HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-5, Page 5JUNk fin 181)1 T'IIE BRUSSELS POST'
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A11 Stations in Ontario
ta earth tout bottle, filling them to she. reel(,
15� l"1 C% t t'�U "i, which aeHlsoo the Hlllpllllre ucirl to Hop
Itrato 31o, butter Int from the elide.
Again the pun is whirled for two mitinteu,
U(el1 13.38 Vee, turd the test le over Ild tl0lie ;WA tu 1}(01'•
1". W, Hoolt 1184 a hnnnumit, been I""1" ;' 111 I'll 111' enrh lsttrel,'ll "Di i„
raised an Tumidity.iudioatm11 1(u the nock of the bottles. Cut
The young people of the I'rembyteriau of tie large number of samples totted
ahamti held a box attaint Wodnenduy It WO 11(13 81)01(1(40 percentage (1tag,e of the
evening at (loo. Tuylur'n 1's •.1)2. v'1(. .3)111 ernw8 wits 3.10 and till] Jersey cow:
Kiss Bulla Sillors, iseach'(, inleurie 'yielded 41 pet• emit. butter fat. '1'h.s, .111.
having a gland entertainment 111 her 1)1110" (x)n8f1e111, 'Walt (1 3101(11 0(3(08:).
sehon) 1111 1,110 nth 0(113„ 1':a81 Wawalloall, Ile look great :mins to explain the min
on Friday evening next. aunt lentils of tate working of the mush•
The entertainment under the an0pieas their111)1 tl(st)to"Imakm the e ) "'Vee tveil1
of the T. 0. G. 'l''. which wag 1(1110 10 the 0en1e.
Yor0Hters' tall 0n Friday evening 3081( a
1)3(302 sueee80, both ti"anehtl y and ant:•
4.44.41 114 1.414 ..
(ally. ). large nmtlber were present 1)ul• gun club repot bavieg 13 (11113(1
front \Vinehaul, Blyth and other sistertuna at Brussels last Tuesday uffernaem
loth : 14, 10 vv011 081110 Burronnlline conn• 1 f,,,,tbs'I match n1( Berlin un :<nlnr•
try, and the progr•al.ln (111.3( e10 of the best
over give a before a lielgravo lt,nll(-'II00.
(''6 IlIlAt'o Ol13.
'Phe Queen's birthday was celebrated
by oar 0111310)10, chiefly in hunting and
itev, 1), I3. Monro is It delegate to the
(loners.] A'aeaobly to be held 111 Iiing'lml
this month. her red "Finnegan'et the lir013 mom The 2.01 of 1\10y passel alt very quiet.
Ont' (4410. 111!•3) 14110r. 131r. \lisle(, Es 1)01(1(1 el 1;i, 1014111 1,0)33)1(1) 011e Won in ly, most of our t0w,,603e11l0 ,•it.lier goiup
3,111) C011 1111013 30 1110 11010:0. 'We hope 01( three.•t1:Ih;lht heats. Lest (hole, 2:2ii,l• I'1) Ilarrisbn, n1' \V:b•am. '.I'10, 1 .,inn
Si e Ira round again seen.
The hopole a eon lame of His (1111131 A.
llacd nut 1 was tee 180,1 as sad 110•w: 11)'
our citizens last Saturday evening.
lir, Hudson, the foreman of the flax
hill, moved into our village on Wednes•
kday of last week. lie oc0I)Iieth the house
belonging to A. I1n11tet'.
'flare will be no service En Knox
rhu3•ch for the next two Sabbaths, Jane
701 Communi031 at 14thal. and ,Tune 14th
the pastor will I a et t17e meeting of the
General Assembly, but on the 21st
sel•viees again as usual.
modern Em(n•ovoInente. '1'he first ceiling 1
to 13(tV(' nu ))1381.•, hal to b" 1ou0tru('h,d I
1 lhrell.ineh bmrdwnud plunk, The
1111,0)1, 1 of the fuetnt;v 11144 not yet been
decided upon. It will be along L110 siding I
Nom V1.00, nil her tat 1,iyutpat0110'e, 1110 '
111'101. 1' lot 01' at 1110 01111 of the aiding.
The 1111 to, app,,„,„1.,, he tlu, m08t 1n 11130r•
at present with the directors.
'4,%'31)( 13l(13 t'.
linoio1HH 1H fair.
A'bus meets all trellis now from the
C.entnet'c•1131 hotel.
large quantities of wool is being
marketers hero, the w(olee mill and
in. Mira. Fianderenn .1 Mill b"iag buyers.
The woolen mill, (Armond ntil), flour
mill and other valuable property' belong.
ing to the OHM'S of A. L. Clib8,,1 IH 10 be
8,111 by pl1bh0 attrition hero en .I line. 17.
4'm. \\dtinl13a at present o 1 'avisit to
\ • I a
r 1 t'iu result ' a' 1 t n and 1 13
bl !.-.n „ , I t
day tbl old country. 1Cs W1.11 ie 1'h+ll t,, I
ing 111 1t draw. 2 to 1 ,i,.1110 001 10 Hhipped from here by 131113818•
Next Tumidity the New England Le'' 110n"Iton S' Saodersou, ile intends
gal" ref 11)3:1 1430111 1111) (1)143' a 1311(1111 1(11 Ht(3 1111, 14 (maple of menthe.
0 31' )1111'l3 30.1111 the "Barons." Farmers and all 30011' +1 pl"104,111t N111110
"1,'la1•enee G," 001010111 Bros." pacer, (311(011 Tmsd3y lugrning'H 114(11. '1'1e
W011 11(•ot nrney in the free-fnt•.al) rate.', n(a)ps :n•1' be3 3(nd1 3) to shoat' the good of
at St, Thomas and London. It mole nix it llh•eluly. l;verytbing 301(4 01a0,14 as
heats to decide the supremacy hetw1 01, dry 88 18 1181110)33 Neel 1,1 Anee8).
mks P. Tait was 13 0)1383 lit this
tioinity lately.
The rain this week has refreshe.i e79..y.
thing very much.
Considerable into, est lois been arorsed
by the report of Sir John Macdonald's
Rev. 'Air. Ottewell and \Vet. Pollard
((('0 attending the Methodist Conference
its session at Berlin.
Mr. Cooper, of Cooper's T3ootylore,
Clinton, was En 10(3(1 mi Monday in the
interests of his house.
Rev. D. Forrest preached in Brussels
on Sunday evening and u prayer meeting,
ably conducted by Jas. Smillie, was
held here instead of the usual service.
't'11e meeting which was 10 have been
1101.1 111 the school shouse for the purpose
of organizing a society of Patrons of In-
dustry had to be postponed (43 Air. Ilen
nest, through illness, war 1101 able to ap•
(lour. If all goes well ho will be o1 hand
next Monday, June 8th.
nathan Moore has the materials on
the ground for his. 110W residence. We
dont I(:'ow whether he intends to stove
I;. I.Evirlgat(ne's Fora) iron: Myth lu(y' bait:Ty:m.1 113. 1I 01l nal, , 1 IV 111,14'
got 2131 at London 111 the ' ., class. welt to Sh.'Ihourne to pia with the club 11
of that plies: agtima 4114,.111,11.1!, and 81113.
YD1.1 i It. seeded in coming out ahead by a u-101'0 01
Celebration here 00 1)0111in Ecu 1)11y, 3 1')'1. They rep'lrt a very 11(81( timet in.
111gh mass W1114 eelebtated in St..Miw. ere di game,
heels ch arch here on Sunday morning. A fishing party from Gist1We1 passed
Our 3Owesmaul, Alex. Smith, intends through town Tee:01v for 1,at1elet. If
lenviug here With 8 carload of hm•se1 8011 they seem, better catches than several 01
our (0ca1 li8hers they will do well. In
0110 day last wee)c T. Ilumehil! caught a
8peekled trout weighing l;1) pounds, and
Men -r8. Grey, Young and Sperling, S. Playford had a round Half-dozen, aha
east nlanuheturers, are making rapid enl(tllest of which wei,he11 08011' a pound
progress in erecting a larger building Hud the largest over 1} lbs. We 1t13ard of
than the ono recently clestr'oyed by tire, severer other good catches, but n0 a rule
The carpenter@ have the DOW derrick a1. 11(0 (3310 38 81111111.
nlo•t oonplete3. ----•- �--
A trat'elliwg medici,.0 Iran made his r> 1-., o .
Canadian Pacific R'y
tri II he
((.1 F,eorsilm,, lonaing Toronto Il P, 113.!111
.B"tl7;i' 1'7tr1, 1.41 1.1,
(Gond to hetero until .11'1.1' 1200
.111113• 1)13►, 1(•41)1
Good to return until JULY 1)3tit)
— i02.7%.Tiourt 1("4)0'1,
(Good 10 retnlal until Al'Gl'S') :11,•11
'0o lir (encu leg ee)nir at rater 11:0)1(11 :
PI Ilvett IIIU'111ey
131lmralne 311,3.su(uin
11710()+'4liC• ,A NY
S' O (-13lS TO Iii
1'1tINC1i ALDE111'
other effects for Portage In I?rnirie, 11101.
\Vo understand that he intends malting
his home there in the luttie.
home here for 13 or 411Egl)ts giving lec-
ture and con00rt, with an assistant, on
the streets every evening. Saturday was
the grandest and hest concert, which was
n very amusing one to the large crowd
which su1r0nrded 111m.—
J. H. Thomson has erected a substan-
tial woven wire fence around his lot,
which adds greatly to its appearance.
Rob). Derr, who bas spent a year or
more on the Pacific coast, has returned,
looking none the worse fur his sojourn.
Mr. Galbraith, the world renowned
Peeve llIluesend Deputy Reeves Oliver
and Bryan are attending County Council
this week.
A log barn bel•'ngiug to John Poddie),
Halt con., tvas burned last Friday night.
The eau a of the lire was a spark from a
burning pile of brush.
The cheese factories are complaining
that, owing to the large number of calves
beim; raisers by 1110 farmers, the milk
supply is not nearly 00 large as it should
be this year.
Airs. French, of Hamilton, was visit.
1(,g her sister, Mr8. George Crooks, and
other relatives in this locality last week•
phrenologist. ie here it present delivering She came up to attend the funeral of her
1, dares. This is it good opportunity for brother, \Vm,Armetre11g, 9rd line, 'Morris.
those who want 10 cater a profession On Monday night of this week during
or trade. the (heavy rain storm a wire fence on the
What He0fryu wants in a moral reform hue, of 1Vm. Taylor, 10 con. of Grey,
for those who have reached the age when arts struck by light: dog. '11(8 font top
they should lit ntv better. We refer to wires wero,stripped off and several posts
those who congregate in ('0110p10110110 split. This is rather out of aomrn0(1.
An As000iatio3 of Patrons of industry
VMS organized on Wednesday evening at
Whitfield's 8011001 house The following
attend 1)101,10 worship. 1s would show oliiue,s were duly elected :—Wm. Car.
more respect for themaelru; mu.l a so for
noehan, President ; 14(1)10 yoke, Vice.
Pr sidest • Joseph \hi.fi d 51("ror
,the pitbliu if they would remain at home
J0 Treasurer
8)111 study the tlhi .I commandment.hu Whitfield' : Elizabeth
Hoping they will profit by this auvl also Whitfield, Minerva ; Sarah Dough.-ri,v,
the advice they have 81(1)1113' 0000v011. Demeter ; John Patterson, Guide ; Wm.
Buttery, Sentinel. Title of AssotiaLion,
"Lady of Grey."
midinto \\'niton or not, but if he does thm andeflthytlere bl: sphemy,ourtt11r�•Hpec ir ivee sce of
girls must pet on their best smile when 3,e)1h -r the Sabbath day or those who
Bob. is around. It may not be any nee,
however. AS si)01100 is sometimes better
than epeech the tare mum.
MeB"in preached in Currie hast
The pastor of the Methodist ohureh in
Atwood represents the Listowel district
on the Stationing Committee, which met
Friday evening in Berlin to prepare the
first draft of stations for the opening of
What threatened to be the total des.
Emotion of the Atwood Planing mill by
fire,on Wednesday forenoon of last week,
was luckily prevented by a speedy appli-
cation of water by the employees of the
n1i11. A spark from the smokestack fell
on the roof causing the shingles to take
lire, The Hook and Ladder Company
were on the scene in 1 minute and 40
0eoonda after the alarm was given, but
their services wore not needed.
F,om an examination of the report of
the Victoria University exam. held in
April and May we notice the name of J.
11. Mollain well to the front. In exam•
inatiol in the Sophomore year of the
Arta course he passed in all the subjects
of the Pass course of his year and in ad-
dition secured firet•class standing in his
Honor Department of Mental Philosophy.
Besides the work in the Arts oonree, War.
MoBain took Bret-olase standing in New
Testament history and Historical Theo•
logy in the Theological course. At the
Convocation W. P. Kerr, L. L. B., pre.
minted him with the prize he had won at
the Elocution contest in April.
The recent rains have done a power of
Mies Melissa Farrow, of Brussels, was
in town for a few days.
Mrs. W8,11W111 and daughter are visit-
ing relatives at Goderiah.
(NESS Annie Kerr, of Luoknow, was
visiting at W. Gardiner's thia week,
Rev. I. B. Wallwin is away at Berlin
attending the Methodist conference. He
will remain another year at Bluevale we
aro pleased to hear.
Mre. Lewis lett here hast Wednesday
for the Toronto hospital where she will
undergo an operation for dropsy. She
has been ailing for over a year.
Oloimoz P10ronv.—A large number vis-
ited the cheese factory last week. The
occasion being the testing of milk by the
nee of Dr. Babcock'% Milk Test, T. J.
Dillon, of the Agricultural Department,
Ottawa, wits 00 hand and tested samples
of milk. We (earned some interesting
[trots regarding this new method which
may bo summed up briefly as fellows :—
The Babcock Milk Test he a 0imp a do
vice, and le made in various sizes, a 80.
bo,tle test, costing $25, will toot 00 pat-
rons milk in three hours. The 00 bottles
are 1)3led with one quart sulphuric acid,
costing 21o. for osoh 30 -bottle test. This
is one of the largest sizes and which Mr,
Dillon Would recommend factories. of
an average 00paoi1y to purchase. The
1,011100 are arranged in a circle in a pan
resemb.ing a cooking utensil designated
a steamer. The test bottles are filled
with an equal quantity of milk and
sulphuric acid. By cleans of the acid
the five ingredients in milli, fat, asst,
0x00100, etc„ are separated, the fat tis'
fug midway En the neck of the bottle,tdlu
pereeltage of which is readily told y .t
scale on the honk, After the filled boltfoe
h1V0 been placode in a pan, by mea(10 of a
reedit the pall ie whirled uronud at the
Nate of 800 re!olltt'011s per minute. This
FItit teI.
Reeve Mil nu is at Go:lerich. Perihoxs or INDUSTRY.— On T1100217
The Temperance lodge limp se 31)• the evening a strong association of Patrons
a garden party on the 19th 01 June. et Industry was organized at Fulton'o
Pocket boost lost. $10 reward paid for school house. The following odicera were
its recovery. Head advt. in this issue. duly elected:—Alfred Williamson, Preai•
J. A. Young is away at Waterloo this dent ; Dugald Mo'Paggart, Vico.Presi.
week attending the annual meeting of dent ; Johu Stewart, Secretary ; James
the Insurance Company of which he is Cuthill, Treasurer ; Mary Stewart, Mit,-
agent. erva ; Jessie McNair, `)0meter ; Wm.
Wm. Hall, who lives went of here, lost Woods, Guide ; Ed. Middleton, Sentinel.
a valurblo mare a short time ago, She The association is called "Grey's Strang•
was taken with inflammation and died hold." There are nearly 100 members of
before they could get the veterinary the Order in this notion and Turnbull'o.
surgeon there, The world cloves and so does the Order
A few days ago the veterinary surgeon of Patrons of Industry. Tho organizer
removed a lump as large es a goose egg will lecture in Walton on Monday even.
from the inside of the nigh bind leg of a ing, 8th inst., and at the following sections
mare of Jas. Laird's. It was hard like in MoKillop next week : Section No. 13
gristle with a bole imide of it. on Tuesday, 9111 inst. ; No. 2 on Wednes-
On Sunday Morning of last week John day, and No, 4 on Thnruday, commencing
Gill found his mare dead in the yard at 8:90 p. m. Ho will spend the follow.
with a big gash in her side and her en- ing week in Hay, in answer to urgent
trails on the ground beside bar. He calls from than township.
can't imagine hots the accident happen. -
ed, as a eareful 0earuh failed to show how Port Arthur 1)0 complaining beenme the
it was done. It is a great aisler to
C, 1, It steamers pa's by them and doek
mens to him us he expected to foal
in a few days,
HONOR R01,14.—lteport of the Junior
department of Ethel public a0hool for
the month of May :—Senior 2rd class—
Geo. Greensidea, Wilbur. Lindsay, Willie
Milne, Willie Spence, Carrie Eekmier•
Junior 2nd class — Joseph Whelpton,
Ellie Dilworth and Lillie King equal,
He•br9rt Manning, Eliza McCollum.
Part 2nd ohms—Maggie Davies, Edith
Milne, Alvin Barr, Margery Durnion,
Ellen Sanders, Cora Senders. lot ohms
Senior—John Peebles, Howard MoAllist.
or, Geo. Richardson, Willie Tompkins.
let class, Middle—Edna Baynard, Willie
Peebles, (Ratcliffe Whelpton and Gideon
Zimmer equal), Karl McAllloter. let
class, Junior—Willie Willis, Willie Lind.
say, George Sharp, Emma Imlay. F. A.
Sllannoca, Teacher.
L.ln+t0wori 1.
Addison Bowman left last week for
Qneboo City. 1•Ie will be away for the
A meeting of the directors of the North
Perth Partnere' Institute is called for
Saturday, June .0th, in Liatowel, to
arrange for an Exoulsion to the 0. 11.
College, Guelph.
J. A, Putlaud, late of the Commercial
hotel, is about removing to Gorrie, hav-
ing lensed the Albion hotel in that village.
Mr. Putl11nd has earned the reputation
Cluing 11133 residence in Listowel of keep.
ing a iirst.class house, and the people of
G0rri0 and neighborhood, se well as the
travelling public, will find him an ex.
oolhnt Gate,er,
The plans for the new furniture factory
have been 1l)repltod, and ate 111(01y to be
approved about as follows 1—Size of main
building, 1.1,0x80 feet, font stories ; boiler
and engine room, 50410 feet, 2 storms ;
dry kilt and lumber abed, 10x00 foot.
The elevator and 0111,11'o are to be placed
in a brick tower entirely outside the
walls of the factory 01(11 adjoining the
railway siding. By this arran1emettt
there will be no conmm1icaLion between
limen inside the factory, prov,uting the
spread of duet, noise, lire etc. The
tmohostack is to be entirely of bri3k.
The heights of the 00iling0 aee 1.0 bo 131
is kept up for five minutes, when the lid feet 12 feet, 11 feet and 10 feet teepee -
is hmueve(1 and by moans of a tubo for lively, all flats to bo furnished will lire
the purpose a little hot Water is added to camps0, olosets, wash hash1s, ant all
at Port William.
Radcliffe looked after the departure
of Laroqun, :Ione 4. The latter was gen.
(mooed for strangling two little girls at
Dresden is to have an establishment
for the canning of all sorts of fruits and
vegetables. A meeting waw held last
week and a joint stook company ,formed,
directors and president appointed, and
all neo( wary arrangements masse for
getting speedily to work, purchasing
plant, making oontracts, etc. The
officers for the concern aro :—President
J. w. Sharpe Directors, Messrs.
Turner land Waddell ; Seorotary, J. H.
Burnie ; Treasurer, C. P. Watson. The
company will bo chartered to do bn0iuea0
with a capitol of $10,000. Of this
amount 9.4,500 has been subeoribed.
The following well.known Stallions
will travel during the season of 1891, as
follows :
11OTOn1Ln at (BROWN.
Monday,—Wil( leave hie own stable,
Lot 15, Con, 0, Grey, and proceed north
to 8t11 con , then west, then north to 0th
eon., to Richard Mitchell's .for 3)0oll ;
thence to Christian Bokmior's, hthel,
for night. Tuesday, --Will prooeod to
Taylor's lintel, llenfryn, for noon
thenco on 1111) con. to '1')108. Ward's,
Went, for night. Wodooetlay, —Will
proeeta1 west on 1,21)1 eotl„ 0183', to Wlu.
C0rioclou/a for cool ; thence to his own
stable for night. Thursday,—Will pro•
coed 8011th, 000801 (lranbreak, 19 Joho
Clark's, llith cors. (trey, for neon thence
to John Bennett's 17th eon., Grey, for
night. 1?ridgy, --Will proceed to Samuel
Foams stI 11118 Morris, for noon ; thence
to Albert Oakl v s, 1)14)3 cot., Grey, for
night, Saturday,• --Will proceed to tine
Central hotel, stable, 1lrn0eels, for 1100(11
thence to his own stable where he will re.
main mail the following Monday morn.
l'or further part 10111/11.4 3ilplyI-3any
,telt of the Company.
1., 11:I'II:It,
.\;o-nt. Brit.:4et*.
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Blaby Car-
riages liave arrived itt
11, Dennis', Brussels,
Call and see thele before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c always in stock and solei
at Close Prices
If you want a set of Light
or heavy HIarness 1 can
supply you.
See our :scotch Collars.
R. Dennis.
Paid for Wool at the
We wish to call your at-
tention to the fact that we
still Want more Wool, and
we are determined to make
this wool season one of the
largest, for we 'have a Tre-
mendous Stock of Goods on
hand. It is necessary that
3'('u should look around be-
fore you dispose of your wool
to see where you can make
the best purchases with it in
Buy in the Cheapest,
Sell in the Dearest
Do not fail to come and
see our Large Stock of New
Fine Flannels, in New Shades
and Patterns, Something
Never Before Shown the Public
We have made up a lot
of Fine Halifax. Tweeds, just
the thing for school boys.
We also have a big stock of
Fine Tweeds, COai'se Tweeds,
Bed Blankets, Horse Blan-
kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts,
Cotton Shirting's, Cottclnlacle$,
Shirts and Drawers for this
sensan'S Heade, \Vi'lfcll we oiler
Everybody should cone;
and try our fine Grey Flannel
that won't shrink in washing.
and out wears the common
greyflannel sold the ) I
Boll 0ar.,ing', Spinning,
Fulling m 1al Cl etui' fig
1 ullnl� .and IVIa a f (, ,,
Tweeds, .Flannels, Blankets,
SCC, 011 short notice,
itrook d ,S()dd;
WANTS '1')) (.;1:T -
,) s`
50000 s
In Exchange for 1'l cods.
'l1e Highest .E[arket Price Will be Allcw4.;cr
We have a Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted.
Goods, Yarns, deo.
A11 Wool left with us for nlnnuf:u'tnring, whether rolls or
otherwise, will 11.l\'t' our prompt attention.
-WC M Still lii 1110 FIEId
It is with the greatest amount of pleasure we now bring
before the notice of the public our well Assorted.
Fresh and Elegant Stock of
We have recently had fitted up our show rooms com-
modious and harmonious, where is to be seen every -thing
that goas to make the heart of the house -wife jubilant, and
make glad the home where our goods are to be found.
While we do not profess to keep in detail a large and;;
varied assortment of bric-a-brac, notions, &c., for they • c3'ry
only be rightly purchased in the city, we rather invite an
inspection of our Sideboards, Extension Tables, Secretaries
of various sizes, Easy Chairs, Bedroom Suites, etc.
PARLOR SUITES from far that would meet the de-
mands of a n1Ereliant prince or satisfy the most fastidious,
and we are constantly receiving this (:lass of goods from
the very best manufacturers.
Our Picture Framing Material and Workmanship in
this line defies criticism:
We wish further to draw your attention to our
Undertaking Department r
Complete in all its Appointments.,.,
And the Closest Attention giv.'n to orders of this 111tIote:
Embalming, temporary 01' arterial. Ito discoloring or
unpleasant odor in the hottest weather.
Forty years experience 1411 House Building awl 1tia
Manufacture of Sash and Doors should impart, a knowledgi13
of this line of our business, 111101, while we 1(•..n truthfnllV
say we neves' were so busy '1S at present, our 1n1111cil••y' i14
great and enables las t0 get t.11l'-)tlgh an immens3 (01(1,3 1) t 111
work, and )V0 CAD tlll`11 it 0)11 (111 very short 110ti,
Smith i