on '1'11 a escbty afternoon. Rev..A. Y. Hartley conducted the ser- vice. Mrs. Black was a native of Box. boroshire, Scotland, and was mnrri ed about 1853. She wan a woman who enjoyed tl'e highest respect of all who knew her, They came to Turnberry about 31 or 35 years tato and were among the early settlers. The de- ceased was 72 yetis of age. There are five children living, three still at home. On the 21111 1111., George Mathers, of Maoris, and Mies Annie Johnston, of the same place, eldest daughter of Wm, Jas. Johnston were married. Tho ceremony was performed in the orehired, a large number of guests (over a hundred it is sal.) being spectators. This oecesion of interest was token advantage of by the neighbors and friends ,,of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, the bride's esteemed parents, and they were presented with two large easy chairs and the following address, read by Bev. 1. B. Waliwin JG•. awl JIrs. fret. Jas. John 11031. A Bee in Your Bonnet, DlAt( Brarnnit AND S1e'rrnn,-115011 this festive occasion so full of interest as' wall to your many friends as to yourself, we, your neighbors and brothers and sisters in Ohristain fellowship, wish to express the unfeigned love and confidence which we bear toward you, mad our high, earn- est, setae of appreoia on and gratitude in respect of your devotion to all our in- terests and those of t' . cause of God and religion in our midst. You, Sir, have been more of a brother and .father than neighbor to many of us in this commun- ity. From the tante of the first settle- ment of the country unto the present, end, perhaps, we hove done too much honor heretofore to your benevoleece in the way of heavy dumauds upon your vo- e time, for counsel and help p The benevo- lence has not been transient and fitful, but we are pomaded deeply rooted and the ricin fruit a lively faith in God and a life in conformity with His will. Your interest and self sacrifice, your liberality, pryers and labors in behalf of the church per tof God and the maintenance of truth aid pis. Sin Thea. Small while at wont paintinst a piety have wet one admiration 05 well house belonging to John Currie, 00 John as our earnest gratitude, and give us nn street, fell from a ladder, a distotice of example wihich we trust shall be fo'lowed about 25 feet. He struck on his right humbly and prayerfully by many of ua. shoulder end injured it considerably. Your belay/ it and noble wife has been in A meeting was held in the Good every sense a helpmate, being one with Templet's' 11,311 on Friday evening, 0d• yon as well in your humility as in your dressed by the Grand Chief and Grand holy aims and aids. We trust that long Secretary of the Sons of Scotland Bette- life may be given to you to still labor for volont Society. There was btg•pipn the cause of Ohrist and to enjoy the cur.• music, 80. fidence of well wishes of your many Harry Garbutt, a man of many aliases, friends. We presume to ask you 800ept who originally came from Wingham, is from us, not for their worth and mneh in Toronto jail now because of the two less in the way of compensation, but as big cash rewards offered by Texas people a love -gift these two easy ohairn together for his capture for forgery. A reward o1 with the knowledge of our eateem we $1,000 was advertised by the Banker's hope will help you to enjoy the years to Association of Taxes, and the eivit an. come. Signed on behalf of your neigh- thoribies put up $200. Garbutt is known bora and friends, Hnttnv Roo ,.a., as Albert or Um Huntley, and under Rono. Fonnse. these n,mes he hoe, it is alleged, visited Mr. Johnston was wholly taken by sur- erise, but replied suitably thanking his friends for their kind gifts and their ex- pressed confidence and ended by saying he had only done his duty. locality. A box social was held at the home of Joseph Raynard, 4th eon., on Thursdey of this weep. A number are away this week writing for Teachers' certificates. May they all be su0cessful. °harries, gooseberries and raspberries are ripe and the cheap sugar is now being. manipulated in considerable quantities. Tinos. Stokes, wife and daughter (M.o. ,llattbew Wileon) were visiting Jacob and Sanford Stakes, o' Goderioh, this week. Hector. MoQuarrie, 4th oon., has moved his barns and is having stone stabling put under them Andrew Pollock is doing the mane work. Miss Hannah Ball is hone from To- ronto. Bari Bali, Edway and Arthur Ryerson, from the Queen city, came with her for a visit. Horgan's grove, con 12, on the banks of the Maitland river has been a great owLotions for p10. (1104 IP110111 11118100050n. It is a beautiful plain for a gathering of Wm kind, (1 ops, with the ex Deptiwn of hay, a0a looking well in this locality. Those aha have been abroad say they are ahead of meet other places. fall wheat promises to be the best for some years. A large blank Dear has been seen in the Il tonere part of the t ,w"ship. Chis is about the time of year that roueh bruin makes hie rounds tithing mammies from the different berry patches. The pie -1111 under the auapioes of the Ste bath Reboot at Shiu•,'o. school bone wufoh wag bit be held le 10,rgsi'a grove on Thera/lay of lase week was complete. 1d et • [31ucvv0tlo. Rev. 1811. Hartley's vegetable garden is looking excellent and is the finest we see. He is an expert hortidelturiet. Dr. and Mrs. Lech, of St, Catharules, made a Inleaaant visit to Joseph Leech this past week, The Dr., like his brother, is a genial gentleman, The lawn and grounds of the Methodist Parsonage are looking better every month, the pastor has had a good deal of Mr. Ste erand ns, 0130tnewlwLgonmmaker, has been kept busy, 10 feet e•owcled, all spring, We are glad he Iinda plenty to do as he is tt real addition to our village, Next Sunday tnir,iniil at 1:30 the Orangemen in this locality will attend divine worship at the Methodist churoit where a special sermon will be delivered by the plater, Rev. 1. B. Walltvin. A Dnirynuttd 01)0181 and eh. ertai tlmeet will be held on the Parsonage grounds and in d y evening Foresters' Hall bill lofof re wil roi- be be presented, oleo an excellent program,. Besides the "teethe Dai,ymaidil 0113 Rome meal ge,tleetet there are 131,0 ex• (looted the Misses Sperling, of Wincluvn, int and v'. 11 ,01 1Lat Go auth Iv sp01191 er lee 30 ,he enatiintu w vuuaalist ; and Mita; Dal nage who hos tis flutter 111011 next time. b 3, Bo, ,,0b, oouuty erg titian: of the ben attending Alum College R1. Thomas, Patron'' of Industry, wi 1 lettere /it the the past term ; and Will. Smith, who foiluwin; pinocs next week :-',Velton Int. returned home for his le 1idays. No on Monday, Speirau'e on Tneeday, efforts ha, a been 0, (leed to make the ilerke is un Wednesday Y, i3'o on n it ums6 oulovn Tk ire lay, Ethel on Il riday. Anse Glare Grigg, of London, is visit. Ing rho RIMS'doQuarrie'e. MOBJi m0111[1le 17IQtlarrio carte hone will her having comp tacit her term ab the Business College in that oily. She has written 185 words per mimic in oonnew wary Day a success. tion with her study of phonography. 0011301 ble one, ne fre.bmotts will i'e served on the lawn 1(� favorable, l , and r8 ooh uk h the weather fa u r N'� Cherry Peotoi 9 favorable, o Si.113a0 in the W8I. II lots 419 taimnent at SOS. Mr., Wallwin has superintended the arrangements and has 1.11110411481) 1141 ntiring in her efforts to make it in Dr. 3. C. Ayer & Co., LoWell, Mass. fttc'J by n11 Druggf'tn. Pried 51; Mfxbouler, `A. Price, 150. Call at- DAVIT) MOORE'S, Sill Con., Morris, or write Walton 1'. 0. Take a Bargain while you haves the chance, ,,-.gni Eam aza.dEggI Egge have dropped 1n pri00, so has our Large Stock of Prime SMOKED HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON AND SIDElflr.AT All of Our Own Curing. We also Mannfaotnre Bologna Sausage. Patronize home industry by palling on us. Give mo a call and prove the truth- fulness of the above statements. The county rete for Clinton for the ourreit year is 5838.84, this Is about $17 more than last year. Andrew Greets, of Goderielt, appeared hetore Mayor Butler and 5L Horton, J. P., the other day, charged by Alex. Bogie with having stolen $70 in Sane, 1880. After the evidence had been heard the 00001 stmt him for trial at the next court of competent jurisdiotioo. ONSUMPTION, Wn7. Blashill, Butcher. Dn. INCLAIR 5 M,D., 81.A., L.C.P.S.0., M.O.P.S.M., 10 doz. specialist, - Toronto. 10 r"( 8 yacCledEoa a6ommaalar.[aaaonamot ltao CIAL01:00 s FERGUSON & HALLIDAY'S. DRESS GOODS. 800 yds. all wool Debeige ,t0 in. wide at 25c. regular price 45e. 1000 " " " Cashmere 40 " " " 47e. • " " 65c. 500 " Silk I''inish Henrietta, 46 " " " Glc. " 90c. 25 pieces 40 in. fancy pattern Dress i400cl3 " 45e. " fisc. We are going to offer all our Dress Trim- mings at exactly Cost Price. J,INA•rnAN R00OnAaT, Llnto\vel, Boys "Atter spending all my money and property to no purpose ou medical 1/103, for what they termed &hopeless 011.80 01 consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." 301,8 hour PURLer:a, Woodhouse, says "whom all otuors foiled, llr. Sinclair cured me of ate." D. lto134,71(000. Carleton Place, says: "Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." ciao. Rowan, Blyth, says !--“Dr. Sinclair oared Ins of heart disease au 1 dropsy, when all others fulled." Diseases of Private Nature, brought of by folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Cures. Conti a1tatiozn Pro©. IN its first stages, can ',be successfully checked by the prompt use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later periodd o$ that disease, the cough is wonderfully relieved by this medicine, "I bavo used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the best effect in any practice. Thi!nay tife. 1 had preparation nsncough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, and given up by my physician. One bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured me." -A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middleton, Tennessee. 44 Several years ago I was severely i11. The doctors said I was ix consumption, and that they could do nothing for me, but advised me as a last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry me, After taking Hite medicine two or three months I was cured, and my health remains good to the present day." -James Birehard, Darien, Conn, "Several years ago, on apaseagehome front California, by water, I contracted e0 severe a cold that for 001110 days 1 was confined to my state -room, a1(1 a physician of hoard considered my life in danger. Happening to have a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it freely, and my lungs wore Soon restored to a healthy condition, Since then 1 have dnvarittbly recommended thie prep- eration."-J-11. Chandler, Juuabiou, Va. WILL BE AT THE HUMAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, Tuesday, Aug. Ilth, '91. oil lVallteU! HIGHEST - CASK - PRICE Paid for Wool at the Li towel - 'Woollen - .hills. We wish to calf your at- tention to the fact that we still Want more Wool, and we are determined to make this wool season one of the largest, for we have a Tre- mendous stock of Goods on hand. It is necessary that you should look around be- fore you dispose of your wool to see where you can make the best purchases with it in WOOLLEN GOODS. Buy in the Cheapest, Sell in the Dearest. Do not fail to come and see our Large Stock of New Fine Flannels, in New Shades and Patterns. Something Never Before Shown the Public We have made up a lot of Fine IIa1i]ax Tweeds, just the thing for school boys. We also have a big stock of Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds, Bed Blankets, Horse Blan- kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts, Cotton Shirting's, Cottonades Shirts and Drawers for this season's trade, which we offer AT BOTTOM PAIC:S. Everybody should come and try our fine Grey Flannel tlin,t won't shrink 111 washing, mild outwears the common grey flannel 801,1 the public. irs " r, HOSIERY. Black. Lisle Thread at •103. " ( 35c. Balbriggans 28c. Na'.'y and Brown 80c. regnla,r price 70c. " 50c. " 40e, " 40e. We are- also Sole Proprietors of the Ever -fast Stain- less Black Hose warrallted not to fade or rule off. GLOVES 4 doz. pairs Colored Jersey Silk at 20c. regular price 40c. 8 " " Lisle Gloves " 12lc. " 20c. We keep the beet makes in Ladies' Kid Gloves in both Black and Colored at 50c., 75c,, $1 00 and $1 25, We have decided to clear the balance of our stock of Parasols,at Cost Price. FERGUSON & HALLIDAY. Eggs Exchange taken i scion e fol Goods. t he uB. 'ra N. B. -Batter and0 BETTE F FOR al H H BRSSELS WOOLEN ]IILL WANTS TO GET 50,000 POUNDS OF WOOL In Exchange for Goods. The Highest Market Price will be Allowed. We have a Fine A,ssort rn.e.t of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan- kets, Sheeting, Knitted ' Goods, Yarns, 8co. All Wool left with us for in lnufactnrng, whether rolls or otherwise, pw�iolpl �Ii have our prompt attention Roll Car. ing, Spinning, +i+ I'"'"" `�"C `°' °�'°' °-" "" TEED Fulling and Maniac; tiring Tweeds. Flannels, Blankets, &C. on short notice. • B. I''. Brook & Soh. HO W&CO .1 Brussels.