HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-6-5, Page 14,1
ups.talemamcyanaueratnenarsnr.a....6v,.. trIanr,mveg kwatzserwrsmelui.ne.1',:64,1M.Y.M........b.10.600111.....11.11.611•MatoniMAMosnionismorrvolocelaa=1.M.M.a.onamagsgsteo.041.44fHammeamiimonommovetkarramosuinvowitkasaWlaaaufalamsedsmaury
Hendricks and Kill neer-
At 11 o'oloolc Wednesday fore-
noon, May 27t13, Judge Toms
took his seat upon the beech
in the Court Houma, Goderich, to hear
the comienint preferred hy the Crown
against Hendricks twirl Smith, of Detvoit,
onarging them with burglarizing the
Brussels postoiliee on May 3rd. County
Attorney Lewis conducted the atm tes
proem -Am end W. Prourffoot and W. M.
Sinolair defended the prisoners.
Hendricks was palled first and plead
"not guilty." II. W. Farrow, D. Me.
MV13, Nightingale, KM S. Walsh,
Ales. 4. lel. Martin, Wm. hillier, Thos.
Meter and F, S. Scott, of Brussels and
loottlity ; Jan Cetnitgby, of Fordwieli ;
and Corlett:hies NYMAN, Belmar and 4
boys farm Listowol gave their evidence.
A point of law MB tabled ea to whether
the burglarieing of a posteffiee mime
within the range of the law. The Court
;Idiom:tea at .1 ohlock, resuming session
at 9:30 next morning when Deteetive
Noble, of Detroit, was called upon es to
the character of the prisoner. The ques-
tion raised Wednesday afternoon going
egainet the Crownethe information was
amended and the indictment made for
assault on McDonald.
The defence then proceeded to prove
an alibi which they succeeded in accom-
plithing after calling on Perry Brown,
owner of the cooper shop, in Detroit, in
which Hendricks was an employee, Mr.
Brown produeittg his thne book showing
Mutt the prisoner was there on the Satur-
day preceding the burglary and the Mon-
day following. Mrs. Stephens, Gus.
Hahn said to bo a plumber, and Tony
1Vieler, a civio employee, all of the city
of the et raits, corroborated Brown's state-
ments and proved to the satisfaction of
tho Judge that the prisoner was not in
Brussels on the morning of the aforesaid
vielatien of the law. Hendricks was
therefore allowed his liberty. It was of
a very short lived character, however, 13.3
Constable Woods. arrested him at once
for non.pityment of 8610 imposed upon
him by a Listowel wild for tanlawfully
carrying lire:trine. Ile was taken to
Listowel ott the evening train and from
them was removed to the jail at Strab-
TI10 charge against Stnith was damned
ne his civic hinge] on the guilt or
liockmott 111 his entirarle awl he WM eon
sequoia y 3 la:Urged and aurmipanied
hid friends lack to Detroit.
Demme vo O'Leary 41.11Il 1hith111:0 1.
spector liopkirk were present nett del
whit they meld to ambit Mr. L .Wid in
inamiging the case.
The Ctieletioh Signet in epeaking ef
Ode clime sari : .Weditesday and "'hit, a-
das of this sveels were nearly al taken el)
with the treil before 111, Honor Judge
Toms of "leer Smith and ileudrielte, of
Dettoit, for the blowing up of the Bees -
sole poetolliee wile. A large number of
witneeses swore that Hendriolts had been
seen it) the vicinity of Brussels on the
lay before the crime was committed, and
D. MoDonald, who had the personal en-
counter with the sefehlowers, positively
identified Hendricks. On the other
hand, three men and one woman swore
that Hendricks and Smith were in De-
troit; at a dato that preolnded the pored-
bi sty of their ever having been in Brus-
sels. His eIonor, in summing up the
evidence, stated MLA, on the conflicting
testimony, and the sworn statements of
the Detroit witnesses nob having been
impugned, there was nothing left for him
to do but to discharge the moused. In
doing so, however, lie did not fail to in-
form them that he believed they were in
this section with no good purpose, al-
though the evidence in the Brussels ease
did not admit ole conviction, and tools
occasion to warn them of the trend of
their ways, As the clisoherged men
stepped from tho cloak a little some °c-
omma wheel leel not been atitieipated.
Conetablo Woods, of Lists:wee step
tied forwat•ii with it doonment in hie
hand, and errmted Hendrick» for having
had a revolvee in hie poseemion when
previoualy arrested. Hendriolcs deinurr•
ed, and wile thelined to bo obstreperous
until Mr. Proutifool, his lawyer, acme -
stalled him to bow to elm inevitable.
Woods at once put the "clarbiea" on
Hendricks, and left by bite 4;05 p. In.
train with hie prisoner. TN "Kid" in
the meantime went sect free, and when
last aeon by the Signal wits walking up
North me on route for the tailway station
between his two burly friends from De.
treit, who had done him so good a turn
by coming to Gorier's:1i to prove that he
was en liniment man, The arrest: of
Houdeieks, hoWeVer, bad apparently
thrown a web blanket) on the rejoicings of
the 00010i0I1 WhitIll would otherwise have
The Goderieh Stacie comment was :—
On Wednesday last the trial of Willinan
Meridiem and Louis Smite, "the lila,"
eharged with burglary of the Bruseels
postoffioe, began before His Honor Judge
Toms, and lasted until 2:30 on Thursday.
W. Protalfoot ooucluoted the defence, and
the prom:Minn teas in the hands of
Crown Attoruey Lewie, P. 0. Inepeetor
Held:irk and Government dated:ye
O'Leary assisting. A largo nrimbee of
witameses were examined, and tho prison.
as were charged with eeveral counts.
The meet ruled that the indictment Inc
burglary was bad under la 0. Asst. es
the act eequired residthee of someone in
the building entered to eoestituto the
offence) it burglary, whiell was not the
ease here. Hendriolte wits then triad
on a oluerge of Result, owl while MoDon.
eld Who wits held up in front 013 1311, poet-
°Bine, testifier( to thy identity of the
prisoner, and severel witneseos Eo baying
seen bim, 00 80050115 very muoli resent •
bling him, in the neighboehood, four wit.
»eases from Detroit MOM to poet) an
ttlibi. One testified to having peed Hen.
ati0152 lAid week's Wages on the Setterclity
evening preceding the Sunday on which
the:burglary °courted, W11110 t110 Others
testified to having aeon lihn in DONA
at different intervals tip to Tnesdey, go
that the defence held, lie ceuld not IMAM
been here before theWednesday en
which he came upfrom Stratford to Lis.
tewel whore he was arrested. His Honer
wiled thee, Nietowags nob enflielent
donee for the prosecution to opitet the
abili, and elendrielts was therefore no -
quitted, and the other connte egainst
himself and Smith wore dropped. Just
as the aocesod rue to leave the prisoners'
box the Listowel out:stable rmarrested
Hendricks tier carrying ooneeeleil weep -
tins, and proceeded to Unclear bine pro
paratory to taking him back to that
place. This sudden tune took the priaons
er quite aback, end for it few minutns.
it looked as though lee wetted resiet dem
but finelly be quieted down and
etibmitted to sybatt be evidently consider-
ed hard look, °The kid," however, went
forth again a free man,mode to Ms
delight. The trial attraoted an unusual
flambee of speotatms, and its remit
caused no little disouseion and comment.
Washington Letter.
carom our leogalar Correspondents.:
Washington, may tie, at.
Altittulinouely conspicuous and a figure
of no mean proportions is the bronze
stetue of Freedom which Crawford de-
signed and which has for nearly twenty.
seven piers crowned the dome of the
Capitol with its majestio beitnty. When
the water in the Eastern Branch is at its
lowest level the toes of the statue; which
point toward the not-toceoryetalline
stream, aro 386 feet above the sluggish
surfaee. Freedom has a magnificent
scene before hor, but if the brouze eyes
were only endowed with the sense of
sight thoy would look out and down up-
on a landscape which resembles but
slightly the one Washington had intended
should be spread itbroad in that section.
The father of his country intended that
east of the Capitol ehould be public build.
inge and private palaces. Time has
moderated the idea somewhat, bet some
of the notable features are visible. More
than a mile away, yet deceptively near
when seen from the standpoinb occupied
by the statue, are greet modern struc-
tures sacred to tha eriminal, the insane,
the pauper sick and the vagabond.
Aorose the chocolate -hued streak of liquid
Maryland soil lies Anomostia. In the
middle ground is the uevy yard and the
now thickly populated region which
within the past year or two has taken
unto itself the more stately title of Gap-
itol In the foreground. is a hack.
stand; Greenouglas $15,000 statue of
Washingtou and the orderly couglomer-
ate of bricke tuid derricks --principally
derrielts—from which is to be evolved the
Congeasional Library builditig. It took
a good deal of time and no sluel amount
of labor to elevate Freedom to her pose-
ent exelteil pesitiou. She is of bronze,
is 19 feet 6 inches high and weighs 11,-
985 pounds. To have lifted her up at
ono piece would have been a big task,
lent the workmen were not called unon
to undertake it. She was oast in live
pieees, the heaviest el which balances 4,-
740 pounds. The lower four of these
sections were all in Islam) prior to De-
oemlier 2, 1863, and on that: clay bhe
statue completed with much ceremony.
At that time the Government was buying
O good deal oE gunpowder so it did not
lnind usiug a tittle for a purpose that
was as harmless as it WRB patriotic.
There' is 110 place on the stetne were
there is no oxidization, although it is
more oompletely exposed to the atoms-
phere than any other portion. To any
one who will get out of bed early enough
to watoh the sun's rays first touch tho
statue it will seem as though there was a
diamond in the headdress. That spot
shines es brightly as does the aluminum
trip on the apex of the Washington
Monument. Connected with the head.
dress is an incident of some interest,
When Crawford submitted his first
model 01 8310 figure to the authorities one
01 13120 board was Jeffersou Davis, then
Secretary of War. On the bead of the
figure was that erticle of attire common-
ly know') as 0 "liberty cap," end to this
Mr. Devie merle objection, beatuse Nett
cap had, in ancient days, been worn by
a slavish people. The objection was
sustained and a bench of plumage, ()mi-
streated atter the latest North American
Dalian spt•ing ibylit, replaced the Pinar.
gime covering,
The President is taking au active in-
terest in the finueicial conditioa of the
Treasury and has directed thet be be
furnished with an eetimate of the prob.
able revenue from all sources for the
next fiscal year, based on the changes
made by the last Conprese in the onetoms
and internal revenue lawa. The eesult
of the amigos are now becoming apear.
ant in the daily receipts of the Treasury
Department. The oilstone receipts show
continue failing off • the receipts from
this source, by it statement at the Treas.
tiry, issued yesterday, for the first twenty
cloys in May, being leas ab the port of New
Yorltby $1,000,034 than they were for the
corresponding period of last May. The
same ratio of domes° is reported at
other ports. Ititernal revenue receipt
also show a clearease, bob nnt so marked.
'The net surplus in the Treasury, despite
the decrease in receipts34 crawling up,
the drain feoin direct, tax oxpondituree
being almost uver, and et the close of
business yesterday wag more than $15,
000,04.0. 92lie Treasury statement ellows
that tho Twomey holds, May 29, $262,-
017,483 in gold bellion and coin, being a
decrease since the first of January ot
more than $32,000,000.
It is tiederstood Mutt the Attoeney
Geneeal will made en effort tedetty—
which is his spreild andienee clay at the
White House—to being about the ap.
pnintmont of the (deceit judges provided
foe at the lass sessiou of Congress, At
least he will bring the names of the can-
diaates to the ettentme of the President,
and endeavor to make suoh peognese ih
the seleetion of the fin tnnate ones that
the ahnoutterament 03 1111 will not he de.
lived many more days.
Dennis Gallaghee, 01 Buffalo, Who
'Malmo the title of ehempion mixed Wrest.
Io r of the woeld,l will eppear in the Oly.
mpie Thema e, Roolleetee, uext Saturility
evening in Wrestling bouts, and will for.
feit.$100 if Inc fails to throw any five men
who nifty appear againsb him within
ninety mieutes. The style at Weestling
wile bo catell•emeittelaean.
The following sheets of Sir joint A,
Maerionald Will ffieread with interest et
this junature :
Sir John Mandennlil him lath a moist
remarkable career, The :tory of his life
weeld form a politica/ hietory of Canada
for the mutt forty years, for during the
greater portion of thee period I'm has
been the most prominent figure in our
political affairs. Hie 2013002E1 as a public
men has frequently been compared to
that of Gladetone and Palmerston. F'ew
mett have been so fortunate in keeping a
politieal party together through trout:dins
Melee by menu 01 3,35 personal influence,
Though generally a; strong partizen, Sir
John mild be eonoiliatory \viten snob a
0011,rlit suited his purpose. He was al-
ways a Mose • salient of human nature,
and could pretty aoonrately epeasnee the
intellectual calibre of it man after short
acquaintanne. In manner he was en.
gaging and oheerinl, and enjoyed the
power, in a !nage degree, of attaohing
men to 1310 3)515011. Latter-day politic:
ems would rtmeribe Sir John Macdon
ald's political methods as those of "an
opportunist." Res derriere, which it is
feared may tmour at any moment, will be
a great less to Unlade, and to the Coe-
servediveperty. Sir John was born in
Scotland in 1815, and is therefore in his
seventy-seventh year, He came to Can•
ada when a boy withhis parents, who.
settled in Lennox enmity. Young Mac-
donald was educated at the Kingston.
Grammar school, and was admitted to.
the bar in 1836. Teo years later he was
created a feueen'e Counsel. He was first
married tri 1853 to Mess Isabelle Clark,.
who died In 1856, By that merriage he
had one son, Hugh John Macdonald, M.
P. for Winnipeg. In 1867 Sir John
married Miss 13e0n8011' (the present Lady
Macdonald), daughter of the Hon. T. J.
Bomar& a member of the Privy Counoil
of jatnaors. Re wae, for many years a
prominent member of the Masonic Order.
Sir John was first returned to paella.
ment in 1844 for Kingston, and three
years later be beceros a member of the
Morris administration, whieli resigned in
1848. Hu held office ire the MoNab-
Morin ; the Tachohlitadoneed adminis.
trations, bstween 1858 and. 1862, and
from 1864 until confederation, in the
Maccionake Cartier ad ministration, hold-
ing various portfolios. Though at &et
opposed to confederation he finally gave
in hie adhesion to the scheme, a.nd be -
cisme premier 0( 13110 uoalition government
by which the project was carried through
parliament. lte led the opposition in
the old perliansenb of 13R1111C113, against
the Hinelcs-Morin, the Seated Merelon.
ald-Sicotte, and the Sanfield Macdonald -
'Melon administrations, and also the op-
position to the Mitokenzie government in
the Dominion parliament. He was one
of the plenipotentiaries who negotiated
the Washington treaty in 1871. In 1876
he was compelled to retire witb his unin•
istry, becanse or the Piteitio Soandal ex-
pose, hut cense back to power in 1878,.
his party having carriect the country on
a protectionist polioy, and he has eon.
binned at the head of the government
ever since. Sir John sat for Kingstou
from 184.4 until 1878, when strange to
say, he suffered defeat, though his. party
eturied the eountry by a large majority.
He was immediately elected for M'ar'
quarto Manitoba, but retired from that
constituency on being returned for Vic.
toria, B. C., which he represented from
1878 until 188e. In the letter year he
was eleoted for two counties, Carleton.
and Lennox, and on being usaaaated in
Lennox, sat for Carleton. In 1887 he
reoaptured the Kingston se .b and was
also returned for Cerleton, electing to sit
Inc Kingston, for which place he was
:mein returned in March last:. Ho wan
othaaeci a lie C. B. by 1 -ler Majesty after
the passage of the 3ontedetation eat in
1867, and a G. C. B. in 11487.
Brussels COUlleil.
Th,, Court of Revision foe the village
was held, as eer advertisement, on Mon-
day evening. Present—Reeve Graham,
and Oeunoillers McIntosh, Ross, Stewart
and Atnent, who subscribed to the mato.
tory declare -Mon.
There were two appeals. W. R. Wilson
asked to Owe the amassment on the
foundry reduoad, end F. C. Rogers want-
ing a deg struck off. Moved by J. M.
McIntosh, seconded by Juo. Amerat that
Mr. Wilson's assesament be redueed
61,000, and that Mr. Rogers' appeal be
Moved by Roderick Ross, seconded by
W. F. Stewart bhat the Rod now finally
revised stand for 1891.—Carriod.
Connell business was then prooeedeci
wibb, and the minutes of last regular and
speoial meetings were read and plumed.
Accounts wore presented as fotlows :—
D. Stewart, Aseessoret Eatery ,...611) 00
Neil Wiley, 511501 improvem ts.. '22 97
Walter Smith, .. 17 50
„ 15 65
.. 1100
4 03
D. Shine,
It. Berns,
Mrs. 7. Blashill, °levity
Moved by 4. el. McIntosh, seeonded by
W. E. Stowert that the above amounts
be peid.—Cerried-
Moved by jno. Ainent, Emended by
W. F. Stewert that Wm. Anima he
pointed caretaker of tire engine auti hose
in piece of Harry James, resigned.—
Cennoil then adjoarned,
A fartner netted Crawley, living et
Lattorkenny, in Ireland, Was shot end
fatally wounded Sunday night ,by moon-
Poatatirtster•Generel Rates announeee
that the effort to induce the tleited
States Governinent to establish a panel
post with Gotta Brititin have felled,
The crop report from the southern pro.
villein of RUM°, extending to the Volga
aro bed. It is egletnated that the general
yield will be 40 pee eent. below the ever.
antairST metteat's
The first oricicet inatoli for the seasoff
wag Payed on the Reareation Clrounds,
Seaforth, on Monday afternoon of this
week, between the home team and the
Brussels eleven. The visitors went to
bat lint and, oaring to the fine batting of
D. Rose, II. Donnie and A. Cousley, who
tutored 14,16 and 16 reapeotively, the in-
nings totalled 70 runs, only two of the
number being byes. TIM bowling was
dens by T.and E. C. Coleman. Settforth
had tough luck, and the bowling of J.
and D. EOM was so deed en the wicket
that the last aturnp tumbled for the
small score of 20. Brussels went: to bat
in the 2nd innings with the intention of,
duplicating their first score, but only for
H. Dennis' well -played 14 and Dr. Mee
Naughton's 11 and not oat they would.
helm hart hard work to rewah a fifth of
it. A.s it was they counted, abi told, 390
runs. In the 2n11 innings Der Seat:ebb
T. Coleman betted out 1/ rons and (Mo.
Dowry]: won laurels by scoring 14, but the
remainder of the team. were not in it,
and so 44 was the total, lett ussels thus
won by 86 runs. It was a most enjoyable
gum; and, oonsidering the want of
pritetine, the aeon 51305.respeettehls. The
following score will give other partieulars
of the met& ;
isb weentros. 1381j882L2F4nd Iewenes.
'D. Rosa, run out ....... b Wilson 0
Kitchen, e Red:eon, b 0 T. Coleman,
19, Cblemau 0 b E. Ooleinen.., 0
ClulL.b T. Coleman 2. b.Wilson,
Dennis, b T. Coleinan...13 RE. Coleman —14
etelettugliton, rati out— 5 mst out 11,
J. Rm ob E. Coleman1)
... 0 , Wilson
Tho,neoc,bhI. Colenum10lbzool,bltlatbaou::: 26
t. 2 b
Cousley,.not ou
Crewel., T. (Soloman,
2.13 Wilson
a 110050,0,...Lowar, ooloe.:Deen0
b 813. ooleman,
Jones, b. Wilson
70 Total
GULLIld tote
2nd Ditirmis.
d DonjVass, b
let Irmrsos..
Hayes, b Ross
Roberts, b J..Ross .........4 e Ritebou, b
Puinthard, b D. ROBB 7 b D. ROM
T. Coleman, b. D. lioss... 1. b D. Rosa
McLellan, ('3,11005 Is D. Ross
E. Colemau, c aud 13
.1to913 1 ran out 1
Wiliam, nob oat
4 run out 3
Tht10. 0010010.0 , I) J. Ross 0 b J. Ross 11
Dewar, c lloobrane, e Donuts,
b J. Ross
Presume, D. Doss, b J. Ross—. 14
b Ross
Jac117., Cluff,
b D. lions 0 Donuts 0
0 c mut b Kitchen 3
1. Byes 1
Leg bye
2 Leg byte Ll
Total 29
brutal total Totel
Umpires %Amin and McCanghey gave
satisfeetion. W. Grower Isept wicket tor
Brussels like an old timer, and some of
the somaeled "green" men whaled out
the rims in good style. J. Kitchen took
ti band in the bowling in the moond in-
nings for Brussels,. and A. Wilson did
ditto for Settforth.
A $2,000. Bre occurred at Galt on
Winnipeg's rate of taxation is 10
mills this year.
The Synod of the Diocese of Ontario is
in session at Kingstou.
Sir George Stephen bas been elevated
to the British peerage.
Spring chickens were sold on the Wood-
stoult niuthket last Saturday.
The estate of the late Senator Leonard,
of London, is valued 01 43203,788.411,
Ilainilton jewellers will close their
stores on Wednesday afternoons during
June, July and August.
Two convicts Made a bold dash for
liberty on Tuesday from a quarry noar
Kingston, but wore remaptured.
Hugh leleCauley, of Sweaborg, exhibit-
ed a large lieu's egg in Woottstook Seam -
clay. It measured Sextie11101105.
Capt. Cheek, of tue Guelph Cadets,
113110 the recipient of en address 111111 $75
in gold from the citizens of Berlin a few
nights ago.
E. le. Eggleston, Orangeville, has
caused a writ to be issued for $200 dam-
ages against a well known doctor of that
place fur alleged malpraotioe in setting
the trilateral timb oi a young eon oe
Prof, James, of the Ontario Agrieel.
anal College, has been appointed Deputy
Minister of Agoonlanis for Ontario, in
snocession to Mr. Blue, who recently be-
came head of the Provincial Mining
The steamer Alderson, which last year
rem between .0wen Bound, Wiation, tho
Peninsula and Manitoulin ports, has been
soldl by her owners, tho Georgian Bay
Transit Company, to the Port DOM and
Lithe Foie Navigation Oompeny, and will
ply between Port Dover,Long Point and
Buffalo in the excursion business. She
leaves for Lake Erie at once,
An enterprising Wiudsor barber is
working up a ledge buttiness thrugh
tiew scheme which appears to have ouch
to oommerici it, For a payment of $1.70
nor month each ticketholder is entitled
to one hair cut a month, tem baths earth
Week and unlimited alley:lug. Ile has
5013011 aseistants, all the work he eau
handle, and appears to be getteug rich by
his rimy Beheme.
For the paSt year bbsrohao been amebic
among the parishioners of Christ Chetah,
Antherstburg, and a nuinber of ohaeges
have been made against the presiding
elergyman, Rev. William Wye. A corn.
otioeio appointed by Bishop Baldwin
toot in Aruherstburg on Thmedity and
went into the matter. The peoseention
and the deft -glee were both represented by
lawyers. The °bargee brought egninst
Mr. Wye are of "disorderly, msiminal and
seencialous cotaluot." Hi
e s also charged
with making false retro:es to the :wiled.
The ovideme fee 6130 proseetnion ems
pelt -wipe -11y a copious report of a henring
before le. E. Maroon last Attie, whon Mr.
Wye WWI up on a judgment seremens,
end the pie:mention contended that he
8W0r0 Diesels,. The cornmiesion will to.
port to the Bishop, who will then give
hie deeision.•
IMany friends throtighont the Province
rantun the death. ot the Rev. Jnr).
1311)., of Oulbonte, "ne of the oldest ,Ii.
VII)02 of the Methodiet church in On titre)
Ile died on Saturday, in the 78r3 year
0( 3718 age. Dr. Mediu was one of the
pioneer. of Methodism in tbe Province
and during his long ministry svies station.
00 chiefly in the Weattern eo»ferences.
Threannual farmetsgathering at Port
Stanley is expented to exceed in attend-
ance aay that has been held since the
pitImy days of the Grange orettnization,
The Pearone of Inclusbry, the Grasigars,
and the Formers' Insbitutes in Elgin and
Middlesex are all united to make et a big
SUMBA. The gathering will taker plume
on June DI.
Louis feleaver, tto old lendmark of
Kingston,. secure:1 3 little money one
morning, determined to have a good meal,
and dropped into tho dining room of the
:Stanley 'Tense. Ile had not been. there
'long before the waitress noticed' him
making unintelligible noises suggestive
ot something clogged in llis throat,. and
five minute,, after he filed. Dr. Hendon
son said death had resulted feorni
choking, mimed by the old man eating
too fast.
W. S. Doman, merchant, Oil Springs,
is the poetteseor of a curiosity in the
form of a eireple of pieceseef aerolita. 13
shirt time ago a stone weighing several
boos fall from space en a farm about
three miles from CAA plaoe• and nearly
buried itself. This week Mr. Duggan,
seonred a couple of 'Mame by digging
down about 204feet. Different kinds of
stones are embedded in molten lava.
Henry Deno; a deck hand on the ferry
Elope, picked up an advertising slip
printed in imitation of a $20 bank note
on the dook et Windsor, and litter in the
day went then the Eases House and
called for a drink, tendering the slipin
payment. Jno. R. Campbell, the land-
lord, WU in °hare at the time and no-
oepted the bill, giving Deno $19.90 in
change. When Campbell found the mis-
take he entered complaimt against Deno
for obtaining money under faisepretenses
and Deno was arrestedi
The other morning as Thomas Young,
groom of the entire horse Sea Breeze,
was untying Idm in the stable of the
Cnmmiegs Souse, at St. George, the
animal eeieed his arm with his teeth,
and, after fiercely biting, tried to trample
npon him. To 5110 130 WOIlld have suo.
weeded had it not been for the timely as.
sistance of the groom of St. Gerome, who,
with fork and exediandle, after a hard
contliet, got the better of the vicious
brute and rescued the unfortunate man,
but not until he had been badly bitten
and bruised.
The little village of McGregor, sitnated
on the L. E. dr. D. R. it, and the el. C.
R. R., was almoet wiped ont of existence
by fire lest 'Wednesday evening. It start-
ed in a barn belonging to II. F. Reaume,
and before it could be stopped had des-
troyed Reantne's store and outbuildings,
Anbin's Hotel and outbuildings, Higgins'
saw and grist mills, Lovett's been and
three M. C. Ry. cars, one of which was
loaded. The logs is about $35,000, and
the insurance will rot cover one-quarter
of it,
A. very stemma hole has made its eta
peare-nee on Mr. MoKie's farm, a few
miles north of Paris. Last Wednesday
as Mr. McKie was going aboub his usual
walk on his farm, as he was in the act of
crossing one of his fields he noticed a
strange object in the field and, as his
curiosity was aroused, Ile resolved to in-
vestigate the sudden mystery, and, to his
great surprise; as he approoshed nearer
be was imineWbat startled at what ap-
peared and proved to be a large hole, the
top of which was about three feet wide ;
the depth about bwenty.fere feet, and the
width at the bottom about twenty-five
feet as near as he could judge. Mr. Mc -
Rio was versr 01I1011 surprised when he
sew the depth of this new ft•aturo in
his fame.
The Borten night express width ar-
rived at St. John on Tnesreay meriting
had a lively experience web three train
robbers near Enfield, Maine. They were
armed, One got on the cowmateher and
two on the platform of the mail and
bitgernge car, next tile engine. While the
train was going at fedi speed one of the
desperadoes milled the bell cord, and
the engineer, othourso, stopped the train.
Then the engineer end fireman were cover-
ed by revolvers, and ono tit the gang began
firing into the pastel oar *Laugh en end
window, bullets whizzing past the ears
of the mail clerics. The. robbers theu
tried to force their way into the car, but
were prevented by a quantity of mad
bags piled ageenst the door inside. Then
they jnmeed to the pound and rem.
rnenced firing into the side of the oar.
The driver suddenly started the engine,
notwithstanding that one of the men was
firing at him, and the train moved off,
leaving tbe wouldhe robbers behind.
A farmer named Billings, 111311)13 00 the
10th ememssion of West Luther, had au
adventure with a baler the other evening
withal) he svill not forget for many days,
Hearing a noise in hie stithle, the octet -
pants of which at, HIM time svere stome
:hula he lit his hintern and proceeded
to iitvestigate. Going lo the doer, which
wits divided into two seetione, the lower
part of which was *hut, be looked into
the Mettle and found the cause (.0 the
disturbance to be a lurge bear, which was
prow. ding to (Retain of tho sheep as
!await prey, Abont the same time that
Mr. Billings saw the beer, the bear 01150
Mr. Billings, The than tried to 505135 037
the intruder, but the bear paid very
little attention Inc a thne, and thee he
begets to make hostile deinonstrationa,
As aeon es Me. Billings saw the boar
eurning towards hitrt be invent; himaelf
up into the loft iti event haste. As there
wee no ladder the beer could not follow
and therefore had to content himself
with watehing beeeeth, Feeling mere
in his loft position hle. Billings did
everything in his pewee to (mare the
beer, but without 2L1000BRo HO rattled
steels% yelled, howled, Omitted Until ho
was hoarse, but the boar did not settee
worth a, cent. Ib proceeded to catty off
a sheep ; end, thinkieg that discretion
was the better part Of ealoe, ale. Billing§
stayed in the 10Cii until the eising sun
elletved hiln that the Met Setts clear,
Number 47.
The boy hfiersoli, who woe sent op
frotn Ciait I. two months on the charge
of vagrancy, ha giving the jail officials at
Berlin some little trouble as well PA
ainneetnent. The lad is confined in one
of the upstairs oorrhiors, and by way of
diversion one day lie lifted apt the hot
air register, dropped lute the pipe, craw-
led around two elbows until he got to the
furnace, where he stuck. The pipe had
to be out to get the boy oat. Strong
efforts are being made to have him sent
lo the Industrial School for foal:. years.
The ntost disastrous fire tbab bate
eccarred in Montreal for n, long time
broke ont shortly after 6 o'clock Sunday
night in Fe/admen's liquor warehouse on
Debresees street, and spread to the large
stone block of warehouses extending from,
Deisresoles. to Notre Dame street near
the French Chtsreh and occupied by the.
New Englend Paper Company; Yonug
d: Son, dye manufacturers; the ele-
tropelitan Monufeeturing Company ; It.
liewilae, church ornaments ; Pratt,
pianos and ergane. The times spread
from one store to another with alarming
rapidity, and bile danger of a vast eon.
flagretion was imvainent. The entire
brigade was called inst and fee two hours
fought the flames- Loss estimated at
over $100,000.
James Kane waecn Thursday morning
of last week executed at Belleville for the
murder of his wife, Illigethath. The prim
tater took breakfast, eating a good meal,
and mimed in his lent preparations for
' eternity. At 7e.45 the executioueer enter-
ed the prison and within a few minutes
eompleeed his preparations. It was not
lintel 8:16, however, Meet the prooession
for the scaffold left the condemned mania
cell. Two minotes later the rope was
adjusted and put around Kane's neok
and at 8:19 the drop fell. The prisoner
died without speaking. He W003 pale and
composed, but seemed to diehard, bis
groans being painful to hear. The pris•
oner's last night was spent quietly, as
usual. At midnight he lay down and
idept quietly until 4 a. In. Half an hour
Inter his daughter arrived, and at 7;15
took her last farewell of her parent. At
o'olock the prisoner'sspiritmel advisers,
Mgr. Farretly and Father O'Brien, ar-
rived and engaged in devotional exercises.
• People _Ncre_Knour.
Mrs. Ainley sr. arrived home from
Harriston this week.
Miss Doig, of Gorrie, was visiting Miss
Kate Wileon thio week.
Miss Rena Beleninhimer has beeti on
the sick list this week.
Goo. Halliday, of Ferguson& Elelliclay,
watt in Toronto last week.
M. Fatrow, of Bluevale, was vieiting
Postmastee Farrow this week.
Mrs, Samuel Plum and Ruby are visit-
ing relatives at New Hamburg.
Dr. Cavanagh is away at Elmira this
week on a visit to his old home.
Hares James ie now time keeper. on
the Eleetrie Railwity at Ottawa.
Mrs. .". G. eleCracken, son and
dftughterof Harriston, spent Sunday
in Brussels.
W. M. Sinclair was away this tveelc at
Sandwich, Essex County, attending the
Chancery sittings.
MeNeugliton was here this week
on a teeth He is melting his home at
Hensel' at present.
MiPB Lizzie ITeibine, of Guelph, was
visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Steuernagel,
of this place, this week.
Ballantyne went to Stratford on
Wednesday of this week to attend the
wedding of Miss Kate Addie.
Rev. W. 3. Brandou, of Monkton, has
been quite ill with inflammation of the
bowels, but is getting nicely over it now.
Isaac Fitzpatriok left for Stayner last
Monday where he goes into husineas with
his brother Albert, as mentioned last
weeetlkd Mrs. Blathill has returned from
an extended visit to reletives in Mich.
igen. She will make her home with her
son William, 13, Brussels.
Rev. J. L. Kerr ancl wife are attending
tbe sessions of the Methodist conference
at Berlin. RaV. W. E. Kerr, their
youngest son, will be ordained next Soh.
Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs, W. El. Kerr and.
Leslie leave Brussels ou Wednesday of
next week for Winnipeg where they ex -
pact to enjoy a visit of two or three
Fred Burgess, photographer, who baa
been employed in the best gallery int
Brantford for some time, has gone to
Winnipeg,. where he expects to push his
Samuel Crawford has been laid maide
for over a. week from a lame leg, won -
Moiled while working at the cellar for
Mrs. Straehan's stores, by a wagon wheel
striking him.
L. Ramble', of Salem, who is in part-
nership with W. P. Vanslone in the
Natirinal Flour Mill, was in town foe a,
few days this week. He porpoees moving
here with his family In tt month or so.
Robb. Ross has been playing a few
games of base ball with the New West -
mitigate B. 0-, team, filling the impoet.
ant position of coacher. if the whole
nine are as good ite Bob they should put
up a No. 1 game.
The Clinton Now Eva says :—"Tint
self() of James Carter died on Monday
of oonsumption. She was barely 26 yeses
of age, and leaves a family of four small
children, She wits formerly a Mies Vin-
cent, from the neighborhood of Bruseols."
B. Gary left last Tuesday on a pleas-
ure trip to Manitoba and the Northwest -
He will visit his son Albert, W. Fish-
leigh, 4, 11. Young a,nd other old friends.
He may go on to the Pardue mast before
be returns. He purehased his ticket
from T. Fleteher.
Murrly McLennan simprised some of
the denizens of London Oh May 25th by
winning the fat man', thee, and thereby
scouring the ousterly of 0911 pound ham.
Ho is as deceiving as a "clidn't-know.it-
wits-loaded" gun,
The mama of Drs. Kneehtel end Shaw
appeal -cid in last Saturday's dailies arnotig
the list of students suceeasfittly passing
the Medi& Connell. They have now
authority to write M. D. We hope
the initiels will often meat ,i'Moody