HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-19, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST4 JUNE 19, 1891 New Advertisements, Paris Green -J. T. Pepper, Mortgage sale- R. L, Taylor. Small potatoes --G. A. Deadman, Valise lost -Posy Publishing House. i?qu$'5els Voss. FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1891. Tux Prince of Wales is oc°npyiug rather an unenviable position at the prea. ent and may be brought to book for his transgressions. He's uo particular credit to the royal family. SENATOR Anno'r'r has taken the Premier- ship as the snccessor of Sir John A. Macdonald. ISe is an elderly gentleman having seen his 701h birthday. There is one peculiarity about the new cabinet viz that neither the Premier nor the Minister of Agricultural bava seats in the Commons, Sir John Thompson will be leader in the House and, in fact Prem- ier except in name. Appendix to auditors' report to he print. 1 Tho Toaohern,---Nearly all of the 1 and often oxpnate Mini to do good work d. lodward and lesions Armstrong, touchers are doing wolf, nail there are aged 71 and 65 years, to be wards of the , many exoolleut teaobers in floe teepee - county et the rate of $;t0 coni per year, ; Wrote, but n fow from inexperience are from the first day of Jima aoxt. Matey doing very little, and two or three from Clued, manna and destitute, of Blyth. sheer oarelesunuso and indolenuo 100 d0 - to be a ward of the county at $100 per , ing absolutely nothing. 10 sono fear year, from Int June next, ()Here "f . cries -happily very taw ---the schools np- Connty Cummiesionee examined 'and pour lo bo mere noisy mobs, where each found correct. No notion taken on uhild lights for his owu hand, and the motion of Ilamilton and 1-Iolt for grant i teachers give what really amounts to in. of 910,000 for llouso of Refuge, Account dividual instruction. In two cases at of D. 1loClilliunddy, 910.25, to be paid, least, mahout, is culled any time between and that in future covers of collectors' nine and ten and between one and two, and assessment rolls be included in and (1(131se09 (tt such times as may suit tenders. Account of J. Miller fur enter- the whim of the teacher, In these sehoo's tainicg 58 Bruce eannaillors and °Mobile, the disciplinar,v value of punotnality and 958, also ancount of G. 13. Cox, 95, to be order are totally losb, Every teacher paid. No grout to be male 0. R. Assoc. I should be at Thie school at a gnarter to laden. That 25 oents a day be grouted i nine and at five minutes to one ; this he to each volunteer of 330d Battalion Balled binds ht'uself to do when he signs his out this year -(not passed by Council.) agreement with the trustees, Thie want Treasurer's investment and seam:Mtieeof punctuality ia, I am sorry to say, found correct. Account of D. MoGilli- ; much too frequent. 11 the schools were cuddy for printing now rules, 27, to be all eopplled with °looks there would be a paid. 925 each to be pith" the the three , greater p0110tuality of both teachers and riding Farmers' institutes. Amount re- pupils. Many trustees require the teach. quired this year ie 950,015.83, exclusive 10r to ring the school bell both in calling of the equivalent to school grant, whish with even thane, Untbnildinbs, --01 all sohnol property these seen to be the most neglected. They are penally placed in the farthest corner of the yard, hover cleaned, walls, out with knives, soribblod and defaced b1 all possible ways. The 0013 meant for gtrla is usually, during the deep show of winter totally ivaee oelblo, Wells. -All but very few school hove a plentiful supply of pore water. In some oases it is impossible to obtain good water owing to the school house being built hi a swamp, Care of School Prolorty.-Two of the duties (Regulation 19) of the 10ltoh00 are: "To make and enforce such rules as will ensure the keeping of the school grounds and outbuildings to a neat and cleanly 13000111143," and "To see that 111e school grou0de, sheds and water closets are Rept in proper order ; that no damage i, done to the furniture, femme, outbuildings or other Scheel property ; to give notice in writing to the trustees of any 11000500( 3' repairs or supplies." I ton sorry to say that mmhy teachers pay no 011601ion to in and dismissing ; this is a good chock these matters ; the pupils are allowed to • will require a rate of 1 11;20 mils 011 the 011 want of punctuality. It is a mirious destroy femme, deface walls, or do any dollars, on the equalized ass0;s111e01 of ; ocin0i 10000 that if the teacher is ever other mischief that may enter their the county ; that a by-law impossing i late, it is sure to bo the day on which heads. In one case I found 11 few idle the in0peetor visits his school, The pupils, during sohoul hours, playing at schools as a whole are doing well, the football with a school globe, in the onto. said rate be passed ; that by-law bo pass. ed to raise a sem equivalent to legislative school groat. \Warden and Treaenrer to excellence of the large majority of the roam of the school, when (t teacher to 1, current expenditure. t•.'.20.000 W00010eseness of the few. The order Rud should take ft note of the number and the nn.ws axe nRlndss RgronT, I discipline of all but a fete are quite satin• State Of the IMPS, &heel etc., and NV1300 -- - have )ower to borrow to meet ' teachers more than compensating for the takes charge of a school the trustees Tao excellent speech on Prohibition by Dr. Macdonald, M. P. tor East Huron, is welt worthy of perusal. It may be foiled in this and last week's issues of THE P081. Every body should not only read it but preserve the paper for inters' refer- ence. We are proud of the Dr. and had we more representatives like bin in the House of Commons Prohibition would soon come. ALTnonoo it 0ost Huron 91,250 for County wards last year the opponents of the $ohne of Refuge still get in their semi-annual kiok at the County Council, The probabilities are that the amount will be largely increased this year. The house of Refuge is one of the certainties for the future but some people will have to be taught its necessity by the very practical illustration of the inoreasiug Co. rate for keeping up the indigents al- ready on the list. Huron County Council. The Council met at Goderioh June 4th. Owing to the illness of Mr, Adamson, Clerk, Dr. Holmes was tem. porarily appoiuted to act in hie stead. A. large number of reports were read and referred to various committees. New rules, governing the council were adop. ted. Application for the usual grant of 25o per day, to the volunteers, while under canvas, was refused. Iu the event of any municipality appealing from the egnalization the matter was to be left en- tirely in the bands of the Judge. On a motion that the Council grant 910,000 for the purchase of grounds and erection of a House of Refuge, no notion was taken. D. McKay asked for an increased of pay as high constable not granted. Reso- lution of sympathy was passed to T. II. Taylor reeve of East Wawanoeh, owing to illness, and also to Lady Macdonald. The December session of parliament was dispensed with. We append below some of the reports :-- 631 ateenoN (1013050. Chairman Jelin Beacom reported from committee that they had examined the assessment rolls of the different munioi. polities and recommended the equaliza- tion be as in annexed schedule, which is much the same as last year. Some alight advance in values of a couple of townships was suggested, but a small ad. vance in the equalized rate of Seafortlh was all that was adopted by Coonoil, SCHOOL AND PR1NTING RETORT, Chairman Philip Holt submitted the report I That no action be taken in the petition of S. S. No. 11, Hay, owing to law relating to change not having been complied with. Bath of the muniotpali- ties concerned in Union S. S. No. 1 to be notified by the Clerk Unit a joint petition of five ratepayers from each asking for the proposed alteration had not been complied with. The petition of George Walker and five others of S. S. No, 8, Tuokersmith, is not allowed. The petition of David Manson and others re. ferred to next Council, petitioners to be notified to attend before this committee then and produce papers referring to the ease, Reports of Inspectors Tom and Robb adopted. 500 ooptee of reports to be printed, and 500 copies of the blank form of order attached to I. Y. S. Rabb's letter be printed, also certain suggestions of Inspectors. In reference to Dr, Roll- ins' report re entrance examinations fees, it was recommended that County Councils have power to impose such tees and thee a copy of of the motion be for. warded to the Eduoation Department. In reforenoe to motion of Dr. Rollins as to fees for High School pupils, it is re- commended that the fee for county pupils be defined by and under recent legislation as follows :-(1) Thoee preparing below primary eramtnations 98 per year ; (2) Those preparing for primary $Sper year; (8) Those preparing for junior and senior leaving exam. $10 per year. mime REPORT, Chairman Rollins submitted report troth committee reeommeoding that the following accounts be paid :-Seaforfh Sun and Wingham Advanoe 93 each Wingham Times $8.50 ; Exeter Advocate 91 ; Times $8.50 ; Gorrie Vidette 92,60 ; Blyth Standard $4 ; Goderich Star 96.88; A. Saunders 99.25 ; G. C. Robertson 92. 00 ; J. Acheson $42.80 ; J. Brophy 910.• 75 ; Alex. Munro $80.78 ; G. Pettypieoe 96 (not to bo paid till January) ; J. E. Tom 94.26 ; Mrs. D11138013 $15 ; J, Saun- ders 98.17 ; Stiven & Co. 92.50; J. Aim. ley 92.25 ; a, Jenkins 930.66 ; John But. ler 911.60 ; Bell Telephone 90.16; Fraser & Porter 987 ; for conveyance of A. Mo. Phail, a a0unty ward, to Orillia asylum 924.48 ; Treasurer to pay over every three months pay for county ward(, and pay in full for all wards up to Slily let- wa'rds acoepted at last Jenuary cession to be paid for from 1st January last. That the County assume all elating on Ottertail, of Stott Lot fines and that letter ir0m Provincial Secretary anent this matter be printed. (The Ontario Govern. Ment has relinquished all claim du the Swett hat surplice, which amounts 18 94,. 400.64, in the halide of 'Treasurer, enbjeot to possible claims against it of 97,18.) factory. The methods of teaching are he is leaving examine these again, and Chairmen Eilber's report from eons. 10103 good. This is vainly owing to the make him replace anything that has boon mittee reeornmeede that $13.50 be offered Robert Elliott to satisfy his claim for 0105110110e Of oar model schools. wout0nly destroyed or defaced. School Honses.-There aro very many Sweeping, -In lnany schools thepupils $50 damages to horse and buggy on neat and comfortable school houses, but do the sweeping at neon. When the roads Hall's bridge, withont prejudice to the there are also a number which are me00 are muddy this raises such an intolerable county, The engineer to examine bridge shells, through wh1011, on a stormy day, dust as almost to smother the children referred to by Mr. Hess and if necessary the wind may be felt blowing, and a the first school hour of the afternoon. rebuild it with cedar piles and eubstrue. temporary respite from the severity of Thie sweeping should be done after four the teniporaturo may be found on the sheltered side of the stove. I have re. ported these to the trustees, but I mm ture. That by-law be passed as request. ed by Mr. Milne closing up and selling road allowance between lots 20.21, con. 8.9, Grey, the township having passed sorry to say that some trustees tlhinit a by-law according to statue in this case. that when they have provided four walls, no matter how poor, and set up a large stove, they have done all any reasonable person should expect. In some three or four extreme cases the school house is the coldest and most dilapidated build- ing in the school eoction, the worst stable being much more comfortable and habit- able in winter. Two very neat frame school houses have been built iu MalCil- lop, in S. S. 12 and 13. The school house in S. S. 4, Tuokeremitb, has been thor- oughly repaired, and is almost as good as new. In No. 9, Howick, the eohool house has been renewed with brick, and when Anisbed inside will be a credit to the sec- tion, An elegant brick ecbool house is being built in No. 9, Tuokersmith, and it ie expected to be ready for occupation immediately after summer vacation. The School Yards. -The yards are us- ually fairly well kept, and in a few years will be well shaded with trees ; but Some few sobaol yards seem to be need as grounds for raising thistles and weeds, in two or three cases the grounds are very uneven, and the most neglected spot in the station. A few boards of trustees lave agreed to level their grounds ; in two oases the pupils and teacher have done the levelling themselves. A teacher Dan easily arouse enough of enthusiasm in his pupils to have the yard tidied up and the thistles and weeds eradicated. There is something wrong with a taaolher or pupil who does not tate sufficient in. twist in his school grounds to keep them neat, and who to not proud of his sohool. The school yards of the following S. S. are unfenced : 16 and 17, Howick ; 5, 7, 9 and 10, Morris, and 4, Turnberry. Desks. -Many of the schools are badly in need of desks and blackboards. The desks in many sohoole are too high for children ; once they sit down they are unable to put their feet on the floor. This is very wrong. Mope and books of reference, such as an unabridged dictionary, a gazetteer and a biographical dictionary, are needed in nearly all schools. A few have neither o globe nor numerate! frame. In this re- spect trustees are very shortsighted ; many a trustee in his every day business puts the most improved implements into the bands of his hired man, yet he pays a higher salary to a teacher and makes him work with antiquated deeke, maps, etc., Power asked for by Iltr. Graham to be granted. Bridge to be built as asked by 10, B. McLean, of such material as the county commissioner and the engineer of the county of Perth may agree upon. Bridge between Grey and Elms to be re- paired or rebuilt. No action to be taken on grant of 9200 asked by Mr. McKenzie, between Huron and Bruce, west of wing - ham. Repair and building of new bridges recommended by county com- missioner to be carried out where possible, and other counties interested are agree- able, Cedar to be used in new bridges. 9101,ER's REr06T. Gaoler Dickson, after referring to the internal economy of the gaol and the clothing inmates, reported seven pris- oners m geed, five male and two female, both females are vagrant. Mary Brad. ly, of McKillop, is 58 years of age, lairs. D. McKay, of Goderich, is 81. Of the males, two are insane and awaiting removal t0 the asylum. John Durnion, of Goderich, 67, and John McCann, west Wawanosh, 70, are vagrants. Donald McKinnon is under sentence for attempted suicide. co117tIssI eon's REPORT. Commisioner Ainsley reported orders since Jan. 101 of 1891, among 9111011 was $63.07 for Rnthwell's bridge over Bay. field river. Blyth bridge needs re- pairs. Contract for Jamestown bridge was let to Joe. Lang for 9868, to be completed by let of August. Bridge between Elmo and Grey not' let yet. Recommended g0 Nltn Outlet the drain frorn gaol oott a down the hill. Silver Creek bridge to be rebuilt as soon as practicable. Bridge over the Maitland between Morris and East Wawanosh, eoutlh of Wingham, to be rebuilt, eta. etc, . 5000011 I98PEC1058 EOnn'8 REPORT. East Riding, -In his report he says "The schools, as a wbole, are doing well. The excellence of the large majority of the teachers compensating for the worth- lessness of the few." 'Many of the school houses are comfortable, but a number are mere shells." "In three or four oases the school house is the most dilapidated and coldest house in the school section ; the worst stable being much more comfortable and habitable in the winter." ESA\IINAT10N8. "Nearly all the sohoole in this division took the promotion examinations. A few did not. I am not prepared to say that these few are the best in my divis- ion. More than one-third of the teach. ors do not hold pabli0 examinations. I hopepan attempt will be made to remedy this. During the year 29 obtained pro- fessional third class certificates from the Clinton Model School. These all obtain. ed situations. Enthusiasm in some casae eompeutating for look of experience, 270 passed the entrance examinations in this inspectorate. A pupil from the Gorrie Public School won the gold medal at Harriston last July, and a pupil from S. S. No. 5, Howick, carried off the silver medal in December. Total receipts for 1690, $64,637.18 ; expenditure $58,209.81. Amount paid for teachers' salaries $48, 921.19. Rate :per pupil for salaries :- Grey, $4.75 ; Hullett, $5.56 ; Howick, 4.89 ; McKillop, $4,82 ; Morrie, 94.08 ; Thokersmith, $6.88 ; Turnberry, 94.15 ; Blyth, 93.92 ; Brussels, 95.06 ; Wroxeter, 93.86 ; Clinton, 96.04 ; Seafortlh, $4.82 ; Wingham, 95.11. Number of pupils of school age 11,454 ; on school register 8,. 010 ; average daily attendance 4,752 ; teacher; employed 128 ; highest salary paid is 9800 in Seafortlh. TRRA8t3a8n'9 STATEMENT showed oath in the Bank of Commeroe 980.040,74. County rate due from Ash' field $1,051.98, from Blyth 9409.58, from Goderich 91,812.95. Due municipalities on collection from non-resident lands 91,095.42to credit of Sinking Fund $11,252.97; to credit of License Pond account, 94,400.64. Available to meet current expenditure, 916,072.20. 5AL1111 0 COt[iliITTEE. Chairman Rate reported against rais- ing High Constable McKay's eatery from $50 to 9125, and that the salary remain as it 18. INSPRUTOR ROfln'6 REPORT. Gentlemen,. -I have the honor to sub- mit my annual report of the etboole in the inepeotorate of Eget Huron. During the year I visited all the sohoole in this division twice (except five, which I hope to visit this week) once during the last half of 1890, and ones during the Brat half of 1801. The date of each visit is appended, In some mete I found it nooeasary to visit a few schools ofteeer than twiee, its order to see that certain recammendatione which I made, and whieh'I considered necessary to the pro. Vast of the sohoole, were properly carried out, — and the dnetng in the morning. It is the duty of tbe trustees to pay a compel. eat person to do this work and to matte the fires. The school houses are not scrubbed out as often as they should be, rarely oftener than once a year. In these matters Tuoltel meth is far in advance, every school having a oaretakor. I may add that some of the school houses, main• ly those in charge of male teachers, are not object lessons in either neatness or cleanliness. Examinations. --Nearly all the Fehoole in this division took the promotion ex- aminations ; a few did not. I am not prepared to say that these few are the best 5011oo10 in my division. I am sorry to report that more than one third of the teachers do not hold pablio examinations. This is a mistake on their part and I hope attempts will be made to remedy 1t. During the year 29 obtained professional Srd class certificates from the Clinton Model School. These all obtained situa- tions and many are doing il'ell, enthusi- asm in lions cases compensating for lack of experienoe, 270 passed the entrance examination in this inspectolate, A pupil from the Gerrie public school won the gold medal at 13arriston last July, and a pupil from 8. S. No. 5, Orange Hill, Newick, carried off the silver medal in Dec., no gold medal being given at that examination. Teach ere Institute. -Two successful meetings of the Teachers' Institute were held during the year, one at Wingham and the other at Brussels. At the Bruce sole meeting J. J. Tilly, I. P. S., was present, and in teeeveuing he gave a very. interesting address to a large audience iu the town hall. DAVID Bonn, I. P. S. The work of restoring Knox church, St. Marys, recently burned, has begun. A. Faulkner has the contract for the carpenter work. Begone Costo, the geologist,haswritten Mowat & Dow that if they get sufficient stook subsoribed he will find natural gas in Stratford. The other day Wm. Boshfield, of Logan, had a fair sized barn moved near- er the aonoession by Chesley, Kennedy & Co. The barn was loaded on the trucks and brought over a 100 rods, turn. ed around into plane and uuloaded all in the same day. Last fall ho had his house moved nearer to the road, and now hie buildings are much more convenient than formerly. M'COLL BROS. & CO. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CELEBRATED "LARDINE ?" —)SPECIALTIES(— Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Bottcutting, Solar, Harness. MANUFACTURERS: IvIoCOLL EROS. & CO., T0114011 70. For Sale by B. GE1U Y, Brussels. 44.0m - CONFEDERATION .. LIFE, - Organized 1871. - .plead Office, Toronto. ii%emember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable. L'RBB 1110003 ALL 011;8TR10T10136 A3 TO RESIDENCE, TRAVEL 013 O00UPATION Paid•Rp Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Polley. THE NEW ANNUI2'Y ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFO01,0 ABSOLUTE PROTEOTIo3 AGAINST EARLY D53111 ; PeOVmlde AN INO0IIR IN OLD 40E, AND IS GOOD INVEST3ENT, Policies aro Non•P'orfoitable after the Payment of Two full anneal Premiums. PrOAts, whish are Unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, ore Olmsted every five years from the issue of the polioy, or at longer periods, as may be selected by the insured. Profits So Allocated are Absolute and not liable to ho reduced or recalled at any future time under any oirenmstau0os. Participating Pbliay holders are entitled to not lees than 90 per cont, of the profits earned in the class, and for the peat seven years have aabuaily received 95 per cont. of the profito so earned. W. C. OIACDONALD, Aotatsy. ,7.1'34. 11lA0DONALD, MANAGINs DIRECTOR, +W, II, XE,ICtlrt, wont, Urugsets.. PAiNTINO and POE EURO A Partnership having been formed be- tween R. Thompson and 10. Grilnoldhy, under the firm name of T11ocn'so3 & Gnrimnunr, they are now prepared to promptly snood to the wants of the public lu 'IOUs, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Paper IIanging a Specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Orders left at A.. 141. McKay & cote. store, Brussels, will have our prompt atteetion. TH9 (JIPSON 8 t UMOLo 3Y. ALLAN LINE Ifoycii Bail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE FORTNImlTLY 9A1LIN08 Elton PORTLAND on HALIFAX, 1•o DERRY on LIVERPOOL. CA73IN RATER, 940, fl(10 nod 960, Stogie; s};SU, .$310 and Silo Return, aceor,lillg t0 Lo°etloa of Stateroom. INTE1OY0NDIA TP'„ outward $00; Prepaid 830 Steerage at Lowest (1:.1's. A(110111i110/GItf3InS Unsurpassed. Apply to II, S A. ALLAN, Montreal, on W. IF. JliJf $ZI2, AGENT, 1311085R1e. Shoddy - - Pedlars Are on the Warpath, so are im- plement agents to entrap the wary farmer into buying inferior plows made at a distance from Brussels, for which you cannot get repairs when needed. Farmers, consult your own in- terests and encourage home man- ufacture by cabling at the Brussels Foundry Where you can get a Superior Article at Reduced Price, Guar- anteed to give Satisfaction, or n0 sale. 11ows, Willi Best Pittsburg Cast Steel Itoiu'da, Single and Double. Plots Points of Every Matte at 40o. each. Gang Pointe 25 Cents. Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on any plow at the Lowest Possible Price. Be sure and call and examine our stock before buying. W. R. Wilson, Brussels. STANDARD BANG or ClANADA HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. OOWAN, President. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier, CAPITAL, AUTrron10ED, - - 92,000,000 PAID Ur, - - - - 1,000,000 REslinvE FOND, - 460,000 A(012010018 al) principal t olnte in Ontario, Quebec. Manitoba, United States and England. Brussels Agency. A Goneral Banking Booiness Transacted. Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Collec- tions made on all pointe, Deposits received and interest allowed at entreat rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De- posing of $1 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and .com- pounded half yearly. Prompt attention and every faoility afford- ed customers living at a distance. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, Agent. Brussels, Aprll8th,1001, Why Not Do Your Own Thinking ? — BRvsaELe, November 8111,1888, 3. M. Mormon, Goderioh, DEA3 BIB. -I should have written before now to let you know how I am getting alobg. I am a lot better than Iwas; galuingstrorhgth every day, I have a good appetite and sleep well. I can take tbe full quantity of the System Renovator and ,t doee not Molten MO. my limbs are all right now; quite 5marb•in that way; swelling all gone, The great thirst ib gone ; I drink no water at night, but I take a little buttermilk. I am (quite straight again, Bend me another bottle of your System Renovator. Yours,8:0,. Jae. D0NOAN. FOUn1REN 31ONTn8 LATEn, BRDes3t0.8, February 711,1801. J, M. 14laLEon, Goderioh, DEAR 816, -•-Fifteen years ago last Novem- ber I (farted to doctor first ; I was treated for dyspepsia, but they never bolped ms any. At than I suffered greatly from my stomach ; I continued, but I grew 11301013, /turned aro}iatoal ; limbs mud body swelled badly. Youilinow the state I woe in when 1 went to OOdorioh-a more creep, could hardly walk -suffering from Bolgbt'e ale- Oae0. fust one year ago last fall I began your honovaterand8peoiao Onrirc, I bona to mond in a fow days ; oonthmodthen for throe months steady. Although I was told Ieould not be cured, 11 YOU saw me slow, well aha hearty ; oat everything that °omen in the way, I o o you the prafee of caving my life, 1 was in a hopeless condition whee I went to you, in fact no one thought I would get better. I cannot;poalh too h1g31y of you and of you[' medicines, for it was them that cured me. Werde cannot express my thanks to you, Freely pan my name t0 anyone, Yours dt8., JAMES DUNCAN, Soap nr,I, T. PEPPER, Ileussils. rr.GLHMS 01i' SERVIaii 01+ MY 7'11n13ort111.n73101) .114 lift MY PULL - One Cow, 80.01; 2 Cows, *IMO ; lnhlitiount 00ws, $$1,10 each, all the property of mho Dornan, A'11smma of 10 pal' 10(1, will 1,0 (Weeded when [laid at the time of 310x1100, Jersey (lows $10001011 extra, 11, A;1)liIADMAN, Druggist, Co. I14f1'IIO\ED LAIRGE WHITE YORK. SIititle BOAIL, The undersigned w111 keep for service this tu'osont season the Impl'ove,l large white Yorkshire 111lg 'Bendy" °n lot 26, eon. a,. Morrie, is which a limned number of sows will bo tniton, Terms $1.00 to be paid at time of service, with the privilege of return-. in; i1 necessary, kedlaree may be soon orl- on ap 3'113100110, BOtl lai'1' Ali OfIOL, lett' Proprietor, MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. t JPJC.`i OCO J.C,IIeffernan, J.A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 2811 From. All Stations in Ontario011,t1(01i111(05 Canadian Pacific R'yt Pickets Will be seta 100 Bxeunio001savieg 'reroute 11 p. m, 00 June ,3ncf, 11019 (Good to return netil JULY 12th) — le=v( Drano Ot.h, SAO 1, Good to return until JULY 19113) — )ON'(— Juno `.23rd, 1801, (Good 10 retain until AUGUST 2nd) - 'H'o the following polnls at rates Rained Methvcn llurtatey lfl f Ueturn(u( Minteentin ;1;2.8.01( Iii3NCllrtt liJC1U lD EOY'.c•ENA. 13'iOO;,..113.J'A w 1(0 TON PRINCE ALBPIIT $35.110 CALGARY $30.00 For further particulars apply to any agent of the Company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. Cast/ for Wool! The Highest Price in Cash or Trade will be paid for any quantity of Good, Clean, Marketable Wool delivered AT S. SHALE'S TAILOR SHOP, Opposite Central Hotel, Brussels. Farmers will find this an A 1 Market in which to dis- pose of their wool, as I will keep a good assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Cottonades,' Ducks, Flannels, Socks, Shirts Drawers and small wares, all of which will be sold at the lowest paying prices. A CALL SOLICITED. S. SMALE. :BABY ARRIAGES A Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car- riages have arrived at Ht Dennis', Brussels. Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Rtcalways in stock and sold at Close Prices, If you want a set of Light or Heavy Harness I can supply you. See our Scotch Collars. . enlxiis. •