HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-5, Page 6TER BRUSSELS POST. ;TUNE 5, 189f. THE HOME Huw dem, he like his mother to churn him O.N4 MAN PREVENTS A. WAR, up and down on her keee after he is fed, end then put him in the eradle and reek lien 11,10e8 l'entroiell 10 111101' Whom lloi till his wretehed lived W1111008 Noll The Queen of Ilona. side 1.0 side, nail the world three route While women are steppieg into new paths, :exploring new fields of usefulnese, when working ehoulder to shoalder with their brothers, they prove that often they mut do a man's work with a man.s skilL When the -domleions of art, selectee nod literature, are :conquered by women, shall We Mit give a thoUght to the thousands of women to whoin "Iniehand, Matron and home -be it ever eo humble," mese -all of Ile. To these womea I would speak a werd of cheer. Do oot forget that the true wife, the good mother, menet be excelled. Of sueh a one King stoluton said, "many daughters have clone virtieniely, but then exoallest them E trtis hes no grander empire for a Netinalll, than to he queen of her huaband's helot and heme ; liO brightee diadem eau rem upon list, head, than the crown of motherbetel, Tiros'. mothers. Wete- of the enable.; rowel of work and earce.the }musette re. Om is wing, the emyee. less plarang to snpply !lie thousand needs 1011 t0111i1V, perhap, yen envy 11. link' 110. suceesseif writer. artist or '..esiirer of 101003 the world Las sidle. lb, von not know that you held ni your harms the tate 1.3 nation? lioine day your eltildreq will be, "We, the people'',4 cones:or; 'smith le it not a greet the thing to de t moid t he eharacters Of these children that tile ,eening generation shall, by your efforts, lee lilted up to heights lieVer before attiii00.1 ? Arc not little arms around your Neck better thee jewele? Are not little handepeeseing yoer aishing temples hotter than crowns of gold orlaarel wreat ties? Is not the love of husband and. Children ! better than the plaudit 3 a the world 1 Von know that these things are " wine of life -only mintetimes whee w,•rn with the Moe ' den and heat of the el-ty, pi 1 fereet. • , •• • - • ,• • knowing that the wee 131 n 1,20 le,lder sifter, lot. W0010.11 than youre. A pertues of your reward sh ell be yours in thir need in that • " better e ontry ' t:tere. 8:17L11 :catty stars 111 your erowa. The Fi st fear - The tirst veer of married life is the s imp 01 tra for beet the hoshtud tool wife. Ae it is spent, so ge mildly are :Al the rest ! of the pa .s. regares th :sir kindly or kindly 1 eeo-fun to e111,11 Neither one alum, makes heme happy. ! There nlas1 le, great for:war-Meet:11d lie7 1,1 both husleuel and wife, Le te.e11,7 happ::ke.k8 , in the 1othe Home i-• pea liseef sweee; of peacc an,1 tree .,re there, feel ! so, too, 01'../ 111 • 010,1111:13 01 .1i3 3,11 111i Illigery and 't heek1., ,,• le t Spirit tkk kke it ik 1k -.11.1,in Vt.. loviug to 1110...e 1. Live Lihe Love:n. 0', k' !.., .1 el •:i etie r lik? lover:" '7:1 !,.• I • • ; •,•y before his dizzy, victim, and, weary wit tr3,113g to keep paue with it, lie Jail asleep at hest 1 e were all belies ourselves (ewe, but W are nolle the wiser fee it • and it seems lto, land atnoll Pruner, 'Were Pretoo ring to 11 likely that time will go on, and we shal twee a la, knelt' what the baby thinks. Domestic Rints. An A (risen chief on the Cazionatwe Elver in West Attlee, named Voile Kehl., has been making a good deal of trouble for the French ; and hughtsh, Ile occupies territory on the bank of the Cuanienze River, which is nominallywithinFranetes dominione, though the has nevet• attempted tu exert, peal anon, ity in the,region. His country borders on the English possessioue to the north, and for twine tense past warriors from his t wenty seven villeges, instigated by their King, have flocked over the border ond devastiteet a pat•t of the English territory. The Faig. Melt grew very tired of these prooesdinge and appealed to Feeney to 11111110 1.11.0 King behave himself or. to join with the Einnisli in au expedition that would teicell hint bet- ter manners. The Feench thought they would first. try conciliation and they sent Tr tte.ete•lhteestee Cni leer:Tees. -Theve 1,04(.11 richness and lasting material left • over in mild serape Event terkey shutters that it may as well lie utilized for aro. quettes. 1r u beaten egg into the dressing, mould into oval steepen, dust with bread crumbs and fry. Any moreel of the fowl left 03.Y0 (.1111 110 1111111011 finely and added, tithing some of the gravy et, giblets to com- plete the rich dish, The carcass of oil fowls or goine, pounded In it mortar, helps t make a Meek grovy or soup, Rim: Dr memees.-Put pint. riee in a stew pm, runt pour f nt eoeli eup of riot, 011, gill et milk .; stand it neetrthe tire where it Will keep hot but not bull. As soon 110 11 has 01.1.3111.(311 111 1 1 111 milk, pare your apples, lake out the eerea, und put the rice around them instead of paste. Boil them until the apple is soft. 'They should be tied in demisting elot BOANDAL EXTRAORDINARY, Aitsinsuirary 011' Olheers Atrolost Oho Wri. uten 01' a lkoloanOan s'esen, The ettelous feature of a remelt enereint between eivillene end ollieere ill Baja, rum ,,,getjy, 18 11104 tie civilians won ett „1 , point, Sante nine weeks ago the liesicer isicers of the Befit g!axison formed a plan ;,etorni all the feminine hearts Baja Wort storming, A meeting wits:held and a list the handsomest and must eligible yotee !women Ives made. Slips of papee liearin heir mines were placed in a box ami ever ,mllicer present drew one. It was the ago eed thee all should exert themselves t , anake einnplete conquests of the young W ;ellen in question, every one dere, ing hinlee eXclusively to the daughter of Baja who Name he had drawn. A t the end of thio 1 months every must meet hand in at a epoch • meeting it report. of his experience. and, I successful, proofs of the completeness of 11 I=quest, The eampaign against Baja hearts; liege propitiously, When init. a fele days ol, Ituwever, the ohm wais seepeoted, and. Se list 0r threatened young Wcinell by a. mil !ley att,eirlatit. whoeu rule wag in the eit3 hands ot :Nlayot. Eduard Dres,her, whom 1 indignation With fainted to it white heel. I, the disseover), on it of the name of 1,i daughter, The mayor mode pliblie th whole plan of the campaign, and informs, parents thnoughout the city of the Mien dons of the young ectevalrynien who visite their daughters. li did not choose hi Neor718 at all.. The next, day all Ilaja Moues rang witl demands for 1 eparation and all Baia bin rusks were in a state of angry turmoil. 12 the evening the mayor went to it (emcee . hall. " lete this resort,•' says a, prtition eomplain of Baja citizens to the titingarutt minister of the Interior, " the Imperial 0.111 14.03.01 (%;11 1. ii;;;•0;; reesey, the 1 111 per lid am Royal Ideate, .1 oanovies aud Else-, and th Royal Hungarian haent. Sive forced thei way with drawn 001118, 01111, 1/11.11diShill whips, called on the 11111,y01. to eonie ()aside Anna et storm of hid ignant protests the tnny or itaid that he might be fotnni at his otne the next day, and nuder pressure the oyer powering demonstration the oetheers with skew. '1 lie mud lellee'S expressioll of ("Mesta. thin and defiance can hardly be described. 1Nie hope that- the honored government wil at once take effeeth e measures in this mat ter." .,,,.31:11,1gei loot rt.:;:tivoNf.01,111 tt ,1 i‘e,111!), vi 0 ately erderesl, however, !was 1(01 quick mist:ration. A 1'e:tit editer and member of parliament ellewed hineedf the perilrius Meer:. a a few eritieisms of the Baia ofli- eei.3. Ile W1113 clialleuged to tight, Mel al. thceigh lie Mei a wife end three ell lie avisij?tekl the eliallelitte. The 001..887 divie lot, tor a than to MEM him. Tito choice fell ,331 nettritelestptain. .Ainsther drawing re. suited ie the eludes, of ts Married lien.t.77117.17t. 1.171s Neer. east again mid a beef:eine beaten. ion was eleeted. ile Was IN Inerins sWordk, 1,1:117 111,111 eV7.:1'3' one tletught it was 011 nu, with t ne editor. .N.t the tenth thrust-, how. eve), the struck hie antagonist ill the shoulder, The doe( was stopped. Mid 111., 11elal,11,1111..g '11.01111.1 FM1101111 1.(' /le was (alum to the home, of a friend for medical treatment. He lies then" the ofileial inquiry into the item', seends1 proceeds. IssesolVeles001,11111881 . NAPOLEON'S ROMP. I BIG SMOOT FOB, OANADA. The Della re 1.1.11 Emperor's Pranks 11.111, 1,1011,, ,tei,e•e" ail Si, Helene.. or The recent decision of the Englieli 0 v 01'111110111 WIWI:ink 8 the gall leen 01 impute e. I al troops stationed for so many years on lb I lonely and threatened 00011 of Se Hefei; le !wakens cc thousand recolleetions, Many 1,,1 heart sank at the 051)001 of the abrupt 01 almost perpendicular, sides of this ling I mites, when, early in the century, a liritisl g mateofswar. approached the island, bearin Y I on board the unhappy Nopolesm lioneparte 1, 1 8eventy daya of almost unentim•able life o • the Northumberland ended by 0110 night IOW the hill loa Os Growing. • V•111.1 Nt's 1, BY LAND .3 8 13 AEA, ' In 1 878 (Jimmie had 0,1•13 miles of rail. 8 Way ; in 1800 she heti 111,988. O In 1878 she employed '22,102,55 I tone of 11 shipping in the eretstiag Lerida, anti in the , truillipOrt. of her exports and imports be, sea :;00.sticsliioiln)rtil:legg,reat lakee ; in 1800 Celled& in 1 the same service elliplOyed ' .44243,21G tolls n 1 hy tile l'ost ()Ince I/apartment numbered. i • 111 1878 the letter8 and post cards carried , ! mi,s4o,000 ; ie 1890 they numbered 100,000 u 13rosselard, with 0 military esusert, te reason with 1110 savage Inouttreli. nide liaba, however, was on his dignity Aerie: i'vrali N3i.....One peund of Isra ted apple, half a pound of butter, half a nouns of engin., six eggs, half a pint of eream, the jeiee end melted rind of one lemon ; grate your [tholes ; beat the butter and sUgar very, light, whisk tile eggs and add to it, add the upples ereain and lemma. Stir ell toget1 e line your pie platee with rich paste, leen in the mixture iind hake it. A fe.v currants may lee added. Lenos Piss -0,10 emectli, envy, lemon ; g..ate the rind ali I inplee08 oat the joice, waning it on the rind one cupful of sugar, it cOsee of butter the sise liti eeg, in a le w one Le,1,11-814,1•1 cupful 11" ladling w 3,er in a 13 111 on the stove, Moisten a tablespoonful oi cornstarell, and stir it, into the water \viten it 1, Ale, pOtir it over the snow 1111,I Mater and stir in the rind and juice. When a add the beaten yolks of te o eggs. lint ter a deep plate. sad c !wet. all teem. With sus-13er dust (very line .-rninIss), This is the erust ; pout' in the mix - vire, and hake, Then frost with twc a miss, and woes). Gunter - -Gee cupful of boiling ; beat the yolks se' eon- eggs. tend add 0011 end a tals•tesp.„-niful of melted pi -or ; wet t tree ef flour in a !iak. eohl milk, abl the beaten whites. and 1,1: ail ; 8alt mei pepper well ; bike. twtoty 1.....etcs. It is Very app.Lizang, Re Got a Beee:2'.., '4,1110 1111.0 31,01 Wit3 1311 1111! 10 a village s"ore," says a ...krre,17kaelrlit,"-When ne of :d'''18'7",1117e to Ile: partner 3.; .3113 iini1 1 1 1..011 1)10030 31, p 10 1 11...1v,k, a las 1,.,mt l'at Fly 1111 Valli:3 10 81. Cu 1113 Lill, ,0 , 1 71i.,,ists 'oh horing o eelpt." The nierelient war ,Vi,.1.21tly " Why, what does he Wont ee! reee.176-117/ said,' • we never give 010. Simply errs.: hie 11 1111 Gil' 1 hi.. 110011 that is reeeipt esteugh." So I told. hint,- amwered the clerk. s• imt he is not enti-Eeil. You had better •- I '• " •• So prc.prietor stepped to the deek, srel, aft. r greeting Pat with a •' geed morn. tee " Von wished to set t I;s your bill, yoU (0 hieh l'at replied in tile af. km -010r. Well,' sold the 10ereladit, there is no ed of my giving yott a receipt. See : I w.II ermes your nek.701.111t riff the book 1. 1111d, -'171 lag the aetion to the weld, lie 11 reit; his pk-,11,71 diagenally 1101038 3110 11,_.0(0.1111. " That $ as gesel as a reseipt." ' And do ye mane that that eettles it 1' i aid Pat. be attp-,,y. ISI oer..,.3, 1... 1 • , ',V.,: . 00"/11 :71 e trit 1 s'..'i 3: ; nP•3,3. lovers insluigo 3:. tent, , Voroen !s!toell 11-,..v more .• eel 111111 10. Wig:110,1 1.101 1.01• 111.1*h00.,13. 1 z i8 lee•im; /.2 .1 1..13 otental trutii 1..;t1, , clivoreee. - Vet many a 111 131 IV:11 11", w!fk, who W0111.1. ii,ver .!I lietsa wor,1 to ids sweetie -Art. eed in .ny rt. w.ee will Itok glum eed ei tes 'her Intsfstrol:8 j :L11111 Who I....1 11111.y .111111111 1111.1 eeer for lieu Nela,17 v.",„," la 1: s'lit1-7r. HOW ean pk.:re.kle What the Baby IL:nks, 11.0 yrn!re.,e‘. 801081,0.1:: Eyanti., to 4:y.:w ti.e 18L1 y , i thinking sn : And. we, too, 11'0111,1 likos s 11 is a sithje,33 on eueirlereble. ; j111111.0 1113y induked, i'ut t., vet at the truth of 1'01 nisitter-te!elts 1,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , I ditrionit. Ana we simeld Ir.:, pt. 31sithlv, recognise the truth wico we foutel it. of ',lie goitei,:o. met! do!: etyle- hairless, ,• a. to Is, iy, tli u heed ;,y.11,1 as a loOl. 3, a r 1 me:kers:1 and wriekie 1 a, hi, g. : awl tyro little ."et tkkr LA-% . a mass of put•y•cel, r...1 es! fat eet , '10 our mind a vevy , ,act F.:1.1.1111 '1.- 1.: cootemp',.11,.. '11 aWare 11 every 1101' .11 11111g 1:1-.31.01. 1.1i11. ees. me- f, -1 , ,rs.e 1, 1, . of opinion. les, :aside mosiele, vied; " 1,:Jels:e• 1)01'11,4 •. ,er alroest ;my , good hole. se. ; 1 The baby's sale i.13a, :hay all 7W - ed to judee fieen his 001 1,1,, 1.031 10 1 get both his 11=N hill, h at ou,,, and alter that ,,,caes ,,f 11„ Cell 11031 1.11011 Ilk 101.11 111 111. ' 0111. getting otf hie he. 1.10,111111i811 ; 1 feet. • And when lie finds he eaten:it .le . 7 either re these th111c77 to las Satideetnal, Ilk, IOU 1101,1 and cries, lovino mother ! terrified .i'or fear eleilera infantum is crailing k 011, 11.3171 she gives lihri deer; of roothiles ' i s.yrup, semi. for a (Meter, No doubt a Italie' has mime melees of his ! own, if ho were (tidy given the Iseult). of e speeeli to express -them, The world to lihn smells of Ilannel Rini I sonr IN e Wonder if his very soul does isot breathe paregoric. 1 And if he wouhl nut like to 7 id the tine t Verse of thet vile abomination which bas 80 2 many tiinee been employed te ransack his 8 infantile stomach, aud which deeigned by 1 the label-Cseeou Ole? Does he like being emaght suddenly, and t tossed up to tile ceiling, and turned upside N " "rhat pettks it,' said the inerehant. I " And ye.re sure yell never be father Iskin' me 1 ter it again ?'• " • NVe 11 never ask you for it again,' aid the iner..hant, eleeidei,•11v. " • Faith, 0110," said ' and be ; steer Maple me 'weary tie nee pocket, for I I.:vest's. paid it yet.' " itter..41ant•e faee flushed on,,,3rily, as veser3,1, Oh, well 1 can Mb (Iva out.' " ' reti!!,, now, and I thoujet t'.*.itt same,' 1 •,i.1 Pat. '• It is 1,0.!,11,s 1,, edi. that Pat ohlaiteel ' P.11'1." ---L Army Returns Lr • 1,:climinary rettus of 11ritish crety ,:i! ',let la, I wen i.sited frees the \Vat (Wive. t sbote, t Eat on the 1st of dune:try this the veoile eileetiee .11.,-11,4!th wee 210, a tots; 7,1 ly ea,keekle,1 tiro year:, since 1"•72, "!,3" Itigle,,e• point .,,eleed in 1 •.,t1 p•irieal beim: 21 1,0311, Tho -avalty ;Mail keyed 1 11.19711 arti117 17,7 81,77E1 ; 011g111.3.1 0, :105 / foe'. imartis, es, 1 7 ; el lin.' it; fentry. boom,. I tie average eluzt .:1;ring last 'ear \ea: 11117.I.12 1. the the 1,t of January here Were at heme 1(14,:iffl, in India 72,1 110, lleypi 112 10, and in the eolonies :NAM, , l'he ot al of the rank awl tile on January 1 . vaie lsre,5-17, or 401.12 below the ailleorie,ed eteblishmem of Ifet lot Reeruits hist ehr 'numbered 81,107 the largest 1111inder 'eine between I e mul If years of age, 15.878. The ,Inielittrgee numbered 1 1,71N, and 14,1 20 vere sent ihto the reserve, the strength of . 110 letter ,,11 the 1st of denuary being Ono . 1 0, the largest total yet reached. At the ame date the militia rank and file stood at 01,8'20, or 25,715 below the establishinem. The yeomanry cavalry were 1 0,097, and I he volunteers 221,04e, of whom 512,293 Thank the Ohiltiren. I They tem on our errands, upstairs for our books and elippers, our thimbles, our new ! magazinee ; downstairs to tell the servants , this then or that ; over the way to carry ' our messages ; to the postale() with cier lettere tool parcels, They leave their work or their play a : dozeu times in a morning, to do something to oblige us who are growrn up, bigger, stronger, and apt to be less absorbingly cie.: cnpied than they, bro game of politiete or business in later life, will ever be so important to the man 1 SS ball end top to tite little lad 1 and no inter° etijoyment of the little girl will ever be greeter in degree- and in kind than her present in her dolls and her play-houso ; yet Johnnie and Jennie fly at our le d fling, arrest. ing themselves in mid -career of the play which is their present worlc, arid alas 1 the time WO quite overlook our own oblige. don to be grateful, We do Uol. say " I thank you 1" And because WO (10 not say it, we make it dia. cult for them to be ati polite, as simply courteoue as otherwiee they would be by itature,a4d the imitation yvhich second nature to all children. veto etlieients. down, and downside up, in the reckless way people heve cf handling babies Does he relish snappy kisses from fond old aunts and uncles who eat ()Mem to kill the taint of whiskey and tobacco, or eier ece.0., we do not know which': Whet, does he think when a pin sticks in him, and he yells with &golly, and his mother takes him on her knee, and trete him, and tells, the nurse she iH afraid the ',little precious" is going to have that dreadful, easty colic" again 1 And then tomes the outer oil bottle 1 ' Is it happiness for the baby to be swathed in flannel, ancl smothered in pillows, in a furnace -heated room whore tho mercury is higher than it has any logitunato right to be en the First of July? Does he like to avo Ids feet prodeeed from their wrappings and shown to ndiniring visitore es the " prettiest fitele footsies tontsies" in the world 7 Does be like to have hie toes felt, and rqueezed ? Does he like to have fingers thrust in nit; mouth to make him show hie now teeth 1 Don't you supple; he withes the man thet cyivented soothing syrup coulcl be hung ? Why does he Bite to mill hair ? Why (1008 he contemplate his toes by the hour, and break into epasnis of shrieking if anybody oroesee tho fascineting °Weed; 1 declared himself to be us great a king a the rulei. of France and said he would do a. 1 , Tt , • 11 in 8t. Helena. The liatefnl prison 80 Longwood being 71.8 yet unprepared for it • gueat, the antInsrit his seleeted the house 'el. Al r. Baleombe, moreheut, 118 lb temperer) ,i1 reSting place for the Unfortunate prisonei 11 of war and ho went thither the next day, .3,13. ;in (combo had n. charming wife and a t" 000 ; 1800 they amounted to $1 1,007,802 Y t I In 1878 the depositsin the chartered hanks: and in 1110 varltillkittaVillg8 bal1118 in t he Do. :minion were $88,005,120 in I 800 they ' amounted to el 97,895,4112. 1178 the money orders received and ;emit out by the meetly ordee braneh of the post office department amounted to $7, 1 e0, - i1 young family. Ono young daughter, ideal 1, Lls 1 I , 0* 001(1011 her iinpreSSionS of the Einperor Nay c poloon in it deeply interesting lityrralive. picton Wits conlivIned /y the rending of th ' For nearly tWo Months this sprigh t ly gir '• I WaS daily in the soeiet-y of that inoet en hap. O .-'1 • . , IIn DO the business of the country requir- ed a note eirculation of $29,780,805 ; in 1890 , required a note circulation of $47,4 17,- , 07 I, I In 1 878 the fs r • •e it 1- f Cana pet t. . .0117 0 1 a ..%1111'elli'181at'SylX1.1,1K'l 81(1'1\1V, s1111171W771 tt111707.t. 00ytn ttil?enre f , that date eine itheve par. !I In 1878 the productiou of sentl in Canada wits 1,1 52,788 tons ; in 1800 it was nearly fie 00,000 tuns. I In 1878 the value of exported Canadian. made cheese Wai ;$8,9117,52 ; and during the whole period of Liberal rule this int. !portant industry hail stood still. In 1800 'the value of exporter's/ease was $0,372,212, the highest in any year, and greater than 1.110.t of the United 8tattes, as it has been ft t• the three years past. In 1878 the export of cattle amass n led to $1,152,344, and of sheep to $099,337 ; in 1 800 the exports ef cattle Were ec,,9,13), 1 7 and of sheep $1,2:34,347. In 1 878 the export of inamifactures wood, including sawn lumber, steves, F111 inglep, box 3110 Ace , were $13,1108,020 in value ; in 1800 these exports wore valued at $20,059,34e. I Iti 1878 the exports of Lone manufaetures includir.g manufactures Its above were Ste,. 182,047 ; 1 890 they were $25,530,003, ! The imports of raw materials for inane. tat:Wring purpoees in 1870 was S1,842,1311, 0,1,1 that in 1890 it had i•leen to ovet• tel 0,000, 000. 1 l'ig iron is at the basis of so malty incles- j tries dna: it 18 D. good hide!: of the clevelop• linen( of all industries of a certain close. lit I I s70 lie pig -iron entered Mr home eettentop- • (ion Was 1.-,,50 1 tons, which, with the plan. I „ I 1 7/y leisainfactltin•1 Within thk, 1 70;11101,,,,, I wets stdieient 111 111111 all demand,. lee is91) the import of pig.iroli for 111111 i'onsomPlinll was 87,01 tonso and the amount 111a1infa.,- 111 red Within the meted y Wes nearly tl:1,1 181 tonS. This hi an Menus, 01 than ickkir Linies the amount used in 1S71e, and. the 171e1/111re of 1.113: development that has place illiportaut class of menuteture. . - e -Dia -E-11-a-Te.--- iteate,et Its pareuts le ist came into th ho pleased, Ile Mel (trowel bilis ft very laege armed foreo, and the l'rentsh andets- ender ilesside.1 th t it was wiee 1.0 10111111 10 1111 etntst, report pi:ogre/18, 111111 declare that a very severe lemon must 1,0 administered to the haughty motiereh. Then the Memel] Government decided 1 het it would join 1.131g. laild sendiug au cementite) agitinst the King. It tests looking around to see tyliat troopa were as im dIspoeiti to 3100patiM 011 this Mere Mission when one of its empoyeee, Foriehen, said he believed he could arrinee the trouble. He thought he could induce; the King to lis,ten to teasein ff be went un• armed to Fotle Kelm, without wasting any o • 1 • . • . . lovernor,who A9.01718 to be. reolly opposed, if lie van help it, to making experinieuts upon eavages with tite improved weapons of mod. 1111 warware, decided to see what Porielion could do. silo one clay the 110/e tunbassallor Mf t the coast with his hands in his pockets, without an escort, without s nitwit as revolver, and with only, a few provisions shmg over his slioulder. In this simple fashion ho made hie way to -the village of the terrible Pole Kelm. lie told the King he had come to Mtn as Isis friettil, and that the ruler or France was revs, 11111011 aVeree to e the bloi oi the subjects of his great hr. -alter, Foils. Kobe. He mid Franco wished to live at peace with 1111 the people end dr, everything to make them happy ankl prk,perotig. Tiiey lead a long talk, 111 •,,,e11:••• of which the learned that an ex poll:1011 110,1 11,..1 1.0,11y preparing to mitrell against him, when this young man volent ecret 1 to go unarmed the hostile rk,gion itiol settle the troulsle 1 peaceful WM .14. After thinkiiig it over for a while -the Icleg deehb 1 let' he would inske pew,. with the Freneli k and ! e to restrain hi.. warriors 1.1 feture f,ont radiant on the ters if 1 eanee w.011,1 send semeinely to itint 10 melte a treaty, le, emelt enter lino ie• Sons with hins at seise.. Forielion weeded his way letek to the ova; and told the l'rer1;.11 111 11 there \yeah! he tio triethle (ism. after. He was sui the le leg 'teem to keep his word, tool he advised that further nego- titItioll be 01 once. opened, The to.al Cost of this expedition of ,nie man hete beer. about ;eV, Tile French thereepon sem a com.,desion • to the K.ing, and on Fel,. 25,11 1, .tt y was eigrod, in whie:1 Fode alta, King of 'Agree, coreets1 te submit his •,. teeters, to . France. 'le token of his vo,,,',4ge 11Q 1,/-0111. 1 1./ pay 10 111(1 F1'111111 110111i110.1.1 tribute el two sloop a yeti% Tie (01.11111. 11.1101,1 1/01 to 11,•ritt1t any depredation:7 1117011 bonefish soil and reeeutice his claims upon the native villages los had captured in Eng. 1 lish territory. Re agyeed that ho would i open to French enterpriee the rubber foreets along the banke of him rivers and would per. ! Mit the I. reneli to trade ancl engage in other ent,r ke in his einintry, t last aceounte, the King 8'71.8 faith fulty earrying mit his promises, It 101111 a paultie vietery. Through ; the interventif•n of 7301 brare. 7,11111, Who thouLlit 110 could coax the unreasoned ee ruler into submiseion, an expedition of l• ree•;11 and )3ritish s!oltlie.rs whiell expected Herm to et art ! for the interim. was kept oil tlie coast and tlins great 17loakhdiekl and rt. large siteritiee of in...e.ey were averted. ! Thti 04ar's Present t) the German Eni- Parer. All BeiIin alenter's esirrespondent say.) ie hinghing et a .tory fer Nvilielt the '' Voks.kik'k:1177 Zeitling" is isyslict,si1717, and Whiell, if athirds all Illustration. as signi1i'V111. 118 1 1 13 1 1.11/110113 1.f 11110 ,1111114 1011 Illt 1/ ill the various ,lepartner nts of Russia adininiAret• ' tion. Lass 3'ear 1117: Cain:pre:4:71117A to the ( Ier. man Emperor it nitiMilicela ;roan, trig-111er With thive 1-Z117 alan herses and a iluskLan etateinnitli. The i:quipliga !Mehl/iv:I:eat telly il tiOn in the (kurnian Capital, ne portion of it morethan the ,•plenel: el silver harness, eel , it 11.1.3 1311.1, 11.1,1 eo,st ie. less a sem than 20000 roubles, or temiderably over ti3000 sterling. The cow:Inuits), who took a proper ! ride in lifs tnrmout, Witi litiVer tired of ' utvieg tide poliebed. While the bartiishing ploeses was in progress the other day a number of suspieione yellow spots suddenly made t.heir pearemee and upon it 01090 in- vestigatimi of these plememenst it was die. covered that the famous harlies8 WaS tun silver after till, but only plated teetee, The Empe;,01. mentioned the matter joenlarly to the Ruseian Atnietesellor and so the ineidallt calne to the Otre of the Czar. It ie said that the Russian 'Moiler of the I-Iouse has since been distnIssed. lie told tlie Mire). the,. A collision occurred 0 i Wednesday night teibraltar, near the seette of the wreck of the 1.7topia, 'between a Dritieh steamer soul ars Italian emigrant vessel. Fortunately no lives were lost, but the ships were so iadly damaged that they !owe to lie tip for 1 repairs. There has boon a cue of 13,11011 law or mob law at Walk I Vella, Washington, in which the United States government has a pretty clear responsibility, Inaanoteh tho overriding of the constituted an 1,11ori ties 3vas done by puty of soldiers from the ore). Han, A private soldier had been killed in tt, quarrel in ty saloon, and though the murder. : er luol been arrested 111111 Wa8 in jail, and there Woe no reason for tysetunieg that he would not he dealt with aneordieg to the law in good tiine, a large party of the dead soldierOt contraelee everpowerel the sheriff and the officers of the jail, and executed Pei gment with their revolvers. Thera would 80001 30 Le a very important question of army deuiplino involved in this performance, and an °evasion for teaching United State$ ;soldiers the uecessity of Wertheim) to the nuthority of laW. It 111 pretty beef liminess if the troops of rs. garrison aro liable to take poiumedoe of a towe and execute the law to sioit themselvee. O medium from that in whicithe'lliol ever had 3' the 1)pportimIty of Fomenting biniself to s English eyes ; though fuel othet 8 stars of the French stage -not forgetting " 11,111e. tfeorges, the aetrese who begged per. mission to share and lighten hie captivity I -knew his gayety and his artistic nature. s llitleonelee, holding the appeintment of , purveyor to the Emperor, W/LS CormUnni• I fill1 ill] )V1111 111111, 1101 only during the stay at the Briars. bet in the subsequent .terrible 1 eeptivity at 1- • igwood, told the young girl t. , . ; • , -• • • 1 I, Wt117 witholit fear or solf,eon...3eiousness in .! her intercourse With him. ; I All .peeconceived notions, of the terrible ' "BetlY" gave way before the play_ful and f ly • ! • . ) r ' to ":tlaslenioiselle Betsee," 1177 he called her. g The coldnes$ of his stern, pale features soon. • melted into fascinating smiles, and his games of play with the child quieltly put her itai te itt, her ease. Once, it is true, fiuding her at • !leesons, he asked a question as to the ettpi. • ; tots of Eltro.00. " And what is the capital ' of Russia 7' he asked. " I'etel'shurg 11070, hut Aloecow formerly," said. the little girl ; 1 I when, with a voiee of thoocler and fiery oyes, • ' Napoleon asked who hall burned Moscow. ! 51,a,tly 1111,1 frightful remembranee 1:0 ' 1, 1 • 23 '33 ' y , ••• changcd. the ecall'tertus gentleman into aii , 110.1,0 of unbounded terror in the eyes of his I e , youthful cninpanion. as a role, Napo. leon weuld show an almost. boyisdi mirth, not ! unmixed with it tinge of inaliee. . A little ft -bent of " ,Nlademeiselle Detsee "! eanes to Ilie Hrittre, anti having heard teeri- 1,10 etorivA " Bony,* elute; in aginty to! " 11.,t,ee " when the Einpe came mat 011 the Se,in77 this Nojskleon 10.1.1tekl np 1 to her. briedeel ITis hair 1Ipyr.th 81, k.kk his he el, int•la horrilkle fatees., sold ! ' it regnlar 11771e1, nsiAT the (..0.0./ii.k! 1111(1,111 1.011,1 theellil71.01;iok.kt I 7 into ilyiteri.ar, t Itl:11117 roe le.,,o1 1 „„ , violeatly. ! The ad venturees " 1.1-..t.ses," vette, for smite Leming tricks of the Ems iieror, kept 1111n hay, 011 0110 7,:easion. ' a corner of the elrawing•revon a" the • by flourishing over his head mageiticeet ! saber which he hall shown her es a ettriesit v The spirited eleilel made repr•ate.e passes ; her illmetrions victim, and entreated him to! say his prayers, as she meant. to kill him. 1 Her cries of exeltatioe bronglit her elder !, sister to the spec, and, indeed, " Mete' Ileisoces" arm ivies dropping front ghoul. ex. haustion, and she mon desisted. The grand chamberlain also came to the resole, hie parellnlent visage glowing with indignation , at the Insult offered :olds:mister. Napoleon, I howmer,.enly pinched tile ear of the young ' rebel, and laughed .good Immoredly. At the whist table that evening lie re- venged himself on his youthful tol'inentor, by revo.king, and finally mixing the cards 1 together to prevent iliseovo v. On beino moused of this lie, '• aloes &gime," he atleaitly inn oie with her twit. froek, which ley on the se,fit-.a ;visite frock ev;t11 rose hulls, intended to be worn et 8117 tilMige Craik burn's ball. It was Napoletni himself, who had Locked leave of :Nit% Baleombst for the little girl to he allowed te attend this bull, end 111! 1111 11 10.11 off with her dress, and leeked himself in hi3 0 11.11 1111 1111111/111/. " Alees lietsse" remonstrated outside the closed door, le.th in English told Freneh, lint was answered only by langhter front within, ,,1111. was not 11.111 i 1 111 001), elas, of the ball that the I:in peror rest ,,,reel the dress. Snell alillisetnent 117, these lii71 for is Nf‘!1‘;'1.,111:n(111:(-H1t41:,%,,,,;' deed captive. The lire Etat burne.1 1111.3tieneheil in those veins r,f Najodooll'e, Hu who would play at '!n. I :ikon's lnld WW1 the children at the ,st !sees, and tease " Xletiq iletsee " to the poiaL lif Areepieg, hail his nal, terrible Mows (74(100111 and 117,pre88i011. It 11117,1. hare laren strange for .1r8. deoinhe 1.0 1,11.11 him regretting his (WO Wire5, and equally-- -011e aS "(traria," tho other RH " Ilinoceneek Missiag Eel. s, Notwithstanding repeate•I writ n nes that have been sent mit front time to time by the United steles Legation lent: and 17y thapre48 of Americo, eoneerieing the fraultitent character of so-ealle 1 English ostateagents 7 A merica, reeen t develop:net t s show the number of dupei isinereasing. Due. ing the past few WeeNs Mere letters than !Nor bef ore have been eceived from A merieit, inquiteng niter imaginary estates of fabulous ennet awaiting the !writers; in the Bardt Eitel:wed In the ease of trum3, menses, such tie tiled en ni n gs•Lawrenee, Townley or Clutha. ToWnle V, Hyde. if erne, Bradford ficdses, rind milers, specula circulate hay e had tit be. printed to answer. the ni m:irons applicants. The fraudulent agents insert a Ivor; iseinents in 110WSpaper8 regarding 0110geki estates and collect fees for pro• tensie eearelms, etc., from the parties e,•110 !aro isesitailed that they are heirs. The !ittre.is isften pay money to timers sweats for several successsive years. 1 sering, r. term its Alinister here searly ell do; lettere, have sionie from small ../aintry 10W118.. Teents, ltiausas., Iowa, ansl the Far 1Vsset seem to be especially produe. live. Alornig the lettc. leeelitly rrenieed at, the Legation are er7111111111lie-aions from elahnoits seem thirt estatee, Of all 1117. 7.1 :111.3 hey...ti,,,,t,od. by the English solie11.077,7, not 01:0 1108 hoen foetid to have any validity. In any eleke the Legation 17e1:ki is ji.:Weries8 tO help elaimants or e, -11 five:dm-1th these eases, A seems of PI -1,u lion his:, a Varied within which estates revert to the Crewn, and this tarisal tWelity ),•ears. The limit within Uirieli action eon be bronglie for tl , ressvery or real property is twelve s este. There ere 110 large...mind of money ttiNvi it .• elitintant0 01.0,j1,11,1:01101.01.1/1t8 cf -C1,000 mid 10'110 0:020011ilig 1,1111011111 01 money in Chancery belonging; to that sum by• mere then Ow er esgult Tle; knoten heies is altegether less than .01,- .11, 11111 . 1 Neu The Hawk and Blackbird, When I saw the poor bird puretted by the taw s, ism ta sing 1 0 1150 ill 16 )101 I. le,vering oV01' it, 1 001111 net help Mit hasten to relieYe her, which, when I had done, the bird would not depart. from the bush though her enemy was gime. "1.11811 1 thought my soul, like this bird, was once distressed, pursued, yea, seized by Satan, who had certaiuly made a prey of it, had not 'Maus Christ been a sanctuary to it, 10 thet hour of Milieu. How ready did I find him to re. c(eive my poor soul iota his motet:Mon 7 Then lia 110 make good and SW01.11, promise to my experience, " Those that come unto Ine, will in no WIS0 c1181 0110 It called to mind that pretty mid pertinent story ef the phi. losopher, who, walking in the fields, a bit•cl preened the hawk, flew into his bosom. Ile took her out, and maid, " Poor bird, I will ea 1ther wrong thee, 1101' expose thee to thine enemy, since thou comes(' to me for refuge." t.lt/ tender, and 1110r0 SO, iS the Lord .11. me to dii•tressed one's that come mito him. Blessed Jesus 1 llow should I prelim thee for Mott great salvation thou hest wrought for 1110 9 V thiS bird bad (0/1011 int.° t110 elii,W8 of her enemy, she bad been tont to pieces, indeed, and devoured lett then a few ininutee had diepatehed her and eeded ell her pain and misery ; but had my Hord fallen into the hand of Satan, there bad been no end of itembiery. Wonld not this !seared bird be fluelnel out of the bush that scoured hor, though lied ChilSta Way L110 0110111y? And Wilt 1.11011, iny soul, 1Wor milked or seared from tby refuge ? 0, lot this forever engage thee Lo keep eloso to Chriet, awl make use Soy, with Ezra, "And now, 0 Lord, 011100 1.11011 110841V011 tne such 0 deliverance as thie, should I again brettk thy commandments?" 171.1LIZING TILE OLD UMBRELLA. I A very pretty pieee of erne: nental garden- .1 ing, 110L Ism ditheelt for begioners, can be done NVith 1311 old 1.11111Wella or parasol. mid :sumo plants of cypress) vine, mattramlia, stet et-ptut, or any thing that is itot of too wiring a nature. f-luell climbere as the mornino-glory, tanat.y bird viee and other s 20.footers aro better left for unsightly Mimes and buildings, l'huits nee better tium seeds, because 11101:0 certain, ;Lila they do not tido) Ho long to catch the knack of twinieg and spending. Umbrella ribs itre ilot tlecorat• ; ed, and to see such an object standing there:, week after w•celt waiting for its clothes does not give people pleasant impreesion of a garden. But first find your umbrella, end t hie may.' not, bo so easy, for " retired" umbiellas that I cue no longer lit for use are !g seldom men. 80trio members of the t family, however, mrty be able to produce ic one, and then it should be iminedietelyi 1, stripped of the few tatters left to it, The 1 next etep is to pnint the frame end handle:a brawn, end when quite dry plant the end oi 01 Melillo firmly in the ground, with the frame fully c oiled, If the handle is rather .P I1 1.3 ill 111,11.3. 01111101 (11.3 1 031 iii1/11/ 0.1 ill the 11103S-100111. 1/111 31.100,11. F..1.411,11 menses were eitting 010/111 1 111 11(1/10. 11,1i1 1/11/11Z,31 ietees 11.1.1 the re) but no' mei:1:1311y look eorninou among military men. rise vonvereation, lat best, had not 10...11 test- ed, ;eel lest now there 103.3 0 1.1 II, 10( night wet., 100 for email ; 1 Itlajor of the regiment, a eleall•eill 1111111 or iifty•live, (orlon!. toWitril his next 11ei.4111,:.1. ut the table, a yonng subaltern, WIlli AV.( leaning Islek ill Ilk chair with hie : slide clasped lediind his head, staring thromi', the cigar smoke at the wiling. .Nlajor was elowly hmking the nous ever, from his handsome face down, w'aeit, with stublen alertness, and in a -Ate, steady voice, lie 81thl : 111.W0, please, Air. Carruthers. 1 want to try au experiment with you. 1 Mill move a muscle." " A11 right, Major," replied the subaltern, without even duping his eyes. " liteln't the least idea of moving, I assure you. Whittes the game " Ily t his time the others were listening in a lazily, expeetant way. " Do you think," 71011lintled the Major, anci 1118 voice trembled just a little, " Do you think you can keep absolutely mill for, „“)., te,•0 minutes -to save your life ?” " Are you joking ?" " On the contrary, move a inneele and your are a deatl man, Can Vent btand the :Arai), 1" The subaltern horely Whispered, Yee," and. 1118 11111 111111.1 elightly. " Burke," maid the Meier, addressing an 011ieel• neroSit 7 lie ta11117, " pear Some of that 111111, Mtn te saucer, and set it on the floor here litet. lack of nee Gently, sate 1 Quiet 1" Net a word 1r11,1 F kan se the relleer quietly tilled the saucer, walked with it en refully at timid the tisble, caul set it down where the :Major had inelteated on the ,loor. Like a marble statue sat the yolIng tern in his wldte 11110-11 clothes, svhile err. ell atpt/10 whiell lutd hoett orawling up the leg of his trousers, elowly raised its head, then turned, deseendecl to the 1100e, and glided towards the intik, Suddenly the isilenco tens broltell liy the emote, of the .N1 ajor's revolver, and the enake ley dead on the fluor. " Thank you, Alejor," said the subaltern, its the two mon shook. hands s " You lave saved my life," " welemne, iny boy " replied the 011i01` " del our slier " . An Ontspolea Olerio, The late Archbishop of Yotlt added to his ante as an eloquent speaker by declaring soldly that those who denounce betting as a in in itself WM mistaken. lie also said hat lie would rather see England free than e nfiant sober. Be belleval in getttng what le could out of the devil rather than in des - Axing a, few concessions because he couldn't et more A great many troublee-ome 111108. i0110 W0111E1 bo answered if it could be dies peered how the Recording Angel regercled he loomed prelate's doctrine. At any rate, Archbishop pteee was 11, brilliant 7111311 end good num ist works, if not in theory. His 11011 wit and his Christian zeal got along tl-iersp5r.isingly Logother..--(Butlido short it will an improvement to add it piece of wood to it. 11, is now ready for the vines, which should have made some progress in grow• big ; and when they once bogie to cln their best, the old umbrella frame makes mush a, lovely green bower studded with blossoms of rod or purple or whito-or all together if the vines arc mixed -that everyone ex. olefins over RS hOlitlty. A. puttee) with the same treatment is equally' pretty on a, 8130‘1100 ecale, and it• Would he Very anainental in the comm. of a round had edged with bright•colored pitiox.or cantly.thfe tl/i1,11 a long.spouted waterittg pot the vines 000ld have a daily drenching in warm weathee, when the sun is not, sinning on them, frone their roots to their hie:host green tips, and this would keep them &cell. IIknow." " Well, that isn't, strange, Ire " That man has more - cheek than any ono 1 sleeps on a brass bedstead every nigh le" Ex.Iranprese Eugenio has paid a visit to the Ghetto quartet' of Corftt to enquire into the outreges the Jews. " A marringe may sometimes be a failure renoteicerl Mrs. " but ti, funeral i8 witys bound to be 0 summate" If wo all had tho gift to see out•selves as others see us very few of us would be per. minded to net ati grand mareltal in a holiday parade. Anstrie pensions: ballot girls of the Vienna opera, Before t.1103r 00011r0 pension, how. over, they must be pronouneed by examiners as neither young enough, beautiful enough nor grown! enough to take ON'011 L110 1110511 insignificant part,