HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-5-29, Page 81 Hh it 1; POST MAY 29, 1891. GOING! Gor Hellebore is going and so are your Carrara and Gooseberry Bushes if you are 1200 killing the worms that feed upon the Olathe at this Season of the Year. Oar Hellebore is fresh and will kill these worms in good style. G. A. DEADMAN. Ydil THIRSTY? If ao try a Jersey Milk Shake or a glass of Jersey Buttermilk, or H preferred Lime Fruit Juice. If you care for none of them try Here's Root Beer or, eay, Pine Apple Cordial. These are all choice drinks. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &c. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. tk B. -- Traine leave Brussels Station, North and Southas follows: GoINO BOOM 00139 NOME Melt ass a.m. I mixed 9:20 a.m. Express 11:45 a.m. Mail 3;00 p.m. Mixed ...... ... 8:55 p.m. Express 2:42 p.m. luta! Reins Ittms. A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, .An' faith he'll prent it. Rex. R. PAUL preaches at Harriston en Sunday. &moo Board meeting Friday evening of next week. Wine window screens, 40 to 60 cents each. B. Gerry. 424 COURT of Revision and Council meeting next Monday evening, A WING is being built to the watt side .of the Queen's Hotel barn. REV. S. Jones preaches at Atwood Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Bums Bees. running mare took lst rilace at the Harriston races last Monday. • Tonna°, Cabbage and Cauliflower planta for sale at I. C. Rithard's harness shop. BRUSSELS cricket club is Wang of having a match with Seaforth willow wielders. Go to the meetirg this (Friday) even- ing at the Town Hall to arrange for Dominion Day celebration in Brussels. Fran -thaw Ice cream, Confectionery, Fruit, Summer Drinks, Cigars, &o., at Mrs. Kirkai opposite Queen's Hotel Bros- sels. A DOZEN members of St. John's church made a bee last Wednesday and erected a very convenient and commodious wood. Shed at the rear of the church. A MEETING of Knox church congrega- tion will be held on Friday afternoon of tbis week to take into consideration the question of moderating in a oall to fill the vacancy now existing. AT the celebration in Wingham last Monday Joe. Martin, of Brussels, took sax prizes, as follows :-1st in the 100 yard, 200 yard and three legged races, standing jump and running jump, and and in the running hop, step and jump. It takes a hustler to out.foot Jack. REV. El. GELLERT leaves on Friday for Berlin where the Stationing Committee will meet preparatory to the session of Conference which opens in that town on Wednesday of next week. Rev. Aroh. McKibben, a student of Victoria College, will preach in the Methodist church in this place next Sabbath. Wm -Dimness AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 43-tf CANADIAN EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS :— The Canadian Express Co. has arranged a money order system whieh will prove a convenience to the public: generally. The rates are low. A. duplicate of the order is supplied the sender so that in cone of delay or loss the amount will be refunded. The system holds good both in Canada and the -United States. T. Fletcher ie the local agent at Brussels, and will give all necessary information desired. HYMENIAL.—Last Wednesday afternoon a wedding party drove to Seaforth where the matrimonial knot was tied between Wm. Denbow and Miss Sarah Monsen The contracting parties were attended by Miss Emma Denbow, sister of the groom and Samuel Carter, all of Brua• eels. The happy twain enter on this new relation with the best wishes of all for health, wealth and prosperity. A little bird says that the wedding business ris not over yet but we wont give searets away. Atanneria.—As the excursion train was corning into Brussels station yard from Wingliam last Monday evening J. N. Kendall, agent, placed a few fog signals On the rails, which exploded when the wheels of the moving train struck them. A piece of tin flew from one of them and etrack Willia Leatherdale in the left eye aa he was standing on the platform along with a large number of other pet, sons. The eye ball Was ant, and for a , time it was feared that the sight was nestroyed, but hopes are entertained now that this very useful member will ise re. stored, although the patient will be laid IT for some time. It was a close call. 000 FOR n Neenra.—"Our Homes," a thirty.two page monthly magazine, de. voted to house building, home furnishing, Ileum decoration, fathiOna, general litera- ture, elm, irs the best publication of its class in America. The publishers, in order io inerease tho simulation of their magazine, offer large cash rewards to those of their stibscribers, or intending atibsoribers, who correctly illiflWer the followitig qnestion Where in the New Testament are the words "a needle" first found? Cash daily and weekly rawer& given while the competition lane. The publishers will give away Monson& of dollars among those eorrecily anewering the question—the leading reward being a500 in gold, Send ten cents in stemma 4ir gayer for a sample copy of 'Ota Homes' and complete rules governing the coin. ,petition. Address—Oen Homan Pnamett• 230 Co„ Brockville, Canada, 800 kegs Montreal out futile oheaper than ever. Wire nails all sleep. B. Gerry. 45 2, Ilsoptiv froets are interfering with the prospects of email fruits in thie neigh. borhood. A taw hardwood ceiling has been pul in ?doIntoeh & MoTaggart's bank this week as the planer was badly broken. Tns oontraet of grading ths moo course was begun the week, A large scraper for the purpose was team ed from Bel. More. Tait phallic at H. Ball's on Monday afternoon under the auspices of the Y. P. C. A. of the Methodist church was a very enjoyable affair. The amueements were Mot ball, base ball, sand bags, itc. Tim cattle shipped on the 'steamship, Lake Huron, from Moutreal, were seized at Liverpool and held on account of sus. picion of pleuro pneumonia. A portion of the cargo is the property of E. Watems, Blyth, and in in charge of Walter Rich- ardson and Jae. Bolger of this vicinity. The cattle were released at the tirne of writing. DOMINION DAY. —On Friday evening of this week a public meeting will be held in the Connell chamber for the purpose of arranging for the celebration of Dom- inion Day in Drama. A large turnout expected so that the day's program may be announced as soon aa possible. The meeting commences at 8 o'clock. GOOD News FOR THE LADIES. —'Ideal' Manufacturing Company,—Giaes,—"We bave given your 'Ideal' Washing Machine that we bought from your agent—J. J. Gilpin—a thorough trial, and we are de. lighted with it. It saves time and labor, as well as the elothea. I have tried it with heavy and light clothes' and find that it washes perfectly in both. I can- not speak too highly of its merits. It in all your agent represented it to be. I el:insider it simply parted. Ladies, try it and see for youreelves."—Mas. Geo. Caoote, 8th Con., Grey. DoING WILL.—Last Wednesday after- noon a representative of THE POST called at H. Williams & Son's livery stable to have a look over their outfit but to our pleasant surprise he bad neither horee nor buggy at home, all being on duty. They have things in tipaop ahape, how. ever, and in addition to confortable single rigs they bave added a handsome new Surrey and have fitted up their carryall in good style for excursion parties of any kind. With good horsea, new harness, and buggies, tidy dustere, rugs, mate, dm., all spick and span this firm 000110 00 a large and rapidly inoreas- ing livery busineas and additional drivers will be added as neoesaity demands. GRAND OPPORTONITT.—A grand oppor- tunity will be offered to the people of Brussels and vicinity on the issue of this paper. The undersigned will be at the Queen's Hotel for one week only to do general repair work on sewing machines and wringers. I wish the people of Brus- sels and vicinity to understand that I repair all kinds and makes of sewing machinee and wringers, and carry all necessary parts to do eo. If you have had your sewing machine to any other repairer who has not given you satisfac. tion pleam give me a trial, and I will guarantee to make it work to your seas. faction, or no charge will be made, hence you have all to gain and nothing to lose. Town communications by mail (or other. wise) will meet with prompt attention. Farmers bring in the head of your ma- chine only. Those wishing shuttles, epringe and bobbins of any make will bo accommodated by a call on II. S. Ennis Queen's Hotel, Brussels. Bars fir RED.—Last Saturday's Gazette contained the following announcement of local interest :-33rd Huron Battalion of Infantry, Goderica—To be Majors, Captain Robert Crookett, M. S., from No. 1 Company, vice M. F. Murray, retired ; Captain John Arthur Stanley Varcoe, R.S.I., from No. 9 Company, vice J. G. Wilson, promoted. To be Adjutant, Lieutenant John A. Wilson, R.S.I., from No. 3 Company, vice Henry Oook, de. ceased. No. 1 Company, Goderich—To be Captain, Lieutenant Dudley Holmes, R.S.I., vice C. Crockett, promoted. No. 3 Company, Seaforth—To be Lieutenant, and Lieutenant Alexander Wilson, R.S.I., vioe 3. A. Wileon, appointed Adjutant. No. 9 Company, Duegannon — To be Captain, Lieutenant William Young, R. S. I., vice J. A. S. Varcoe, promoted. To be Lieutenant, provisionally, Robert Huston, gentleman, viols W. Young, pro. meted. To be second Lieutenant, pro. visionally, Thomas' Hamilton, gentleman. 11745.00 IN GOLD von A WirE.—We will give to the first person telling us before June lat, 1891, where in the Bible the word "wife" is first fouud $100.00 in gold. To the next $50.00. To the third, $25.00. To the fourth, $20.00. To the fifth, $15,00. To the sixth, a10.00, To the next 25, $5 caoh. To the next 25, 82 each. To the person sending in the last oorreot answer, we will give $100 in gold. To the next to the last 850, and so on same as from the first. With your answer send 25 ate. in silver, or 27 ots. in stamps, for a box of Dr. Oole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver and Stomach Pill ever made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't gripe. Re. member the presents are absolutely free, being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remedies, At the close of the contest the names and addressee of all the prize winners will ap- pear in this paper. We refer yon to the Traders' Bank of Orilla. Send at once and be first. Address, Home Sperafic Co., Orillia, Ont. LAST Monday passed by very quietly in Brussels. A large number of our to'vne- people were off visiting the neighboring towns, Wingham being the objective point to the majority. The gun club smashed olay pigeons for a while in the forenoon and afternoon. A. very emus. ing base ball inatth was played on Vic- toria Square between sides ohosen by the proprietors of the Queen's and Central Hotele, The former won by 2 runs in five innings. We can't begin to describe the game, but the way "Carie." hoed it down around the belies, the slugging done by "Ab" the general fielding and exact throwing was a living wonder. Both bides tried to razzle•dazzle the umpire but he lathered them in return. The score as nearly as could be got at was :— QtreeN'S NINE. CENTIME NINE. It 0 110 ft. J. Coasted, 2 2 0, 7,1111aX, 0 2 W.Grewar, 3 1 3.305203', 2 2 Jad.Stretbon, 4 0 D. 32088 3 I A. OUrrie, 1 1 ri. Coolaane, 1 2 11. Thompwre 0 4 A. °Dooley. 2 0 E, Grimeddbi, 1 2 11. 10, Gruedy, 0 2 A. B, r,telth, 5 1 A. insespia 0 g W. Smith, 1 2 A. Mason, 0 4 L.11-Towern, 1 2 A. C. Ditmea, 3 0 _ Total, 25 13 Tete', 13 15 11.16. Barrett, umpire. S. Ramsay, 01. (dal snorer, Nary week a number from this locality will take advantage of the geminate rates and vielt Manitoba and the North. wen. D. ;Amnions lies ptilellasool o 01 north of the railroad, near the agricultural park, and will tweet to dwelling thereon thia summer. FAumeas will do well to read the wool advertisement of Howe & Co. in this iesue and call at the factory before dis- posing of their wool. Alma. STIIACHIAN has placed a fine new Taylor safe in the office of his store. This one replacer' the safe damaged by the fire laet November. Ix taking down the derriok of the windmill last Friday evening the etyma ture fell with a oraeh, demolishing one aide of the large water tank. Nen' Sunday the communion will be observed in Melville church. Rev. F. A. McLennan, of Lucknow, will preach on Saturday afternoon at 0;30 o'clock. THE electric light was not burning on Sunday and Monday nights owing to the foot that the boiler was being nleaned out at the woollen mill, where the dynamo is located. Perces of plain fence wires ;— Black. Galvanized. No. 9..$2 80 $3 60 No. 10.. 800 1575 No. 11.. 322 400 M. Gerry. Ws regret to hear that George Good has received a legal notice to quit the store he is oecepying at present, especially as there is no other place Evadable at preeent. He is doing a good bueinees and hat no desire to leave the town ex- cept he is compelled. Wo treat the difficulty will be arranged. IsAA0 AND ALBERT PITEpATRICE have purchased a stock of groceries and con- fectionery in connection witb a bakery in Stayner, Simms County, and will take possession next week. They will do well as tbe former is an A 1 baker and has also experience in the grocery line while Albert has been at storekeeping for a number of yeare, giving up a situation at Cobourg to go to Stayner. THE POST wishes the Fitzpatrick Bros. success in this their first venture for themselves. AMONG the witnesses enbpoened at the trial of Hendriake and Smith at Gode- rich on Wednesday of this weak, were Ward Farrow, D. McDonald, Mrs. Night- ingale, I?. S. Scott, Wm. Miller and son, Dr. McNaughton, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. J. M. Martin, of Brunets ; Jas. Cates- naghy and B. S. 300k, of Fordwich ; Constable Woods, of Listowel, and the four boys who gave evidence at the pre. linainary trial at Brunie. At the time of going to prose the trial was not over. MARRIED IN MAY.—On Tuesday of this week Wm. Burgess, of this locality, and Miss Lizzie Barber, of Guelph, were united in the holy edate of matrimony, by Rev. G. R. Turk, at the Royal city. The bridesmaid was Miss Heater Barber, eister to the bride, and the groomsman, Fred. Burgess, of Brantford, brother to the groom. Wedding gifte of a hand- SoM0 and valuable character were pre. muted to the new made bride. Mr. and Mre. Burgees arrived home on the night train and will enter upon the stern real- ities of housekeeping ou their own ac- count. The hearty good wishea of a large circle of friends are extended to the prin. cipals in this very important period in their livee. FIREMEN'e DEMONsTRATION 13 BEArORTH. —Send for particulars of the Grand In. ternational Firemen's Tournament to be held in Seaforth on June 16th and 17th, 1891. $1,000.00 in cash prizes for hose reel races, hook and ladder races, coup. ling competitions, firemen's foot-racee, and other sports such as bieycle races, drummers' raw, football matches by electric light, and farmers' load compe- titions. $10.00 to the largest load of people and 810.00 to the load of largest people. This will be the greatest sport- ing event ever held in the west. Do not forget that the great championship foot. ball match between the Detroits, of Ds. trait, and the Hurons, of Seaforth, takes place on the recreation grounds on the morning of the 17th. For further par - Deniers send to R. Haxby, Secretary Seaforth Fire Brigade, Seaforth, Ont. R. T. or T.—On Tuesday evening of this week the Royal Ternplars of Tem- perance held an open meeting in their Council hall at which there was a large attendanee. Seleot Councillor Geo. Rog- ers occupied the ehair and after the open. ing ode and prayer offered by Rev. Juo. Ross, B. A., introduced the following program :—Quartette, Misses Kerr and Wilson, A. M. McKay and N. Gerry ; solo, A. Hood ; reading, T. A. MoLanch. lin ; solo, Dr. Cavanagh ; address, Rev. S. Sellery, M. A., B. ; chorus by mem• bore of Walton Cullen ; reading, Miss Minnie Moore ; solo, Miss Kerr ; chorus by Walton Council ; reading, Miss Rena Bawtinhimer ; reading, Mies McKibben, Walton ; chorus by choir. A collection was taken for the benefit of the 041.190. Oe motion of Rev. S. Sellery and W. H, Kerr a vote of thanks was passed to the visitors from Walton and Cranbrook. The Doxology was than sung and the meeting brought to a close- .& number of persons have expressed their intention of oonneoting themselves with this Tem. peranee organization at the next meeting. Oneni RECITAL.—On Thursday evening of last week the organ reeital was given in Melville church, as per announcement, and was an undoubted shopeas. There was a large and appreciative audience present. The various numbers on the program were well rendered, and it was with difficulty that the bar put up, pro- hibiting applause, waa observed. Per. haps tile moat notioeable feature of the evening was the eXcellent singing of the church choir in the four autheme render. ed by them. They certainly reflected credit on their leader, Mies Lille. O'Con- nor, who took obligate solos in two of the anthems. Geo. Duffield, of Wing. ham, took the tenor eolos, and also con. tributed, as ahown in the program, in a, very &letting manner. Sparse will not allow us to further particularize, but wo subjoin the program :—Organ solos T. A, Hawkins I solo, "Babylon," Miss Hate Wilson ; solo, "Not to sparrow falleth," Thos. Gibson; anthem, "Wake, the song of Jubilee," °heir ; solo, "He will for. give," Miss L. O'Connor; solo,"Calvary," Geo. Duffield ; anthem, "Come, gracious Spirit," choir ; solo, "Too late," Mies 11I, Ames ; solo, "Over the stare there in rest," Alex. Straelran ; anthem, "It ()cisme ttpon the midnight clear," oboir, ; organ f1010, Mr. Hunt; solo, "Oh, thou who dryet the roourner's tears' " Miss Taylor ; solo, "If the Witten couldspeak at they flow," G. Duffield ; &lithium, "Hark, what mean thorn holy voices," choir ; trio, "Depth of mercy," Mine Kerr, A. Strachan and Br, Cavanagh ; solo, "The ehining portals," Mins Hato ; anthem, "There were shepherds," choir ; solo, "Flee as a bird," Miss M. Ames ; eolo, "Come unto Me," T. Gibeon ; organ solo, Min L. O'Connor, People We Know. -- 3, AI, McIntosh Sundayed at Walker- ton. Wm. Rivers, of Teeswaler, spent the 24011 in towo. Mee. Fletther Sundayed in Luoknow with her Parente. Mies Annie Rivers has gone to Clinton on a visit with her sister. Archie Jackson has been on the sick list, but is improving now. Mrs. R. Paul bee gone to Orangeville to visit her sister who is ill. Mrs. Neil Milloy has been quite 111 during the past two weeke. M. Sinclair, of New Mexico, is visiting hie brother W. M. Binolair. Mrs. G. A. Newton, of Clinton, made her parents a visit this week. B. Gerry, wife and son were in Mit- chell for a few days this week. R. L. Taylor's father, of London, was In town for a few daye this week. Counoillor Stewart paid Durham, hie former home'a flying visit this week. Mrs. Wm. Mahnl has gone on a holi- day visit with relatives ab Melbourne. Mr. and Miss Hoare were the guests of their sister in Brussels last Monday. W. M. Sinclair attended the Chaneery sittings at Chatham on Thursday of last Week. 0. E. Turnbull was home from Galt on a holiday trip for a few days this week. Mies Sadie Sellery, of Kincardine, was visiting at the Methodist parsonage this week. Mrs. Robt. DO:keen and her son, R. Ms were in Toronto thie week for a brief May. Bryson Cochrane, of Brussels, was visiting his many friends in Durham last week. W. Willey and Wm. Thompson made a flying visit to Palmerston on Tuesday of this week. Miss May Herr and Fred Gilpin are enjoyiag a visit at the Methodist parson. age,-Dorlusm. Dr. J. W. Shaw has been appointed one of the officers of the Lawn Tennis olub at Clinton. W. B. Dickson, wife and daughter and Miss Kate Cormaok spent Sunday and Monday in Goderich. W. Nightingale, wife and children and Miss Lizzie Wileon were visiting in Mitchell last Monday. Mies -Abraham spent her holidays at Paisley with the Hargreaves family, for. mer reeidents of Brussela. Geo. Henry is home again after having spent an enjoyable time in Toronto dur- ing the past eight weeks. Miss Cross, of Palmerston, and Mrs. Cross, of Peel, were visiting at A. Brucle's this week for a few days. Mrs. J. A. MoNatighton arrived home last Monday after an extended visit of about a year with relations in Kansas. D. A. Sande is visiting his brother, H. R., at Waterford, and expects to get back to Brusselt in the course of a few weeks. T. G. MoCracken and family moved from Mitchell to Harriston this week. Mr. Mac. has property in the latter town. Thos. Arabia' wag in Brussels last Sunday. He is working in a factory at Brantford since the Hess faotory burned down at Listowel. Mrs. Frank Gallotbi, of Durango, Col. orado, is visiting relatives and friends' in Erussele and locality. She will spend the summer in Canada. We are sorry to learn, by (lard, that S. W. Laird's ;little son is ill with bron. °laths at their home in Lakelet. We hope he will soon be 0. K. John C. Halliday, wife and daughters, of London, were in town for a few days this week. We would have no objection to have them become permanent resi- dents again. Mrs. Wm. Martin received a telegram last Tuesday morning asking her to come at onoe to the bedside of her brother who is ill at Detroit. She left on the noon train the same day. James Smith, of London, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Bishop Ward, this week. Although the old gentleman ie upwards of 80 years of age he gets around about as lively and cheery as in the mild. lang syne. James Kelly, who has vent the winter in johnston City, Tennessee, working at his trade—atone' mason—has returned to Toronto whore he will work thio season. Be was home for a few days this week. Fred. Hindes also Iwintered in the south but is now in the Queen city. P. G. Soholfield visited the Queen oity last Saturday, returning on Tuesday noon. Mr. Scholfield was chosen by the Montreal lacrosse club as their umpire in their match with the Torontos on Mon- day. The Toronto World is authority for saying :—.'Percy Soholfield is going to see every game Toronto plays this year, but all regret he is not on the. field himself." Canadian Now at. A son of Mr. Hiles, 141h cons Elma' was severely injured while trying to hold an angry cow. The initial effort of the Wingham Dramatic Society Wits a decided suceese. All taking part in the play—"Among the breakers"—did well, brit some of them ehowed rare ability. The hall was nicely filled and all appeared to be well pleased. William Swift, a negro, wanted in Chi. cage for morder, WM arrested in Ghat. Mon eriday morning, He was dressed in feminine apparel, and his appearance attraoted the ottention of the conductor on the Grand Trunk express, on which Swirl. was a passenger. As soon as Chat. halo was molted the conductor notified the police who, made the arrest. A boy named Hamilton Ramsay mot with a strange but very severe aceident at Inglis & Co.'s woollen mill at Wina- ham on Friday afternoon. Ile Wae throwing something out of the window through a broken pane of glass when his left arm came in contact with the glass, making a deep gash and severing the main artery. Had not the wound been attended to at once Otto boy must have bled to death. The annual meeting of the Exeter cricket club Was held the other evening, when, after hearing the Secretary's re. port, showing an expenditure of nearly 8100 for last year, and after a Sovere auditing of the aocounts the following officers were elected for 1891 r—Igarto Coaling, Hon. President • 1». Lutz, President ; D. Hardee, 'Vice -Presi- dent; F. Ulla, Sec,,Treas. ; W. a, Carling, 3, A. Pope, 6. N. Carling, 4, Elliot, Committee, The residence of Thos. Ballantyne, M. P. P, Stratford, wtie entered by bur. glare about 2 it. m. I'hersday of last week. The noise dieturbed the slumbers of some oi the campanili Of tile house— afro. Ballantyne, Miss Ballantyne, and fdte. (Rev.) James Ballantyne, of Lon. don South. Inveetigation revealed the taut that a atone in size about as large as a nIall'S Mit had been propelled through the window of the bath room. The ladies were naturally alarmed at what they at once divined to be the (ias. Maly work of midnight marauders, who, however, decamped when they saw that the stone thrown had an effect different from what they evidently intended. Nothing was mimed. A deeperate attempt to eseape front the Mercer Reformatory occurred on Monday morning of last week, and hes just come to light, having been manfully bidden from the public. Sarah Little, of Belle aged 19, on April 181h last, was eentenoed to a year in the institution. About half -past four on the day named ehe awoke the night guerd by her pierc- ing screams. An investigation showed she had pried open the bars of the win. dow of her room on the fourth etory, crawled through and began to lower her- self down by a rope made of blanket stripe, &co All went well until she was seen by some other women, who began to soream, which frightened her so that she let go the rope and fell many feet below. When found her spine was found to be broken, right knee fractured and ankle 'Trained. Her recovery is very doubtful. =MEW. JOIINSON.—In Atwood, on Tuesday, May 19th, the wife of Mr. J. Johnson of a daughter. WHERRY.—In Atwood, on Sunday, May 17th, the wife -of Mr. W. E. 'Wherry of a daughter. Irimas.—In Elms, on May I0th., the wife of Mr. Wm. Inglis, (Sunnyside Forma of a eon. Henfryn, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Itawtin- himer of a daughter. 2.4.A.MSMES3717D, GLENN—PARES.—In Listowel, on May 13th, by Rev. I. Campbell, Mr. Alex. Glenn, of Ethel, to Miss Lizzie Parks'of Listowel. Bonoess-13ABBER.—At the residence of bride's sister,Guelph,on 26th inst. by Rev. GJR. Turk, Mr. Wm. Burgess, oaBrussels, to Mies Lizzie Barber, of G nelph. Craxio—Pmus.—At the Methodist par. sonagesGorrie, on the 2011' inst., by the Rev.Vm. Torrance, Mr. Rich - alai S. Clegg,' to Miss Mary Pyke, all of Howick. ARAISTRON0.—In Morris, on Thursday, May 28th, William Armstrong, aged 83 years and 7 months. Fonans.—In Morris, on the 18th inst., Robert George, son of Thomas Forbes, aged 1 month and 7 days. IDITOHINSON.—In Montreal on the 18th inst., William Scott Hutchinson, father of Dr. J. A. Huhrainson, for- merly of Brusselslin the 78th year cf his age. SEERT78832:748 Fall Wheat 1 05 1 08 Spring Wheat 1 00 1 05 Barley 45 48 Oate 41 43 Peas..... . 03 65 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 13 00 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 5 50 Potatoes 50 00 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Pork . . 500 650 Hideo per lb 4 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 10 Sheep skim, each 60 75 Lamb skins eaoh 40 50 Wool. per ib, ..... 17 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. it /F O16EY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE LL Tende,Y to IME FliNesmoN, Solid, Illinois, 00 10 41.11 THOS, KELLY, Brussels. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 1 on Farm Security at Low rate of In- terest. Apply at Tun Poem Publishing House, Brunel& 45 II. A. Q..uRAYED FROM THE PER NI- L) IsEs of the underaigued, on or about tho Lalth of Any, six deem ono your ; two steers two years old 1 two heifera two yeara old, and one heifer one year old. All, or nearly all, have white scales or ringworms around their eyes. Any info rmalien leading to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. TRIIEMAN SILITIS, Lot 6, eon. 6, Grey. Brussels 11.0. NOTICE! — CRANBROOR CEMETERY .1.0000tsTios Dr. All portions having property in the above cemetery are requested to attend on Julio 2nd for the purpose of beautifying same. By Order of the Truateee. NCe7L'uont The (toenail of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on Wednes- day, the Tlaird day of Juno at 5 o'clock D. Ai. ',EPEE ADAMSON, Godurieh, May 15111, 'M. Comity Cleric, COTJRT OF REVISION. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. Telco vale° that the Court of Revision for Ole Village of Bruasels, for the year 1801, will be held in the ToWN HAph 022 MONDAY, June 1st 1891,1.0 7:309, 010. All persons interested will please take no- tion mud act amordingly. 1'.S, SCOTT, Clerk. Executor's Notice. In the Matter of the Estate of MATTHEW BARIUM, late of the Township of G rey, Deceased. Pursuant to Revised Statutes, Ontario, Chap, 110, F3ea. BO, notice is hereby given to aid peraona having claima against the said Matthew Barker to send in to hie Executor, the muloraigned, at 1211,01 3' O., on or before the iltal Day 01 82220, 1801, full partioulauw Of their claims and nature of mourlties (11 any) hold by thorn, Notice is !lather given that after Raid date amid executer Will dietributo the &septa of the tobtator among the parties Metaled thereto, baying regard ouly to thorn elaines Of which ho shall then Ileac notice, and aaid executor will not bo liable !Or the eald meets, or any part thereof, to any por- tant of whose oleic* Maim obeli hot have boon received by him at the time of Buell didtribution, 124 Waf, fiafittElt, Iiseentor. PURE WHITE HELLEBORE Sap ( PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS, BANKING. MoINTOSH & MaTAGGART. BANKERS, BRUSSELS, Tro.2%ostet Gtem.oral 330,tain1m.g 3Slanim.owle, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafts bought and sold. Interest alloived on Damietta. Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents —MsnollANT's 13.4N13 or CANADA. New York Acenta—IstronPuna (1st) TRAP Elle NATMNAL BANE, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. TAYLOR, B. 0, L., Barrister, Solicitor, &e., 14 Adelaide Street Haat, Toronto. Money to Loan. iD L. TAYLOR. BARRISTER, AA, • Solicitor and Cony eyanaer. Collec- tions inade. Office—Vaustone's Block, Bros - eels. 21-5m. M. SINCLAIR, • Holicitor, (7onveyancer, No tory Pub. Ifs, dm. Office—Graham a Blook, 1 dem. north of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. _ DICKSON & HAYS, (Late with °arrow & Pronclfoot, Gode. rich,) hamsters, Solicitors. Conveyancers, Officea—Brussela and &Worth, Brea - Rola Offiee—Up.stairs over Bank. Money to Loan. 13.8.11079. W.13.11(00503 BUSINESS CARDS. MISS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Organ nun Piano. 40-tf Primrose street, Brussels. W H. MoCRAOKEN, • bearer of Marriage Licensee. Officie at his Grocery, rereborry street. Brusaela. 1Q1 N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artlat• Shop—Next door Routh of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladle a' and ehildrens hair cutting a specialty A MoNAIR, _La.., 'sourer of Marriage Licemes, by appointment of Lient,-Oovernor, Commis- sioner, &a, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Ineurance Co. Oftloo at the Cranbrook Poet Offiee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE. FIRE AND MARINa. GUELPH. ALLEM IIUNTFIR, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Lonn and Insurance Agent. Funds throated and to loan. Collectiona made. Office in Graham's Block, 13rumosis. rn A. HAWKINS, 1 • Organist in St. John's Church, Brum. liels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of . W. Thayer, Me, Coo., New York, wilt RNLI leiviOns to pupilt either at 7'hos, Turnherry at„ or if preferred, at their own home°. Terms moderate. 46. MISS SHERLOCK, Late 03 000 Conservatory of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give lessons at Ethel and Cranbrook. Pupil of Professor Fisher and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and of Mr. 5.11. Clark in vocal musics. Class at Oranbroolc every Tii4alay. For terms, ike., imply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel. DENTAL. 2)371=-TZSTRY 1 CLL. Ball, L. D, S. Maros Oxtdo GAS ad- ministered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. 74 Garrard Street Boat, tronotero. M. CAVANAG H, 1.. la• Se 0.0. S., Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Surgeoua, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. Comm—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, Is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, ,to, Terms ohoorfelly given, Craubrook 11.0. Bales mny be arranged at Tun PosT Publishing House, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed AUctiOneer. Rates condnet- od on reasonable terms. Farms and 8 turn stook a soebialty. Orders left at TRH POST PURI' shing House,BruSSels, or sent to Walton P. 0,, will receive prompt attention, HAYING TAKEN OUT LICEN- 50 as an Auctioneer I tun prepared to eontlect. sales of farm stool/ at reasonable prices, Knowing the standing of nearly every person 5001 in a position to sell to good marks aud get good tecurity when gold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give We a call. 32. S. 100311'. MEDICAL CARDS. WM. F. CALE, M. D„ 0,21,, Member of the College of Phystalan, and Stirgoons of Ontario by examination, 021100 and Residence Mitiu street Bast, Ethel,Ontarie. xA. MoNAUGHTON,1 M. D. •Edinburgh, fd. C. P S. out. At Popper% Drug Store from 0 to 11180,0,02. and from 1:00 to 4 is,m, At °Dan bona may be found at his verndence, form- erly occupied bypr. Ei u tchinson, Mili et. VETERINARY. T I), WARWICK, ey • Honor Graduate of ,t110 Coterie Veterinary College, la prepared. to treat all (Steams of dameatioated animate In a COM - Daunt Manner. Parneutar attention paid to veterinary dentistry.Calla procUptly at- tended 01 ..i and (anxiety—Two noo mirth 03 bridge, Wornborry 51., Brutal% 4