HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-10, Page 4TIIE BRUSSELS POST JULY 10, 1891 New Advertisements. Local ---Tho Baud. ]vocal- T. Fletcher. Local_ Smith ,C: 1leliny. Looals--1)r. J. C. Ayer. Indigestion ---Dr. J. 0. Ayer. Consumption -Pr J. 0. Ayer. No Surrender -Post yleoketet'R, Ronne and Lot for Sele.-A. Hunter. House and Lot for Sale. -Mrs. Currie. Perm for Sale-- Jno. Smith, E. J. 1lcArther. CvI)e `l;Lusstis Vast, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1891. SUBSCRIBERS often drop into our sane - tum with notices of estray animals, and are generally ignorant of the law on the question, For the benefit of such we publish the following, clipped from one of our exohaoges : "The laws of Ontario provide that a person taking up any stray stock shall give notice of snob taken up by publishing a notice three times in a weekly newepeper, if one id published within the section where the estray was taken up ; and if the property le not called for within three weeks after the first insertion of the notice, the finder shall go before a justice of the peace and make oath to the finding and advertising. If the property is not claimed within one year, and should not exceed fifty dol- lars in value, it then belongs to the par- ty taking the same up ; if over fifty dol- lars, it shall be advertised by the justice and sold, and the armee of all expenses shall be paid over to the county treasur- er. Any person taking up an estray and neglecting to cause the same to be ndver• tined and appraised, shall be liable to a fine of twenty dollars. The estray law applies also to any personal property which may he found in like manner." Tas prospects for marketing this sea. son's clip of Canadian wool are anything but encouraging. Ontario fleece, which formerly found its ohief market in the United States, has, since the McKinley Act went into force, been almost entire- ly excluded from that country, though some has been smuggled at Quebec ports of entry, where the officers, to say the least, are not very vigilant. About two weeks ago a large dealer in Toronto re- ceived a letter from a Lowell, Mass., company, asking for two ours of coarse long staple at 18e. to 15c. As this is about the price paid for the article in Toronto, business could hardly be done on that Iasis. But if the buyer across the border had not to pay the duty of 12 cents per pouud, it goes without say• ing he could afford to pay a higher price than that stated. .About three mouths ago a large shipment was made from this market to the United States, consist- ing of 81,605 pounds. On this consign- hnentthe usual duty of 12 cents per lb. The wool was gold at 101,-c. and 200. and the total duty paid on it amounted to 09,803.40, or a trifle over 51% of the actual coat of the wool. It is not easy to procure business in the fere of diffi- culties ,uuh as those presented by this state of natters. Ontario dealers will no doubt buy cautiously this season and at priers sufficiently low to insure them from fosse.. The Americana get their wool in Englaid but if they wish to buy Comedian wool dealers here will require to get better prices paid for it or the prices paid for it in the country here will hate to be lowered. 1 he best fleece is worth i80. to -day ; a year ago 20e. to 20:}a. was paid for it. TEERE is quite n quarrel among the Demoorate of New York State on the question of the nomination fur the Presi- dency, one portion favoring Cleveland and the other Governor hill. The latter for the past few years, and possibly with his eye on the nomination, has been courting the Tammany influence in New York city, and he will doubtless have its support in the convention. Bub Cleve. land hue the support of a large body of respectable Demo0rats and those who came ont of the Republican party some years ego to support him still adhere to him. Fur this reason the Hill papers gay that Clete/and is not a Demoorat, but a nondescript who professes to be a Democrat, and in whom that party could have no confidence whatever. It is argued that without New York no Demo. Drat n, minae could be snceeseful, but the Cleselattd papers point out that the Democrats can in in the newly.eleeted States, and with their votee they can carry their man in lbs Eleetorel College without n vote of New York, which they no longer Upon as the pivotal State. The Hill organs assert that Cleveland cannot carry the South, while their nominee ie popular there, and that Cleveland im. paired bus themes by his inaetitity in the State elections in re. fraining from taking any part, while Rill was slumping egainat McKinley in Ohio and in other parts of the country. It is a lively bout between the two, but it is probable that Cleveland and tariff reform will o'n'e strongly to the front before the convention and carry hint through, A deputstion of salt mamifectimere, consisting of L. Rightm,yer, Ifineordine Jahn Ransford, of Clinton. and W. if. Gray, of :ieaforth, had an interview with the Moisture of Cus'ome and Finance laet week to protest against the reduction iu omit (Wies. x i n: to vv t)o , 78 candidates "'ole at tdto I;ntranoa Usnmivation hers last week. The 2nd and 3rd class exarns, are on title weal[. LIa'rowfu, Listowel presented quite an animated SroLTe.-On Dominion day AKIN (etri holiday -like appearance, mast of the DUNN'S places Of refreshment and 1 a few other business places being decorated with evergreens, and there was a large turnout of vieitora from neighboring towns end villages RS well as from the country. In the morning a shooting matoli took place between the Listowel and Stratford clubs, which 1'eeulted in a viatorY fur the home team by a score of 42 to 50. The rases in the afternoon drew one of the largest crowds that it hes yet been the fortune of the Listowel Driving Park Aesooiatiou to get together, and all ap- peared to be thoroughly eatialied with what they stw. The shower of rain which fell about noon served to cool the air, lay the dust and left the track fn prime condition, The events of the day were a green run, a 3.lninute trot and a 1 mile dash. The green race was taken by a Meteor ]pare owned by H. Moore of Elms, with Elmo. Girl a close second. In the 3.minute class J. D. Whiteley's Lou Edsall made a mark 2:34iF, and the race was neck and neck between her and Annie 13. all through. Tito 1i mile dash was 11 splendid race. Volga and Victor struck side by side the whole dietetics, with Colonist but half a length behind until the last quarter. It was Volga's first race, won in 3:181. (11'080 0511. Fleury Moore's Lad)' Meteor 0 1 T. Stevouson'e Elute Girl ....... .0..0....00 t 3 3 H,Bareou,tael's Porter Roy- ...... 2 L Tha 1a.*, 1:001, 1:011. Three -[minute class. purse 8150. J. B. Whitley's (Goderlalll Lou Edsall 1 2 1 John Who ine's(Woodstuolt) Annie 13, 2 1 2 0, H. Ward Manistee) Frank F 115, Time -2:13,2:041,13'1 , 11.0115 dash. puree 5150, 3, fl> 00ur;s lO rltnevlVolgn_....................1 R. E. Douglas' Woodstock) Victor 2 .1. Norther..v We spray ton) Colonist 3 Time -2:18j. The second day's sports opened with a baseboll match for a purse of 640, be- tween the Guelph and Gorrie clubs, which was en easy victory for the Guelphs ; score 16 to 4. The nttend- once at the races was even larger than on the previous day, and two good ranee were on the cards. These were 2:40 trot and a mile run, in heats. The free -for. all trot did not fill, and consequently was off. The 2:40 trot was between Thonn- son's Axtel, owned in Stratford, Ilii'• mine's Annie B., and Newstadt Lad. In the first rouud Axtel made a bad break, which lost him the heat; bob in the three following beats he came to the fore in great shape, making a 2:80i mark. The k mile run 4805 won by Victor in two straight heats. 2GO class, purse 8150. t.'Thompson's (Stratford) AEbel..3 1 1 1 John [oleo ind's 1h'ooestook) Aa ole 131 2 2 3 2. li. Ashley's ltie,atadt Lad) '2 3 3 2 Time -2:80, 0:191,11:301, Three-quarter mile ran, ,'irse 5150, R. E. Timmins' (Woodstock> Victor . 1 1 Seattle Bros. (Brussels) 'lbpe'y Li,. " 3 J. Dymoot's (, ''kuey) 19ladetone... ...........3 3 Tim o-1:21,1:223. A race between a span of Collie doss, driven by a girl from Simeoe, and Kidd Bros'. cults, afforded considerable arouse - meta. Splendid music was disaoutaed by the town bond du ring both afternoons. The total assessment of Pelee Island is 0322,700. There are 8,200 aures in the island. Conductor Snyder will preach in Clin- ton the first Sunda • in Angust, Onthe Monday evening f , following trhe will give a lecture in the town Hall, entitled "Life on the Hall, or, the People We Meet." During the month of August he takes his holidays, but he has preaching arrange. merits for the month of August he takes appointments for every day, and several eerviees of Some of them. • "No Sr*" HERE WE WIN EVERY TIME, Kit® -HAY, with the accent on the Kay, is an enjoy- able pastime. k few sets left yet at THE POST Book- store. KH.JCK.ET Bats, Balls and Wickets for boys at THE PosT Bookstore. Dandies. WAGON or. WAGGON ? Some use ore g and others double g but the wagons give satisfaction every time. See them and treat your son on the 18th. DOLLS ! Dainty, Dandy, Darling girl ]lolls. AnylIl would 73 gbe happy with one Front 5 cents up to $1 50, Conte i11, `POST' Bookstore. POWDER THEC®OK'SSEST FIRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, Half the Virtues ST. LEON Have never been Told. Read this - JOY FOR PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years very bad. When I stooped could soarnoly straighten np; felt mieerable. Por three months I petsieted in a free ate of ST. LION WATER. It was the cup of joy to me; brought relief, par excellence ; pains, stifling, oto. all gone. Call at my office, 1 will tell far more about the value of St. Leon. W. HIGGINS, Empire Laundry, 828 Queen street west, Toronto. And this - BILIOUS I.HLA1)ACI-IES GO. I bad rheumatism hi my knees end angers, h{lions headaches, eta. every few weeks. 1(r. Higgins. Empire Laundry, urged the to try ST. LEON Mineral Water, I did, and it set me all right; headaches and pains all cone. hfy wife and three children slim use it. \Vo all ilud it. Leon Water veru good mild healthy. J, T. F. AxnnasoN, in alter end Jeweller, 316 Queen Street west, Toronto. A FRESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED. Geo. Good, Agent, St Leon Mineral Water Co'y, St. Lean, Que. Indigestion JS not only a distressing complaint, of itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en- feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best cure for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.: - "Liver complaint and indigestion made my Ole a burden and came near. ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly. had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed me and only Cho most delicate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re. lief. Notting that I took seotned to do an • permanent goo until ) d t nil I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has producedwonderfulresults. Soon after commencing to take tbo Sarsapa. rilla I could see an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to roturn and with it Caine the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength un- proved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given mo a new lease of life." Avors Sarsaparilla, rnsrenan nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price 51; elx bodega, 50. \Vorlh 55 a bottle. Private Funds to Loan, 20,000 Ilavo boon 'placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST, No Commission. Bor'rowe'rs eau nave loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLIAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. J. #LI, I WNINC Wishes to announce to the people of Brussels and Vicin- ity that he has added to his business a stock of READYMADE Boots & Shoes Of Very Super/or Quality and will sell the salvo at Very Close Prices for CASA. Special attention as us- ual to ordered work and Repairing. Give me a call and I will suit you both in GOODS AND PRICES. J O. DOWNING. N. B. -Rips sewed FREE of charge on goods sold by me. THOS[ FLETCHER, 11i'aeti.oal Witt.°lb/ aaker and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wiehing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Rill Lilies in COLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Platers Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs - JEWELRY ! Warns o RINGS, LADIES Gast RINGS, Bnoacuss, EARRINGS, &0. 8. Also a Full Line of Vlottne and Violin Strings, &o., in etnok. N. B. -hearer of Marriage 1lccns's. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. M'COLL BROS. & CO. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CELEBRATED "LARDINE ?" --)SPECIALTIES( Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness. MANUFACTURERS : MoCOLL BOZOS. & CO., TORONTO. 44 -ran For Sale by B. DERRY, Brussels. CONFEDERATION LIFE, - Organized 1871. Reccc2 Office, Toronto Remember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable, FREE FROM ALL BESTRtoTIONS AS TO RESIDENCE, TRAVEL OIt OCCUPATION. Paid.up Policy and Cash Surrender Valle Guaranteed in each Polley. THE NEW ANNUI2'Y ENDOWMENT POLICY A.000111)5 A1i00I,UTE PO0'PECT10N 0051500 nimv SEAT[; ; Pnovinns ON I8000111 IV OLD AGE, AND IS A Goon INVEelstENT, Policies are Non-Iforfeitahle after the Payment of Two full annual Promione. 5.'rofits, which are Unexcelled by e.oy Company doing bueineoe in Canada, are el/mated every five yeti's from the issue el the policy, or et longer periods, as may be selected by the insured. Protite so Allocated are Absolute and nob liable to bo reduced or moaned at any future time under any oiremnsienoos. Participating Policy "folders aro entitled to not lase than 90 per gent, of the profits earned in the elms, and for the past eevell years Savo actually received 05 per vent. of the polite 80 earned, W. O. MAC/DONALD, Aaruenv. J. K. MACDONALD, Momenta DIn0o'rol. '''i. Irl., Ji1.l ,1Cti, .it r.tst, Ur' la*Re 1.1. PAINTINo and PAM iND!NO A Partnership bovine been formed be. tweeu 1{" 'Thompson (Hol E. Orimoldby, ender the Firm nun's, of A'uosuro03 & 11:8 1 nhr they a • now G .1 r.Y to nen t prepared U promptly attend to the waeta of the pnbiie }u HOINE, /S111N AND ORNA:ILENTAL PAINTING. Paper Flanging a Specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Orders left at A, M. McIltty 10 Co's, store, I3russels, will have our prompt attention. Tlli710IPSON & GRIMOLDBY, ALLAN LINE Royal flail Steamship's. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE 1,011111a0TITLY AA 1.0100 8.1031 PORTLAND on HALIFAX, To DERRY of LIVERPOOL. CA818 )lA'rES, 540. 530 and 560, Single; 751(0, 500 and 5110 Return, according to Location cf Stateroom.. INTElRMEDIATE, Outward 530; Prepaid 530 Steerage at Lowest Rates. Accommodations 1'nanrpnsaed. Apply to H. A A. ALLAN, Montreal, oft W. IT. AGENT, BRUSSELS, Shoddy- - Pedlars Are on the Warpath, so aro im- plement agents to entrap the wary farmer into buying inferior plows made at a distance from Brussels, for which you cannot get repairs when needed. Farmers, consult your own in- terests and encourage lion2e man- ufacture by calling at the Brussels Foundry Whole you can get a Superior Article ata Reduced Price, Guar- anteed to give Satisfaction, or 110 Sale. 1'11/11'5, with llcst Pittsburg Cast Slee]. 545,83,., Single and Double. Plow Points of Every Mahe at 40o. each, Gang Pointe 25 Cents. Best Pittsburg Steel Boards luted on any plow nt the Lowest Possible Price. Be erre and cull and examine our stook before bnyiug. Wilson, R. Brussels. STANDARD BANN of CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. CO WAN, President. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. CArITAL, Anraenizoni, 02,000,000 PAID Up, - 1,000,000 REssnvo roan, • - - 400,000 Agencies in all principalpoints in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Stated and L''agleed. Brussels Agency. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' stud other good Notes Discounted at lmweet rates. Drape Issued end Oonee- tlona made on all points. Deposita received and interest allowed at entreat rates, SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De- posits of 51 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, end 0001• pounded hall yearly. Prompt attention and every facility afford - 5d customers living at a distance. G. P. SOHOLIi'IELD, Agent. Brussels, April8Lu, 3810. Why Not Do Your own Thinking? BnpeREr,e, November 801,1880. 3. 111. 2IaLEon, Cotler{ell, DEAlt 8111.-I 81.10uld 11080 written before now to let you know bow I aa+ getting Moue, I ani a lot better than I was; gainingetreugtb every day. /have a good appetite and sleep well. I can talo tbo full quantity of the Syeteln Renovator and it does not sicken me. My limbs ,t.ro all right now ; toile smart in that wily; Swelling all gone. Tho great thirst 1s goal; I drink 110 water et MEM, but I tike a little buttermilk. I I1n) quite straight again, Semi ala another bOttle of your System Renovator. Yours, 40., .7 At, DUn0AN, FOURTEEN M080010 LATER. ilitnesram, February 711,1801, J, 11I.MoLmen, Gndorioh, Masa SIa-('fifteen years what Novem- ber I started to doctor Ilret; 1 Veil treated for dyspepsia, hot they never helped me any. la times 1 suffered greatly from my stomach ; 1 eo,tinned. but I grow worse. I turned dropsical ; limbo and body swelled badly. Youlknow the stone I was in who, C went to find¢I'Ielt-IL mere wreak, wield hardly 4rollt-stn0o9ng from 11 141t'o ttle- 5100. het 000 year ago last fall 1 began your Itomo:atm end Specific Oar'. I began to mend in a few clays ; continued then for three mouths steady, Although C 4080 15111 I could not be cured, if you caw oto 11,w, 11111 er,d hearty.1 ; oateverythingthe t i praise elft a ving to tho way. I e1n alio the ce,, l of saving My life, I was in a hopeless condition when I went to you, in Not no ono thoe,18, would get better, I caot speak too highly of you and of your medicines, for it Vee thein that Mired meWords gamic[ express my thanks to you, l' roely pate my mono to 083000, lours At,, JAMIE; i 238058. 5ot1, ny J. T. I'I,PPEii, F3aurs3n:s. rrRRiki5 oft WRV Cn 01? 1111 TI101;0110 1f 1ion 2 7'8 i t ' 1 , 1 I hl, :UV 1'1_ 011e 51,10w. each, : CO ba r1 b o ty114111W/11M110 00000 5100 encu, all the property of ole parson. A discount of 10 per cont, will be aoudad when paid et tits, time of service. Jarseypews 0 2A.1)l' ADMAN, Druggist, ds, IMPRov11D LA WiIITI': YORK. lld 13 \1t. 1'1,SI10 ucrlerilatguv0d ]rill loam rev earwigs, thea resent season the Improved large white Yorkshire pig 'Heady" on lob 00, eon.6, Morris, to ,'11011 ,e 11011tml mmnber of ROWS will bo talon), 'f01110 5100 t0 be pald at time el soo'1'11e, with the privilege of return- ing if matosiary, t'ndlgrno nuts be sons no- un an pl ioltiou, Itt) 161PP I.; (OHO Ir. IOU Proprietor, HONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -;Lt- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds,, APIl�L7i a,c) J.C,Heffernan, J.A..roung,, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 24(01 Canadian Pacific Rey, Commencing Friday, July Srd THROUGH SLEEFIR FROM TORONTO t ll' J:LANN 0 OLD ORCHARD ON Tlil'1 MAIN COAST. and to all WHITE MOUNTAIN RESORTS EVERY TUESDAY anti FRIDAY Returning, leave Old Orchard livery Aiondny lard Thursday, running Omagh 10 Toronto 110 ring :Saintlier Seamen. For farther particulars apply to any agent of the Company. 1. 3'. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. Cast/ for oo1! The Ilighest Price in Cash or Trade will be paid for any quantity of Good, Clean, Marketable Wool delivered AT S. SMALE'S TAILOR SHOP, Opposite Central Hotel, Brussels. Farmers will find this an A 1 Market in which to dis- pose of their wool, as I will keep A good assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Cottonades, Ducks, Flannels, Socks, Shirts Drawers and small wares, all of which will be sold at the lowest paying prices. A CALL SOLICITED. S. SMALE. BABY CA.REIAGES A Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car- riages have arrived at Ht Dennis', Brussels. Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Sia always in stock and sold itt Close Prices If you wait[ a set of Light or heavy ILt,rness I can supply you. See our Scotch Collard. »itidO1111,s: