The Brussels Post, 1891-6-5, Page 8Ignorance TTIE BRUSSELS POST sinseestereesemzentessaitrammeneereameneterseasanstsemesemeesoameteeteressurattresestemeammeneemeassi le te I ;thee), blitz% Thr emit Ignor- ance we are ',Hen deprivee of meny of ' zhe enjoyments of life. Thi, is emir -if yen have never tried our Jusey Eliake, 71. eat FOR THE MONTH OF TIL NE 1891. CI evn OIL Rea e Clot Bought from n. Reliable Manufucturer at 95 Cents on the Dollar. ;Dowil say you have tried mak Shake of other Makes !AIM du nut care for it, be. • muse there is no emnparison between the mak eheke we melte and that whieh le We (TO a big business in licadymade tiothing, and we are in a pc sition to handle big job lines, sometimes ladled h.)* that name. Try ours ! turers have any clearing lines to ofrer we get first chance. We took adVantacre or one and see if yen are not strengthened anti refreshed, and bought a big line for 96e, on the $. jersey Butter ! Have you eter eaten Jersey Butter ? If so you will know what good butter Is. We ean eupply a limited quantity at 17e. per Pound. end if you do oat say it is! worth it I will make you a present of some U. A. DRA.DMA.N, Dreggist, Bookseller, ,be. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8erri1E113 ENTENSION W. G. A: 11, - Trains /rare Brussels Station, North and South, IAS follows: Go/No Sorra. GoING Hotrirr. Alail tisea amt. I mixed 0:.10 min. Etanress 11;40 man. Mail Ws p01. &Cued 0:10 p.m, Express 0:11 1.01 ocal Dcw5 itenm A chiel's ampule ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll preut it. - - - - DON131.1oN Day canes on Weelnesdey. A NEW platform has beeti put down at 'the depot. &mom Board meeting this (Felday) evening. Gee ready to come to Brussels for the Ist of July. Bolo' summer coats and vests cheap at A. R. Smith's. Deryn GRAHAM IS away attending the -County Coumil. Dower forget that Brussels will cele- brate on July 1st. FINE steak of mourning goods, crape, tee. at A. R. Smith's. Rev, R. Peer, will preach in the efetho. db.t ebureb next Sal,beell in Brussel. loovro, Cabbage ard Cauliflower plants for sale at L C. Riehard's harness ...Lae subscription list of THE PoST con - 10 gum' steadily. 75 emits gete it until ilext Janintry. Onoserwe Wes -tete -Come on with you opposition for the nen 30 aftyS itt leadythade clothing. A. R. Surrlf. A me - tree Will be given be Rev. J. IL Simpame ef Brumfield, in lethox church, Brussels, if' the neer future. lett° and saleect eext week. • TLA.: inceti»u, itt dm interestOf tee I'meons of La -Matey, wil be held on 'Mond:* June eth, at 5 t. inin the eample VO3ms (Pr the American Irettl, wslit ti show otir customers the differemze in prices in reedyniade clothing for the ttext 311 11,11,3s. Compare our prime with these who buy in the reguler -aay. A. M Semi. MELYILLE Church received 10 new members at the communion services last Sabbath. Rev. D. Forrest, of Walton, preached at the evening service, and the pastor on Monday evening. C. I'. R. -The following ie a list of pessenger tickets via C. P. R., to Delo- -ramie, Man., sold this week by Z. T. Pepper :-Daniel Bell. Mrs. Daniel Bell, Miss Bell, jowr's Smith, John Smith, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Adam Smith. Term Winghain Advance says :-Among the Many ladles from Brussels who were• in town on Monday, May 25th,we noticed the following Jae. Ross and daughter, lire. Heater and daughters Term and Mary, Miss M. MuCItire, Miss E. Ilingeton, Miss C. Hunter and Miss Agin, WELL-lhoeucti AND L'ItILLINo.- George Hirt has all the necessery mitehluery for dige'ng ni1 drillin wells and is prepar: attend to all work entrusted to Min it a way that 31111 insure satiefactiou. Went+ cleaned oat and put in Inoper share. Terms reasonable. Iteeidenee sewed door north of the bridge, west eide of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43.0 ON May 2511 Freddie Gilpin was mac. bratine the day right royally by firing a ealuto in boner Of Her Majesty Queen Vietoria. He geoured some fire orackets and deposited thern in his coat poeket, Someeody lot a :mark fall ieto tide re. eeptaele and there was a volley fired that wee tiot on the program at till. Outside of a. badly mutilated met, a strong per. fume of powder and 50 cents worth or "scare" 00 serious results followed. Beene:Tee a gentleman, whom we will '.'all Mr. "Smith," had the misfortune te , lose e pood/e that he pieced a very high eminsete upon and for days the said "-Smith" refused to be comforted, Ear. iy one tnornide u special despatch 0831011- '3d him that the dog was in the near vie. inity and hastily theesing a seem') was I 00 14100 instituted. The aniund wee eerie,' len was tieetne teem home metin. Alt-. "Smith" int.stiell,, bet, finding hie elite, es ae itictinthreetee, he shed tome, mid eyed with the 1. elocity of an .11reo30 after ihe canine. Very shortev -Tip" 90315steered and earefnlly takeit liedot and »Oer the son shines once mot is ite of old, • fi100 mot Neetter.-"Oor Homes," a thitty two liege monthly Maga:tine, de. -voted to house building, home furnishing, home decoration, fashions, general Meta. tare, elm, is the best, publication or de •clam in Americo,. Tb e pnblishers, order In More/tee the °Mottle:Hon theie magaellie, offer lerge cash rewarde to those of their subeeribers, 00 ieteuding ealmerthers, who oorreotly answer the following oneetien Where in the New Tegument are the words "a needle" first Sound? Caelt daily and weekly rewards, given while the competition lasts. The r embleihers Will give away thousande of dollar's zunotig those correctly anewering the enestion-the' leading rewrird being e500 in geld. Send ten cents in stemma og silvee for a sample gm of 'Otto 531018311 and oomplete rules governing the cons - petition. Address-Oolt Hones Peiileatte .010 en„ Breekville, Cattada. When the this week ;JUNE 5, 1891 PITR HI WHITE HELLEBORE PEPPER'S man iliac. DRUG STORE, Now we will sell Mews oits for $8.25, worth $5.00 ; $1 0.50 Suitt; for $7.00 ; $1.00 Suits for 0.75 ; $113.00 ibe $11.00, THE ABOVE PRICES ARE FACTS. - A. R. SMIrT1-1, - CALL AND SEE THE GOODS, Remember the stock or Readymade Clothing we bought been offered for sale. They are all new, and were made -for one of the largest,if not the largest, wholesale manufactures offers a great opportunity for clothing buyers. 11 yon have and see for yourself. Save Good Money-. is 11 Ot a bankrupt stock. The goods have never before this season's trade. These goods are manufactured by in Canada, and were intended for fine trade. This sale been accustomed to give $12.00 for a suit bring $8,75 only A. R. SMI_ Simile's Brick Block, Opposite. Central ereeesereeeeeeeseere+eseere-eseteee-esseeterne-see-e-sestseeeeeessarese-seseaaesterseaseeeseteaszteers_se eseeeesresseeteareeese• _ • eeretteeeessee-eseereeeereee 75 Cexes, in advance, secures Tun Pon for the balance of eirsetes, challies, prints, flannelette cheap at A. R. Smith's. COOPER Saliva's boots and ribose DA right prices at A. R. Smith's. A. number from hero took in a gerden party at Walton on Thuredny evening. THE Census Gornmissimer expects to anuounoe the populetion of Canada about July 1,1. J. Ross' hound "Driver" got a dose of poison on Wednesday. By prompt action the dog's life was saved. THREE thou,anci pairs of boots Rua three hundred felt hats. Don't tvait ins- til We are out of sizes. Ono. Goon, THE Orangemen of this locality are meeting on a big celebration in Brussels on Monday, July 131.11. The 12th comes on Sunday tide year. SHOES Fouthe-leohnd in Bru+sels a pair of ladies' shoes. The owner may heve same by proving property and pay- ing for thie advertisenient. Pon Pub• is ling Home, Rom. THOHPSON and le. Grimoldby have formed a partnership and are reedy to attend to the wants of the publio in house, sign and ornamental pending, paper hanging, eho. A mom, very convenient zwd nsefel patent has been recently added to the two furrows plows menufeetured at 117. R. Wilmon's foundry in tlfe shape of a tiltiitg leater. 10 should be gemby tending pnrcheeers, Wst, .1.0201 has been appointed care- taker of the Bre engine and hose in the plsee of Harry Jame,, removed to Ottawa. Ile should 1111 the hill nicely, as he has an intimate aconitintalee with the ma- chine from his working in the Ronald foundry. SPoUTSUEN are congratnetting then-• selves thet, whatever may be the result of the dry weather on the orops, the hatching season of the grouse should be all right and the broods large. Cold tvet weather in the spring is easily seen in the fall by the smell noveys of these birds, Tim Guelpk Conference of the Meth°. dist chinch assembled at Berlin on Thursday of this week at 9 o'clock a. m. According to the first draft of statione, which is subject to alteration, Rev. G. F. Salton, of Waterloo, is down for Brunie aud Rev. S. Sellery for Wingham. A, MoKibbin's natne stands for Belgre,ve, Rev. W. Smyth for Fergus, and Rev. .JoelSdge, for Goderiolt, LAST Sunday Rev. A.roli, McKibben oo. cupied the pulpit of elle Methodist church in 13ruesels 111 the absence of the pastor. He preached two very practical dis- ,toItlt,s, the morning one &Mg from the tyxt "Ftioch walked with Gore," aud in the evening his mph. •vas "Solomonet , Motive." Mr. Meleibbon he, completed his probation nod has spent two years at Armee; summer wets and vests at whoteside prices at A. 15. Smith'S. JAcs liEwtrr has sold his bronchi) pony, "Pete," and ()nut to W. Doig, of Gerrie, Its:v. W. T. CLOPp and Rev. Mr, Hod. gins, of Seaforth, exchanged pulpits last Suuclay. Pr es expected that the Band will be. gin their usual open Mr concerts on Friday evening of this Weelt. Hem' a ton of sugar, half a ton of tea, half a ton of soap and three hundred ponnds of raisins for sale. Gno. Goon, \Vet don't hatidle old shop-worn goods, but when we get a snap in oew goods from the manufacturer we take them. A.. It. SMITH. W31. Conxise anti family have moved into Brussels, ocoapyiugthe house re. oently vacated by W. F. l'anstone, Flora street. We welcome them as toWlis. people in earnest now. Deer forget that a Trades' procession will be held on the morning of Dominion Day hi Brussele. Nearly every busiuess place in he town will be repremeted. It will be worth coming miles to 80. Wit are pleased to bear that J. D. Ronald hes 50 (1 two largo steam fire engines to Liverpool mel Shelbourne, cities in Prince Edward Island. The wise mon still al pew M lire in the East. Jone lIewrer bee removed his shaving parlor to the Stretten bloek, four doom small of his former stand, He is now eicely -ettied and ie as. ,lady and willing as ever to attend to the wents of his ellstateM Tiithly meeting of the Woman's illissiotiery Society itt connection with the Methodist church whivth was to have bee,3 lield at die Leine of elm. 3. J. Gilpin, bus been postponed till Thus - day, 11 th hist. A young hopeful's opinion of ell:18.- A certain gentlemen not a hundred miles from Brussels wail greeted on his reborn from town oue evening lately by his young hopeful of some ten summers in the followieg manner :--"You aro too late, 1et, it is all over. Another con• founded girl." WHAT might luwe been a melonacci. dent happened to Mrs. Greenslade. of Morris, last Seturclay evening while driving on Main stmt. The wheel of her buggy oetne in contact with another con. veyanee and the horse attempted to run away. Mrs. Greenslede was thrown out of the rig on the road but °soaped with• out any serious injury. The horee 9010 oaetered in front of 0, A., Deadmitille Mug store, 'Inc oow end horse 13y3sw is being en- forced without fear or favor ned seyerel aunualts were impilmeted that wer,., found 121 111050 Meer 8 °Meek. If 0110 or two hints ere wit takeu the poutel fees will Ite e..Aleo, ed. Waiter Smith line been in ell aided to enloree the Lyeaw and as it o oure Collsgo on his Arts course. Hu it( a matter of gonertI fitoros 00 the pub. expecte to lee ordalnei at the Conference lin we hope they will aid the aethoritios in Berlin next Sabbath. He 18 11 very promisiug young man, • Mon311: Fon0s:r Will have grand unlit (ley on July lat and thel, embruning Beira tournament, horse moos, anrobat feats, athletics gitmee, Scottish bagpipe ! competition, Scotch and Irish dwitiehig, lacrosee and font -bell matchee and other seorte, On the evening of the first day there will be it. grand promenade cement and a fine display of fire.works, The prizes ttmount to $1,800, Reduced mtezi will be given on the railways, The etlitor of Inc Pon Toluene thanks for a complimentary badge, ll.`ANNERY Poll Isnossahs.-Jonatilan Hill, of Gerrie, hats leased the tannery from John Shennott, of London, and has set to work to put the building and its ay. purtenances Itt 1. workeble conditinn. He will pesli the be -sinew and III in hoeing that the kw is observed. Lein Studley a nembor of bulletins %vete posted up at the telegrteph office eneedeniug the illuess of Sir John A. Macdonald. They W000 anxiously manned. Some sneak took the °ppm'. tunity of removing three oelluloid lettere from the me M arriagolise sign on 11.1r. Plre oother's stowindow where the butte+ tine were. it was a silly and very ehabby trilelo<*wtee elteruere-Tbe Directors of the Howlek Mutual Fire Idsurenee Compttny met at L. Campbell's hotel, Gerrie, lash Seartriley,01 the 11113111b0)'5 present, Presi- dent Edger in the Muter, 12D applica- tions were pawed lainountieg to e170,- 840. Lome Were stttled to the arnauet of 62325.45, us followe : -jogeph Scott, Morels, datmege to betel., 07,125 • \Vim Seal., Maternal>, burn and contents, 01,• !Mule of tanning. There is room, We be. 21J ; Jas. Terebull, Greython-0 end con- lieve, in this locality for 511011 an indite. tente, etil ; Geo. leery, Morrie, rittnumn try, mid there le very little (Meld bet lo contente of house, 1183,60 ; Frank that Mr. Hill will do a rein IlneratiVe Wri lit, Tureberry, melte-Ms of barn, toule in the mew future. Ile wil 1110VI) 1 `;,;1.711 ; It. Riley, elcKillop, hay burned, his family here 510113' and settle ilnwii • ; Welter 11.41011, (Irey, apples blurt. /18 a rt.sideill, of Drimeele. Owing to the ' ml in l'urn bulk's ell 55,00, 'elm next ta 11110'y 1) leg ithe 111' several years soon? ' meating will be hola hi the Gorrie, Town, little time wilt of neoeseity elapse I1I11/00 11,1,11 on :is' ur.lity, 5701 inst. • Pot,T ' (la (x1, my . A. grentl oppor. Itee hoard it good reeort of our 11510 oat. tunity will be offered to the people of zen end wishes him good leek. 13ruseele and violuity on the holm or thie FTIMMEN'S DENIO31ST11.11703 131 SICAPOIrrit, POW, The undersigned be at tile ---Send hir partionlare of the Gthtni Itt. Queen'a Hotel for role week only to do (*maths/nil Plyenurn'a Tournwrion5 to ea general repair work on setviitg matthines held in See:forth on thine 111111 and 1 70% and weingete. I wigh the people or 13tus. 1891. 01,000,00 in 011,11 prieue 101. ;me Sels Mut 010111103' 00 Understand that 1 reel recce, hook atid ledder moos, mum. repair all kinds and makee of Hewing ling uompetitions, iiremen'e foot -Yams, inaohinee and writtgers, and carry all and other sports moth em bioyole ',twee, necessary parts to do 80, if you have drummers' race, football matchee by had your sewing maohina to any other eleotrio light, and farmer& load comp's, repairer who eats not given ynu satisfac. titions. 610,00 to the largest load er tion plejse give ma 20 aid X will people and $10.00 to the load Of latgesb guarantee to make it work to your waits. people. Xhia will be the greatest sport. Petition, or no charge will be iimde, hence ing event ever held in the west. Do not yoU have all to gein and nothing telose, forget that the groat championship foot,. l'own common ieationa by mail (or other, ma)eh between the Detreits t De. wise) will nmet with prompt attention. troit, and the }Intone, of Settfor'th, takes Farmers bring 00 the howl of your ma. place alt the recreation grounds on the Morning of the 17tb. For further par. Montan; Reim to IL Emil, 8000400.e3' Seaforth Fire Brigade, Settforth• Ont. chino only. 'Ihose wishing shuttlea, aprings and bobbies of any make will be aceotinnoclateri by a eali on 11 8, l'lgth, Queen'e Hotel, Bresselse Hotel, Brussels. Gimes A PASTOR.- Last Friday after- noon a meeting of Knox Church Oongre. gallon WM held, Rev. D. Forrest, of Wal- ton, presiding, for the purpose of voting on the eall of a pastor, oocasioned by the resignation some months ago of Bev, G. B. Howie, Ph. D. The first ballot was largely in favor of BOIL J. D. Edgar, a yotnni man who has just completed his eourse at Knox College, and a son of Jas. Edgar, a well known resident of Howiok. It was deoided on a seoond ballot to extend a oull to him. Elder &reclines attended the special meeting of Maitland Presbytery on Tuesday of this week, at Ltioknow, and represented the congregation in the action taken by them. Bun Yrr.-Last Friday Joseph Clegg, the veteran cattle buyer shipped two cars of exporb cattle from Bruseels that will be bard to beat. A munber were fed by himself and we oannot give particulars concerning them but of the balance the following facts will he interesting, es- peoially to our rural readers :- Jas. Wilkinson, Morris, 3 head, 47110 lbs. Joe, Shortreed, " 4 e 4840 " Jno. Coultes " 0140 F. Mccnteheon " I " 1650 " Wzn. Geddes, " 1 " 1120 " Jas. Ireland, 5 " (1111" Milos Miller, Juo. Geddes, " " 2(125 " Philip Bete, Gray 5 " 6800 " Geo. Skelton, Morrie, 1 " 1200 " Wm. Wylie went in charge of the stock aud will make a brief viiit in the Old CorticA‘tt.y. o Pitmoss.-The return mut-ab between Brunie and Seafortlz gun °bibs mil; Shot on Tuesday afternoon of ado week, On the Vansto»e property, east of the mill dam. It was a tip.top arty for the occasion and beth chthe did good work. The visitot s won by six birds. R. N. Barret was referee and Leatherciale pulled the traps." Emil; man had 15 shots, the birds beingthrown to the left, forware and rieht. Brinsels ran belting at the start but pulled op well before the close of the matoli. The following is the score ;- 3', Boss antresnx.,s, 000101011011101-8 R. Watt . ..... ...AI) 001 011111111-N Z. Ballantine 0 00111101111111-11 D,Ross„,.... 100001010101111-8 A, names 010111010011111-10 0010000e001oloo-11 Dr, MoNazighton1 0 1 0 01 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 01-10 13'. S. Scott 001011010001000-e Total '7 ,T, Stephens anADoivrtt. 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 011- 11 TT, Grieve 0 0 1 ()Oil 0 1 I I 3 1-11 Turner . ................. 0 1 1 01- 8 Hinehlev. ...... ,11001111017eite-en lionttle Of 010 On 1 00 01001- a Stark . 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-li Dodds . 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1-1.2 Dright 1 1 1 1111 o 1 1 0 0 1-11 Intel el 'Iwo Iineuneue IfOrks Gums. -New. port ie to have a sensetion ;hie summer. It is authentically stated tbat the bean ti - fill and celebrated daughters of Lord Duffwin, Beatrice Adelaide, are to grace this famous resort with theie presence thie coming season, tt will be reme11. bored that Beatrioe's beautiful dark eyes have played havoc lately with the heart of Albert, the eldest son of tale Plince of Wales. What it will amount to is yet a mattor of oonjecture in England. The young ladies are aeknowledged to he the most beautiful in all Europe, mid there will be not it; libtle exeitement in the hearts of unr Amerioan belles over their coming. They are exenisite dressers, end their comumes will be morels of curiosity. 'Unlike most MAN% they enow exactly what is 'Pulled to them, Some time ago they emit for the uhief designer of the Paris house of tho Now York itha Paris Yeung laulitee' Fashion Bazar, and Relented fovty weeniest each, the cost of which will tonount to thousands of pounds. Through the noort y 01 1(1500 young lathes we have bocnI pormitted to nopy foe, the Now York and Paris Young Ladies' lemblon two of thoie most extinisite costume% whieb appear as figures 3 and 4 on the colored plates ot tho Idite immber of this magazine, just out, and for which the publisher has issued, in the name of the American ladies a. Omni of thrunks. Ilia rumored that lbe prince may follow the young ladies to 'Newport thie sum. mer. The Now Tock and Paris Young Ladies' Faehlon Bazar has the exolueive right to publish each month at least one or mere of the costumes in whicli tho ladies Soittriee and Adelaide will appear. Lendon's population, according to the Remmers' retures, is 31,240. The Toronto Sepatate Schools will (dose for midsummer vacation Juno '25. Hew bells ara tO Ile parole:awl in Franco for the Basilica at Quebee, Chief Justice Sir A, A, Dorton oe Montreal, died on Saturday evening. A. step.tlangliter of GeOrge Hunter, of elaracto0, 0v0.5 loading a horse on the farm ten the horse kicked her 00 the jaw, breaking 10 18 two places, Domieredlei Dia 120 sdatessies. A puhlio meeting was held in the Town Hall lest Friday evening for the purpose of taking the, preliminazy steps for the celebration of Dominion Day in Brussels. Reeve Gralutm Avas voted to the chair, and W. 11. Kerr acted ab See. rotary. After discussing the matter of mile. bration the following Committee was appointed Graham, B. Donnie, J. N. Kendall, a. 15. Rotialci, 11, L. Taylor, R. Leatherdale, A. Koenig, F. S. Scott, G. P. Scholfield, H. L. Jackson, W. F. Stewart, J. R. Smith, W. F. Vanstone, J. D. Wariviok, Joe 13ellentyne, Wm, Roadie's, Geo. Cardiff, W. B. Dicksoo, W. M. Sinelair and W. B.. Kerr. This generel committee was divided in vartous sub•committees at a later meeting. B. Gerry, Treasurer for the past two years, tytifc on haud end presented his ro. port, which showed a balance of 059.30 on hand from last year, the receipts being 5260 anti the expenditure $210. On motion, G. 1'. Scholfield, of the Standard Rank, was chosen Treasurer, owing to Mr. Gerry's anticipated absenne from Brnssele for a month or so, and the money was banded oYer to the new Treasurer. Moved by 3, 15. Kendall, seconded by W. II. Kerr that the thanks of this meet. tug be tendered Mr. Gerry for his williug , services in the past.... -Carried. Mr. Gerry responds,/ appropriately. J. N. Kendall MIS appolitted Seeretery and Ward Farrow tumistant Secretary. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening, The following advertisement has been put in the Berlin papers and signed by the mayor Of that town :-"Warning.- Boys, young nien or any person found stansling on the street corner or along the sidewalk on Sunday evening or 31113' other evening, or during the day, and passing remarks ab passere-by or insult- ing ladies or any citizens will be severely dealt with hereafter. No standing around our streets or [(treat corners will be al. lowed, except under lawful privileges and tinder unavoidable circumstances ; and to further the object it might be as Roll for parents 00 induce their ohildren to attend church, and ministers advise parents accordingly." T.90145,-111 Grey, on atme let, the wife of Mr. Wm. Taylor, of a ton. Aanzasox,-In Morris, on May 26th, the wife or Mr. Wain Auderson of a daughter. Perremox.-In Wintemen, on May 17 1 It, the wife of Mr. Frank Pattemon of a daughter. 2OSZT-TICS.S='.."LE3 2ACC.A.:70Z.P.:MTS, Fall Wheat 100 1. 05 Spring Wheat 1 00 1 03 Barley 40 -50 Oats 41 42 Peas.... . 02 05 Buttor, tubs and rolls.... 13 00 Eggs per dozen* 10 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 5 50 Potatoes .• • 50 00 Hay per ton' .. 500 0011 Pork .. • . 6 00 5(10 Hides per lb 4 00 Salt per bbl., retail. 1 25 r0 Sheep ekins, eiteh 60 75 Lamb skins eaoh 40 .50 Wool, per lb. 17 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN., Afir ONE,Y TO L Venda. Apply to nouor. 1I19o5 (oN, Joliet, Illinois, ur 03 .IL•tr Tims. K0ILLY, Drussele. _ - 1 )RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 21. on Psiln Seco ril y et Low role ol 11)- 1vissiL .011p2y at Ton PosT Ilonse, Brussels. .11 lt, A. QTRA.YED T1-111 PREM. KJ lees of the undersigned, 101. 11, eon, 11 81'0Y: on or about April itetb, a 3e01:1111 heifer, rod with wbite soda ; 31 yearling spotted steer ; 1 yearling red steer, mid e yearling red bolter, Antt inform/aloe load 1115 to their reenv.ry bo Ili, 11112111)' re- ceived. 41..3 1.15T1010.1141(1013„ Peoorietor 081' IN ETEIEL ON MONDAY, done 1st, 1801, a poeket book °outsell, leg four pi oinIssory no ime, vie. 1--te no given bY Geo. Chaneet,41011,00, given on or imout meraimotaelfell, two yens time ; ono by A. 1', ti $100,00, &Von oh bk OMR, SIDrob :10th, MI, One year's time, Intorest 11. net cent. ; 111131by Mee, Kellner, 0r0.0o, gime fu Mk, ono piat'a time, intermit 7 per mot, from May10,1801, 40,1101 ie riwoe ot A, W. Pamtbalcor 2 0110 by Goo, Bannitiler, 048.00, emit deo and e15Alli0 a dePent 0050(1(1 05 Sauk 51 liandlton, LI/towel, It, Mane 'hewn tan eath, 1801, 51101 abort(' 800,00 in cash, I hereby caution any noraon or parsons from purchasing or uegotieleag ie any way any of the mid notes, A l'elVarti el 8110010311 he given tO any person Sadists and returning saki pocket book to Me Of leaving it ea 14,13e1tleeleater's Mem. lethet, e'en° fitd. 0, figlailig, BRUSSELS. RANKING. AFINToSti 44 MaTAGOART, ,BANNERS, • BRUSSELS, Txe.a.ntict el. 29.cas.lc9.3.c.z 1D-w.sfxsero..", NOTES IMSCOUNTED. Cnendinli and Tenffee St -des Drafts bought and sole, fa torest allowed on Deposits. Collections made ott favorable 107771s. oanathan Agents .-MMtVITANT'S TIANN 521 CANAnA, New York alentaelerroneens AND TI1A1) DM NATIONAL TIAN% LEGAL AND 'CONVEYANCING. A M, TAYLOR, )3. 0. L., ..C11- • llarrister, Solicitor, &c,, 51 Adelaide Street eleat, Toromo, money to Loan. "D L. TAYLOR, 13A1SRISTER, n Solicitor and Commencer: Collee- tione made. Ofeee-Taustozie's rdnolc, Bros - eels. 214m* ItAT M. S/NOLAIR, . somstor, conveyancer, No titry am. Oilloe-Grtamme Blook, dr. Jr north of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. DICKSON Fs HAYS, (Late with Garrote Proudfoot, Code - Soh ,1 'Barran ors, solicitors. Conveyancers. &e. Oillaaa-Tirussoln and Senors', Bras. sets ortiee-rpeiteirs oyer Bona, 5rouoy to Loan. R. 6. HAI% 15 5,111C101020 BUSINESS CARDS. lifISS O'CONNOR, lel Timmer of Organ mot Pi wee .1041 Princelis street,. frruesels. INT TT, M0CRACKEN, v . Usurer Marriage Licenses. eenice at lth Groeery, Ptivid,crry street, liruseeb, p N. BARRETT, Tonsorial 91-12r1. 811011-+NON1/ToDr 501) 1.11 of A. 10,20cl:5v ':,,'s 1,819 310,,l-, story, Latliec'awlehildrene heir cutting a specialty McNAIR, lastirer of If orrInee Licenses, by tomointment of hictit,-Hovernov, COMMIS- SiODOT, .1.,, Q. Si. Conveyancer und Acent Fire ittsurautse Co. 011105 at leo orelibrook Post onto°. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- Lesuaexce, FIRE AND MARINA'. GO ELP A LEX. HUNTER, AZ Clerk of zbe Frenth Division Court, Co. Huron. conveyancer, Notary Pulpit°, Laud, Loan end insurance Agett. Fund14 100ee1ed and to loan. Oollootions made. Oftlea in Graham's Block, Brussels, 91 A. ITA.WRINS, • Organist in 831. Jolene' (thumb, Deus. stela, 10(31 mold, In rt the Aof Toimbilig, of 4. NV. never, mos. Von.. Now York,. will 00D5 lessons to pupils either at e'bos. Kelleee, Turnberry 53., 01. If nreferrea, at their owu homes. Terms moderate, 96- ISS SIIERLOOK, 11.01 Tette of the Conservatory of Music, te, Toronto, 10 prepeyed to give laseons ut Ethel and Orembrook. Pupil of Professor Fisher and Mr. Harrison Oil the itiano, 2011,1 ef 11r. 8. 11, Clark 111 yoecl made. Clem et Crenbrook wiery,Tti 'slay. For terms, Atm, apply et the Mottled:It P31rse00gc,1511101. - • DO, TM. - / Ilull, 11.23, Nitros 01.1,1e Gas ad- ministered for the 17E3idess Estrin:Won of Teeth. 71(1,111,1 Street East, Tommy°. • M. CAVANAGH, L, ID. Se D. S., Graduate of the ltoyal Oolloge of Dental B...., AUCTIONEERS. AAYMANN, • Attutioneer, ts always ready to a ta mit nuloit of farms, rano stook, (to, Terms cauperfully given. 0 ranbrook 51, O. Sales may be armogod at TEM poste Publiehing House, Brussels. (ZEORGE KIRKBY, eeee Licensed emotional:, Rates conduct- ezi on reasonable 10111113, 100010, Dll(1 farm stock snacitilty. Orders left et 'run Tose P ell Mg }Muse, 111.1./0EI018, 01. eet,t to Walton 1'. 0„ (01115011300 prompt attention, ' AVING TAKEN OUT LEDO- A, a 011 as au Aoatioono, 111)3) prenatal to Demirel s , les of farm stook at rougoeshie mires, blnowilig the standing of nearly overY Pol80;, MID lila 11< RItIOD 0, Pell 10 11111,101 ,1,1,1 got. good security when 001,1 Ilit 1 I, Satisfaction gliarau toed, ONO 10 paean.' .312. 1 S. SCOTT. MEDICAL CARDS. icv M. F. CALM, 11,D., 0. Member of tlie College of Pbysteleu, and Suegootte or Ontario by umminittion. 0111ce and 1(001110000 -. elide street Rut, lethelebnterio, -r 4.. MaNAUGLITON, M. D. e 0,15., 1 1. C. P S, Out, At Pepper's ling Store from 0 ttr. 110111 a. hi, mid from 1:80 to 4 D. In, Atother 110(110 may be Mead at 1118 Yeafds eao, form- erly occupied by Dr, leutelilitem, elm at. VETERINARY. WARWICK, • Honor Grattitato of the Onterio Veterinary College, 18 prepared to treat all diseases of domeatteated animals in a 0001' 3303000 manner, Part:miler attention paid tO voterinavy dentlati'y, Calls 11001110015' at- tended to, °elm anil tnilimayeeetto doom north, 01 badge, Triloniktry Pee eh:11005,