HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-12, Page 8theampalimasteseszeragesoreassnessarenronernimsessanartar Ignorance n..,,g1. isnot. aloe We are often deprived of many of the enjoyments of life, This is your case if you have never tried our Jersey Milk Shake Don't: soy you have tried Milk Shake of other makes and do not care for it, be- cause there is no comparison between the milk shake we make and that which is sometimes called by that unine. Try ours and see if you are not strengthened and refreshed. Gre THE BRUSSELS POST FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1891. le tra ea 1 Bought from a Reliable Manufacturer at 65 CLUJ bs on the Dollar, We do a big business in Roadymade Clothing, and we are in a position to handle big, job lines, turers have any clearing lines to offer we get first chance, We took advantage of one and bought a big line for 65e. on the $. Jolley ButteNow we will sell Men's Snits for $3.'25, WOath $5 .00 ; Alert's $10,50 Snits for $7.00 ; $12.00 SulitS ice: $8.75 ; Have you ever eaten Jersey Butter ? If 110 you will know what good butter Is. We os.n supply a limited quantity at 17o. per Pound, and if you do not say it is worth itl will make you a present of some G. A. DEADMAN, Dreggist, Bookselier, _ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION IV. O. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Goma Sotrai. Gems NORTn. aU 6:53 a.m. I Mixed thse a.m, Express.....51:45 eau, Mail 0:06 Mixed 8:11p.m. Express 9:45 Pan. woad netvs ltems, chiel's among ye takhe' notes, An' faith he'll prant it. Thu mosquitoes are busy again. A limn= of Ethelites were io town on Sunday. Etunou Co. Column minutes will appear next week. Boyssummer coats and vests cheap at A.. R. Smith's, I'. Sam took in the Woodstock races on 'Wednesday. Frau stock of mourning goods, orape, ito, at A.. R. Smith's. Max's felt hats from 5o. up. They must be sold. GEO. Good. MEN's summer coats and vests at wholesale prices at A. R. Smith's. Ix is reported that one of our popular storekeepers is soon to join tbe army of benediots. REV. Jeo. Boss, of Brussele, and Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, exchanged pulpits last Solidity. BEATTIE Enos. racer took 2n5 money at Woodstock on Wednesday of this week in the running raoe. Oprommx WANTED.—Come on with you opposition for the next 30 days in readymade clothing. A. R. Sums, GEO. GOOD advertises a list of articles for sale in another column. Do not fail to read it as he intends to sell them cheap. AT the Y. P. 0. A. meeting in the Methodist thumb Monday evening Dr. Ceve.ragh gave a very interesting, address on "Giving." Iss the absence of the pastor, Rev. S. Sellery, Rev. R. Paul conducted the ser. vices in the Methodist church last Sun- day both morning and evening. Max, 1891., will long be remembered as the driest of any May in the past 50 years. The whole month passed with - oat rain, unless in small areas, over the Dominion. Tun brickwork on the American hotel t was completed this week and the carpels- o tars are now pushing their department. I The bricklayers are et work on J. G. t Skene's store. G. A. DEADUAN, Druggist, bas a jersey heifer that has given 5,000 lbs. of milt in 7 months and 7 days, with her first calf. He would like to know where there is a two.year-old of any breed that can beat this. Os Thursday afternoon the business places in Brussels were closed from 2 to 3 o'clock out of respect to the late Sir Joint A.. Macdonald. The bell in St, John's church was tolled and the public achool was dismissed. As will be seen elsewhere in this issue Rev, S. Sellery, X. A., B. D., has been appointed to Wingham and has been elected chairman of that Dieted. He deserves it all aud Wingham Methodists rutty consider themselves fortunate in securing him. SINGLE Faus.—On the days of the Sea. forth tournament—June 1818 and 171h— a speoial conveyance will leave Brussels at 7 a. na each mornieg for the conven- ienee of any parties desiring to go out. Single fare for round trip. The stage will also run 5.5 usual. Taos. THOMPSON, proprietor. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLIN6.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entruated to him in a way that will insure satisfaotion. Wellcleaned out and put in propet share. Terme reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnherry st., Brussels. 43-tf Lase Tuesday evening wag election of offisers io connection with the R. T. of T. The following is the list :—S. 0., Bro. Alex. Wilson ; V. C., Sister afrs. Alex. Wilson ; P. 0, Bro. G. Rogers ; Chaplain, Bro. W. II. Kerr ;B. S., Br, G. A, Hood; F. So Sister A. Sinclair • thi 12) When the this week manufac. $13.00 Suis for $9.00. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE FACTS. - A.. SMITH. - CALL AND SEE THE GOODS. Remember the stock of Readymade Clothing we bought been offered for sale. They are all new, and were made for one of the largest, if not the largest, wholesale manufactures offers a great opportunity for clothing buyers, If yon have and see for yourself, Save Good Money. is not a bankrupt stock. The goods .have never before this season's trade, These goods are manufactured by in Canada, and were intended for fine trade. This sale been accustomed to give .$12.00 for a suit bring $8.75 only A. E. SMITH , Smale's Brick Block, Opposite Central Hotel, Brussels. SHEEP washing and sbearing are now coming in for attention. Message, ramifies, prints, flannelette cheap at A. E. Smith's. 78 CENTS, in advance, secures TUE POST for the balance of 1891. Cowen sic SMITII'S boots and shoes at right prioes at A. R. Sinith's. ADVERTISE your lost, found, strayed or stolen goods in THE BRUSSELS Pose. TOMATO, Cabbage and Cauliflower plants for sale at I. C. Richard's harness shop. Dm you see the Dominion Day posters announcing the features of the Cele. bration in Brest:els 7 FELT boots for 91.00 a pair; overshoes for 50s, a pair; long boots only $1.50, Everything must be sold. Gzo. GOOD. BEATTIE Bnos. have been awarded the contraot f carrying the mail between Brussels postoffioe and tbe depot and re- turn. Tenders are now asked for the conveyance of the mail from Sertforth to Wroxeter. TEE charit xi last Friday evening was a disgraoe to any backwoods settlement, not mentioning a town the size of Bros. eels. Some smart boys and young meu in this place require to be taught one good lesson. Mae. D. A. &aux has removed the "Constitutional Comet" manufactory to the room recently vacated by the Foresters' Lodge, over A. R. Smith's store. A large and growing trade is being established, Tim Band gave the first of their series of open air concerts on Victoria Square last Fridayevening. It is needless to say that their music waa appreciated, the crowded state of the sidewalks and the park gave ample proof of that. DOMINIoN Day will see it monster Trades' procession in Brussels. Last year the morning parade was one of the waling features of the day but the oorn. ng one promisee to distance anything herniated in the past. Dont fail to see t. Wool..—As will be observed by avers isement and posters Samuel Smale is n the market for the purchase of a arge quantity of wool. His store is in he Smote block, one door south of the tandord Bank. He says he will make t worth a farmer's while to brine his wool to Brusaels. J. C. Tura:, of Oranbrook, has leased t the Revere House and premises in this place from Thos. Hall for a term of years. Mr. Tuck is a man of experience, f and will do his best to keep the house in f a way that will satisfy the travelling f public, Mr. Hall's health is not by any means restored yet, but we hope now, s that he is free from any responsibility, f an improvement will take place. CuoPTY Esommin ANSLEY, by instrue• t tions of County 0ouncit, will have two 'I' wing walls emoted at the south abut- w ment to the Brussels bridge. This is very necessary as tbe large amounts of clay now deposited there, and now hay- h ing nothing but plank supporta. The f nevs proposed walls will make a very m complete and permanent job. Reeve v Grahrurt loelts after the interests of w 13russels in oommende,ble style. a Dominion RACES.—The Summer a Meeting at Listowel is on July 1st and It 2n8. There will be two days dead game b races from the word go. The first day a there are two trots and a mile and a qt.:atter clash; the second clay a 240 trot, — an open trot and a shreemuarter mile te run, best 2 in 3. Their splendid traok never was in better shape. They are in 1 the Great Western Trotting Ciroutt and r some of the best horses in Ontario will Is be on the brook. If you care to see good a horses go for they are worth,a visit to Lis- d towel on one or both clays. 48-2 el PATRONS OV INDUSTRY.—A most enthus• ti Leath: and unanimous meeting of the p Patrons of Industry was held here last p Monday afternoon. Thd meeting woe 111 annoimoed for the sample rooms of the to tr 10 ti D. A. Swale 18 home after a lerigthen• ed visitpud is consideralAy improved in health we are pleased to state. 40o, japan tea for ; »So, hyson for 24o. ; 400, heson for 290.; 350. a'aPoo tea for 26c.; 20o. tea for 10o. Gum GOOD. Wu don't handle old shop worn goods, bat when svo get a snap in new goods from the nianufacturer we take them. A. R. Slant. Tux Saturday excursion trains corn. menoed running last week to Kincardine and Goderich. The return fare is 91.00 gooa to come back on any train on Mon- day. No man eau afford not to aubsoribe for his looal newspaper. He never knowa what he loses or what he does not know about home. Then subscribe for Tne POST, and at Once. WE want to show our customers the differenors in prices in readymade clothing for the next 30 days. Compare our prices with those who buy in the reguler way. 8.53, Sturm OWING 10 the large apace devoted to the death of Sir John A. Macdonald. and a partial report of the Guelph con- ference, &large amount of district news is crowded out this week. AT 4 o'clock on Saturday of this week, itt tho Queen's hotel, Brussels, the gravel- ling oontracts on the boundary between Grey a,nd Morris townships will be let by Reeves Milne and Mooney, Alms O'Cressoe, assisted by her pupils and other talent, intends giving a con- cert in Gorrie on Friday of this weals. Miss O'Connor and Miss Katie Wilson, of Bruseels, will assist in the program. Ox receipt of the news of Sir John Macdonald's death the flags on titQueen's hotel and the Orange Hall wer run up at half.mast. Two of hie por traits were draped in crape and placed a J. T. Pepper's drug store window. Tom12th of July gathering in Brussel prontises to be a big one. The arraege ments for special rates on the railway and the securing of speakers, bands &care being carefully looked after. Tie celebration will be bald on Monday July 13913. Hymn:sears—Last Friday evening John Rivers, of Stratford, was united in & marriage to MISS Raohel Sipes, of as- sets, at the residenoe of Bobert Remit. on, grandfather of the bride. Rev. S. Jones tied the matrimonial knot. The happy couple took the morning train or their new borne in the Classic oity, ollowed by the good wishes of their riende. THE Wingham advance of last week aye :—"An old man named Proctor was onnd dead behind a woodpile in Bel. moreon Tuesday last, and is supposed o have been there since Saturday. Dr. owlet, coroner, was telegraphed for and ent out and examined the body, but onsidered an inquest unnecessary. When found be had an empty bottle in is pocket which hail contained abloro- orna The old gentleman will be re- embered by many in Wingham and iomity. Some few years ago he and his if e wore working here at house painting nd deeorating, at whieh they were depts. The wife died some time ago." bit, Proctor and wife will be remembered y Brusselites as they speut some time round here. FIREMEN'S DEMONSTRATION IN 811AFORTII. Send for parbioulars of the Grand In- rnational Firemen's Tournament to be th eld in Seaforon June 16th and 1798, 891. 91,000.0910 each prizes for hoe eel races, hook and ladder noes, ootip- ng competitions, firemen's foot -races, nd other sports Buell as bioyele races, rummers' race, football matches by embrie light, and tamers' load comps - tions. 910.0080 the largest load of eople and 00,00 to the load Of largest eople. This will be the greatest spoet- g event ever held in the west, Do not eget that the great championahip foot, all match between the Detroit, of De. oit, and the Hurons, ot Soaforth, takes one on the recreation grounds on the orning of tbe 17th. For Surther par - adore send to R. Haxby, Secretary eaforth Fire Brigade, Seaforth, Ont. Rev. G. F. SM,Toti, tvho has been loon& ed at the town of Waterloo for the past three yeare, will assume the pastorate of 13rtiesele Methodist church on. the fleet Sabbath of July. Altliongh comparative. ly young in years Mt. Salton has earned an enviable reputation for pulpit ability and tnanagement of church work genet, ally. Ile will receive a hearty welcome to Brussels, The Watet100 OhrOniele goys ;—"At the last meeting of the Quar- terly Board, at the Giotto of the three years of Rev. 44. F, Salton's ministry attiongst us, &gees to plass on record its refound sense of ratitude to Almighty od for the renter cable measure of pros. rity that hag attended hie labore and e happy and hoptiffil condition of all partments of our church tvork at thie me. We thankfully recognize that uns r the Divine bleeriag Much of this Osperlty ig clue to the bplendid uabilities SIRION1•11.111 and wholcasouled consecration of our pastor, whose pulpit ministrations have been marked by uncommon soundness and breadth of learning, amplled to biblical exegesis, added to powers of word -painting, illustration and keeness of logioal analysis, which are seldom found united in the same man, but to which must, in his case, be added the invaluable faculty of organizing and di• renting our young people into the various departments of Christian growth and nativity in the church upon which the future prosperity of Christian cointnuni. ties seems most to depend. We part from our esteetned pastor and his wife withont the recollection of a moment's unpleasant relations, and we pray Inc them the richerit blessings of the Father Divine in their work of Christ in their svocteeciing field of labor." ADDRE*8 AND PRESENTATION. — Last Monday evening Dr. and Mrs. Graham invited the ohm oof Melville church to their home. .After an enjoyable time at lawn tennis and croquet on the lawn an adjournment was made to the house where social games music, conversation and refreshments oonstituted the pro- gram. A. charade WAS arranged, the word "Present" being aoted. As the last act was in readiness the folding doors were thrown open and Miss Lille O'Connor, the efficient organist and choir leader, was made the recipient of a beautiful piano lamp, with handsome shade, bronze pedestal, &o. Alex. Stewart jr. read the following address and Mrs. James Herr made the presort - Lotion 1— l'o Miss Lilla O'Connor, Dear Friend, --We, the members of es Melville ohurch choir Brussels, learning ° of your approaching removal from our midst, do wish to express to you our " highest appreciation of the profieient s and untiring efforts and interest you ° have taken in the service of praise as leader for the past 15 months. As a ° slight token of the esteem with which s' you are regarded by this choir we beg of - you to accept of this piano lamp. We ' wish you continued prosperity in your future career and trust that the few months spent together rosy long be re- membered by us all with pleasure. May God bless you abundantly in the doing of his work. We are yours most respeot- fully, Alex. L. Stewart, Mrs. W. M. Sinclair, Jessie Kerr, Nellie Carlisle, W. M. Sinclair, Maggie McCrae, Kate Wilgon, A. C. Taylor, L. IL Wilson, M. As Richardson, A. M. McKay, James Mitchell, D. Ewan, J. Molmuchlin, Robt. Wilgon, Maggie 0. Stewart, Mrs. Jennie Graham, William Graham. A Treasurer, Bro. T. Fletcher; Herald, , to lire, Jas. Ballantyne ; Guard, Bro, A. so Boss; Sentinel, Bro, L. Ball. The n Council is getting along splendidly aud promiees to do better work than ever. qu 9500 von 8 NEEDLE.—"Oar Homes," a di tbirty.two page monthly magazine, de- tyl Voted to house building, home furnishing, in house decoratien, fashion, general biter. SIr ture, eto., is the best publioation of its ex Wass in Amerion. The publishers, in la order to inotease the (simulation of their w magazine, offer large cash rewatde to ho those of their subscribers, or intending It eilliseribere, who correctly answer the co following question ; Mete in the New th Teettuneot are the words "a needle first to fotlnd Cash daily and weekly rewards ea given while the competition lasts. Tim re ptibliebete will give away thousands of dollars among those correctly anewering the get:salon—the leading reerarcl being 9500 in gold, Send ten cents in damps or silvet for tt eample cent of 'Our }lorries' and complete miles gOveroing the corn - petition. Addreee—Orm ROUES PEILISII. 5190 (lo, rokyiI3e, Canada. merman hotel, but the place was found o small to ocoommodate the aodienoe, an adjournment Was made to the Town all. F. J. Banned, organizer for Huron, as present and introduced the trade estion, which was afterwards freely soussed by the members and merchants to were present. Satisfaetory arrange. tints were made with W. Nightingale Co., merchants. Many people in town pressed their surptise at seeing such a rge number of Pattons attending. The ork must certainly be taking a fast Id upon the people Of the surrounding el proud Of his work in this part of the linty, as we noticed the leading Men of O surrounding stations pretent at the wnshipe. The following wore the orgemi. tions reptesented with the IMMO of the speotive Presidents :— D, Stewart, E xcelsior ; Alf. Wiflitungon, Grey's Stronghold ; Wm, Barrie, rarrner's Bights; Po Wm. Oarnoolian, Lady of Grey; th Thos. Davidson, Shining Sitar; de John alcOrirtney, Grey Benner ; ti 11. E. Burkholder, Pride of Mortis ; de Alex. Stewatt, Monarch of Gree rp. pt This genuine well arranged surprise, worked like a charm. The recipient replied in appropriate terms and the very pleasing evening's program was brought to a close by all joining in singing "God he with you till we meet again." Miss O'Connor's engagement with Melville church closes next Sunday evening. Her retirement is regretted exceedingly by the members of the choir but they are a unit in expressing their good wishes for the future happiness of this estimable young lady. MOMS,' FRAHM, — In Grey, on the 8r8 inst,, the wife of Mr. Wm. Fraser of a daugh- ter. SPEIR.—In Morris, on the 1018 inst., the wife of Mr. John Spelt of a dough - tet. Balla—In Brussels, on the Ilth the wife of Mr. James Bell of it daughter, T11011NTON.—In BIUOValet 011 May 8188, the wife of 111r. Christopher Thorn- ton of a son. Z.C..A.MeaR.T-1317z, Rtvmss—Sons,—In Brussels, on June 5911, by Rev. S. Jones, at the real. dance of the bride's grandfather, Robert Hamilton, Mr. John Rivera, of Stratford, to Miss Rachel Sipes, of Brunets. Krregti—OAVAtia011.—kt Elmira, on June 2nd, by Rev, J. Wass, Miss lemma Cavanagh, of Elmira, sister to Dr. Cavanagh, of this place, to Me, R. 0, Kitsen, of Wingham. =sum. MoIreash—Neat Walsenburg, Huerfano aunty, Colorado, on May 30th, Allan McLean, of the HUM Har positor, Seaforth, aged 44 years. STIns014,—Ip Peel, on the dtle that, 4.00 Stinson, beloved wife of Mr. Alexan- der Stinson, aged 66 years, Lown.—In Greys on dune 7th, John Lowe, aged 63 years, 3 months and 7 days. Porternonth, England, on May 1598, 1891, Thomas Smith, brother to Mrs, Bishop Ward, Bret:. sets, aged 57 years. Cutesath—In Mortis, on the 10t1 inst., Pane Clennam, aged 90 years and 10 menthe. The newly.olected °Meets of the Strat- ford Met:hanks' Institute are :—Pres- ident, Rev. E. W. Panton Sooretary, S. S. Radoliffe ; Treasurer, 84, Nichol ; Direotors, John Read, 3, R. Stuart, C. A. MaYbertY, Wm. Davidson, Wm. Alex- ander, Edgar Macklin, H. j. Shaver, Phinee.s McIntosh, T. Plummer, Wm. Buckingham, J. H. Cale, Dr. Hippie, R. R. Lang and A. 0. Shaw. _ messurssceaas staas.zsmcsmass. Fall Wheat 1 00 Sping Wheat 98 Barley 45 Peas 48 Oats.... . • . 65 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 12 Eggs per dozen. . 10 Flour per barrel 5 00 Potatoes ... 45 Hay per ton ....... ...... 5 00 Pork . . 500 Hides per lb 4 Salt per bbl., retail....„ 1 25 Sheep skins, each 60 Lamb skins each 40 Wool, per 18. 18 1 03 1 00 50 45 66 13 00 5 50 50 6 00 5 50 00 co 75 50 19 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ONEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE Funds. epply 10 GEoRGE EtINasToN, Joliet, Illinois, or to 41.81 THOS. KELLY, Brussels, DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on Varna Security at Low rate of In - serest. Apply at TEEM Poem Publishing House, Brussels, 45 H. A. QTRAYBD FROM THE P.SEM. tree of the undereigued, lot 16, eon. Id, Grey, on or about April 26th, a yearling heifer, red with white spots; a yearling spotted steer; a yearling red steer, and a yearling red heifer. Any information lead- ing to their recovery will be thankfully re. calved. 47-3 P8955555 0855553., Proprietor, T 081' IN ETHEL ON MONDAY, June lat, 189/, a pooket book contain- ing four promiseory tiptoe, viz,:—One given by Goo, Clement, $08.00, given on or about March Nth, 1801, two years time ; one by A. W. Panabaker, 9100.00, given on or about March 20812, 1891, One MI'S tiwe, interest at 6 per eent. ; one by Alex. Helluer, 670,00, given in Peb'y, P301, ono year's time,'Mterest 7 per cent. from Slay 180891, drawn In favor of A. W. Panabaker •, One by Geo. Bannister, 843.00, post clue end 625 Dodd, Also a deposit receipt oia Sank of Hamilton, Listowel, f or 61025.01, drawn 11ay 28991, 1801, and about 850,00 in cash. I hereby caution any person or persons from purchasing or negotiating in any way any of the said notes. A roward 00 919.00 will be given to 8.113, 351100 Sliding mid returning said pocket book to ole or leaving it at 01.9', RIGA Ulster's store, Stliot, Sone 3rd. 0. 81013138, Ethel, REAL ESTATE. OHOICE FA.RM FOR SALE.— Lot lh, Con. se, Gray; 100 aures; first. class buildiugs. A rare bargain to a cash purchaser. Title perfect. Apply at once to W. M. MI.tsOLAflt, liolleitor, Brussels. 80 - FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN AIMOND= has several good Parma for sale aud to rent, easy term% in Townships of Morris and Grey, F.13. SCOTT, Brussels 37-85. rf HOWE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, oon.6, Morris, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildinge, fine young bearing orchard, Immediate pus - session, Easy Tams, Apply to W. 81.131E01AM., 95. Solicitor, Sto.,Brtleselli. JUNE 12; PURF WHITE HELLEBORE PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS. BANKING. MoINTOSH & MoTAGG—ATRT, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, Wastessmact e. <3-02.1.ere.3. 333.1.3.1L-3,21.ff NOTES DISCOUNTED. Cenadian and United States Draftbought and sold, Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections malls on favorable terms. Canadian Agouts BARR OF Cannon. Now York Agonts—IMvOitTnne AND TEAT. ERB NATIttNAT, DANA. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A M. TAYLOR, B. O. L., • Barrister, Solicitor, 80., gi Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Money to Loan. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Cony eyaneer. 00110°- 61one made. OftIce—Yanstoue's Bleak, Bros - eels. _ 21-3015 A,17 M. SINCLAIR, v • Sol lei tor, Oonve ye.= or , No tary Fab- tio, &o. 01900-611tDaln B loek, 1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. DlORSON & HAYS, mato with Gamow 8 Proutifoot, Gode- rich ,1 Remoter% Solicitors. Conveyamiers, <be. Offices—Brussels and Seat orth, Brim- sele Oflice—Up-stairs over Bank, Money to Loan, rt. B. EtAYB, W. 11.010515019 BUSINESS CARDS. 'jJISS O'UONNO.R, Teacher of Organ ano Piano. 40-15 Princess str•st, Brussels. MoORAOKEN, • Usurer ofSfarrtageLtoenBoa, Oftles, at his Grocery, Turoborry street. 13russe1s. RN. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. 5,1. McKay di Co's hardware store. Ladies'and Wilhite= hair cutting a specialty A MoNAIR, Zit_ • Isstwer of Marriage Licenses, by aPPo6n8inon1 of Liout,-Governor, Commis- sioner, ,ho., Q.55. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insuranee Co. Office at the oranbrook Post Office, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM• INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, -C1- Clerk of the Poarth Division Court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and Immune() Agent. Viands invested and to loan. Colleotions made. Ofilce in Graham's Blook, Brussel% qi A. HAWKINS, • Organist ill 89. John's Church, Bros. eels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 01 .8. W. Thayer , X118. Doe.. New York, will glye lessons to pupils either at Thos, Rally 8, Turnberry st., or if preferred, at their own homes. Terms moderate. de- vrisS SHERLOCK, .01- Late of the Conservatory of liftisio, Toronto, is prepared to give lessons at Ethel and Cranbrook. Pupil of Professor Fisher and Mr,Eiarrieou on the piano, and of Mr, B. 55, (Bark in voeal music. Claire at Craubrook every Timidity. For terms, dm., &Indy at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel, DENTAL. 1s111,WTS=.1.2.."2" ! Ball, L. D. S. Nitres Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, Tenon°. IM iatIPESTI M. CAVANAGH, L. DS., b. D. S' clxadmaa of "e Royal College of Dental surgeons, Ontario, end of Toronto Mai- OFFIGLI—OVOT Pepper's Drug Store, Bonaes• ' TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.— Tho subeeribor offers her house and 109,corner ot dames and streets, Brussels, There is a oomfortable house, good stable, splOodia, won, 85, on the pre- mises, acre of land, Por further partial], lars as to price, terms, 80. apply to MRS. WM, kloCULLOUGE, Brissels, VAR1VI FOR SALE.—THE UN - &reigned offers his valuable 100 nom farm, being X.ot 12, Con. 9, Grey, for sate. Thom are 85 acres under crop, balance timbered. There is a good ondiard, wells, dm on the premises, besides log hoose, bank barn, 8e. Will be 501:5 00 roe eonable tering. Per price and fell particulars 03913, to WM. HABRIRX, Brussels P. 0,, or joins BBATTIB, Soaforth, Out, 87-0m VALUABLE 60 ACRE FARM eon 8ALE.--Being west 3lat 11, clon, 5, Gov, 2,1 miles from Biqa:se/a The land Is good olay loam, well drained, mostly 811 cleared and in good order. One acre Of or- chard In good nottir. Thom is a never fail- ing liming on the promisee and an extra well at the buildingir, The buildings aro coin tett- able, Wouicl take imitable property in or bear Bruseels as part pal% Per further eat' tiaelare apply on the prendtles to 'PROS, MCGREGOR, or actress Brute:els-P. 0. 8861 'ARM FOR SALB.—TRII UN- nunsietnin offore for sale the north ealit quarto r of 10908, tioneeseion 0, Morris, County of tiuron,contittithig 50 acre% The land feat grail quality and In a, high state of etiltlyation, Well torrood and nuder-drained, 1.0 items cleared. Now frame house, 8 rooms, Milk bouts erftli eonorete Walls, 2 wane, goodie:ism and abed, orchard , oto. Bight aores of fall wheat, Thia desirable property adieins the corporation of Brussels. filth. 89110 98919 will be given. eetleporfoot, SAMES esonivoi, Owner, 86. Sea erth I', 0, AUCTION EERS. ARAYMANN, a Auetioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, dm Terms cheerfully given. Cranbrook 3,0. Sales may be arranged at Tug Pon Publishing House, 13ru sole. (3rEORGE KIRKBY, Lieensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct- ed on reasonable terms. Parma and farm stook a apeciaity, Orders left at THIS POST Publishing House,•Bru seal% or sent to Walton P. O., will receive prompt attention, iTAVING TAKEN OUT 513 05 0.11 Auctioneer, itam prepared to concloot sales oflarin Stook at reasonable prices. Itnowing the standing of nearly every Orme I am in a poaltion to sell M good marks and get good security when geld on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give me a oath 02. P S. SCOTT. MEDICAL CARDS, M. F. CALE, M. D., (J. M., MeMber Of the Collog o of Physician , and Sergeone of Ontario by OXaraination, 011.1ao and Unlace:me —Main etteet Bast, 'Mel, Ontario, JA. MeNA.UGIITON, M. D. • 0, NI., L. B. 0, P., Edhibinvh, M. 0. P S. Ont. Ati Pepper's Drug Store from 8 to 13:08a. in, and from 100 to 4 p, 011, .18 ether hours may be found at his regidence, form- erly 060171)150 by lir, Butt:bloom Rill St, VETERINARY, T D. WARWICK, ey • Honor etroduate of the Ontario Vetetluary College, is prepared to treat all dieeasee Of doineeldeated animate In a com- petent manner, PartioUlat attention paid to Voterinary dentietry, Calls prOmptly ats tended to, Ofilee and IngrMarY*Tteci doors north 01 bridge, Turnbeery st„ breaseit.