HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-12, Page 44 New Advertisements. Locals—Geo, Clued. For sale—Geo. Good. Local ---P. Thompson. Clash for wool S, Swale, - au ab R 1 l The members of the South Brace Far. niers' institute held their annual pio•nie on weduuschny fu \onng's bush, Kinloss, h'or the past ten years Albert Putty, an employee of the Godorioh Organ Fac- tory, has been troubled with the sewed toe of his right foot, which had attained uermal growth and ovor.la a led the great toe. Latterly it became partIoulal ly it amputated. To tide euttd he milted a fellow.workman to sharpen a chisel, and after the close of work on friday laet asked his companion to stripe off the toe with the ohiael. At first hia friend demurred, but finally he placed the lntrn. ment on the objectionable toe, and mere- ly saying, "Now, Albert, tura your head away," quietly lopped it off by tapping the chisel with a mallet. Petty says he thought his friend had missed it, but when he looked down Ito saw that the toe had been severed, Tho amateur surgeon and Petty then dressed the stump and the latter walked home, The whole operation and dressing dill net take three minutes, and inside of four days Petty was able to wear a boot on his right foot, and is non at work again. The whole affair was an exhibition of strong nerve. Cri naeliaia eswee. The Jenclte Machine Company of Sherbrooke ountetuplates removing to Kingston. An elderly woman named Mrs, Fitz- ntantriue was found deed 10 her Moine at Hamilton Friday. The corner stone of a new Presbyter- ian church at Pickering was laid on Tuesday of last week. Laroeque was hanged last Thursday morning at L'Orignalfor outraging and murdering two little girls. Abbe Lavinaky, a newsboy, was found selling the Toronto News on the streets there last Sunday and was arrested. The record of vital statistics for the week, as registered in the Toronto clerk's office, is : Births, 58 ; marriages, 22 ; and deaths, 82. The body of a male child was found under Winohestsr street bridge, Toronto, last Sunday morning by a passerby, who reported the event to the police. A out has been ordered in the salaries of G. T. 1t. officials of five per cent. up. on salaries between $000 and $760, and of San per cent upon all salaries above $760. About 2 o'clock Sunday morning the store of Wm. Lough et Ida, a small place about six miles north of Millbrook, was entered and about $300 in cash stolen. No trace of the robbers was found. John H, Bailey, aged eighteen, was last week sant down to Kingston Peni- tentiary for five yearn for a dastardly as soffit an a little soven•year.old deaf and dumb girl. He is Mao to receive fifteen lashes within two months. Daniel Crawford, a deck hand on the sehpgner Rob Roy, was knocked over. board by the awiugiug of the boom when opposite Fighting Island the other day and drowned, He was 19 years old and is said to have belonged to Highgate, Ont. A domestic in the Luck House, Leam- ington, ate five nutmegs the other day, intending, it is supposed, to commit suicide. She was unconscious for 24 hours, but iv now out of danger. The girl is the 17 year-old daughter of Geo. Jeffery, of Essex. The tenders for building the Watford High Sobool were opened the other night, and the contract awarded to Adam Gerhard, of Delhi, for $4,977. Mr. Ger- hard'a tender was about $1000 leas than the next lowest. He also bus the con- tract to build the Delhi H. S. now in course of erection. A. Leamington clergyman on Sunday evening of laet week prayed that it might be the will of the Almighty to restore Canada's Premier to health, but if such was not the case that Sir John should have "an inheritance where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." Gordon, the 7.year-old son of Dr. Mac- Lean, county registrar, was drowned at Sarnia Friday afternoon. He was play. ing along with some other boys on Loug- head's dock, and it is supposed that he either fell off the look or slipped off a raft that was under the dock, which the boys are in the habit of playing on. No one apparently saw him fall in the water. A. small boy who had been with him easy him struggling in the water. The body was recovered about an hour after the accident. One hundred lambs fed at the Ontario Modal Farm and shipped to England as an experiment were landed at Birken- head a few weeks ago. The Liverpool correspondent of the Manchester Meat Trades Journal says that a finer selection has seldom been seen. In the same jour- nal is a letter from Ald. Frankland de. otaring that the condition of the lambs and the prioe at which they sold will give an impetus to the lamb trade with Great Britain, Ms to be hoped that this expectation may be fulfilled. Last Monday night at 11 o'clock Chief Constable Huffman, of Kincardine, de. teoted two auspicious -looking characters and followed them. He eaw one maks hie way to the rear of Replay do Co's. private bank building, while the other was stationed further down the street as oi)Ele `ri Yltsstls 1,.o5•t, I.RIDAY, JUNE 11,.1891. Washington Letter. (Prom our Regular Correspondent,/ 1YeshleetOn, May 211,'1)1, One of the surprises of the Behring Sea negotiations is furnished in the an- nounoement made last evening in the English House of Commons by the chan- cellor of the exchequer, to the effect that on Monday next he will introduce a bill authorizing the Queen to prohibit Brit- ish subjeote from sealing in Behring Sete for a period, to be defined among the provisions of the bill. This notion clear. ly indicates that Blr. Blaine's proposal in regard to a closed season has been ac- cepted by the British government, and that this Lear its power will be used in putting au end, so far as it can, to the ex' termination of seals in these waters. The President yesterday received a ciph- er despatch from Minister Lincoln, iu London, informing him of the action of the British Government in the House of Commons. The question engaged the President's principal attention yesterday, and be had uonferenoes at different times on its various phases with Secretary Fos- ter, Secretary Tracy, Seoretary Proctor and Acting Secretary Wharton. One point considered was the advisability of sending war vessels to Babying Sea to reinforce the revenue cutters in prevent- ing the taking of seals in case a closed season is deciied upon. This fleet would of course oo.operate with the English war ships now in those waters in the en- forcement of the agreement as concluded. Itis understood that the Secretary of the Navy reported that there are three naval vessels that could be prepared for this service without much delay. If the agreement should be euforoed, however, a curious contingency might arise in the ease of a vessel sealing in Behring Sea out beyond the three mile limit, and au- thorizingly flying another flag—say that of Germany or Italy. What, in such a case, would be the effect of the British. American agreement ? The more the platter is considered the more evident it becomes that, if the seal industry is worth preaeving, it must be done through a general international arrangement to whish the ma irilue powers girt, then Peewit. The 'white squadron is not to be dis- solved, as a great many navy officers have predicted and as a great many more #?11,v8 hoped that it Weald, but 5118 wishes of Admiral Walker, who eommanda both the white squadron and a vast amount of influence at the department, are to be re- spected, and he is to take his splendid ships around home waters this summer for some extended manoeuvres that are intended to serve as object lessons fur other ships and other commanders. There has been an undoubted effort on the part of certain naval folks outside of the squadron to get the fleet dissolved, but the presence of Admiral Walker in town for the past two or three weeks has given him an opportunity to convince the authorities at the department that the exeroisea of the squadron in Tampa bay have been productive of better results as regards the instruction of the navy in modern pranmuvreing than any aeries of squadron movements ever held. The United States treasury receives many mysterious centribubions sent in by unknown persons whose conscience accuses them of having swindled the gov' ernment in one way or another. These contributions are of course assigned to the 'Iconsoienoe fund." Moat of the frauds thus rectified are oommitted against the Gusto= and internal revenue laws. The majority of people seemed to regard the government us they do a cor- poration, which, having neither a soul to be saved or a body to be kicked, may be cheated to any extent justifiably ; but now and then an individual turns up who gets worried about it afterward, Such penitents send the amount they think they owe to Washington usually, where the sums pass through the hands of the bureau of public moneys into the treas- ury. Contributions of this sort as low as atwo-cent stamp are received, while sometimes they are as high as several thousand dollars. A while ago eight halves of as many $1,000 notes came in, accompanied by a notification that the remaining halves would follow if acknow. ledgement was made of the receipt of the Met consignment. As an earnest of good faith the movers of the third party intend to try to beat Maj. McKinley in his canvaae for the governorship of Ohio. They do not hes. itate to predict that McKinley will be beaten by 20,000 majority. Hon. Jerry Simpson, who is a pronounoed free trad- er, baa been assigned to campaign work in Ohio and a program has been laid out for him. There ie no other campaign to particularly demand his attention, and he will devote considerable time to edu- cating the farmers of the Buokeya state. He will probably go into the first state in June and will make another stumping tour when the campaign grows hotter, near the time for the election. Huron County. Blyth firemen have been presented with $60 in oaab as a token of the way their eervieee are valued by the villagers. Inspector Paisley has planed to the credit of Clinton as the first distribution of the License fund for 1891, the sum of $080. A. young man named West, employed with Oliver Johnston, Clinton, got his hand severely crushed on Tuesday of last week by a horse stepping on it. The GodeSieh Cadets are engaged to take part, in the big firemen's tournament at Seaforth on the 10th inst. They will be in charge of their popular captain, Geo. Stewart. It is expected that the Orangemen of Clinton will attend Rattenbury Street Methodist oburoh on the afternoon of the 12th of July, when 8 special sermon will 1.1 preached. Mies E. Potter, danghtor of Rev. A. Potter, pastor of the Methodist church, Dungannon, we are pleased to state bas been ancceseful in being awarded the firat prize giver) by the Editor' of the Montreal Witness for the best original Canadian story. troublesome and Albert decided to have TIIE BRUSSELS POST atom rices ANY 011 ALL 0]? TIIE FOLLOWING ARTICLES : 1 Large Platform Scales (1200 pounds), 1 Small Platforul Settles (210 pounds), 1 Counter Scales, 1 `Avery's' Brass Balance and Weights, 2 Wooden Show Cases, 1 Silver-plated Show Case, 3 Wire Hanging Baskets, 3 Sieves, 1 Ice Cream Freezer, 2 Awnings, with Ropes, Pulleys and Irons complete, 1 Good Coffee Hill, 10 Wooden Chairs, 1 Boot Float, 4 Tables, 1 Four -light Chandelier and Lamps, 4 Two -light Chandeliers and Lamps, 3 Sets Window Blinds, 2 Stoves and Pipes, 1 Plate Glass Mirror, 1 Hand Saw, 1 Buek Saw, 20 Cords of Stove Wood, 1 Patent Ink Helder, • 1 Butter Tryer, G Counter Lamps, 1 Coffee Roaster, 1 Large Refrigerator, (i Empty Goal Oil Barrels, (i Fancy Shoe Stands, 1 Doz. Candy Show Tars, 2 Doz. Spice Tins, 1 Wash Tub, 150 Pairs' of Lasts, 2 S(1ts Boot Trees, 4 Shoemakers' Benches, 1 Seam Block, 12 Pairs Crimping Blocks, 6 Pairs Crimping Irons, 1 Set Long Boot Patterns, 1 Set Gaiter Patterns, 1 Good Crimping Machine, 1 First-class Singer Sewing Machine, 1 Finishing Lamp, 1 Size Stick, 1 Large Fire Proof Safe, 1 Watering Can, 1 Step Ladder, Wet Measures, Dry Measures, And a host of other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS GASH. Gor Af1'COLL BROS. & CO. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CELEBRATED "LARDINE ?" Cylinder, —)SPECIALTIES( Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness. MANUFACTURERS: McCOLL BROS. & CO,, TORONTO. 44 -em For Sale by B. DERRY, Brussels. - CONFEDERATION :: LIFE, - Organized 1871, - Head Office, Toronto. Remember after Three Years Polioies are Incontestable, FREE PROM ALL RESTRICTIONS AS TO RESIDENCE, TRAVEL OR OCCUPATION Paid-up Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Policy. THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST EARLY CRATE ; PROVIDES AN INCOME IN OLD AGE, AND IS A GOOD INVESTMENT. a watch. Mr. Huffman followed the first Policies are Non -Forfeitable after the Payment of Two fall annual Premiums. and found him prying open a rear Profits, which are Unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are window. To the constable's salutation, allocated every five years from the issue of the policy, or at longer periods, as may "What are you doing there ?" the burg. lar responded, "Follow me, Would you ?" and fired two shots, one of which passed through Mr, Huffman's coat, which was Unbuttoned. The burglars made their escape. Men scoured the town all night, but no traces of the desperadoes could be found. Brussels School Belied. The regular meeting of the Brussels School Board was held on Friday even- ing, June 0th. Members present—T. Fletcher, T. Far. row, H. Dennis and W. B. Dickson. Moved by EI. Donnie, seconded by T, Farrow that T. Fletcher be chairman pro tem. Carried. Moved by W. 13. Dickson, seconded by H. Dennie that the account of W. H. Kerr for printing, $4,00, be paid. Carried. Moved by H. Dennie, seconded by T. Farrow that the Seeretary bo authorized to borrow the sum of 1626 for 3 Months from the Standard bank lime to relieve present note me,turingJune 80th and pay quarter salaries, Carried. The report of Inepaotor Robb wag read and filed, said report being highly alttiataotory to the Board. The meeting then adjourned, be selected by the insured. Profits go Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future time under any circumstances. Participating Polioy Holders are entitled to not leas than 90 per cont. of the proflte earned in the olase, and for the past seven years have actually received 95 per Dent. of the profits so Darned. W. C. MACDONALD, AorOAne. J. K. MACDONALD, itfnNAosee DxueoeoR. W. Imo, IiERI'i,, Ag'cnt, .13rupselel. A Bee in Your Bonnet( I have Combs, Frames and Empty Rives for Sale. Hives are Well Made and Well Painted. Price, 75c, Each. Call at— DAVID MOORE'S, 8th Con., Morris. or write Walton P. 0. Take a Bargain while you have the chance. 45.:07 Irani and Eggs Eggs have dropped in price, so has our Large Stook of Primo SMOKED HAMS, BREAI{FAST BACON AND SIDE MEAT M1 of Our Own Curing. We also Manufaoture Bologna Sausage. Patronize hone industry by calling on u1). Give me a call and prove the truth. fulnoaa of the above statements, Wm, Blashill, Butcher, PAENT% 1 and PACER R" ENG A Partnership having been formed be. tween 58, :l'hompeou and E. (irimoldby. under the -Firm name of Tmeersea & Gnlunr.nnr, they are 110w lux'pared to promptly attend to the waots of the public 111 HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Paper Hanging a Specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Orders left at A. M. McKay & Co's, store, Brussels, will have our prompt attention. THOMlPSON a, GRIMOLDBY. ALLAN LINE Royal .hail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS toEUROPE ron'i•Nnin'rLV Unarms FIIO.M PORTLAND on IIALIFAX, To IIERRY on LIVERPOOL. CABBIN EATEN, $111. $50 toll $aa, Single, $80, $00 and 1x1!)) ]totur», according to Location of stataroo:n. INTERMEDIATE, Outward y2S; Prepaid $30 'leerage t11. Lowest hales. Ace lllllmods' li this 1'iieai,'passed. Apply to H. t A. ALLAN, Montreal, o1) W. 11. 3K ERI't, Acme's', Bsuaasr.e. Shoddy - - Pedlars Are on the Warpath, so are im- plement agents to entrap the wary fanner into buying inferior plows made at a distance from Brussels, for which you cannot get repairs when needed. Farmers, consult your own in- terests and encourage home man- ufacture by calling at the Drussels Younday Where you can get a Superior Article at a Reduced Price, Guar- anteed to give Satisfaction, or no sale. Pions, 'nm. i:est PI(tsburg Oast Sleet ltoilyds, Single cud Double. Plow Points of Every Blake at 40c. each. Gang Points 26 Cents. Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on any plow at the Lowest Possible Price. Be aura and soli and examine our stock before buying. W. R. Wilson, Brussels. STANDARD RANk of CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. 00WAN, President. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. CAPITAL, AuTnonlzEn, - • 52,000,000 PAID "JP, - - - - 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND, 400,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. Brussels Agency. A General Banking Business Transacted. Partners and other good Notes Discounted at lowest rates. Matte Issued end Collec- tions made on all pointe. Deposita received and interest allowed at oUireut rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De- posite of $1 and upwards from data of deposit to date of withdrawal, and com- pounded half yearly. Prompt attention and every facility afford - 9d customers living at a distance, G. P. SOHOLFIELD, Agent. Brussels, Aprilath, 1801. Why Not Do Your own Thinking? BBvaaELa, November 8th, 1889. J. M. Monson, Goderleb, DEAR Ssa.—I should have written before now to lot you know bow X am getting along. T am a lot better than Ives; gaining strength every day. I have a good appetite and sleep well. I can take the full quantity of the System Renovator and it duos not sicken me. My limbs are all right now ; quite smart in that way; swelling all gone. The greet thirst is gone; X drink no water et night, but I take a little buttermilk. X am b ottle of straightagain. Renovators. another Yaura,sba.. AS. DUNCAN, Ii0URTEE0 sioNTna LATER. BltnaaELa, February 711,1801. 3, M. Mama', Godorioh, 112EA0 Sm.—Fifteen Mire ago last Nevem. bar I started to doctor first ; I was treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped me any. At times I suffered greatly front my etomaeh ; I eonthnued, bob I grew worse. I turned dropsical ' limbs and bolt' awaited badly. You lc the state 1 Witsin whoa I want to Goderlott—a mere wreck, could baldly want—suffering iron Br1 hb'e die. naso. Just one year ago laet fall I began your Renovator and 8)500100 Gum, I began to mend In a few dive; continued then for throe menthe steady. Although I. was told rollnoas il'hearty cured, everythinggat Nutt opines in the way, I owe you the ptaiee of envied my life, I was In a hopelnae aonditlon when I wont to you, in fact no one theuglit I would got better. I cannot speak. too highly of you and of your motiietooa, for it was thorn that atirsd me. Words gannet express my Menke to you, Freely pane my name to anyone. Yours, be., JAMES DUNGAN, SOLD 11Y J. 1'. tvirrI1t, BRtiaeusa. JUNE 12; 1891 r']a1ZnlS 015 SIIRVICE 01 MY ;y TIIOROUt 1t BR0]) 111(58110 One Cow, 91,55,E (lows, ,4,00; additional cows, $1.50 molt, ell ilia property of ono poison, A aliment of 10 per aunt, will bo deducted when pail at the time of service, Jersey Cows 03.50 each extra, O. A. DP)A U MIAN, Druggist, ,te, IMPI OVEDLAISC,1S WUITE SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for aervloo this YORK - present season the Improved largo white Yorkshire pig "Emily" on let 2u, eon, (I,. Morris, to which it limited number of sows will be taken, 'farms 8100 to be paid at time of service, with the privilege of return. t 1nl) if necessary, Pedigree luny be seen up. on cap 1lioutien. 1tOltl.:l5'51 N1 Choi'„ 1051 Proprietor. ri-tWO PURE-BRED PIGS F011 SE11VI015,—The undersigned has re. cantly purchased and will Soap for Nerv(ee at North half Lot 84 Con. 7, ]Morrie, it Pore - Brod Berkshire Boar, bred by Mr. sno)1, and oleo an Ohio improved Chester White, one year old, thrall by Thos. George, Putnam, a't'om imported Stook 011 both sides. Phis hog took 005 prize at the Industrial ]ixhibi- itou, Toronto, 18110,Iu a class of 17, ant also Sed at the \Vootern 1eaIi in 0 class of 15. T•a'n,a,+1.00, to bo paid at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. 11.1f S. WALK tat, Proprietor, 'p 1ONISY TO LOAN. E�� Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. APPI ( TO J,C,Iieffernan, J..A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 3stf D. zIyCL&Xo y M.D., M.A., L.C,P.S.O., Specialist, - Toronto, JoanTBAN Bnaruesvr, Lletave), says 1-• "After spending all my money and property to no purpoaa On medical men, for what they termed a hopeless easy of consumption, Dr. Sinclair awed m0," Mole M.tuv l+ann,0No, Wnodhanae, Rave .— "When ell others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured ;no of flts." D. Itanrn'soN, Carleton Place, says :— "Dr. Sinclair cured mo of Catarrh. alto. Rowan, Blyth, says:—''Dr. Sinclair cured me of heart cliaaaae aa4 dropsy, when all others failed." Disposes of Priralc 2"aler'e, brought on 6y folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Cures. Cosnculto.tion r^ree. WILL BL AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, —ON— Tuesday, July 7th, '91. Pr ova Ali Stations in Ontario onofptbe)00 Canadian Pacific Rl`y. Tickets will be sold for Exouraioaa leaving Toronto 11 p. m.on June rand, 18911, (Good to return until JULY 12th) )ozee — June Oth, 1891, Good to return until JULY 19th) ioxcl June 23rd, 1E30; (Good to return until AUGUST 21nay To the following points at rates named t e'Whey DelornineBinsnrbMoos(min $28 Go REGINA MOO sIiIJAw YORT3 TON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY $30.00 $35.00 For further particulars apply to any agent of the Company. 0. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. BABY 1 ARRIAGIJS . A Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car- riages have arrived at H► Dennis', Brussels, Call and see them before yon purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. always in stock and sold at Close Prices, If you want a sot of Light or Heavy I'Iarlless I can supply you. See our Scotch Collars. 11. D031111S.