HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-3, Page 8Berries and. Cream!
Who is there who oannot enjoy a dish of
Berri ea and Cream, We have no Berries
for sale but we oan supply you with a,
Mee article of
aersey Cream..
During the fruit season we purpose (in
addition to our Jersey Milk Shake) keep-
ing a supply of Jersey Cream which we
can sell by the half-pint, pint or quart.
This Cream is obtained by the Creamery
process and will be kept in a refrigerator
at my Drug aud Book Store so that it
will be sweet and nice.
Do not neglect your Potato vines bat ap-
ply some of our Pure Paris Green which
we guarantee to kill the potato bugs.
Druggist, Bookseller, ote.
Trailla leave Brussel(' Station, North
and South, as follows :
Gorse Sorra. Goma NORTH.
Sammie 11:45 a.m. Mail
Mixed 6:63 am, 'Mixed
11:06 pm ,
0:20 man.
6:66 p.m. Exprese 0:45 5.0.1.
gcrral tti 4tems.
' A chiel's amens ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Bertmus 2 cents each. George
JERSEY cream for sale at G. A.. Dead -
fawn party thin (Friday) evening at J.
T. Pepp&e.
PHASE found. Apply to W. M. Sim
°lair, Brussels.
Miner( Abraham and Miss Taylor have
good home for their vacation.
Onm and see Kelly's celery plants be-
fore you bay. They ere tip-top.
Memnon Presbytery will meet in
'gingham on Tuesday, the 14th inst.
JAB. Moon has out and hauled in his
hay already. This is about the first of
the season.
THE Publie &hoots in town and coun-
try closed on Tuesday, June 300h, for
the summer vacation.
NE= Sabbath Rev. G. F. Salton will
preach his introductory sermons as
pastor of the Methodist church Brussels.
BRUssELS Band and the Bell furniture
Cos. Band, of Wingham, will discourse
music, on Icily 13th at the Orange de.
A vallrexr of Palmer's celebrated fire
works. Icie cream, Confectionary, tem•
perance drinks doo. for sale by Mrs. Kirk,
opposite Queen's hotel, Brussels.
Mna.—Having lately purchased two
fine Jerseys we have plenty of milk and
never having sold buttermilk our custom.
ers are still welcome to it. Jas. Virmson,
A MEETING of ladies who desire to as-
sist the Citizen's Band Committee on
the 13th J aly, in providing dinner at the
skating rink, will please meet at Mrs.
W. F. Stewart's residence on Friday
afternoon at 3:30 p. m.
Wz understand that Rev. Mr. Edgar
has declined the eall extended to him by
Knox clouroh coiogregation in this plane.
Permission will likely be asked at the
next meeting of Maitland Presbytery to
moderate in another call.
ScHoon Teachers who intend attending
the National Educational Association
Convention in Toronto, July 14013 tol.7th,
must score certificates from their in.
specter that they are bona fide teachers,
in order to have the advantage of the re-
duced rates.
No matter what may be the ills you
bear frono indigestion, a, dose of dyer's
Cathartic) Pills will ease you without
question. Just try them ono and be
assured ; they have much worse dyspep-
tics cured. You'll find them nioe and
amply worth the price.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms reasonable. Residence
(mond door north of the bridge, west
side of Tarnberry et,, Brussels. 4341
Tan friends of the Misses Dimsdale,
the evangelists, who were well known in
Western Ontario, will be interested to
hear of their marriage, on Tuesday of
last week, at their home in Belle Ewart.
Rev. jamas R. Aikenhead, Methodist
minister at Port Carling, led to the altar
Miss L. H. Dimsdale, and Rev. Mr.
Jamieson, of Rat Portage, was married
to her sister. The first named couple
were married by Rev. Dr. Griffin, of
Galt, and the last mentioned by Rev.
Dr. Savage, of Bond Head.
GAMES AND DINNER.—At a meeting held
at H. Dennis' reeidence on Thursday it
was decided by theLadies' Citizens Band
Committee to bold, in the Brussels
skating rink, on Monday, the 13th of
July, a firstalass dinner, to acoommo.
date the large number of Orangemen and
others who will be here. Lemonade and
other refreshments may be obtained.
The rink will be brilliantly lighted up
by electric) light during the day. The
same Committee is arranging a short
Series of games for the forenoon of the
day, open only to Orangemen,
Post Sevin&
Schools closed On Toodtty.
Nearly eight weeks holidays in town,
Harrah for the 12013 !
Haying has oommenced.
TE's Posy till January '92 for 60o,
Strawberries are ripe.
Garden tee& is doing fine.
Oreen peas will soon he in.
Sugar is down.
"No surrender."
Flax pulling will soon be her.
W. Itoddlok him( bought out W. Smith.
"Uncle Tom'g CAM" wag here on
COUnOil meeting next Monday evening.
11. Danford ia patting a cellar under f
hie frtune loom).
Tall Oaks from
ittle Acorns ow.
When you lay thispaper down please place it with our Advertisement on top, you see we always expect to be at
the top and trust you will render us this slight favor.
About the Ready-made Clothing we -advertised for this Month it is selling quickly and it pleases our Customers.
We have a few Summer Suits, Coats and Vests left.
If you want anything in that Line Call and Get our prices; We bought them at 65c. on the dollar and will clear
them for regular Wholesale Prices.
A. R. S1VIIT.1-1.
In about two months we will move back to oar old stand and you may expect bargains in all lines of Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furhishings, &c„ for the next two months as we want our stock as low as possible. I
thank my many customers who have dealt and stuck by me during the last twelve years in business and also the many
new Patrons who have dealt with me since I was burned out.
THE musical trill of the nimble.
tongued mosquito now enlivens the warm
SOMEBODY borrowed Neil Milloy's
epirit level. He asks them to kindly re-
turn it at 01108.
REV. MR. Bracx preached in Knox
church last Sunday and will also offici-
ate next Sabbath.
A BIG crowd is expected in Brussels to
the celebration of the Battle of the
Boyne, July 13013.
Mrs. grocer: sr. had the misfortune
to fall last Monday evening and break
one of her arms.
S. B. Moines, of Wingham, a former
well known resident, was in "rose's for
a few days this week.
POCKET book found. Owner may have
it by paying for this notice after proving
property. PoST Publishing House,
400. Japan tea for 279o. ; 35c. hyson
for 240. ; 40c. hyson for 29c4; 350 Japan
tea for 26o. ; 20c, tea for 10e. Geo.
LAWN party at J. T. Pepper's on Fri-
day evening of this week. Band, straw-
berries, ice oream, cake, cto. Everybody
should go.
P. Scow, A. Koenig, C. Zilliax and
wife, R. Williams. J. Ferguson, S.
Beattie and others attended the races at
Listowel thiS week.
MAJO/1 Maxmonen, Dungannon, will
perform the duties of marshall at the
Orange celebration in Brussels on July
13013, in Brussels.
WE are in receipt of a lengthy letter
from Indian Head, N. W. T., from B.
Gerry. We will take some items from
it for THE Pon next week.
REDtroED RATES.—For the next three
weeks we offer millinery at greatly re.
doed prices.—Large quantity of flowers,
eto. Call and see. Miss Hoare.
EIGHT colonies of Italian bees for sale
at a bargain, as I have not time to at-
tend to them. Also a good working
horse, 4 years old. D. num, Brussels.
Menvnan church Sunday school pic-
nicked at D. Stewart's grove on Tuesday
of this week. The Methodist school go
to the Hargan grove on Friday afternoon
of next week.
ONE hundred and twenty protons went
frono Brussels to Guelph on the North
Perth Farmers' Institute excursion last
Saturday. It was not half advertieed in
this locality or there would have been
three times that many.
"Excuse me, George, but when I saw
you a year ago, your face was covered
with pimpled ; it seems to be all right
now." "Yes, air ; that's because I skulk
to Ayer's Sareaparilla, the greatest blood
medicine in the world. I was never so
well in my life as I am now.
W. H. Moo has resigned the leader-
ship of the Brussels Methodist choir,
after an experience of eleven years. Dr.
Cavanagh has been appointed to the
position. He is well qualified to die -
charge the onerous duties devolving upon
Two very large congregations assemb-
led in the Methodist ohureh last Sunday
to hear Rev. S. Sellery's closing sermons
in connection with his pastorate in Brus•
gels. The two diaaourses were well
worthy of the olose attention they receiv-
ed. Mr. Sellery is an excellent preaoher
and in his two years has very ably sus-
tained his reputation as a logical, thought-
ful, earnest expounder of the Gospel.
We are glad he is to be stationed so near
by and we hope to often have the pleas-
ure of seeing him in Brussels. The beat
wishee of the congregation go with him-
self and family to Winghomo.
RASE Barm.—The junior base ball club
of Brussels played a game of base ball ab
the Sunshine pic-nie laet Friday and
won quite handily in seven innings by a
score of 25 to 19. The following is the
extended wore 1-
lt 0 610
0, arewar 4 1 W. AlliSton 3 3
1, Grower 4 1 n. MaCruoi ..... .,..4 1
C. Shaw 4 1 1. Clegg 1 5
W. Farrow.........8 2 A, Halliday 2
P.DownIng 1 4 T. Armstrong 0
TWalker 2 4 A Ruasell 3 1
A, Booker 1 4 D. Russell 0 1
S. Harneay 4 0 D. Allison 0 5
a, Duman 2 2 10, Rusaell 1 1
Taal 36 21 Total 10 21
H. J. Morden, of 13ruosele, umpired the
Ton, Kitty, Johnston, Brown,
Holman and Donato°, members of Ex.
unitive Committee of West Huron
Teacherc,' desolation, met in the Olin.
ton Model School, with Messrs. Robb,
Plummer, hfuegrove, Stott, Lough, Ble.ek
and Shearer, and Misses Cowan and
Hillier membero of the Executive Com-
mittee of Emit Huron Teaohers' Anemia.
too, to arrange for it union meeting of
the AmmoiatiOns, Clinton was selected as
the place of mooting end Sept. 10013 and
lIth na the time. Messrs. Tom, Robb,
Park, Lough, Strong, Clarkson, Baird,
Elam ,It Musgrove, Shearer and Holman,
and Miss Bueritt are to prepare enbjects
Or the meeting, and an entertainment is
o be giVen on the evening of the 10th.
THE Autumn Assize court will be held
at Godericla, before Justice Falconbridge,
oommenoing on the 7013 of September.
The Autumn Chancery Court will be
held on the 5613 of Ootober, before Jus.
Hoe Meredith.
Geo. THOMSON has purchased a dandy
top buggy from D. Ewan. It is seldom
a better finished rig leaves a carriage
shop. Mr. Thomson takes great pride in
his road gear and will use nothing bun
the best. This rig completes Mr. Ewan's
baker's dozen sold this season whiolo is a
good record indeed.
Ensomorc Ormeacno,—The annual
meeting of the Methodist Sabbath sohool
in this place was held last Friday even-
ing, Rev. S. Sellery in the chair. The
reports of the Secretary, Treasurer and
Librarian showed tbe school to be in a,
healthy oonditioa having closed, perhaps,
one of the beet years in its history. The
following °More were elected :—W. H.
Kerr, Superintendent; Dr. Cavanagh,
Assistant Superintendent; 3.3. Ball and
W. R. Mooney, Seoretaries ; Miss Bessie
Moore and Alton Anderson, Librarians;
H. 3. Morden, Treasurer ; Bliss Tillie
Knechtel, Organist. Teachers—Rev. C.
A. Salton, Rev. It. Paul, Thos. Farrow,
J. T. Pepper, Geo. Rogers, Dr.
Cavanagh, T. Fletcher, J. T. Cook, W.
Roddick, E. W. 'Belson, B. Gerry, W. T.
Mooney, Mrs, Gilpin,Mies Minnie Moore,
Miss Maggie McNaughton, Mies Holmes,
Mrs. J, L. Kerr, Miss Bawtinhimer, Mrs.
Dobson and Miss F. E. Kerr. There is
one class to supply yet. The largest at.
tandem' any one Sunday during the
year was 227 and the largest oollection
was KU. The anniversary sermons
will be preached on the first Sabbath in
Perseismamme.-00 the evening of June
260h a very pleasant company assembled
at the residence of R. Parker, Durham,
and presented Rev. W. E. Kerr with a
handsome upholstered easy chair, and
Miss Kerr with a plush album, as a
slight token of the esteem in which they
ace held. The following address was
read by Miss L. Lindsay, and the pre-
sentations made by Miss M. Banks :—
To Rev. Mr. Kerr.
Dean FRIEND.—We, tho members of
the Methodist churah, desire to express
our regret at your removal. During
g -
ed the respeot and love of your fellow -
workers by your faithful preaching of
the Truth and your Christian earnest -
nen. We feel assured the cause of God
has been advanoed through His blaming
upon your ministry. It is with great
pleasure we look over our past intercourse
and see theharmony that existed between
us, and we trust wherever you may be
called to work for God that His blessing
may rest upon your labors as it has done
with us, Our prayers and sympathies
also go with Miss Kerr, who has so effi-
ciently taken part with you in the vine-
yard of the Lord. We trot she will be
abundantly blessed wherever she may
be. We desire you both to aocieptnf
these small tokens of onr appreciation of
your faithful services.
Mr. Kerr replied expressing his grati•
Mode for this expresaion of their kindly
feelings towards himself and sister.
They left for Thamesford this week.
People We Know.
Mrs. Peller, of Preston, is visiting her
Miss Mitchell, of London, in visiting
in town.
T. Watson, of Harriston, was in town
this week.
Miss Kyle, of Wingliam, was in town
this week.
Dr. McKelvey was in the Queen city
last Saturday.
Miss Driver, of Orangeville, is visiting
friends in town.
Leokie and wife, of Toronto, were
in town this week.
1, L. Ming, of Helena, Montana, is pay-
ing Brussel(' a vielt
Geo. Good and wife, of Seaforth, were
in Brussels this week.
Mrs. Cavanagh, of Elmira,' is visiting
her son, Dr. Cavan ash.
3D, Stewart is home the ButiilleSS
College in Owen Sound.
Walter Itiohardson is home from hie
trip morose the Atlantic.
Hi Be Emma, Walker is home from
Eurioh for her holidays.
Mrs. Sims, of Port Huron, is visiting
her old looms in 13russele.
Miss Croos. of Palmerston, is visiting
her sister, Mrs, A. Bruce,
Mrs. George Hogarth ie away On a
vieit to Mende in Michigan.
Mrd. Ino, EMMA has ono to Preston to
see her sister who ie quite ill.
Mrs. Allan, of Winnipeg, Man., was
visiting at S. Smale'e this week,
Geo. Rogers represented. the C., 0. F.
at Harriaton, on Dominion Day,
Division Court Clerk Hunter and wife
woe holidaying in Toeonto thie wok,
Miss Lame, of Middlerniele, le Visiting
her Meter. Mrs. D. A. Senate, this Week.
Mies Clara Creighton was home fro m
Chesley, for a brief visit on Wednesday.
Editor Felton, of the Atwood Bee, took
in the sighte and sounds on Dominion
Mr. and Mrs. Hearn and daughter, of
Stratford were yisiting in Brussels this
Miss A. Crocker and M. Ineptly, of
Blyth, were visiting Mimi Hoare last
The Misses Brien and Miss Campbell,
of Seaforth, were visiting this week at
P. Scott's.
Mrs. W. E. Bateman and children, of
Algoma, are visiting friends M Bmesele
and locality.
Geo. Russell, wife and daughter, of
'gingham, wore visiting at B. Gerry's
this week.
Miss Bradwell and Miss Nellie Brad.
wellwere visiting in Brussels for a few
days this week.
Dr. Holmea, County Treasurer, wan
shaking hands with his many friends
here on 'Wednesday.
S. W. Laird and wife, of Belmore,
were among the visitors to the celebra-
tion on Wednesday.
Mrs. Kirklamd and Mrs, Chadwick, of
Teeswater, were in town Dominion Day
calling on old friends.
Advid Shiel has gone to tlie Northwest
with a surveying party. He will be
away for a few months.
Mrs. T. McCullough, of Detroit, is
visiting her parents in Brussels. She is
a daughter of John Wynn.
Mrs. Robt. Burns tripped on the car-
pet last Sunday morning and was quite
badly shaken up by the fall.
Mise Pelton, Mies Marsden and Miss
Clara Meadows, of gingham, were holi-
daying in town on Wednesday.
Bliss Rachel Alexander, formerly of
Brussels, and Mr. Hutchinson, of To-
ronto, were here on Doznin'on Day.
H. J. Morden, teller of the Standard
Bank here, is away for hie vacation.
He has gone to his home at Pioton.
Mrs. Sills and daughter and Mrs. Mo-
Guire and eons, of Winghana, were th e
guests of Mra. Geo. Rogers this week.
Rev. G. F. Salton and family arrived
in Brussels on Thursday afternoon of
this week. THE Poem weleomes them to
our town.
We are pleased to hear that W. H
Mose, formerly of this place, has taken a
good position with the Freehold Loan in
Savings Co.
Walter Lowery had rather a peculiar
experience on day last week. He came
down the rope used in hoisting material
to the upper story of the new American
Hotel and his descent was so rapid
that his hands were badly burned by the
rope and had to be bandaged for several
The professional sculling race at Bur-
lington Beach Saturda y between Denny
Donohue, of Hamilton, and J. F. Corbet,
of Chicago, resulted in a genuine sur-
prise as the favorite Ambitious City
oarsman was defeated in the easiest pos.
Bible manner. The Windy City man
dipped hie oars first, soon had a lead over
a length, retained it to the turn, where
he gained three more lengths'loat one by
bad steering, and thus won by 39 lengths
in 21 minutes and 10 swamis. .A. orowd
waited round the Beach all afternoon
which numbered fully 9000 when the
Boilers pulled ever the course. They
were principally from Hamilton, and
generally were of that order who smoked
bad cigars, wore slouch hats and took
their best girls down to see the struggle.
Beer flowed freely, and it must have
been a good Toronto brand, as there were
very few drunks around the Ocean
House, The articles permitted the re
fermi to start the race any time between
3 and 6:30 p. m., but as the official boat
was not available until the last named
time the people were compelled to wait.
The course was in the bay. being 8 milea
including the turn. The stetting and
finishing point was off the swing bridge
pier and WaS flagged at the half miles.
The turning buoys were anchored due
south of the starting point. Corbet
rowed in all Il -in. Davey (Boston) Moder
shell, ethic% rode high in the water.
Donohue's was a deeper draught and
was one of Warin's cedars.
AltnealiOnei,—At Leavenwore, Kansas,
Jane on 27th, tlie wife o Mr. Salem
Armotrong of a son,
Swam—In Ethel, on june 23r3, the
wife of Mr, T. I?. Simpson, mer.
chant, of a daughter,
Listowel 061
June 22nd, Mr, Jaeola 2.enntEnt, of
Elme, townehip, to Mre, Annie
day, of Winghano.
HotmowAr —Si/tam—At St. Paulo Epis-
copal oburch, Louisville, Ky., on
June 17th, Bettie, daughter of folr, J.
Smith, late of Louth, Lincolnshire,
England, to Mr. Francis Holloway,
Of the General Delivery P. 0., ftir-
merly of `gingham.
Comumws—Cmpyon.—In Goderich, at the
residence of the bride's father, by the
Rev. Father West, Mr. E. 0. Cole-
man, of Seaforth, to Miss Elizabeth
B., fourth daughter of Mr. R. 13.
Chilton, U. S. Consul, Goderich.
3:7a -M70.
MANN.—In Elma, on June 20113, daughter
of Thoe. Mann, aged 16 years, 5
months and 20 daye.
-- •
-• • _
Fall Wheat 1 00 1 02
Spring Wheat 95 1 00
Barley 45 48
Peas 63 65
Oats ... 47 48
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 12 13
Eggs per dozen 11 00
Flour per barrel 5 00 5 50
Potatoes 50 60
Hay per ton 10 00 00
Pork .. ... 500 550
Hides per lb 4 00
Salt per bbl., retail.-- 1 25 00
Sheep skins, each 60
Lamb skins each 40
Wool, per lb 18
Funds. Apply to GEORGE HINOSTON,
Joliet, Illinois, or to
41.00 THOS. KELLY, Brussels,
on Fenn Security at Low rate of In-
terest. Apply at Tem Poem Publishing House,
Brussels, 45 H. A.
1 undersigned will reoeive tenders up to
July Etth for repairing the school house of
Section No. 0, Morris, Parties desiring in-
formation about the work to be done may
call on Q, Anderson or W. Cochrane, lird line
blorris. Tbe lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted. Contraet to be completed
by August 1568,
B russels P. 0. 60-211 See.-Treaa.
Lot 14, Con. 13 Grey; 100 acres ; first-
class buildings. A. rare bargain to a cash
Purchaser. Title perfect. Apply at once to
W. 01.51130114.110, Solicitor, Brussels. 30-
_K2 DDRSIONTO has several good Farms f or
sale and to mat, easy terms, in Townshipa
ot Morris and Grey. F. 5.' SCOTT, Brussels.
Being South half Lot 27, con. 0, Morris,
100 seine, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
fine young. bearing orchard. Immediate pos-
seesion. Buy Terms. Apply to
tf- Solioitor, Brussela.
The subscriber offers her house and
lot, corner of James and streets,
Brussels. There iS a oomforiable hou.e,
JULY 3, 1891
P,nt fa'
PU RE 1!
ENGLISH 1.1 ,f1.„ "4
0 .74 qr1 .110
AT (.5
8-1 r2
moiNTosa & MoTAGGART.
BANKERS, • inussnLs,
Transact 0. alemaoral. 3a 0.m.1eing
Canadian owl Milted States Drafts bought
and sold,
fa tercet allowed on Deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents —14110noriANT's BARR OA'
New York Aceuts—IAMOnTana AND TRAD
A M. TAYLOR, 13. (3. L.,
..CA..• Barrister, Solicitor, cee„ 8 Adelaide
Street Etat, Torouto. Money to Loan.
Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collo°.
Mous made. oto.co—Vanetone's Stook, Brim -
Bele. 21-801
• Solicitor, Conve yen° or, No boxy Pub -
lie, Jo. Office—Graham s 131ook, 1 dam. nortb
of Pepper% Drag Store. Private Funds to
(Late with Garrow & Prontlfoot, Gods -
rich ,) Barratiers, Solicitors, Conveyancers
800, Offieee—Erussels and Seafortli Br
eels Office—Up-stairs over 13anic, Wotley
to Loan.
R. S. HAYS. NV, 0,01055021
.13'1.. Teacher of Organ and Piano.
40-tf Priuocias street, Brussels.
• Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, Turnborry street. Bruasele.
• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south 01 4.. N. McKay dc Co's hardware store.
Ladies' mud childreus hair cutting a specialty
• Issurer of Marriage Lion sea, by
apPointment of Lieut,-Govervor, Commis-
sioner, dm., Q. B. Conveyancer and Ageut
Fire /nsuranoe Go. Office at the Oranbrook
Post Office.
..CA. Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron, Conveyaneer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan end Insuranoe Agent. Fueds
invested and to loan. Collectione made.
Office In Graham.' filook,Bruasols.
Miss Merles, of Wingham, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting, lerms
maybe ascertained at Mies Nellie Roes' store
where wimples of work may bo seen. Miss
Morias would also take o few more pupils in
• Organist in St. JOhn'a Church, Bras -
sole, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 06 .0..
W. Thayer, Mus. DOce New York, will glim
lessons to pupils either at Thos. Kelly's,
Turnberry at., or if preferred, at their owu
home, Terms moderate. 40-
Late of the Conservatory of Music ,
Toronto, is prepared to, give lessons at
Ethel and Cranbrook. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and
of Mr. S. Et, Clark in vocal musia, Ohm at
Cranbrook every Tuesday. For terms, &a.,
IIPP1V at the Methodist Personege, Ethel,
good gable, sploudid well, (4o. on the pre-
miles, novo of land. For further particu-
lars me to price, terms, atm apply to
krkt8. WM. MoCI1LLOUGH, Brussels. G. L. Ball, L, D. S. Nitres Oxide Gas ad-
ministered ter the Painless Extraotioa of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street Bast, TORONTO,
3B MIMS .1, M. "XI
1. deraigned offers his valuable 100 acre
farm, being Lot 12, Con, 9, Grey, for asks.
There are 85 acres under crop, balance
timbered. There is a good orehard, wells,
30, on the premises, besides log house, bank
barn, am. Will be Lola on reasonable terma.
For_prioe and full partioulara apply to WM.
HABEIRK, Brussels P. 0., or JOHN BEATTIE,
Seaforth, Ont. 87-001
V volt tiAnn.—Being west 9 1106 11, Con,
Grey, 21 miles trorn Gruseels. The land is
good slay loam, well drained, mostly all
cleared and iu good order. One acre of or-
chard in good repair. There is 8 never fail-
ing spring on the premises and an extra well
at the buildings. The buildings are comfort-
able. Would take suitable property in no
near Brussels as part pay. For further par-
tioldare apply on the premises to
211100. 680511E5013,
or address BruSeele P. 0. 8811
1. DR2FHONED OlTers for sale the north
east (manor of lot 28, conceseion 0, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 60 acres. The
laud is of first clualIty and In a hi gh state of
eultivation. well kneed and =ler-drained,
s,5 mires cleared, NeW ram e house, 00000,8,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and ehed, orchard , ate, Bight
aerea of fall wheat. This detirable property
adjeins the corporation of Brussels, Suit-
able torn, will be given • Titleporfect,
Bo. Seaford( P. 0.
• Holier Graduate ef the Outarie
oterinery College. 10 prepared to treat 011
150140511 of dernestionted animals in 15 core -
potent manner, Partionler attention paid
te vetorinar,v dentistry. Cells hromptly at-
tended tb, Offiee and fuilkinary-,Two doere
berth of bridge, TUrnberry at. Brtleselin
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D/
Graduate of the Itoyal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto OM-
versity. (Melon—Over Pepper's Drug Store,
• Auctioneer, is ahvaya ready to at-
tend Bohm of farres:farm stook, ,to, Terme
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at Tun POST Peblielling
HMG, Brussels.
Liceesed Auotioneer. Sales eolith:NA
oil on reasonable terms, Farms and farm
stock a specialty, Orderil lei 6. SA THR PosW
rubli sangEouse,Brussols, or seat° Walton
P. 0,, will receive prompt attention,
an as alt Auetioneer, I am prepared
tO eonclact saleS of farm Welt Itt reaeohable
prim. Knowing the standing of nearly
every Mime I arn In a pesition to Mill to
good marks mid got good security When sold
on credit, Satiefaction gintrauteed. Give
me a eall. 82- F 8.800100.
-cum. F. CALE, M, D., 0.51,,
V V Member of the College of Playmate's,
and Surgeons of Ontarie by examination,
Chloe and Residence — Main etroot Eaot,
• 0.M.,0. 15( 11' Edinburgh, M. O. l'
8.000. At Pepper'S Drug Store from 9 to
11:00 a, to, and from We to 40. no, At other
houte ratty be found at hie reeldonee, ferint-
Orly etempled by Dr. H utohinson, Mill It