HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-5, Page 44
New Advertisements
Lost...C. Stubbs.
•Locale ---Gen. Good,
.l.omite_, A. 11, i:with.
• ,f+brayed -Fetor Baiter,
.0cal•-rows Publishing Ilowse,
Jersey butter -G. A. Deadman.
foisting- Thompson e Grim,ddlru.
Ready meds clothing --A. Pt, Smith,
„ I y
'03r"1155ei5 '`10' 't,
l�3 �
tcmvanw,,,, Y l,..r.4mlw-,••a•eessi niessewsolum':10reacieaeiries sttealtananageseamatriamm wares eves•.•,,•-.. ts•eurest ersr sevr:rt n'w x.. .s•>,°+ issuer t arms=
A flue turd drum baud has been organ.
fend in Clinton, with Mr. Storey es
ERII)A1', JUNE s, 1891,
TUE Montreal Witness says The
news of Sir John Mae,blald's death,
which cannot be very far off, will come
as e, Shock to all Citnadiaue, and even to
a great marry English-speaking people
the world over, He has not for years
been in good bealth,but be seems to have
very much the same skill iu getting over
and fighting off pby,dettl ailments that he
bad in dodging and escaping political
blows and calamities. Ile lune during the
whole lifetime of the present generation
been eo much a part of the order of
things political in Canada, that it is
hard for either friend or foe to eonooive
of a Canadian political world in which he
is not a proniieent and chief figure.
Death is conning to him in the way and
at the time he would probably himself
have chosen, were any man enpable of
choosing a present time, Just after a
political victory in the country, still in
power at the head of the Government,
with his supremacy as a leader so recog-
nized that it is hard to see how his party
is going to get on without 11im,he not too
suddenly falls while in harness. He baa
hosts of friends -devoted friends, and his
foes, as Mr. Laurier shows, and as Mr.
Blake showed, are, to say the least,
generous ones to him personally. He
and his family will have the sympathy
of all Canadians at this time.
U. S. SECRETARY Rrexbas received sev-
oral requests from representative rail-
roads and from commission men in the
United States that the order issued last
week, imposing fifteen days quarantine
on sheep and lambs from Canada, be re-
voked with the view of removing all
grocncte for restrictions by foreign Gov-
ernments on American sheep exports.
On the other hand, the farmers are urg-
ing the Secretary to telegraph to enforce
the order. Tee order will probably be
maidtaiuerl until the Canadian regula-
tions aro made to conform with those of
the United States. The order will ac-
tually destroy the important trade in
lambs between Canada and the United
States, as the delay of fifteen days in
marketing the lambs, the care, the feed,
the loss of flesh in pens, will run up the
cost so high that the quarantine will
have the same effect as a prohibitory
duty. The trade at Buffalo amounts to
over half a million dollars a year ; in all,
it amounle to over a million. About
300,000 lambs are exported from Canada
to the U. S. yearly, half of them going to
Buffalo from Western and South.western
Ontario. The trade in swine cuts no
figure whatever.
Huron County.
The days selected for Clinton's Ex•
hibition are 28th, 29th and 80th of Sep-
Lieut. H. Barry Combe has been ap.
pointed militia drill instructor at tee
Clinton Collegiate Institute.
The youngest member of the Clinton
New Era staff, a boy a.f fourteen, eaptnr-
ed 114 deb on Monday of last week, with
hook and line.
The Clinton New Era says :-Joseph
Atlauson has a field of fall wheat that
stands three feet high, and is jibe about
ready to shoot out.
A young man named Gadsby tolled the
Clinton fire bellon Thureday,2let ult.,and
for doing so paid a toll of $20 and $1
Ousts, He left town as soon after as
W. Doherty, of Clinton, has added
another horse to his etable, namely, Phil.
Patchen, 5 years, by Ryedyk, 8584, by
Ryedyk, 653 ; dam Nelly Patchen, by G.
M. Patchen, 4142. Phil. stands 16 hsnde
high and is a grand looking horse.
Several persons in Clinton have boule-
varded the front of their premises, which
is a manifest improvement to any place,
but then there is not much encourage.
ment to do work of this kind, eo long ae
cattle are allowed to run at large and un-
do it.
The other evening while John Speck.
man, of Exeter, was driving into his
premises an accident occurred. It ap.
pears he got out to open the gate and
allowed the horse to proceed alone on the
road leading to the stable, it became en-
tangled with a close line and began kick.
ing viciously making a oomptete wreck of
the vehicle. The horse received a num-
ber of ugly gashes in trying to liberate
0. H. Ingram, dentist of Exeter mob
with a very painful aocident and one
which might htave proved serious. It
appears he had been using a vulcanizer,
and before letting the heated weter cool
sufiiaiently, commenced to take off the
top by unscrewing it and in so doing
gave vent to the heated water which flew
in every direction, a portion of it stink.
ing Mr. Ingram in the face and wieldingI borns, balance for gravelling contreot,
him very severely. lots 31 and 32, eon. 14, $21.17 ; Frank
Last Saturday afternoon a young mat I Hunter, repairing Cranbrook bridge and
named Hitch, an officer in the Salvation ropailing culvert lots 1.5 and 10, con. 12,
Army, whose mother resides near Clin. $2 ; W. 11 Kerr, part payment onrint.
ton, was trying to kill worms and inmate ing contract, $'25 ; Treasurer tilolllllop,
On trees with a lighted torch when the Grey share for work on boundary Gray
can explotled, the burning oil running and McKillop, $100,20 ; 'Malcolm Mo.
down his face and on hie clothes. The Niohol, repairs to plow broken'vlhito 501.
unfortunate young man, orated with his ting hill, $8 ; A. Reymann, salary as
enfferings, ran around the field until ex' Assessor, $90. The Coancil then act.
liatisted, hie friends being enable to get jemmied to meet again at :dimmest hotel,
near him until too late, and death ended Cranbrook, on friday, the .10th Clay of per cent, of the prones eo earned.
his agony a fere hours after, 130 was June as Court of Revision of Drafnaga' W 0, MACDO.NALD, Aomixar. J. E. MACDONALD, Art NAM 4 D31tt ee a
heeled with Army honors On Sunday. Assessment, originatin in the township I
Deseaeed was 22 years old, of BIM*. W 4. Sritotee, Clerk, W. '10'X0 3r -M1111., Agents-, .I3t'ie f:lise lw.
\V, Cudntore ha: just completed tit •
shipment •t1 211 ant's of hay from (;ode•
melt, malting 143 car that he It 1 ship•
ped eince last At4,ust,
Rev. Mr. Sltilbon will pr'eeb a iepeci tl
sermon to the Orangemen of Clinton in ,
the Rattenbury street llerinnlixt ohnrch,
on Sunday, July 12th., at 3:a) p, ut
In the course of basinees the other day,
V. W. Watts, of Clinton, mune armrest a
copper bearing date 1070, over 200 years
old ; it loulcd as if it had been in circular
tion all that time too.
It ie not to the credit of the temper.
&toe people of Clinton, that the Royal
Templars Association baa not been able
to secure a larger membership than it
has and thus increase its usefulness,
Pat Corbett, aged 22, sou of Thos, Cor.
belt, a wealthy and prosperous farmer in
the township of Hallett, rose from bell
and procuring a revolver returned to bed
and shot himself, 11e died a few hours I
.afterward. No cause is assigned for the
act, but rumour has it that a young tidy
had something to do with it,
There died at the residence of Jamee
Thompson, of Bayfield, Mut dock McLeod,
setmee father was an officer in Hie Maj-
esty George TV. Navy. 110 was bora in
Rossllire, Scotland, in 17117, mord in 1021
was married to Jennie McKenzie, whose
father was son of helmet'', Karl of Sea -
forth, Laird of Kintail and Chieftain of
the Tele of Lewis, This gentleman's
property went to distant relations owing
to no male heirs, leaving a family of girls
in obscurity. Murdock McLeod and his
estimable partner emigrated to Nova
Suotia and settled on a farm in the valley
of the Baddick river, which place he
sold in 1881. £heir diamond wedding
was celebrated i❑ 1881, having been
married 00 years. Mrs. McLeod died
five years after. A large family blessed
their union. Those ati11 surviving are
Mrs, Struthers, Clinton ; John McLeod,
Baydsld ; Mrs, Thompson, Bayfield, et
whose place they lived till their death
James, of Glenbury Farm, Goderiah
The frost hast week did considerable
dlunago in this vieiulty. 0041133' vines
were badly cut, and we believe the fruit
trees suffered ecve.ely.
A. Gu, eeadrrd first mousy w the 2:10
trot et the ltidgetown races, 00 Monday
of lust week, with "Belle line,•' The
best time made wee 2:44.
Gen, McKenzie, the Reeve, who had in
charge the fitting up of the street water.
ing pomp, has secured a rotary pomp
from Seneca Falls, N. Y., and got it in
place, It does Ste work well and it will
be no trouble now to lilt the tank.
Mise M. Irwin, an employee of 1:. 0.
Clarke, met with a very painful accident
moonily by having a tailor's goose, weigh-
ing 20 pounds, fall on the big toe of her
right foot ftocn the pressing board, neat
ly three feet high. Alias Irwin was con -
lined to the hostse for several days, the
toe being badly bruised.
Geo M331)uuogh, whilst setting off lire-
erae.ltere at the parka on Monday, had the
misfortune to let a large one oft in close
proximity to hie face, It wail thought at
the time that his eyesight was injured,
lett luckily this was not to be. The con•
c•Medea was sufficient to blow hie hat off.
Hie face and eves are sore, but will be all
right in a few days.
llrs. Wm. 7. Johnston is Rick itt pre-
Miss Aiello. Chambers spent a few days
in Seaforth last week.
\1'm. Baiuee has improved his resi•
deem; by a new roof.
Chute. Lawrence was away at Belleville
visiting old friends last week.
Wm. Fraser, of the 1st pun., lost a
valuable young colt this Spring.
John McMurray lost to valuable time
recently from an overfeed of grass.
Holt. Russell, 5th line, is away to De-
troit where be will work this summer.
Reeve Mooney and. Deputy Renve
Bowe are attending the County Council.
Jas. Russell raised a new driving shed
last Tuesday. John Curry was the con -
township, and Donald, of :Michigan, and tt'aalor,
an invalid daughter, Kate McLeod, ha,e- I Miss Sarah Johnston has returned
ing been confined to bed 32 pars. home after au absence of a couple of
John Kaine, banker of Gorrie, was
Grey Council Meeting. visiting his sister, Mrs. Fraser, one day
this week.
The bricklayers have completed their
work on Arthur Shaw's new house on
the 1st con.
Mrs. Jae. Johnston and family, of
Minnesota, are visiting at Geo. John-
ston'e ab present.
Mr. and Miss Cowden, from near Zet-
land, were vieittng at Seymour Thorn -
Council met ae Court of Revision of
Assessment Roll for 1891 at Burton's
hotel, Ethel, pursuant to advertisement,
All the members were present and sub.
scribed the necessary oath. Mr. Milne
took the chair and the Court was formed.
There was one appeal entered against the
Assessment Roll, viz. :-Alex. McIntosh,
owner of the Ni of lots 59 and 60, con. 1,
claiming to be assessed too high. The
appellant not being present, it was moved
by Walter Odver, seconded by Thomas
Ennis that the Court of Revieion ba ad-
journed until 2 o'clock p. m., and general
business taken up. Carried Communis
cations -From Garrote & Prondfoot, re
lot 30, eon. 16, Meehan vs. Grey, stating
that plaintiff had not redeemed said lot,
and that the township tan now proceed
and sell as soon as they see int. From
James McNair, requesting the Council to
have the tap drain at lot 23, eons. 16 and
17, cleaned 0111. Messrs. Milne and Oliver
were irstruuted to examine the premises
and report at next meeting of Council.
From J. E. Terhune, barrister, on be.
half of Messrs. Woods & Williamson,
claiming oompeneatien for damages sus-
tained by them in February last through
a drfeotive culvert on road in front of
lots 20 and 27, in the 7th concession of
Grey ; 110 action was taken. Moved by
Edward Bryane, seconded by Thos.
Ennis that John Hill be allowed to per•
form all his statute labor in Jno. Cress's
division, sons. 9 and 10. Carried. On
motion of Walter Oliver, seconded by
Wm. Brown, Albert Oakley wee allowed
to perform hie statute labor in James
Kelly's division on gravel road. At two
o'clock Court of Revision re -opened.
Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Thos.
Enuie that Mr. McIntosh's aesesemeut
on the N} of Iota 59 and 60, lot con. be
reduced $200. Carried, Moved by Wal-
ter Oliver, seconded byEdward Bryane
that the Court of Revision be now closed
and the aeeeaement roll us revised be
adopted. Carried. General Council bush.
nees was then resumed. Application of
Robert Machan for ditch on road at lot
35, - ctns. 17 and 18 -Moved by Thos.
Ennis, seconded by Wm. Brown that
Messrs. Milne and Oliver examine prom•
Res and report at next meeting of Coin.
oil. Carried. Joseph Whitfield applied
for a resurvey of ditch or drain under
Engineer's sward No,1,1886, Wm Smith
et al ; laid over until next meeting of
Counoil. John Stewart applied to have
the Government drain in front of lots 15
and 16, cone. 15 and 16, cleaned out;
Messrs. Ennio and Oliver to attend to it.
Moved by Thos. Ennis, eeoonded by Wal.
ter Oliver that the sum of $150 be ex-
pended in each of the five divisions in
the township for repairs to roads, &L. for
the current year. Carried. Application
of Maloolm McNichol for repairs to plow
broken while outting down hill at lot 28,
eon. 3 -Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded
by Edward Bryane that no action be
taken, Moved in amendment by Walter
Oliver, seconded by Thos. Ennis that the
sum of 58 be granted. The Reeve de-
clared the amendment parried. Moved
by Walter Oliver, seconded by Wm.
Brown that the sum of $200 be granted
on the gravel road between Grey and
Morrie, providing the Morris Council
grant an equivalent. Carried. Moved by
Ed. Bryans, seconded by Walter Oliver
that the Reeve and Treasurer be author•
zed to borrow from Rachel Spence the
Bum of $800 for township purposes for
the oarrent year. Carried. Moved by
Ed. Bryane, eeoondad by Wm. Brown
and parried that the following accounts
be paid ;-Robb. Outt, repairing culvert
at lot 80, con.12, and timber, $6.88; Robb.
Docket, breaking donee on road lots 20
and 21, con. 8, $1 ; Alex. McKay, gravel,
$17.58 ; Wm. Strainer, box drain acmes
road lot 17, con. 16, $2 ; John Miller,
keeping Wm. Miller, an indigent, three
months, $24; John Cott, repairing bridge
at lots 5 and 6, con. 2, $8.75 ; John 05 -
Miss iltarlba J. Johnston, who lute
been visiting r•elutives on the lent eon. fur•
some time, lute t'etwt'utvl to her home at
Srnonl, liErtilir.- Tho follet tiig is a _
inti. S.rNo. t5, Morris, fee the montltlti..1 `Lt;1118 all I til tl '1( l5 Ub' 1111
May ;- lith cl:t%% :1. I{tlasell, II• 111c• ltiw, nl lill13 t 'D •II I SI':tt nituua
t>tto vi to , •L r'an't.. -.Luo ; nddlttannl
C al l for m aw• .' , t
1l , et e L 1 uu.e ; 1 h !demi al',�- nnw'x, ;+1.GU curb, all the property of one
Robt, Close, Melinda Clegg, 1t'a Yorker ;
me --... iscri ssioisia(
stilt olttes jr.-V. llnslout, J. Campbell ;
3rd oltcae sr.. Jae. Watson, 11. Reuel',
D. Allison ; Third chase junior --
J. Ilaslom, Chas. l'rec•tor, A. Wheeler;
2nd clava --Aurae Proctor, Massie Alli.
sou, M. Wilkinson ; Part II jr.-111. (dell,
W. Proctor, C, Gillies. Average atten-
dance Inc the month 72. G. W. Black-
well, teaelter.
Lot 10, Con. 19, (incy; Ina oar's; Ilrtt-
elaaa LuildiuTu. .A rare bargain to a cash
purchaser, Title perl'eet. Apply ab once to
\V. 11, SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Iit•uosels. SO -
131118 I+011 BALE. -TIL+' UN•
n P.taeutxri, box several gond Forma for
Otto and to rent, tansy terms, in Townships
of Norrie and they. l+, H, HC O'1'1', Bressele.
C1110101, 11Ai111 FOR BALE,-
I Deiug Smith hall Lot 87,(lou. 1, It eyrie,
laid acres, nen 01) all r), :u•r,l, (}004 buildin11s,
One leut; boa u'irn nrchnrot. immedietc 1'ns-
sessien. Easy Torsos. Apply to
N'. 11, SINllt AtIt
Cf- Solicitor, ,t,0., tiro stela.
1-1 OUSE AN1) in0'i FOR SALE.-
A N T101 snLrc rtl,er oilers Ler house awl
lot, corner of Joules and streets,
Brussels, There is a comfortable Itoitse,
good stable, eple'ol14 well. Xo, on 1110 pre-
mises, i acre of land. - 1''o1• further particu-
lars as to price, teams, bo, apply Io
M,38, WM. Mc0ULhOt'G11, Brussels.
'7p 'Al01 FOR SALE. -`21.1E UN
ly deraigncd offers 1113 valuable 100 acre
farm, being bet IS, Con. 11, Grey, for mile.
Tit ere are 55 scree toter aeon, balance
timbered. There la a good nletnlyd, walls,
&o. ou the promises, besides lag house. bank
barn, &m, Will be sold on ronsontable terms.
For prism and full particulars apply to WM.
IIABI0IRR,B russets P, O, er Jolt:( RaATTln,
HCtlfel't11, Ont. 07-It1rl
9110 ACIUI FARM. km'Oli, SALT').
�l -T11a mtdorsign",l preprietora
offer their well located term cerutni eking 1100
acres, being Lob 5,000.10 aunt bet 0, Cou, 11,
Grey township for sale. There is u log
house, good outbuildings large orchard,
water supply, d°, on the premises. The
property lib only 13 miles from the thriving
Village of Brus;els. Bull platten] la•s as to
prion, terms and conditions of sale may be
asoertatoed on nppplfoettee to
87-tf FERGUSON 131(03., Toeawater.
ton's last Sunday. V 1°a11 5Ata,-13elog west i Lot 11, Con. 0.
A windmill has been erected by John (troy, 21 miles truth Brussels. The nand is
Clegg, 5th line, for the purpose of pump- good clay loam, well drained, mostly all
cleared aid to goad order, O,.e acre of or -
log water for stock. chard le good repair. There is a never fail -
W. II. Clonkey intends going to De- leg spring on the l'reunsea and an extra 10011
trOit, whore he will work at his trade. at tie boildiugs, the boBdiugs aro comfort-
able. Would tanto suitable property in or
We wish him success, near Brussels its part pay. For Birdie' par -
Jackson's church members, Sth line, ticulare apply on the premises to
T1108. 11c0lt'1GOil,
or address Brussels P. 0. :1811
nnnama0n offers for sale the north
vast quarter of 10118, COucessiou 0, Morris,
County of Chiron, containing 50 sores. The
laud is of first quality and to a high state of
cultivation, well Mucci" mud under -drained,
ec sores cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with oonerate wtale, 3 wells,
good barns mud shed, orchard, eta. Eight
aures of fall wheat, This desirable property
adjoins 1L a corporation o1 Brusaota. Suit-
able tenni will be given. Title parte et
9.1ME8 GRIEVE,Owner,
85- Seater th P.O.
are talking of holding a picnic in the
near future, Particulars later.
Frank A. Wood, teacher at the atone
school hoose on the 2nd con„ was the
guest of Mr. Rnmsay laet Sunday.
\Vm. Johnston, an engine -driver on a
railroad in Michigan is home on a holi-
day visit to his parents and friends.
Wm. Cameron, Joseph Smith and
children and Miss Hall Left for Maui•
tuba this weelt on an excision trip.
Rumor says there is going to be a
wedding on the 1st con. before ten days
but it would not do to giro any names.
Still there is more to follow In the same
Mrs. Neff and Wm. Oantelon and wife,
of Petrolea, and Mrs. Arnold were here
attending the funeral of the Late Win.
Armstrong last Saturday. The ladies
are daughters of Mr, Armstrong.
Mrs. John McCaughey jr, was away
last Saturday attending the funeral of her
brother who took his own life by shoot.
ing himself in the head with a revolver,
while suffering from a brain trouble.
James Wilkinson, of this township, de.
livered to Joseph Clegg, cattle buyer, an
Friday of last week, three 3.year•old
steers which weighed 4,700 pounds, aver-
aging 1,597 lbs. The prioe paid was 50.
per pound, which brought the handsome
sum of 5239.50. This shows what breed-
ing and feed will do. Mr. Wilkinson
also sold a young oow to W. Blashill,
butcher, Brussels, which weighed 1,120
pounds. He got 4o. per lb. for her,
A Partnership having been formed be-
tween R. Thompson and E. Grimoldby,
under the Firm name of TIIoMPSON &
G11rxoLeity, they are now prepared to
promptly attend to the wants of the
public in
Paper Hanging a Specialty.
Orders left at A. M. McKay & Co's.
store, Brussels, will have our prompt
oto•MO11111111 "moms..
Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will
injure your machinery, when you can get the
Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka,
Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness.
McCOLL S11,08. & CO., TOItONTO.
44.010 For Slide by B. (BERRY, Brussels.
Organized 1871. - a, React Office, Toronto.
Remember after Three Years Policies are incontestable,
Paid-up Polley and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Policy.
Arrolins A1txoLD'ro PeOsea rioN A0Atisr DARI.r 1)8.11.11; PEOvii1E8 AN IN001111
ter One AOit, AND I8 A GOOD INvlia7'AIttii.
Polioiee are Non•Forfeitabl0 after the Payment of Two full annual Pretnimna.
Profits, which are Unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are
atlonated every live years from the inane of the policy, or at longer periods, as may
be selcoted by the insured.
Profits so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be redeem' or recalled al,
any future time under any circumstances,
Participating Policy holders are entitled to not less than 00 per cent. of the
prolite earned in the class, and for the past seven rare have actually received 1755
eer,tln. :\ ips0e11.1t. of In per tout, mil bo
011,03 ' 4 when pail at the I.itno of service.
Jersey Co ws0S,e0 oneh omit.
(1, A, DI/A1111.AN, Druggist, 40,
,A 51111(11 HOAR.
The miderid:mod w111 heap for servloo this
n•o'+su1 smnsun aha 1mpruvetl laTlu White
Yol•hshire, 111 "aee.d y" 05 let Irl, 00%, ill
1I olds, t , x hleh n limited number of sows
Will 1,0 token, Tcunu $1 un t5 Lu vitid a1
time of service, with the p livite u, 111' retnrn-
11g If nl¢',csary,- Pedigree may be aeon ou eppllcen,ai, litlitlat'1' 1.1 itll,,
hitt 110 -
r v\1O PUBB 111:51) 1108 P011
it 8E10 —,( E.- Ile iiiiiicr,arlial tuts Ye.
cm ally perrbn,ed nod will hoe], ler Service
nl North lutlf Lot Se, Coll. 7, Moms, a pine.
bred Berkshire Rom', bred by 110, linen, and
also an (doll inlpruvetl ( liettcr White, one pg
vent Old, ta'ril by 'rho,. t t r;c, Petunia, r �Aga HOTEL, BROtyS,S r l,S3
from nut erred st l.k ou both irides, 1 hit; + -IiIG 1'i 1tC
hog toll del Prise at the industrial t:xblbl•
itnu, Toronto, 1s111, in n clotuI, of 17, , 1 also I ---ON ----
:lcd at Me \Vo,toru Fide itt a close of 15.
" Ime,0t no, to Le paid of mullet., '1 u esday, July 7t h , 191
15 -if H, \VALHI:14, Prom -lane, ._._ _..._.-_.,...__..--_-_-__.__......--
pro. ,ctIuaa\d CL,A,1:1,
11,.0., M.A.,
Specialist, stt -
TovA'rtlAs 111': 113111, 1.. !'rd,.1 0.3111
"After sper.dfng all my looney awl r100(8ty
to nu purpose an un ',Real 1001, fur Whitt.
(troy t1,1'111e4 a hmpelnas 01000 01 CO nsnulptien,
Ur. 61uclrtir mired 100.'
Mae. ;limy t+lttI oO,, \Voodltino.o, bap' ..-
"When all nutters lel lid, Or. Sinclair 011001
me of Ills."
11. iteoa:lt'1$oi, Carleton Placa, save :-
"Dr, hiuoblh• eared uta of catarrh."
(len, lton1:31, Blyth, stays: -"Dr. Sinclair
eltred we of heft disease aa• -0 drupe), when
1111 others failed:'
/itsettxrt of /We'd., \a(11•P, lnang11a 01119
.6,11y, De, Nine/air e•rrlrtinly Ohn'rs,
C_aoultat;..aa Face.
with tu^cllupe of relureiva if ice s%nry.
1:111flfl JI(til Ste iuslills.
PltitTNIritlTI,r R.1IT,IxIn% spirit
CA !ITN BATES, 8111, $50 nlld $60, Single;
5011, $101 and $111) Return, nceordiug
to l.puatioa of Statemam.
INTI':1.RMEDI.1TE, Outward V85; Prepaid .8)0
Steerage al Lowest hales.
Aei:o mm tidal l en 0 Il esu rp,;Rse11.
App13. 1011 k A, ALLAN, Montreal,
Un 'W. I1C. xi, E0I312,
Aasx'r, Barss>:Lo'
50,00 Poundsalnted
Of Fines Wool, fur which
the ),•l•ry
Highest Market Price
in Cash will be
Farmers Will find it to their
advantage to Sell ler Cash and
trade where they please.
On the market, as 'usual, for
all kinds of Grain.
n. Graham,
Grain Dealer, - BrvssELs.
W, F. COWAN, President.
J. L. 13RODIE, Cashier.
CAPITAL, AsTnooIYED, - - $2,000,000
PAID UP, • . . • 1,000,000
Rosana Fetin, • - 400,000
Agencies in all principal volute in Ontario,
Quebec. Mauttoba,,l United States
endBrussels Agency.
A General Banking Business Trenottoted.
Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted
at lowest rater,, Drafts Isenod and Co11te-
tioue made on all points. Deposits received
and interest allowed at cnreut rates.
Interest Allowed on Savings Dank De
posits of $1 and upwards from date of
deposit to date of withdrawal, and 501n.
Pounded half yearly.
Prompt attention and every facility afford -
ad customers 1i>fug ata distance.
Brussels, Aprileth, 1801.
Why Not Do Your Own Thinking ?
BnOeanra, November 8113,1881'
J. M. MOLEon, Godel'fob,
DEA, 8:11,-I should have written before
now to let you know how I asp getting along.
I am a lot better than I was; gaining strength
every day. 1 have a good appetite and alum,
well. I man take the full quantity of the
System Renovator and ib (toes not sicken
mo. My ambo aro all 115131 now; Quito
smart in that Way; swelling Wal gone. The
plant, thirst
I tanto a little drink
a I ram
quite straight again. Sena me another
bOttle of your System Renovator.
Tenn, lt:C., JAS. DVNOAN,
1'Otnn'EEN MONTHS 14051.
Ditussnts, February 711,1801,
J. 11. nlor son, Godorieh,
1)11518 BIn.-Bltteon years aphid Novem-
ber I ,,farted to doctor first; I was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any. A011m00 0 suffered greatly from my
stomach ; I continued. but I grew worse,
I turned dropsical ; limbs and body swelled
badly. Yat know the state 11008 111 whoa
I went t0 Goderioh--a incite wreck, could
hardly wade -suffering frau Brigll1'0 due
ease. Just ono year ego Last fall 1 began
your Iionovntoi' and Spathe (lure. I began
to mond in it few ilaye ; mentioned then ter
throe months steady, Although I Tyne told
could not be mired, if yon new mo now,
wall and hearty ; eat everything 11101 compo
11, the way. 1 owe you the praise et saving
my life. 1 WARM a hopeless °audition when
I went to you, in fact no one thought I
would get better. I cannot ,peal( too highly
of yeti and of your medial ee, tor it wag
them that cured me. Worsts onnmlet exllr088
toy thanks to yob. Froelypae9 my bane to
1011/1110.Vou 11011313 DMINOAN.
Sevf, aY 1, T. .1'i',l>Pl911,13arsotol,s,
Eggs have dropped in price, so hats oar
Large Stock of Prime
All of Our Colo Curing.
We also Manufacture Bologna Sausage.
Patronize home industry by calling on us.
Give me a call and prove the truth.
fulness of the above statements,
Wm. Blashill, Butcher,
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Fundi,
A1"PX..1' T(
,1.C, if efferilall, 3 ..ri.Y01111g,
Valuator. Age llt.
Ethel P.O., Ont. lyra1
Paltrolts of Industry,
Of the Patrons of Industry, fur
the purpose of receiving Tenders
from the Merchants of Brussels,
will be held at the A3IE1270AN
HOTEL Sample Rooms, Brussels,
On Monday, June 8th, at 2 p. m,
Merchants desiring information
respecting contracts aro respect-
fully invited to attend.
All members of the Order are
expected to be present.
Organizer Huron Co.
A Bee in Your Bonnett
I have Combs, Frames and
Empty Hives for Sale.
Hives are Well Made and Well Painted.
Price, Tile. Each.
8th Con., Muria.
or write Walton P. 0.
Take a Bargain while you
have the chance. 45.210
- Pedlars
Are on the Warpath, so are im-
plement agents to entrap the
wary farmer into buying inferior
plows made at a distance from
Brussels, for which you cannot
got repairs when needed.
Farmer's, consult your own in-
terests and encourage home man-
ufacture by calling at the
Brussels Pounday
Where you can got a Superior
Article at a Reduced Price, Guar-
anteed to give Satisfaction, or
1)0 sale.
flows, with 11101 Pll leblirg ('1141 :Reel
Boards, fiingla 111111 tlsublr..
Plow Poimbs 01 19very Matto at 40c. eawb,
Gang Points 25 Cents.
Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on
any plow at the Lowest Possible Price,
Be sure and call and era nine our
stock before bnyint.
W. R. Wilson, Brussels.