HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-5, Page 3:TrNE 5, 1.91
RailWaY11,8 illetIPS in France.
Atromous Murder Of an EtIglitihmau.
nonottursoN Or IN THU WORLD.
Coent Huebert Bismarck nye that the
English aro doing splendid work for civilize. -
tion in Egypt.
Stanley says that portione Arrive, will
always be worthleme on remount of ravageot
by grasshoppers. In one instance he 'saw lb
001011111 of yonng greeehopperm, ten miles
broad by thirty hong, nierchum down a val.
A circular of the Frenell Al Mader of Ptile
tVorkm woos published on thonolay, reeler.
big, as m !imager° 01 alto y, that engine.
drivers anti stokers on the tailemys should
not be employed for more than 12 hours out
of the _4,
Advitoes inereieml fronn Ifolog Kong state
that Canton ia sulrering froin epidemie of
cholera and influeuza, which in deity early-
ing off 11.0 ViC1i1/14 ill 11111111 INNIS, CO/MIK
could not lou provided geickly enough. Thoo
visitetion is ['mediated to the long continued
full-grown wild boy, ;moll otheut sixteen,
ears. hos been centered at Enoellat Feint, in
Australia. Ills hooly is kohl to be covered
with hair, fem. towhee long, the hair of his
head toeing fuer feet lents and his nails five
Mulles heti:. He Ny1..14,1111.0,1 without very
much tied the latevt, advices re-
present Min an toying to speak.
tresimely own:to:eel out Saturday rot one of
he lenoliegresteuraiole 01 St. l'eteesberg.
eertling to m !hotelman telegram a nonian
Seem Bevel, beieg Knock toy an unknowe
Man, 1100W a l'eVolver end tired at his seen( I -
ant. He missed the nein he mimed at, but
killed his friend, a Polish noidenian who has
only letely been
It is eind that between the island of Alada-
gamete. and the mhos:- of belie there at* 11,-
0110 tslan.'k, only fion r which ere inhabit -
eel. On any of three ielionls a man eau live
.and support his family 111 princely luxury
witlomit woritiom more than twenty-tive
dayto t he year. In :am, on some of thee
ielanols needn't week. at all, as mom*
provides Ow Mod Itt.l no clot lies no requirol.
consular repot Iron' VA.:mita just reaviv.
eol states ilea 0'011 amounting to nearly
-,..1,7:10.1dlo c,I,; anted Ly the i levet unmet
as gross revenue it 0111 tl1.1 it/LICIT I'llasae-
tit/1111 11Cy itCrIltic II/ lithe place. Of
thk ,;1,00 ret min to the
publia in s. 1c CA» net tir,lit to the
803110 at C7tio,crsi. Against the admit-
tedly degratlii, elleats ot thi t.pecies
gambling ty011 1 110 Cliddit. -00,1 lo,wer ...se,
ef ten posopoe 1-..o, 11 set. ete, attic .ielt
it is it large sum ;it :0,11,0,
Of the v trimm •11 t: lo-irs
Europe w:to arc 01.10 .1 llg.0, the .•1.1efst,
ono 1 t,•, 1 it .1t.1 I mire
of Lexent'sners .-is 1 ate,- %%stew Itet lt11 10
thirty 01 , • 10”,
111111, 11111,10,4 L of Am,: ria, who is ncarly
twen ty.eigh 1 , and ; hen -cc i ',Ike of Clarence
111111 ,i0C 1 w..nty,t.ven. The
CZIll`eWitt /1 10 !woolly ttr s, years old. :Most
of the ptee 'sense:los oof Europe were
married while yO;1112,.1. 1 111111 Ill St' 1I8C11010rs,
alla the fart is 1,..tding too 11111011 .251110lent.
Letters received .1, Tuesday by the ,Iirec-
tois *011, LIMI100 7.1.1`,..11111410'S fr"111
uneeiennat as t 'o001%11 .kiricail111.1.11110.
CI I. It/ lap1.0111 01 111 11. first °avert in those
.regions, lad rearm I it, at Kinyetn.
kolo, at the eonith 00 Lilo, Tanganyika,
on Sunday, January I I. The ceremony ti,o',;
pittco t he schoolroom 01 the mie.eieri, and
the building warn entwoleol to tiverliewing,
Kolulu, 01.110 WaS originally 21 SlitC11 Kas.
mongol, in t'gullos, 8801 10 111l a oof
decidet1 topinione, atel has motel, intim:nee in
the village Mori lie was honiotistoot.
Among many prepare t loons t hal. the Span-
ish Government oneol learned societies are
inalthig for the ooeletwittion onf the fourth
centenary of Col millets next year to the
restoretion of the r 'enema. of La 11 &UM,
and the choral] at Palos, It is clistr,s 1 to
pn1 both 111,0111111i nts iLS nearly 8.0 110,4411110
th tile 881110 conolitioon as they weee when
Columbus stinted en 110 nest vooyege of
dietoovery. aiany memlens liteeary 80.
vietivs in Germany oieeito., tholguies enol
_France have siginticol theie intention to he
present at the merit:an Congress in La
llaida.luring the antilmn of 1 892.
It is stated that, at the present moment 1
there are in he market, lit ',it, quantities id
yellow 'ape stones which have been omenged
to a Million white by a went:mown chem.
iota process. The same fraud created a
sensation some yrars agn, and it 111th now.
been revived wit 11 considerabl0 0110010H. It I
is believed that dialnonds alia01 lit 3:1,1001,-
000 tor .C2,000,000 have Innen thrown (on the
market, thepeincipal offenders being Belgian
dealers. 01 pwerols oof 50 olionnomol men.
cheats have, it hi saiol, neon 1111110d, and have;
without knowing it, solid to then. customers
atones at malice 25 01' per cent. above
their value,
AT r. Arthur Reeves, Sheen S tate Punolaloya,
C'ettlou, wits murdered on the ale], as he wee
sitting at dinner alone ; his assistants,
Messrs Lucas and Wateen, holving loft omly
a short, while ago for Englentl. The ((pint,
whoa, 1101110 ie Martin Silva.. came in with a
eup of tea, and when behind r. 110000e he
snottched up ot dinner knife and mit his
master's throat, aftee which lic fleol to the
cooly linos, Another servant entering soon
aftee the deed 'a as committed mimed a 11 110,
/11111 cry, and Silva was arrested, and is 11000
ill the lock-ep. Death was almost install-
taecous. Silva has telmitted his guilt.
Deceased wan to have left for EngloutO in a
month to be married.
The total production of the barley in the
wor.ld ie estimated at 805,000,000 bushels.
01 Ode 10111011110 Europe produces from (130,.
000,000 to 050,000,000 ; votiumi at $800,000,-
000, The following will show the average
production for each country of the world
Algeria, (30,500,000 bushels ; Austriasillm0
guy, 88,500,000 ; Belgium, 3,005,700 ;
Bulgaria, 15,105,000 ; Canada, 10,030,000
Demnark, 00,050,000 ; 07,500,000 ;
British Thies, D0,700,000 ; France, 40,500,,,
000 ; Germany, 03000,000 1 litolland, 4, 100,-
000 ; Norway and Sweden, 20,000,000 ;
Roumania, 10,250,000; Russia, 100,050,000 ;
Spain 77,000,000 ; Turkey, 13,750,000, and
010 ilnitod Steles 07,700,000 bushels,
The quantity of silk -now lying unsold at
Yokohama is put at thirty thousand tittles t
and what to do with this vast qnantity ie
question that exercising the attention of
'businessmen and fin anciersgenorally. Sever.
al influential native newspapers advise that
the stock bo sold this year andnot holdover
hopo of higher prices another seaman,
which aro by no means probable, and they
Condemn the Bank of Japan for advaneing
money at low interest, to silk merchants in
order to enable them to " hold" for a rise,
Should things remain in their present state,
it is apprelienoled tied. panie will overtake
tho Jammers° econimerel el world at the ond
of the yeast
everyone was talking abouto Dr,
Kevin's lymph foe the mire of consumption,
an individual, codling 10100011 Dr. Jetta.
noutot, Frenchman, conceived the idea of
matt hog a for tome by euring vonenmptiVe
dente by making Omni Whale the vapour
Irmo to mixture of eremite tar, eucalyptue
globules, 00001100 of thyme, essence of Emma.
111011, and eseenee of bitter almonds. Ito in.
imbed confidence in a number of censtimP.
LI VC patients. He appeared dressed In the
uniform of a. major of the French Army with
his brunet covered with all sorts of detentes
tions, amongst shone the Cross of the
Legion of Honour. An inquiry, however,
institeted loy the police, led to the discovery
that Jeannototot was not a major in the
army, and lad never been admitted into the
Lemont of Honour. Tre was subsequently
arrested end is 110W at the depot of the I'ru-
lecture of Police, Paris.
Bathing a Samtaq Need.
\ Ve clip the followingexcellent aetiele from
the Urn/thy 110111,, 1
The ski n discharges themost be erten f enc..
tione. I lieteforepersonal clean mess cannot
1,o eystematically neglected without visk to
health. 'floe quantity of water excreted by
the skin is oil the average nbout double that
given oll by the lungs in the SRI110 time, and
In adoliiimi to water, carbonic acid 58,0 and
ot her used ttil.products are constusi toy thrown
off by the skin.
Then again the flattened mils ow 'wales of
the scarf or extreme outside Mein ILA: being
uoiestantly cast off, hut by eontotet with the
clothing and mixed with oily secretions of
the skin they Mem a thin ertist, as it ware,
%Odell meets the whole body. This attracts
the floating dust, eVell present in the atmos-
phere, tout dm result is that, healthy life is
distuthed, torero than a peeper share of work
is thrown on the lungs, kidneys and other
eliminating organs, the blood is not proper.
ly putoilieol end tlisortlere the skin at* in -
(laced. 'lite whole serface of the body from
head to foot should be cleansed, at least
ono* a day: Neglect of personal cleanliness
is by no mesas oeutined. to thepourer classes
There are numbers of well-to-do people who
seldom or never wash, mid to wheel the
' morning tab is an unknown auxiliary to
health and comfort. l'et it, takes very little
time, Cltpe1180 or trouble to setmee ablution
f the body of some sort. A hand -basin, a
ponge, a shallow letth or flat tub, apiece of
mol whiteeettp with Ito excese of alkali, a
toeume of gallons of water, and a towel, are
all that two required ; and the whole ponoteess
need, not occupy more than five minutes.
Even rubbing the body Mat with olry
towel will, in most CatiCS, keep the skin But
fieloontif clime during the week and promote
hothliv reaction, provided a warm lath,
with good soaping, is taken tot, the (dose ot1
the week. A geed flesh bruell 0'31140a valu-
able noljimet.
1 le mite ehoodol always la» bathed in W00111
W‘,1 cu., and if cold water is ever toted the
troonsition should be very gradual, end may
lobe) in the summer time, Indeed, there te
o deubt that a great many eltildren contras:0
11. ; ong excision to cold water, they
hall` in Incliciously and thoughtlessly beein
subaoetell to the cold bath at pl1810l13
they were unable to 'mar it, A eonvenient
time fur till:leg m bath is joist ;tithe getting
mit of bed in the morning or just, losfore
going to bed. This lattee dine is appropri-
ate, (111 a bath is (MIMI 10 LC V011y refreshing
after eevere or peolonged exeecise of any
olrying the skin, various kinols of towel%
may be tool, but the effects prooluved
frIetion will be all the More beneficial if the
egin coon tolerate a rough towel. Flesh
gloves or hair gloves eau also be used to ad-
vau lege,
As te the time spent in bathing much
oltpentls on t he Ithod Itooth and the eoutli-
t ion and constitutien of the bather. Three
minutes is quite suflieien fos the eold sponge
loath or mid plunge. In the tepid or wane
bath the period may be prolonged to ten
minutes or a quarter of an hour.
A Remarkable Adventuress.
A remarkable oulveuturess, named Del -
Ohm Ceylon., whom° notoriety is of long
date, mill who practises her arts with vitry•
011.C:(108 in Paris, Loudon, and other
Eno mimeo eapitels, Ims been couoltenued at
Pant to) slx enooliths' interieonment, the see.
till1C12 ItfterWII8118 increased to two
years by order of the 'Solaro ranee, This
new Reeky Sharp AVIlS lawn of respectable
parents IA: Nantes in 182:1, and received a
gonood education 111 a eontveet at Algiers.
Attee two yeare or tai of wohled life in an
Airmen cottony she lopeeme nometient oi
domestic ties, and wen elf to Paris with a
elovor young fellow, who afterwards 1.0,0 to
he a itt;t old Abont the year 11401
Gimlet, wee wandering 1110,1111 Ifrance ae a
a slot t ess. 8110 liveot in go ea 1 style, lito 1!:11411)
10 grief. at Lyons, wle•re she Mod her first
exPerience (if the dock, the primmer hav-
licen condemned to one year's imprison.
merit for obtaining ermols melee frtIse pre-
leneee, On her Ithevation, she paseed
through \melees Mlles, from thee to time
atoting as govenrems, music teacher, or &Wit.
(1, ridMpaUlik, 111 which laet capacity she is
said to (met» been employed fot. a, while in
London. A few metes ago she emote to
Paris, where she ela mined a voneilleostble
sum of money from the vicar of a inetropol-
i tan parish, wh Deo ch loch peendsed to get
her husband to restore. The said husleuel
was represented too the estimable ecclesias-
tic as a weal Ity itInglish lord. Dolphin()
tteyler was arrested lately at Lotwoles
where she was eugaged in perpetrating
frauds on several pious and opulent pilgrims
to that, eelebrated ehrine.
Electric Light in the Cavities of the Body.
71he sensetional intereet whiell the cork
in Rev. De. Bothwell's bronebus lute ennead
in the effort to Mel its exact location calls
up the great 1100 W1liell ill being made lately
of the electric littlit in exploring ell the here-
tofore hidden ettvides of the hotly, A tiny
incandescent light of gecat brilliancy Lips a
probe-ohoped instrument of different ems
vaturos, according to the direction of the
canal to he explored, This cite be thrust
anywhere that any exploring instrument
fmnierly Wee, and thrOWS a flood of light
into tho derkese cavities. By means or
miriere at the orifices a complete picture of
the state of affairs inside is obtained. A. that 'none is toWellowed, and. that. the mouth persons, The amount of ammunition stored • gwenty-four hours after Ins entrance Into
'rhan those dreadful middle watches,
and the lowering bergs lie in your path -
di Iforout style of incandescent light of great; is well rinsed with water aftorward. In the; ur immense, end cannon can be cohiasinteeldw0,1411.0t, fttIllsitieitr,t,Tt11111,thto0 pelatt.10.1trt, 1w0110(po eh:1011i, hiatsloke,ritio rroer.
swifItii:;1, ater a hard tour of duty, you are
power is used 01 throWing opon to the sight case of young children the pharynx must be, liy the hundred, The storelmuso
saddles, with et and ate a, liertrty dinner. The directors of roused out, of a oontirm.eats 1,041 ma jem,
sheathed by bono, mursele and skim Such iodeform is employed, being applied on .klire"r„tir,i,.:sltrijintliillAgiarciltitilipttavosf. es(111060;,,,,,l,ntetisl.s,Nin,oloileol.' itiiii,e‘notaleturtiodthitztlesteoile,tin:al 1 tor0011111:01101a,
ere those immediately above tho nese in the tip of the finger le tine a:reeled spots.
oven cavities that are oompletely closed and brushed out with the solution, Sometimes, on limel 00,000 cavalry
ril:igut, 0,,FI't1111:115:0tit-t1= ilittitat:"':Irlitile•Aelray1":11ft:yo-
in the tipper jawbone. /11 a narfactly dark chromate, though harlldoes in the way de- cry used is 80010 of 1.11,0 best in the .counpv, In entell rourn.,he plaeed a diermmt tn.. of No, it te believe in. oil,,tthit:olosin-11:10vt,q1;11eitolinogf
room the Hight is ea placed that the walls bee reoribed, mi., lnellis so when in pille, a great deal of lemon WAS emote in man- lunatic. Ben and rose rooms ho foend vtory hard w„0,1,,,, „„d it, 1,„ 51,1:::::::: :ay 1(111:::
0111110 trans tweet, and the presence of any' powders or in 80111tioll ill ioonocarbonated ehestea One machine for the maim factere helpful in the eese of monlaneholy madness; easels., 0,,, ,,,,,,i,,,, „„ '
foreign body or pus is immediately detected. ' water, All'he Lancet.
walls of the elm% and the antrem or ',cave,' Ountz speoially remarks tilat potassium bi- titer f or land 01' Ilarld servioe. The mashie' ' cowl, furnished and lighted with 0110 colour. 1-014 emote strained (0,1, t:,,11,07,,aittitl,:gb.p:oit:1111.:3.1
us aif fixed rommutition has the capacity for !green and different elledee of blue had a before t heir day tl- 1 " o
I turning out 050,000 cartridge moulds 'lay. ; soothing effect ou eNeitable and violent inothcs will let lio'r dm: 1 - -
Emperor Willinen'eapecelo at llonn in fay, Auyt Hug which m lime religion its Roe. 0 Tho sevorel slioPs mal b1111211158 are con.' lullatI08, Milo, often after a fow days' sojourn who knows fin 00,r from s, (0000,r,11,
000 of duelling' has already borne fruit 01 iho mid object makes religion lie ehteele Gtod fleeted with lallWaYs fer movyig Material, 'i in it room of one of theee colouis, became h„,„ kerma their durerences.....,watch.koop.
amitotic -hi of two students to throe monthls will put up with a clod many things in the 'and aggregate e great many miles. , quite quiet and treatable.
" 1 . 1 11
Meaty peaple, (especially invalids, use eo
COa WWI tile idea that it is very nourishing
Many physicians recommend it with 11
same erilmemut view, M. Carlos a French
physician, has recently shown tliat this 1
an error. Tho fifty per cent of fat whiel
0000a nottitially contains, must be almond
wholly removed before it can be retinue(' to
pewdered state. Any eonsiderable man-
tity of fat lei b would muse the powrl
epeedily to become 0,010111, The coneeg nonce
is, that coma, powdered, is prectionolly amt.
leetnis to slc Mooned milk, ite nutritive value
being twee less Onion Oda familiar comesto
To Remove a Foreign Body From the Nose.
The unobstructed elieuld be closed
with the linger, and the patient made to force
the breath out through the now with as
much force as possible, keeping the mouth
tightly closed. In oilier to prevent injury
to the ear, it is a good. plan to make line
pressure upon the openings of both ears cl
mg the expelsery °Wort. lf this method is
not efficient, it may be inupplemented by the
use of the rubber bag such aft tilted by
speeialists in treating Ole Nue, and kno
a8 Politzer's bag. The nozzle of this is
plowed in the utiobstructed nostril, which IS
tightly fixed too the nostril, then as the
patient meltes an expulsory effort, strong
compression is made upon the bag ut the
Sa1110 thne, Any stobstanee which Call be
removed without eurgical aid, ean (lite
lodged by this method.
Boiled Milk.
The inereasing frequency of torbeectiloeis
111 COWS/ and the constant, infection of milk
with microbes, by its contamination with
dirt and excreta through the earelessness of
dairymen, renders it, important that milk
hould only be eaten after having beezi steri-
lized by boiling. German housewives otlways
boil milk as, soon as it is received from the
cow. By this means the germs lore killed in
their growth in the milk, and their produc-
tion of poisonens sebstances is preventeO.
It is the custom of the Sanitarium, to boil
all milk «sod upon the tables of both pottients
and helpers, For some years heretofore it
hots been tile custom to boil the milk (luring
the spring, stemma anil fall months, but it
is 110W the rule to boil it during all OC1180118
of the year. It is necessary to mkt' thili pre-
caution in addition to using the greatest 011.0e
that only milk teem healthy COWS iS useol.
The idea that boiling milk vendee:it. in any
degree less wholesome RS 100t1/ to 101 error:
b uti10 is really more digestible than
Mooned milk.
To Stop The Nosebleed.
Bleeding front the nose oe:17.11, ill the
majoeity 03.808 flit1101. froth thc
the septum, or the eater walls of the front
portion of the nose. _All zitat is necessary
to stop the bleoding te mime preeenre
mem the bleeding 1.,ilit. ThiO3 ,S011 10? 1.1011C
liy continuous pressure with the thutob and
finger. The preseurtn should be bpplied from
alarve downward, and the peso» slieeld
graeped close up to the ni bridge," ogo bons
part. Firnt 0011030010,1011 ,olitin
ed for at least. ten er :Hamel noinottee, and
when it is removed, the noee eleoubi not bon
cleated, as this would remove the elm, awl
so start the bleedieg afteeit. An ingenious
courtry doctor keepe a wooden Am bespin
to use for this purpose, and, an etninent.
physisian asserts that in twenty ye:its'
prectiee he leis not hound a ease which tlici
not reeilily yield to the employment of this
simple means.
The Dangers of Dirt,
An Italian physician lets recently been
investigating the dust gathered from the
potvement the ban -woks. He hi-
m:Mattel fifteen guinea pies with
this dust, ell of which died with :man -
les, or 1001ijaNC/ Wi 111111 11 week. It is .1 oitil
1)Ossible that house dust may be the vans,.
of lockjaw., rather than nerve irritetion, as
hal been heretofore suppotied. It eeents,
fact, probable that this olisease 'NC too in-
fection, .the wound -nvith olirt from the
grouted, floors, or other eimiliarsoenees. Ap-
ropos ef the enbject we quote the leinowieg
paragraph from t he Ser 1
they all be totem.' itgaiu emploasie-
ing the importance of ,..hsolliness, and of the
danger front olive Sloolern surgery has
!menet" the fateful eignitierinee of 111 tin, the
dire monsostuences whieh may follow a teem
of dirt epee the hands, tommeoli the hails,
Nem leimInges 1 mai ontei le the hominoid
ranks it should be 0001111one Itnowleolge, not
only that wonted, ere 1 st penile] free' any
possibla soince 00 1/01111 tiet,, looe that inlet.
tion 1.onoes not alwitt.s dir•stly 1-1,111 hick to
well. The hodlawsahood minds ef barge
inav kr,:rrv the germ cif tyldedol fevo hem
A Horrible line liel Wes carried Ont rliceer Bentride may )be,2surtiol to Ile de ,T.be iil...,ariner,8 Life on Ole Ocean -way,.
w; nen l'ere aa 4 my,
meet y out, es 8 le 1Y011 poen( 0,
Picturesque Scenes Tbiti Are Not Pleasing
On Welch While 10111e Howls
and Sono'
t • t , y, s a 01,Vt
Woman in Fiji theoretieally onempied it student of the Hebrew language and liter.
higlepond lion, being regarded aim) essential tature,
ited integral tout of her husband A man I Alark Twain will go aloroad next month
W08 not considered complete in this world to be abeent from home 50‘111111 years. Hie
without his wife, nor conld Ile pass into the family will aecompany Nut
next unloose mho eccompunied l'im. Thoro. Count 11011 Aloltke was a seini.invaliol until
fore, the death of num Wes always closely he had reached him 40's, and yet intmaged toe
followed by that of Itho wife, and in thn 041.50 snrrlwe for more than half century,
of a chief by that of all his harem, If Ex.Empress Eugenie, while in Farb' a
inaeried. W0111611 died, a passport to the few weeks ago, attracted attention by her
0110000 Wali furnished her In the 'Matte of ber pallor and feeble»esso 811e is not ex peeteol
husband's beard, which was eut off and to live much longer.
placed 1.111110r her left eremite Lorol Tennyson has a huge &dry 011 the
In ease of tho death of an unmarried Isle of Wight nod sells milk. Perhaps that
youth 01 either sex the.person was doomed is how he fell into the habit of waterong
to Attendee elm', in an intermediate region poetry.
between 11011C011 Mal earth until one of the
opposite gentler mune along to complete the
couple. When ally 000 died a W11010'14 tO0th
W110 plowed in him or her hand, to be thrown
at the tree which steeds as guide poset on
the road to the other world. If the ghost
alone. Bernhardt left San Fertneisco Fri.
day for Australia, Her reeeiptio it1 that of etout shoulders battkonol by strong hearts
eity reached $10,045, the largest business aud stettoly brains. Hit is in them they will
she ever played to in one week. make their way in the end surely, and ItlaY
Lord Banololph Churchitla promise,' book set the course and ammo to windward as
Clear.headed, brainy, driving men are
these master mariners and bearingstatiantly
a responsibility that needs an iron will 'and
a courage feleering at nothing. there is no
royal road to their statieu, nor van willieg
bangle make them what they must be,.
They cannot creel through cabin windows,
nor, foe that matter, come flying in a pier -
head jump through the gangway with one
leg forward and the other aft.
They have to fight their way over the
bows and tdruggle out of the ruck and
smother in the fo'lciele by sturdy buffeting
and herd knocks, by the persistent edging
first in a scyies of tweny letters ie the L011 whIle Others haul the weether-
ills (Ult. 10 1111.811011ala1111 to they please,
of the decease() hit this tree with Ins or her
missile acceptance with the deities of the • eari•ings and eirink their grog protestingly.
unseen WaS 11111iCalCd liCyCOIll this tree set don Complies for which he Ilan been paid maim, Nor hone.
who per:(111,1 col no man to pass 1111.008 he had Cept. Thomas of the steesieship Beni-mtg.
hie wife with him. This spirit was, how. v!onia, has been presemed the !knish govern/want survme, here to r100 enefgYo
SCOC, creoltdous and easily deceived, Ithd Gevernment with a snamolid silver cup for pluck, merit -why enumerate them ?-by
often had gresolinot hens mid maiden aunts 0" 0.0895 t,be th,e 'eked. hundred quanta% the worid is bettor for
eteainship Famoner MIA •AOW1111llett Fital owning. ln the stoke Mote, however, one
palmed ()troll him as the wives of chiefs who
Winer Crockett was given a gold. medal leaves behind the formal and mathemati-
earetyed to pass him.
The Fijians were otlways a practical and and four of the crew silver medals. eal, and sees the pieturcsque with all its
dirt unvarnished, with its din and
clangor unsuMlued. Under the splintering
silver of the eleetrie lamps armee of light
ilinminate great spaces garishly and leave
away on a ghost. Accordingly, she was
eth,ers mile•coltee 111118,103 of shadow.
appropriated by mane man who W08 strong tooble es soon eti they are propareol, anti,
hrough belkhead doors the red and gold
enough to drag her away and onaintain his thus secure agetnat poison, they ere carried
of the furnaces checker the reeking floor,
claim to hire with the atilt; and some tough into the royal dining.room anol the seals
and the tremulous tear of the caged fires
broken only in the Silken's presence.
and ancient fetionle relative suffered the cord dominates the sibilant splutter of the steam.
Figures nearly naked, gritty and black witlt
°our, and pasty with ashes and soaked with
sweat, conoe and go in the blazing light and
in the half gloom, and seem like nightmares
from fantestie tales of demonology.
When the furnace doors are opened
thirsty tongues of tire gush out, blue spirals&
of gee spin and reel over the bubbling mass
of met, and greet sheets of flame suck half -
burnt emotion over the (pilfering tire wall
into the finee. With averted heads met
smoking bodies the stokers shoot their slice
Itars through the melting hillocks, awl twist
anti tone them until tney undulate like
serpen 10.
hoo iron tools blister their hands, the
miring throne.; sear Omit. bodies ; their
chests heave like these oof spent. swimmers,
their eyes tingle in peer:Ilea seekets-but
Natigga-lcanggs," guardian of the path
No : master mariners are made, not born,
and, unlike many of the brothers in the
far-seeing people, anol where a man left be-
hind him it etout and buxom widow hie kins-
folk often voted it foolishness to fool her
Osman Pasha, the been of Pleven, has
been located as sealer in the kitchen of the
Sultan of Turkey. His peculiar busivess
is to seal all the dishes for the Sultan's
in her place. This woos not nccomplislied
without a terrible row ; the widow, as well
as all her connections, resisting him tooth
and nail, for it WaS considered etiquette for
the relatives of the deceased to resent es an
insult 0 proposal to merry the widow. Ob-
struction WaS 110t, however, carried too far,
and although the wooer might take the
marks of his courtship to the grave, the op-
position always drew off 'Indere he was quite
Widow strangling was carried out with
imposing ceremonies. All the relatives of
the deceased assembled in the hut which he
The King and Queen of Denmark gave
their granddaughter, tbe Princess Louise,
when she was coulirmed, white enamel fur-
niture with pale blue Persian rugs and
hangings l'or her hominir. Her mother, the
crown princess, gave her to golobanouotted
Bible ; her father, a watch set with dia•
mends ; the Emperor and Empress of
Russia, ermine and emeralds, road tile Prin.
miss of Wales a diamonel.steddeol fan moil a
ruby -mounted baguet bolder,
Costumes of Indian Ladies.
had oceupied in life. and to On= the widow The Marchioness of Duiretin gives the fol -
W05 brought 01, tree Itrother, if she had lowing deseription in her recently published
one, Was the executioner, and the Metre.' hook, Onr \'ineregal Life in India : Selem
meet was bis waist cloth, whieh he unwortiel thous from' al y Journal, 1 0 0 the cene
at her entrance. 'Pie victim woos made to tulle of 11 native lady who paid her a visit e
assume a positiou on hands and knees, and
the long eloth mots viten a turn idiom her
merit end hell] on eit her side by her brother
antl another num, She was then instructed
to toxpool all she air frone her lonoge and hold
"Her appearance deserves minute deserip-
wor.lt they must, there is no escitpe, no
t ion. first view cif her Wits that <If nt nuoss
holiday 10 this Maddening 011030. Steam
alight minim above, and a pair of lees eloth-
a 11, whitu 1,„„„,, below. Haviug must be kept, or perhaps
no her lutiel as signal that toll was ready. I had time to study oktails, The thin pink owing the menaces, the hellow upeenops
condowted Ode avalanche of gauze too it enfa, e env se, me .outo 'MUST 111, -
Which, being done, the eloth ‘vas drawn arel Yellow etrinird Material W104 Itht 11. pelt/. ing of I stoket's shovel isilums
tight and a swift foul nearly painless death, emit, and I am quite et a loss to imesita on the iron 11,00nr, aria these speed -makers
I hew it StilS put 00, or ItOW 1110.11V 111111,L,S1 pile mood en real until the tire fairly riots,
\Vinery a man had lout ene wife Mae was- yards were le it, It looked M.,:tt it' .0 ereet half lolindeol, they st Jester loud: ward
had siole loy side loath him in t he grave, In pieee had ls'en Ilaraillttl a 101 1111 8011C1 ill c lt It1,11 IC, 11111 If iS 0111 V a mo-
tile ease of chiefs, possessed of several can. heap eit tile :Moe, and then pic1....1 ip it1111 110.11.1 at the 1,,st, t'er their taskmasters.
helf wound round and half carried 1,y Oa. watea awl driva them, and the tale of Jur-
wearer. When she sat down it was in n meet tho ite stint.
greet fluff, wool when ,,110 get ep the took it The (mite snot toproas are thoefeining ; coat,
in her veers, and. it oivoetIonwed everYthille trimmers trundle their Ittrrows nneeasingly
except the trons,rs, 'Ile body wee reed lroin bun key to *took. hode, or, if !In,
i111110111,Li0,11,1 ,1.15;,0 ft11111,g1 Izrti ifso g. airut,yu
.antlknsoltleith ,N,r,O,rrendlearift nIsL Ton,otirtt.te,"ofelilirin
there is ne rest for those who tales.' here.
her head. Tier hair is jet Meek, oinot it
was combed up /1.0111 the lack, awl t 0.0 yet's
thick pluite Wore arr0III.Ied ‘SI1 1 ht? I 000 t ,
on0 on top of the ether."
NVitio this may be compared the detoti 0 of
a former visit from a Nepalese lady
sorts, all their wives were strangled and
pheted in the grave for him to lie upom.
This, in the direct unol expressive speeeh
of Fiji, WaS ealled tottrpetieg the grave."
The Breathing of a Locomotive.
The " bienathing" of a lowomotive--tItat
to sey, the number of puffs given by ot rail•
way engine during its journey depends
imon the tiptoe infereneee of its driving -wheels
and their speed. No matter what the rate
of speed may be, for every one rounol of the
driving wheels a locomotive will sgive four
pinta-- two out of eselo cylinder, OM cylin•
ders being double. The siees oof
wheels ear sonie being eighteen, nineteen,
twonty rue even toventy• two feet in moue.
ference, although they are generally Mg& ha thiS 0110 was much mere splendel anol
of ahem twenty feet. The exprese speed more oolleerfel. The Ionise had to be freed
varies from fifty.four tn ti fly -eight milue an trete the m0051100 oof all men, and though
hoer. 'felting the average eireteefesenee of the Vieerey was allowed to see Iter, he was
the driiiing-wheel le be twenty feet, anti the told net to shake hands, Init onito to bow
speeol per hour fifty 111110S, a 10001110tiVe will
give, going at express speetl, 880 puffs per
minute, or 52,800 pull's per hour, the wheel
revolving 13,000 times in sixty millrace, giv-
ing 1 WM putia per mile. Theref ne, an' ex-
press geing front London to Liverpool, in dis-
unite, of 2111.1 miles, will throw out 2 111,o48
puffs When arriving at its destinottion.
During the tourist omason of Ifi814 the jinn,
ney frcun London to Eolinburgh woo ae-
tennplished in less than eight Miura, the
Fireteloossehips pollster from 12 to 1 5men
ooach watell, aunt all of them.. are shipped
seanwn. of course the majority are
such only in mune, theligh there is always a,
definite number of sailors amen, them. In -
14 10,tesyeelesse letse has; 000h of, too to, tilatti, 1 010 blue flag olt 1C1180 10 of 1110
ill 10111 0101 to the eaptain, must be -
day She is the wife ot the Prime al Mister erom
germ, figure you never sasv. I remember .ole•
scribing some Nepalese latliee te you hefere, 1101013%
of Nepael, and a more pietureeque eon go. ociorioyl.lehotlwi,nttlitneeiten,ti•itilitiv:sii,rovsei,11
the ship ; that thoso 00101e:1o, as recital,
These are the peoople who in port steed by
A 11 there one must hand, reef and seer
the return vo -age and contionte to work 011
hoard at flee( wages per day while t he ship
refits and loods. All hands, from t he skip-.
to her. Nelly went down to meet her at the
door, allot to bring her up. Walking is a tier too the emillion's mate, mutt ehip at the,
work of (Ballad toy in Nepalese beginning of each 11111--11111St "sign articles"
s1„1 she „e0,10,1 help 011 she start,. 1 1,1 ILO 15 callecl--bcfore a board of trade.
foam was very pretty reel painted, hut 'lois- shipping master.
tically done. The eyes•haol Et g000l deal of 1,101 011110WS .1r.
black arounol them, end were lovely ones, As the law has alwaye regarded Jack as
Hee teeth were gond, and she had a lively particularly in twed its'protection, he-
fted !dewing etortoesion. •Ifev heroolelt.ese mum. he is partioularly exposed to the
Wag 11108t 1111tICSCH11111,10, If oonsisted of wiles of sharper., ' greet etiese ill laid 111
a tliat1C1/1 worn j115.1 on the foreb(t1.0 so them, 1101 telt, tovoi his 1 volt it,nt, and there-
als1 IllItte being 401 Mlles, giving a speeol 118 to frame the face. r, wag an arroingeneent tore tient e Itibit to detail the eharaeter of
lireughtnut of fifty miles an hoer, A Mem of flowers and leavem in inapt itieee t e,,e,e,e., the wee,. s i,,, ity sea
este of grapes quality of the food, alai II dozen other par.
motive of an express train front London to dittnionds, with large tren 1
If.olitilairgh oedema to the above eumlitions, eineeshis, pendant just behind the ears, tieultirs whidt ovidotae the sofe.zimills
will give 423,1111 pub. where the Wreath willed. 1 neNer eaw ally• Unseen about tie ee \\',1.1,1S oof t los ,elionte-
! thing at all 1ike it, alid there W..10, oM"rald ;thy " hs a ,1110d•vAteroal ,,,,y,,,,,,,,,,t
thee eet thing on the IthtttlIllt, WhItrIt ro pealed .lattb knows all this, /1 wri,,, eon, neo e't ands
Hoaxing tho Foittme-Hunters.
the eolour tery cleverly. The lavly of h -r tip monst boblly and a,seetiveiv, a if 1 new,
the pattent to her own food or to that of Th„ v,,,, 1-,,,..1. ti.';,1,, in all article says,' 'Ire's w" "1 Pl'llY 14I4 1,1 Pink U:III:',..dld Wall .1 great deal of unnooveNS;ros swaorome
citin,i,t, 4 tit. hand ttoth4i1 with ittiwi,i4whiutt th,t, th, ina.amt of ,,,,ternems 0,010 shoolowy 1 her skorts of the same wo•00 soo volutanone mid isonnee, ter ail the artieles.-:. Lis .,'"trls.
I that Ow luel an rintil .to carry when she cdes"---allow hint,
ex ;metre ation needs more than a. earelese unclaimed. estates no Falrope by credulous
t ethanol it Wall 11111/1/Ss111, /0 ggy lath thes 'rite 11,1010W:tin seleettl 1.11Oshi0":4 ...010p1t11, ,1'
WaShing 1. free it, from the poseibilitv i 1
0-, persous, Octane iill the remedial mimes of ', on"
1 ; wet e 'male, or whether tho y were made at anol the seastarde (letter on bna.rd annuity
mpry i 1, g i0f,tim, , 0,, ,111,,,,,,,,i,,,,,, ri,„;n, it, toe press, altd (of ohlohamitie end (Seismal
is ve.voot shoes, ant) on her la few Irours belme the ve,st,1 littuis'inte the
till. tthe heti pit 1 1
,md 1„,;eneies for ow ,,,,,,,r,g,,,,,,„t os the hailds lottglies deg -este 11,.11ng gionice, (ANT stream. they Ily light, the, weeteru (mean
glitters abrotol is all ilalllslry /hal 81111tiVett '
I WIlleil S110 WOCC oliamonol ringe mid amino -eel sailors, nut" their kits are such as beggars
pursuit liotrish eXeeetlingly, A. notable in.
I 11111 sillt,, yon.have neVer Would laugh at
stance Is given 111 the James 'Need estate, : bracelet:a, $11,111 as,
gletentle 01100. 1 1 yott eon Imagine the tienerally they are in debt to the SailorS'
and appoiated a „aiianitt, 00 look ester the very 10111111 0 ilgure, sllinnergod, so to sty, Iii lime -they pay I 7 bob a W0010 (118 their
In this eaSe 200 heirs met at l'hilatlelphia i seen --
her vlonds of pink ga1150. taking upteost of grub mul lodging-4nd moony of t hem hist
interests of all, which were assessed at con- 1
the sofa on whiell I sat olowohly beeole her, touch their advent* money, as a goaro.;itee
eiderable sums. One man, who had a little
in my everyolity Inot ning gown, you will see of receipt, end then see meet of it disappear,
senee remaining referee' toi mentribute to thoo
for goods fairly furnished, into the seperin-
But, they ttre pitilosopheis in their sad
way, and are apt, i 1 they lint' themselves
safely on hoard with a conple 00 shillincs in
th-ebo 'homey ponchos., eat 11 0 pan, an o1idana
shirt, a pannikin, a box of matenes and a
bar of soap, to feel thet the anchor crumot
be tripped too soom, as they are equipped
for an adventure anywhere, CC511 to the
" Hiujies, heest or west '' ati their doleful
ditty outhounces. -
case of eearlet 100131. dophtlaria
may be absorined by the milk !diesel too
neer the sick room, and so carry dieease and
death to ollstant homes.
Treatment of Diphtheria.
Dr. Mintz, of Deeeden, has laid great
succene le lie treatnieut uf oliplithesio with
biehronate tof potash in W1/1118 eontaining iequiry funol, and weete to Iloucester Lee t I WaS a very smalldoolting personage
carbonic aeicl, \which 110 has foetid by Ititiii. closing Os ficl for a copy of thri will. lie indeed. When she drives she is
°rens experiments on animals as well as in found. that, J.00100 Wood left less t han .1 1,- • into her carriage with leather loliiels, aml
the eenree of extensive eliniert) ebservation, 00 t000 instead of C 10,000,000, which the sloe mielot .11114 OS well he in Nepitul as in
to be entirely lion mlees, Fee itolult 0001 agency 11X -erred Watt lying unelaimed at the. rebilltio, for all she 50.5 of tloe entes world.
se, 1 engogested shelving 1100 the view from
grammes athout a pint) at ordered. per Bank of England, \ Veotl was a banker,.
client; in which aro disiolvod three centi• and lie left the money in the hands of ex- • my venom:leis 8110 was very pleased, and
grammes (about half a grain) of potassium ocetore Iltaleft Sa2,00,000 to the Corp( ration said she had never seen anything so beatoli-
bichronutte, The whole quantity 11 irect of Gleuceeter, and distributed 1:1a0,0 00 fel, am to my a, return visit, which will
to be takee in atatiot ball a dozen doses, re- 8010110 SCV011 persons, while the reinaltelee be hiterestirgo'
goading which ft is important to observe wag given unconditionally to his 000001418i
that they unist not be taken on an empty and his heirs in equal parts. The who'.00 001oure and Madness.
stomach ; a little milk or gruel should there. thing is a flagrant fra.nd on the part of to e
There is a lunatic, asylenn in Mil-
premoters, who mottle meetly from the es. I
fore be swallowed before each dose. Chil-
dren, of course, take smeller quentities, °en-
amelling to age. They can lie given the
medicine in a Monitor mixed with eame legit
sirup, and they (10 not generally object to it,
At the commencement of the disease 1)r,
80/01111eut. '
nugle of the influence of various
t coloured lights on Irma persons, The
Largest Arsenal In The 'World. • experiments were suggested by chance oe•
The largest arsenal in the world is that of eurt once. The eld palace, which is mind as
&write weshes the Mouth 001 With a 1 per Woolwich. It was formed about I ,LA, 011 , 1111 1185 loin, has high, coloured glass windows,
tient,. solution of permanganate of potash the site of a rabbitswarree. 11 hes within and it leas noticed that et; thing dilierence
eontaining 0.1 per cent. of thy11101, or with its enelostwe 280 twines of lend, of which, took place in the condition of a ltypoehon
a corrosive sublimate soint ion of the Strength some 1 00 sures aye covered with buildings. , who happonell to be put into a room,
of 11n 1 000 takin care ie the buoy ease Whet' ftoll operation it entplot 1 8,000 the windows of which are 808e.00101111(81.
LeaVil/g 011t questiott the responsibility
of the watell, try and measure the physical
misery whee gales are howling and spray
is flying, end iey sent are shooting over the
weather bulwarks, and the ship is eleenning
along, wallowing in the hollows, or wrigglt
ing on ecidtleseeking billows.
ft may be at night, when you cannot sea
a 0110 length ahead, and aronnd you
threatening disaider mid death, are on, dozen
vessels ; it way be when the iee is moving
itepriseennadn in a fortress far fighting a human heart, but, t tore ie one thing He wdl 1 le ammo, the arsoma s are a .
It isstated that cows only live fifteen Henrietta robes are beautifully onibrofd.
dnol. The faoulty by a severe treatmenb of mit put up with in it -11 neon( p axe. „e ollaso
the prantioe are 011008N01101n5 to oountoraeft Who offers God a second plaoe, offers tim Spandan, Cologne, and liantsio ; lius. 3tears, brit you can never get people who re. erml with lace and applique effects mingled;
the effect of the ICaisor's Murano,
no place -Nolo, Ruskin. ; out, atSt. Petersburg ; in Austria, at Vienna side at boarding.houses to behove it. with silk and tinsel threads.