HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-19, Page 5JUNE 19, 1891 assitammumereaseamereimusinearsemeriemancuismemeanierreseememeivieemnreomantsrserearretene THE I3RUSSELS POST r F. J. otviigal occ, oalcmitiverntflraxsu�iat seetho ing,wiewglAld li Mout /2 rwle. tYlttteatfele nnnh - tthine ffwith Patro to s itsINn114t yl1uusdayday joy'talifte�ll'anaeessiin their cnew relationehip` at Separate stilton) went of Dublin ; Wed- Morris 00un.0i1 Meeting, S; Thursday at S. Hay will he a short oropS The aploulitl sliowars of this )venin fere S Neonesda7 'y at ieS.u4ay at No. 'l , S. No. 1l ; Suter - tieing a wenderfut amount of good to the trope, The day Behold pie, ilia of S. S. No, 3 will be held in Mr's, John Furbe' g rove on friday afternoon of next week, 36th lost, E. V. Smith, eldest son of Trueman Smith, has entered the ministry of the Methodist (Mural this year and has boon elat'ionod at Stromueee, in Matdimand County, We wish hint ubmndant au01e10 in hie new sphereoE labor. C7ratrn b rook. Statute labor commenced in the village last 1Sonday. A. McNair placed a new safe in his store last week. ar The Royal Templets received a (=- dial invitation to the garden party hold in Ethel on Thursday of this week under the auspices of the Suns of Temperance of that village. By the Heal draft of the Stationing Committee we notice that Rev. 33. Sher- lock remains with no another roar. Rao, Mr. Stevenson, of Molesworth, will na- enpy the pulpit of Knox uburolt next Sabbath. The crops will be much benefitted by the long delayed rain which fell on Wad• nesday of this week. R. Clark, of the 8th eon., Elma, hail the frame of a large bank barn raised on Thursday of last week, and on Thursday of this week Luke Lucas intends to raise his barn. This is sorely a sign of pros- perity. Herbert Collins, who has been sink for eight or nine mouths, departed this life on Sunday last, Hia remains were in- terred in Elma Centre burying ground an Monday last, followed by a large num• ber of people. II.ltla ail, Ono. Cober and wife have boon visiting relatives in the East. Temperance garden party on Thursday evening of this week, in L. Dobson's orchard. The annual pit-nio of the Presbyterian Sabbath school will be held on July 10th instead of the lst. Last Saturday H. F. McAllister and wife returned from a visit to Blooming- dale, looming dale, Heepeler and other pointe. Ethel will likely send a large delega- tion to Brussels on Dominion Day to witness the sports. Bills and programs have been distributed here, In the absence of the pastor Rev. A. Stevenson, of Molesworth, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. He will occupy the pulpit next Sunday also. One any last week Harvey Dobson was very severely stung by bees, They were swarming and Harvey went to arrange for their new quarters when they alighted on him inflicting sore punishment. Ile was quite overcome for a while. Seatorth. Detroit defaulting leaves the Herons, of Seaforth, western champions for Shia ep ring. On the morning of the 17th inst., in Seaforth, the Hurons tried conclusions with a I3erlin•Galt team and easily won. At the demonstration Tuesday the clay at S. S. east of Fniton'e, eon. 16, Grey, Mnetinge will begin at 13 p, m. R. T. oi.T,—At the Met regular meet - Ing of the Royal Template, of Walton, the following officers were elected :---ii• 0„ tiro, T. A. MoLauohlin ;V,, G., His. ter M. Johnston ; P. 0„ Bro, Rev. W. Obtowell ; Chaplain, Sister I' 1. Pollard It, S., Sister 13. Moore ; If. S., Sieber 1S. McGavin ; Treasurer, 33rd, J. Moore ; Herald, Brn, W. Pollard ; Guard, Bro, S. Cade ; Sentinel, Bro. 11. f. Moore ; Assistant Ree. -See., Bro, Jno. W. Morri- son ; Deputy Herald, Stater Hannah 1n• gram. .._— l9'Sorvf:0:- Counoil tneeting on Monday, 20th Inst. The Bodmin bridge is bo be rebuilt this summer. Statute labor is having its innings in various parts of the township. ltev. 15. Godfrey goes to Harmony this yoar and Rev, J, II. Dyke to Belgrave, Mrs. (Roy.) Geo. Jowitt, of Harwich, is vieiLiug her parents and friende eu thin lomliLy. Mrs, Joseph Duncan returned to Ilar- rietou on Tuesday and her slater, Blies Lizzie Bird, has gone to spend it weak or two with her. There will bo a pie -pia in John Mconey's grove on Friday, June 20th, in the afternoon, A cordial invitation 18 extended to all to come and spend the afternoon in the geove. The genual union pic•nie of S. 8, No, 5 and Sunshine Sabbath school will be hold on Friday of next week, 26th inst., in Bryau'e grove. A good program of games and sports will bo prepared. S'rtTle'rra+L.—The following township statietioa are fnrnialted Tins Po5T by the obliging township Clark, Wm. Clark :— No. of children from 5 to 16 years, 7013 ; 7 to :.3, 180 ; 10 to 31, 341 ; sexes laud, 54,956 ; acres cleared, 40;175: value of real property, 517,550.71; income, 557,- 00 ; total, 517,707,76 ; persons from 21 to 60, 1,854 ; days labor, 3,230 ; doge, 810 ; bitches, 3 ; persons in family, 2,8114 ; cattle, 5,020 ; sheep, 8,066 ; hogs, 1,573 ; horses, 1,808 ; acres woodland, 6,374 ; acres swamp, 8,107 ; acres orchard, 634, ; aoroa fall wheat, 3,874 ; steam boilers, 6. puri.—Pares Clennan died on Wed- nesday of last week at the advanced age of 93 years and 10 mouths. The funeral took place on Friday, the interment being made at the R. 0. cemetery in this town• ship. Mr. Clennan was born in Tipper. ary Go., Ireland. He came to Morris about 37 years ago, being among the ear- ly settlers, and located nu lot 22, eon. 7. Mb also procured two other farms. Mrs. Clennan died in the 011 Country. The old gentleman was ill for about 8 months and was conliued to bed nearly all the time. Be died at the residence of his son James. His children are Mrs. P. Ryan, of Moliillop ; James and William, of Morris ; and Pat. and Pierce, in Kan- eas. Wl:nnINu Belie,—Ott Wednesday, 10th inst., William Robe, of the township or Morris, was united in the holy betide of matrimony to Miss Mary Elizabeth Mille, of West Gwilllmbury township. The ceremony wits performed by the Rev. H, Moore, of Soliontberg, at the residence of the bride's father. The bride was sup• ported by Miss Minetta Mills, sister of the bride, while the groom was aecom• successful competitors in tba hose reel , pained by George Robb, brother of the races were : Blyth, time 1:131, 5100 ; Stratford, G. T. R., time 1:151, 575 ; East Toronto, time 1;16, 550, Hook and Ladder race : Niagara Falls team, time 441 ; Sarnia, time 46. Lieut. A. Wilson, of the 83rd battalion, Seatorth, notified Col. Bacon. secretary of the Dominion Rifle Association, that, owing to illness in his family, he would be unable to go to England this year as a member of the Bieley team. Lieut Wilson is a sterling shot, and his retire- ment from the team is greatly regretted at headquarters. His place will be taken by Lieut. Davidson, of the 80th Royal Rift ee, Quebec. Walton.. Jae. Musgrove spent Sunday in Gorr ie. Mien Janson to visiting at Rev. D. Forrest's. Rev. A. MoKibbin ie visiting friends fn Wingham this week. Mrs and Mies Annie Sage have return - ea from their trip to Buffalo. Mrs. MoTaggart, of Seaforth, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hewitt, has been very ill with inflammation. Maggie Reid, who has been visiting at Dan. Campbell's for some time past, has returned to her home in Varna. Rev. W. Ottewell is away visiting his father who is i11. He will bo absent for a week or so. Rev. A. McKibbin yr) 11 The reader will be able to lodge at u drench eu the Methodist oliurah noxi S n• glance the esteem in which the young dhquite a number of one villagers spent couple are held by looking Over the list Wednesday io Seaforth. Who was the of presents which they received, viz. :— young man who wait in Walton at six a. Four doz. ololhea pine, Sarah Robb ; d 7 H bible Addie Forrest ; pair towels, Mr. groom, After the ceremony the guests partook of a well prepared dinner, which was enjoyed by all. After dinner the bride 5111 groom drove to Bradford where they took the six o'clock train going to Toronto, a000mpaniod by the good wishes Of all who knew them. The bride was the recipient of many valuable presents, While leaving the guests gave them quite , a shower of rice. Lata in the evening the guests, after spenniug a pleasant afternoon itnd evening, departed to their several homes. We extend to the happy couple our sincere wishes fur their future happiness. MATaiiIONLtL,--Wednesday evening of last weak the residence of Henry Robb, let con., was the scene. of merriment and good humor. The readers will quite un. deretand why it was so when we tell them that 11 was one of those events which is not generally forgotten. About forty couples assembled there to witness the marriage of Mr. Robb'e third Baugh. ter, Lucy Amanda, to Charles B. Forrest. Rev. I. B. Wallwin, of Bluevale, par - formed the marriage ceremony in hie usual able and earnest manner. After the marriage the assembled company sat down tea sumptuous repast and each person did ample justice to the good things provided. Special mention might be made to regard to the waiters who erformed their part in right royal style. The (Iona of Revision met pennant - to advertisement, members all present and subscribed the oath required by stat. uta, appeals were (Reposed of as follow; mires res deducted from part of lot 30, 000, 5, owned by John Leokie, the same having beoo sold to the agricultural so- vietyy, assessment reduced 5500 ; Geo. Jaakeoti entered tenant for 53 , 17, con. S ; Alex. Mnlnnald entered M. le. S a,11, con. 2 ; R. Lalehmitu entered owner lots "•1 and 47, Belgrave ; Daniel Barclay en. tared owner lot 12, Belgrave ; Peter and Wm. Scott entered owuere lore 61, 65, 66 Mid 07, Belgrave ; W. J. Scott, entered BI, F. S W pt 1 eon. 4 ; Geo. Love enter- ed BI. 3'0. it F. S. N , 16, con, 6 ; Wm. ).Touton' entered M, I', N, 7, 0011, 5 ; Thos. J. Bridges entered F. S. N h 2, con. 4 ; W. T. Mooney entered F. S. N , 25, con. 0. The following persons had each one Clog airuek off : -Wm, Rutledge, Jamoe Aitoheson, D, Bloiklejohn, S. Fear, J. Moore and G. Mitchell. An• thony flaggitt was entered tenant S pt 15 and 16, con. 1 ; D. Forret assessed for church property, Walton, in place of Air. 11I :Fadden ; Thos. Rogerson reduced 5300. The Ouurt of Revision was then adjourned to meet again on the 20th June and the ordinary Connell business WW1 proceeded with, Moved by George se Kirkby, conded by C. A. Howe that the Clerk be instructed to notify Joseph McKinney to remove his fence and other obstructions off sideline within one month, otherwise legal steps will be taken in the matter,—Carried. Moved by JIMProctor, seconded by S. Calbiok that the Patrons of Industry be allowed the 080 of Town Hall to )told their meetings at rental of 56,00 per annum.—Carried. Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Jas. Proctor that S. Calbiok be inetruoted to let a job of clearing out sideline between lots 25 and 26, con. 3. —Carried. Moved by S. Calbiul' seconded by Geo. Kirkby that 0. A. Howe be instructed to expend 5.10 in repairing road opposite lot 4, con. 7.—Carried. Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Inc. Proctor that S. Calbiok be instructed to expand $50 on centre sideline, eon, 1.—Carried. The following accounts were ordered to be paid :—W. FI. Erwin, printing and advertising, 53.- 25 ; Misses Exfortl, charity, 510.00 ; Jno. TTaye, keeping insane indigent, 515.00; 11. Shortraed, keeping Palmer up to June 1st, 525.00 ; W. Clark, part salary, 540.• 00 ; Geo. Love, removing floodwood and repairing bridge, $3.00 ; Thos. Sheridan, removing floodwood and repairing bridge, 84.00 ; H. Mooney, expenses to Ottawa in connection with Railway deputation, $25.00 ; W. II. Kerr, printing, 56.50 ; John Watson, assessor's salary, 530,00. Moved by C. A. Howe, seconded by S. Calbiok that Bodinin bridge be rebuilt according to plans and specifications pre- pared by Mr. Ainsley. and that Jae. Proctor be instructed to advertise and let contract.—Carried. Moved by S. Calbiok, seconded by Jae. Proctor that the bond now clu presented by e Treasurer be accepted as aatisfaotory,—Carried. The Council then adjourned to meat again after Court of Revision on the 29th inst. Wu. °Lax, Clark. m, at his beet gal's door a same Mather and wife ; album, Anson Shaw from Mrs. hole' and wife ; fanoy table cloth, David and poorlyTion,. suffered d relapse. s quite Mira Ramsay ; silver butter dish, Mr. ima having f herroa a relwase. Tae and Mise Gollie ; lamp, Wm. Blesser ; 00 Ilia cause t her illness was a falle fano table cloth, Joe. and Matti() Aso• on the ice fort winter, We hope the Kine coverlet, Hugh Moses ; pair of means used for her restoration will prove vases, 25150. and Willie Sellars ; blanket, efficacious. Mrs, Bunton ; biscuit barrel, Stewart Sometime ago the Women's omeio Missionary and Mary Smillie ; pin cushion, Nellie sioSociety decided to do a little home mie. Collie ; fancy table cloth and , doz. ail- quiltry work. As a black they made the ver spoons, Matthew Moaee ; glass dish qu m composed of r ons bearing and ativer butter knife, David and Annie oboes of as many persons 0s a w be Breckenridge ; lemonade sot, Leonard obtained worked in red on n white Rattan and wife ; cloak, 0, Rattan, Jno ground.oTheira result they obtained fifty Forrest and wife ; two pair towelle, pallors, was held move Junene a garden Joseph Robb and wife ; table olotb, Etta party which was heed on 4th and and pAlex- Muetard ; coverlet and two was a deoi Theh success despite the pro. ale of towels, Marion Forrest and weather. following excellent pro. brothers ; set lace curtains, Tillie and gram wee rendered :—In ilrumental, Mg. Bella Gibson ; table brush and tray, Hawkins ; rhesus, omealon ;reading, Chas. Fraser 1 coverlet, Alex. Forrest reeMess 9ioo, MitisSimpson ; e Sell rias Kerr; 0111.wife ; silver pickle castor, Henry MiesBela Mese Annie Sangre ; music, Miss Bella McKilibin ; reading, blies Liz. and Maggie Caldbiok ; bedroom and tie Smillie ; music by tile children ; re- loilotb set, Wm. Robb and wife ; china citation, Miss J. Ferguson ; mouth organ bread plate, Mr. and Mrs. Dreaver ; mush), Henry Kirkby ; reading, Miss M. water pitcher and doz. goblets, the Misses J. Hillen . duet!, Mieses Reid and Kelly; MoVety and John Pell ; whisk and hold• recitation, James Hogg ; ohorua by child- er, Jae. Wilson ; table cloth, Mary Wit - req; muaio, Mise Williamson ; solo, Mr. son ; toilet sot, Edward Johnston and MaLooa ; music, Mies Kerr ; mesio, sisters ; pair vanes, Mr. Blathers' girls Mies MoKibbin. The proceeds of garden and boys ; silk tidy, Eva Bunton ; party annountsd to over 550. The Indies whisk and match male, Wm. Fraser ; 7 ore huablere and make a ouooesS of what• atilt cups and cake plate, 19. J. Peacock 1 ever they try. On the Monday evening eryatal butter dish, 0. Robb ; pair fans, following they prosettbed Misfit Beselo Jae. Timmins ; bar soap, Mrs, J. Robb. Nelly with a beautiful plush photo album Mise Libbie Forrest, sinter of the grooms and an addreee, as a reobgnition of her ws br d at coom,th ndar Th bride' was neatly quilt, s th stamping the names on the portedttired in white embroidery and ribbon8 ,Keene Bros,, of Sobringville. quilt, rise Kelly. replied appropriately, County Cour/ and General Sessions. The June Sittiugs of this Court was held at Goderich on Tuesday and Wed- nesday of last week by his Honor Judge Tome. There were only five civil oases and an almost clean criminal sheet. The following were sworn in as the Grand Je-y :—Thomas Abraham, East Waw- anosh ; A. Baualough, Jno. Crich, Sea - forth ; Wm. Oalfae, Wm, Sherritt, Ste- phen ; Jesse Grnmmett, Thee. Harris, Robert Haetie, Chris. Lambertus, Allan McLean, L. McNee, Ashfield ; George Green, Alex. Munro, Goderioh ; James Gould, Hey ; Jno. Greenlee, Howick ; Geo. Horton, Uaborne; Jno. MoKay, Tnckersmith ; Jas. Mellardy, Colborne ; Hugh MaQuarrie, Blyth ; James Nichol, Turnberry ; John Robb, Bruaaels ; Thos. Kay, Wroxeter ; Sam. Sterling, Stanley. Knight vs, Swarte.—An action arising out of the sole or trade of a horse, 10 which a note for 535 was given. The ease lasted until Wednesday forenoon, when the jury, after half an hour's de- liberation, returned a verdiot for piff. and 555 damages. Judgment as to costa was reserved. Smith va. Rose..—An notion on a pro- missory note ; tried at December Bee. stone. Kb Honor gave judgment dis. missing the eotion with omits. Johnston ve. London Turf Club.—An action for prize money claimed as won by the trotting horse "Gray Tobe." Trial was postponed on application of defence, until June 1011). Love vs. Holman.—An aotion for the price of an organ. Judgment reserved. The Grand Jury submitted the follow. ing presentment :—The Jurors for our Lady the Queen beg leave to present that they have examined the jail and find 7 prisoners -5 males and 2 females, of whom two are insane and 4 vagrants, leaving only one prisoner for crime. We would reeommeud the erection of a inose of refuge where such parties as above would find a more suitable home, as we consided the jail not fit place for such poot unfortunates, who have committed no crime. We found everything clean and all parties satisfied with their keep. We are pleased to find such a small amount of business to Dome before us. We beg to offer our heartfelt sympathy with Lady Macdonald and family in her great bereavement in the lose of her bus. band, the Right Hon. Sir John Moncton - ma. All of wbieh ie respectfully sub- mitted. Einem MaQuennna, Foreman. Queen vs. Henry Drake. Arson, burn- ing of a barn in Ashfioid. The Grand Jury returned a true bill, and a bench warrant waeissued and plaoad in Sheriff's hands for arrest of Drake. Hicks vs. Jones,—An appeal from a conviction of Chas, Snell, 1, R, Exeter, for trespass. Court held appeal not pro• perly entered. The court affirmed the appointment of the following Constables by the county judge out of sessions 1 Thos. Gundry, Goderich ; Thos. Erwin, Wingham ; Jno. T.1Vegguis, L'ordwioh; Lewis Young, ditto. MOXIINZLIMEFIGIZSAnfra=1=1.-.1701/MXISZMIUS.=.303rant5ST•GO=OlfUeOZZOSYSta•Mag=1410911 A Poo in Your Bonnet,' I have Combs, Fr ll111s and Empty Hives for Salta (liven aro Weil Made and Well Painted. Price, The, Each. ClIll itt•---- IDAVID \(ORE'S, titil Con„ Morris. or write Walton I'. 0. Take a Bargain while you have the chance. 0.30i Ram and Eggs Eggs have dropped in price, so has our Largo Stock of Priem SMOKED IIA1IS, BREAKFAST BACON .4Nn SIDE MEAT All of Our Own (curing. We else llannfautoro Bologna Swinge. Patronize hone industry by calling onus' Give then call and prove the frntb• fulness of the above statements. Wm, Blashill, Butcher, 3 ETTER EWS .,,ay.,..4.r.v..,o,..,,,vs9.117..v BRLSSELS WOOLED MILL 50 WANTS TO GET 6E POtD1 In Fxchange for G-oods. DII• $I CLO IR, The Highest Market Price will be Allowodt M.D., ISA., L.G,P.S.0„ M.C.P,S.M., Specialist, - Toronto, JoN.tTttAN Busc,rART, Listowel, says :— "After spending all nay money and property to no purpose on medical mon, for what Lbey termed a hopeless case or consumption, Dr. 61) 010ir cured me." Um. Manx FURLONG, 'Woodhouse, says :— "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of flee." D. ROBERTSON, Carleton Place, says "Dr. Sinclair cured neo of Oatarrh•" Gno, Bowra, Blyth, says:—"Dr. Sinclair cured me of heart disease an.1 dropsy, when all others felled." Diseases of Private Nature, brought on by folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Cures. Cons"xltatton From. WILL 13E AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, —OY— Tuesday, July 7th, '91. W001 \Vauled! Wm, Campbell, of Millbank. has had One of his loge amputated, the result of canner. Fires in .Ellice swamp have destroyed about 100 cords of wood belonging to HIGHEST - CASH - PRICE Paid for Wool at the Listowel - Woollen - �Vtills. We have a Fine Assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan- kets, Sheeting, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &o. All Wool left with. us for manufacturing, whether rolls or otherwise, will hAve our prompt attention. SATISFACTION GITAILANTEED HOWE & 00., Brussels. We wish to call your at- tention to the fact that we still Want more Wool, and we are, determined to make this wool season one of the largest, for we have a Tre- mendous stock of Goods on hand. It is necessary that you should look- around be- fore you dispose of your wool to see where you can make the best purchases with it hi WOOLLEN GOODS. Buy in the Cheapest, Sell in the Dearest. Do not fail to come and see our Large Stock of New Fine Flannels, In New Shades and Patterns. Something Never Before Shown the Public We have made up a lot of Fine Halifax Tweeds, just the thing for school boys. We also have a big stock of Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds, Bed Blankets, Horse Blan- kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, Shirts and Drawers for this season's trade, which we offer AT BOTTOM PRICES. Everybody should come and try our fine Grey Flannel that won't shrink in washing, and Outwears the common grey flannel solcl the public. Roll Carling, Spinning, Fulling and Manufacturing Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Ric, on short notice. B, F. Brook & Soda —We ire Still (be Fie11 AND GOING TO REMAIN. It is with the greatest amount of pleasure we now bring before the notice of the public our well Assorted, Fresh and Elegant Stock of FURNITURE We have recently had fitted up our show rooms com- modious and harmonious, where is to be seen everything that goes to make the heart of the house -wife jubilant, and make glad the home where our goods are to be found. While we do not profess to keep in detail a large and varied assortment of bric-a-brac, notions, &c., for they can only be rightly purchased in the city, we rather invite an inspection of our Sideboards, Extension Tables, Secretaries of various sizes, Easy Chairs, Bedroom Suites, etc. PARLOR SCCITES from far that would meet the de- mands of a m1rchant prince or satisfy the most fastidious, and we are constantly receiving this class of goods from the very best manufacturers. Our Picture Framing Material and Workmansh ip in this line defies criticism. CURTAIN POLES GORGEOUSLY TRIMMED. We wish further to draw your attention to our Undertaking Department I Complete in all its Appointments. 2y r. •1 „R 0.4 .0egfIN, FIRST-CLASS HEARSE AND OUTFIT, And the Closest Attention given to orders of this nature Embalming, temporary or arterial. No discoloring or unpleasant odor in the hottest weather. Forty years experience In Rouse Building and the Manufacture of Sash and Doors should impart a knowledge of this line of our business, and, while We can truthfully say we never were SO busy as at present, our capacity is great and enables us to get through an immense amount of work, and we can turn it out on very short notice, Smith, Malcolm loam & Gibson, 8P, IL,/ SSELAS.