HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-26, Page 88
aststanotwomur _
Many Potatoes no doubt re.
• main small from planting the
"seed end" of the potato. Many
more from using inferior Seetl.
. These, however, are not the only
causes of small potatoes. The
well known Potato Bug is respon-
sible for many also. Those who
have once used
Pure Paris G0011
such as We sell know IlOW valu-
able it is as a slayer of
As heretofore we have been careful to se-
cure a fine artiole which we guaranthe
give satisfaction. We will be pleased to
:supply you.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Tall Oaks from Little Acorn
When you lay this paper down please Oftee it with our Advertisement on top, you see we always expect to be at
the top and trust you will render us this slight favor.
About the Ready-made Clothing we advertised for this Month it is selling quickly and it pleases our Cus o
We have a few Summer Suits, Coats and Vests left.
If you want anything in that Line Call and Get our prices. We bought them at 05e. on the dollar and will clear
them for regular Wholesale Prices.
Iabout two months we will move back to our old stand and you may expect bargains in all lines of Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, &c„ for the next two months as we want our stock as low as possible.
thank my many cnstomers who have dealt and stuck by me during the last twelve years in business and also the many
n ew Patrons who have dealt with me since I was burned out.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Goma Soma. COMO NORTH.
Express 11:48 a.m. Mail
cees a.m. I Mixed 0:20 a
8:06 p.m.
Mixed 6:55 p.m. Express 8:45 Pan.
caIlizius kerns.
A chiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Senewesnnms are here.
BANANAS 2 cents each. George
JERSEY cream for sale at G. A. Dead -
SERVICE in the R. C. church tot Sun-
day morning.
Ray, Ms. Senw,ute preached in Enos
church last Sabbath.
BE sure and see Cromwell on the high
rope by electric light.
75 CENTS, in advance, secures THE POST
for the balance of 1891.
ARCHES have been erected this week for
the celebrations on July lot and lath,
Bunecn's Unole Tom's Cabin Co. will
exhibit under canvass on market semen
July 2nd.
GEO. HOWE has erected a new picket
fence in front of his residence on Oeth.
arine street.
MAITLAND rink will be illuminated by
electric light on the eveniug of Dominion
Day for the Band concert.
DON'T fail to see Florence Ookerman as
Topsy, and the old reliable Williams as
Marks on Thursday, July 2nd.
Ceara Bios. got in a oar of binding
twine on Wednesday of this week and
are now ready for the farmers.
400. Japan tea, for 27ec. 85c. hyson
for 24o. ; 40o. hyson for 29o.; SSo Japan
tea for 26o. ; 20o. tea for 10c. Gso.
PROP. Cnoetwzmee rope and tackle have
arrived at the depot anci the Professor
will be here on Monday to erect the nec-
essary poles, 1c.„
DONT forget the cheap excursion to the
Model Farm, Guelph, on Satnrday.
Only 80 oents from Brussels. Train
leaves at 6:58 a. m.
NEES Sabbath will close the pastorate
of Rev. S. Sellery in Bruseels. Hie euo-
oessor, Rev. G. E. Salton, will be here
for the following Sunday.
OUR Homes Publishing Company, of
Brookville, has assigned, as has also H.
Rowland of the Ingersoll Tribune, and
the sheriff ie in possession of the WI:erten
TUN electric lights at the junction of
Turnberry and Mill streets and Turn.
berry and Hawke streets have bon hung
midway in the street and the area lighted
consequently increased,
CoHE to Brussels on Dominion Day.
The Trades' procession, athletic sports,
tight rope walker Cromwell, Contortion-
ist Fulton, concert, 220 gold piece, &o.
will make a rousing program.
HARRY ST. LEON, the advance agent of
Burtch's Uncle Tom's Cabin show, was
in town on Wednesday. He's a bustler
tend a sort of travelling compendium of
knowledge. He went through the war
of the north and south.
How'well we remember grandmother's
attic, so fragrant with medicinal roots
and herbs Poor old soul, how precious
they seemed to her 1 And yet, one bottle
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla would do more
good than her whole oolleotion of
EAST Huron License Commissioners
met at Queen's Hotel, in Brussels, last
Tuesday. The business transacted was
the transfer of several hotel licenses in
the riding and the passing of a motion
to transfer the bank account from the
Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, to the
Standard Bank, Brussels,
Wims-Dxectnie AND Drarnece—George
flirt has all the necessary maohinery for
digging and drillin wells and is preps.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaceion.
Walla cleaned out and put in proper
ehape. Terms reasonable. Residenee
second door north of the bridge west
Gm Os the news and we will give you
a spicy paper.
BURTCH has new and beautiful scenery,
elevated stage, unrivalled oast.
A COME of runaways (treated a ruffle
of excitement on Tuesday. and Wednes-
GRAND street parade in afternoon, open
air oonoert at 0:30 by Burtch electric
A. NEW fence hes been put up at Silas
Jaolison's residence. 51 18 a decided int.
Hon preached in St. John's
churoh last Sabbath evening in a most
!temptable manner.
Bunny( don't come to yonr city on the
1st of July to interfere with your low
affairs but visits yon on the 2n5.
SATURDAY and Sunday's showera have
done a wonderful amount of good in
helping vegetation in this locality.
A WEDDINO party wee in town on Wed
neaday. The principals were Ur. Neebel
and Miss Berry, both of Grey township_
A. COCK.= has disposed of his silver
plated trombone to a member of the Bell
Band, Winglietn. 11 18 a good Metre -
Lss. Wednesday 90 James Knechtel
was taking a horse to pasture he reoeived
a seveee kiok in the face from the animal.
He Imo laid up for several days.
EBOO fishing is quite the nege. The
croakers are caught by hook and line, the
bait being a piece of red flannel. The
hems are said to be a choice delicacy.
Mms.—Having lately purchased two
fine Jerseys we have plenty of milk and
never having sold buttermilk our custom-
ers are still weloome to it. JAS. Wear.
Lost.—Br000h loot in Bruseels on
Wednesday evening. go/d, Pet, fan shape,
with a bangle attached. Any one find -
ng it, will kindly leave at THE Posr Pub-
ishing House.
THE junior base ball team of Brussels
will play a game at Belgrave on Friday
f this week. They desire to arrange
matches with outside olubs. H. W.
Farrow is Secretary.
B. LEATHERDALE has placed 8, dandy,
pright Earn piano in the apartments of
he manager and teller of the Standard
ank here. Intending purchasers should
es the Earn pianos before placing their
TED G. T. R. authorities are determin-
d to put a stop to the loafing round the
epot of an evening and during Sunday
nd in future legal proceedings will be
aken against any persons found tree -
easing on their premises.
Two new members were initiated into
he Royal Templars of Temperanoe last
uesday. An interesting program yeas
resented for the "good of the order."
ext meeting will be installation of
fficers. Some of the members oould at-
nii with more regularity it is thought.
Cerium obanges have been made in
e regulations of the sollool holidays,
hich add a week to ihe total vacation.
°hoots will oleo on Tuesday, June Nth,
d open on the last Monday in August,
towne and incorporated villages, and
the oonntry they open one week earlier.
A.NT of our 8011800111008 oan tell their
per is paid he advance or not, as well
we can in this office, by looking at the
bel upon the first page. If you find
cm paper is not marked '92 be good
ough to remit at once. Dear reader,
you are in arrears, we want to bear
0(01 500 at onoe.
THE quarterly statement of magisterial
ses issued by the Clerk of the POMO to
no 9th, shows 49 coo tried, of which
deride oontributes 7, Seaforth 10,
inton 9, Wingbam and Bronchi 4 each
d Blyth 5. Six coo were for violation
the liquor license aot, 13 for vagrancy
d the remainder various offences of a
miler weight.
A. Homo wisbes to state that in act-
ion to his regular dining room at the
erioan Hotel he will remove the par -
ion in the oommeroial sem& rOOMS
(1 throw it all into one mammoth din-
e or t Orange oelebration
y 18111. He will have plenty of ao.
mmodetion for the public and will be
ased to eater to their wants, This
teulenb is toad° to carved a false re-
sent oat as to want ot room.
Hon o5001)1111108 have their meninges
01 perfected for Dominion Day sports
I31 emote, In the morning a grand
des' procession which nearly every
iness will be represented. Thie will
followed by water tests with Fire Erie
tai, water fight between hosemen, boo
, foot bell and Laorosse, Prof. Groin -
I, the noted high rope weaker, will
form some ot hie wonderful feats,
eeling man aoross the rope in a
eelbarrow, &c. Contortionist Fulton
be present and take pare in the pro.
tn. Foot and bicycle races. A. 220
piece is offered aa epeotators' prize,
ry entranoe ticket to park or concert
g eatitled to a ohance. Grand con.
In Maitland rink at night. Single
tie eta- Big tuneexpeoted. Every.
y should eamo a.es enjOy the Inn at
her Burteh's show you will not bear or
witness anything that will offend the
most fastidious.
ST. jOHN'Ol Sunday school pic.nic was
held in the Bergen grove on Thursday
afternoon of this tveek.
CATHARINE atreet has been opened up
between Elizabeth cud Alexander streets.
It is quite an improvement.
A valuable cooker spaniel belonging to
D. M. Fergueon, Stratford, was poisoned
at noon Tuesday. It was one of the
most valuable dogs in the atty.
A 'amen of Palmer's celebrated !fire
works. Ice cream, Confectionary, tem-
perance drinks &o. for sale by Mrs. Kirk,
opposite Queen's hotel, Brussels.
1 A BEAUTIFUL Easter lily has been ex.
hibited in the store window of A. Stretch -
an. The buds of the flowers now bloom.
ing measured si inches in length.
Einetesee examination to the High
- School will oommenoe at Brussels on
Thursday of next week, July 2n4.
Quite a number of candidates will write.
Jose huge and llies are now 091 111
force at night and millions lose their
lives in the electrio lights. The annual
plague is now on and will last for several
Ox Sunday, July 121h, the Orangemen
of this locality will attend service at St.
John's church when the incumbent, Rea.
W. T. Cluff, will preach a suitable 518.
000008 to them.
SEVERAL complaints have been made of
the rough handling the bus team has re-
ceived lately on account of one of the
horses being inclined to baulk. There
will be trouble if 10 11 repeated.
On last Saturday Queen Victoria
closed the 54th year of her reign, Only
two British sovereigne have exceeded her
age, viz., George II., who lived for 77
years, and George III., who attained 82
Le week Robt. Henderson moved the
large water tank to the rear of the wool-
len mill. The mill engiue will pump the
water from the river into the tank and
from that it will be utilized for street
watering purposes.
Thuraday night of last week burglars
broke into the freight shed at the G. T,
R. station and stole a quantity of dry
goods consigned to Mr. Neal, of Walton,
also a, box of biscuits for Mr. Smith, of
Walton. A sharp look out is being kept
for the thieves.
G. T. R.—Tickets at first-class single
fare on July let, good to return on July
2nd. Tielrete at one firat•olass fare and
a third June 30 and july lot, retnrn on
July 6th. These fares include all points
reached by the G. T. R. system. T,
Fletcher, town ticket agent.
Ton ahoe store of J110. Downing has
reoeived a thorough renovating in the
shape of papering, painting, &o. Mr.
Downing intends putting in a stook of
ready made boot e and shoes and will
boom the manufaotnre as hard ae ever.
He's a first.class shoemaker and is work-
ing up a large and rapidly inoreaeing
LAWN SOOLM—A lawn social, under
the auspices of the Y. 0. P. .2.. of the
Methodist church, will be hold on the
commodious grounds at a. T. Popper's
residence, mill street, on Friday evening
of next week, July 8rd. The well known
Bruesels Band has been engaged. ite-
freehments suoh as ice cream, strew^
berries, cake, etc. will be provided. The
publio cordially welcomed. Keep the
date pasted in your hat.
Y. P. C. A.—The Young Peoples'
Chrietian Association in conneetion with
the Methodist church of this place held
eir semannual 81052101) of officers last
Monday evening, the President in the
chair. She following was the result :—
Hon. President, Rev. G. V. Salton ;
President, George Rogers ; lot Vice.
President,Mies Minnie Moore ; 205 Vioe-
Preeiclunle Nelson Gerry ; Secretary -
Treasurer, Mies F. E. Kerr ; Executive
Committee, W. T. Mooney, G. A, Hood,
Dr, Cavanagh. a. 5. Bell, Mrs. Dobson
and MIBS Bessie Moore ; Look -out (Som.
mittee, Miss Holmes, Miss Kendall, W.
Roddiok and W. E. Kerr. H. P, Moore,
of Acton, was preeent and briefly ad-
dressed the meeting. He advised the
Association to bectome E'pworth
Leaglie, A new program Will be pre -
paled for the coming ail months.
L. 0. L.—On Monday, Jnly 18111, the
901st anniversary of Orangeiorn will be
celebrated in Wessels in a right loyal
manner, In addition to the large MUT].
bee of Orangemen expected there will be
ab least font' lodges of Lady Teue Blue's
in 08.8819511 19 the procession. Several
Brass Bands will be in attendance. Ad-
dressee are expected from Rev. W.
Smyth, of Harriston ; Rev.
Hughes, of Wingharn ; Rev. W. T. aloft,
ot Brussels ; A. HA Musgrove, of Wing.
ham, and others. Speoitel exoursion
trains will be run both east and *esti at
low rates. A geeat big crowd is expect.
ea. Everybody ehould tneke 16 e point
10 a preOent. County Maater Clegg, of
orrie, Wifi peed& at the platform meet-
ing whieh Will be held on Vectoria Park.
ti t
01 50 o Turnberry at., Brussels. 48.11 ;
Azar person Who wishes to take the ee
trip &arose the high rope in the wheel. ,ele
barrow will plose apply to the secretary, ilia
Several have already signified their in- 00b
tention of doing so but all cannot be ao- ' D
oommodated, therefore first come lint bra
served. Prof. Cromwell stipuletee thet me
the candidate for the honor shall nob ia
weigh over 150 lbs.
A Mamma. correspondent writes — Mis
John McDonald, a yo eg lad about 13 be
yeaes of age, was ought titealing money gin
from the gash drawer in W. Willie' ball
shoe store on Monday. On Saban/ay web
Mr. Willis ruined four dollarg and as per
McDonald had been seen hanging about wh 8.
the shop snspicion rested OD hitn, On wh
Windily he mine beak and during the win
temporary abeenote of Mr. Willis helped gra
himself to another dollar', but Iffr. Siegel gold
'who wee waking in the rear thop, caught 00
hint and tOok tho mere, from him The bein
conetable pnt the young Meal in the ort
lookup and kept him there until Tuestley
afternoon when he lot hint Off, Mr.
Wskli deolining 50 peneeditter
W. II. MCCRACKEN, grocer,
was the successful bidder for the refresh-
ment booths on the park and in the rink
on Dominion Day.
Oun thanks are due to II. Cowan, Sec-
retary of the Paisley Caledonian Society,
for a complimeneary badge inviting ye
editor to their games on Dominion Day.
You 08.11 never know till you try, how
quiokly a dose of Ayer's Pills will cure
your sick headache. Your stomach and
bowels need cleansing, and these Pills
will accomplish it more effectually and
comfortably than any other medicine you
can find.
Tins week the painters are improving
the front of the Leckie blook occupied
by McIntosh & MoTaggart's bank, and
G. A. Deadman's drug store. This was
rendered doubly neceesary after the
blistering done by the fire across the
street last fall.
Nor Sabbath afternoon an open ses-
sion will be held in connection with the
Methodist Sabbath school, An address
will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Sellery and
readings will be given !by Miss Minnie
Moore and Miss May Turnbull. Music
by the Sunday school ohoir and school.
All are weloome.
ACCIDENT. --Last Sunday J031108
Stretton jr, after throwing blown some
hay from the loft jumped down to the
barn floor. A broken board flew up and
the end of it struck him in the chest
cavir in ona or two of his ribs. It was
a very painful eccident and Jimmie will
feel the effects of it for some time tO
Lsottente.—least Monday evening R ev.
5.12. Simpson, the popular Presbyterian
divine, of Bructefield, delivered a very
interesting and instructive Icahn° in
Enos ohureli,Brussels, under 6he auspioes
of the W. F. M. S., on the subject "The
heathen of America." In his introduca
tion the lecturer showed the impossi-
bility of heathens living in a Christian
land. Hie first division dealt with the
Eskimo, speaking of their homes, habits
and customs, religion, miesionary work
being done and the necessity of a great
effort being made to bring them tinder
the poveer of the gospel. There are 40,
000 Eskimo's in North America and as
they are the connecting link between the
American and Asiatic continents their
evangelization means the diffusion of the
Light of the world to a great many.
Simpson took up the pagan Indiana as a
elass and gave many interesting facts
concerning them, particularly as to their
religious belief and the error people fafi
into concerning their faith in tile
"medicine man." The rev. gentleman
occupied about an hour with his addreas.
Rev. Wm. Stewart, M. A„ presided and
expressed the thanks of the audience to
the leoturer, Floral deoorations of a
beautiful tharader were neatly arranged
ab the pulpit. The meeting will do good.
The Queen has ordered that bearing
reins be removed from all her horses.
Every month the great white spaces on
the map of the upper Congo become
smaller. The large affluents of the upper
river are now known hi almost the enbire
extent of their navigable omens, exoept
perhaps one or tsvo tributaries of the
right bank of the Congo, between Stanley
Falls and Nyangwe. Van Gels and Le
Marinel have completed the exploration
of the upper part of the Mobingi. It is
expected that Van Kerokhoven will soon
supply a map of the country between the
Wolle Makua and the Aruwimi. The
region drained by numerous little rivers
HIGNDIDISON—BEL,L.--AS Tavistook, on the
17111 inst., by the Rev. Mr. Pike, Mr.
Ames Henderson, son of Mr. Adam
Henderson, of Bluevale road, to Miss
Minnie Bell, of East Zorra.
Henfryn, on Sunday, 146h
inst., Herbed Collins, aged 18 years
and 9 months.
- —
=MT-708=MS 24.A.M2CEEITS,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Ou ts
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel.. ......
Hay per ton
Hides per lb
Salt per NA., retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins eao1
Wool, per 11).
100 102
95 100
45 48
63 68
47 48
3.2 le
10 00
500 550
50 00
10 00 12 00
500 620
4 00
125 00
CO 75
40 50
18 19
Venda. Apply to CEOIME NINOsToN,
Joliet, Illinois, or to
4141 TEM. REDLY, Brussels,
on Farm Security at Low rate ot
serest. Apply at Tun PomPublishing Bookie,
Brussels, 40 E. A.
ondereigned will reeelve tenders up to
July Sth for repairing tho school house or
Section No, 31, Morris, Parties desiring 10 -
urination about the work to be done may
call on Q, Anderson or W. Cochrane, 3rd line
Morris. The lowest 08 8.55 tender not neces •
eerily emerged, Contract to be completed
by August idth,
tombs P. 0, 60.24 Sec.-Treas,
1‘.1 Lot /4, Con. 12, Grey; 100 acres ; tint -
class building& A rare bargain to a wish
purohnser. Title perfect. Apply nt, °nee to
W. M. SIN CLAM, Bolleitor, Brussels, 89-
DE.naIoNED has several good Farms Stn.
sale and to rent, easy term, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. 18.9, SOOTT,Brussels.
‘,..) Being South half Lot 27, e0n. 0, Morris,
me acres, nearly all ()leered. Good buildings,
fine young bearing orchard. Immediate 508-
seesion, Easy Terms, Apply to
11- Solicitor, &e., Bruseeie.
The subsoriber offers her henna and
lot, oorner of Tames and streets,
Brussels, Thero is 0 comfortable bouse,
good stable, splendid well, ..to. on tbe pro-
misee, # acre of land. Por further platten-
lare as to price, terns, 660apply to
MRS, WM McOULLOUGEl, Brussels.
rng UN -
designed offers his valuable 100 acre
farm, beiLot 12, Con, 0, Grey, for sale.
There aro 86 acmes under atop, balance
timbered, There is a good orchard, wells,
,te. on tlie promisee, beanies log house, bank
anal is still little known tleirl; eilie4 wall? itiliouni rens° n alVevihili:
but Lieut. Ithanis hae been oharged witl A
E—Ballt,n13 nimbi TP.(0,,ag YollinsiesArrn,
the work of exploring this region of many Seaforth, Ont, 87-8no
waters. in the oentral part 6f the Congo
State there remain only two blank spaces
of muoh importance. These unknown
regions are, thst, the country met of
Lake Leopold II, where the Lukenge, the
Chops, and the Baringa take their rise;
and, secondly, the region east of the Con-
go, between Seanley Falls and Nyangwe,
tee far nortle as the Cougo.Nile water
parting. There now remains in tbe Con -
E0 basin only one important hydrogra,
phie question to be eolved. That ques.
Non relates to the formation of the Con-
go itself ; and it is ortain that the now
expeditione now in the 5.315 under Del
commune and hltairs will soon tell us
whether, as the Arabs represent, the
Congo really iseuos from the mysterione
Lake Landji, which 15 said to be formed
by a junction of the river that may be
called the head etreame of the Congo.
3:30ME,INI .
KNEOHTEI,,—In Britseele, on Stine 18th,
the wife of Mr. Wne. Kneolitel Jr, of
a son.
Bennie—In Remote, on June 206h, the
wife of nat. George Bolter of a
OLuretten.—In Elmo, on the 18th ineto
the wife of Mr. Win, Clelend of a
CumiTan,LIn Mrniodo Oil Monday, June
15111, the wife Of Mr. Geo. Currie, of
is daughter.
V von bAnn.—Belng west I 5.52 11, 008. 0,
Grey, 58111180 from Brussels. The land 10
good clay loam, well drained, mostly all
cleared and In good order. One acre of 00.
011510,1 in good repair. There is a never fail-
ing spring on the premises and an extra well
at the buildings. The buildings am comfort-
able, Would take euitable property in or
nearBrussein as 15801 595. Per rurtlia Per.
Maulers apply on the premises to
Or addroSs Breese/sr. 0, 8811
! Dionsxmon offers for sale the north
east guartorof lob 28, ooncession 6, niorrlai
County of Huron ,centitiniu 31330 aortal, The
land fent drat quality anti in a high state of
ettltivation, Well fenced and uutler.drainecl,
118 aetee e feared, New frame bowie, 8 rooms,
mint house with concrete walla, 2 wells,
good barns ind shod, orchard, eta, Eight
90000 01 fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Bruesels. Suit.
able Mum will be given . Title perfect,
130- &Worth. 1', 0,
ir 1), WARWICK,
. Honor Graduate of the Ontaeio
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
dieeekes of domostleated animals In c cm.
potent DORDEST, Parhoulat attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calla promptly at-
tended to, mu, and infiratary--Two actin
north of brklge, TUrnberry st4 Hrusaals.
JUNE 26, 1891
AT 1)
r..1 5.
Wzoa.s..ne.ct5. G-eat.exo.1 Eas,s-Aaang
Canadian and 'United States Drafts bought
and sol(1,
Intermit allowed on Deposits,
°anent -ions made on favOralde term.
Canadian .Agente —Atianen0xv's BANK OS
ERS NAl05Nez13Atik.
• Barrister, Solicitor, dm., 01 Adelaide
street East, Toronto. &Lew* to Loan.
t• Solicitor and Conveyancer. donee-
t—lous—nuttle. Oillee—Vanstone's Block, Brae -
:n -8m*
W. EtogLN,atT'oer, NetaryPub-
Office—Graham s Sleek, 1 de,,,, nonli
of Popper's Drug Store, Private Funds to
Mate with Garrow &Proucifoot, Bode.
rich,) Barrniers, Solicitors, Conveyancere,
Ogices—brosseis and Scaforth, Brus-
sels utliee—Op-Stairs over Bank. Money
00 Loaoo.
15. 5.86880. w. 8. 00010505
,reacher of Organ ana Piano.
4041 Princess street, Brusseit,
at his c;rcell:rilk'UfriitgDgi:tigite413%sifilliaae
elefe • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Be:et door
south 01 4. ?J. McKay& Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and chihlrens hair cutting a elmoialtY
1.1. • Luntrer Of Marriage Licen see, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, COnlreiti-
!donor, Am., (5.11, COnveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Oftioe at the Cranbrook
Post Ofiloe.
Olork of the Fourth Division Court,
Co, Enron, Conveyancer, Notary Piddle,
Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Puede
invested and to loan. Collections made.
°ince in Grahann'S Block, Brussels,
Miss Merles, of W100h059, le prepared
to give instruction in oil paintieg. Urine
may be uSoortailiod at Miss Nellie Rosie store
where samples of work may be seen, Miss
Merles would also take a few more pttplloto
• Organist in St..lollies Church, Drub-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teatthing, of A.
W. Thayer, hies, Doe., New York, will giro
lessons to pupils eitber at Thos. Eelly s,
Turnberry et, or if preferred, at their own
homes, Terms moderate, 40-
MI7.,e,Ste8oHt the oRLo°u0CIer314tory of Music.
Toronto, hi prepared to give lessons at
Ethel and Cralthrook. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Alr. Harrison on the platio, and
of Mr, S. B. Clark In vooal Class at
Cranbrook every Tuesday. For terms, dzo.,
apply at the Methodist Parsonage ,Dthel,
G. 11.01511, L. 11.8. Nitres Oxide Gas ad-
ministered for the Ptinloss Extraction Of
Teeth, 74 Gerrard Street Bast, TORONTO.
31)U.LN "VIPS w
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto UM-
veAsitY. OFKOB.—OVer Peupev's Drug Store,
.43.• Auetioneer, ts always reedy to at-
tend sales of farina, farm Stook, ,fm, Terms
cheoritilly given. oranbrook 180. Sales
may be arranged at Tun POST Publislnag
House, Brussels,
N...0 Licensed Atiotioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable tonna Norma and farm
stook a specialty, Orden left at To POST
P ubil shingRouse,Bru ssols, or emit to Walton
P, 0., will reeeive prompt attention,
BE as en Auctioneer, 58551 prepared
to oonduet soles 52 10558 stook at reasonabki
prieee. Enowing the Mending of Pearly
every person 1 am in a no Wien to sell to
good marks 0,55 3101 goat" Electivity whou 0014
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
111051 salt, N. P 8. 8003P.
\ATM. F. CALE, IC D., O. M.,
member of the Collage of Ph motto],
and Surgeone of Ontario by examination.
Olnee and Am/donee —Main street East,
Ethel, Ontario,
• 0, If., L. It. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P
Ont. At Poppor'e Drug Store from 5 to
11:80 a. in, Mad hem:04180' to 410.01, At other
haunt rey be mew at his residence, form
Orly octopi:ad 95 DI. 81$�hlnlos4, 5451 st,