HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-7-3, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST
New Advertisements.
Local - D. l'rain.
Local- Thos. Kelly.
Ladd-111de }Were.
Exenreiotos (;,, P. R.
Locale -1,r. J. C. Ayer.
Found W. M. Slueldr.
Itheurnatiern tee J. (.. Ayer-
Preet Pubeeeing House.
Boots de Shoce --400. Siwotttii.
Sick Medd:be—Dr. J. C. Ayer.
Jereey Cream A. Deadrecath
(./.7.13e trusscts ljtzt,
FRIDA Y. JULY 3, 1891.
Tag Geeernment having
cempliei with the reqeireumete of SEW
rotary Resk'e erler, tropeAng a 15 daya
qaareatiee em se: elesep and swine en-
tering tide .mentry feetn Ceriada by it.
eel( edeblielling a inglar guarani.
tine on ell eimep and 4Wil40 imported into
the Derninier. f rem Great Britain or the
eootinent ef el,crepe, the Seeretary has
revoWl bier orler as atteeting Cenwitt
eheep tend ewine nte.y therefore be im-
ported hits, the Ceited lemees from Can -
}4 -»5 only to the regular limpet:Hoe
of our veterittery ofileere and e, watt
licate from the !proper quarentine offieere
itt Ounteda in the eate of imported
emintale eliewing them co have been
duly quarantitnel.
Is the annual report of the Om ,rie
Bee -keepers' Aesociation there are grati-
fying notes of progress, The member.
ship during the year has gone up by leaps
and bounds—an increase of 100 per cent.
being recorded.
We are glad to note that bee•oulture
in Onterio le meking satiefactory pro-
gress and le gradually taking its rightful
place among the productive iedustries of
the province. lt le a branch of agrioul-
tere wbioh ehettla be encouraged, Year
by year the solenee and art of apiculture
is receiving more attention on the part of
farmer% That it is profiteble is seen in
the feet that the entmal product of honey
in Ontario now falls but little short of it
half million pounds, which at the low !
average prloe of 10 cents per lb. repre-
sent', $50,000. And when it is remem-
bered that We product 111 1144, like other
agricultural prelim:to, wrested as it were
from the 'emcee capitel -front his land
to leave it impoverished•—e. produot
which, if not secured by the apiariet,
would be practically led, the importance
of the itelentry front an economic stand-
point will be =leaded. This win be all
the more readily admitted when it is also
remembered that honey is the most
wholesome and palatable owed produced
in the whole laboratory of nature. It ie
not merely a luxury. Physiologioally 15
ie 8, staple article of food and proestioally
it is becomieg so,
Tile Anglielln C11111'01 -
The annum] meeting of the Synoe of
Huron recently held in London, and TUE
Pose gleams from the lengbby reports in
the Lotidon pawn some extraots that
will be of intermit to hundreds of its
readore of the Anglican church :
It was reported that 00 congregations
oub of about 400 had not paid their as-
sessments, and the lay delegates f rom
those places were not therefore entitled
to saute in the Synod ; also that dole.
gates were elected at another time t111111
the law prosoribed.
Bishop 130-Idwin in his charge referred
feelingly to the dement of Slav, Wm.
Davis, rector of Woodhouse, and Rev.
Jelin llemley of SiMoon,
The total receipts for the year ending
April 80, 1890 wore $10,078.83, whereas
the total for the tarne ditto, 1801 W8t8
$18,005,07, being an Mathew of 81,007,-
14. The free-will eontributors wore 5315,-
287, an Mercian of $154 over lest year.
Tho midden tunas were largely over.
drawn. The receipto were 018,207.29,
including $974 eurphis from last year.
The biehop had pad out 817,312.75 or
44,815.44 53 excess of the reocipte.
The Indian minion work was dealt
with 145 1141)5511, The Indian population
of the Diocese of Huron wee 7,441, of
whom 5,870 wore Proteetante, 308 Roman
Catholioe, and 158 pagans or religion un.
known. Of 7,258 Indians in the Diocese
of Algoma, 1,054 were Protestants, 0,043
Roman Chetholies, and 158 pagans or 1)0 -
The bishop touched on the Bahama for
tho oonoolidation of the Church of Eng.
land in British North Amerioa, adopted
for eubmiesion to the varione dioceses
by a conferenee ref delegatee held in
Winnipeg led summer. Stated briefiy,
it provideft for it Genarml Synod coneiet-
ing of the biehop's of the church ut Oen.
11214 8.1111 Newfoundland, end of delegates
chomen from the oiergy and laity. It le
proposed that the first eynod mod in To.
rod° of the isecond Wednesday in Sop.
tomber, 18013.
Seventy -moon branohee of the women's
&turnery existed itt oonneetion with the
parent body. The tad reeeipto, in-
cluding balitnee of 8600 from the poet
yeer, wore $2,451.
Forty-four oonfirtnabion sem/Wm bad
been held tiering the yoer and 1100 Melee
and 541 Inmelee rowiteol the rite.
The revert of the Sul -tatty Sehool oom.
mittee thawed that, throughout the dia.
ewe there were 480 nude told 1,285 to-
mcats limbers ; 7,706 male and 10,006 fe.
nude pupile, and 401 011114815. The sum
o 08,280,60 littri boon oollooted (or Sun.
day ;cahoot perposon, $768.33 for pariell,
and 81,035 20 for odd& perishes end
minions, There Wag alt inorottee of 051
mile, told 512 tottehere over hot year,
and tt hareem of 19 °Moore. Middlesex
headed the list of !mieeionary mbeorip.
Mons with $482. The Prayee book dieted
be wed 8.0 molt as pomible in order to
fernitierize the minds of tho lentils with
ito oontente, Jeopee Golden, of Kingn.
vino, wee the veteran Sunday eali001
Worket of the (Howe, littVing been over
60 stare oodinuounty l thee ec1hool as
pupil end together. The largest milted
Wag that of Oiled church, Obethem, 11
Private Funds to Loan, FAINTINg 0,11i pA
Ott k411 48 a /Adele bed the lergeet ligng.atel melting plowees, and new
be , • Th • $2 0 0 0 0
: An amendment %WIN 018A8 o 01841/48 2 of ifi Om addition to manufactoriee and the
ICullen 2e, which provides that the gyred w14t4,r vwks, tlm latter reerdring Cettle-
i Alan put to tbe credit of alit witiOW'M dian gag to the extent of $50,000 It year
orphante fund the 8001 Of 510 for every trent the previucial oonepaey.
dergymee, is, the dieceee. to be eeneider• liy all odds the largeet plenk ever ship -
reed on the gremt 16543 wad ei.e -tent thie
week to Detroit on board the deo-trier 1'.
J. Ralph. It wee oE red wood, 18 feet
wide, 13 fed long and 5 inehee thiek. It
wee on its way from Califoriche to D.
omit, where It will be polished for Ste
1Vorkre Fair. Two men am-romp:inter' it
a on the long trip. The plauk is only half
the thicknees of the tree slowing the
middle of the heart, del was out 40 feet
frotn the ground. It wee hewed not
Hewed. The ateerner gete 550 freight un
• the plank.
rei ae part of the Wloorau of seed feed,
I The amendment eueetituted 61 for 610.
Coreetelian INewe:.
Witelor merceente arit now selling 17
puidtt of. leer for.1.110
Au What es beilfg (114,18 trl 0`stadittlb
voIniiteer (1010ptoy tt Wiarton,
Adam Drown. ex M. l'., bat; been up
poietret Pm:tweeter of Hamilton.
. obarlitth Blank, of Hamilton, was kill
! 44 on the railroad teack et Highgate Fri
Ur", Deemer, of lot 4, et10. 7, 11 len
helm, found a turtle's nest lad week con
' taming 57 eggs.
Paul Peel, of London, Ont., who le a
present in Pada Franco, has jud mold a
picture there for e.7004.
The CI, P. R. Co. are erecting a new
r fauna dation et Hyde Perk. It will be
neat end attractive
W. It. Meredith, Q. C., M. P. P., and
family eterted for Femme Friday and
I will probably be abeent till September,
A. lad named Edward Armecrong
kielcrel in the head by 0, horse at Munn-
' ton MI Thureeley and severely injured.
Thos. le ott. of Woodetoek, 14 to the
front again the; year with the first new
potatoes. They aro the Early Jim,
. A number of Dutch gailore belonging
to the SS. Batavie, now at Itfontreal,
mutinied, and 10 of them were jailed by
, Modred police,
, T. E. 'nightie, jeweller, of Woodetook,
is the possessor of a black equirrel and
six little ones, the Idler bort) in cap-
tivity, a rare event.
Manager A. '1'. Smith, of the telephone
exchange at Kingston, has invented rit
telephone by whieh commanication can
be had with (liven werking under water.
Chicago dearth:it says; Chns. Riee,
a. ;as Rogers, a weallhy drti55giot llv16g in
Orangeville, Ont., was arrested here
charged with on -niggling opium from
Cenada. The arrest was merle aa Rioe
wee elieut 59 enter /lip Lung'e Ohineee
The old Mende and neighbors of Hon.
D. McLean, Provincial Secretary of
Manitoba, who is now visiting his old
home in Dunwich townthip, coonty of
Elgin, entertained him to a, grand ban -
vet at Dutton Wedneeday evening of
laet week
Lest Saturday night the hardware
gore °con/tied by E. Kilmer, of Durham,
was entered by burglars. The elfe was
blown open and its contents ransacked.
They seenred 61 1» cash, a revolver and
conple of diamonds valited mt $20. The
lose is altogether about $125.
On Tuesday evening, Jamoo, the 10.
year.old 8011 of George Stewart, con,
[coven, Kincardine Township, while on
his way horna from school climbed a tree
on the romiside to get D. few gads for his
sehoolmatee. He fell down and injured
himself MO severely that he bad to be
carried (10,112 14114 in six hours the poor
boy was dead.
A marvellous estethe from a stroke of
lighbning is reported from the 7111 oon. of
Whitby township. Mise lelaw was at-
tending to her housellohl chtifee when the
storm °erne along and was in tho aet of
fastening the kitchen door when a bril•
tient flash end peel of thunaer came and
buret open both doors, The electricity
Beized 1421511)04 which M188 Maw held in
her hand, mud snatched the bowl off one
end of the handle arid the ring from the
other. The bare handle wee left in the
young lady's band.
The City of Windsor on her last trip
brought down from Goderich to Sarnia
three sailors of the schooner Morning
Star, who were all in a bad shape. They
got fighting among themedvee, all being
drutik, and dubs and knives were fteely
used. Of tho three brought down one
had his hoed out in a number of placee,
another had three ribs broken, while the
third had a big hole in his Bide aucl wae
otherwise usecl np. They wete left at
Sarnia to go to the hospital.
Alex. Fraser, of Huron Township, was
dangerously injured last Tuesday. He
was in a well while hie father and brother
Thome 44010 1311(055 the crib at bhe sur-
face. One of the logs did not fit right,
and Thomas etrilung it with an axe
failed to put in piece, and in striking
harder the axe flew of the handle striking
Mex. on the head, the edge of the axe
oubting out part of the skull, and strange
to my, without tithing him off his fed.
Althongh confined for some days to the
hone% no serious apprehension is enter-
Edward Iranian and Wm. O'Connor,
who aro training on the bay at Toronto
to row e. double•soull raw with :John
BkitItY, of Nova Scotia, and Joke Gan -
deur, for $5,000 and the aouble-sonll
championship, towed a remarkable trial
over a three-mile course last Friday.
The admirers of the two champions are
°entitled that they will win union Gau-
aanr and McKay row fast enough to beat
the reoord. It to expected O'Connor and
Gaudaur will be metohed to row for
$2,500 a side ana the eingle•soull chain.
pionship of Americo,.
I50TIISC111111.11'.4 MAXIMS.
Baron Rethechild lutd the following
t tenxims framed and hung, up in his bank.
Alex. Coateworth, a, farmer living mar
Highgate, Elgin Oo., hoe been made
doh by the discovery, deep down in the
soil he owne, of the skeleton of a masto-
don, floater/oriel lute been offered 10,000
for the 'madmen, bet 50 holding it for it
raise in the quotations. Were the 0115110
el ownoe of the olucleton alive end in the
5100010010» of its !monition, the late la-
mented Jumbo would appear like ,opretty email elephant in comparison.
Competitions, however, do invidious',
especially act between voile's both dead.
Experts pronounce Coateworth's made.
don, or whatever may be proper, to be
the largest ever found entire on the
Amorionn contineet, The farmer will
probably form a stook company to have
Ilia bones put together Shay were in
life and exhibit Seem throughoet the
world. The skeleton 0104401(400 from
none to tail—elthough, of course, neither
»0140 nor tall aro extent -90 feet, The
height to the top of the Shoulder is 14
fed. T)10 thigh bone le 1 feat 7 ladies
long and 13 tad 5 inches in eireumferenee.
The twice ate upwarele of 7 feel in length
and entved clownWarde as if it were the
habit of the animal fo dig for Re food,
on the oroot hog or d(e" m11)01010- The
Winder Opening whore the spinal cord'
reposed when the made/Ion wee in good
Iteelth is inolien in diateeter. le, is
°dilated that the animal when alive
Intlet have Weighed 15 tone.
A l'artnerehip hevieg beett formed be. ,
II feVe 1 (Ali lacer' it m I 11 tween Ti14d
1011111 1 el 11. Crinioldby, =
for lel Veetled lit 011 reel Ceititte. Giociefenry, they 11141145(14Ppttirni 59
LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. 'Ir:ril°12r111Yi attend to the wahti of the
1 ) )1111 8 , „
miner tne r lent mune of 'J'ilostn'ig
No Commission,
13011roteer8 111540 1011.1lie 00111,
pletell iu TIltoe 1/11,3'8 if title
Paper Hanging a Specialty.
IV. M. SINCLAIR, Orders lof at 'McKay& (10.0.
store, Bruseele, will have our prompt
So/ieifor, Bruggelg,, attention.
W -a
ishes to nnounce to the
Attend carefuLy to the detaile d your people of' Brussels and Vicio-
it)'that he luts added to his
Be, prompt in all thinge,
business a steel,: of PORTLAND or; HALIFAX,
Boots & Shoes
Of Very Superior Quality
and will sell the same at Very
CIOSO Prices for CASH.
Coneidee well, then decide poeitivelv.
Dere to de right. Fear to do wrong.
Endure tri ds patiently.
Fight Wee Wale bravely, manfeily.
Go not into tne seciety of the vieions.
Hold integrity earned.
Reline not another's reputation or busi.
Join handl; only with the virtuous.
Keep your mind from evil thotighte,
Lie not for any coneideration.
Make few acqueintemeee.
Never try to appear what yrin are not.
Oberve good mothers.
Pay your debts promptly.
question not the veracity of a friend.
}tweet the counsel of your parents.
Sacrifice money rather than principle.
Touch not, testa not, handle not, in-
toxicating drinke.
Use your leioure time for improve.
Venture not upon the threshold of
WrIlt1,1 eeref ally over your passions.
Extend to every one a kindly salutation.
Yield not to diecouragement.
Zealously labour for the right.
And success is yours.
Rev. D. Forrest returned from King.
ston on Wednesday 0( 1011 week.
Mr. Adams'of Goaerich, was visiting
at Mr. Forreet's last weelc.
Jonathan Moore has the foundation of
his house finished,
Will Edgar and wife Sunamyed in
Mies Flora, MoDoeald and John have
returned for their holidays.
A large number from here attended the
oelebration in Brussels and Blyth on the
Jarnes Smith who has been attenaing
158 13110111010 College, at Owen Sound, for
the past term, hns returned to the parent-
al roof,
The infant child of Josiah Hewitt died
last Sunday morning. The remaine
were interred in the cemetery at Brussels
on Monday.
A very pleasant time was spent at St,
John's church pio•nio, held last Wednes-
day in 'Meadow -la's grove.
Miss 13. Janson, who has been visiting
at the manse, hae returned to her home
near Toronto.
Our popular lady teacher, Miss Kelly,
was unable to attend to her sohool duties
last week owing to illness, T. A. looked
like a widower during her absentee.
Our village hat lost two more of its
young people. Rev. A. and. Miss B, Me-
Kibbon left ale week for Bethel. Mr.
McKibbon it theme, ie not going to foil.
ow the oudom of young ordained minis-
ters in taking unto himself a wife—ab
present. We wish them all success in
tbeir new field of labor.
An Aesociation of Patrons of 'Industry
war; organized at Leadbury on Thursday
evening of last week, to be called "Pride
of illeKillop,e Johnston Emmy, Prod -
dent ; Wm. Maetevin, Sec. -Trans, ;
Kate McNamara, Minerva ; Ellen Mo.
Gavin,Demeter •, Ed. McNamera,Guide ;
Wm. Scott, Sentinel,
Royal Mail Steamships,
PORTN1011ThY 0)11411448 411155
JULY 3, 1801
rilElItM8 6F:1.17E0F, OF MY
511011(1D(111.13152D 3114i41(X If
01141 ; ,1
eowo, Intel.. nil >lie property 05 fillti
plintont A tilli0011/15 of in pAr cont. will I,
t101180t0.1 W1It'0 raid 0151111 1,1111u al service,
Jersey Corm 32.40 oaoh extra,
(;. DBADMAN; Drugglot,
-rMvIto v ED ,f, A HOE WHITE YORK.
SlilitE 130Alt.
The undersigned ',ill keep fA. oorvieo Ude
7 1(sout, weaxoo. Jgrgo white
orkahlro rig "Ready" cm lot 20, COLL 5,
Morris, to which 11 limited umnber of SOWN
win be taken, Terms 81.011 10 be paid at
51111e of service, with the privilege of return-
ing it 0001ttittar,V.. Pedieren way he seen UV.
nPVIOnatiOnt 1i0111141' hi CROL,
1554 Proprietor,
Money to re011el on
CABIN RATES, Ste, and 800, Single ;
$80, SOO nnd 511110 Return, according
110 1,0inition of Stateroom,
INTERAIBPIA TM, Outward SSA; Prepaid eee
steerage at LOWIttil Ruler.
A.VC0111111011:11[10118 1.081IPPOSSItd.
Apply 10 ct A. ALLAN, Montreal,
on W. IX. IC Eat
Special attention as us-
ualShoddy to ordered work
and Repairing.
Give tne a call and I will suit
you both in
N. 13.—Rips dewed FRTeE of charge on
goods sold by me.
BRING due to the presence of -uric
Li acid in the blood, 28 most effectually
cured by the we of Ayer's Sarsapa-
rilla. Be sure you get Ayer's and no
other, and take 55 5111 the poisonous
add is thoroughly expelled from the
system. We challenge attention to this
testimony 5—
"About two years ago, after suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout, being able to walk only with great
discomfort, and having tried various
remedies, including mingral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise-
ment 10 0. Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com-
plaint, after long suffering, by taking
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I then decided to
snake a trial of this medicine, and took
it regularly for eight months, and am
pleased to state that ft ha.s effected a
complete cure. I have since bad no re-
turn of the disease."—Mrs. R. Irylug
Dodge, 110 West 125411 et., New York.
"One year ago I was taken ill with
inflammatory rheumatism, being con-
fined to my howe six months. I came
out of the sicknese very much debili-
tated, with no appetite, and my system
disordered in every way. I oommencea
wing Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to
improve at once, gaining in strength
e.nd soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot say too much in praise of this
well-known med(nine."—Mrs. L. A.
Stark Nashua, 18, H.
yer's Sersapariiia,
Dr..t. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Pricttelj six betties, $0. Worth 441114 bottle.
MeStealIN010113•191.0211111* 4111110ei000•1111111.1i0
Are still pleasing the public with Oils, Why use an Oil that will
injure your machinery, when you can get the
Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka,
, Spindle, 13oltcutting, Solar, Harness.
44.611, For Sale toy B. GERRY, Brussels.
Organized 1871.
Bead Office, Toronto
Remember after Three Year Polides are Incontestable.
44151514 FROM ALL ansratemoNs AS TO R)5OMPEROD, sauvftx. au OCCUPATION
Paid.up Policy end Cub Surreteder Wee Guaranteed in eaoh Policy,
AVVOlinti AutiMAITS PlicrritenoN AOAINfre l'IMMA' MAYO ; Pao:mug AN INOotill
Policia(' aro Non -Forfeitable after the Payment Of Two full annual Premiums.
Profits, whiell ere DIM/teethed by ally Company doing busirless in Candle, ore
allocated every five, yore from the 188110 of the palmy, or et, louger periods, cte 111447bo geleoted by the Insured.
Profits SO Allooded aro Abeolde end not limble to bo reduced or raddled at
uny futon time under any oirmunstanoce.
Patticipittieg Policy Holders oho entitled to not loos than 00 per cod, of the
prefito earned in the aide, and fot the pest moven yeato Wye 1441>114117 received 95
pot (tont, of the profits 00 earned.
W. C. MACDONALD, AOTUAnt, 3. It, M/10DotsTALD, Metteatee DttntoTon.
'W. II, IKElatts AggoltAt, Britt:eget*,
- Pedlars
Are on the Warpath, so are im-
plement agents to entrap the
wary farmer into buying inferior
plows made at a distance from
Brussels, for which you cannot
get repairs when needed.
Farmers, consult your own in-
terests and encourage home man-
ufacture by calling at the
Brussels Foundry
Where you can get ri Superior
Article at a Reduced Price, Guar-
anteed to give Satisfaction, or
no sale.
plows, with ltest Pittsburg, Cost Steel
Boards, Single 11111 Double.
Plow Points of Every Make at 40e. each.
Gang Points 25 Cents,
Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on
any plow at the Lowest Possible Price.
Be sure a,nci call and examine our
stook before buying,
W. R. Wilson, Brussels.
W. COWAN, Preeideut.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
0495041), ATJT1101112ED, - $2,000,000
PAM - 1,000,000
IIEBEIWE FUND, - • - 460,000
Agenciee hi an principal points in Ontario,
Quebec, Manitoba, 'United States
and Hngland.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted
at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Collett-
tious 1130)10 00 all points. Deposits reoeived
and interest allowed at entrant rates.
/dared Allowed on Savings Bank De-
posits of 81 and upwards from date of
deposit lo date of withdrawal, 11.11(1 com-
pounded halt yearly.
Prompt attention and every facility afford-
ed customers fiving at a distance.
Brussel% Aprilgth, 1801.
Why Not Do Your Own Thinkini?
13540e01>ns, November 8112,1889.
4.81. Manton, Goderioh,
DnAn 8M -10001d have written before
now to lot you know bow I am getting along,
X am a lot better then 1441405 gainiegstrongth
every atty. X bare a good appetite and Sloop
well. X oan talto the fun quantity of the
System Renovator and it does not siokon
me, My limbs are all right now quite
on,artI 611aWAY; welling all gone, The
groat thiret is gone ; 0 drink no water at
night, but I lake a little buttermilk. I am
quite straight again, Send rat; another
bottle 04 70114 Systein Renovator,
Y0111C8,..t0., 301 DIIROANt
IfettlliTD111N MO:MIA LATER,
Batusseret, February eth,1801-
J. 11, Manton, Godevioh,
open Sre,—Isifteen years ago last Novoln-
bor I started to doctor firet ; 5 watt treated
tor dyspopeia, but ehey never helped 010
any. At times 0 auffored greatly from my
stouiaoh 1 I 0m/tint:8d, hut I grow 100480.
I t11/110(idT008108/ 110.1b8 and body evened
Molly. You Itnow bho stet° 5 wits 1t when
I evert to Goderfele—a mere wrath, eould
hardly walk—sufforiug from Bright's dia.
ealie. Just Ono year ago test fell / began
your Renovator and epode° Oure, I began
to 0111118 111 it 8034 (4170 ; oontinned then for
throe months Steady. Although 1 wao told
1 could not be cured, If you BIM 1110 now,
well aud hearty; 0204 0484451)11141 that comes
in the way. I owe you the peals° of saving
m y life. 1 was ie bopologe condi Mott when
wont to von, in !net 110 000 tbOUght
would get better. I cannot speak too higely
of you aud of yew medicines, for it was
them that cured mo, Worth ateneot 51504000
My thanks 107011, 441,04313,14480 my name to
1451780513) 100 0110.J, T. rifiPPES, 1341tieseLS.
Private and Company Funds.
J.C.Hufferlittn, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Age n t.
Ethel P.O., Ont.
Canadian Paoito
Commencing Friday, July 3rd
and to all
Returning, leave Old Oreherd Every
Monday and Thersdey, running through
to Toronto dnring Summer Season.
For further particulars apply to ally
agent of the Company.
Agent, 130100eI0.
Tor Wlllli1
The Highest Price in Cash
or Trade will be paid for any
quantity of Good, Clean,
Marketable Wool delivered
Opposite Central Hotel,
" Brussels.
Farmers will find this an
A 1 Market in which to dis-
pose of their wool, as I will
keep it good assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Cottonades,
Ducks, Flannels, Socks, Shirts
Drawers and small wales, all
of which will be sold at the
lowest paying prices.
A Tip -t9 Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
II. Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
purchase elsewhere,
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
Ste always in stock and ;sold
at Close Prices.
If you want it sot of Light
or Heavy Harness I can
supply you.
See our Scotch Collars,